Age of Atheists

How We Have Sought to Live Since the Death of God

By Peter Watson

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Culture has shifted significantly, and largely away from traditional religion. This book analyzes how people might live and work in a world without God.

Culture has shifted significantly, and largely away from traditional religion. This book analyzes how people might live and work in a world without God.

Product Description

In The Age of Atheists: How We Have Sought to Live Since the Death of God, author Peter Watson explores the ideas and question provoked by many minds and movements. In a compendium as advanced of that on any traditional religion, his book shows how the ideology of atheism has evolved and matured over time as human nature and science has advanced.

Watson's compelling arguments against the existence of God are derived from a number of humanity's greatest thinkers: from poets and playwrights to psychologists and scientists. His best-selling book has become a must-read within the genre, and is perhaps best-noted for its bold attempts to dissect and rebuild a new understanding for life in a world without "God" or a creator.

The Washington Post called it, "Highly readable and immensely wide-ranging. Peter Watson has produced what is, in every way, a bog book, one that bears reading thoughtfully, with a pencil in hand. For anybody who has wondered about the meaning of life, and that pretty much covers everyone past the age of twelve, discovering The Age of Atheists will be an enthralling and mind-expanding experience."

The Boston Globe called it, "An exhilarating ride . . . one that will stand the test of time as a masterful account of its subject."

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