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A Classic Christmas Caroling Songbook

A Classic Christmas Caroling Songbook

30 Sing-Along Favorites
Hendrickson Publishers

A collection of 30 Christmas favorites arranged for carolers and piano. Ring in the season with joyful music that easily fits in a carrying bag or coat pocket!

A Practical Guide to the Runes

A Practical Guide to the Runes

Their Uses in Divination and Magick
Lisa Peschel

Learn about some of the ancient symbols that still hold power in our life with this interesting guide to understanding runes and the magic they can hold.

A Wedding Ceremony To Remember

A Wedding Ceremony To Remember

Perfect Words for the Perfect Wedding
Marty Younkin

Performing a wedding? This comprehensive guide to performing a wedding includes sample scripts and handy worksheets to help you build the perfect ceremony.

Advent Candles with Stand

Advent Candles with Stand

Prepare for your celebration of the birth of Christ on Christmas with a traditional Advent Candle set and included stand ideal for creating your Advent wreath.

Age of Atheists

Age of Atheists

How We Have Sought to Live Since the Death of God
Peter Watson

Culture has shifted significantly, and largely away from traditional religion. This book analyzes how people might live and work in a world without God.

Alpha Omega Stole

Alpha Omega Stole

The official ULC stoles feature gold embroidery on fields of vivid color, providing a perfect outfit accessory to compliment any ministerial occasion.

An Exorcist Explains the Demonic

An Exorcist Explains the Demonic

The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels
Fr. Gabrielle Amorth with Stefano Stimamiglio

This text provides basic yet helpful phenomenological information and guidelines on a number of spiritual remedies, from exorcisms to house blessings.

Animal Speak

Animal Speak

The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small
Ted Andrews

This text will help you to rebuild connections to the natural world by teaching you how to communicate with animals and attune your spirit to the animal kingdom

Anointing Oil

Anointing Oil

This anointing oil can serve many uses, from anointing a minister to baptizing a child to blessing a house, allowing you to invoke a sense of sanctification.

Atheist Universe

Atheist Universe

The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism
David Mills

Clear, concise, and persuasive, the must-read Atheist Universe details exactly why "God" is unnecessary to explain the universe, life's diversity, and beauty.

Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies

Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies

Baker Publishing
Tremper Longman III & Mark L. Strauss

A great idea for the traveling minister, this compact dictionary contains words and terms commonly found in Biblical studies along with their descriptions.

Baker Compact Dictionary of Theological Terms

Baker Compact Dictionary of Theological Terms

Baker Publishing
Gregg R. Allison

This compact dictionary is full of concepts commonly used by people of Christian Faith. This guide allows you to quickly find and understand theological terms.

Baker Funeral Handbook

Baker Funeral Handbook

Resources for Pastors
Paul E. Engle

This concise, highly-regarded guide walks the reader through the process of planning and solemnizing a funeral to help formulate a meaningful ceremony.

Baker Pastoral Handbooks

Baker Pastoral Handbooks

Comprehensive, concise, and up-to-date, the Baker's Pastoral Handbooks are indispensable resources for pastors and lay clergy in guiding their congregations.

Baker Wedding Handbook

Baker Wedding Handbook

Resources for Pastors
Paul E. Engle

This condensed, classic guide provides most of the information an ordained minister needs to perform a simple wedding. Includes several different ceremonies.

Ballpoint Pen & Pad Set

Ballpoint Pen & Pad Set

From sermon ideas to grocery lists, this handy ULC pen/pad will always be there to gather your thoughts and feelings while reminding you of the bigger picture.

Baptism Package

Baptism Package

ULC ministers are often asked to perform baptism ceremonies. This package includes everything a minister needs to successfully solemnize a baptism.

Bible Year

Bible Year

A Journey Through Scripture in 365 Days
Magrey R Devega

Bible Year will help grow your Bible knowledge with a 365-day devotional written so readers can set goals and plan their spiritual journey through scripture.

Black Certificate Holder

Black Certificate Holder

Use this marriage certificate holder to present a commemorative certificate to the happy couple, or to display any certificate or degree offered by the ULC.

Book of Shadows

Book of Shadows

Sacred to its owner, the Book of Shadows is a blank slate in which a practitioner of Wicca is tasked with recording her or his personal spells and prayers.

Breaking the Spell

Breaking the Spell

Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
Daniel C. Dennett

With a scholarly tone, Daniel Dennett attempts to analyze the true nature of religion and its effect on humanity by investigating its influence scientifically.

Bulletproof Faith

Bulletproof Faith

A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians
Candace Chellew-Hodge

In an attempt to reconcile LGBT sexual orientation with the Christian faith, Candace Chellew-Hodge has redefined Christianity to be inclusive of all people.

Bumper Stickers Pack

Bumper Stickers Pack

Announce your presence and status as a minister with this collection of Universal Life Church bumper stickers that features three unique designs.

By the Power Vested in You

By the Power Vested in You

Br. G. Martin Freeman

A complete handbook for performing weddings, "By the Power Vested In You" includes sample wedding ceremonies, important tips, and helpful wedding diagrams.

California Wedding Package

California Wedding Package

The California Wedding Package contains everything an ordained minister needs to perform a wedding in the state of California.

Candle Magic for Beginners

Candle Magic for Beginners

The Simplest Magic You Can Do
Richard Webster

Candle magic is as simple as making a wish while blowing out birthday candles and is ingrained in spiritual traditions. Learn to cast simple, effective spells.

Cassock Cincture Rope

Cassock Cincture Rope

The Cassock Cincture Rope is the perfect complement to any robe or cassock, tying around the waist to cinch in the fabric for a professional clergy appearance.

Ceremonial Handfasting Cord

Ceremonial Handfasting Cord

Adapted from ancient traditions, handfasting ceremonies are now included in many modern weddings. This elegant cord allows couples to truly be joined together.

Certificate of Affirmation

Certificate of Affirmation

Affirm the love between two partners with this beautiful, full-color certificate. This affirmation will beautifully commemorate vow renewal ceremonies.

Certificate of Baby Naming

Certificate of Baby Naming

A beautiful certificate celebrating the birth and naming of a child. Baby naming ceremonies are rapidly growing in popularity and deserve commemoration.

Certificate of Baptism

Certificate of Baptism

Baptism is a sacred ceremony in some traditions, a spiritual rebirth. This high-quality certificate of baptism commemorates the performance of that ceremony.

Certificate of Commitment of Marriage

Certificate of Commitment of Marriage

Present this certificate to a couple planning on getting married. This certificate is to remind the future newlyweds that they are committed to each other.

Certificate of Handfasting

Certificate of Handfasting

Commemorate a handfasting ceremony with this beautiful, fine paper certificate of handfasting. It is a brilliant alternative to the traditional wedding.

Certificate of House Blessing

Certificate of House Blessing

Mark a home as having been spiritually cleansed with this certificate. The document makes a wonderful gift to follow a sacred house-blessing ceremony.

Certificate of Marriage

Certificate of Marriage

Perform and commemorate a wedding ceremony with this high-quality marriage certificate. The document is a wonderful gift for newlyweds honoring their big day.

Certificate of Renewal Marriage

Certificate of Renewal Marriage

Commemorate a vow renewal or commitment ceremony with this beautiful, high-quality commitment certificate, featuring the seal of the Universal Life Church.

Certificate of Wiccaning

Certificate of Wiccaning

After presented formally to the God or Goddess, it is traditional that a new practitioner of Wicca is presented with this high-quality certificate of wiccaning.

Certified Letter of Good Standing

Certified Letter of Good Standing

The Letter of Good Standing establishes a minister's good standing with the Universal Life Church and is necessary when performing a wedding in some areas.

Church Hymnal

Church Hymnal

Pathway Press

This hardcover hymnal is packed with classic hymns from conservative Christian denominations. Arrangements are for multi-part singing and traditional piano.

Classic Wedding Package

Classic Wedding Package

The Classic Wedding Package contains every item an ordained minister needs to perform a beautiful, legal wedding ceremony that will be remembered for years.


We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Life Church ministers come from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."