immigrants and refugees welcome sign on church
Would Jesus support the undocumented immigrants and LGBTQ+ community? Some faith leaders say yes.

Crackdowns on undocumented immigrants. Stricter refugee policies. Rolling back protections for transgender people. 

America is changing how it treats minority groups, sparking debates about the moral and theological implications of such moves. 

Amid a tumultuous environment for migrants and LGBTQ+ people, we're seeing faith leaders step up to argue that the right thing to do is provide sanctuary for the vulnerable – not toss them aside. 

Mercy for the Undocumented?

Some passionate religious voices are speaking out against this harsh re-examination of "Love thy neighbor."

Bishop Mariann Budde became a national name when she pleaded with President Trump to show mercy to migrants and the LGBTQ+ community at his inaugural prayer service. In case you missed it, here was her speech:

In what some are calling a stunning display of bravery, Bishop Mariann Budde asked President Trump to show mercy to...

Posted by Universal Life Church Ministries on Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Pope Francis has also chimed in on the issue recently, saying:

"Jesus Christ…did not live apart from the difficult experience of being expelled from his own land because of an imminent risk to his life, and from the experience of having to take refuge in a society and a culture foreign to his own. I exhort all the faithful of the Catholic Church, and all men and women of good will, not to give in to narratives that discriminate against and cause unnecessary suffering to our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters.”

Now some politicians, backed by a number of high profile religious groups, are hoping to enshrine some of that mercy into law. 

A group of progressive House representatives recently introduced the Protecting Sensitive Locations Act, which would ban immigration enforcement groups like Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) from conducting immigration raids within 1,000 feet of places like weddings, funerals, and houses of worship, except under “exigent circumstances.” 

This was already longstanding policy at ICE, but was overturned when President Trump took office earlier this year. 

Faith Groups Band Together

This is not a purely Christian effort; numerous religious groups endorsed the bill, including the United Church of Christ, Union for Reform Judaism, United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society, Sikh Coalition, and the Catholic Health Association of the US.

And some even took things a step further, as 27 religious denominations and organizations – including the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, and the Unitarian Universalist Association – filed a lawsuit alleging that immigration raids at churches violate their right to religious freedom.

“Unannounced raids into our sanctuaries and other church spaces presents very real danger to both our members and our communities, most of whom are black and brown people,” explained Bishop W. Darin Moore of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, who are also plaintiffs in the suit.

Rt Rev. Sean Rowe, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, cosigned that sentiment. “By joining this lawsuit,” he explained, “we are seeking the ability to gather to fully practice our faith and follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbours as ourselves.”

Protecting the LGBTQ+ Community

Clergy members are also coming to the defense of the LGBTQ+ community, whom they view as being unfairly persecuted.

During a recent hearing about a resolution to make Worcester, Massachusetts a sanctuary city for the LGBTQ+ community, a local pastor insisted Jesus Christ would support the resolution – and her choice of words is making some headlines. 

“The Jesus I know would be dressed in full drag and serving face, or handsome as a trans man, or wrapped in the garb of a non-binary person who knows one gender is way too small to capture their gloriousness,” stated Pastor Julie Payne-Britton of Hadwen Park Congregational Church.

Speaking in support of a resolution to make Worcester, MA a sanctuary for LGBTQ+ people, one pastor’s comments about Jesus are drawing attention.

Posted by Universal Life Church Ministries on Tuesday, February 18, 2025

“The Jesus I know would be at this mic with a trembling voice and a shaking body and tears that will not be held back crying, ‘make this city safe for my child,’” Payne-Britton continued.

Her comments have prompted backlash from some conservative religious circles, where critics have called the comments "blasphemous."

The stark disagreement raises a larger question of how scripture on this issue should be interpreted.

When it comes to offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community… what would Jesus do?


  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    Of course he would! To think otherwise is to be oblivious to the core message of christianity …

    1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

      Good Christians are kind of adorable. At heart I support your naive well meaning attitudes, much like those of ॐ chanting newagers who yammer on about unicorns and rainbows while holding their chakra powered yoni eggs aloft.

      But in the real world outside the bubble of saccharine platitudes, the experience of Christian charity is characterized by a narcissistic contention that everyone else's belief system is a produce of Satan, and that we're only entitled to charity if willing to be saved (ie. condescendingly indoctrinated with irrational nonsense) in exchange for ill gotten table scraps. Frankly unless very gullible or desperate, I don't think the koolaid (aka: charity) is worth the price of entry. In my experience it really makes no practical difference what the fairy tale character would do or not.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Remember Thunder, when it's unwilling charity it's called taxation.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Of course he would? Really? He told everyone he didn't own a house or a home to shelter himself or anyone else! Tell us how he could provide shelter to anyone when he didn't have shelter or a house of his own??

      Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.” Matthew 8.20 and Luke 9.58

  1. Joe's Avatar Joe

    If Jesus existed today, He wouldn’t last long. He would be a target from so many groups, mainly MAGA.

    1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

      MAGA, aka: Zionists and Evangelical Christian nationalists. Ironic that...

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, him and his 12 gay friends would be too woke wearing those white dresses that people like to call robes. 🤣


      1. Joe's Avatar Joe

        I don’t think all 12 were gay, but at least 7. Lol

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Prove to us that American patriots would attack Jesus, when independent studies have shown that conservatives donate more money, food and clothing to help the homeless than all liberals put together. The reason for this is that liberals have no organized groups that help the poor, while Christians donate every day to the Salvation Army and a variety of church groups who volunteer at food banks and homeless shelters.

      I personally met the man who founded the first food bank in America. He was a Christian, not a liberal leftist hater of American veterans and patriots.

      1. Joe's Avatar Joe

        Your Cheesus is anti veterans. Now his right arm man is eliminating all benefits for the poor. Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, VA Benefits and more. Jesus would have accepted the LGBTQ Community with open arms, unlike MAGA. JESUS would have condemned Trump, not just because he broke all the commandments, but also the seven deadly sins. Trump said he has no reason to ask God for forgiveness, as he has never done anything wrong. Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again, that would eliminate your Cheesus. 90% of MAGA have so much hatred in their hearts. They hate everyone who isn’t white. They hate immigrants that aren’t white. They hate anyone who isn’t poor and is in need of the government’s help. They hate anyone who has a difference of opinion. They hate everyone who refuses to accept Trump as Cheesus the Messiah.

        1. Michael Andrew Clark's Avatar Michael Andrew Clark

          You are the one full of hate and bigotry. Look at your judgment and opinions of others and check your bias as to what Jesus would do. Your personal opinion shines through logic.

        2. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

          You need to read the story of the Centurion and his servant in Matthew 8:5-13 to see that yes, indeed, he has compassion on the soldier and the veterans who show humility and faith.

        3. Noe Domingo Martinez's Avatar Noe Domingo Martinez


          "Your Cheesus is anti veterans."


          "Now his right arm man is eliminating all benefits for the poor. Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, VA Benefits and more."


          "Jesus would have accepted the LGBTQ Community with open arms"


          "JESUS would have condemned Trump, not just because he broke all the commandments, but also the seven deadly sins." "Trump said he has no reason to ask God for forgiveness, as he has never done anything wrong. Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven."


          "Again, that would eliminate your Cheesus. 90% of MAGA have so much hatred in their hearts. They hate everyone who isn’t white. " DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THIS NONSENSE OR ARE YOU JUST UPSET THAT THEY'RE FINDING OUT ALL THIS WASTEFUL SPENDING?

          "They hate immigrants that aren’t white. They hate anyone who isn’t poor and is in need of the government’s help."


          " They hate anyone who has a difference of opinion. "


          They hate everyone who refuses to accept Trump as Cheesus the Messiah.


          And I may remind you Christian or not here's what the Bible States about our leaders:

          Bible verses about God appointing leaders:

          Romans 13:1: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but from God; the powers that be are ordained by God".

          Daniel 2:20-21: "God, as ultimate king, has the power to install and depose kings".


          1. Lisa Gavin's Avatar Lisa Gavin

            Absolute BS

      2. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

        I see that you are full of hate and spreading misinformation.

    4. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Didn't you read the true story in this blog about the Mormons hiring men who look like Jesus to pose for pictures at their weddings and funerals?

      The "fake Jesus" look is in high demand wherever there are Mormons, which I find to be hilarious because Mormon men shave their beards, cut off their long hair and wear three piece suits instead of robes! Nobody is attacking anyone who looks like Jesus. In fact, the fake Jesus guys are banking big money with their long hair, beards and white robes!

    5. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Didn't you read the true story in this blog about the Mormons hiring men who look like Jesus to pose for pictures at their weddings and funerals?

      The "fake Jesus" look is in high demand wherever there are Mormons, which I find to be hilarious because Mormon men shave their beards, cut off their long hair and wear three piece suits instead of robes! Nobody is attacking anyone who looks like Jesus. In fact, the fake Jesus guys are banking big money with their long hair, beards and white robes!

  1. Cynthia B. Adwell's Avatar Cynthia B. Adwell

    The very word we call ourselves, Christians, is in question here, as it quite literally means Christ-like. To be Christ-like, one must emulate Jesus, the Christ. And remember, Jesus Himself said that He wasn’t called for those who already knew the Law and obeyed it, but He said He was called to bring the sinners to repentance. He would definitely have met the immigrant, and members of the LBGTQ with wide open arms. He would have treated them with love and compassion. But one of the things He would have done, is teach the lost of Gods Laws. Remember He sat with the Publicans, the Pharisees, the Sinners, and shared meals with them. But just like the money changers in the Temple, when what He said was wrong wasn’t eventually embraced, He drove them out. There are boundaries that must be maintained. But just as with your children, you don’t teach them with hate, shouting, physical attack. But with the love of God, our Father, all should be met with this love. Then, the Holy Spirit will work within them to change them. But it isn’t up to us. We are required to love them. We are required to share the Good News with them. If they don’t come to Him, then it falls upon them, and no longer on us. It no longer is on our heads for not showing them what salvation is.Should Christians become so righteous that they treat others despicably, then they aren’t truly a Christian then, are they? The WWJD crowd had it right. Treat EVERYONE with love and respect. Now, ministers have a slightly different role. They should preach salvation to the lost, but also preach the Law. Gods laws are all spelled out in the scriptures. No one gets by without staying within their parameters. And remember this before you speak or act badly toward anyone, “for all have fallen short of the glory of God”. That literally means EVERYONE, Some more than others, it’s true. But God loved us so much, He gave His Son, so that we could be saved and share in the glories of Heaven one day. We are all guilty. For a visual, take your hand point to an object across the room from you now. Point with your index finger. When you do that, look at the next three fingers, do you see what they are doing? They are pointing at you. Before you set about pointing your finger at someone else, just remember that you will have 3 others pointing back at you. I hope you choose to be more Crist-like. Without jeopardizing your beliefs in order to make a point.

    1. Art Blunk's Avatar Art Blunk

      I couldn't have said it better but we are also in the the first part of the end times and I have been trying to tell others that by everything that is going on in the world. Take a look at the Book of Revelations and read it through and you will know what I am saying. GOD BLESS ART BLUNK Portland OR

  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    Jesus would not condone sin. He told the woman who was going to be stoned to GO AND SIN NO MORE.
    Yes we are to love everyone, BUT we are NOT to condone them living in sin, we are not to justify their sin.

  1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

    There were sanctuary cities in the Old Testament

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yep, but not if you want to get into Heaven. There are strict immigration guidelines to get in to that mythical place. Look at the size of those Pearly Gates, and the Bouncer, to keep the riff-raff out. 🤭


  1. Henry Fana's Avatar Henry Fana

    Shame on you for thinking Jesus is that way. God created Adam and Eve NOT Joe and Mike , Lucy and Laura. Shame on you All who praise this pastor for even imagining that. Jesus died for us all and you can't give him the respect of loving him like he loves you. Blasphemy is a sin. Jesus is coming sooner than you think. Let's see what he thinks about the LGBT community. Shm ..

    1. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

      Actually, if he created Adam and Eve, then he also created all the rest.

      Jesus was a man, and isn't coming back.
      If he were to come back in these days, people like yourself would have them locked in a room and force fed various drugs, because you would believe taking to some one that isn't there is a delusion.

      Blasphemy is a sin. Okay, says who? And then who says what is blasphemy?

    2. Tracy Wilson's Avatar Tracy Wilson

      The light is within. Mary Magdalene was the only person who really knew Jesus. She was his life partner. Her scrolls have been found and translated.
      They are beyond words. Males of the congregation wanted them burned and Mary killed.
      Destroy the Patriarchy!

      1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

        Actually, she became his first ascetic servant after he saved her life. The misconception that she was his wife is prevalent in modern thinking. However, she dedicated her life to serving him through helping spread the joys of the Holy Spirit through evangelism.

    3. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

      read the first chapter of Romans. It tells it all, whether the alphabet soup crowd likes it, or not.

  1. Shirley F. Clemons's Avatar Shirley F. Clemons

    Uhhh No Jesus would surely not be in drag. Jesus never transformed to lead us or love us. Just because He walked with us doesn't mean He agreed, it meant He loved us no matter what. All of us fall short of God's glory. NEVER, has He said it wasn't right but just the opposite it is wrong but He still loved us and still died for us and gave us ways to overcome. For many years because of feelings it has been labeled by a person as normal But tell them they can not consummate and you will see how fast things change. That is the biggest reason this is happening Because of feelings, the same feelings heterosexual people have. Another reason to do what you want. I can't say why some want to be this but I can say like all things that considered wrong or sinful, God says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, Resist the devil and he will flee from you

    1. Maria Wilkinson's Avatar Maria Wilkinson

      Amen 🙌

  1. Gerard J Babin's Avatar Gerard J Babin

    Jesus warned those "sinners" that the father who created them did love them. Redemption is for all. By turning away fiom the sin they could only then be forgiven. Gods Law is not negotiable. Church leaders of any faith falsly believe and teach tolerance without also teachng and enforcing the penalties GOD made LAW.

  1. Pamela Sharon Prieto's Avatar Pamela Sharon Prieto

    What does the Bible say? That is the final answer.
    No adulterated or filtered version. What does the word of God say? Period! That is the FINAL word Hate sin, love the sinner. The word has a lot to say about it.
    Obviously, it is not being read or being added to or taken away from. And you know what is said about that.

  1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

    As for harboring the vulnerable groups, yes he would. But that doesn't mean the illegals. It means those seeking refuge from wars and famines. Too many times we mistakenly condone illegal behavior, when we should be counseling and correcting the criminal actions of those who would have us believe there are no consequences for our conscious actions. Breaking the law is a choice, not forced on us. Not standing up for your own people at home is not only criminal when you break other nations' laws, but cowardice in the face of your nation's enemies. Nations become dictatorships because people would rather run away instead of standing and defending their freedoms. This is how the Bolshevists and the Fascist Nazis came to power, simply because people didn't realize they had the power to stand together to stop the propaganda and the lies. THIS is happening right inside the church doors now. People don't want the truth. They want to feel better when they worship. Most people think THEY'RE the center of attention at church. It should be God is the center of attention and we are all his guests in this life. He can remove any one of us at any time. But because he's a loving God his benevolent nature gives us everything we need to survive, with strings attached to bring us back to his kingdom.

    1. Iris Smaus's Avatar Iris Smaus

      Jesus did serve anyone, and taught others to do likewise. Many people mistakenly believe the parable of The Good Samaritan is about being helpful, and that's part of it, but the main thrust of that story is a warning against bigotry and mistreatment of the stranger, only helping our own and to heck with those we don't approve of - but that is not Christian, my friend. Particularly the one a culture or society says is bad and not to be good to - the Good Samaritan ignored that bigoted, hateful teaching and helped the Samaritan anyway, just to be good - that is Christianity, not refusing the desperate. There are always ways to solve humanity's problems - it takes compassion, research and effort. The rhetoric from religious believers such as you describe is placing more value on national pride than expressing Christly love - in abject hypocrisy - like the old 'Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition' joke. When people start using religion to back up their hate and bigotry, they've lost their way. Jesus was merciful even toward criminals - you might want to re-read that part. That doesn't mean nothing should be done, my goodness I live in a beautiful area and we have a serious worker shortage, years and years now we've had 'We're Hiring' all over our county, we'd be more than happy to bring some illegals up here to train and work - nobody else is doing it! Do you know anybody who's going to go down and pick strawberries all day? Seriously - this could be worked out equitably, and without hate! It's really not that hard to just treat people the way they ask to be treated.

    2. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

      Do you know why Joseph and Mary fled Israel and lived in Egypt for a few years after Jesus's birth? Do you know why they didn't stay to fight for the children of Israel? And do you know what they did there, where they lived, and how they interacted with Egyptian citizens?

  1. William Mcghee's Avatar William Mcghee

    I direct you to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 it plainly speaks on this matter so no I do not think Jesus would approve of the LGBTQ+ community but address the issue with love and compassion

  1. Iris Smaus's Avatar Iris Smaus

    No idea how he'd dress, but I know he would not condemn. Transgender and gay people have existed since humanity has, it's just been misunderstood and feared by many, though not all societies naturally. Biblical statements of how God feels or thinks about human behavior often defy reason and logic and critical reasoning. People often choose to believe what most would consider symbolism and allegory. These issues exist in every religion, as religions are human creations. I have personally witnessed the form of a male spirit enter a pregnant woman's body at about the 4th month, which was later born with a female body. Judging and condemning never uplifts anyone, especially when we don't understand or know enough about it. People don't wake up one day and decide, 'Hey, I think I'll start being gay or trans today!' Believing it is a choice is what causes most of the misunderstanding. It is also nobody's right to decide how anyone should self-identify - if people aren't harming anyone, let them live their lives in peace, as Jesus would. There are written laws in the Abrahamic religions against it, but I believe they are errant human voices, and are not coming from the all-encompassing divine consciousness.

  1. Dent L. Sweem's Avatar Dent L. Sweem

    DEI is a warped totally demonic way of thinking. Time of the Democrat/Communist/Globalist lies are over! We have a REAL PRESIDENT NOW! WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN PERIOD!!! Get on board or go live somewhere else! Yaweh God bless those deserving! 🙏💯🇺🇸✝️

    1. IZEY's Avatar IZEY

      Jesus would never use the language you currently use to describe the groups you seem to often demonize, he would use empathetic and kind language to describe what he viewed as Ungodly. we all have personal Truths relating to God, but we should never use those personal truths to describe people as demonic/evil/liars because of their political beliefs! Jesus is neither conservative or liberal. nor was DEI an existing concept in first century Judea. please be more empathetic in the future, the emotions you have and your heart lead you astray.

  1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

    Oh the things people imagine about Jesus. 😄

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      They do a good job of creating God in their own image. It seems as though no matter what they are or how they see themselves, they see Jesus as being identical, even in lawlessness.

      1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

        SOJ, Why not? Doesn't scripture state we were created in God's image? Does that not mean we look in the mirror and see God? Some people take that a bit more literally than others.

        1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

          I'm not SOJ, and Man is not God.. However, We are all like gods as Jesus once said , though The One True God Our Heavenly Father, is infinitly beyond all our human comprehensive abilities..God and all of his Angels are Spirit beings. Therefore , by the Comandments, It's a sin to even Imagine the image of God..

    2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

      Such as that he exists to start with... 🤪

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Even Einstein believed Jesus existed. "No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life."

        The fact that he got angry, he cursed and he made mistakes shows that he was a real life person who was more normal than most people claim him to be. Examples.. he cursed a bountiful fig tree because hungry people had eaten all of its fruits, which makes no sense... he cursed the moneychangers who didn't want contaminated pagan coins going into the Jewish treasury, which wasn't a big deal... he condemned the washing of hands before meals, which showed he had no clue about the importance of hygiene and prevention of diseases.

        Yes, the person we call Jesus was real and he had his faults. It was only later that he was elevated to the status of a Greek god by the pagans who converted to his new religion.

        1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

          Lawrence, the fig tree was barren.

          Jesus approached the tree expecting food because the fig fruits when it grows leaves unlike most fruit trees. The presence of leaves implies the presence of fruit. Jesus found otherwise in his time of need.

          This relates directly to this blonde chic with the priest costume. She gives the impression she's providing fruit but upon investigation, she is quite barren.

          What an interesting aspect of message of the barren fig tree and a barren false teacher. Both are worthless beyond decoration.

          1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            The fact remains that the fig tree was very fruitful and yet Jesus cursed it, which showed he was being led by his feeling of hunger instead of logic.

            Why didn't he bless the fig tree and say something like, "Let there be millions of figs on this tree now!" Was he unable to multiply whatever he asked for? If Jesus could feed hundreds with a few loaves and fishes, why couldn't he command figs to appear so he could have a meal plus plenty of figs left over for the next hungry person?

            Cursing a fruitful fig tree that had provided ALL of its fruit for hungry people shows Jesus cared more about his own tummy than about all of the hungry people who were depending on that fig tree to provide them with figs in the future. He cursed one of the most fruitful of trees created by God, showing he disrespected God's creation. The story of the fig tree shows Jesus was just a hungry man who had his personal faults.

            1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

              I guess Lawrence, you're either adding to the fig tree event by assuming it once had fruit or you've read something I haven't and isn't in the Bible, not that I could find.

              As to why would Jesus do this or not do that we either find that answer in the Bible or get it when we meet him.

            2. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

              In the Bible, Jesus cursing a fig tree symbolizes God's judgment of Israel's spiritual barrenness and the need for people to bear fruit.

          2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            All fruit trees have leaves before they produce fruits! This includes fig trees, olive trees, peaches, apples, pears, cherries and every type of fruit. I don't know who told you that only figs grow when there are leaves on the tree.

            A harvested fruit tree can be covered in leaves even after all its fruits are taken, so you'd better check and recheck your story.

            1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

              Not the fig Lawrence. If you see fully matured leaves on a fig tree you'll probably find ripe fruit. Not true with the standard trees you've mentioned, leaves first, then fruit. I've grown all of what you've listed minus the olive. The fig is somewhat unique when it comes to fruiting. My dwarf fig formed new fruit buds in the fall as other fruit trees formed leaf buds in the fall. In spring the figs would grow as new leaves emerged. Meanwhile the typical fruit tree was busy forming flowers.

              Even so, not all fruit trees bear fruit as stated elsewhere in the bible. Naturally, all farmers know this to be true.

              In other news, after the fig tree was cursed, the tree of Israel seems to have the same troubles that fig tree did.

              1. Samuel R. Williams's Avatar Samuel R. Williams

                Our Nation needs to get back to the Bible, the word of God! God created one man and one woman! He destroyed Sodom and Gamorah for straying from His plan. We all need to understand that whether we pass from this lif, or Jesus returns, there will be judgement! The Bible is clear on that. "Love your neighbor" does not mean approve anything they do.

              2. Todd Leslie Miller's Avatar Todd Leslie Miller

                Amen, brother! Let unbelievers try and rationalize the Bible as myths and legends! This sacred book of books always vindicates itself! Hallelujah!

              3. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

                Lawrence Pearce, the story of the fig tree was parable. A fig tree should produce figs, this one did not., a fig tree in bible was a symbol of the Jewish nation. This nation was to share the light of the Gospel with the world. Share the fruit that God had given to them. they did not, they bore no fruit for the kingdom. Later you read that He tells them to dig it up and burn it. The asked for three more years to nurture it. He gave it to them. Three years after His crucifixion He gave that to another nation that would produce fruit for His kingdom.

        2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

          It seems possible that there was a person named Joshua (aka: Yeshu Ben Stada) living in that era, probably the bastard son of a Roman soldier named Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera from Sidon who served in the Cohors I Sagittariorum and died in Germany (modern Bingerbrück). That was attested by both Jews and Pagans of the following centuries (eg. Talmud, Sefer Toledot Yeshu, Celsus as recorded by Origen in "Contra Celsus" 248 CE), in spite of the Vatican trying to expunge it from their records. However the likelihood that the life of that Joshua bears any resemblance to the fantasy fish tale that's been elaborated for millennia since is basically nil. The Greek name Jesus itself is based on the name Ieso (recuperation) who was one of the famed daughters of the healer hero/god Aesculapius. In terms of his being portrayed as a Pagan God by early Christians, that's true. Some of the earliest original authentic pre-Nicene Christian communities like the Naassenes equated him explicitly with a host of Pagan deities. For example...

          Blessed one! Whether you are born of Kronos or Zeus

          Or Rhea, I loudly hail thee!

          Attis, you are the name at which Rhea hides her face.

          You the Assyrians call “thrice-desired Adonis.”

          All Egypt calls you “Osiris.”

          Greek wisdom calls you “Celestial horn of the Crescent Moon.”

          Samothracians call you august “Adamas.”

          Haimonians call you “Corybas.”

          And Phrygians call you now “Papas,”

          Now again “corpse,” “god,” “unfruitful,” “goatherd,”

          “Green ear of harvested grain” or “fruitful one” whom the almond bore,

          And “pipe-player.”

          I shall sing of Attis, son of Rhea!

          I shall not rattle with castanets

          Nor bellow with the flute

          Of the Idaian Curetes.

          No, I blend with the Phoeban muse

          As I play my lyre—euoi!

          Euan! I shall sing of you as Pan, as Bacchus,

          As the Shepherd of gleaming white stars!

          -- "The Naassenes: Exploring an Early Christian Identity", by Dr. M. David Litwa (p27-28) translated from "Refutation of All Heresies" attribution to Hippolytus of Rome (or Pseudo-Hippolytus) in 222 CE.

          1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

            Thunder This is why science is such an alluring god to the bipedal animal that the atheist calls himself. He can prophecy on various things, get most wrong but still demand belief by others, score a win once in a while, forget the failures and call himself a heroic genius at the end, marveling at his own gaze.

            Even our president Obama worships science declaring "We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost."

            Sadly science worship failed us all on that high note. Neither has our healthcare qualify improved or been lowered in cost. Science has a long list of failures, most tragic.

            I've always wondered what science's rightful place is to its devoted loyalists. No doubt it's a frightening place to an unbeliever. I thought the Germans had a good run of science worship last century. Were shaping up for another good run here shortly. Godless science is a hideous thing as we'll see shortly.

            I think the science god pulled a fast one on you atheists though. It's got you painted in the corner of faith that you just can't leave. You see, you must believe that which you can't prove, just as the Christian must.

            Do you really believe you're an animal that self spawned from funky space dust struck by dripping cosmic beams of coalesced energy bolts that can no longer exist in today's cosmic climate? If you guys are animals, and I'm taking your word for it, why are you offended when your called an animal and treated like one? Don't tell me you doubt your faith of being an animal, that would be tragic. If so, hang in there and be strong, you got this, keep the faith.

            1. Shirley F. Clemons's Avatar Shirley F. Clemons

              What is happening to people coming into this country is appalling. As a Christian we are told to love thy neighbors. My mother is Canadian and if it were like it is now we wouldn't have been here. The Canadian boarder was tough, but compassionate. Doing business with the USA making a plan for people going back and forth or staying in either country. Yes, there should be way to do it the right way and everyone who passes the all that is needed should be able to come here. We All in the beginning were from somewhere, except the Indians, so really we all are foreigners. Such hate, screen people do it right. For the last 20 years the practice of hate around the world is terrible. Its unbelievable how many "Practicing Christian's" make many excuses for the hate they have for people. What Would Jesus Do.

            2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

              > the science god pulled a fast one on you atheists

              Naturally if someone doesn't accept the Abrahamic delusion they must therefore be an atheist... SMH. No.

              As to science, you're confusing it with "scientism" which is a different animal entirely. Science has the ability to debunk itself and reform it's misunderstandings. That feature alone makes it orders of magnitude superior to Abrahamic superstitions.

              In fact it was originally a religion in it's own rite (aka: Hermeticism) which together with Platonism and Aristotelianism provided the philosophical and theological backbone for the Abrahamic tradition bar none. In essence science is extremely humble to the divine creation, allowing the reality of the world as it is to dictate the precepts of belief first and foremost, rather than imposing ossified egotistical conceits and human created fairy tales onto what exists.

              As to animals, the only reason you consider that biological category to be offensive, is because of your theological narcissism. For those who don't buy into that conceit, it's simply a taxonomic category shared by many other creatures who have similar characteristics to ourselves. If anything that deepens the sense of intimacy and belonging in relationship with the world and affirms that we are all part of the same sacred web of life.

              1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

                Thunder said: "As to science, you're confusing it with "scientism" which is a different animal entirely. Science has the ability to debunk itself and reform it's misunderstandings. That feature alone makes it orders of magnitude superior to Abrahamic superstitions"

                Nope, I nailed it down tight. Science to the bipedal animal is a religion even comparable and rewarding as any other belief system might be.

                When something is superior, I wouldn't expect it to take 4000 years to come to similar or identical conclusions with what it's measured against. What's curious is the science shaman will ridicule unbelievers in an identical fashion as other religions will, albeit no provocation is required, just doubt. See the treatment of experimental covid vax critics and Climbing Change doubters for reference. I'll quote the great philosopher Arnold Swartzenagger concerning the people questioning the vax that doesn't vax " F your freedoms". Or then dirty dog Fauci said "An attack on me quite frankly is an attack on science"

                Considering the Holocaust was posed as a hoax not 10 years after, and the 911 trade center bombing the next day, it's not surprising folks would doubt the authenticity of the Bible 2 thousand years removed while praising those who plagiarized it.

                Knowledge printed prior knowledge obtained is quite the conundrum. I'll confess I must be a terrible reader, as hard as I've looked, I've not seen mention of these Fairies anywhere in the Bible. I've heard about the one where a toad turns into a human though......

              2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Religion requires faith as there is no evidence to support any religion as factual. Science is tested and challenged and makes changes as our understanding grows. Science does not require faith, it has evidence to support its conclusions.

          2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            IMO, the writers of the four godspells deliberately wrote their words in Greek so they could convert the Greeks to the person whose name they pronounced as, "Hey Zeus."

            So they turned "Hey Zeus/ Jesus" into the god Dionysus, the god of Wine who could magically transform water into wine. (What wino or drunken person wouldn't want to join that group?) John 2.1-11 (Ask any magician if they could do the same thing and the answer would be yes because Jesus had assistants with him.)

            They claimed "Hey Zeus/ Jesus" had more powers than Zeus... "all powers have been given to me in heaven and earth." Matthew 28.18 And yet with all of those powers of the universe, he was unable to supernaturally take over the throne of Caesar and create the kingdom of God on earth. "Sum ting wong."

            They implied his father was Zeus, the father of all gods who impregnated the young girl Mary/ Mariam, just as Zeus was known to impregnate many different girls and women whenever he wished to do so.

            They claimed he could multiply fish and loaves of bread for the hungry, so that would appeal to the common people who wanted a god that would provide plenty of food for them.

            The godspell writers claimed "Hey Zeus/ Jesus" was like the god Asclepius who could heal anyone and raise the dead to life. The sick and dying wanted to hear those stories.

            They even claimed that their god "Hey Zeus/ Jesus" sent the Titans down into hell (tartarus) where they were kept in chains. Jude 1.6 and 2 Peter 2.4

            Jesus "Hey Zeus" himself allegedly claimed he had the keys to death and hades (hell). Rev 1.18 So the godspell writers implied if you wanted to avoid or get free from death and hades/ hell, you'd better believe in Hey Zeus Jesus.

            The godspell writers tried to link HeyZeus Jesus with the Greek god Apollo. Apollo has been recognized as a god of truth and prophecy, healing, the Sun and light. Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, was one of the gods worshiped by the Greeks and the Romans.

            The godspell writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) tried to make so many links between the various Greek gods and Hey Zeus Jesus that it's obvious that it's more than a coincidence. They were trying their best to convert the Greeks to their updated story of Spartacus as a Jewish man who had as many or more powers than all of the Greek gods. (Spartacus was crucified only 100 years before Hey Zeus Jesus.)

            1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

              Unfortunately it was non-alcoholic wine. Not only is scripture clear on that but ordinary reasoning proves it out.

          3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            I've read the stories of the Jewish rabbis who knew about Jesus. They claim his father was a Roman soldier named Pantera and Jesus worked miracles by placing two Torahs under his arms and flying around up in the air as if they were jet packs. They also claim he deceived people and is now burning in the fires of hell among smelly sewage.

            The Koran claims when Jesus was a child, he made a small bird from mud and clay and then breathed life into it and it flew away.

            The fact that the Jewish rabbis acknowledge that Jesus existed although they reject him and his message seems to indicate there was a real person by that name. Josephus the Jew writes about many Jewish men with that name who lived in Galilee before the Romans conquered Jerusalem. He even mentions a Jew named Jesus who led a religious cult in the region of Galilee. However, this doesn't mean Jesus was god or the creator of the universe, it just means he probably existed as a person and the leader of a group of homeless men.

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    I hope that he would use common sense before making decisions which would affect the masses.

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Then he died for nothing and your interpretation is a shallow husk worship of a golden calf. He meant all people. Not just some.

      1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

        When my Grandparents came to this country in the 1800s, they had to be under the quota to get into this country. My one Grandfather's boat met the quota before he disimbarked, so he was given the choice to go back to the 'old country' or go to South America. Since his wife and children were already here, he chose to go to South America to wait for the quota to open up before he came here. To do things legally is sometimes inconvenient, but it is always worthwhile. Each one of my Grandparents became proud citizens of the United States and took that citizenship very seriously. Don't be a fool Robert, there's always a lot more to people than you give them credit for. In a court it would be said that you 'rush to judgement.'

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Most Americans wish foreigners would obey our laws and enter the USA the legal way instead of running across the border and then stealing from taxpayers with their demands for free food, free medical care, free hotel rooms and free travel anywhere in the USA.

      We all know if they tried to illegally cross into other nations and demand benefits they would be arrested and expelled immediately after spending a few nights in a dirty jail cell

  1. Mary Haviland's Avatar Mary Haviland

    It is my understanding the Bible had stipulations for people who accidentally killed people that they could flee to certain near by cities where they would not be sought down and persecuted for that crime of killing somebody. But these were not for just any and every crime. This was not just because they were illegal. That is a crime that was and is and should be punishable. It is done in purpose. Unlike accidentally killing somebody. And the key words here is accidentally killing somebody. Those cities were not to harbor people who were out right intentional murderers or out right criminals. People who I tended to do the crime.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      You are right. The safe cities mentioned in the Torah were for those who accidentally killed someone. They weren't for convicted criminals or those who had invaded the nation like we have seen in the past four years.

      Several nations opened their prisons and told the convicted criminals to go invade us. The results have been devastating... more than 300,000 Americans killed by deadly fentanyl and countless victims of criminal gangs from Latin America who should have stayed in prison. Jesus never approved of criminals killing innocent people, so no he would not provide them with shelter. Another reason is that Jesus didn't have a house or a home for himself or his disciples, so he couldn't shelter anyone.

      "But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.” Matthew 8.20

      1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

        Please list these countries and provide links that document dates and locations where released prisoners were told to ‘Go invade the US.’

      2. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

        Please list the countries that did these things, do you have any evidence to support the accusation?

        1. Noe Domingo Martinez's Avatar Noe Domingo Martinez

          Try looking into these. Department of Homeland security, Department of the State, US borders and Customs, U S C I S.

          Oh why don't you request it by doing a four-year request. It's all public record you can go online and request it

        2. Noe Domingo Martinez's Avatar Noe Domingo Martinez

          Try looking into these. Department of Homeland security, Department of the State, US borders and Customs, U S C I S.

          Oh why don't you request it by doing a four-year request. It's all public record you can go online and request it

        3. Noe Domingo Martinez's Avatar Noe Domingo Martinez

          Try looking into these. Department of Homeland security, Department of the State, US borders and Customs, U S C I S.

          Oh why don't you request it by doing a four-year request. It's all public record you can go online and request it

    2. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

      I am not debating whether or not such cities existed. They very well may have existed. All I ever content is that if they did and te Bible documents them that is just one of the few correct historical statements that made inclusion. The bottom line is always the same. The Bible is inaccurate in many places and should never be taken literally. It should be read along with another available texts ans read with an open and inquisitive mind.
      It was a book published by the corrupt church in power at the time that had its own human agendas they picked and chose what to include or not then edited that until they had a product that suited them.
      As always the truth is that all religions are manmade. Dogma is manmade in all of them. Anything Jesus would or would not have done had to do with spiritualism which comes from the heart and knows right from wrong.

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        As a bible professor and scholar told me, "When you read the bible in the original Hebrew, you find so many problems with the official translations that it will drive you to drinking."

        Simplify your life. You will feel closer to God and the Angels in Nature than anywhere else.

        1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

          Hi Lawrence, You and I are finally on the same page as we approach this subject. I totally agree with you.

          1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

            You need to get ahold of an Orthodox Study Bible, as it is the original texts, as translated from the original Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Aramaic at the order of the 4th Ecumenical Council of Nicea. This was when the books of the Bible were chosen, and others saved in the records (those left out were redundant, and therefore unnecessary). You will find things that were removed by both the Roman Catholic Church (at the great schism of 1054) and subsequently by King James when creating the Anglican Church so that he could divorce his wife. I was raised Southern Baptist, wandered the religious desert for 40 years, and finally came home to the Orthodox Church, or as we call it, the Ancient Faith before it was changed to meet man's lifestyle instead of changing man's lifestyle to meet the canons of the church.

            1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

              Unbeknownst to you, I've read the Apocrypha/The Lost Books of the Bible. After a lifetime of soul searching I have come to a place where I am quite comfortable. It may not be right for you, and that's okay, but it is right for me. Thank you for your opinion. Have a blessed day.

              1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

                I don't need the Apocrypha or any other purported book claiming to contain the "lost" books of the Bible. The Gospels and subsequent texts were assembled in 324 C.E. to put into availability for the Christians all the necessary accounts of the events subsequent to the Birth of Christ, all the way to the Lord's Ascension in to Heaven, as well as they order in which they would occur. It is enough to read the subsequent chapters of Matthew between his resurrection and his ascension to know what we should expect. However, the omitted texts are available by appointment for study through both the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Christian Churches, upon special request to the proper respective offices.

              2. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

                The Apocrypha and the Lost Books of the Bible are what you are referring to. The books included therein are books that were omitted from the bible as time went on, with additional omissions when the KJV was written. A Roman Catholic by birth, I learned about the omissions early in life, learning that there were two versions. I consider myself fortunate to have had that kind of opportunity.

  1. Robert Louis Rada's Avatar Robert Louis Rada

    What is The Rule of Law? Let it be said, let it be written.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Of course he would Jesus help's people in need.Not the greedy ones who want a brand new car or whatever he doesn't work like that.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    I believe that Christ would offer refuge for any who came to Him. Trump and his ilk are as unChristian as they come.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Thank you for telling us what you like to believe.


    2. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

      No, if people want to come here they can apply like everyone else, not just come in like they're entitled. This is the communist way of thinking, and it creates criminal enterprises and human trafficking, as these people indenture themselves to these people helping them come here illegally.

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Christ didn't have any refuge or shelter to offer anyone according to his own words, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests but I have no place to lay my head." Where did you find the Jesus who had a homeless shelter for everyone? because he's not in your bible.

      1. Iris Smaus's Avatar Iris Smaus

        Let me clarify that quote for you, friend, there's a misunderstanding here. What Jesus meant by that statement is that as wonderful a thing as he was doing for so many, for all mankind, others had comfort but he did not, he wasn't appreciated enough - it was a statement of cynicism, sarcasm, lament for his own situation. When people have suffered themselves it usually makes them more sensitive to the sufferings of others, naturally. Too many people calling themselves Christians today have lost all concept of the true meaning of what that means, and use it to further their own agenda, sadly - and that is a violation of the Third Commandment, using God's name for personal gain, it's a major sin.

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    I listened the the chick with the blond hair in a priest costume talk at the microphone. She said a bunch of dumb stuff. Said some stupid stuff too. The chic said some nasty stuff. She reminds me of an idiot. Like a proper idiot in the sense of being a complete fool leaving no room for growth into deeper stupidity. She can not become any dumber than she is at this exact moment.

    If Jesus were present on earth today, he'd not need a pathetic microphone, nor would he stand and tremble before vile men and women with rancid breath. He'd be above the fields of Megiddo laying waste to mankind's remaining armies filled with those who hate him. That's right, Jesus will be doing his strange work, slaying evil humans.

    This bleach blonde chic is not talking about Jesus The Christ. Sounds like she's talking about some big fat dumpy white guy with taco sauce on his chin wearing a belly shirt with high heels that accent his tongue piercing and greasy blue hair.

    1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

      Actually, if you remember what he told Pilate at his condemnation interview, his ARMY would fight. That Army would be led by the Archangel Michael, and commanded by the General St. Demetrius.

      1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

        I can't unsee that guy you describe in your last paragraph of your comment. Thanks. I needed that laugh for this afternoon. It's been a wildly busy and stressful day for me. LOL

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise

    Today we must stand with a resolute heart and unwavering conviction as we resist the reemergence of Satanic darkness that plagues society like a sickness and defies the sacred Word of God. In our troubled nation, the cold ICE raids near our churches, the callous exploitation, abuse, and imprisonment of undocumented immigrants, and the relentless assaults on our communities are not mere political or policy missteps—they are deliberate acts of evil, the very work of Satan and the Lawless One, who seek to sow division and despair in humanity.

    The Bible speaks unmistakably against these iniquities. In Exodus 22:21, we are commanded, “You shall not oppress a sojourner, for you know the heart of a sojourner.” This ancient mandate reminds us that every stranger is deserving of compassion and dignity. Jesus, our Savior, embraced those shunned by society. In John 8:44, He warns that those who persist in hate and cruelty are “children of the devil,” aligning themselves with darkness rather than the light of truth. And in Matthew 25:35-40, He teaches that every act of mercy—feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and sheltering the homeless—is an act of service unto Him.

    These timeless truths are echoed in our modern struggles. When policies dehumanize and marginalize, those who follow Satan repeat the playbook of the oppressions of old, evoking recognizable ancient evils. The heartless actions we witness today, from the brutal tearing apart of families to the systemic neglect of the vulnerable, stand in stark contrast to the path of righteousness we know to be true. Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the oppressed (Luke 4:18) and to extend His love to every soul, irrespective of its past or its place of origin.

    Let it be known: those who perpetrate hate, discrimination, and violence against humanity are damning themselves to Hell in the eyes of God our creator. Their actions are a defiant rebellion against the divine command to “love thy neighbor” (Matthew 22:39) and a betrayal of the very essence of Christ’s mercy. In a world shadowed by such wickedness, we are called to be beacons of hope, justice, and inclusive love.

    Here in Seattle, at Celestial Nexus Church, we reject the darkness and embrace the light. We stand united to dismantle systems of Satanic oppression, building communities where every soul is cherished. With the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:11) and the unyielding truth of His Word against evil, we will overcome evil with good. May our collective call for justice and mercy resound powerfully, ensuring that the light of Christ and universal love triumphs over every act of human cruelty.

    In faith and righteous resolve, Rev JTSunrise Celestial Nexus Church, Seattle

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Have you tried selling your story to the parents of Laken Riley, and many others who have lost loved ones to the brutality of many illegal immigrants?

      There is a legal procedure for those peoples that genuinely are looking for a safe country to live in. That’s the procedure that I went through to legally immigrate to the USA, with my family.


      1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross


        And the DOJ at the request of the POTUS has completely dismantled if not eliminated it.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          I think you will find that one can still gain "legal" entry into the USA, even for those seeking asylum, and I am not referring to Mexico.🤭 Are you getting your source from CNN? 🤔

          All the information you need to know about "legally" immigrating to the USA is here:


          1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

            Yes, and if you have $5 Million, you can get an immediate green card (EO expected today). The process is there, but how many people are being let in to apply?

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              The answer to your question is: The USA has a quota for legal entry each year, just like all countries do. For me, I had to go the American Embassy in London on two occasions, with my family, and be interviewed. They wanted to know:

              1) Do we have a clean bill of health? We had to provide medical histories to show we would not be bringing any diseases into the country.

              2) Do any of us in my family have a criminal history?

              3) Are we financially solvent? Would we be a drain on the US economy if we were granted a Green Card?

              4) Do I have a job to go to?

              5) What are our academic qualifications? Would we be an asset to the country if were accepted.

              6) Do we all speak the national language of English?

              7) Did we pass the test of the American history from the booklet we were given to study all about America.

              The process took two years but it was well worth it. Me and my family were awarded a green card. I was gainfully employed as an Aerospace Design Engineer to help the nations Space Shuttle program for NASA. I like to think I richly rewarded the USA during my 38 years of being here for accepting my application to become an American citizen.

              Thank you for your question Patricia.


              1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                But my question was how many are they letting through now? More than they are deporting or less?

              2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                As of Feb 25, it's my understanding form the DHS website that:

                Secretary Noem announced on Saturday, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) encountered only 200 aliens at the U.S. Southern border. That is the lowest number of apprehensions in a single day in over 15 years.

                Deportations are at an all time high. 5,700 were deported in President Trump's first 2 weeks in office.

                Thank you for your question.


            2. Noe Domingo Martinez's Avatar Noe Domingo Martinez

              You're right he's thinking about giving out the gold card, which give you the benefits of a green card. It's going to cost $5 million and you have to create jobs. At the same time you still have to go through the same process and pay the fees.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Not true! Green Cards are not that easy to get hold of. There are still requirements that have to be met. See my comment below.


              2. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                They will be if you have $5 Million and Trump gets his way. He was suggesting a "gold card" which has all the benefits plus more than the green card and would only cost $5 million plus investing in a business venture. He was ready to ink an EO to that effect just yesterday.

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                It’s a brilliant strategy isn’t it, Lady Patricia? What an incredible way of helping our nation to help reduce its debt. I bet Joe Biden is wishing he had a business brain like our President. In fact, I bet he’s wishing he had any type of brain right now. 🤭

                I wonder who was really running our country these last 4 years? 🤔


              4. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                The people most likely to have that kind of money are the people he is claiming to be trying to get in. Terrorists and Cartels.

              5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Bless your heart, you obviously don’t know how immigration works, but I do because I’ve gone through it. It’s a very rigorous process with lots of vetting before they grant you with a green card, even if you have $5 million to spare. Try not to believe everything you read in the left wing media, it just might change your thought structure…… for the better.🤗


              6. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                I'll return those blessings to your little pea-picking heart. The $5 Million is something Trump proposed last week and reitterated again during the address last Tuesday night. Just Google "Donald Trump's immigration gold card" and you will see links to videos from every major network, including FOX news that shows him talking about it. The only requirement will be the payment and an investment into a US business venture. Possiblly a business venture that includes the types of people he is claiming to be deporting.

              7. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Yes, I am very well aware of the gold card that has been proposed which I wholeheartedly agree with, that’s what I was alluding to. It will hopefully help take us out of debt, and reduce the inflation from the previous beach dwellers administration. For those that can afford it there will still be very rigorous checks and balances, just like I had to go through, before being granted immigration status.

                Thank you for replying.


              8. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                No words. Especially from one who had to go through the grueling process that is in place to properly vet and educate immigrants in the fundamentals of American rule of law, the constitution and history. You would have anyone with $5 million bypass all of that and fasttrack citizenship? What limits do you propose we put on their business ventures, and do we also offer them tax breaks that anyone with $xx billion dollares is able to gain? Do you realize that raising the tax rate by 1/2 of one percent for those people or corporations that make $1 Billion would raise ten times as much as one of these "gold card" immigrants/soon-to-be-citizens?

              9. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                I’m sure there will be an upgraded faster track to check credentials than when I applied for citizenship back in 1987.

                Im sure the limits that would be put in place would have to benefit the USA financially. I doubt they would be offered tax breaks.

                Here in the blue state of California we are always seeing a raise in taxes. The city I live in has just raised our taxes from 10.25% to 10.75%. We have one cite at 11.50%. Gas prices are over $4 a gallon, Hopefully our Democrat governor will be replaced soon. He’s actually in line to be recalled, as is our very inept Los Angeles Democrat Mayor. Sadly, Kamala Harris hopes to run for Governor. She couldn’t run Girls Scouts pack. 🤭

                What are the tax rates where you live? Are you in a blue state?

                Thanks for your questions. 🤗


              10. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                Blue state here, and taxes aren't nearly as high as CA. We do have state and city income taxes, but not all cities impose them (they do where I live). All together the state and city income taxes are under 10 percent. As for vetting of "millionaire immigrants" I'll believe it when I see it. Like everything else DJT has been very sketchy on the details (more like a concept of a plan than a thourally thought out one). The major credentials proposed so far are the bank account, a check for $5million and a promise to invest in a business venture (no type or guidelines on what those ventures are have been given).

              11. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                It’s my understanding that it won’t necessarily be millionaire immigrants, more like businesses paying for their employees to offer their talents here in the US, It’s very early stages right now. I’m sure the details are still being ironed out by those given that responsibility. Many are expecting things to happen right away, and that’s just not going to happen, It’s still in the planning stages. I’m sure there will be lots of strategic planning to put these “sketchy” ideas into practice. All will be revealed during the next few years.

                Many are expecting this administration to bring down commodity prices right away, but it’s not that easy. It’s taken 4 years to get commodity prices to where they are currently at. That’s the result of inflation during these last few years. I’m confident prices will eventually start coming down, but there’s much work to do. For instance, we need more drilling for oil, (many closed down under Biden) and more oil refineries to bring down gas prices. That’s not going to happen overnight.

                This next 4 years is going to be a very interesting time. There’s even talk about removing the IRS and creating an ERS (External Revenue Service), with US citizens not being taxed. If that can be pulled off, I think it could prove to be the end of the Democrat party. We have 4 years to see if all this is just pie in the sky. 🤗


              12. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                The only reason that people expected commodity prices to go down immediately was that DJT promised they would on "day one" of his administration. So far they are all going up significantly, mainly due to tarrifs and disruptions in the supply chain, but the Repubs are still blamming it on Biden. Trump was taking creit for the economic upsurge at the end of Biden's term as "anticipation of his administration," but the economy has only tanked since he took the oath.

                I've been thinking about your concept of companies paying five million dollars for their employees to immigrate to the US, and I just don;t see that happening. What would be their motivation unless there was some sort of tarrif exemption connected to it? There are a lot more down-sides than up-sides for an international company to do that beyond the $5 million. Loss of an employee and potential loss of a citizen of their country. I don't see international companies lining up to send their people here, but who knows in this day and age.

                Elimination of the IRS is unconstitutional, regardless of whether it is by EO or congressional act because the IRS was established by constitutional ammendment, so that process is unlikely to happen within Trump's term.

  1. Sally Anne Okun's Avatar Sally Anne Okun

    With so many opinions , and so many well nourished, intelligent people in this country with the ability to voice their heart felt convictions,and the privilege to do so using the scientific technologies that we have acquired by standing on the shoulders of all those who have struggled before us,you would think as fellow humans that have read the history books ,religious and scientific alike, could agree about one thing as a whole.Without eachother we are doomed. I have never heard of any politician or priest taking an IQ test as a standard entry requirement to their official position.Nor do scientists have an empathy screening before being funded to create bombs.We as humans should take deeply into our hearts and minds the reality of how incredibly fragile we are physically, and stay aware of how reliant our first world existence is on the electricity that powers it. For those of you who have never had the lights go out, or the honor of being suddenly without a place to live due to nature's glory, been a car accident that cripples you or a loved one,there is this phenomenon that occurs ,called humility.Suddenly, when in dire need of help, all judgement acquired throughout our entire lives of other people mean absolutely nothing.The person who helps you will reflect the Compassion which is what has given us all faith,and the one who does not will equally reflect the lack thereof . I have the privilege of working in an operating room.i wear a mask and gown and gloves. I have no identity to those who come and trust their vulnerable lives to me ,a stranger. Just as I do the same when it is my turn to be the one in need of help. But every single person I see has the same characteristic. Fear. We all are living in a time of fear ,for our future lives and those that we love ,if not at this exact moment ,be patient ,that moment will come.When it does, there is nothing left but gratitude when we are comforted by that compassion extended to us by someone who did their job well and impersonally. To be sharing in the likeness of our souls Creator we must love eachother impersonally and recognize the value in protecting eachother and building eachother up in gentle encouragement so that every one of us can aspire to be the best version of ourselves and has the capacity to be an asset in humanity's survival. We are all capable of being eachothers hero's and equally equipped to shatter the hearts of many.we should be very careful how we treat eachother,what we teach eachother,and very careful of the power that we give to those who make decisions for the masses. When the infrastructure fails us, there is nothing quite as powerful as the phrase, "Love Thy Neighbor ".

  1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

    I have to say that I am not a fan of "shock value" preaching, but if it touches someone in a way to wake them up to the realities of what some people face, I can't say anything other than, I'm not a fan. Judgements are not mine to make on what she said or how she said it. The real problem I see with the "immigrant problem" right now is that people are demonized just for being an immigrant, and assumed here illegally until proven innocent. The more diverse attributes you can add to the person the worse they are treated.

  1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

    I think that pastor needs to go back and study Jesus a lot more closely. He has TWO natures, Man and God. John Chrysostom said, "God became man so Man could become more like God." Heresies like this are what cause rifts in the Church. It's best to stay with the truth as it's presented in the Holy Books instead of putting our own opinions into what was written 2,000 years ago. There are prophecies that are beginning to happen as we speak. We must realize that the end times are approaching and we must prepare for the final battle between the evil one and the Soldiers of Heaven, who will be led by the Archangel Michael and Saints Demetrius the soldier and Demetrius the General. Yes, we must be ready for the return of the Messiah when the final battle is finished. For it is then that we shall all stand naked as the day we were born before that awesome Judgement Seat as Christ deems us worthy of life or death.

  1. Brad Ronald Otten's Avatar Brad Ronald Otten

    Jesus knew very well His Father’s words on homosexuality and sexual perversion as spelled out in His Bible in Leviticus 18:22, 1Kings 15, Romans 1:18, 1Corinthians 6. He would speak out clearly on what His Father’s words said was an abomination to Him. I also believe Jesus would preach to follow all laws, including immigration laws, as clearly spelled out by Paul in Romans 13:1-7 along with Titus 3:1.

    1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

      And yet he didn't say one word about it, ever. Not one single word. "Abomination" seems to be a very strong word for something that somehow escaped mention entirely in all the time that Jesus was telling his people what was important for them to know.

      1. Brad Ronald Otten's Avatar Brad Ronald Otten

        Reread my comment. “His Father’s Words” was my wording. Do you think Jesus was in disagreement with His Father? Surely you aren’t implying that?

  1. lorenzo epps's Avatar lorenzo epps

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? the son of the god of abraham isaac and jacob would NOT be trans gay etc. the son of the god of abraham isaac and jacob would tell you to REPENT and sin no more. now...NOW....are those people who are TRANS GAY ETC THE MESSIAH ???? YES. THEY ARE THE LEAST AMONG US. FOLKS HAVE MADE THEM THE LEAST AMONG US. what does that mean??? it means LOVE ONE ANOTHER as the son of the god of abraham isaac and jacob told us to do....IT'S A COMMANDMENT. pray for one one another...DON'T JUDGE...DON'T SEEK REVENGE ETC...sooooo many commangments....paste them to your walls in your house to remind yourself of WHAT IS COMMANDED by the son and god of abraham isaac and jacob.

    1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

      You Go Prescher ! We need more Fire and Brimstone Preachers !

  1. Rodney Dahl's Avatar Rodney Dahl

    Resounding gongs…. Simply love your neighbor as yourself

  1. Daniel T. Lackey's Avatar Daniel T. Lackey

    DEI is forced Socialist Communist control meant to divide the masses. Keep it out of worship!

  1. Chaplain Rick's Avatar Chaplain Rick

    Stupid comments. Just plain stupid and narrow minded. But that is what's expected of the uninformed and ignorant. Bless their hearts anyway.

    1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

      Settle down Rick , lol Its all about working together to shedding more Light of the Gospel

  1. Michael Lee Taylor's Avatar Michael Lee Taylor

    Are you asking my opinion. No.christ would Not care about any of that he would already be At where the poor, downtrodden are, at the homeless,the war torn places where kids might Be killed, hurt injured where elderly are dying Without food,water,etc. where simple kindness Is not plentiful. Maybe here in the USa,or in Africa or where ever one does not have anything. He would not care about our Rich entitlements, he gave all that to his disciples like Peter, and Paul to minister To all. It's us that need to follow. You want more Than show him. Show God you are bigger. They did not know of catholic,or baptist or etc That all that is us. Please and thank you for allowing my simple Opinion. Maybe not the one wanted But it will do for now

  1. Michael Burton's Avatar Michael Burton

    He was a vulerable person himself, so of coures he would offer sanctuary to others. "in my nhouse are many mansions"

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes but he's put up his own border wall of guidelines and requirements to just get into his house, before you see any mansions, just like USA has. He obviously doesn't just want to let anyone in. Sounds like a good plan to me. He's in tune with President Trump. 🤭


    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Jesus didn't have a house or a home for himself, let alone any shelter for anyone else! But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.” Mt 8.20

      The scripture you quote was when he was claiming "In my FATHER'S house are many rooms." John 14.2 Notice he said in his father's house, not in his house? Big difference!

      1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        Just curious why are there may rooms available to us? Could it be from the vacancies of the evil angels that were cast out?

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


  1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

    Christian Nationalist Jesus would not help anyone other than self and immediate family, unless there was money to be made. It's called "Ordo Amoris" and it's a great excuse for cruelty and negligence.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      So tell us how many strangers and illegal invaders have you welcomed to stay in your house, eat all of your food and use your car? None? I thought so. When you point a finger at someone else, you'll find 3 fingers are pointing back at you!

      1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

        So yeah, the Truth hurts, doesn't it? Selfish, Greedy, Misers that HATE HATE HATE! - that's all Christo Fascists are.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          You seem to be big on hate but tiny on action. There are LEGAL ways for asylum seekers to enter the USA, but if you want a free for all at OUR expense, then you are living in the wrong nation.

          This is why I asked you how many of these criminal invaders have YOU welcomed into your house, your bedroom and your fridge? Your hateful reply shows I was right on target. You are claiming to be virtuous but you haven't done anything to feed, clothe or shelter them

          If all you have is hatred for your fellow Americans who want you and everyone else to obey our laws about immigration, then maybe Mexico would be more to your liking. When did you get your certificate as a Minister of Hate?

      2. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

        straw man argument. This is the argument that is given when you have nothing to counter the points given.

        But you, yourself are showing hate with your replies.

  1. Rev_Shaun's Avatar Rev_Shaun

    If Jesus had discovered that Matthew and Mark were married to Luke and John, The Last Supper would have been a disco party - and Leviticus and Deutoronomy would not have been invited to it!

  1. John Chester's Avatar John Chester

    Yes It's True That God Loves us all If raised or not raised in church but those parents should know better if they were they should know to rise there children the way they should go so they will remember there youth and must stop all this punishing of Children spare the rod and spoil the child learn to give good gifts to your children and your award will be great The Holy Bible Stand I have been through a lot of darkness in my life almost 30 years of darkness that the Holy Bible Does speak truth And in the old God even speaks on how he desires none of his little to parish I have children of my own that when I was in darkness but my children or still going strong now that im in the light my children are doing even better because I'm showing them the way they should not with harsh words but with love now as parents was not growing up church how many opportunities we had as believers or faith to tell the truth to them through love that they may know but not rejected the simple cause of atheist or none believing today is Christianity who knowledge God with there lips but still go on with there life that what an unbelievable world simply finds unbelievable

  1. Michael Andrew Clark's Avatar Michael Andrew Clark

    I do not think that Jesus will return on the same mission or with any favor toward the fornication and perversions happening in the world today. Far be it from me to pass my presumption of his plan but I don't believe it to be redundant. I will say though I fear it to be more disaplinarian.

  1. Richard Everhart's Avatar Richard Everhart

    God said man shall not lay with man.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      He did? Which radio program did he speak on, or was it on television? I bet it was on CNN, right? I must have missed it. I hope it was recorded and posted on YouTube. I really want to know what his voice sounds like. I hope he sounds more like Charlton Heston, and not like Tiny Tim. I'm just asking for someone that's never heard any of the world's gods actually speak. I'm sure Thor, and Zeus are going to be upset they didn't get to actually speak first to mankind.


  1. Jeffrey Paul Kearns's Avatar Jeffrey Paul Kearns

    You people are out of your minds to ever ask if Jesus was Trans. Same on you.

  1. Steve Brian Seaton's Avatar Steve Brian Seaton

    So very wrong. This is an example of why I find it difficult to read these weekly e-mails.

    1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

      It feels like they are going for shock value sometimes, and other times it looks like they really want to see a bloodbath in the comments section, doesn't it?

  1. James A. Ridings's Avatar James A. Ridings

    The full text if 1 Timothy 5:8 is: "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, AND IS WORSE THAN AN INFIDEL." [Emphasis added.] Fairly clear to me. Jim Ridings

  1. David Booth's Avatar David Booth

    Good morning fellow ministers . " The LORD Bless Us and Keep Us from All Evil by His Holy Name through the Holy Spirit who teaches us all good things from the kingdom of God to earthly evil times we're living in; The Holy spirit teaches us through the spirit and mind of the apostle Paul who was sent out to preach the unsearchable riches of the kingdom of God and to teach them how behave themselves in the house of God Almighty and to maintain their Holiness unto the LORD , and also Judgement has begun in the House of God. He also teaches us that All who calls upon the name of The Lord must depart from Evil and that pains and sufferings shall be on the souls of All who do not !! and the church as a whole has NO obligations to protect any souls outside of the church. simply putting things into prospective ; God has ordained Governments called by Him to Protect , Judge ; punish All evil doers , such as those who break the Laws of society and cause hard times upon the poor in our communities in every structure of government of All nations . If a minister is caught in a fault he want turn away from it , because it brings ungodliness into the church , he must be turned over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh , for the sin is of the flesh , and the Holy Spirit can not dwell in an unholy fleshly body . This was the Judgement to the church that dwelt in Corinth ( Corinthians ) by our Apostle and Teacher Paul . so the church must not get involved in political matters but must speak to the community leaders and Law Judges and law makers concerning unjust Laws or rules that causes the poor and the needy to suffer. the laws must protect all it's citizens and those who flee other countries seeking asylum , regardless of how they fled here. All walks of life must be protected by the Laws made by law makers and laws to protect the rights of those who give birth or not and who feel they are other than the way they were born to be! there is more I can speak on, but I will leave as is my brothers and sisters in the LORD only .

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Please don't read other books of fiction, like the Harry Potter books, I would hate you to think that everything you read is true. Be well. 🤗


  1. Minister Holly B Lovey's Avatar Minister Holly B Lovey

    Stay true to Gods word. Jesus did not change himself to fit in any crowd! We cannot change Jesus to fit in "a crowd." Gods word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow no matter how much some human beings want to make it the opposite because it sounds "good." Jesus came to save not to be destroyed by acting in a manner of sinning. Why did God destroy places such as Sodom and Gommorah??? It was the SIN in them that was not going to change. Some may not want to hear the truth and try to fudge it up but God did not send his son to become like us as sinners but to save us from sin. Heresies like this are to be careful and we need to be careful of them when they twist the word to fit a life style. Using Jesus in the wrong manner is not the answer.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Are you referring to that infanticidal and genocidal god of the Old Testament? I'm just asking for someone that thinks the Old Testament god is a god of love. 🤭


  1. Phillip Lamar Newton's Avatar Phillip Lamar Newton

    I am not Jesus, I’m not Mathew Mark Luke or John, but I do know one thing for sure that some seem to have forgotten. Jesus was a Jew and a believer in the scriptures and the laws of Moses. So would I insult my religion and people by adhering to any principles set forth by the LGBTQ+ agenda driven groups that are so prevalent these days? Jesus kicked out the money lenders and currency traders from the Holy Temple Mount what would he do to those proclaiming their right to live in sin and saying it’s godly and sanctified, because The Son of God said we must love one another.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I wonder if Jesus, and Moses, were real, and if they were, I wonder what they really ever said, or did? 🤔


      1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

        We have plenty of undeniable evidence that Jesus is very real ..

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Oh, how wonderful to hear that. Perhaps you would like to share your unshakable demonstrable evidence of his reality. Thank you for replying.


    2. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

      He wasn't afraid to insult his own religion and people by putting prostitutes and tax collectors above the religious leaders he pissed off by being kind to those two types. He wanted to make the point that people who were openly in a job that was considered immoral were at least honest about it and could improve, unlike those who think they're moral when they aren't. He talked about that kind of thing a lot, including chastising people for pointing out the sins of others instead of examining themselves.

      Oddly he never said a word about any sort of LGBTQ+ type person himself, when he addressed dozens of important moral issues of all types, and in great detail. I guess he just somehow forgot to talk about something that's so important to people who claim to follow him now that they are hell-bent on controlling/punishing anyone in that particular group. Yeah, that sounds like him, just neglecting to mention how to deal with something so super, super important. And I'm sure that in the crowds of people around him, he had NO way to know the hearts and souls of some 10% of the population so it just slipped his mind to ever bring it up.

  1. James McDonald's Avatar James McDonald

    DEI puts a spotlight on racial bias. DEI devides Americans. Your race, origin, religion, etc should not matter. You can be an American or not. You can be male or female. You can be a Christian or Buddhist or atheist. You can be American or not. Nothing else!!

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Diversity, equity, and inclusion is meant to put a spotlight on racial bias, as well as sexism, in society. You're right that your race, origin, religion should not matter but for generations such biases have existed in America. DEI initiatives are meant to ensure that qualified people of color, women, and poor and under-served communities aren't being passed up for white men who are less qualified. This shouldn't divide Americans but the right-wing media sphere has lied about DEI initiatives and painted them as racist despite the fact that these initiatives are meant to counter racism.

  1. Robert Phillips's Avatar Robert Phillips

    God does not discriminate about the people he/she loves. God is there for everyone. He uses us as angels to do the bidding of need. Not for showing the hatred only man can envision.

  1. Marsha Lynn Goldstein's Avatar Marsha Lynn Goldstein

    Jesus wasn’t Christian.

    1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

      Jesus was born " King of the Jews".

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        How do you know he really existed? Did you read it somewhere?


  1. Irma Dell Wilson's Avatar Irma Dell Wilson

    That was the most beautiful speech by the Bishop. SO, heart warming and I offer Prayer at, this time. Amen 🤍🕊️🙏🏽🕊️🤍

  1. Joseph Johnson.Jr's Avatar Joseph Johnson.Jr

    2 Thessalonians 2

    The Man of Lawlessness 2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

    5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

    Stand Firm

  1. Blake Andrew Tallman's Avatar Blake Andrew Tallman

    jesus would not have cared who u were it was man who wanted control man made the rules so it could control the masses but jesus GOD or the universe never did thatthey only wanted love and care for all but the ones in power want control they dont want love cause if the human race loved then it wont want to kill or harm others anymore or have war anymore and all of that is the ignorants money makers they make money off of peoples misery but the ones the human race worships never told them to hate they only told them to love

  1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

    Jesus said give Ceasar what is due to Ceasar ,and give God what is due to God..

  1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

    Also, To truly serve God, we should sell all our personal belongings and pro ede in Total Faith that God will provide and God will.. join Missionary groups and go to these poor countries and devote you lives and services, give all you have got, give untoll it hurts,, and give more.. DO THIS in the name of Jesus before theynail you to political Cross in this country.. These would be the words of Our Lord and Savior ,, " Jesus Christ "

  1. Jan Wesley Fleming's Avatar Jan Wesley Fleming

    Her Jesus WOW our Jesus would have loved but not tolerated anything his Father in Heaven would have told him and the 12 would not have written down what they were told by Gods son....dont read into what you think the Bible fits your lifestyle but what God want from his children

  1. David Jackson's Avatar David Jackson

    Once again, we get out our Scriptural Erasers in favor of correctness and feelings.

  1. John Chester's Avatar John Chester

    Yes Jesus company taxes collectors and prostitutes and whores but not one time Did Jesus said he was Gay Homosexuality cannot enter into the gates of heaven has in the Catholic Faith so Christianity Both says the same has both as the same and both as the same reflection in the same passage of scripture And some like to twisted a make it sound like holy truth Yes God loves us all doesn't mean he is please with those living a double life cannot serve the world and God at the same time want and need is not the same meaning like lust and love is not the same lust is feeling love is emotional that only gets stronger only with a man and a woman it all said this in the Holy Bible

    1. Herb Kopper's Avatar Herb Kopper

      The phrase "those who don't work, don't eat" is derived from 2 Thessalonians 3:10 in the Bible, which states that if anyone is unwilling to work, they should not eat. This emphasizes the importance of being industrious and not living off the efforts of others. When all people believe that they need special treatment or wish to be different due to sexual preference, morality, whichever, I believe Jesus loved all man kind, but his rules are simple. So, if you want to be different, maybe most of us don't care, but jamming it in our faces as though we must care isn't in my Bible. The real question is "will you walk with him?"

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    "The Jesus I know would be dressed in full drag and serving face, or handsome as a trans man, or wrapped in the garb of a non-binary person who knows one gender is way too small to capture their gloriousness" is nonsense, and shows just as much of a lack of comprehension of what gender identity is as the bigotry does. Trying to defend people by spouting nonsense is supremely unhelpful. Her next statement, I can see, just like Jesus would be upset at hatred and harm being aimed at anyone. But her drama just fueled the hatemongers to harden their hearts even more. Thanks but no thanks for all that, Pastor.

    Jesus didn't have to be a doctor to know which people needed to be healed and which people were trying to pull a fast one. He healed all sorts of people; rich, poor, foreign, Gentile or Jew, men or women, whoever. He taught his disciples that healing everyone regardless of these things was absolutely what he wanted them to do, and to model. He knew the difference between demonic possession and illness, clearly, as he cast out demons from someone who had them and he healed diseases in people who had those. He knew the exact problem of every person that needed healing from him. It's a pity that no transgender people sought him out, though they would have had to endanger their lives to do so, since their culture didn't recognize what Jesus would have seen right away. He could have set the record straight about it being neither a choice nor a mental illness, and might have prevented all this current nastiness from happening in the first place.

  1. Tracey Lynn Lloyd's Avatar Tracey Lynn Lloyd

    I LOVE Pastor Julie! She's so right. The ONLY commandment Jesus left us in the New Testament is "Love thy neighbor". He said this statement includes every other commandment. I believe Him.

    What gives ANY of us a right to judge another human being? I suggest if you hate gays or trans people or Latinos, cast the first stone.

  1. David Jackson's Avatar David Jackson

    We’re drifting too far from the shore.

  1. William Henery Lones's Avatar William Henery Lones

    Jesus showed love, kindness, mercy and compassion to everyone. Jesus showed us the way we are supposed to be and do for others. No matter who they are or where they live or are from they are our neighbors, and we are to love them as ourselves. Jesus said we are not to cast judgement on others, for by the standards we do, so shall the same standards be applied to us in heaven. We should be doing this everyday not just at Christmas time.

  1. Rev. R. W. Asher's Avatar Rev. R. W. Asher

    Which father do you "leaders" serve? Which Bible do you read? Clearly not the Father of Yeshua, of Abraham, of Israel, or Adam; and blatantly not, HIS words. We are vessels! Servants of the supreme authority! Luminous beings by His Light! A temple for Him to dwell in! Remember...?!?!

    Through our behaviors gleam bright the glory of our Master, and My Masters name is Yahweh, Adonai, I Am, Great Creator, Jahovah Jireh,... and I know His light shows through me, because I uphold His teachings, and teach them to all that will learn.

    Proverbs states clearly how God will manage the man who lays with another man, and all others whom refuse correction from His laws. THERE IS NO INTERPRETATION THAT FAVORS EXEXCEPTION! Only the lies of the enemy can bare such poison! STOP SPREADING POISON! SPREAD TRUTH! SPREAD LOVE! What is wrong with you people?

    Yeshua teaches how God's love will manage those whom have fallen victim to poor shepherds' teachings, and those who's minds have become infected by the confusion of the enemy and addicted to a fallen world and its carnality.

    Woe be unto all whom lead His children astray. For their correction will be harsh and swift.

    Repent for the damage you have caused by serving the wrong master, before it's too late.

  1. Rev. R. W. Asher's Avatar Rev. R. W. Asher

    Which father do you "leaders" serve? Which Bible do you read? Clearly not the Father of Yeshua, of Abraham, of Israel, or Adam; and blatantly not, HIS words. We are vessels! Servants of the supreme authority! Luminous beings by His Light! A temple for Him to dwell in! Remember...?!?!

    Through our behaviors gleam bright the glory of our Master, and My Masters name is Yahweh, Adonai, I Am, Great Creator, Jahovah Jireh,... and I know His light shows through me, because I uphold His teachings, and teach them to all that will learn.

    Proverbs states clearly how God will manage the man who lays with another man, and all others whom refuse correction from His laws. THERE IS NO INTERPRETATION THAT FAVORS EXEXCEPTION! Only the lies of the enemy can bare such poison! STOP SPREADING POISON! SPREAD TRUTH! SPREAD LOVE! What is wrong with you people?

    Yeshua teaches how God's love will manage those whom have fallen victim to poor shepherds' teachings, and those who's minds have become infected by the confusion of the enemy and addicted to a fallen world and its carnality.

    Woe be unto all whom lead His children astray. For their correction will be harsh and swift.

    Repent for the damage you have caused by serving the wrong master, before it's too late.

  1. Jennie McKenzie's Avatar Jennie McKenzie

    I respect everyone's option.i speak for myself when I say my understanding of the bible is the God Head three in one. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Father is creator of all. The bible is His law that we must follow. He sent His Son Jesus to show us what to do. We really need to focus on what Jesus taught not nit pick a barron fig tree. The fig tree represents us. We are expected to be fruitful and as much like Jesus as we can be. Jesus was God in the flesh. We are born to the flesh. Jesus is perfect and sin free. We are imperfect born sinner's. Our job is to love one another, not judge one another. Only God can fairly judge us. The bible does state that God sees such as the LGBTQ as an abomination. Look at Sodom and Gomorrah. Only God can pass judgement. As for us, judge not those who sin differently than you. We need to pray for God to show us how to straighten up our own lives as well as how to help others. Pray for these people. God may not be happy with their choices but He still loves them the same.

  1. Jennie McKenzie's Avatar Jennie McKenzie

    Food for thought. It doesn't matter how you identify, your DNA can't lie.

  1. Patricia Sydney Solis's Avatar Patricia Sydney Solis

    Love the picture of Boston Mayor Michelle Wu with a cross on her forehead on Ash Wednesday, protected from Trump’s craven Satanic mafiosa he’s made of America as she testified about the sanctuary city. Yes. Sanctuary’s root meaning is sacred. Boston is a sacred city for Christians and the merciful filled with Gods love, yet Border “Czar” Tom Holman said he was bringing Hell to the city of Sacred Freedom. Send Holman back to the hell he came from!

  1. Bandy Dean  Craft's Avatar Bandy Dean Craft

    This inhuman beast is beyond Forgiveness

  1. Joseph Johnson.Jr's Avatar Joseph Johnson.Jr

    You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

    Psalm 91:5–6

    How to Live Fearlessly I love how Psalm 91 reminds us that we have round-the-clock protection.

    Whether it is at night or in the day. Whether it is in darkness or at noonday. Whether we are faced with a terror or confronted by arrows. Whether pestilences threaten or destruction looms. We do not have to be afraid because our God, who watches over us, neither slumbers nor sleeps (Ps. 121:3–4)!

    The reality is, the world we live in seems to be engulfed in negative news and fear. We often hear reports of senseless terrorist attacks on innocent civilians, horrific accidents claiming multiple victims, or an epidemic affecting entire communities, leading to hundreds of babies being born with deformities. I know that many can’t help but dread that the same tragedies could befall them.

    But beloved, I want you to know that in the midst of all that is happening in the world, you can be fearless, and this comes from knowing the Lord as the God of peace.

    Romans chapter 15 ends with the apostle Paul saying, “Now the God of peace be with you all” (Rom. 15:33). You might ask, Isn’t God with us all the time? Why then did Paul specifically say, “The God of peace be with you all”?

    What Paul was speaking over the people was for God to manifest Himself as the God of peace in their lives. In other words, even though God is always with us, we may not always experience Him as the God of peace.

    Do you know what happens when God manifests Himself as the God of peace in your life? Romans 16:20 tells us this: “And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”

    Do you see what the God of peace will do in your life? He will crush every fear, every worry, and every anxiety!

    Do you see grace in that verse as well? Grace—the undeserved, unearned, and unmerited favor of God—is the only thing against which the devil has no defense.

    That is why we put our faith in the blood of Jesus when we talk about protection. His sinless blood was shed to pay the price for the guilty one.

    And because Jesus paid the price, we who are in Him have a right to walk in divine health and protection. Grace qualifies us for God’s all-encompassing protection. Amen!

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