Classic Wedding Package

$44.99 In Stock

The Classic Wedding Package contains every item an ordained minister needs to perform a beautiful, legal wedding ceremony that will be remembered for years.

The Classic Wedding Package contains every item an ordained minister needs to perform a beautiful, legal wedding ceremony that will be remembered for years.

Product Description

Many people who decide to become ordained do so to officiate a wedding ceremony, which makes it no surprise that a common question we get is: "so, how exactly do I perform a wedding?"

Our most popular bundle, the Classic Wedding Package is a comprehensive kit that contains everything an ordained minister needs to perform a beautiful – and legal – wedding ceremony that will be remembered for years to come.

Package Details

The Classic Wedding Package comes with a copy of your official ordination certificate from the Universal Life Church, which serves a legal proof of your ordination and will help ensure the ceremony you perform is fully recognized.

Each package also features a handy guidebook for planning the ceremony, commemorative marriage certificates (which can be personalized for a specific ceremony), a wallet-sized ordination credential – and more!

The full package includes:

  • One ULC Ordination Credential
  • One ULC Wallet License
  • Two Marriage Certificates
  • One Premium Marriage Certificate
  • A copy of By the Power Vested In You
  • A white and gold ULC Clergy Badge
  • A copy of the Human Timeline of Mythology and Religion

The ultimate guide for performing weddings, By the Power Vested in You provides valuable insight and tips for how to successfully navigate the wedding process. Written specifically for wedding officiants by the Presiding Chaplain of the ULC, an ordained minister with more than four decades of experience performing wedding ceremonies, it features detailed instructions on everything from meeting with the couple and planning the ceremony to filling out the marriage license and making things official.

Keep in mind that many states and counties require you to present a Letter of Good Standing (see Available Options below) when registering to perform weddings.

To learn what you'll need to officiate in your area, please visit the State Marriage Laws guide.

Important Notes:

  • Remember to select the state where the wedding will take place – not your state of residence.
  • New York City and the State of Nevada both require additional documents not included in this package. For weddings in those areas, please choose the appropriate state-specific package instead.
  • A protective sleeve is recommended to preserve your ULC Wallet License.

Select Your Options

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Select one of the following

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Select Package Add Ons

  • Long Sleeve Clergy Shirt
    Long Sleeve Clergy Shirt
  • Certified Letter of Good Standing
    Certified Letter of Good Standing
  • Alpha Omega Stole
    Alpha Omega Stole
  • Clergy Business Cards
    Clergy Business Cards
  • Black Certificate Holder
    Black Certificate Holder
  • Minister Pin
    Minister Pin
  • Protective Card Sleeve
    Protective Card Sleeve
  • Premium Degree Holder
    Premium Degree Holder
  • Wedding Certificate Printing
    Wedding Certificate Printing
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Subtotal: $44.99

We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Life Church ministers come from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."