The following guest sermon was submitted by ULC Minister James Hewitt. All ULC Ministers are invited to contribute their own sermons for consideration/publication. To submit a sermon, please email it to sermons@ulc.org.
In case you haven't been following, Pope Francis is currently doing a tour around Asia, traveling deep into the cities and jungles of four countries in the Asia Pacific region: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore and Timor-Leste.
At each stop, he's been talking about causes close to his heart, including providing care for the environment and ending violence against women. In Indonesia, he visited a mosque and highlighted the connectivity and commonality between Catholics and Muslims and his desire to build interfaith coalitions between the two religions.
The people of Papua New Guinea, however, received no such religious olive branch.
"Superstition and Magic"
Francis arrived in Vanimo, a remote town on the northwest coast, because he specifically wanted to visit those on the outskirts of modern society. Although Papua New Guinea is largely a Christian country (thanks to centuries of colonialism and some very motivated missionaries) citizens in Vanimo and other outlying areas are not all Catholic; many largely still honor indigenous spiritual beliefs.
Francis was reportedly received warmly by locals and was gifted a traditional hat, which he wore as he gave remarks.
Here's where things got interesting.
In his speech, Francis said he hoped to end the tribal violence, sexual violence, and drug abuse damaging communities in Papua New Guinea. Okay, pretty standard stuff. His proposed solution, though, was "to drive out fear, superstition and magic from people's hearts.”
Wait a minute... superstition and magic?
Francis’ intention, I think, was to highlight how witch-hunts still occur in Papua New Guinea. Even in the 21st century, women are sometimes accused of sorcery or witchcraft, and like witch-hunts of old, frequently face violence from those accusations.
Belief in sorcery, known as sanguma, is widespread across the Pacific, particularly in Papua New Guinea.
Many elements of sanguma are harmless, forming part of an ancient folk religion that has endured for millennia. For instance, hunters may take a body part of a deceased relative and rub it on their hunting weapons, believing the spirit will bring them good luck. Common ailments like colds are often attributed to mischievous spirits.
Interestingly, sanguma and Christianity often coexist is Papua New Guinea, with both being respected and practiced side by side.
There are some clearly negative aspects of this belief system, though, that can lead to violence (like witch hunting) – and there is no excusing that kind of behavior.
But as the head of the Catholic Church, can Francis really accuse others of engaging in superstition with a straight face?
In other words: where does one draw the line between superstition and religion?
One Man's Superstition...
If we want to call out superstition, how about the fact that Catholic doctrine says the Eucharist is literally the body and blood of Christ. Not metaphorically, not symbolically, literally. Every Sunday, millions of Catholics around the world literally eat Jesus Christ’s body and blood.
Or take sainthood, for example. The Catholic Church famously celebrates so-called "miracles" that violate the laws of nature and physics. If a person performs enough miracles, they can be canonized. If that's not a tradition rooted in magic and superstition, what is?
There is, of course, nothing wrong with believing in your particular faith and not believing in other faiths. But the pope calling indigenous beliefs “superstition and magic” has a certain irony to it when he heads a faith rich in rituals and traditions which can very easily appear superstitious to outsiders. It’s a very Western way of viewing the world: ours is faith, theirs is fiction.
We should all be more careful about so carelessly dismissing the beliefs of others, particularly minority religions that have been pushed to the fringes by Western colonizers.
Get rid of the Pope he's not needed and past Popes have caused controversy.
Another ridiculous comment from "Pope" Francis. First he outrageously dismisses tribal beliefs and suggests only his brand of magic is real. Then he tries to normalize Trump and interfere in the US election by equating Trump and Kamala as if they are moral equals. His judgment is very poor lately, perhaps it's time he hang up the pointy hat and retire.
“ There is, of course, nothing wrong with believing in your particular faith and not believing in other faiths.”
Well, except when considering religiously delusional beliefs other than one’s own.
And this isn’t really being hypocritical. The Pope's beliefs are THE ONE TRUE SET OF BELIEFS so he’s just bashing other religions as a religious person is expected to do.
Gotta’ love dat hat!
all of catholic belief is magic virgin birth, son of god, rise on the third day, water to wine, raise the dead and healing lepers that is magic
I can’t say what I think of the current Pope. However, I believe he is dead wrong on his views of indigenous peoples. His exact point of view can be reversed onto his church. If it were not so, why are the vaults and archives so heavily guarded with almost zero admittance outside the hierarchy of the church??
Because the vaults contain all of their magical items reserved for their top sorcerers. 🤣🤣🤣
What he calls “magic,” many of you call “miracles,” What he calls “prayers,” many of us call spells. He should be respectful of ALL religions; magic and mysticism aside.
The Pope can say anything he wants. It doesn’t mean anyone has to listen.
Pope Francis has been a big disappointment from day one. The man needs to think things through before he gives those pitiful speaches.
The pope needs to stay in papal affairs and not pass judgment on what is in peoples hearts. He should stick to his teachings of his God and stay out of everyone else's beliefs. Magic is not something he knows about and should remain as such.
There is nothing at all wrong with a little magic/magik in a person's life. It's all a matter of perspective as to what you call it. Prayer/spell/miracle...it all comes from the same place.
What a hoot! Religion is all about superstition and magic. Religion is the root of all evil.
This is a classic case of the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.
Perhaps the Vatican can show us how it is done. Open the doors and take in a hundred African or Muslim refugee males. Let us know how it’s going in 6 months ….. hypocrite is a gentle word when describing the Pope
This pope has spoken out against Capitalism.
So what's the flip side of Capitalism?
This Pope is not a "Pope" for all of his "flock".
A lot of reactionary comments on this story. Pope Francis is one of the best human beings to be Pope in a long, long time. If he said that beliefs need to be changed so that people will not commit violence against one another, so be it. Using words like superstition and magic must be treated very carefully. Even these words mean different things to many people and when translated from one language to another, one culture to another they can change how they are being used. Many of you have taken any chance you can to villify Pope Francis. Others have come to his defense, not even know what you are defending. Call it what you will, but violence against others based upon your belief system is not limited to the people of Papua New Guinea. In fact, it is very prevalent in the United States. Let he who is innocent cast the first stone.
finally, someone not condemning the Catholic faith when many of those who responded were not Catholic and don't abide by the teachings of the Catholic faith. Many here talk about the worth of the Church, the belief in saints, and miracles that are hocus pocus. Every large religious institution has large funds to continue preaching, maintenance, payroll, and attending to the needs of their congregants. There are so many anti-religious of this page. Just remember this, love your God, yourself, your neighbor. Do good in the world. God,
It’s difficult to determine the exact value of the Catholic Church, and also many others, but current estimates are in the region of around $8 billion.
When I see people pumped up with ego being carried around on what looks like gold, plated, thrones, carrying gold crosses, it doesn’t say much for those who are sick and suffering by being homeless on the streets.
If there really was a burning hell, I would assume those that are pumped up with their own religiosity, filled with airs and graces, will be the first ones there. I hope they feel comfortable in their gold plated caskets when they move on.
These people have been practicing their faith longer than the Pope’s faith has been on the planet. Let them practice as they see fit as long as it doesn’t hurt others. Expose them to other beliefs and if they choose to convert or add/subtract to their ways then leave that to them and how God touches their mind and heart. No people has the right to dictate what is right for another only share ideas and respect boundaries.
There is so much discourse in our religion . we must accept our Jesus and use this teachings And follow your heart!
The Catholic Church has, since day 1, done whatever it takes to fill the coffers.
The Catholic Church has, since day 1, done whatever it takes to fill the coffins. FIFY
Well, it did receive a deadly wound when Napoleon capture and threw him in prison in 1798. He lost his civil powers at that time .
Yeah, that was pretty foolish of him to say. There's a lot of magickal ritual involved in Catholicism in particular, but any religion involving prayer is using magick. Petitioning a noncorporeal entity by offering it worship is a magickal rite.
Pope should preach gospel to countries he visits.important for those individuals learn the word of God. from Minister Mike .
Yes he is a hypocrite as well as an Antisemitic. His statements about Israel show his disdain.
He’s not an antisemite. He’s antizionist. Any decent person is an antizionist.
I read somewhere that a lot of evil comes from this pope. Don't judge me I'm just passing on what I read and he is to be replaced by a younger pope. I'm just repeating what I read so don't start attacking me.
Pamela, repeating the Bible will get you in trouble too even if you don't agree with it.
It's not judgemental to critique someone's behavior. How could we prosecute murderers and rapists otherwise? We have to first suspect them of evil. We can see a drunkard and say, I don't want to be a drunkard. It's when we say, that drunkard is hellbound, that's the crunch.
The popes of the past have permitted absolutely horrific evils. They are after all vulnerable men and as corruptible an anyone else on the planet and have demonstrated as much.
I've also read some unsavory things about this pope and he sits on a throne in a throne room that gives me the heeby-jeebies.
Like killing between 50 to 100 million people that did not follow his dictates during the dark ages. Read Foxes Book of Martyrs. The reason people fled Europe for America and made a constitution that at THAT time said the church could not control the state. Two horned lamb, we will serve no pope, and we will serve no king. But in the end the bible says that this country WILL speak as a dragon and the church WILL take control again.
You hit the hammer on the head! TYVM
As scripture tells us "2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
"fear, superstition and magic" What are the very foundations of the Abrahamic mythos. Also what was a rejected '70s R&B band name? 😉
As a soon to be 89 year old minister who at age 8, cried a soul felt prayer, “God, I want to know who you are, I don’t want to be told, I want you right here in front of me”… and never stopped looking and searching, I have a summation… it is, Fear Goes ballistic while love conquers all; God is Love… the ONE vibrating element of energy coagulated, gasified, liquified into everything in different vibratory forms… that is all one thing, Love/God. When we Love we are in the vibrations of love, aligned with the origin of all vibrations and we reach out to help and heal and do the things that extend life. Love makes us clear-minded, giving us a view that we can easily see and follow and do what Love would do… and I have some advice in our Presidential election, we have a choice, go fear’s way or go with Joy, follow Love. Suggestion, look up “The Characteristics of Love” in the Teachers manual for “Course In Miracles” and go with it. I Love You
Not only have I just received instruction in antisemitism, I just had a flashback to an old "The Fifth Dimension" album, which I am about to dig out... I love "Aquarius" and Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" may soon follow.
Being Jewish myself, my response will be a question.
What is a hypocrite anyway? By definition, we all qualify. So why apply the term to anyone else but ourselves?
Dig deep on that one.
I admit I was NOT happy with Pappy's woeful missive yesterday on American's voting for "the lesser of two evils" in our upcoming election saga... my take: a Papal escape hatch and "Papal Bull."
I see only one hypocrisy and one evil, and it's not the lesser one but the greater one: to it's followers, I ask yet another question.
What would you say about a person who allows him/herself to be lied to by a known sociopath, one who has been convicted multiple times, and more recently by a jury of peers and branded a felon, and worse, who tried to undermine the very fabric of what democratic ideals we still hold dear, to feed it's own ego and lust, while it continues to persuade followers to abandon the most basic tenets of social decency and political discourse?
That is what a hypocrite is. Both the leader, and the follower.
Chew on that bone for a while.
Peace, out. It's soon to be Shabbat!
Imagine that your spouse/sibling/grandfather/grandmother/etc had the entirety of the news, local, national, and international, start to say things about them that you knew were false, and could easily be defended. Now imagine that the attacks never stopped. And after a while, people in your own government started to call your family member all sorts of names, and created false criminal charges against them. Soon others in the community, then the nation and world, began demonizing your family member because they didn't like what they stood for. And then the media and government started going after the people who liked your family member, and they went after others in the community who were like your family member. Then the government agreed it would be great if people in the communities started to go after your family member. And then people in the government (and of course still the news) started using words like "eliminated", "shot", "threat", etc about your family member. And then imagine if someone actually tried to kill your family member. And then the poeple in the community started to go after the rest of your family. And then people were arrested for absolutely no legal ground whatsoever. And it piled on after that into an uncontrollable frenzy.
Sound familiar? I recall these very things happening in 1938. Interesting how history repeats itself. If you allow the government and the media to demonize someone long enough, you will have built an army of people to help you carry out wrongs on innocent people.
Don't believe the news you watch. They are also lying to us, and have been for years and years.
Some could say that about the news you’re listening to or the people you’re talking about. We are demonizing way too many people for no reason at all. There is too much hate happening. We need to start listening to each other. There isn’t just ONE individual who’s dangerous. The people who are truly dangerous are those who blame a small group of people ( a minority) for the problems everyone else is experiencing. That’s dangerous.
I can tell you right now that the pope is 1000% wrong for the way he is and needs to change his ways of living.
He’s absolutely correct. The candidates of both major parties are evil.
Listen to the original Aquarius from the musical Hair. I think you’ll like it better than the 5th Dimensions version. Thumbs up to Jefferson Airplane and White Rabbit, too.
I was raised Mormon. My Mother is buried in her Holy Temple garments. I attended BYU-Hawaii & was 6 months away from a Mormon mission. I joined the Catholic Church in 1996 & had to go to classes for a year (RCIA). I told the Priest, I have already been baptized when I was 8. He smiled and said, "that didn't count". Today, I call myself a "Universal Humanist" and people laugh. Peace be with you, & may The Holy Ghost watch over you...
Please could you explain what a Holy Ghost is? Is that something you’ve been indoctrinated about as a Mormon, or Catholic?
I lived in Papua New Guinea forty years ago, soon after they had gained independence. There are multiple tribes and multiple indigenous beliefs systems. When the missionaries arrived many of them said that these beliefs were wrong and must be replaced by Christianity. The belief systems were part of the culture and the glue that held community together. The initiated men who knew the magic were respected and there was disipline.
Replacing these beliefs with a version of Christianity plus the influence of drink (Papua New Guineans could not drink alcohol until after independence) and drugs (growing marijuana introduced by expatriates) disrupted society. When I was there, Sanguma was the name of a very good PNG fusion rock band . It's only in recent decades that sanguma has become associated with witchcraft and the killing of so-called witches.
This is the reality https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/nov/14/they-just-slaughter-them-how-sorcery-violence-spreads-fear-across-papua-new-guinea Innocent people are being tortured and killed, so the Pope is right to use his influence to try and prevent it.
Waltz signed to law killing babies through delivery.Kamala agrees. End of Discussion.
A Pope can't Call out the ultimate evil. Kamala's border allowed 85000 children to disappear.The US is now the " 1 human trafficker.All the Pope can say is " Open Borders" from behind walls,locks,,tickets to see him bullet proof glass ..all while sitting on a guarded Throne. Private meet and greet with Eostein,The Evil ,criminal Pelosi and so many blasphemous stars...the end.
Jennifer, no, Tim Waltz did not sign a law that allows the killing of babies through delivery.
Minnesota Statutes: 145.423: ABORTION; LIVE BIRTHS: A born alive infant as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.
I read all input from all ministers and carefully consider their views. However, after reading that first sentence, I realized anything else you wrote might be more propaganda, so I stopped. I pray every day that we won’t have to live in the country that believes anything and everything one man says.
All religions are made up nonsense from a time when science didn’t exist and the only explanation people would believe for anything was that there was an INVISIBLE MAGICAL DEITY - every religion has one and they are all fictional, this whole premise of giving some pedophile pope any credibility for anything is just ridiculous pretty much just like religions in general are.people have called me a caveman for not using a lot of societies advances but the majority of the world’s population is way more prehistoric than me with this antiquated notion of an INVISIBLE MAGICAL DEITY!
There's a degree of superstitious and "magic" in every religion; but it's wrong for the pope to cast aspersions as if Catholicism is "holier than thou" without superstitious and magic. That's been one of the most divisive elements in so many religions and has fostered a range of exclusivity and violence. Can't we learn from history?
When you, your mind, body and spirit are so imbued with the traditions, teachings and rituals of how you worship it's logical that you may lose sight and perspective of other practices, consider them ungodly. It might be a better plan to review and reflect on your own practices before helping others. This is not easy and takes courage.
Isn't that what the Catholic church believes at the core tho? He is continuing the core beliefs of his faith, as he should.
In my own opinion hypocrisy is everywhere in everyone in our thoughts in our speech in our actions , We should all just love each other as the human race and respect each other’s beliefs, thoughts and opinions without those we would have to reasons to verbally communicate with one another , I am newly Ordained (June 28 2024) and this like I said in the beginning is just my personal opinion, My road was long and treacherous, but I know and feel that I am where I should be my life’s journey the right place at the right time, the signs are all around us, with Eyes Wide open I Pray for us all every day May Peace be with you all , May your day be Blessed and your slumbers be Peaceful
As I have said before, this Pope is like a blind man wandering in a cow pasture. He seems to step into it more and more.
I'm not sure if he is just that daft, or if he is purposely being goaded into statements. Regardless, with each statement comes public ridicule and more damage to his position.
The church, and theology in general, is one of those things which utterances should be controlled because while you may be speaking the truth, there is a never ending line of Karyns waiting to be offended, some people who are generally offended, and those who take an honest and simple message and contort it like a pretzel for their own obscene meaning. I think social media proves this.
He is not as dumb as you think. Read The Keys of This Blood by Malachi Martin and he will give you his Agenda. It is not a coincidence that the bible uses this verse to describe him. Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
This pope is not a man of God, he is of satan
Yes, he's definitely a hypocrite. The lack of self-awareness is a gaping hole for most Christians. Religion is based on "superstition and magic."
you have to understand that the pope is for the Catholics people think that sister Teresa was a saint. She was not what she did was her job for the church. Her job was to promote nuns. She said terrible things about the poor this is to do what’s best for him and everyone is high as he is to get as much money as he can. from the public he doesn’t care about people. All he cares about is generating funds to keep his lifestyle and the Vatican alive. If you’ll look through history, the Catholics have controlled the world let you pay for sins. The whole thing is kind of. silly, if the Vatican actually cared about people they would feed more homeless they would build housing there would there the worlds richest country and they just keep getting richer.
It would have been easier listening to the speech because live hearing makes a difference in meaning to different listeners. Indeed we should avoid undermining other people's beliefs. Being neighbourly requires esteeming each other and leaving the rest to God the creator and the judge of all.
Pope Francis has been a big disappointment from day one. The man needs to think things through before he gives those pitiful speaches.
Pope Francis is a Catholic, and in Catholicism, any other religion is believed to be incorrect, so it's understandable he believes what he states. For people to expect him to change his perception to suit their sensibilities is unrealistic. However, publicly criticizing other religions is unnecessary and inappropriate, not to mention unkind - he's trying to prove his ideas are superior. People follow their religion because they believe it's the right one or they wouldn't believe in it. Additionally, there is much in religious scripture and teachings that are not at all based on truth but allegory, fantasy and superstition as well, yet presented as absolute truth. Pope Francis would not be able to prove his ideas are correct over any others, so I think he should practice his faith and leave others to practice theirs. If people want to follow him and his religious teachings, they know where to find them.
Hypocrite not quite sure, to each their own as it comes to belief, but at the sametime we should not judge or deter anyone from what they believe.
In my experience, I have always thought the whole Catholic religion/church was hypocritical. I was raised Catholic, did all the sacraments and went to catechism classes on Sunday. I was the lucky one in the family who did not have to go to catholic school. My parents were finally able to afford a house and did not have the money to send me. I never felt welcomed or loved when attending mass or inspired by any sermon. And when they sent my elderly mother a letter that she did not give enough to the church, well that was my proof. They did, at least the church we belonged to, did not seem to care about its parishioners, only their money. I enjoyed the mass more when it was said in Latin. It sounded so mysterious to a small child.
He is who and what he is, the head of the Catholic Church. As to his views on indigenous people, it's just plain nonsense. Like any other people with their own beautiful and special culture they should be left alone to practice what they believe. Period.
If we were to do that this would be contrary to the the word of God,You are I were asked to do what as believers? This is not works but and act of Faith.See if you know the answer?
I'm always amazed why we try to convience people of anything other than "Jesus Christ died, was buried, and on the third day arose and sits at the right hand of the father "Nothing but Faith, you can take nothing nor can you add anything to it. What is FAITH? How do I continualy walk in it, and when things get tuff will I stand in FAITH. Are will we be influenced by the enemy who had to get permission even to tempt you. "Be strong and know that I am with you always". Does this have any real meaning to us today?
Well, what can I say, seems that Pope Francis needed a vacay......away from the "Vaticay"......and being the Pope, had to at least say something that did not sway very well.
Hands down hypocritical due to Catholicism's own superstitions, fear based faith, and nonstop guilt....my opinions.
Disrespectful, to say the least saying such nonsense in their country.
No one wants lip service. What and why was he there for? For his ego? Does the Catholic Church actually do anything to heal for their sins and uplift the citizens of Papua New Guinea, or do they just spout the same ole rhetoric and belittlement? And who is he to cast stones?
Culture, beliefs, faith and religion are all intertwined. They are what makes all of us so unique and beautiful.
Yes, there are parts of every and any faith that are questionable to all of us personally speaking (the mistreatment and murders of women to say the least). That does not mean The Entirety must therefore be dismissed. Cultures grow and change and adapt as does religion and faith and no "holy man" has the right to negate any of them and put his as superior.AS far as I am concerned, he wasted his time.
Catholicism is a pagan religion it always has been since inception in the mad/insane from sin romen empire. I think that the abhorrent phenomena of agregous child abuse and the acceptance and protecting of the criminals that commit it by the church. It should have the doors shut in all catholic churches and they should be shunned from decent society. . the children must be protected from them. This is not a name calling insulting rant it is an educated thought based on empiracal court documents
With all due respect to the Pope, he should stay out of American politics, unless of course he welcomes the illegal migrants to the Vatican to settle Maybe he can get some of the people that have more money than the Vatican to buy some of that art work, I am sure they will gladly pay millions to destroy it.
No religious leader is in any position to criticize any other faith. It sets an incredibly bad example for other followers of that leader.
Religious beliefs should not be based on the virgin mother but on God and Christ alone all she was is the vessel that brought us our savior.
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In regards to Pope Francis, being hypocritical. Even his foundation is opposite of the word of God. No man cometh unto the Father but by Jesus. Mary isn't my Savior. She was chosen to birth my Lord and Savior but she Not the way to Salvation. So Pope Francis has to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of Sins and receive the Holy Ghost just like I did and all who receive the word in truth. It's in Jesus name.
Wow! The guidelines given below for comments were often almost totally ignored. So much anger! So much judgement! Very sad! What are the values that Universal Life Church Ministries hopes to promote or support?
Popes that live in glass cathedrals should not throw stones.
Finally the pope is talking like a catholic again! And while there’s a bit of a technical issue there superstitions and magic aren’t bad in themselves the Old Testament has a good few of them, indigenous religions just believe in the wrong kinds of superstitions and magic but overall a very good point from the pope.
Judgement is not ours ! Only God can judge the hearts of all people, including the Pope's! To the Pope I might ask? What ate the idles of your Church?
I find this a thoughtful and respectful sermon. I think it provides a rich opportunity for discussion, sharing, learning, respecting and building bridges instead of walls. In my life I build as many bridges as I can to foster respect and understanding with others.
Dr. Kathy H.
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God gave us free will to think for ourselves. It's allowed for each to choose their life, religion and direction. Worship in what makes you feel comfortable. Don't read into the lines, read them for what they say. Too many people trying to twist and turn interpretations
Let's take a look at history and see what it has to say about Christianity....... Oh. WOW. Well, this isn't good. Death. Destruction. Grief. Conquer. Suppression. Witch hunts, Crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition. So, what was the Pope trying to insinuate again?
Excellent piece. Having been brought up in the Catholic faith I endured endless superstition, cult like behaviour and endless strange ritual and mumbo jumbo, resulting in a form of brain washing where you cannot deveate from what the organisation lays out for you. Frankly they just shackled me with a Masters degree in guilt ! Not a healthy way to live and be and just as odd as the way the Pope sees the faith of the indigenous people. If that isn't hypocrisy, I don't know what is
Catholics quite often pray to saints rather than to God, that is a superstitious behavior. Doesn't the 10 commandments forbid that?
Last time I checked, magic comes from the Divine… So….If God giveth no Man should try to taketh away!
Who said I read it in the bible? I didn't. Ever hear of Nostradomas?
Immigration is tricky, because we can't read minds to know what a person's intentions are. Nevertheless if I were an immigrant I would want to be able to have due process to obtain citizenship. The earth is a big place and no one lives forever.
Francis’ intention, I think, was to highlight how witch-hunts still occur in Papua New Guinea. Even in the 21st century, women are sometimes accused of sorcery or witchcraft, and like witch-hunts of old, frequently face violence from those accusations.
Francis is a wonderful Pope. He is against violence. He also said that all religions are paths to God (something to that effect). No Pope even came close to that and some catholics called it heresy. This is a man of God. He is refreshing even though many US Catholic bishops don't agree with him.
The Question: Was the Catholic Pope Francis Hypocritical in the ADVISE He gave , I say YES because the Whole Catholic beliefs and prayer practices is based on ritualism and repetitive prayers , they bow down before images of canonized saints and man made statues All of these things are based on different faith practices from other nations that have joined them out of fear of going to Hell or some other place of loneliness and fear, also The Pope should tend to his own house and not try to run someone else . Remember GOD is the Judge of All human beings and HE has Ordained one to be Judge of both the living and the dead and JUDGEMENT has Begun in the House of God First. , ,
I think a good way for a prominent religious figure such as the Pope to speak of other faiths/beliefs is to take the position of (Catholic) Bishop Fulton Sheen, one who could be stern against followers of his own faith yet when considering other faiths said words to effect "Let us not focus whereupon we are different, but where we meet".
Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano began erupting the same day a gas pipe rupture produced a huge pillar of fire in Houston.
Local Hawaiian eyes are open to tradition. Madam Pele should be making an appearance on the island very soon. Can she not be a darker side of the image we call TheHoly Virgin?
There is only one God. Our culture and environment shape and determine how all humans relate to God. It is not for anyone to denigrate another person for relating to God in his or her way.
Of all the popes we’ve ever had, I think I like this one the most. He's open minded, trying to understand, and sharing what he believes to be the truth. That said, the idea of a “man of the cloth” criticizing others for their beliefs is a bit hypocritical, especially considering that much of Catholicism is considered pagan, by most other faiths. I think that if he’d had perhaps chosen better words to explain what he meant, there might not have been so much controversy about what was said. I think he’s doing an amazing job.
Yes. The pope is a hypocrite and a phony. He is a "NOMINAL" Christian. (Christian in name only) It is clear that he does not believe what the Bible actually teaches. HOW DO I KNOW? I'm in my third year of Bible college. Only about 10% for what he teaches appears in the Bible.
Good sermon. Yes the Pope is a hypocrite This is even more demonstrated this week when he called out former President Trump and said: "Not giving welcome to migrants is a sin. It is grave." Make room, Vatican City!
They definitely got the coin to flip the bill.