Is Online Ordination Legal?


The Universal Life Church Monastery’s online ordination is accepted in most states and counties in the United States. Our ministers can confidently perform weddings without the fear of encountering legal difficulties now or in the future. However, marriage laws and the interpretation of these laws is constantly changing. To limit any unexpected surprises on both your and the couples' part, we suggest that before performing a wedding the minister make it their responsibility to determine what is required of them to be able to officiate the ceremony. Contact the county clerk where the couple will be filing their marriage license and introduce yourself as a newly ordained minister. Tell them that you are unsure of the process for officiating a wedding and have a few questions. We feel it is necessary to bring to our ministers’ attention that some County Clerk's will occasionally take their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, into account when they are approached by a ULC minister seeking to obtain a marriage license. This practice is illegal and highly discouraged for publicly elected officials. If you're struggling to get your legally valid ministerial license recognized by a particular county clerk, it is incredibly important that you alert us promptly. We may be able to leverage our own resources to assist you. Additionally, please do let us know if you need any help filling out the marriage license paperwork. A member of our support team will be happy to assist you.

Canadians make up the ULC Monastery’s single largest non-US demographic. We always regret that we have to inform these ministers that currently no Canadian province or territory accepts our ordinations so you will see ministers are not able to perform legally binding wedding ceremonies in their home country. Fortunately, our Canadian ministers are able to officiate weddings in the United States for US citizens since most US states do not have residency requirements. We're working hard to be recognized outside of the United States so check back in with us from time to time for the latest updates.