Spiritual growth is not something that is easy to accomplish. In fact, it can be downright difficult if you do not know how to go about doing so. Growing and attempting change will not be a task that is done overnight. It will take some time for you to recognize the need for spiritual growth. Next, you will need to find the course of action in which spiritual growth can be catalyzed through your life. There are aspects of life that must be changed for you to grow internally and still lead a fulfilling life.
Spiritual growth is a very important aspect in everybody's life that is often overlooked. Many of us find it hard to grow with the pressures of society that constantly bombard us with lifestyles that are not aligned with spiritual growth. Materialism, consumerism, and over-consumption are typical ideals that are sent to us by advertisers and television that hinder the ability for us to find internal peace. These ideas are usually what keep us from being able to grow as human beings and get in touch with our spiritual side. Many people will often wonder how you can grow if you live in a world where these ideas are taught. The answer to all this usually will lie with yourself and your connection with the people around you. Too often, a parent must work constantly and vigorously to help maintain a certain level of comfort that often is not necessary. Often we fail to find out what is right within the context of our own lives. For example, when a parent must strain himself just so his kids can have the latest toys. In most cases, children will flourish and grow if their parents are around the home more often. It is sometimes difficult to teach children that this a better way of living rather than having the newest craze or keeping up with other children who have more stuff. Stuff is exactly just what it is — stuff. It can not replace love, trust, or honesty. These are the things that we must learn to cherish. You can live without things but you would not be able to live without your family. By learning to live without unnecessary things, you can practice living happily and start on the righteous road to spiritual growth. Many times we feel that we need some type of object to make us spiritually content. How often, though, do we feel completely empty once we acquire these things? It happens too often. The reason is that we set our expectations on material things, not spiritual growth. This is one of those habits that can lead to poor self-esteem and the insatiable need to buy more stuff. Instead of doing this, try to change this habit by volunteering at a local food bank, give to the needy, or start a noble cause. Your efforts will not go unnoticed and you will feel genuinely good about yourself and your actions. Try to incorporate your family into doing the same things. If you lead them, they will follow and with time will also feel the effects of true spiritual growth.
With all the pressures of working and money, there is often very little downtime for the typical person to enjoy the fruits of their labors. There is no need to have the biggest house on the block, if you cannot spiritually afford it. This means that you should not try to work extra hours and distance yourself from your family so that you can own a home that you can never enjoy. Your family will appreciate you being there more than having a huge home that is without a leader. A big home will feel extra lonely if dinners are constantly eaten without the heads of the household. For all your hard work, you should be able to truly enjoy it by cherishing your off time with your family. Try to incorporate your family into activities that will help them see the light and take steps at their own personal spiritual growth. During the holidays and on weekends do not insist on squandering a day on yourselves. Instead, try to show them how their actions can help make other peoples lives easier and of a better quality. Take them to a soup kitchen, have them volunteer at a retirement home, or allow them to take part in a beach or highway cleanup. These small gestures can teach them morals that are otherwise lost through television and media at the same time introducing them to healthy experiences.
Spiritual growth can come from many aspects of your life. How you decide to incorporate them is entirely up to you. The path to spiritual growth is beset on all sides by doing what is right and helping people along the way. With this in mind, you can try to make small changes that can and will help set you on the road to spiritual growth.