Ceremonial Handfasting Cord

$9.99 In Stock

Adapted from ancient traditions, handfasting ceremonies are now included in many modern weddings. This elegant cord allows couples to truly be joined together.

Adapted from ancient traditions, handfasting ceremonies are now included in many modern weddings. This elegant cord allows couples to truly be joined together.

Product Description

If you are planning on performing a hand-fasting ceremony, you will need a handfasting cord or handfasting rope. This traditional piece is used to bind two loved ones by the hands to symbolize everlasting love and companionship.

The Hand-fasting Ceremony was originally devised by those of Celtic and Pagan belief, and has now become a popular and beloved element of the modern wedding ceremony as another way of showing the love between two beings. This six-foot-long cord is made of fine woven egg-shell-white cotton. The officiant will wrap the hand-fasting ribbon around the couple's interlocked hands a number of times. While the ribbon binding the couple's hands will eventually be removed, remember that the union binding their hearts is permanent knotted. It is a gift that will bless them for eternity.

If this type of wedding ceremony is appealing to your wedding couple, we would also recommend picking up a copy of Handfasting and Wedding Rituals by Raven Kaldera. It will show you the many different ways to wrap the cord around the couple's hands, and teach you the many different ways to approach this type of ceremony. This book will allow you to work with the couple to pick the option that's right for them.

Want to give the couple something special to commemorate the ceremony with? We recommend picking up our official Certificate of Handfasting. Present the wedding couple with an artfully-made certificate so that they can forever remember the day they were joined together in a hand-fasting wedding ceremony.

If you are unfamiliar with this type of ceremony, we also offer a great wedding script generator to aid you in developing your script. When you get to the Ceremonies section, simply select Handfasting to add it to your ceremony plan. Once you obtain all of these materials you need, you will be well-prepared to perform handfastings for any couple who desires.

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We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

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