Tagged Bible - Universal Life Church Sermons
February 26th, 2025
Mass federal layoffs are being praised by one side and scorned by the other, but those in favor of the DOGE cute say it's all part of God's divine plan. Is God’s plan for America about stability or disruption?
Is the Pope a Hypocrite?
September 13th, 2024
In this guest sermon from ULC Minister James Hewitt, Pope Francis is criticized for telling the people of Papua New Guinea to put away "superstition and magic" during his Asia Pacific tour.
Would God Support a Four-Day Work Week?
September 28th, 2023
The UAW is pushing for a four-day work week, but what does the Bible say? In this guest sermon, a ULC minister examines both sides of the argument to ask: is there a biblical case for a shortened workweek?
The Parable of the Lost Son
August 11th, 2023
This guest sermon courtesy of ULC Minister Jeferson V. Barbosa discusses the Parable of the Lost Son, as found in Luke15:11-32. What can this biblical tale teach us about love and acceptance in the modern world?
The Middle Path of Christianity on Pride
June 29th, 2023
In a third guest sermon on Pride, a guest writer argues that Christians should neither condemn nor celebrate the LGBTQ community – but instead choose a middle path that aligns with the true teachings of the Bible.
One Christian's Take on Pride Month
June 22nd, 2023
In a guest sermon, a ULC minister offers a biblical critique of Pride month, arguing that celebrations of LGBTQ rights and identities are fundamentally incompatible with what the Bible teaches.
Ten Tips for Sermon Delivery
March 8th, 2023
From public speaking tips to how to rehearse, this insightful guest sermon courtesy of ULC Minister Rev. Brian T. Lees gives pastors ten tricks on wowing their audience by delivering the best sermon possible.
The Real Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah Wasn't Homosexuality
June 13th, 2022
Was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah homosexuality? One ULC guest minister makes the case that the reason God destroyed these ancient cities was not for rampant homosexuality, but rather, rampant inhospitality.
I Did Something Shocking Today (And I'll Probably Do it Again)
April 5th, 2022
In this guest sermon, a Universal Life Church minister - who identifies as agnostic - talks about how praying helps him through hard times, as well as helping him identify what is truly important to him in life.
If Jesus Were Alive Today, He Would Get Cancelled
February 23rd, 2022
If Jesus actually came back, how would he be received in our modern world? A ULC guest writer suggests that Jesus' silence on contemporary issues would not fly with current audiences.
Does the Bible Support Mask Mandates?
August 27th, 2021
Public health officials have recommended that everyone continue to wear masks and social distance, but those are also controversial policies. What does the Bible have to say about masks and social distancing?
What the Bible Leaves Out: Understanding the Books of Enoch
July 14th, 2021
The Bible as we know it today did not exist as one writing originally. It is a collection of books that were carefully curated over time by the Church. But not all holy texts made the cut; some were forgotten.
Maintaining Personal Peace in a Chaotic World
December 15th, 2020
ULC guest writer Reeia Lalchan gives us reflections of her heart this Advent season. She goes in-depth on how we can achieve inner peace in these trying times, arguing that only through Christ can we reach tranquility.
The Greater Meaning of Manna, Bread, and Fish
June 17th, 2020
In the Bible, manna, bread, and fish were given freely by Jesus, sustenance in a barren time. ULC guest writer Karl J Bernhardt argues we are in need of similar nourishment today, but for our spirits and societal change.
Revisiting the Seven Deadly Sins
June 7th, 2019
Whether you're a Christian or not, you've undoubtedly heard about the seven deadly sins. As a concept, the seven deadly sins are ubiquitous in Western culture. But what exactly are they, and why are they sins?
How Can Christians Be Pro-Life but Support the Death Penalty?
November 9th, 2018
Guest sermon: The same Christian politicians and legislators who adamantly support capital punishment keep winning election after election virtue-signalling about their so-called “pro-life” views. How does that work?
How Would Jesus View Prosperity Gospel Preachers?
June 6th, 2018
After news that another preacher has asked his followers to buy him a private jet, we examine how the "prosperity gospel" aligns with Christian values. Are these preachers truly doing the Lord’s work, as they claim?
Does 'Love Thy Neighbor' Include Paying for Their Healthcare?
April 7th, 2017
Healthcare has been in the news a lot recently. It's a deeply political issue which forces splits along ideological lines. The gospel says "love thy neighbor", but how far should that generosity extend?
The Sin of Gossip
December 2nd, 2016
Gossip is a terrible sin, and it’s all around us. If you disagree, here’s a challenge: walk into any house of God on a Sunday morning. See how long you can go without overhearing some form of gossip.
What is the Gospel?
February 24th, 2015
"By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you." - 1 Corinthians 15:2 What is the Gospel? Most of us have a general idea of what the gospel is, but do we really know?
Books of the Bible: Leviticus
November 2nd, 2014
The third book of the Bible, Leviticus, picks up where Exodus left off. Exodus ends with instructions on how to set up the tabernacle, and Leviticus lays out the laws and regulations for worship within it.
Affliction, Trials, and Discipline
July 16th, 2014
Though difficult, life is often good. This is especially true when we are surrounded by friends and family. These moments are to be savored because each of us will sooner or later face great sorrow and adversity.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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