The Trump administration and Elon Musk’s government-trimming Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) are looking to shut down grant payments to a number of Lutheran nonprofits, alleging that billions in federal funding were used by the church in an illegal “money laundering operation.”
Lutherans immediately pushed back on that assertion, calling it a lie which can be debunked simply by looking at their financial statements. Nevertheless, the conflict put a spotlight on the federal government’s funding of faith-based charitable organizations, particularly those involved in immigration and refugee resettlement.
Could other charities soon be in the crosshairs? Could DOGE shut down federal funding of faith-based charities altogether?
Charity or Crime?
On February 1st, General Mike Flynn, who briefly served for 24 days in the first Trump administration as National Security Advisor before his resignation, posted a spreadsheet detailing federal funding distribution to various Lutheran charities. Flynn alleged that these payments weren’t funding charities at all, but instead a vast money laundering operation fleecing taxpayers of billions.
Flynn specifically pointed to the hundreds of millions of dollars sent to groups like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service - which partners with the government to help resettle refugees - as proof of this vast conspiracy.
Elon Musk responded after the post went viral, stating that DOGE agents are “rapidly shutting down these illegal payments,” prompting Lutheran leadership to scratch their heads. What, they wondered, is illegal about the payments?
The Charities Respond
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), issued a response video the next day, hoping to debunk the allegations from Flynn and Musk. “Despite misinformation and baseless doubt cast today on funding that supports Lutheran organizations across our country, the ELCA remains steadfast in our commitment and work with our many Lutheran partners and expressions of our church,” she stated.
Some of the targeted charities took to the media to clarify where, specifically, their funding goes. Rachel Lustig, who heads Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio, explained that their funding helps them operate everything from homeless shelters to health centers to domestic violence shelters to food pantries.
ELCA Pastor Daniel Flucke called the allegations a “lie” and stated plainly that the federal funds were used by Lutheran charities to uplift their communities… not launder money.
“The way our government funds many social services is by contracting with non-profit agencies, many of which are faith-based, because that’s who wants to do the work,” he wrote. “Don’t bear false witness with lies about money laundering.”
Charities at Risk?
One X user broke down Flynn’s chart, showing what, specifically, each line item funded, which ranged from opioid prevention programs to health centers for the underprivileged to Head Start programs for children.
However, the lion’s share of Flynn’s highlighted grants related to refugee resettlement or employment programs, which were likely cherry-picked out of the 1,500 Lutheran Community Services grants awarded in recent years because they had the word “refugee” or “social” in them.
That prompted many to ask: Has anti-undocumented sentiment now extended towards legal refugees? Will taxpayer-funded faith-based charities which provide any services at all to foreigners be shuttered?
We may already be there. Last year, the state of Texas tried to shutter a Catholic charity in the border town of El Paso, accusing them of human trafficking for providing food and shelter to migrants regardless of legal status. And ICE now has unfettered access to enter houses of worship during religious service in their search of undocumented immigrants.
Faith-based charities often help vulnerable communities, including migrants, because few others are willing to. Millions would be impacted if their doors were shuttered.
Supporters of these efforts are left asking: when did charity become a crime?
"It is obedience that Allah wants not charity." (1 Samuel 15:22) If Satan Incarnate (Donald Trump) makes it illegal or even impossible for you to be charitable what of it? Michael Flynn and Elon Musk and (Incarnations of Satan) cannot stop you from being Obedient. That is between you and Allah and "You will to be upright but you cannot will unless Allah Wills." (Quran 76:30) So even your Obedience is ultimately beyond your control. In any event fret not yourself about Musk Trump and Flynn (Incarnations of Satan). They are simply doing what they MUST DO in order to earn The Hole In Hell that Allah has prepared for them. "I will fill Hell with jinn and humans all - a multitude from every community." (Quran 32:13) But what IS Obedience to the Word and Will of God with respect to M.A.G.A. Flynn Trump and Musk and the other Incarnations of Satan who are seemingly taking over The Great Satan U.S.A.? "Kill Infidelity wherever you find it." (Quran 2:191) The killing of Disbelievers (who act out their Infidelity) by Willing Muslims is Mercy for them. Dying at the hand of Willing Muslims they are not dying in their sin. They are being set free from sin if they are killed by The Islamic State for example. But as for me I REJOICE as I see Trump do everything that he can possibly do to destroy The Great Satan U.S.A. "Rejoice when you see these things that I have foretold happen for you know thereby that The End is near." (New Testament Luke 21:28) Surely something better than a Nation based on Black Only Slavery on Stolen Land Protected and Served by The Police and The Military can be built in its place after it has been thoroughly destroyed. Amen?
Charity isn't a curse word, nor should it be cursed, when used by the church with private funds. When public funds are funneled, then absolutely their use is up for criticism and scrutiny. My relatives and husband have all come to this country legally. My husband hasn't even been here for 3 years yet he's already recognized and chastised how his tax monies are used, especially on people that haven't taken the steps to be here legally. We had to wait nearly 4 years and pay thousands of dollars for him to be here legally, without using an attorney. He asks me why these illegals think they should have privilege over him and the thousands of others that want to be here, especially from third-world nations. It's easy to claim that it's spite or disregard of human life when you read about the tasks that our government has to go through, to tell these people, no, it's not your turn. The decades long generosity of the churches and other charity organizations assisting these illegals, utilizing tax-payers monies, needs to stop. We, the U.S.A. have enough of our own issues. Crime is up, education is down, homelessness is up and so are taxes.
Your English wordage and correct grammar seem to me to be an indication that you are well educated professional of some sort which would make it easier for your husband to be accepted. Yet it took nearly 4 years to be accepted.
So many of the people that you criticize don't have those advantages of time and money to wait the three years. I am not smart enough to know all the answers, but I am confident that we could deal with this problem much more honestly and efficiently if we tried. Too much of our policy is affected by discrimination and misleading statements.
Maybe some of his supporters might start stop being so supportive. It wouldn't take too much of a swing to start to make a difference. Remember the phrase you can fool some of the people some of the time? He is still fooling a lot of the people a lot of the time. They rely on news sources that are pushing Trump but ignore MSNBC CNN CNBC, even FOX
As more people begin to understand what Trump is doing, there is more hope for possible resistance and correction of his policies, both the legal and so much illegal. I can understand what Trump is doing but I am saddened by the supreme court. Its job is to protect the constitution and its balance of power between the congress and president. Many on the supreme court should be impeached for their failure to defend the constitution.
Trump is now the only charity permitted. Wanna buy a Bible? Trump's sins have all been deleted from the Ten Commandments, So party down scammers.
Yup, that's the new administration all right. Any money being given to anyone that isn't them is going to be frowned upon. It's not political, it's a heist. I don't trust big churches, but I trust Musk and his new best buddy way, way less. Anything that inconveniences them (by not making them get more money) is going to be accused of things that will get the public all riled up so that they look justified in shutting it down. They have lied about so many things for so many years and gotten away with it, so no reason to expect it to stop now that they've gotten their heads buried under the country's skin. Poor people are a MASSIVE hindrance to becoming a trillionaire if you do wasteful things like feeding them.
I don’t see this as political and I don’t see it as “ending charity.” The important question is, what ever happened to the separation of Church and State? The government should not be giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to religiously affiliated organizations, no matter their purpose. If a government-funded (taxpayer-funded) organization provides shelter for the homeless, it should be without religious bias. Otherwise, to satisfy everyone’s sense of fairness, we would have to give the same money to a Muslim charity, a Hindu one, a Buddhist one, a Jewish one, a Jain one, a Satanic one, and so on… It would never end. I imagine there are already lawsuits brewing over this revelation, as there should be.
If the people want to give to a charity that’s amazing. But there is separation of church and state for a reason. Churches have no tax, therefore shouldn’t get money from taxation. Individual charitable donations are also tax deductible. It’s not our place to fund churches as a government responsibility. I think that is the main issue causing a rift. People want to be good and giving. But they don’t want to feel as if they’ve secretly been robbed. Especially by a religious organization they don’t necessarily recognize. Truth and love.
I recently wrote a comment about the immigration debate. I look forward to seeing some honest answers from some of those who have been speaking out. I hope some of them are honest answers. It will be interesting to see. I hope there will be more honest opinions and not too much name calling. I especially hope that it caused people to stop and think.
Some comments targeting President Trump as giving the rich only tax breaks is a fantastic lie, those tax breaks extended to many income levels of Americans, sadly Left leaning people won't accept the truth how Biden and the Democrat party funded rich corporations and news media to peddle their brand of social engineering. At one time taxes were solely for military support and tariffs supported our country and we had no income taxes to speak of. After World War II, a small percentage of the rich paid over 90% in taxes to pay for the debt of World War II. As for DOGE, it's time to find out where our tax money has gone and finding out the Semocrats funded so much BS in other countries is appalling, especially being that some was used for social engineering and Socialist concepts, we must put our house in order first before we can help others, that's a biblical concept. As for, "families, etc.," of illegal immigrants, illegal aliens, all who entered our country by crossing our borders without doing it legally, that's a crime and not the way to start a new life in a new country, they must follow our laws aswe would have to follow the laws of their countries, and mist countries have immigration laws for a reason, a country can only support so much that's why their are immigration quotas in the laws, nit only here, but in mist countries. Try to go to Mexico illegally, ask for government assistance,break their immigration laws and you'll be arrested, put in jail or prison and if you're lucky Mexico will deport you back to the USA, if you're lucky, have money or are well connected. Too many comments are obviously driven by what they, "see on poorly reported, not factual news media sources", the same ones that said Biden was mentally competent a few years ago, to finally reporting Biden was having mental and physical issues, the truth finally came out. Do it fall prey to the evening news, we have enough lies around us.
Some comments targeting President Trump as giving the rich only tax breaks is a fantastic lie, those tax breaks extended to many income levels of Americans, sadly Left leaning people won't accept the truth how Biden and the Democrat party funded rich corporations and news media to peddle their brand of social engineering. At one time taxes were solely for military support and tariffs supported our country and we had no income taxes to speak of. After World War II, a small percentage of the rich paid over 90% in taxes to pay for the debt of World War II. As for DOGE, it's time to find out where our tax money has gone and finding out the Semocrats funded so much BS in other countries is appalling, especially being that some was used for social engineering and Socialist concepts, we must put our house in order first before we can help others, that's a biblical concept. As for, "families, etc.," of illegal immigrants, illegal aliens, all who entered our country by crossing our borders without doing it legally, that's a crime and not the way to start a new life in a new country, they must follow our laws aswe would have to follow the laws of their countries, and mist countries have immigration laws for a reason, a country can only support so much that's why their are immigration quotas in the laws, nit only here, but in mist countries. Try to go to Mexico illegally, ask for government assistance,break their immigration laws and you'll be arrested, put in jail or prison and if you're lucky Mexico will deport you back to the USA, if you're lucky, have money or are well connected. Too many comments are obviously driven by what they, "see on poorly reported, not factual news media sources", the same ones that said Biden was mentally competent a few years ago, to finally reporting Biden was having mental and physical issues, the truth finally came out. Do it fall prey to the evening news, we have enough lies around us.
Michael Flynn is a conspiracy nut job, and I don’t believe a thing he says. Whether or not the government should be giving money to charities I would not take Flynn’s word on them lining their pockets with money. He’s a liar.
What lies has Mike Flynn told? Be specific.
It was no "conspiracy" when CNN cameras were set up and filming an hour before FIB agents arrived and knocked down his door and then entering with assault rifles held to his head while he and his wife were sleeping in bed. It was all on video and something that should have never happened. If he FIB wanted him, they could have waited for him to go to McDonalds, the grocery store or the barber shop a few hours later without all of the trauma and drama...
but some criminal thugs are still criminal thugs even when they wear badges.
One of Flynn’s lies is about the 2020 election being stolen. As for the rest, I’m not getting dragged into a conversation about how unfair the media is or the supposed corruption in the FBI. All government agencies have bad actors, but I won’t believe it’s as bad as they are saying right now without proof. I’m hearing a lot of salacious allegations, but without proof, it’s just noise.
We are all turning into political hacks. When we equate what we think to what we say and do, it needs to be consistent in all parts of our lives. I help individuals as I can, not because of some moral impetus. I also don't hand out money. I take people shopping, help with a bill directly. But I also teach them for to become self sufficient. That's where power lies. I don't ask for handouts or donations. I do simply to do. I don't have followers, I don't want any, unless you simply do what I do, but that's not a leader/follower relationship. It's empowering people to do for others out of kindness, not forcing them.
Tweeter, cheater Eton cut government finance, fire staff, checking corruption- use government mobney for raise salary and benefit, pay poor even illegal immigrant. ( how about US people, who pay them,) Now find out this cheater tweeter Eton use government platform to sell his broken car. Now up-grade to get a government contract of his broken X-space company. Test many times, still fail. (Who investigate this cheater Eton steal governmewnt now, Make a big government movie for US to see. Tweeter Eton checking government corruption, but find out he begin to steal government money.)
Illegal aliens have already broken the law. You think being in a church should protect them? Why should I be surprised, the “faithful “ always interpret the “gospel “ the way they want. There are legal ways to immigrate.
Every time I hear that statement it saddens me. Also when I hear it, I wonder if it a fooled or a fooler saying it. The antiimmigration foolers know that the waiting list to come legally can take years if the petitioner doesn't have a sponsor or relative to sponsor him. So the foolers are happy to say they can come as long as they come legally and they know most can't. The fooled believe the foolers and honestly feel that these illegals should abide by the law and come legally but they have no idea how nearly impossible for these people to come legally.
So why don't politicians doing something to allow more legal immigration? Then a lot of antiimmigration people could cost him the election.
OK, then why not vote to enforce the law. A lot of business owners would be hurt by this and support a different candidate.and could cost support and lose the election.
So what do you do? Talk real tough and do nothing. Antis love you for your stand and business owners love you because their workers will show up on Monday as always.
Now you win the election and go celebrate at a restaurant that hires illegal workers. (Restaurants are one of the business types that relies on illegals to serve their customers)
Perfect solution, everyone is happy. P.S. are you a fooler or a fooled or a realist who understands what is happening?
It takes 5 years to become a legal citizen of Mexico, same as usa.
If I enter mexico illegally I get deported or killed. If I enter nearly any country on earth illegally I get deported. Some will deport me with a bullet or baseball bat.
Why should USA permit lawlessness? God surely doesn't permit lawlessness.
If you find 20 million strangers in your home, what would you do?
You would ask them to leave at first. Then you would tell them to leave, then you would make them leave. What if some killed your children? Then what would you do?
Why aren't they going after the Mormons? We know they have well over $300 Billion Dollars invested in stocks, bonds, shopping malls and real estate. The Mormons own 2% of all of the private land in Florida and is one of the largest land owners in the United States. The Mormons got for wrong doing by the Security Exchange Commission and were fined.
This $300 BILLION DOLLARS is indirectly tax payer money that's being given to the church to make investments.
Elon now has over 100 computer techies sifting through government data banks to find fraud, waste and embezzlers.
This is only the beginning of audits that will lead to criminal indictments against the thieves who have been stealing from taxpayers.
How to know who is guilty? They are the ones holding signs against the audits and shouting four letter words while protesting these financial audits. Their world of cheating, stealing and embezzling is crumbling down on top of them.
Take the caps lock off your keyboard. BECAUSE ALL CAPS LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE SHOUTING AT US.
Only a complete idiot would equate stopping money to an organization that has apparently been using it corruptly (The culprits claiming innocence does not phase me) to making “charity” illegal! This is exactly what democrats and leftists do, they take an issue and then add a lie to it and then push it as fact! Anyone who is now claiming that charity is illegal because an organization got caught are just as messed up as the “Religious Leaders” who are responsible for the laundered money and have most likely been robbing their parishioners for their entire careers!
True. A charity should never be allowed to dip their grubby fingers into the US Treasury or their tax exempt status will be revoked and their leaders be indicted and imprisoned.
The criminal leaders who have been stealing billions from taxpayers should all be in prison today and that includes Catholic bishops, Mormons, Lutherans, Episcopalians and every other "charity" that has stolen money from taxpayers. If any charity or church wants to feed and help the poor, let their own members pay the costs. Not one penny from the rest of us unless we give voluntarily from our own pockets.
Finally some common sense in our government! It’s about time my tax dollars were taken away from these fake religions (and yes, I believe they are ALL fake) so they can help Criminal Illegal Aliens steal more of our tax dollars! Not one government penny should go to ANY religion or religious organization, otherwise they should fund every private club and organization throughout the country! Enough is enough, there is no god, no devil there is only greedy power hungry humans who want more than they will ever need and use religion to control the slaves! Wake up and live your lives by just always doing the right thing no matter the consequences to yourself and be honest - that’s it, just live a good life until it’s over and the lights go out!
There is so much money, everyone should get a modest free home.
China built thousands and thousands of high rise apartments that are now empty. Why not make a deal with them? We send them our homeless and they place them in the high rise apartments.
It would be a win win while the homeless learn job skills so they can return to the usa and earn money to afford their own apartments, condos or houses here. https://chinaworker.info/en/2023/10/24/41835/
There WAS so much money, everyone should get an affordable apartment or condo for life. But the dems have stolen and embezzled so many trillions of our dollars that it will take time to sort it out, indict and imprison the criminals, and seize all of their assets to restore our treasury.
The dp should be carried out for the worst criminals so they won't ever do it again and to serve as a warning to anyone else that stealing from taxpayers will be their final act they ever do.
We are saturated with one sort of charity or another. I hope it's just a passing fad.
Hiwever, there is one charity I will always support, St Judes. They are more than worthy in my opinion and I doubt anyone would dare to outlaw them. And meanwhile there are already laws for scammers.
So, time for a cup of coffee!
As a medical researcher, I have a problem with St Judes. They know there are potential cures for cancer that do not involve chemo, radiation or surgery and yet they keep sending children through those three torture methods.
Example.. a few years ago a German researcher found that taking a small dose of aspirin a day could kill certain cancer cells. Turmeric is another cancer fighter that has been suppressed by the corporate owned drug media.
These things are being studied but they are not the cures you are making them out to be. Aspirin could have benefits for preventing some cancers if taken long term (5-10 years) and turmeric also has had some promising studies but we need more and larger studies to know for sure as currently there is no clear evidence that it prevents or cures cancer.
"We need long term studies" for SAFE and NATURAL nutrients? Not buying that excuse from the drug sponsored medical doctors!
Linus Pauling proved the power of vitamin C against cancers, aspirin is derived from willow bark, and Ayurvedic medicine has been curing people of cancer for centuries with turmeric loaded curry powder. So don't even try to fool us with that old "we gotta wait decades for more proof" when the evidence is already here!
The media refuses to educate us on the natural cures for cancer because they are paid billions of dollars to place ads for dangerous drugs that destroy the liver, kidneys, arteries, brains and hearts when we read the fine print about "adverse side effects." The drug cartels cannot patent or make fortunes from natural cures and that's why they tell us to keep waiting until we're in the grave.
The federal government should NOT be in the Charity business. Period
The exception would be if the people in a city or state voted to approve funding to build affordable apartments for the homeless among them. Then their elected reps can oversee the construction and install property managers on the local level.
Technically, the US government has been in the charity business since 1935, based on most definitions of the word.
People giving Charity, no. If he's talking about government handouts to the churches then they should have been a crime already. Government shouldn't have their hands in religion and religion shouldn't have their hands in government. The constitutional laws are pretty darn clear there. Trying to work their ways around it or disregarding it all together should be punishable.
The Charity within us is what we can do when our basic needs are met. I refer to Maslows Hierarchy of needs, and where we sit within the Pyramid. It is indeed a spiritual thing in my opinion to participate in Charity when fighting for survival at the base of the Pyramid, and I wonder if Charity from a wealth at the top of the Pyramid is more ego related.
Essentially, who ever it comes from it is truly welcome.
If charity is a crime where do I turn myself in?
Thank you, Rev Ned, We need more people to speak up for our Christian values and beliefs........
The bible says that there are no laws against charity when given to help the poor and needy.
The exception is to help criminals who are on the run from the law. Otherwise, feel free to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and relieve the sufferings of those in pain.
Check out Trump's spiritual advisor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgowhCDa-s4
"Obedience is better in The Sight of God than sacrifice." (First Samuel 15:22) With regard to General Mike Flynn (Satan Incarnate) OBEY THIS DIRECTIVE from Allah: "Kill Infidelity wherever you find it." (Quran 2:191) ESPECIALLY do this when it finds you in order to rob you of your ability to BE CHARITABLE! Amen!?
Who determines "infidelity"? We've seen a cult that lets men strap suicide belts to their faithful women and children and then send them to blow themselves up.. Were those women and children "infidels"?
If any religious cult orders the killing of anyone who chooses to leave the group in peace, then it has turned into a Jonestown death cult and it deserves the same condemnation as any death cult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown
Allah decides what Infidelity is and isn't. Who else? In the Quran Allah makes it quite clear what Infidelity is and isn't. Have you read The Quran? If not then you speak out of your arse when you say anything about God or Religion because The Quran IS FOR ALL HUMANKIND! You wrote about a "cult" that uses women and children as suicide bombers. But you don't name that cult. You referred to The Jonestown Cult but that cult was run by a degenerate fool claiming to be a Christian who made a complete mockery of Jesus by offering his followers who were mostly Black death by suicide or the bullet when people in authority outside of Jonestown started to learn about what was really going on in Jonestown. The Reverend Jim Jones and those who were willing to commit murder for him were as far from being Willing Muslims as the East is from the West.
Seems to me that any charity that doesn't profit tRump is considered unlawful. Not sure how receiving government grants would benefit money laundering, unless it is the government's money that is being laundered?
These so called "religious charities" were given tax free exemptions by the government so they could funnel the donations made by their own church members into works of charity. Now the evidence shows that they have been caught abusing their tax exempt status by stealing Billions of OUR tax dollars to enrich themselves and their bank accounts.
It's one thing to beg and borrow money from their own church members, but it's criminal when they reach their grubby hands into the treasury accounts of all Americans without our permission! We need to seize their accounts and return our money back into the US Treasury where the money belongs.
The worst religious robbers of US taxpayers have been churches sitting on top of billions of dollars in their bank accounts... Catholics, Lutherans, Mormons and Episcopalians. It's time to seize their bank accounts and take back our money from the religious thieves. Then revoke their tax exempt status as punishment!
Yes and AMEN!
Most Lutherans that I know happily voted for the GOP, and now they are outraged that the leopards are eating their faces. Same with the Catholics and the Evangelicals. These charities are performative at best, with conditions being attached to getting their help. A woman wants to leave an abusive partner? They won't help, because a woman is subservient and obviously needs to submit.
My wife needed a hysterectomy, and the only nearby hospitals were run by religions, who refused because it goes against God's will. It was only when we had access to a public hospital that she was finally able to get the surgery she needed; fortunately for her, her tumors had not grown cancerous. As another commented stated, they use their position as a "charity" to preach to an audience that only wants help, not to be talked down and lectured to.
Joe Biden is Catholic and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops told their church members to vote for Joe and the democrats.
The proof is that the Vatican and the catholic bishops are now condemning Trump for removing and deporting the criminal gangs that invaded the USA during Joe's four years of fentanyl deaths. But the Vatican and the bishops were silently approved while the fentanyl gangs from catholic countries murdered more than 300,000 Americans while catholic Joe and the democrats were in power through 2024.
Najah Tamargo-USA
I have no words. I mean, I do have words, but not that I can use here! I have been biting my lips the last few weeks, the blood is real.
I can understand that feeling. The message I heard from this church was about compassion and I have been saddened by all the bickering and name calling that I am seeing. I have enjoyed seeing comments by jt sunrise as I think his message is very uplifting
Divine Integrity vs. Earthly Accusations: A Reflection on Alleged Misuse of Federal Funds
By Rev. JTSunrise, Celestial Nexus Church
Recent allegations by the Trump administration and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) claim that billions in federal funding were misused by Lutheran nonprofits in an illegal “money laundering operation.” Such assertions, if taken at face value, strike at the very heart of trust and integrity—values that all faith communities hold dear. However, we must approach these allegations with a sober mind and a discerning heart, remembering that the love of money can corrupt even the purest intentions (1 Timothy 6:10).
It is deeply concerning when government power is used not to seek justice, but to undermine charitable institutions that have long served vulnerable populations. Throughout Scripture, we are reminded that true integrity is measured not by wealth or political influence but by our commitment to serving others with honesty and humility. As Jesus taught in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters… You cannot serve both God and money.” When accusations are leveled against institutions of faith, it is essential that we do not allow political agendas to cloud our judgment or tarnish the sincere efforts of those who labor for the common good.
The charge that Lutheran nonprofits engaged in a vast money laundering scheme appears to be a potent political tool—a means of discrediting and weakening institutions that offer compassion and support in troubled times. We must ask: Is this truly about justice, or is it an attempt to use allegations of financial impropriety as a pretext to curtail the vital work of these organizations? Biblical teachings urge us to seek truth and render justice fairly. Proverbs 21:15 reminds us, “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Let us not be swayed by rhetoric that prioritizes political gain over the essential call to care for our neighbor.
In these turbulent times, the true measure of leadership is found in upholding the dignity of all individuals and ensuring that those who serve the vulnerable are not sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. While the allegations require careful investigation, our hearts must remain steadfast in the principles of fairness, compassion, and truth. It is our duty to support institutions that work to alleviate suffering and promote justice, even as we demand transparency and accountability from those in power.
May we remember that God’s justice transcends our earthly systems, and that our call is to remain vigilant, compassionate, and unwavering in our commitment to righteousness. Let us not allow political machinations to distract us from the true mission of service and care for those in need.
— Rev. JTSunrise, Celestial Nexus Church
These religious cults were given tax exempt status so they could use their own money to help the poor.
It is illegal for them to steal money from all US taxpayers when we never gave them our written permission to do so, no matter what they claim they are doing with our billions of dollars!
I ask you, if a priest or preacher walks into a bank and demands the bank teller to give him $100,000 so he can feed the poor, would you approve if the money was taken out of your bank account without your permission? That is EXACTLY what those religious robbers have been doing since Joe Biden told them to help themselves to our money!
Time to revoke their tax exemptions and seize their bank accounts and real estate holdings until every dollar is returned to us along with interest on the money they stole from us. Prison time for their leaders should also be in the cards under RICO laws.
Lawrence, were you in school after they quit teaching civics, or did you just not pay attention to how money is dispersed from the federal treasury? You actually gave the treasury permission to disperse it by electing legislators who wrote laws and built the federal budget. Freezing payments that have been approved by congress is out of scope of the executive powers, and the courts are agreeing with that. With the move toward Christian Nationalism, which is a major objective of the MAGA movement, funding of faith-based (especially evangelical Christian) organizations will likely increase, unless moves are made to stop it. As I've mentioned in other, most of the work that is done by these organizations is outsources social services that cannot be carried out by the state service agencies due to their priorities on core services.
JT Sunrise,
We don't dare give tax dollars to religious institutions regardless of the desired outcome. That includes anti religous outfits. Let the members of religion or anti religion fill their own coffers.
Will not such acts cause the religion to serve the government? Indeed it will and does.
President Trump is doing what every single atheist and most leftists in the country have been demanding since I've been walking.
It's kinda fun to see the leftist get their wish only to cry about it when it's granted. I suppose puzzling too. It almost makes me think that leftist just complain for the sake of complaining.
Taxpayer money should not be provided to "faith based" anything, period. It's more than enough that they're exempt from paying taxes. In times of need, I've been forced to put up with more than enough sermons before being allowed to have a meal at these soup kitchens (generally also only after the volunteers have rooted through all the stale grocery store rejects first to take home the best for themselves). If they want to proselytize their fake philanthropy and nonsense superstitions, let them do it on their own dime. These are not charities. They're propaganda outlets masquerading as philanthropy, which do nothing but prey upon a captive audience of people who otherwise can't fend for themselves.
Even worse, when these "religious robbers" take money from the US treasury, they are stealing from all Americans without our written or verbal permission!
They have been acting like bank robbers entering the back door of the US treasury at night to load up their armored cars with billions of OUR dollars! The worst religious robbers are Catholic charities, Lutherans, Mormons and Episcopalians who have been stealing billions from those of us who reject their cults.
Faith based charities are allowed to mandate a prayer before meals? Wait. I just remembered that I currently live in a faith based homeless shelter funded by the VA and one of our residents always offers a blessing on the food before we eat. I always wonder how we got away with that? Something to look into, I guess.
This is very shortsighted of you. Faith-based organizations provide social services in non-prostelitizing ways to fill the gaps where State soicial services fall short. For example, Catholic Charities is the main provider of LIHEAP (Low Income Heat and Energy Assistance Program) in my area. They provide the service to a wide variety of clients irrespective of the person's faith (or no faith) tradition. By contract they are not allowed to prioritize funds based on religion, and required to keep meticulous records. They are also audited on a frequent basis (both independently and by the government) to verify they are in compliance with their programs. They don't pray with their clients (unless the client initiates the request, and even then will often send them to the priest instead). I worked several years for an interfaith and ecumenical organization, so I am well aware of the restrictions the federal government places on those that receive the services. If one is receiving federal money, people have to show documents indicating they are citizens or legally residing in the US. These services require money that local fundraising alone would never be able to handle, so they "outsource" the services that the government does not have the staffing or the ability to handle itself. A charity that needs this type of funding to fulfill its mission would not jeopardize it by ignoring the provisions of its contract.
Lutheran Community Services here is also a large distribution provider for people with food insecurity and also have to keep mountains of documents about the people they serve. I worked for an agency that primarily referred to these agencies but also provided assistance for people to obtain the documents necessary to obtain the services. It's not as simple as going to the DMV and asking for an ID without any supporting documents or a former ID that can be looked up with all the right information incluing picture and thumbprint.
Without these faith-based agencies, the local state service centers would be required to double or more in size to provide the same services, so it is forunate that these agencies are willing to outsource the services so that the state centers can concentrate on core services.
The question is "Are the Catholic bishops stealing our tax dollars to enrich themselves while donating a pittance to help a few poor people?" From what I've seen, the answer is yes they have been taking billions of dollars from the US Treasury for their personal enrichment while spending less than 30 percent on the poor.
We can do better by cutting out the catholic bishops, mormons, lutherans, episcopalians and other grifters. As a friend who runs a charity that provides jobs for people who want to work said, "If you see a homeless and hungry person, buy them a meal but don't give them any money that could feed their drug or alcohol habits." A charity that provides jobs for the homeless is better than all bishops, priests and preachers thrown together.
Ok, Lawrence, I'll bite. Where and when did you see these billions of dollars funneled to Catholic bishops? Did you turn them in? Why or why not? You're probably just seeing more OANN propaganda. If any agency (faith based or not) did this, they would never be able to receive another federal grant, so your best resource is to take what you have seen, document it and turn them in.
Lets also cut off presidents well paid spiritual advisors.
I'd agree if they were paid. In general it's a volunteered position.
You know this for a fact? It's also a great photo op to line pockets.
If the preacher is already like a chaplain or on the government payroll then they get paid naturally.
That said, the presidential spiritual advisors can be high profile preachers from industrial churches and have a very high risk of being in it for the buck.
Paula White-Cain is one such money grubber.
Trump has created the White House Faith Office and appointed PWC as its leader. Currently it's an unpaid position but we know how these things go right? Money grubbers get money. Come hell or high water they get money, they always do....
Source? Not that I think you’re intentionally lying, but because I don’t trust your judgment.
What is it you think I might be lying about Paula? That trump has a evil lady as a spiritual advisor or that she's a volunteer to be his evil spiritual advisor?
This is why mankind is doomed if left to his own judgement. I've often sided with the left as I am in this case yet as a natural reflex, the left will take issue with me. Just because.
When President Trump created a Faith Office he started spending tax dollars where he shouldn't. It actually makes me nervous to have an Office of Faith. Like with what he said about Palestine. That makes me al lot nervous.
I'm on your side with this one Paula. The assumption of dishonesty is mighty heavy luggage, it'll wear a fella out quick.
Even if the spiritual advisors have been ordained by the ULC? Hairy tic.
Actually, yes. Even those. It should be illegal to pay any spiritual or religious advisors through government money. Period. Now if a person in government wishes to pay out of their own personal paycheck, that's up to them.
Presidents pay for ULC and other spiritual advisers from their own pockets. If they didn't, the FFR (Freedom from Religion) group would file lawsuits for misusing tax dollars.
The FFR has been strangely silent the past four years as the religious grifters from the Catholic charities, Lutherans, Mormons and Episcopalians have been stealing Billions of dollars under the guise of helping illegal invaders throw Americans out of work and out of affordable apartments! Why aren't the FFR filing lawsuits?
Hey. Every Roman Emperor and every American President has the right to get counsel from one or more "spiritual advisers." The Emperors had their priests who determined the Fates by watching birds in flight or by cutting open an animal and looking at its stomach.
The bible offers a cheaper and easier way to find divine guidance and that is through the casting of lots, coins or names written on paper. Proverbs 18.18 and Acts 1.24-26 There's no need for a female preacher to advise anyone.
With all non Christian members here railing again and again to separate church from state, one will safely expect there to be great praise for this. For years I've read this, years.
However, we're dealing the the Hive Mind. This must be bad for trump to stop giving tax dollars to religions.
Paula White-Cain preaches the prosperity gospel and has previously used tax-exempt ministry money to pay for a private jet and mansion. She sells multiple items on her website with the "hint" to her followers that they will be cursed if they don't buy the junk that she sells. She's famous and the WH just gives her a nice venue for selling stuff. That said, Michael Flynn is a crank that collects money by giving religious speeches mostly in Florida. Paula is also from Florida and has a "mega-church." They are both cranks.
I say No Government Money to Charities or Religious Organizations including schools. If the government wants to provide those services, the government should do it. I also believe if the government wants rockets, they should build them (anyone remember NASA?), not give billions of dollars to an outside rocket man.
Are these charities robbing tax money? I don't think so, but public-private partnerships should not exist. For Musk and Flynn to call other people corrupt would be funny if it wasn't tragic.
The very first sermon of Jesus was the prosperity gospel... "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the good news / gospel to the POOR..."
Now ask yourself, What would be GOOD NEWS for the poor people? Wouldn't it be, "Give and you shall receive 100 times as much as you give"? Mark 10.17-30
"Give and it shall be given to you" multiplied like the loaves and fishes.. Luke 6.38
And in Matthew 19:24 says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. Cherry-picking scripture will get you nowhere.
You have been listening to the televangelists and the republican/Maga party too long. You seem to have no understanding at all of His teachings. I recently saw a red ballcap' that said, 'Jesus is my Savior, And trump is my president'. But let me say that you cannot serve two masters, nor have any god before God, and the gulf between trump and Christ is very large, no matter what the Christian Nationalists tell you.
I let everyone chat about anything. Sometimes it's fun to see some of these "reactions". And then I shut this down and go have a cup of coffee. My life is a dream and no one hear can spoil it. 😄
Now to find some demons and send them to some priests I know! 😄 (I can dream right?)
Some of those priests are working for the devil. If you send them a dozen devils, they will probably welcome them in bed.
Maybe you can try this strategy found in 2 Kings 19.35. "That same night the Lord sent an angel to the camp of the Assyrians, and he killed 185,000 of them. And so the next morning, the camp was full of dead bodies."
The lengths to which this administration will go to give tax breaks to the rich and screw over the poor is a travesty of justice! May God give them the karma they so richly deserve!
News update you won't hear on corporate media owned by oligarchs... Trump just announced he will impose and enforce HIGHER TAXES on the billionaires, beginning with the billionaire owners of sports teams!
Source, please…
Trump Requests To End Tax Perks For Billionaire Sports Team Owners And Hedge Fund Managers, Offsetting ‘No Tax On Tips’ And "No Tax on Social Security payments"
"No tax on tips, no tax on seniors’ Social Security, no tax on overtime pay, tax cuts for Made in America products and renewing President Trump’s 2017 middle-class tax cuts. Eliminating all the special tax breaks for billionaire sports team owners and hedge fund managers.”
OANN, please. No "wink wink nod not" emoji required. Consider your sources. Far right source with no fact checking. What speach? What EO? Which senators/representatives did he approach to push this through congres? We're waiting.
So if I wanted to gift you with $100,000 and I posted it on OANN, you would refuse it because you don't like the messenger, right? Okay, good to know you shoot messengers. No gifts for you.
That's a safe bet, because if you posted there I would never see it. Pray tell, how was what I said "shooting the messenger?" Or was it a way to deflect answering my questions about which speach, EO, or senators/representatives DJT contacted to push it through congress?
OANN! Ha, great unbuiased source.(With the Matt Gaetz Show!)
"One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right, pro-Trump cable channel" Wikipedia
The same news has been published by Newsweek. Are you incapable of typing "Trump taxes billionaires" into a basic search engine? Any 10 year old kid can do that much, which means a 5th grader is smarter.
Newsweek link below... "Trump will tax sports team owners" "Trump outlined his tax priorities to a group of House Republicans on Thursday, which were later detailed by White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt.
"These include the president's long-promised "no tax on tips" policy and introducing tax cuts for products and items made in the U.S.
"Another proposal put forward by Trump is eliminating special tax breaks for sports team owners.
"Currently, when an owner buys a sports team, a portion of the purchase price is allocated to intangible assets, such as player contracts. Under current Internal Revenue Service rules, such intangible assets can be written off through amortization over 15 years, even if the team remains highly profitable."
https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-tax-sports-team-owners-loopholes-miriam-adelson-2027738 Ask a 5th grader for some help!
Hey, Lawrence I took you're advice and googled in "trump taxes millionaires" Did you correctly read the first google page? Every entry says the opposite of what you're selling. Check it out, gang. This "5th grader" just did.
Google is known to list PAID ADS first, so they are biased.
The cult mindset is deep when you cannot even type "Trump taxes BILLIONAIRES" (not "millionaires' as you did.)
Your bias is so strong that you refused to read the same message published by NEWSWEEK? Staliln would love you.
I can tell the difference between paid google ads and those that are not, as most of us can.
The "cult mindset" has to do with typing millionaires vs. billionaires? Miss your point, Lawrence.
From Newsweek: "Donald Trump's plans to end tax perks for sports team owners." Just them? Not much of a list.
And I hope Staliln loves me, whoever he is, especially on Valentine's Day.
I'm afraid I'll believe it when I see it. trump is not even close to ending the 'smash and grab' that Elon and Felon are engaged in. A total rape of our country, and destruction of our democracy.
Auditing the books of all federal government agencies is way overdue... and the results tell us that grifters, liars and scammers have been stealing billions of dollars from us taxpayers without our written permission.
Example.. While almost one million Americans are forced to sleep in tents and alleys on our streets, FEMA gave $59 Million dollars last month in January to make sure hundreds of illegal invaders could enjoy free meals, room service, heat and comfy beds in luxury NYC hotels.
I do not believe this for one minute. Sounds too much like something you would pick up at a trump rally. Besides, we don't need a South African alien and a group of teenaged hackers in any of our government/financial information.
You don't have to "believe it" because it's happening so fast, it's like the Star Trek Enterprise moving into warp speed. Smoke another bowl and watch what happens. LOL
You really need better sources. Zero Hedge is a known conspiracy website with a poor history with facts: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/zero-hedge/
The Daily Mail is also known for low factual reporting: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-mail/
If you can debunk the information, make your case. Otherwise you're doing nothing more than attacking the messenger which reduces your own credibility.
The DailyMail.com is a trusted international news site and one of the most popular on the internet. On the other hand, where is your information coming from? The liars at CNN or MSNBC who have been forced to pay out millions of dollars for libel and slander!
"Otherwise you're doing nothing more than attacking the messenger which reduces your own credibility." --
To me, above: "Are you incapable of typing "Trump taxes billionaires" into a basic search engine? Any 10 year old kid can do that much, which means a 5th grader is smarter"
Sounds like you're attacking the messenger, Lawrence. Follow your own guidelines.
I posted a link to the same story published by Newsweek. Have you read it or are you trying to debunk it?
If someone wanted to gift you with $100,000 and they posted it on OANN and Zerohedge, I guess you would refuse to receive the money because you don't like those two sources. Okay then, No gifts for you.
While I agree with your initial premise that government agencies may (because I don't know it's true) be over-due for an audit because of some of the stuff I see being subsidized with federal dollars, what Elon and his Musketeers are doing is not anything close to an audit. It is a smash and grab of assets and full of "guilt by association" claims (i.e., you are an agency I don't like, so you are full of grift). This is a common tactic in a merger in the corporate world when a company buys out the competition and has no place in the federal government.
If they were truly doing an audit, they would be going through records to see where the grift might be first, and then calling those in charge to the carpet to explain the expenditures, perhaps even going through legal channels and public hearings if the infractions are severe enough. What I have been seeing is a "smash and grab" pillage of specific targeted agencies (USAID and DOE), starting with those that might have the least public push-back from their base.
Just before Joe Biden and his anti-democracy masters left office, he gave away the entire budget to a variety of orgs and corporations that would reward him with the usual ten percent bounty, leaving nothing for the next president to spend.
This is why Trump was forced to hire and appoint a special presidential commission headed by Elon and his team to audit all of the financial records and "claw back" as much money as they could.
The truth will come out and there will be indictments and lawsuits against the bureaucrats who paid for the education of terrorists, sent millions of dollars to our enemies, and provided cash and luxury hotels for criminal invaders instead of our homeless Americans.
The budget is drawn and passed by congress and the House had a Republican majority at the time... Biden couldn't have given away the budget because that's not in his power as president.
What Michael Hunt just said.
"Auditing the books of all federal government agencies is way overdue,".
While I have to agree, can you provide any source as to what makes Musk the person who is, in any way qualified, trustworthy, or CAPABLE of doing it properly? I mean, his first act was to illegally access the personal information of private citizens...not suspected criminals, and not even people who were in a position of illegal grifting Government funding, but everyday citizens whose only crime was apparently having their name in a computer.
"Results tell us that grifters, liars and scammers have been stealing billions of dollars from us taxpayers without our written permission." Would those be the "grifters, liers, and scammers" who get subsidies to be able to run commercial farms and put food on your table? Or maybe the ones who stop companies from putting dangerous chemicals in your food, just to be sure it looks good? Possibly the ones who ensure that factories aren't pumping lead into the water your children drink, or the ones who ensure kids get lunch at school? THOSE are the programs Musk has cut. He has essentially targeted every program that benefit the poor, and i essentially comes down to a single, historically based idea that, "Eliminating the weak and unfit makes the unit stronger"...and can we guess whose idea that was?
FYI...The whole "If you don't agree, prove me wrong" is not how it works. If YOU have a conviction, feel free to provide a reason that will convince others, but to expect others to believe YOUR idea unless they provide contrary evidence is just ridiculously arrogant.
It's either "Democrat's democracy" or "Republican's democracy" depending on who wins, yo-yo politics. A Democrat president will write their EO' to undo Trump. Then a Republican President may return and they'll undo the previous administration. And that's the way it is...yo-yo politics.
Maybe in the distant future when we can have politicians everyone can trust we'll have something better. In the meantime as long as they don't affect my life at home, I'm fine and don't care who's in charge.
This is how fascism moves into a country. People don't care as long as it doesn't affect them, well, this will affect you in your pocketbook. America now has a dictator wannabe, and he WILL destroy our democracy, tear up our constitution and rule with a petty fist. If we do not resist.
Paranoid how many times a day?
Not Paranoid, I'm afraid of what he is doing to our country as you should be. He is doing exactly what he said he would do in his 2025 blueprint, and no one believed him, but they did believe that he was going to lower the price of eggs. Poor you.
No, the democrat party did all they could to try to destroy our democracy...
Filing lawsuits to remove Jill Stein and the Green Party from many state ballots.
Filing lawsuits to ban RFK jr's name from many state ballots and refusing to provide him with secret service protection.
Forcing President Biden out of the presidential race and substituting a candidate who had failed to win more than 1 percent of the popular vote when she was running for president in Iowa.
Importing millions of non-citizens into the nation and giving them billions of dollars in food and shelter, a clear violation of federal laws and a violation of the US constitution.
Giving millions of illegal invaders cash along with state drivers licenses and dnc approved voter ballots.
Refusing to provide food and shelter for US citizens who lost their homes and incomes after the hurricanes hit the east coast. "Don't give them anything if they have a Trump sign on their block."
Giving our tax dollars to the invaders instead of to the tax paying Americans still freezing as homeless refugees in the Carolinas.
Democracy was unrelentingly attacked in 2024 by the DNC and nearly destroyed, which woke up enough Americans who voted to throw the criminals out of office and restore government of the people, by the people and for the people of the USA.
Just because you are fortunate enough to not have to use charitible organizations does not mean this does not affect you. What they are doing to gut scientific research will have repercussions for the next several generations. Be grateful that you don't have any children, are in perfect health, and have over three or four billion dollars in the bank, because that is the ONLY way that what they are doing does not affect you. If that doesn't describe you, then pull your head out from under the rock and start watching the news, because in one way or another, this does or will affect you.
Most scientific research is conducted by biotech and other publicly traded corporations along with well financed professors at nearby colleges and universities who have their students conduct the tests.
The most wasteful spending comes from the federal government in grants to useless studies like, "The sex life of the snail darter" or "How many ounces of alcohol does it take for a baboon to pass out."
Yes, I know. I also have many friends and acquaintences who work in these biotech companies working on cures for cancer, HIV, and other public health concerns who have had their funding frozen by Elon's Musketeers. These are funds distributed through budget items passed by congress that the executive branch has no power to freeze. 20+ states have filed suits to get the funds released. The courts agree, and so far it has not survived a single appeal.
Stop listening to the liars at cnn and msnbc. They have lost millions of dollars in payouts for libelous and slanderous claims over the past few years.
In a paranoid state? Just watch how two genius businessmen audit the books of our wasteful government. The results will show that Trump will be cutting income taxes, no taxes on tips, no taxes on social security payments and bringing thousands of jobs back to the USA so homeless Americans can learn and earn money for their own affordable housing which will be built. Doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, it will happen because Trump and Elon are moving at warp speed to cut wasteful government spending.
And..... what flavor is your kool-aid? Have you ever seen any "audit" that started out with firing everybody who knows anything and then trying to make sense of the data left behind? What they are doing more resembles a hostile corporate takeover than a governnment audit. It's what I would expect when people who have absolutely no understanding of the law, or the constitution are put in charge of making and enforcing laws. There is a reason that most of the polititicians are attorneys in their former careers.
The Trump administration has frozen refugee resettlement funds for programs operated by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. This program was in the midst of dealing with Afghan refugees and others melding into US society.