girl reading bible in school classroom
Class, open your Bibles.

The Texas Board of Education just narrowly voted 8-7 to teach the Holy Bible in elementary schools across the state - and everything from the Sermon on the Mount to the story of Moses to passages from the Book of Genesis are in the recently approved lesson plans and coursework. 

The vote set off a firestorm of controversy all across the state, with critics swarming school board meetings and decrying the new lesson plans as thinly-veiled proselytizing, but advocates argue that a thorough understanding of Christian theology is necessary to understand the history and legal framework of the United States.

Did public school just get one step closer to Sunday school?

Education or Indoctrination?

The state-developed curriculum was the subject of much scrutiny and debate for months ahead of its November 22 passage. Scores of parents and the state’s largest teacher’s union both objected to the Bible-based curriculum, which will inject Christianity into thousands of classrooms across the state and be taught to children as young as five years old. 

Advocates of the curriculum say that the history of this country and the Christian faith are inextricably intertwined, and that a thorough understanding of Christian theology is necessary to understand the legal framework the United States was built upon.

 "The [religious] materials will… allow our students to better understand the connection of history, art, community, literature, and religion on pivotal events like the signing of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Movement, and the American Revolution," said Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a proponent of the new faith-based education standards. 

But critics say that inserting Jesus into the classroom is just Christian nationalism barely masquerading as education.

"The curriculum targets the youngest, most impressionable elementary students, starting by introducing kindergartners to Jesus," argued Freedom From Religion Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. "Religious instruction is the purview of parents, not proselytizing school boards. This is a shameful ruse by Christian nationalists in Texas who see the schools as a mission field."

A Lesson of Their Own

Texas may also be laying a lesson plan of their own for other states on how to bring Christianity to the classroom. The solution? Money.

Louisiana lawmakers recently passed a bill requiring the Ten Commandments in every single public school classroom across the state, and Oklahoma education head Ryan Walters is similarly putting Bibles in classrooms across the state. And President-elect Trump even said one of his top education priorities is bringing prayer back to schools.

Though the curriculum is by no means mandatory for schools to teach, there is a financial incentive for districts to do so. It’s no secret that many public schools are woefully underfunded, and the additional funding promised by teaching Christianity - upwards of $40 per student - will be a difficult carrot for schools to ignore.

The curriculum is planned to go into effect at the beginning of the next school year, in August 2025. But it seems almost certain that it will experience legal challenges between now and then.

What do you make of putting the Bible in schools - and offering a financial incentive to do so? Does Jesus belong in the classroom, and to what extent? Do advocates of the new curriculum have a point that we can’t divorce the history of the United States and the Christian faith… or is this just Christian nationalism at work?


  1. Dylan Tuatha Le Danaan's Avatar Dylan Tuatha Le Danaan

    School is for schooling, science, math, literature, and skills. Religion should be kept at home and at Sunday school. Not all people are the same religion, and forcing the tenants of one group's religion is not only indoctrination but child abuse. This country was founded not only on freedom of religion but freedom from religion. The unfortunate fact that a certain cult hides the plainly written words of the founding fathers makes their actions even more illegal. The America of our founding fathers seems to be lost, in the glorification of greed, ignorance, and false doctrines.

    1. Lemie Bennett McGarity's Avatar Lemie Bennett McGarity

      If we followed the teaching of Jesus Christ the school system as instructed by God the Father, the world would not be in the condition that it's in. God gave us a system of Laws that were for our good and should be the fundamental foundation of what we believe and the way we should live. Me, I would rather the Bible be taught in schools rather than woke ideology of liberal transgenderism which is an affront to God. A true minister of Jesus the Christ should be out raged at what the courts and law makers are allowing to take place in America. God did not spare Trumps life so that he could make America great again. God bought the Churches time to repent and turn the people back to Him, Jeremiah 2:11-14; Revelations 18:4

  1. Parson Golden's Avatar Parson Golden

    There, that’s a priority. Texas schools rank 30th out of 50, Sixth highest rate of bullying, Eighth highest dropout rate, 91% of Texas public school students are attending inadequately funded schools. But go ahead and add state sponsored religion to the mix. That’ll help.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Do you have any links for your claims?

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      If you want to compare the results of schools, the best ones are proven to be Montessori schools and home schools where students can focus on their interests instead of being forced to survive with bullies.

  1. James McDunn's Avatar James McDunn

    The ACLU will step in and tell Trump that, while he may be the future president of the United States, he is not the king. He may WANT to being prayer back to schools (or his constituency may) but we have LAWS about things like that.

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      I hate to burst any bubble…but trump has never met a law he didn’t break.

      1. Minister Jonathan James Warner's Avatar Minister Jonathan James Warner

        The One True God who is the Creator of all things is King 👑 of all kings and God has placed Trump in the White House once again for a reason.

        1. oy_gevalt's Avatar oy_gevalt

          You're kidding, right?

          1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

            As horrifying as it is I’m afraid he’s very serious. I would say Satan put him there.

        2. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

          How do you know that God put Trump in? Maybe it was Lucifer.

        3. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

          Then you worship a horrible God, JJW!

        4. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

          Have you accepted Donald Trump as your personal Lord and Savior?

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Im starting to get pretty close to it. I see the light, I see the light.🤭


        5. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

          People with this mindset put Trump in office.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            No problem. You can thank me later. 🤭


        6. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

          Zechariah 11. The people pissed God off by refusing to listen to him, so he took away their good rulers and put in a bad shepherd who wouldn't take care of the flock but instead only served himself and let his charges starve or die. This was following a division in the people.

          People who claim to believe in God have been invoking his name in hatred and cruelty for a while now, and pretending that it's holy to worship money. Wouldn't be inappropriate if he was pulling another Zech 11, so Minister Warner may be right.

        7. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

          I would like to know how you came to this conclusion? Which God are you claiming did this.

          Can you tell us how you came to your conclusion?

        8. Religion as a Weapon is Wrong's Avatar Religion as a Weapon is Wrong

          God placed Trump in the White House? Why did he skip the 2020 election?

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Just to give people a taste of how messed up politics can really be when the people vote for the wrong person. 🤭


          2. Kiona Edmondson's Avatar Kiona Edmondson


        9. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

          If out of all the religions in the world, only one is true, then logic dictates that none are true.

        10. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          Minister Jonathan, I wouldn't go that far. God did permit it, but was it His will? Much like the Old Testament when God's people wanted a king. God said that would not be a wise choice, but they insisted and now instead of a Theocracy we have sinful humans running the show.

        11. JPrime's Avatar JPrime

          Ew. What a weird thing to say. Are you ok?

        12. Brien's Avatar Brien

          God or whatever mythical being you refer to didn't put trump in the white house. It was the hate monger zealots like yourself that put him there. You want to FORCE your hatred on everyone else. Whatever happens now will be solely the fault of religious hatred. Congratulations.

    2. Martin L Stigleman's Avatar Martin L Stigleman

      Bibles in schools? That is the LEAST of the issues that are coming!!! Trumps team has already been pushing for a Congress of States, which as allowed by the Constitution to pass laws up to and including the addition of amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 15 Million voters who didn't turn out to the polls have literally handed the Country to the Christio-Nazi's and their overseers. They have already announced a plan to remove guns from the populace (Look it up...tRump said it himself in 2 different videos). They are working on total abortion bans, removing any funding for healthcare, removing protections for Unions, cutting Social Security and Medicaid, annulling marriages of LGBTQ+ citizens, nullifying and deporting Naturalized Citizens (Yea...The ones who came here LEGALLY and gained citizenship!!)...and guess what?! They will be using THE MILITARY as police!!! WELCOME TO THE FOURTH REICH!!

      1. shash's Avatar shash

        finally someone who saw through the ( smoke screen ) and saw the truth . This 4th Reich has been building sense Bush JR. Gained steam in 2016 ; and now Hitlers dreams shall come true ; Americans !! Don't blame anyone but yourself . Compare 1932 - 1939 ; There is our Now ! Many prophesized this to come to pass . Welp Folks its here . . And yes . The one country , one religion is a very small part . Did you all read about the 2025 doctrine that was given ? and children shall be taught the proper thoughts . not the " WOKE " thoughts IE:: MAGA / Trump ; thoughts
        Like the last time that I made a comment of Truth ; I expect that this post will be jumped on with negative vulgarities . By The Trump Christians . The real Religious leaders who serve god . You Wont . . Just like last year . Everyone be well and lets pray this New challenges of faith shall be overcome , before it destroys our children . Jack

    3. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      James,.....the constitution will be done away with. The bible says so. The government under Biden did it when they closed the churches, took away our free speech etc., Trump spoke at the NRB and said he would give all the power back to the churches, we don't have long.

      1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        Minister Davis, I believe you should never combine religion and politics. Doing so on this platform is egregious. (Biden never did any of the things you are accusing him of. You’re spreading misinformation and that hurts the undereducated).

        1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          Paula, I would refer to the law in math that if A=b and B=C therefore A=C, the constitution says " making free exercise of religion, or the freedom of speech. We were told that we could not worship (except for a pastor in California that spent time in prison for violating that law.) we had one side of the vaccine rhetoric forced down our throats and not all the data, So, back to math, this land of the free, ordered us to do something against the constitution, and he was in charge to protect those rights. Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

          1. Illya King's Avatar Illya King

            It was not religious persecution that prevented people from attending church during the pandemic. It was a literal plague.

            There was NOT one side of the pandemic. The rational and logical side was to quarantine, learn about the virus, and create medications to halt or eliminate it.

            It is unfortunate that politicians and grifters used the pandemic to spread lies and mistruths in the American Christian culture. But the Charismatics and Prosperity Gospel people are well funded by political corporate interest.

            There is nothing in Revelations that states the United States Constitution will be abolished. The United States of America was not created during the time of the Bible. Revelation was almost not included in the classic cannon.

            Trump lived at 666 5th Avenue in a Golden Apartment. He is going to be President for another 3 and a half-ish years. Roughly over 7 years. Trump has shown his ignorance of the contents of the bible. never apologize for his abuse of women, and has felonies. This seems like very anti-Jesus behavior. Almost like an Anti-Christ. Additionally, there are more and more reports of pastors molesting children and trafficking child porn.

            It is not logical, rational, or ethical to claim to be an abused and marginalized minority yet is not. The American Christian sect decided to use political power to raise what they believe to be a physical God army on Earth. They have leverage and manipulate the courts and local laws. They do not pay taxes (not rendering to Caesar what is Caesar's), and profit rather than help the poor, It is no more different that the Pharisees using political influence to crush Jesus' religions sect and executing Jesus.

            1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

              lllya, please don't add your words to my statement. I was referring to the constitution that says we have the freedom to exercise whatever we believe. People were not allowed to congregate by the government. If you were stopped by police, you better be an essential worker and have a letter from your company stating that. In order for me to work I needed to have an exemption from taking the vaccine.

              I really hate to bring any of this up, but due to our constitutional right to free speech all the facts were suppressed. The rational side was to take the info from the medical community that the 85% of people who were dying were extremely deficient in D3, 43% of the people were obese. (Why does obesity have an impact, because fat consumes all the D3, and little is left over for the immune system.) Why were some affected and not others that that took the shot I believe it was only 21% of the adults that took it, because if you take you serial number on your shot and plug it into the CDC, it will tell you whether you had a hot shot or not. Since they could not test the drug, they chose to monitor the data by that method. You can look up the November 13, 2016, episode of Family Guy and they will tell you all of those years before it happened, hmmm I wonder how they knew. My younger brother got covid and his wife had to rush him to the hospital. I wish I could have been there. While they are prepping him, he is pleading that they don't use Remdesivir on him. Other doctors have changed the wording to Run Death is Near, the doctors and nurses told him never, the hospitals that use the drug are the hospitals you see on the nightly news that report all the patients dying. He was home in three days. Don't start me on all the misinformation on the wonderful facemasks.

              Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.  Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.  Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

              All impossible in free country.

              Give me a break on the political hype as well, or I will open the closets on ALL of these others. None of them ever apologized that I know of.

              Read 1Jn 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. How did this apply even closely to Trump.

              200% agree with your last paragraph.

          2. shash's Avatar shash

            ahhh yes , isn't cherry picking great ? Probably make better sense if the before and after is spoken > not just the cherry picked words ; but , that is life today . speak only what we wish to accept . use blinders on what we don't . and if someone challenges us ? seems far too many raise up in anger ? Why ? we are supposed to be religious leaders in our communities ! Is this how we Lead ? with fire n brimstone along with hate and anger ? Surely we have outgrown the 1800`s ? or have we ? hmmmmm ? be well jack

            1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

              Not sure who you are responding to also not sure what you are trying to say.

          3. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

            I have no idea what your Rev. quote is supposed to mean. I would refer to tRUMP as the lying beast. But, as far as closing down public gatherings to help stop the spread of a deadly disease, asking people to wear masks and keep a safe distance to protect yourself and others only makes sense. Lets talk about vaccines. Chickenpox: Prevented by the varicella vaccination Diphtheria: Prevented by the Tdap, Td, or DTaP vaccination Hepatitis A: Prevented by the HepA vaccination Human papillomavirus (HPV): Prevented by the HPV vaccination Influenza: Prevented by the annual flu vaccination Measles: Prevented by the MMR or MMRV vaccination Meningococcal disease: Prevented by the meningococcal vaccination Mumps: Prevented by the MMR or MMRV vaccination Pertussis (whooping cough): Prevented by the Tdap or DTaP vaccination Rotavirus: Prevented by the Rotavirus Vaccine Drops Rubella (German measles): Prevented by the MMR or MMRV vaccination Tetanus (lockjaw): Prevented by the Tdap, Td, or DTaP vaccination. Covid 19 should be named The tRUMP virus. That buffoon is responsible for over 1,000,000 American lives. That's it somehow this religious site always becomes political. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" Jefferson believed that there should be a "wall of separation" between church and state to limit the involvement of religious leaders and denominations in national governance. He based his views on the establishment clause of the First Amendment, which states that there should be no law that prohibits the free exercise of religion or establishes a religion.

      2. Travis A. Lee's Avatar Travis A. Lee

        So basically the Medieval Times again. Gotcha!

        1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          Travis, if you refer to the dark ages when the church controlled the state yes, they also believe they are doing God's will. Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

      3. Brien's Avatar Brien

        What churches are you referring to? Please show just a little info. I would be interested in reading it

        1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          Brien, RCC and the protestant churches.

  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    There’s a song from the ‘60’s that embodies the situation in which we find ourselves… “it’s the end of the world as we know it…”

    1. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

      Except I don't feel so fine....

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      When one system fails, a new and better system will pop up in its place. This is the time for a new Thomas Edison, a new Henry Ford and a new Dale Carnegie to improve what we have.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    No. The Bible needs to be taught in Church. It hold not be taught in public schools and certainly not to 5 year olds.

    1. Patricia Law's Avatar Patricia Law

      Why?????it was written by and interpreted by mortal man therefore corrupted

      1. Brien's Avatar Brien

        Because I don't want your beliefs forced upon my children. That's why. If you as a parent want religion taught to your children there are plenty of private schools, plenty of churches that teach religious beliefs. Please feel free to send your children to them.

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    Well, it's the zealots time now. If you don't want your child to be indoctrinated, then homeschool them. Over 50% of this nation that I used to take pride in has decided they would rather have a convicted felon as president than anyone else. What happens now can't be stopped. There will only be zealots rule now. After everything this country has been through, for the first time in my life I am ashamed of it.

    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      I had the same awakening when I lived through the Viet Nam era and Watergate. Gave up on the US when I expatriated 35 years ao.

      1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

        Did you find somewhere that was better? Asking for a friend who might have to flee this country.

        1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

          I’m asking for me and my family. My activism may get me in some big trouble…

          1. shash's Avatar shash

            Reverand Copp ; Thank you for being honest and speaking straight . sure would dislike you and yours leaving . We need good peoples . onward; This sparked me to do/say my truth . I am sure many Will jump on this . I hope not . Anyway ; Here goes ; I am a combat veteran ; I never Ran from Battle : I shall not Run from Anyone . especially Maga .! . Look who will be in charge ;; Mutiple times A Draft Dodger ( could not serve then , what give him the right now ) ? also Many bankruptcy's ; ( once or even twice ? is sort of ok ) ( many times 5-6 times means : no honor ; no trust ; Using the courts to shaft people / business , is not honor ( a president should at least have ( Some ) . ; lets see ? , first term ,? I believe it was reported that He said over 200,000 different LIES !!! WOW ! And so far most of his staff picks are criminals , under investigation , or implicated ? This is what we have become afraid Of ?? NOT ME !! Yes many veterans agree . and it seems that a lot of veterans agree with Maga . but it also seems a very large number of them have Bad DD 214`s (discharges ) Like leader ,so goes the follower ; I am not a sheep ; I am an old goat . ( 80 yrs old ) I still believe in both of my oaths ; First to God ; second to our constitution . There it is . I will not cower down to this Hitleristic bunch of criminals ; Have fun , condemn my truth if you must . for that is our right . . but please follow your promise to God ; At least do that ; may you all be safe and blessed . shash

            1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

              Shash, Thank you for your service and your stated truth. I'm with you all the way. I am73 yrs old, I had my draft card but did not get called. I agree with your every word. Captain Bone Spurs is a coward and a criminal and has no place in government and the creep has no concept of public service. Hell this buffoon has a picture of himself selling beans from the Oval office. God help us!

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      The MSNBC cult spreads lies. Joe Biden just admitted today that the DOJ was out of control by prosecuting Trump. He said voters saw the injustice and voted against the criminals inside the DOJ. Joe says it's why Kamala lost millions of votes. Americans are not as stupid as MSNBC, whose ratings have fallen below the live cam at the Toilet Bowl.

  1. Marie Grace Maroney's Avatar Marie Grace Maroney

    If you want kids to learn the History of OUR COUNTRY teach it. The Bible is not the history of our country. And it obviously had little impact on the writing of the Constitution. That’s an excuse coming from fanatics.

  1. Ipsissima: Leonora's Avatar Ipsissima: Leonora

    It's my opinion that if one religious book is mandated into the classroom, then all religious books - including the Compendium Ipsissima - should be. That way children can be taught how to compare and contrast many different religious beliefs and philosophies, and make their own choice as to which one(s) they might want to practise or investigate further.

    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      Separation of church and State. You don’t ‘teach’ a religion. A course in comparative religion might fly. Have the course presented as a series of videos by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Neil deGrasse-Tyson, Ricky Gervais, Bill Burr, and Jim Jeffries.

      1. Lemie Bennett McGarity's Avatar Lemie Bennett McGarity

        When you read the history of Israel, Gods' chosen people, there was no separation of Church and State. God established a priesthood that that guided guided the peopled, and even the Kings, ! Sam 13:11-13. Peter in 1 Pet 2:5-9 said that the whole Church is a Royal Priesthood and that we should proclaim the excellence of the one who called us. What are the excellence of God, John 6:44-45,65. The excellences of God are His Commandments which are all about loving God and fellowman Ex 20. and His appointed time recorded in Leviticus 23 which a step by step plan of the salvation of man through the death, burial, and resurrection Jesus the Christ. John 15:1-20.

    2. Rev. Russ Macomber's Avatar Rev. Russ Macomber

      I agree. Please just make it in a language that the children can understand and have a adult that is non-biased available to answer any questions that they may have.

      1. KJ Palmer's Avatar KJ Palmer

        I agree with this, the country was not founded in Christianity, it was supposed to be founded on the idea of freedom of religion. If they want to teach about one religion, they should teach about them all, along with the critical thinking skills to decide for themselves what they believe, if they believe any of them at all.

        1. Patrick James Balfour's Avatar Patrick James Balfour

          A complete waste of Teachers time to teach. A complete waste of limited resources and money. What the tax payer's are not realizing is that money going to this has to come from somewhere. Keep religion out of schools.

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      I actually learn more when I read the quotes made by famous people. Mark Twain, Robert Ingersoll and Confucius are three of my favorites because they're funny.

  1. Phlan-Michelle Anne Phillipa Purss's Avatar Phlan-Michelle Anne Phillipa Purss

    NO Abrahamic Religion's should be anywhere near a public school. It's just to dangerous. Especially due to the risks involved including and not limited to Child SA. To wit Religion is the MAIN perpetrators are these days. Also I'm a strong Anti-Religion in Public School campaigner. Looking at what the American Religious Right says about the LGBTIQ+ & TRANS Communities are saying about these communities right now and the past. Is basically a weekly report how some Far Right Person being arrested for the very things they're accusing the for mentioned groups for doing. I feel so lucky to not being American or from America, as an open and proud Trans Lady. I fear and worry about the Trans Community in the USA over the next 4+ years as Thumper and his goon squad are going to be putting these loves through Hell and are going to be totally and directly the reason why the Unaliveings rates in the USA is going to spike through the roof over there. Here today in my country when street preaching. One of the main comments is No I'm not interested in an organisation that allows and supports the Abuse of Children, LGBTIQ People and the elderly. Thanks bye. Anyway how can you seriously support an Organisation that persecute LGBTIQ People and be out there actively doing the very things that's their accusing the for mentioned group for and some high flying members of this group are being Arrested for. I find it interesting that the amount being brought before the court is astronomical and ask myself who's the biggest perpetrators in America. Straight away your mind goes to people involved in religious organisations. Also they seem to be also some of the most out spoken against LGBTIQ People. To an outside observer like myself. It's like these sick individuals are worried that LGBTIQ People, are going to take away their Prey away. Sick yes.

    1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

      As a trans person I agree and fear how my life is going to change the next few years because of all this.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        You worry too much. It can’t be any worse than the last 4 years.


        1. Brien's Avatar Brien

          Yes Lionheart it can. I think people need this if nothing else than to show just how much worse things will be. I feel fortunate that I am of an age and position in life that I no longer care. Peace 🕊️

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Thank you my friend. I personally think we dodged a huge bullet last November by a contending world leader who famously said:

            “Today is today. And yesterday was today …..yesterday. Tomorrow will be today, tomorrow. So live today, so the future today will be as the past today…as it is…..tomorrow.”

            Phew! That was a close shave. 🤭 🕊️


    2. Lemie Bennett McGarity's Avatar Lemie Bennett McGarity

      God made man and woman with responsibility of populating the Earth. I don't know of any religion that does not believe this to be a truism. The practice of LGBQ, Transgenderism, and homosexuality cannot produce children and are an abomination to God, Rev 21:8, Rom 1:24-28

      1. Timoteechamallama's Avatar Timoteechamallama

        We’re not all here to have children. Many of us don’t want children. I know many heterosexual couples that are not having children. I know many women that don’t want children. Forcing your ideals on others is wrong. If that includes LGBTQ, then it includes your god and bible.

    3. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

      Comment removed by user.

  1. Minister Jonathan James Warner's Avatar Minister Jonathan James Warner

    I feel all religious book(s) should be in school. Starting from elementary to high school.

    1. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

      How about the Kama Sutra?

    2. oy_gevalt's Avatar oy_gevalt


    3. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      Are those Sunday schools and church schoolings not enough?

    4. Rev. Mike Eggleston's Avatar Rev. Mike Eggleston

      All religious literature? Including that of Satanism, Wicca, Pastarfarianism etc. etc.

    5. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

      I agree that they should all be available, because raising someone in ignorance of the fact that other people believe differently from them is what causes all this hate and division. Not so that specific religious ideas should be taught as preferable, but in the library so that kids can check them out for themselves if they are curious. ALL books about religion, from the Bible, Torah, and Koran to books about Wicca or even the Church of the SubGenius.

      1. shash's Avatar shash

        I totally agree ; However ; Lets remember please ; MAGA , has outlawed a lot of books ; Especially race, truth , native and black genocide and so forth . not even Civics Is allowed in a lot of Maga states / schools ; So ;; Lets bring back to the school library's "" ALL , books "" be well jack

    6. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

      Should be in school or should be available or should be taught?

    7. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Confucius say, "If all religion taught in schools, there be more jihadis in schools."

      Confucius say, "War not determine who right. War determine who left.

  1. Jacqueline Ellis's Avatar Jacqueline Ellis

    NO!!!!!!!!!! If it is a Religious based/Faith based school (Parochial, etc) then "YES!" I understand, it is part of their "Faith Based Curriculum" whether Christian-Jewish or Islamic....However, in PUBLIC school...No, never! Not under any circumstances! Not unless teachers are willing to post the Tenants of Buddha, the Viking Runic Saga, the Jewish Torah, the Islamic Koran, etc....It would be IMPOSSIBLE to teach an average "child" about the 100 or more RELIGIONS that exist in the world TODAY. So, no...Leave it OUT! If people want to study Theology and World Religions, they can do it in COllege, Ministry School, etc.

  1. Mary Lynne Lightowler's Avatar Mary Lynne Lightowler

    This is much like the consideration on religious affiliation advertising on public school properties. All in or none in. Study the Bible, and also study the Koran, and etc. etc. etc. Include all religious teaching source books or disallow them all. Blessings.

  1. James Dean Lawler's Avatar James Dean Lawler

    There are so many different religions even Christian beliefs have various different beliefs. So I feel that religion should stay in our homes and churches not our public schools.

  1. Nicholas Field Warner's Avatar Nicholas Field Warner

    The Founding Fathers were Deist. The idea of separation of church and state was established base upon that.

  1. Brother Scott's Avatar Brother Scott

    That's weird. I thought there was an election, and the people put Trump in Office. If it was God that put him there, why did I need to vote? Did God also put Biden in Office 4 years ago too, or was that just us voting again?

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Totally agree. The peoples voices have been heard.


  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    I have previously said that it's ok to have The Bible in schools as long as it is not forced onto any pupils and let them decide if they want to study religion

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      For a class on comparative religions, bibles AND other religious texts are fine, but it is antithetical to everything the founding fathers created to put in one religion over all others. That smacks of state sanctioned religion, which is NOT Constitutional!

    2. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

      Sure, and while we are at it lets put guns and combat training as well into schools and let the kids decide if they want to learn how to kill each other!

  1. Daniel Edmund Rothwell's Avatar Daniel Edmund Rothwell

    I remember teachers giving Catholic instruction or leading prayer, who were unjust, abusive and sometimes SAs. Teach about religious beliefs by all means, have Theology taught acedemically in educational institutions, but let prayer and belief be peersonal and private.

  1. Gerard Anthony Ritchie's Avatar Gerard Anthony Ritchie

    Regardless of whether it is legal to only have the Christian bible in schools or not, the fact remains that in the USA, as in most of western Europe, Christianity is declining as a practiced religion. Church congregations are increasingly dominated by older people and young people increasingly do not see the relevance of practicing Christianity in their daily lives. They might still have their children baptized and go to church for funerals and weddings but I think that is largely due to not wanting to hurt or alienate the older members of their families. I was sent to a Catholic school run by ordained 'brothers' and had to endure going to mass every sunday, benediction on Wednesdays, religious education lessons every week that solely focussed on Catholic doctrine. So what did I and almost all of my school friends do when we became adults? We all stopped going to mass, stopped any contact with the Catholic church except attending weddings and funerals and in my case did not have my children baptized and brought them up agnostic to allow them to make their own religious choices as adults. None of the four of them express any religious beliefs as adults. So, I think the message is, 'you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink!'

    1. Lemie Bennett McGarity's Avatar Lemie Bennett McGarity

      What you learned in the Catholic Church is not the true teaching of Jesus the Christ. The Catholic Church is the harlot that rides the scarlet beast in Rev 17 and the protestants are her harlot daughters. If America was truly a Nation under God, there would be only the Bible taught and there wouldn't be any other religion in the country except Christianity.

      1. Brien's Avatar Brien

        So, just for laughs, what religion is older? Catholicism or Christianity? Oh, and what belief is Christianity based on?

      2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        Lemie, amen and amen. They have all drank from the wine of Babylon. The RCC also refers to those as her daughters or separated brethren.

    2. shash's Avatar shash

      here is some Food for this ; Around 10-11 years ago , Several young ones in our congregation ; asked to talk to me ; So we talked . Here is questions and their answers ; If god made Adam and Eve , And they had two sons . and Cain Killed Adam ;; What Did Cain Marry ???? there was only four people ! Did he marry a monkey ? Is this the start of the signs of the Beast ?? I had No answer for them ; Because when you see through their eyes and minds ? The answer is this : who started this Lie ? ; and why is it still being said today . Because if there were more people ? Then why is it that that truth is not taught ? :: And then the older ones ( 7-9 yrs old ) said "" look here at this bible "" wrote by Man ;; approved by man '' ?? then they held up several pocket bibles ( different faiths ) question was ( Reverand ? what is the truth here ? they had other questions as well . I'm not going to list them ; However , please note ; the tried and taught words to say , will not work .I had no answers other than ; " when you are old enough , you can decide what to believe in " . Right or wrong . It was the only truth that applied and that they would accept ; I talked to the entire congregation on this subject ; And NO ONE , had an answer either ; Kids talk to each other ; word spreads . they are much smarter today . and they will not accept anything that does not make sense : ( remember , they have access to the internet ) That is why We are non-denominational now . It works for all . We even let our young ones get up and talk open and freely to all . We have more kids than adults ;;;; again ; foods for thoughts . We must put aside Dogmatics if we wish to lead our congregations into the future ( including kids ) ;it is totally up to each one of Us . I accepted changes . Mayhaps everyone should ? I believe that I shall end this sermon ; May all be blessed .. shash

      1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        Shash...Yes, God made Adam and Eve, and they were perfect in a perfect world. The gene pool was also perfect. Yes, they had sons, but we do not know if they had other children too. The bible does not record everything, we would not have enough time to read it all it. Joh_21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. It gives us Cain who refused to obey God and Able who did. Satan knew the promise that God gave to Eve about bringing a redeemer into the world to save it and Eve believed that Able would be the deliverer, so did the devil and had Cain kill him. Satan tried many times to stop that blood line. That is why he had Herod kill all the children under 2. So back to who did Cain marry, one of his sisters. It wasn't until later the bible put a prohibition on how close a family member that you could marry. We have those laws today.

      2. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

        Shash it is very easy to explain. There are 2 creations mentioned, Genesis 1:27, So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. People were here. Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7. Adam and Eve represent the 'Awakening' When mankind became 'aware'. People existed in the world, cities had been built otherwise why was it necessary to protect Cain? Genesis 4:15, which says, "And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him".

      3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Robert Ingersoll was a genius on the topic of religion. Today we are faced with an even worse religion that straps suicide belts on children and performs "honor killings" of those who try to leave their cult.

  1. Religion as a Weapon is Wrong's Avatar Religion as a Weapon is Wrong

    There are many Holy books. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, a doctrinal book by founder L. Ron Hubbard and published in 1950, is the primary sacred text of Scientology. Then there is The Bhagavad Gita, a compendium of Hindu spiritual ideas, including Dharma, Bhakti, Karma, Moksha, and Raja Yoga. The sacred book of Buddhism is the Tripitaka. Catholics follow The Bible, divided into two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.

    Southern Baptists are the largest evangelical Protestant group in the United States. Descended from Baptists who settled in the American colonies in the 17th century, Southern Baptists formed their own denomination in 1845, following a rift with their northern counterparts over slavery.

    There is no consensus on the exact number of religions in the world, but estimates range from 4,200 to 10,000. The major religions, which include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, account for over 77% of the world's population. and there are 12 Major Religions, many additional Religions, and non-believers. Maybe Texas should consider Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism in their teachings. Better yet, they should leave those teachings to churches and families.

    1. shash's Avatar shash

      Rev Rory ; Thank you . I wish to add this to your truths ; Sure it will anger many . But ? here we go anyway ; a few years ago , a lot of us were part of prison Ministeries . At several locations , I pulled out 3 books . I tossed a vehicle repair book on the floor ( nothing ) so . I tossed a Playboy on the Floor ( nothing but lewd remarks ) and finally I tossed a Gidion bible on the floor . ( the 4 guards had to hold back several guys ) My question to them was this ? Why is this book more sacred than the others ? all are written by mankind ! No answers !!!! Basically : each person may choose what they believe in . And for some reason we are taught to only believe that one , and when you look in the middle east ? seems its ok by their faiths to commit Genocide ! After all . Their books say to destroy ( put out ) all who do not believe as they do . For they are the chosen ones ( this belief is in most books , scrolls ,tablets .... ) So ? My answer ? believe what we wish , teach to others who wish to listen , but never force it ; And schools are not the place ( other that religious ones ) I have seen first hand in other countries ,How Dictators force One religion onto the population , and those who don't bow down ? they were put in prison or Death !! This is NOT , Gods way !! it is Mans way !! and no matter what we want , We are not God !! May ALL Peoples be blessed .. Shash

    2. shash's Avatar shash

      Comment removed by user.

  1. Steven Alan Friedenthal's Avatar Steven Alan Friedenthal


  1. Michael Brown's Avatar Michael Brown

    Reverend Michael Brown;

    As a resident of Texas I am totally against religion being taught in any Public School. It is already a proven FACT that no one can keep their personal beliefs regarding religion out of instruction.

    I could expound on this subject but there is a separation of church and state and and should be upheld as current law already sets the standard for education and does not include religion. This should be left up to the parents.

    1. Lemie Bennett McGarity's Avatar Lemie Bennett McGarity

      You cannot find a separation of Church and State with the people of God in the old testament nor the new testament. That concept is an inspiration of Satan.

      1. Brien's Avatar Brien

        No, it was inspired by people that were tired of being forced to believe in someone else's hate .

      2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        Lemmi, In the story of Daniel, it details the separation. Dan 7:4 The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.  Dan 7:5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.  Dan 7:6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.  Dan 7:7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.  Dan 7:8 I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Dan 7:23 Thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. ...... The first three were political kingdoms, however the fourth we are told was different (diverse)than the others. Among the horns on the last beast was different., this was a religious power and a political power. The final part of the statue was Dan 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. Dan 2:33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.  [ iron, political, clay religious <i> In the NT you have this verse...Mat 22:21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.</i>

  1. Udaysree's Avatar Udaysree

    Religion does not belong into school, especially not to kids who are just 5 years old. Whoever wants to study religion, go buy a scripture, talk to a religious teacher, or go to the university. And, if at all religion is taught in school, then other religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc etc need to be included.
    And then prayer in school! Who did the majority vote for?

  1. Heather M. Afflerbach's Avatar Heather M. Afflerbach

    This is crazy! What are we doing to our kids?! No we should not teach Christianity in schools, unless we teach all religions in school. Ten commandments?! On the classrooms?! What the? Wow backwards we go! 😘

  1. Michael Mason's Avatar Michael Mason

    Unconstitutional! Are public schools ready for Muslim pray rugs facing Mecca? Judaism killing lambs and putting blood over the door too?

  1. Rev. Henry's Avatar Rev. Henry

    There is no excuse for Bibles in schools. How many are teaching science in church?

  1. John D Kelley's Avatar John D Kelley

    The Bible should be taught to children to expose them to who created them and to start them on the right path in life. Teaching God and Jesus can’t hurt being taught.

    1. Mike Stand's Avatar Mike Stand

      Hi, John!

      I have to take issue with your underlying assumptions.

      1. Teaching the bible will expose children to the BELIEFS of some as to who created them. They're simply "beliefs," not "facts." And those beliefs are widely disputed.

      2. The bible's teachings on the "right path" are contradictory. For example:

      Is it "If a man causes disfigurement of his neighbor, as he has done, so shall it be done to him—fracture for fracture, EYE FOR EYE, TOOTH FOR TOOTH; as he has caused disfigurement of a man, so shall it be done to him. And ... whoever kills a man shall be put to death. You shall have the same law for the stranger and for one from your own country" (Leviticus 24:19-22) and "Take outside the camp him who has cursed; then let all who heard him lay their hands on his head, and let all the congregation stone him" (Leviticus 24:14)?

      Or is it the "Golden Rule," which says, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)?

      Some christians will prevaricate and say, "Well those old testament laws no longer apply. We live under the new testament." But note that your Jesus, in giving us the "Golden Rule," specifically AFFIRMS the old "Law and the Prophets."

      So the "Right Path" of scripture is really open to interpretation, isn't it?

      As an atheist, I don't have to try to make the contradictions in the bible go away. I just realize that the bible is a book of superstitions.

      I base my morality on the non-religious moral law described by Nathan Cofnas in "Utilitas":

      "A number of philosophers ... have held some combination of the following views about the Golden Rule: (a) It is the cornerstone of morality across many if not all cultures. (b) It affirms the value of moral impartiality, and potentially the core idea of utilitarianism. (c) It is immune from evolutionary debunking, that is, there is no good naturalistic explanation for widespread acceptance of the Golden Rule, ergo the best explanation for its appearance in different traditions is that people have perceived the same non-natural moral truth." (Cambridge University Press, 2022)

      1. Those, like myself, who maintain that a belief in god is mere superstition, based on lazy, ignorant thinking, believe that teaching those superstitions really can hurt.

      It is my contention that certain beliefs have been PROVEN (most of the laws of physics, for example) and that certain beliefs have NOT been proven, but are mere assumptions based on wishful thinking or ignorance (religion, for example).

      The beliefs based on wishful thinking or ignorance have no place in taxpayer-funded schools.

      Here are two different ways of expressing some of that ignorant superstition:


      "When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do."

      That's the Walt Disney version of faith, and wishing on a star is not something most christian would teach their children (even if they do teach them about the tooth fairy).


      Then there's the christian version of faith:

      "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." Mark 11:24

      Both Disney's version and the christian version offer the same end result, don't they: Believe in the magic and get whatever it is you want.

      As an atheist, I do not want EITHER version taught in schools I help fund with my tax dollars.

      Love you, John!


    2. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

      If the bible is history and teaches where we came from....., please explain to me how incest and inbreeding produces morons and idiots, Noah and his wife and their 3 sons and daughters had to have inbred to repopulate the world. Or how Adam, Eve and Cain are the progenitors of all humans..... Why are we not all genetically crippled? How is this an intelligent teaching of where we came from?

    3. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

      Comment removed by user.

    4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      But why teach them things that cannot be demonstrably proved?


  1. Jessica North-O'Connell's Avatar Jessica North-O'Connell

    When I attended elementary school (in Canada), we said the Lord's Prayer every morning, saluted the flag, sang the national anthem alternating with "God Save the Queen," singing a selection of hymns afterward. We had bible reading passages for homework (Old Testament), and on alternate Wednesdays, Bible Class, where we sang, listened to Old Testament stories and learned about the New Testament also. By the age of seven, I was an atheist, because I couldn't believe in a god that was so malicious and downright stupid! Some skewed image of a "all-knowing father!" I couldn't believe that adults fell for that ridiculousness. I began to study different religions to try to understand their outlook, because what I'd been raised with made no sense.

    At the age of nine, (while saying bedtime prayers because, after all, I lived in my parents' house and it was expected), I had my first numinous experience. I instantly understood what I considered to be "Christ Consciousness" and it has absolutely nothing to do with what's written in any book. It was a heart-opening experience, and I realized that one's spirituality has nothing to do with religion. I began my study of religions in earnest, because it is so fascinating to look at belief systems around the world, including what we can surmise about ancient religions, what we now refer to as "mythology."

    I find the current movement of deconstructing the bible to be fascinating, as the work of scholars and archeologists continue to uncover the past and to separate historical fact from fiction (or allegory, in its finer presentations). I know it is not the intent of the "bible-pushers" to support education, but rather to indoctrinate the young so as to make them easier to dominate (and I know what the repercussions can look like when children "rebel" against "authority" as I raised five kids), but we need to know that there are others "out there" who will question it rather than "fall" for it. We are, after all, at the end of an Age, and humanity has gone through this before.

    So what do I think? "We are all children of the same universe." Stop using religion as an instrument of control. No one has the right to interfere with a person's realization of their own Divinity. The answer doesn't lie in any book.

    1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

      I'm with you Jessica, my Grandmother was a S. Baptist and she questioned who Cain and Able married. I was around 10 years old when she voiced that question and that started my interest in ALL religions. I'm 73 now and my interest has only grown stronger Thanks for your post, you are certainly not alone.

  1. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

    "advocates argue that a thorough understanding of Christian theology is necessary to understand the history and legal framework of the United States." and it is true!!!

    The Christian theology is at the core of the murder of 60 million+ natives who inhabited this continent when Columbus stumbled upon Hispaniola. Spanish conquistadores believed it their god given right to kill and enslave these people. English and French made "Christian" laws that robbed the natives of their land and homes and American laws unleashed the military on the few survivors after wiping out their food supplies and for daring to say NO to their oppressors.

    So YES the REAL effect of Christianity should be taught in the schools along with the vile sourse of such dogma! Remember... The bible is a collection of oral stories of primitive tribesmen who lived thousands of years ago (6000ish) and a more modern addition (only 1800 to1600 years old) based on a mythic person for whom no records have ever been found that he existed.

  1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

    The stupidity of cultists put tRUMP back in power. If anything this shows God's contempt for America. Really, God has nothing to do with our politics.

  1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

    If these anti-education idiots force the Bible on students (indoctrination), will they also add the Book of Mormon, the Quran, the teachings of Buddha and the Vedas?

  1. Joseph Kizer's Avatar Joseph Kizer

    Spot on!!

  1. Calvert Raub Anderson's Avatar Calvert Raub Anderson

    A very personalized opinion here. Some will show full on support for the issues while others will vehemently oppose same. I feel the elected board of the community will reflect the values of the populace best, so leave the decision to the elected officials who were elected to represent the people off the area...

  1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

    The history of Alexander The Great is found in the I Maccabees in the Orthodox Christian Bible. It was removed by the Roman Catholic Church after the mutual excommunication (aka the Great Schism) in order to separate the Greeks from the Roman Church. So yes, there IS historical relevance to the texts and historical accounts entrusted to us by the 4th Nicene Ecumenical Council, as told through oral traditions. We MUST have access to these texts for the younger people to gain a true knowledge of where we came from, not just the "From goo to the zoo" teachings we know today.

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      Great idea… keep it in CHURCH, not in school!

  1. William Fritz's Avatar William Fritz


    Which version of the bible will be used?

    What Christian denomination is the teacher doing the teaching? This may be considered bias.

    Will parents be allowed to pull their kids out if they feel it goes against their home teaching?

    Speaking of history, Mr Jefferson fought for years prior to his presidency to make sure that not only Catholics and Protestants we're recognized but also Judaism and Islam.

  1. Tom Herman's Avatar Tom Herman

    NO! It is that simple.

  1. Paul Becker's Avatar Paul Becker

    I would be cool with just getting the Pledge of Allegiance and the American flag back into the classrooms......Yes people, I know it states "I pledge allegiance to the United States of America" and "Under God".......... People will have an issue with both of those.

  1. James Paul Pero's Avatar James Paul Pero

    James Pero You know as a person who believes in a Maker. Creator. a higher power&gt; the Christian faith is so riddled with Lies&gt; Jesus was not Born on the 25 of DEC in year oooo&gt; proven in their own Bible! that is the God of Solice Birthday so Christians are worshiping A faults GOD&gt; and anyone who reads the Bible will Know that Saturday is the Sabbath. right there Break 2 major commandments Man Changed the sabbath NOT God For economy Reasons, So the Dollar is more important than Their GOD&gt; My parent died and on their Gravestone is the fix date &lt; not Changed every year! But Jesus changes every Year? and I stop from moving to Texas Because they Teach the Bible! not with my Tax dollars! Church are rich but don't have Class on bible studies LMAO, My suggestion is if you want the Bible taught You need Your religion to teach it! You donate enough TO THEN LMAO Friday would be a great day to see how interested the parents are in it

  1. Minister Holly B Lovey's Avatar Minister Holly B Lovey

    Short and sweet. They have been teaching LIES in the schools all these years concerning the history of America, why not teach the truth? I don't care who doesn't like my words so keep yours to yourself if you don't.

    They need to take all the lies out of the schools that's brainwashing the children into believing the lies.

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      What are some of the lies they are teaching?

    2. Lemie Bennett McGarity's Avatar Lemie Bennett McGarity


  1. Brian Patrick Molloy's Avatar Brian Patrick Molloy

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . 🎄 God bless . ✝️

    1. Lemie Bennett McGarity's Avatar Lemie Bennett McGarity

      The answers are in your Bible if you act on what written in it.

      1. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

        Sorry to dissagree with you Lemie but the answers are in our hearts not in any book, no matter the religion.

        I personally have robbed, raped and killed everyone I have ever wanted to... and that total is "0". I do not do these things nor anything else that causes harm because "I CHOOSE" not to cause harm to others, not because I am forced to by some book or mystic mumbo jumbo but because "I" will it to live this way

        1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

          Very true Udo, If the Kingdom of God is within you then all the answers are there.

  1. Brian Patrick Molloy's Avatar Brian Patrick Molloy

    We are all children of the same universe .

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    its christian natialism, and if any school teach any of my children christianity, i will pull my child out of that school and do homeschool with them, and instead of christianity as the curriculum, ill be teaching my children Wicca because thats my religion, the schools isnt protected as religious, teaching someones child thats not christian can lead the school in serious legal trouble ! if they want religions in school they have to put all religions, other than that religions shouldnt be in public schools

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