Amid a nationwide push by faith activists to expand the role of the Bible and Christianity in schools, a new policy proposal has gained steam: letting chaplains serve as public school counselors.
Texas became the first state to greenlight pastors serving as school counselors last year. Florida followed, and Kansas and Oklahoma may not be far behind. Many more states have proposed bills to that effect.
At first, it appeared schools in those states would embrace the idea wholeheartedly. However, some school districts are now pumping the brakes after realizing the broader implications of this policy.
As local leaders have learned, schools cannot specify what types of chaplains are allowed to serve in these roles without risking running afoul of the Constitution.
In other words, if they welcome Christian chaplains, they legally must welcome representatives from other faiths, too. As it turns out, that includes Satanist groups.
Florida’s Satanist Ministers Rise Up
In a striking turn of events, the Brevard County School Board in Florida has decided to pause its plan to introduce chaplains into public schools after receiving unexpected support from ministers in Satanic groups like the Satanic Temple.
The Satanic Temple, known for its provocative stances on religious freedom, often uses legal and constitutional arguments to highlight the potential consequences of religious favoritism in public institutions.
Members' enthusiasm to participate underscored the fact that if one religious group is granted access to public schools, then all religious groups – including those with controversial or unconventional beliefs – must be given the same opportunity.
Clearly, this raised concerns with the Brevard County School Board, which decided to scrap the plan altogether – seemingly to avoid a future where Satanist and Christian chaplains were volunteering side by side in schools.
School Chaplain Debate Continues
The controversy in Brevard County is not an isolated incident. Satanists are making similar overtures in Oklahoma, where a school chaplain bill is near passage.
The Oklahoma bill specifies the following requirements to serve as a school chaplain:
- A minister, rabbi, priest, imam, lay leader, or similar functionary of the faith group
- Qualified morally, intellectually, and emotionally to serve as a chaplain
- Sensitive to religious pluralism and able to provide for the free exercise of religion by all students
“We fit all the criteria. There’s very little they can do to try to narrow the parameters to keep any specific religion out. To do so would be illegal,” said Lucien Greaves, leader of the Satanic Temple. He continued:
“It’s really important to us that when politicians make these egregiously asinine efforts to bypass the First Amendment in constitutional law and try to put religious viewpoints into places where they do not belong, places like schools, that at the very least we uphold pluralism and we uphold religious liberty and show people what exactly that means. It means, for one thing, that the government cannot pick and choose between which religious voices they will allow in a public space and which they will not.”
Whether school districts in Oklahoma will welcome Satanist ministers – or any other, for that matter – remains to be seen.
Should Schools Have Chaplains?
It began as a simple idea: allow chaplains to serve in schools, presumably to provide spiritual guidance and support to students.
Proponents have argued that chaplains could offer a comforting presence, particularly in a time when many young people face significant mental health challenges and there is already a shortage of school counselors.
But the ensuing controversy has raised doubts, and leads to the question: is this a good idea in the first place?
Opponents have been quick to raise concerns that the introduction of chaplains could blur the lines between church and state, potentially pressuring students to adopt a particular religious view in a public school setting.
Where do you stand?
This is the truth that has been written in the Book of Revelations
Your "satan" is nothing more than a rebellious angel given the job like Judas to be the darkness FOR the light...there are a lot of mostly unseen creatures (mostly angry angels) & " lost Souls" who can seek us out if WE open the doors...if we ask like to contact loved ones...we get tested so we learn about ourselves...not to judge others...it's not a game nor a religion.. It's subjection to emotions.... in praise of a creation rather than the Creator...This creation believes we are not worthy of the forgiveness being given to us...we are just animals unable to change...we get forgiveness when they can not...it's a long story of what happened before the flood that we can open the doors for now, if your able to handle their anger. To honor and respect the energy (life force) of the earth by US giving the blessing of protection & regrowth can be considered a faith or maybe a religion if it draws others of the same heart and Soul. But we create the image of a "satan" to give a face (and unfortunately at times a body) to anger, misery, regret and self torture....there is no satan just angels without hope.
King James was a woman hating a-hole who had the bible re-written the way he wanted it. Check it out. Paul who wrote most of the new testament came along long after the death of Jesus. the Christian religion that most Christians practice has more to do with Paul's ideas about the way things should be than what Jesus actually taught. If most Christians read more than the bible they would have an idea of what Christianity is compared to what it started out as. I have been a student of religions since I was a child and I'm now in my mid 70s and I'm still learning.
For what it's worth, Florida has rescinded the plan to allow chaplains in schools because apparently, humanists and satanists applied to provide chaplaining services...lol Hail Satan
Fair is fair, religion is religion
People (still obviously) fail to realize that one's Faith, or lack their of, is not supposed to be brought into the School district anyways. There could have been a Satanist as a Counselor already. Counselors are there to listen and guide children, not push their religious beliefs upon them. No matter their religion, if this was being done, it would have been done regardless. Christian, Satanist, Buddhist or Atheist. I think having more "counselors" is a good idea. There is a difference between a School Counselor and a Therapist. People need to distinguish between the two.
Remember People, It's all about Love and Compassion and not hate, I find it sad, that ULC posted a picture of a Ngkakpa Buddhist layperson instead of a Satanic Temple member. Buddhist's are not satanists as this image suggest. In all honesty it should be removed and replaced. All men will be judged by God for their sins. in the end you die, and have nothing beyond that. all is impermanence, you can't take it with you, and nothing ever makes you happy, satisfied or at peace. The more you grasp the more you suffer. Eternal Truth
Peace Love and Light May you All experience happiness, be free from sorrow, and free from suffering, an may you not be separated from the Happiness that is free from sorrow. This is your only life to get it right.
Tulki, Can't verify the image is of an Ngkakpa Buddhist layperson, but it is someone pleasant working with a happy child. Google Images brings you to autism sites, far from Satanic. It is an odd stock photo to use for a "Satanic Minister".
What you whiners dont seem or refuse to understand is that the SCOTUS has ruled that as long as you dont mention a specific deity then they CAN have religious people in the schools no matter if you like it or not.
If one religion is acceptable in schools, such as Christianity, then I feel that all religions have a right to be in the schools Islam, the satanic Church ,Protestants Baptist, Catholics should be allowed. We all have the freedom to choose what we want to believe. So I am against this. All beliefs should be allowed or none at all.
And as a second thought,... Why should it offend people that aren't?
I think it's a very beautiful idea. They need counseling of people they can identify with. Why not have a Santanic representative in the schools. Children more and more are afraid to tell what their way of life is.. and with so many judgemental people pushing agenda... It's about time acceptance takes a front row seat
The answer to the question "should public schools be allowed to incorporate religiously based counselors" is quite simple. No. They are public schools. If folks want these counselors for their kids, that's cool. Provide them through their church or other appropriate organization.
The purpose of allowing chaplains in the schools was supposed to provide extra counselors for students struggling with mental health issues in a manner that would not cost the school a dime. This is what happens when you cut corners and try to be cheap instead of investing in our future which is our youth. Whoever made the decision to allow chaplains into schools clearly did not have a focus group because they could have mitigated these issues before they even began. I would love to see how the school superintendents weasel their way out of these situations without creating a class action lawsuit for discrimination because they did not want to hire actual employees to help their students.
Bring it on. Satanists are providing a valuable counteraction to Christian Nationalists attempting to infiltrate public schools.
While The Satanic Temple is also a tax-exempt religion, if you do the research and have a solid understanding of what Satanism is actually about, it makes a huge difference in how you perceive the idea.
Churches frequently rent public school space for their own events - and technically, public schools are supposed to make a concerted effort to let people know that the church-related events have nothing to do with the school... BUT, you already know what's happening with Christian Nationalism and public education and normally these "events" turn out to be afterschool programs where children have a religion forced on them in a place where they are supposedly free from that prospect.
So, Satanists have counteracted that by developing afterschool programs, too - and they have done it in some of the most democratic, amazing ways possible, and without adding any religious doctrination to the process.
It's unsurprising that Satanists are stepping up here, too.
People wouldn't know if a school already had a Satanist as a school counselor. It is not like Satanist are any different than anyone else. Many places have amazing after school programs funded by TST. And no, I am not Satanic. I believe as long as a person's religion is not brought into a Public School, a person's religion should not matter.
Hail Satan, (Sisiter?) Dori, Hail Satan!
Raise your hand if you saw this coming. My husband and I had this conversation when this ridiculous legislation was first raised in Florida. School districts all over FL are backing away from this ridiculous legislation for the very reasons included in this thread. Bible in schools? Sure. And you better be prepared to teach concepts from the Qur'an, Torah, Hadith, Vedic Hymns, Zend-Avesta, Dhammapada, Upanishads, and on and on and on. Come one, come all. Or, why not stick to the First Amendment (establishment clause) and keep ALL churches out of state funded activities and institutions to keep the playing field level? Give me a hard one to solve.
Don't forget that besides this issue, these are the people banning (and burning) books, quoting the vilest of bibble quotes towards the LGBTQ communities, almost always have buried racial implications, provoke distrust, fear and hatred of all things 'immigrant' and got their training wheel learning experiences trying to ban yoga.
These people are so deeply inculcated (as evidenced by more than a few here) that they can only quote from their bibble (as if factual) and are incapable of having (much less expressing) their own original thoughts.
And because they fear their children could give up their wacky beliefs because of exposure to science and facts (and a broader world view) they need to control their children when not at home by having these kkkristofascist mind-police installed in the schools (don't the radical jihadist muslim terrorist have something similar?).
There is no place for religion in public spaces. Period. People are not allowed to urinate or defecate in public and it should be the same with religion. Until this country can free itself from the poisonous fumes of religion the worst of the ones will always be working to get inside the mind of every child with or without parents approval.
These feeble-minded zealots can only be controlled, restrained by equal and opposite forces and that is exactly why The Satanic Temple is needed, as spear-tip shock troops confronting the nastiness that is these evil kkkristofascists. And to those brave (and curious) enough you should investigate TST. You will be surprised that while YES, they ARE an accepted Religion, they do not worship Satan but rather, use Satan as a cudgel with which to beat back the ever growing threat of kkkristofascim. They have been allowed to create after school children's programs because schools allowed the kkkfascists to do so. They have been allowed to place statues of Baphomet because kkkristofascists were allowed to place the 10 commandments.
Read up on TST and you'll find that what they are and what they propose and preach is education, science, facts and treating others as you would be treated. And then you can understand why the kkkristofascists fear Satan because Satan is a metaphor for knowledge, enlightenment, education, science, facts and truth. ALL the antithesis to religion and especially to the kkkristofascists that would bury us under the evill of their twisted beliefs
The 2019 Documentary "Hail Satan?" was my introduction to The Satanic Temple (TST) and their mission. I completely agree that in their current state they are much needed as "shock troops" fighting for religious freedom and equality. It was a true stroke of genius when Lucien Greaves, a former atheist, realized that something was missing in the atheist community that is common in organized religions... fellowship, community service, and an opportunity level the playing field with a single word that strikes fear, disgust, and contempt in the hearts of zealots. Hail Satan!
Hail Satan JJ73 and thanks for seeing the light. If only more people realized that Satan was the bugaboo the church uses to inculcate fear in order to achieve obedience.
That is a mischaracterization of the churches' understanding of Satan and its belief in him as a real and evil being.
there is no such thing as evil, religious is the evil
JJ, you said evil doesn't exist, and then you identified an evil thing. That's a contradiction.
Evil in terms of religion being a bad thing.
Evil as an entity is no more valid that a goD as an entity
The abortion of a human baby violates 6 of of your 7 tenants jj. It's a bummer but you settled for a cheap copy bro.
not your bro, dude
I think all school counselors ought to atleast have a master's degree in general counseling, as well as a bachelor's degree in general psychology, or something similar. Beyond that it wouldn't hurt if they were also religious ministers, as long as they didn't preach their religions to the students, unless they're counselors in a religious school of the same faith, and have the written approval of the school administration.
I don't think that Chaplains of any faith belong in schools. If a particular child appears to need special counseling the parents can arrange for their own clergy to do so. If the child has no religious affiliation then a proper school counselor should be offered
YEAH its ALL B S !
Oh dear, sweet Russel…with every post it becomes more clear that your purpose in life is to stir the kettle and see who else will drown in your sanctimonious stew of words. Nice try.
I love your reply!
Elizabeth, I don't understand you, Paula, JJ, or Robert as the conclusion of my comment was to allow whoever qualifies to serve as a chaplain to serve. I made no advocacy for any particular religion or for none. So, what's the beef? Is it just a knee jerk reaction?
No knee jerk. Experience.
What experience that causes one to automatically respond negatively instead of thoughtfully?
Because, my dear Russel, every time I’ve read your posts I’ve been disappointed that an obviously intelligent person wants to cause dissension in discussions instead of agreeing to disagree. It’s kind of un ministerial…
here here
i totally disagree with this and here they taking the king james bibles out of schools and the kids cant pray to God really? this make me aso upset
Again, no, not happening. All that is asked is that classes not be disrupted by either. People are allowed their religous beliefs and materials as long as they are not loud and obnoxious about it.
The King James bible was a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation anyway... people are welcome to read their religious texts and pray to a god at home.
i totally disagree with this and here they taking the king james bibles out of schools and the kids cant pray to God really? this make me aso upset
as does your grammar and syntax to be...but anyway, please ask an adult to help you with your reading. you seem to be (questionably) answering a question not asked in this blog.
Agreed. Nobody said anything about taking bibles out of public schools because there are no bibles IN public schools. Also, no one said anything about students not being able to pray. Please find a tutor to help you with your English…
They are not taking bibles out. They are making sure that the public schools are not insisting the bible be part of the curriculum. There is a big difference. Students are allowed their religous beliefs and materials. They are not allowed to be disruptive with those materials. If they wish to pray then they may quietly as to not disrupt class time. This isn't rocket sciences. People really shouldn't be tnis confused over these things.
While it might appear at first blush that Satanists would be qualified to serve as a school chaplain, that outcome is not certain. First one must actually qualify. If one's reason is to mess with the idea of helping kids just to teach the government a lesson, then they are disqualified from the start as their motives are questionable. It must also prove that it is a legitimate and since faith or religion. We need to see the actual language of the bill, but I doubt it says that every minister in a community has a right to be a chaplain. It probably says that being a minister of a recognized religious community is necessary but not sufficient qualification to serve as a chaplain. Finally, the school district is allowed to administer this program as it sees fit so it could limit the number of ministers serving as chaplains since, as written above, the chaplain must be "[s]ensitive to religious pluralism and able to provide for the free exercise of religion by all students." Let it play out and see which ministers in the community are sincere in wanting to help students and which are just jerks trying to make a political statement.
obviously the jerks are the ones who proposed this idea and the ones defending it.
Totally agree!
Right wing Christians have zero room to talk, Kester. You included. Especially when it comes to being jerks. Well spoken, whilst being seemingly polite, and also patronizing as they’re gaslighting entire communities are still jerk moves. Y’all pontificating and dictating what is or isn’t an accepted religion is also a jerk move. When y’all have volumes of history written about the tragedies y’all push on your religious conquests.
sorry Runhke you have nothing to talk about as you have been proven wrong more times then carter has liver spots.
Says the guy who won't ever accept when he's wrong, which is constantly.
Thank gawd for graduates of the YouTube school of law!
Satanic minister's never heard of them not here in England only Satanism for freak's only God rules.
LOL.....whatever dude!
It sounds like Nicholas has lived a very sheltered life, in the dungeon of Windsor Castle.
I have to agree with Carl. To think that there are no Satanist ministers in the UK is being naive enough to believe the the earth is the center of the universe.
Agreed. And haven't we done this discussion already?
B.H., You may have had a dream about the future. Some call that prophecy song. It happens to me sometimes too.
Yes, it's come up before. It tends to when the religious rirght decides to try to take over.
I'm wiccan and have had many work related issues from Christians about it.
I’m not Wiccan , but I am a witch. I’m also an ordained minister. If someone gives me crap about my being either one, I look them dead in the eye and ask them if they really want to start this sort of harassment. Remind them that religious intolerance is against the law… good luck!
William, how do your Christian workmates know you're Wiccan? Do you proselytize? Do you perform rites or celebrations at work? Share luncheon tales? Why would you do such things? My beliefs are between me and, uh - me.
As a card carrying member of The Satanic Temple I am in favor of having chaplains in school to work alongside the kkkristofascist chaplains to keep them honest and not try to brain damage the children.
As noted in the blog above, OK specifies that chaplains be:
A minister, rabbi, priest, imam, lay leader, or similar functionary of the faith group
Qualified morally, intellectually, and emotionally to serve as a chaplain
Sensitive to religious pluralism and able to provide for the free exercise of religion by all students
and it seems that OK, FL, TN and others are all doomed to fail because they will not be able to find anyone qualified. Other than being a "...functionary..." the states will fail at finding anyone "...intellectually..." qualified and "sensitive to religious pluralism and...free exercise of religion by all students."
I am glad my support to TST will provide for legal challenges in these fringe, low-performing taliban/sharia states and schools.
Hail Satan
Well JJ,us Wiccans don't believe in Satan, although I suppose he could be an individual deity of some Wiccans. Regardless of what, what you said was good enough for me to say "Hail Satan"!, anyway. I'm glad we have some good Satanists like you ministering on this blog. I always look forward to reading your comments. Keep up the good work.
This may come as a surprise, but the majority of Satanists don't believe in Satan either.
Thank you Carl for the nice words and encouragement. It takes all of us here that are not kkkristofascists to fight them and their never ending attempts to hijack america (for starters)
Kkk were and are satanists. Fascism is bidenomics 101. Jesus the Christ said he would confuse you with your wisdom.
Satanists don't believe in Satan.
I'm Wiccan, and I have many work problems with it.
I'm not too sure what your point is.?.
Dr Rohn, you'd have to be one of us to understand. And traditionally that would require a year and a day of training by a Wiccan mentor, followed by initiation, whichich means to begin. And you can't begin to understand until you have begun. And if you aren't truly one of us there's no sense in trying.
If people can’t understand your beliefs until after they’ve spent 366 days learning them then how and why do they decide to join?
Because it’s organized. Everyone has to learn the basics. This takes time…a year and a day at minimum. Learning never stops, but this is the minimum to become knowledgeable about the religion. It’s wise to have a thorough understanding before seriously committing to anything.
Carl, just curious,
If you have to be trained by a wiccan to be a wiccan, doesn't that mean there are no true wiccans?
Who trained the first one? If nobody trained the first one why can't Bubba or Sam just train himself like the first one did?
I m a Spiritualist, and even in countries with large Spiritualism followers one still gets frowns.
It’s odd how quickly christians backtrack when religions other than theirs want equal treatment under the law… it’s hypocritical, and kind of funny.
I couldn’t agree more. 👍🏽
What goes around, comes around, it's the law of unintended consequences and it joyfully shocks those self-righteous Christian zealots. The U.S. is not a theocracy and, thankfully, it's a secular nation where freedom reigns, even freedom to worship whom or what you please or not worship at all.
One of the seven fundamental tenets of The Satanic Temple (TST) is "The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own."
It allows for the freedom of any faith and its followers say what they will, and to be mindful that what you say can and will be used against you if not fairly applied.
Let us not forget the, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and its benediction....would be a fabulous way to start each and every school day:
"Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread…and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. R'Amen.
R’Amen! Lady Katelynne. His holiness, the FSM, will bless you. Wo betide those who don’t believe.
It sounds like it's about time for another can of Chef boyardee spaghetti and meatballs. I've got Chef boyardee Mac & Cheese too, which is surprisingly quite yummy.
Much rather have Desantis then Newsom or Hochul or any of those scumbag communists, at least in Florida we can still defend ourselves and our homes and families and what other state has so many people moving to it? A-hole of the year? Are you f’n serious? after watching that coup take place on national television? You have a strange prejudice against my governor if you are calling him the biggest a-hole of the year after the insane illegal crap biden and Harris have been pulling all year!
Oh please, people are moving out of Florida as fast as they are moving here. I live here and the politics is awful. DeSantis calling us a free state when we have more restrictions on freedom than most states. Florida was a nice place to live and retire. Now because of all the bills he vetoed related to our natural resources and their health have made it hard to even breathe in the smell of the water, let alone it sinking into the Atlantic at an overwhelming rate. He is the biggest a-hole of the year. Before you talk of Biden and Harris, check out all the lies and promises that DeSantis has made when he ran for Governor, twice. Nothing he said has been done, he just sits in his mansion surrounded by homeless and a disgustingly dirty city, and take away all your rights as a person. So I agree, let us non-christians prove the law is against the constitutional rights of religious freedom. It's like Russia's Putin calling his Country free. Our VP Harris as President will hopefully put all these Freedom stater's in their place. Also, it is so hard to take him serious when he looks just like the Mad Magazine boy.
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Oh, dear Goddess! Not another MAGAt!
Why don't you want America to be great Paula? Do you want it to be like the sudan or Russia? Perhaps Haiti or North Korea? Those don't seem like very great countries to me but I've got high standards.
I've read a startling report and not sure if I believe it but i heard that as many as 2-30 million illegal aliens are now in the country. Reports from Colorado say Venezuelan gangs are taking over neighborhoods.
In California they're(adult illegals) trying to get on school busses with kids on two separate occasions so far. I wonder why they'd want a school bus full of kids. Hmmm...
We should all aspire to make America great again shouldn't we or are you looking forward seeing news snips of dismembered bodies dumped in the town center like in Mexico?
What is your source of this? Stop reading the junk.
Thank you, Mr. Stone!
Yay! another MAGA person to better balance the two sides here.
There is nothing balanced about magats
When you say coup, im assuming you're talking about Kamala harris becoming the Democratic candidate that's received the exact same number of votes you and I did.
Watch the so-called democrats here defend their undemocratic selection. God indeed confounds them with their own wisdom.
Lol, you democrats were told who to vote for, now obey your master and vote for who you're told to.
magats are the perfect example of mindless sheeple cultists.
You don't mind being told who to vote for Timothy? The democratic nomine received as many votes as every single other human on the entire planet including the uncontacted tribe off the coast of India. We all received zero votes like Kamala. That sounds kinda mindless to me, but I've already had too much to think today.
Why do you think it's ok for a democracy to not be democratic?
Let me guess, you have to spend your way out of debt, abandon free market principles to save the free market and violate human rights to save human rights.
Tell me how those maga diehards are any different from the Kamala lemmings? At least they got the guy they voted for.
The Democrats at their convention decided Kamala would be their candidate. The vote was 99% for Kamala. Now, it's up to the voters to decide in November. There is no comparison of the Kamala voters and the magat cultists. I speak for myself, I am an Independent and I consider facts. tRUMP has nothing to offer except more destruction of our government. He is a Putin puppet and will do anything to please his master. tRUMP is responsible for over 1,000,000 Americans' deaths. That alone should be reason enough to lock him up.
Comment removed by user.
Here is just ONE problem with your governor: DeSantis’s $13.5m police program lures officers with violent records to Florida. Governor’s incentive scheme recruits officers with history of excessive violence or who have been arrested since signing up.
Execute me, was this written by AI. (That is a statement) as a certified satanic minister, who is not a minister but satan reincarnated. I do NOT accept what was posted here. I should’ve been the top post but no mine is lost in the sea of he(ll), you should read it, if you dare. 😈 hehe. This is an outrage and I strongly believe that I am better.
This is the truth that has been written in the Book of Revelations