close up of ice agent's uniform, including badge and police insignia

With the inauguration of Donald Trump as president just days away, some churches are stopping in-person Spanish language services, fearing potential upcoming raids and deportations for undocumented parishioners.

Instead, Spanish language service will move to streaming-only, at least for the time being.

It’s a necessary step, church leaders say, to protect their flock from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, who may have renewed authority under President Trump to initiate raids on even the most sacred of spaces.

Church Goes Virtual

Incoming border czar Tom Homan recently stated that Chicago will be “ground zero” for mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. Many Chicago-area churches are taking that promise seriously.

One such church is Lincoln United Methodist. The church, which until recently held services in both English and Spanish, just announced that they’ll be moving all Spanish services online for the time being, fearful that ICE agents may raid the church’s in-person services in search of undocumented immigrants, or stake out and track parishioners for later deportation.

“Our worship service is going to be virtual now because we are not going to be set up so that they can come into our church and separate the children from their families,” explains Lincoln United Methodist Pastor Emma Lozano.

They’re not the only ones taking precautions. Many other churches across the country - particularly in ‘sanctuary cities’ - have announced that they’re moving Spanish services online, or even ceasing them entirely for the near future.

It’s a necessary move, they say, because longstanding norms surrounding immigration raids and houses of worship are likely to change very soon.

ICE Raids: Coming to a Church Near You?

ICE agents are generally not currently allowed to raid churches. A long-standing ICE policy prevents agents from conducting raids at ‘sensitive locations,’ including schools, weddings, hospitals, funerals, and houses of worship. Only under the most extenuating circumstances - including a terror threat or to capture a violent felon - are raids at such locations permitted.

But that is likely to change in the coming weeks. As reported by NBC News, President-elect Trump likely intends to revoke the policy shortly after taking office, with some sources suggesting the change could come as soon as his first day in office. That would give agents unfettered access to carry out what President-elect Trump has called the “largest deportation operation in American history.”

Should the ICE policy preventing raids at sensitive locations be rescinded, raids will begin taking place at these locations almost immediately, experts say. “You could see a raid at a church, you could see a raid at a school,” explains Fred Tsao of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “It’s going to be disruptive, it’s going to look really bad and it’s going to scare a lot of people, which seems to be the point.”

However, some agents say that the sensitive location change will help them better carry out their job. It will make things “less administratively burdensome” to capture migrants who “abused” the sanctuary policy, explained one former Department of Homeland Security official. 

While there’s been no official announcement the change is coming, many churches who preach to undocumented immigrants are moving forward as if it's written in stone. 

“We must take their threats seriously,” says Pastor Lozano, “and prepare for the worst.” 

What do you make of the notion that President-elect Trump may remove protections blocking raids at houses of worship? And is raiding a church service to capture nonviolent migrants appropriate or warranted?

When it comes to finding and deporting undocumented immigrants, how far is too far?


  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise

    The Church’s Sacred Duty to Protect and Serve: A Call to Love and Justice By Rev. JTSunrise

    As the winds of change sweep across the nation, churches across America are taking unprecedented steps to protect their most vulnerable members—those living in the shadows of fear, uncertainty, and the constant threat of deportation. The decision to cease in-person Spanish language services in the face of potential raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is not made lightly. It is an act of profound love and protection, a response to the potential for violence against families, and a stand for justice.

    For decades, the church has been a sanctuary, a place where the marginalized find refuge and the broken-hearted are healed. But now, as we stand on the precipice of a new era, that sacred role is being challenged. Churches like Lincoln United Methodist are taking steps to protect their flock from an administration that seems poised to undo decades of protections for immigrants, particularly undocumented ones. Moving Spanish services to online platforms, where parishioners can worship in the safety of their own homes, is an act of resistance against a system that seeks to tear families apart and cast aside those who are most in need of love and compassion.

    This decision is not born from fear but from a deep, abiding commitment to the values of love, justice, and sanctuary. As a faith community, we are called to protect the vulnerable and stand up for the oppressed. To turn away from this calling is to abandon the very teachings of Christ, who welcomed the stranger, healed the sick, and loved all without condition. The church’s role is not to serve as an instrument of fear, but as a beacon of hope and refuge.

    The threat of ICE raids in places of worship is not just a political issue—it is a moral crisis. The idea that a government agency could descend upon a house of God, separate families, and strip away the dignity of human beings is an affront to all that is sacred. It is not just a violation of civil rights, but a direct attack on the sanctity of our faith communities. The sacred spaces where we come together to pray, to mourn, and to celebrate life are being transformed into potential sites of trauma and division.

    The long-standing policy that protects sensitive locations like schools, hospitals, and churches from ICE raids has been a crucial safeguard for vulnerable communities. But now, as the current administration signals its intent to dismantle these protections, we must ask ourselves: What is the cost of this change? Will we allow our places of worship to become sites of terror and division, or will we rise to the occasion and stand firm in our commitment to love and protect all people, regardless of their immigration status?

    As a society, we must ask ourselves: What is the price of justice? How far are we willing to go to protect the rights of the most vulnerable among us? It is easy to talk about borders and policies, but when we are faced with the human cost—the fear in the eyes of a mother who fears for her child’s future, the heartbreak of families torn apart—it becomes a question not of politics, but of compassion. We must ask ourselves whether the price of enforcing immigration laws at the cost of human dignity is too high.

    In the coming days, as we navigate these turbulent waters, let us remember the call of the Gospel: love your neighbor as yourself. Our neighbors are not just those who hold legal documentation. Our neighbors are those who live in the shadows, who seek only a better life for themselves and their families, and who long for safety and security. It is our duty to protect them, to stand with them, and to ensure that no one is left behind.

    Churches that are taking these steps are not acting out of fear or defiance; they are acting out of love. Love for their parishioners, love for their communities, and love for justice. This is the love that transcends borders and boundaries. This is the love that calls us to defend those who cannot defend themselves. This is the love that makes the church a sanctuary, a place of healing and protection.

    We must not allow the forces of division, fear, and hatred to strip away the sanctity of our sacred spaces. We must stand together in solidarity, as a people of faith, and say no to policies that harm, that divide, and that seek to tear apart the fabric of our society. Let us rise in defiance of injustice, and let our churches be the beacon of hope, love, and sanctuary that they were always meant to be.

    — Rev. JTSunrise

    1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

      What a beautiful sermon. This is the message I have been hoping to hear from this website. I keep referring to Jesus washing the feet of his disciples because they were forgetting that it was about him and not us.

      Your message was a blessing to me.

  1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

    Trump reminds me of the good-old-days. I lived in Iowa in the 1960s. Iowa was a very white state. When I graduated from High School I* did not know a single black or Latino. When I went to college I met both types. I had very nice black and Latino friends. But I would read the newspaper on a daily basis and read about the civil rights demonstrations and wondered how people could be so cruel. All the blacks were asking for was basic civil rights, but they were black. Blacks didn't deserve civil rights. I could not understand the bigotry. Now I see this kind of bigotry against Latinos. "They are all crooks and rapists and all kinds of bad things because they are Latinos. I have worked with and helped many Latinos, and my experience has been that they are very good honest people. There is so much racist talk that I cannot understand how in this religious based publication I can see so much racism and negative sentiment being expressed. Bigotry seems to have changed color from black to brown. Is this the message that Jesus was trying to teach us?

    1. Stacey Owens's Avatar Stacey Owens

      Jesus was teaching us what we should be if we were reconciled to God. Instead being reconciled to God we are reconciled according to death. Today we believe, money is the gift of god and hate is gods righteous judgment according to the law. Its ashame that this country believes the common thought of partnership is with rightousness and darkness. This thought of the past is to make America great again today, but as it is written, "old things are past away, all thing are beand new." No one know what tomorrow will bring. The evil, is our past.

      1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

        Just to clarify my point. I watched Martin Luther King and his message and his attempt to bring racial equality and fairness to America. I admire him and what he tried to accomplish! Now I see this kind of racism not against the blacks but against Latinos. I believe in the American ideals that I learned as I was growing up.

  1. Shawn Hopson's Avatar Shawn Hopson

    I don't understand how so many have forgotten that we are all immigrants to this land. The Mexican people are the indigenous! Before European invasion and borders, this was one land.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart


    We are all about to become unBidened by what has been. 🤭



  1. Michael Arthur Lueras's Avatar Michael Arthur Lueras

    Are churches cringing at the prospect of The Donald taking over? "Fear Allah only." (Quran 33:39)

  1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

    How can anyone use the broad-brush stroke, criminals, rapists, child abusers. No, 100% of the immigrants here are not 100% clean. As in any group there will be some bad apples. But most of these people you are condemning are very good honest clean-living people who have come here seeking a better way of life. They go to church to worship not to seek victims to rob rape and molest. We need to quit denying that our government has encouraged illegal immigration by not enforcing our immigration laws and not providing a reasonable way for so many of these people to come. As Christians we should care about instead of condemning these people seeking a better way of life in the only way permit it.

  1. Howard's Avatar Howard

    I'm sorry to say that the United States has become blind to faith of any kind over the years this includes just being a good human being . They arrest children for things children do, they pull their guns just because they can, they have become uncontrolled power and death. They have in the past entered churches, hospital's and home's without regard to any and all laws of the court and humans. I don't know if anyone will ever be able to put the jenni back in the bottle.

  1. Daniel Smolenski's Avatar Daniel Smolenski

    there are rules to follow.if your illegal you do not belong in this country,the millions being spent on it cost citizens.

  1. Tammy S Gardner's Avatar Tammy S Gardner

    The problem with saying Are they illegal? Have they committed any felonies? is that when immigrants are picked up for ICE the people are just detained until the ICE courts determine IF they are an illegal or not. They re held in camps and not allowed to contact relatives and or much of anybody else until they go to court. It would be very hard for a citizen to prove his citizen status without being able to contact relatives to get his birth certificate or even to get an attorney before being deported. We have many US citizen's who could be targeted for pick up due to their name, what language they have been heard speaking, what area they may live in and finally maybe somebody just does not like them. Sometimes it takes months to get into an ICE court. If they just round up people there will immediately be multiple lawsuits over American Citizens who have been targeted for deportation to a country they have never known and where they do not even speak the language. And yes it does happen. I know a family where one of the sons was picked up in a factory raid and deported even though he maintained he was a U.S. citizen the whole time. His sister (The whole family were U.S. citizens by birth) had to go to another country she did not know to their consulate and go through a lot of red tape to bring her American Citizen brother back home. Virginia (the sister) was a good friend of mine. Her brother was targeted because of his name. Many people speak multiple languages. I learned Spanish in High School. At that time we had to take either Spanish, French or German. So are we going to arrest all multiple language speakers because we are confused because they were born here and speak 3-4 languages? That used to be considered an asset in this country. How can they tell the illegals from every day American Citizens that look and speak just like the illegals? I know people who were born in Texas who speak both English and Spanish. Are we going to deport the American citizens from Texas too? Also there are many criminals and rapists from this country as well. Has anyone ever taken note that most of the mass shooters here are American Citizens?. What more can I say ? We can't let hatred for some groups lead to injustice for others. I have American born children with Hispanic names. If they are picked up in any raid I guarantee there will be an immediate lawsuit As their should be. Let''s not let names and languages and superficial issues prompt us to go against ourselves. I understand why some believe that belief but the complexities of actually sending in raid parties are vast and could complicate the lives of many people beyond the targeted groups. I know people who can be targeted so it is a growing concern.

  1. Kenneth Kling's Avatar Kenneth Kling

    Churches have served as a sanctuary for criminals for years. If a church wants to harbor and protect murderers/rapists/female-child abusers, then it can. Keep in mind that the church is responsible for the food, housing shelter and protection of all of those that seek sanctuary within the walls of the church. Why is it always wrong in the eyes of the weak and stupid to not want secure borders/protections for their citizens? Why don't you turn your attention inward to the masses here in this country that could use your help?

  1. Lion on the Beach's Avatar Lion on the Beach

    Another media pack of lies being spread. I work with several Latino churches for food pantries and ESL classes. None of them are going to move services.

    1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

      I am sure that your observations and opinions are more kindly and understanding. There are a lot of quality Latinos trying to live their lives as best they can. Those that I have dealt with were not at all like some of the awful stereotypes I keep seeing mentioned. They are also God's children and trying to be the best they can be. We have created a problem by encouraging illegal immigration instead of providing ways to come legally. A movie El Norte does a good job of portraying much of what has been happening with our immigration problem.

      1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

        PS I meant that I felt your comments were more kindly and understanding than the many critical comments of people talking about how bad the Latinos are. As Christians we should be more caring about these Latinos and most important have an understanding of what is happening to them.

  1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

    If the church thinks that ICE can't attend and track congregants in a virtual space, they are sorely mistaken.

  1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

    Speaking of religion, with the push for greater use of christianity everywhere, how free will other religions remain?

  1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

    I read these letters with sadness. I remember the story of the last supper when the disciples started arguing about who was the most important and Jesus started to wash their feet. It was important about him,not them.

    So many comments seem so put Downey and not inspiring. I lived in a small town with three churches and two of them were constantly arguing about which was the best or most important religion. The third church was more open and I remember a member saying we could make them a good member in our church with out worrying about who was best.

    I joined this church because I admired or respected what I perceived to be it's openness. That it was about God and not about us.

  1. Jeffrey Conner's Avatar Jeffrey Conner

    They are going about this all wrong. We don't need to do a mass deportation. They will leave on there own. Cut off the money. Make it a Felony to hire a undocumented worker and make it mandatory to use real ID verification. And then go after the people who do. Problem for the most part solved. Round up the ones who are still here 6 months down the road. Because if there still here. There criminals. Making drug/robbery/Prostitution money. Now having said that. We need the ones that are here to keep working or the economy will collapse if a mass deportation occurs. Do a unannounced hard shut down on the boarder( use 80% of personnel stationed at Ft. Cavazos(old Ft. Hood). No in or out for at least 90 days(except for legitimate commerce trucking). Announce after the Boarder is secure. That if you are here you get to stay. Issue and reissue Work Visas good for 5 years with a good behavior clause for auto renew every 5 years after that. Allow them unrestricted no hassle travel back and forth to country of origin 2 times per year( more allowed ,but would require a screening process). Round up the ones who do not comply. We would then have to lock down the Boarder. We also need to end the Citizenship Clause in the 14th amendment(children of those who become citizen's should be included in there becoming Naturalized). There would be more of course to do. But this would get the ball rolling. And would cost next to nothing compared with the other option. Sorry for writing a book. I did not intend to, but it just got away from me.

    1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

      A factor that too many people don't know or understand is that our government decided it was easier to overlook illegal hiring than it was to pass laws allowing more legal immigration. We needed workers and we needed to let them come legally or look the other way

      1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Exactly. It's one of the things that helps to keep prices down. Should they not be allowed in or forced to leave then we'd have food shortages and skyrocketing prices due to those shortages. People don't seem to understand these workers pay taxes in what they buy while here but do not get benefits, no SS, no medical benefits should they fall ill... yet they are willing to do those jobs most citizens won't do. If people really need something to fear they should be looking at the wealthy who ship in cheap labor instead of supporting this country by hiring citizens under fair and livable wages and paying fair taxes.

  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    🤣🤣. The fear mongering being put out there is comical.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    I would believe that threat and take it seriously. The people that want this will not bat an eye at terrorizing church services, Sunday school or anything else. Their passionate hatred for brown people is all they care about.

  1. Steven Christopher DeGrange's Avatar Steven Christopher DeGrange

    It is a shame that even Universal Life Church is posting political propaganda! Let us all be one people under God and stop trying to divide with ideas such as this!

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      Steven Christopher DeGrange, no one is trying to divide by expressing divergent opinions. This is an open forum with room or all. I am interested in thoughts expressed here, even when I disagree with them. They do not pull me in any direction I do not believe in.

      Politics and religion are inseparably entwined, especially today. (Political) propaganda can create hate, hate creates Nazi signs on Jewish churches, and the demonization of foreigners.

      1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

        Expressing diverging opinions is different from telling lies and political propaganda. Creating hate rhetoric and propaganda is wrong. Too many people are falling for this misinformation and prevents us from arriving at a more workable solution.

    2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      That would be great.That would mean people living their belief personally and privately instead of trying to legalize those beliefs for everyone else to follow. I'm good with that.

    3. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

      I agree with your comment. The hidden truth is the political solution. Speak strong antiimmigration and the anti-immigrant people love you and vote for you then you go to the employers and say "don't worry your employees will still show up for work tomorrow." The antis vote for you and business owners support you and when you get reelected you go to your son's restaurant and celebrated with the illegals working at the restaurant Everybody is happy and you are reelected. I am not using names but this is a true story that was happening at a certain factory. Their was an immigration raid and a number of people were arrested but nothing was done to the company that was telling people where to go to buy the necessary documents. One person was arrested for using false documents. He was working there before but the company found out that the documents were not usable so they told him to go get new documents and he kept working there. This is a true story

  1. Gerardo Salazar's Avatar Gerardo Salazar

    In all honesty I have the feeling that people are getting paranoid and their reasoning powers are blocked by too much biased/wrong information; Theresno blacklist against nobody but media has blown things out of proportion. Gay, trans, black, Hispanic, Asian, etc, etc people, as long as they are US Citizens have nothing to fear because they have done nothing wrong. I would advise for you to conduct your lives as always you have done. Pay your taxes and be happy.

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    From what I've seen on even mainstream media and have read from various sources is that the illegals need not fear a president that's executing his legal obligations, rather the illegals should fear the local Chicagoans.

    They're the source of pressure to carry out the law and deport. They are after all the ones that've been getting their pantry raided are they not?

    1. El Gringo's Avatar El Gringo

      You don't seem like the typical migrant. Plenty of money, a good job offer and an education and a specific skill that was important. Comparing that to a migrant who is trying to come with little to no money, limited education and no sponsors is quite unfair and unrealistic. It is almost like saying "why don't those poor people living on the streets just buy a house like I did." Then they wouldn't have to live in the streets. They just need to buya house..

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    I am a white woman, Evangelical Christian, and a Democrat. I am terrified of what tRump might do. I am worried for my friends. I am concerned for my country. I was heartsick when tRump won. He has shown is what evil he is capable of. If even our churches are not safe from him then where is? I will be praying daily that tRump changes and we will see miracles happen. Only God the Creator can handle this one.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      The only dangers we've all seen in the past 8 years have been the Democrats opening our borders to let millions of criminals and terrorists invade us, lawsuits by the DNC to throw both RFK Jr along with Jill Stein of the Green Party off the state ballots in their war against democracy, and at least two assassination attempts using high powered assault rifles against a Presidential candidate.

      Oh and don't forget how Joe Biden told Americans to either get the untested and experimental Covid shots or lose their jobs, which was a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code!

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Yep, I think that says it all. Hopefully, with the largest oils fields of any country, if that’s a correct statement, we should become self sufficient on fuel bringing back down our fuel costs that were raised by Mr Biden.

        Also hopefully, being as I’m one of those unfortunate ones in a fire evacuation zone in Los Angeles, we’ll get some better management other than a Democrat Governor that has absolutely no idea what he’s doing.


        1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

          Actually we started pumping more oil under Biden than we ever have. Also the prices didn't go up because of Biden. They went up due to the combination of travel picking back up after lockdowns were relieved and corporations deciding to raise the prices. Biden doesn't have direct control over those. He can set regulations but GOP heavy congress and the corporate DNC blocked any he tried to pose and loosened some that already existed.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Thank you for that update. It will be interesting to see if gasoline prices do come down under the new administration. Hopefully they will, which will be a step in the right direction.


    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Try not to worry, Lady Colleen, just have faith. I’m sure you are very well aware how to do that. If things don’t go well for you during the next four years, just like it didn’t for most of us this last 4 years, you’ll be able to vote again. Hang in there. 🤗


  1. Gary Young's Avatar Gary Young

    From a British pagan perspective it would appear that Trump is your saviour in disguise. The Abrahamic religions, firstly Christians who were welcomed by open minded pagans, then killed, burned and destroyed all sacred places. They introduced the male god of misogyny who was used as an excuse to murder, torture, and burn alive the healers destroying thousands of years of knowledge. Now Mohammedans with their subjugation of women, and torture gangs, ruining girls lives. Any reduction in the influence of Abrahamic terror is surely a positive thing.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Gary, you're tagging mans corruption to God's message. Islam demands violence, Jesus demands peace, forgiveness and understanding. When men murder in the name of God they're being antichrists. When men murder in the name of Allah they're being obedient.

      We have a law against murder yet men still murder. Does that make the government bad because men violate its principle laws? The same applies to Gods word.

      1. Gary Young's Avatar Gary Young

        What was one of your scripture's main protagonists (Moses) actions shortly after carving the ten commandments? To order his followers to annihilate a town. When they returned they revealed that they'd spared the women and children. Moses commanded them to return and kill everyone and their beasts. Is Christianity the religion of peace? Jesus, do you think he'd approve of Christianity?

        1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

          To be fair that's OT and pre Christian scripture. Christianity as a religion is more outlined in the new. It's a common misunderstanding... though the new isn't exactly peace filled either.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Nearly all pagans were aligned with patriarchal religions with a male God like Amen Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Thor and Woden at the top. The men held the power and their leaders fought against foreign cults.

      There is a story told about how the Vikings converted. Their leader called for a Jew, a Muslim and a Christian to present their religious demands to him and his people if they converted.

      After hearing them all, he decided to become a Christian. When asked why, he replied, "If I become a Jew, I will have to be circumcised and if I become a Muslim, I won't be able to drink vodka. As a Christian, I won't have to be circumcised and I will be able to drink vodka!"

      1. Gary Young's Avatar Gary Young

        British pagans did not have gods. They had allegorical representations of natural phenomena. People often created their own custom divinities which they used as a personal connection to the the divine in nature. There is no god, no paradise offered as a reward for a lifetime of slavery, after death. This earth is our paradise and should be revered as our mother, she gives us everything. To understand the scourge of Abrahamic Christianity read about the life of sweet Hypatia of Alexandria.

      2. Gary Young's Avatar Gary Young

        My words are not intended to malign Jesus, but the perversion of his message that is Christianity. Read the Essenes gospel of peace, why do you seek god in dead scripture when his works are all around you, etc. And as for paganism, what do the Christians say at the end of every prayer? Amen is a derivative of the name of the Egyptian god Amun. The desert religions are a deceptive tool for the control of human cattle.

  1. Jimmy Moon's Avatar Jimmy Moon

    We are already looking for the criminals. They can not hide from the law. We will deport entire families' to keep them together. No one left behind is our motto. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AND ILLEGAL FREE AGAIN.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    As someone living in England Trump should not be raiding holy places A Church is a sacred place Funny how he's above the law just like Biden who pardoned his own son .

    1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      You have to know Biden did that because his son was not getting a fair shake when compared to others in his shoes, providing you drop the family connection. Hunter wouldn't have been a blip on the radar otherwise.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Not even the Catholic church claims that their churches are sacred places of protection as proven by their massacre of everyone taking refuge inside the Catholic church of Beziers and the slaughter of hundreds hiding inside the Church of St Magdalene.

      In 1209 during the Crusade against the Albigensian "heretics" one of the Crusaders asked their Catholic commander, "There are Catholics in the town along with the heretics. How will we know which ones to save?"

      The Catholic abbot and commander in charge declared, "Kill them all. God will know who are his people."

  1. Michael Arthur Lueras's Avatar Michael Arthur Lueras

    Accept Islam. Whatever language you speak. Allah loves those who accept Islam to I AM WHAT I AM. "This message is for all humankind." (Quran 14:52) Only Allah can help you to deal with and defend you against Satan and his NUMERO UNO servant on Earth today: Donald Trump. He TRULY IS Satan Incarnate. Amen?

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Tell me who provided Netanyahu with the bullets and bombs to kill more than 45,000 people in Gaza during the past two years? Why are you silent about what Joe Biden has done to exterminate the Palestinians? Asking for a Muslim friend.

      1. Michael Arthur Lueras's Avatar Michael Arthur Lueras

        I was never silent about Genocide Joe. He is on his way to Hell along with The Donald. And you are also on your way to Hell if you will not accept Islam.

    2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Really? Then why does Islam tell you to either convert, pay a huge tax, or be killed?

      1. Michael Arthur Lueras's Avatar Michael Arthur Lueras

        Islam does not tell anyone what you say it says. You have very little faith OR intelligence. In fact the Quran makes it quite clear that force cannot be used in order to "convert" someone to Islam. (Quran 2:256) Obviously you have never read The Quran. Your head is to clogged with the lies spoken to you by Satan and Donald Trump. Amen? ACCEPT ISLAM AND AVOID HELL!

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          really, guess you dont know as much as you think you do

    3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      The jizya tax has been understood in Islam as a fee for protection provided by the Muslim ruler to non-Muslims, for the exemption from military service for non-Muslims

      The Quran dictates repeatedly that its followers must convert you to Islam or kill you if you refuse to convert. Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

      Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

      Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

      1. Michael Arthur Lueras's Avatar Michael Arthur Lueras

        You SELECTIVELY quote the Quran. You only quote certain parts in order to advance your Satanic Agenda. The Quran makes it quite clear that Muslims should only use violence IF THEY ARE ATTACKED! Like when The Christian Pig Slurpers attacked the Holy Land in order to Kill Islam and many innocent people who never attacked them. The Great Satan U.S.A. IS Infidel Crusader Nation Numero Uno today! Amen!?

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          How can I selectively do anything? I didnt write it so if you have a problem build a time machine and go back in time and talk to the ones that did write it.

    4. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Do you know that Muslims still practice slavery? Do you approve of slavery? If so, tell us why.

      Do you know that Muslim nations carry out the death penalty against those accused of blasphemy or apostasy (conversion to any other religion)? Do you approve of killing blasphemers and apostates? Why?

      You think Trump is bad? At least he doesn't approve of slavery or the death penalty for blasphemy or apostasy!

      1. Michael Arthur Lueras's Avatar Michael Arthur Lueras

        You are an Infidel Crusader IDIOT and you are bound for Hell and I pray that Allah send you there FORTHWITH!!!!! Donald Trump advocated THE DEATH PENALTY for the Central Park 5 even though someone else CONFESSED to the crime that they were FALSELY accused of BY DONALD TRUMP HIMSELF! When a Muslim kills a disbeliever (for attacking them first as per THE CRUSADES) that is MERCY for that disbeliever LEST THEY DIE IN THEIR SIN instead of at the hand of one who is killing them because Allah told them in The Quran to do that. But I like to go Higher. I would rather see the Infidel Disbelievers live a long and degenerate life and die in their sin and go straight to Hell where I could have my fun with them (Allah Willing) like they have had their fun with me all my life. Amen?

    5. Jimmy Moon's Avatar Jimmy Moon

      allah is code for Satan.

      1. Michael Arthur Lueras's Avatar Michael Arthur Lueras

        JImmy Moon is code for Satan.

    6. Stacey Owens's Avatar Stacey Owens

      I AM means LIGHT of the world: (The way, the truth, and the life). It's the power of itself: (I AM that I AM). Religion is not connected to it, Its of the world. The Life of I AM; IS. Its the proof of itself, the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. THE LIFE. I AM. IN the world man claims what his faith is Christian, Islam, pastor, prophet est. By these attributes are the knowledge of good and evil. These titles the law of the flesh poccess, there is no I am in them but nakedness. And this nakesness is mankind claiming to be creator as a title in darkness denying the TRUTH of God, and how great is that darkness. Light shines in darkness but the darkness comprehends it not: (mankind).

  1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

    As someone who is also on the new administration’s ‘hit list’ I’ve already decided I won’t cooperate with ANY decision made by this disgusting and sorry excuse for a human being. And for the individual that always feels the need to troll these blogs and anything I have to say, go away because you are probably not on any of their hit lists.

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      I totally agree with you, Minister Tim! If I am not already on a list, I will be in short order. I will Never back down, Never give up and NEVER obey!

      1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

        Rev Paula I’m trans so up around the top. But as my cousin said when I told her of my resistance plans “I’m proud of you, go out with your boots on”.

        1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

          Well, at least two people here who aren't Trump cultists.

          A bunch of you seem to get your "facts" and fears from Truth Social. Tell us your personal problems with immigrants. Even Musk wants Trump to tone down his immigrant tirade for fear of losing workers.

          1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

            I'm sure you mean cheap labor, not just workers. We have plenty here who want the spots but Elon thinks he should be able to cart in people he can pay lower wages for.

            1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

              Amber, not to put too fine a point on it, work and labor are pretty synonymous. Cheap laborers, underpaid workers - same thing. But otherwise we agree. Musk and thousands of other wealthy people often hire gardeners, lawn maintenance, and cleaning ladies, etc. at slave wage reimbursement, immigrants or not.

    2. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

      It is horrible that so many feel that they are on the "hit" lists but I have felt the wrath the day after the elections. I am a Pagan and a witch. A person I have known for years on one of the social media sites, sent me a message. In it she said that she was so glad that "they" will now have the ability to eradicate those like myself. What a sad and scary time we are entering.

      1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

        Barbara, I’m am also a witch but I fear being trans will get me in trouble first as we are considered such a threat and abomination. They started coming after us a couple years ago and the vitro has only escalated. This country is going so far backwards and so many are in danger. I am right beside you sister.

      2. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        I’m a lesbian empathic witch. I live in the shadows with my family because we are uncomfortable out and about.

        1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

          The 3 of us have great reason to be concerned for our safety and lives with the incoming administration. But we will fight, for others and for ourselves

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Pearl clutching Tim. LOL You're not on any hit list, so stop being paranoid.

      The fact is that anyone who crosses the US border without going through one of the many legal checkpoints is guilty of a federal level felony. It would be the same if you or anyone else illegally crossed the border into Mexico and were arrested. There are laws to protect the citizens of each nation. Get educated on the facts Tim.

      1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

        Maybe your comments would make more sense on qanon or so called truth social. If you actually listened to what came out of his mouth. No pearl clutching going on, we just know what he said and are planning accordingly. Please find something to do in life besides trolling

    4. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Questions: Are you here illegally? Have you committed any felonies?

      If your answers to both questions are "No" then you have nothing to worry about!

      1. James Hage's Avatar James Hage

        In Trumps America we are all in danger, but if your skin isn't white.. watch out! Trump is the Anti-Christ. What do you plan to do to help others when this all hits the fan? I do not recommend posting your plans on here, but do you have a plan? Are you going to be part of the great persecution or are you going to try and protect peoples lives and dignity? The time to get right with GOD is now. For the people thinking they are in danger for being a witch, you are probably the safest people in Trumps eyes.

        1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

          That implies you believe all witches are evil. No, we just work with the earth and nature to try and make things better for all. We care for nature and the earth. And being trans, according to those coming into power, is some sort of horrible crime. Maybe take a minute and learn witchcraft is not the evil you’ve been led to believe. The majority of us are focused on healing both the earth and, nature, and others.

      2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Have you stopped to consider what makes someone a criminal or felon? They break certain laws. Trump wants to change laws. A lot of them. He wants to pack his cabinet with people who support that and has been backing people for congress and for the judicial system for years who will support him in the changes he wants to make. Whoever might be legal now may not be once Trump gets his people, and with them those policies and laws in order.

    5. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      I wish people would take a step back and realize that everyone is on a hit list.

      I'm a straight white Christian former military who identifies as Turbo Genda. I'm definitely on a couple lists.

      When this guy is running the show they look at that list, when that guys running the show they look at this list. Nobody on that list ever cares when they look at this list and nobody on this list cares when they look at that list.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    It’s very simple, if anyone is here illegally they have broken our laws. I had to go through a lengthy process to immigrate from the UK. It involved going to the Embassy in London to prove me and my family didn’t have:

    A) Criminal records.


    B) We had sufficient funds to support us so that we wouldn’t be a drain on the economy.

    C) All of us were in good health, not bringing with us any diseases.

    D) The head of the household (Me) had a job to go to.

    E) My education, along with my family, met immigration requirements to help this country academically move forward.

    In my case, I immigrated to help with the Space Shuttle Program after the Challenger disaster in 1986, to help with the redesign of the Solid Rocker Booster to help get the Space Shuttle Program back in flight and on track.

    Isn’t this how immigration should be, or should there be no checks and balances of who we let in?


    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      One million upvotes for you Lionheart!

  1. James Richard Norby's Avatar James Richard Norby

    The inside of a church is called a sanctuary for a reason.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Tell that to the violent radicals of a certain religion who have burned down churches where Christians were trying to escape the violence and survive with their children in peace. Those crimes have happened many times in African nations.

      1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        We are talking about the US though. We have no control over how sactuary does or does not work in other nations. That said, it does happen here on occasion as well. Unfortunately all that can be done is those involved in such raids get investigated and if there is evidence enough, prosecuted... providing those overseeing the case do not flake out.

  1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

    ICE policy is not law. And, since ICE made the policy ICE can un-make the policy. The only people I know who are guaranteed sanctuary are hunch-backs. To everyone else, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

    I will reserve my opinions to what the President actually does rather than what he might do.

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      What? Seeing what he did last time didn’t show you all you needed to know? You don’t remember the babies being taken from families and put in cages? If you need to know more about what he might do, instead of looking at what he’s already done, then I worry about your critical thinking skills.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement


        Please examine these deportation statistics:

        Bush 1- 400k Clinton- 870k Bush 2- 2 million Obama- 2.5 million Trump- 900k Biden- 1.1 million

        The king of deportation appears to be the Nobel Peace Prize recipient, President Obama. Maga and the left(media) both think trump will deport yet his record says otherwise.

        Curious how the left(media) hates deportations while they deport the most and maga wants deportation while deporting the least. Even more curious that this data is available for everyone and only a few of us have the willpower to read it.

        You might call us Woke Proper, we see reality, thank God for that.

        1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

          Interesting numbers until you consider that Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama, all served two terms. Bush 1, Trump, and Biden only had one. If Trump lives up to his rhetoric, he will double Obama by the time his second term ends. That makes the rate for Bush 1 and Clinton close to equal (if you double Bush's numbers as if he served 2 terms), as was Bush 2 and Obama. Trump and Biden aren't all that far apart right now. The numbers more reflect the time, as these are consecutive terms, and each president in each pair are different parties.

          1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

            Well said Patricia, I missed that. I'll take back my bullets.

      2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        that happened under Obama Paula, get your facts straight

        1. Wayne L Christensen's Avatar Wayne L Christensen

          Paula did get her facts correctly. And it is also the manner or way that immigrants are removed. None were caged, lost, and forgotten like Trump's. Hate is different than compassion and empathy. Have the children who were callously removed been reunited with their families?

      3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Look it up. The photos of migrant families and children in cages were taken during the Obama era. The media dusted those off and printed them to incite hatred against a new administration that removed the cages.

        Obama also approved selling assault weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, which resulted in the murder of Border Agent Brian Terry, ICE Agent Jaime Zapata and thousands of young people in Mexico, but the same billionaire media owners have failed to expose those bloody crimes.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Tom Homan the border czar has already declared that his primary target will be arresting and deporting the violent criminal gangs, the ones who have been kidnapping, torturing and killing young people like nursing student Laken Riley. So unless you know someone in that category, don't worry about it.

      IF the Methodists are worried about it, that would be suspicious. Are they harboring violent criminals?

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