Tagged Christian - Universal Life Church Sermons
February 3rd, 2014
"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.” -George Savile. Patience is the ability to preserve and endure in the face of delay, provocation, and difficult circumstances.
January 29th, 2014
Diligence refers to careful and persistent work or effort. Diligence is the virtue of hard work, and is indicative of a belief that work in itself is good. How do the world's major faiths look at diligence?
December 6th, 2013
Charity is a sense of love and kindness towards all others. It is considered the ultimate perfection of human spirit because it both glorifies and reflects the nature of God.
November 19th, 2013
In this day and age, when someone hears about Chastity they may think of abstinence, modesty, and celibacy. But being Chaste does not necessarily mean shying away from sex.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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