By sharing thoughts and ideas from all across the religious and spiritual spectrum, we hope to educate, enlighten, and inform our ministers. As an interfaith church, we strive to find common ground that unites us across any divide. The sermons posted below draw from the inspirational teachings of a wide variety of faiths and belief systems.
However, there are so many sermon topics worthy of discussion, and we simply don’t have the resources to cover them all. Therefore, we'd like to invite our ministers to contribute to this growing forum of ideas.
If there is a topic which interests you, and that you think others would enjoy reading about, we encourage you to write your own sermon and submit it to us! To do this, please email All submitted sermons will be considered for publication. If you’re interested in submitting something but need help getting started, we offer some helpful tips on how to write a sermon.
Religion is the Soul of America – We Cannot Lose It
Thank God Religion is Dying
It's Past Time We Stop Disrespecting Service Workers
Maintaining Personal Peace in a Chaotic World
COVID Thanksgiving: There is an Irony in Pandemic Canceling Turkey Day
A Perspective on Idol Worship
Environmental Disasters Are a Desperate Message From Gaia Herself
The Greater Meaning of Manna, Bread, and Fish
Why Does it Take a Tragedy to Open Our Eyes to Racial Injustice?
Cultural Sites Should Be Off Limits in Wartime
Why Do We Dread Holiday Gatherings So Much?
Does God Support Impeachment? Faith Leaders Debate
Is There More Than You Know?
Has Shopping Become America’s Most Popular Religion?
The Crisis at the Border: ULC Ministers Debate
Catholic Clergy and the Abuse Crisis: ULC Ministers Debate
Revisiting the Seven Deadly Sins
Have Christians Become Too Sensitive?
Pope Benedict XVI Blames Clergy Abuse Crisis on Sexual Revolution
Why I Got Ordained: A Wedding Planner Shares Her Story
Working Together for a Peaceful Future
Good Samaritan Gone Wrong
Why Universal Life Church Ordination Represents Religious Freedom
Response vs. Reaction
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
Ready to share your thoughts? Click here to log in to your account. Not yet ordained? You can sign up in just minutes by filling out a free ordination application.