The following guest sermon was submitted by ULC Minister Bernard Stephensen. All ULC Ministers are invited to contribute their own sermons for consideration/publication. To submit a sermon, please email it to sermons@ulc.org.
Fate can shift on the smallest of margins: taking a right instead of a left, leaving the house a minute sooner or later. Or, in the case of the attempted assassination of presidential candidate Donald Trump, a last second turn of the head.
One naturally wonders: what (or who) is responsible for such twists of fate? Was it pure luck and happenstance saved Trump’s life, or could a higher power have been involved?
I've long been fascinated by such questions. Seeking answers, I looked back in time to find other examples of potential divine intervention that can shed light on the phenomenon.
Times When God Intervened (Supposedly)
What I found is that in miraculous moments throughout history, God is often credited with helping famous Americans escape dangerous situations or overcome difficult odds.
In 1981, President Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt. He was struck with a bullet that required surgery to remove, but he recovered well. Reagan later said that he saw God’s divine hand watching over him, writing in his autobiography, “I thanked God for what He had done for me.” And he added in his diary: “Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will try to serve him in every way I can.”
Parallels can be seen in the 1912 attempted assassination of former president Theodore Roosevelt. While campaigning in Wisconsin, an assassin fired a bullet directly at his chest. Miraculously, the bullet struck his chest pocket, which held a steel glasses case and a folded copy of his speech, slowing the bullet enough to prevent serious harm.
Going back even further, George Washington often gave credit to “providence” when the Continental Army emerged victorious in battle during the American Revolution.
However, the greatest act of God supposedly came after suffering military defeat during the Battle of Long Island. General Washington ordered his men to retreat across the river to Manhattan, but the overnight evacuation took longer than expected, and daybreak broke before Washington and his men could fully evacuate. By “providence,” as Washington called it, a thick fog suddenly rolled in, concealing their evacuation from the British as they safely retreated across the river.

Which God is Intervening?
Of course, the concept of divine intervention isn’t unique to American history or Christianity. The gods have been given credit for earthly coincidences since the dawn of faith.
The Mongol invasion of Japan was foiled not once but twice by typhoons, which Zen Buddhist samurai at the time called “divine wind" – or “kamikaze.”
And Herodotus writes that in 585 BCE, the Battle of Halys (sometimes called the Battle of the Eclipse) between the Medes and the Lydians was stopped as day turned to night right before their eyes. We know now this was likely a solar eclipse, but day turning to night was believed by both sides to be a cosmic sign that combat must stop, and shortly thereafter they reached a peace agreement, ending a six-year-long war.
What Did We See in Pennsylvania?
This brings us to the events that transpired at the rally in Pennsylvania.
Trump himself seems to believe that God saved his life. "Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening,” he wrote on social media. “We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.”
The former president is not alone in this belief. On Sunday, in pews across the country, religious leaders gave credit to divine intervention for saving Trump’s life. Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California implied in a recent service that God spared Trump’s life because he is “Israel’s best friend.”
Franklin Graham said that “it is obvious that God’s hand of protection was on [Trump]."
And Paula White posted an image implying the same:
Considering Divine Intervention
So, which factor is responsible – divine intervention or luck?
In each case, it could be said that God put a hand on the scales. How could luck alone possibly be responsible for such intense turns of fate?
Of course, one can also make the argument that these major interventions (whether from the natural world, or man-made) are simply coincidental. Coincidences happen every day; they are part of life. When they happen in the biggest moments, does that mean God necessarily had a hand in it?
It's a question I ponder often, and I'm curious to hear what my fellow ministers think.
And yet he allows humans to starve to death, he allows pedophiles to inflict pain and suffering on babies, children, and others. He allows humans to writhe in pain, he allows the Hitlers to murder millions of victims. And he stands back, watching, but never intervening.
Now you say “free will!” To which I say, “BS!” because Omniscience and omnipotence.
I believe I agree with you 100%. There is a big difference between His will and what He permits due to our sinful nature. His will was that Adam and Eve would not eat the fruit. His will was we would not be led by humans, but we wanted what the others had, even after His prophet told them how it would turn out. Look how often He warned Pharoh.
I refuse to take the "enigmatic and problematic" idea of sin from some amorphous being from 6,000 years ago, whether that was a human or some strange idea of a supernatural being, and to pass it on because that is required to continue the species. It is a silly way to describe birth defects. It was some strange way for a God to allow bad/evil, and to allow it to populate until the species can no longer exist. Many humans are not that stupid.
I don't believe it has anything to do with God allowing bad/evil. It has to do with God giving us free will. He could have not given us free will and programmed us to do whatever He liked. Then we would be robots. Our spouses would always say yes dear, our kids would always say yes mom. In order to love we must have a choice. He has given His adversary a period of time to prove that his way is better, and you can see the results of that. 1Co 4:9 For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men. Everyone everywhere is watching. The day is soon to come when He will return and change all of that. Don't worry God will return before the devil destroys everything. We just need to be ready.
Any demonstrable evidence yet that your god is real, or are you just getting your beliefs and claims from a book?
Even your particular omnipotent god doesn’t seem able to prove he’s real and put a damper on all the other gods mankind has created.
What that has to do with God allowing good and evil I have no idea. Reminds me of scripture when the pharisees would try and change the topic that the disciples were talking about. As far as my God being real, I can read Daniel and the historians today will say it is spot on for its accuracy. I can look at creation, I can look at answered prayer, etc. etc. I can look at miracles that the medical community has documented. God doesn't need to prove He is real. You need to prove that He is not.
The efficacy of prayer has been studied since 1872, with no conclusive proof whatsoever.
Science has proved the evolution of mankind, which totally makes the Adam and Eve claim in the Bible to be a rather silly fairytale. which we all knew anyway.
Yes, your god does need to prove he’s real if he’s worthy of his real omnipotence, which obviously he’s not capable of doing. Much like all the other gods mankind has created. I bet you don’t believe in Vishnu, Thor, Fairies, Elves, or Sasquatch, even though you can’t prove they don’t exist. You’re just hanging onto tales written in a book, much like those who believe in the Book of Mormon, or the Bhagavad Gita, or the Qu’ran.
Can you prove the god Dionysus, the god of wine 🍷, isn’t real? I’m hoping it is! 🤭
Well from what I have read over the years, even non-Christian doctors pray with their patients, because the data shows otherwise. There are a few scientists left that believe in theory of evolution, and even some of those off camera support creation. They just can't publicly state it since they are so close to retirement and would lose their job. As said earlier much proof for the existence of God He does not need to prove anything. No worries on my part, if it is a lie and I die, I lose nothing. If it is true and I die, I gain everything. The best part it does not cost me anything to believe that He sent His son to save me from as you call it, a fairy tale world. God Bless
Faith is for us, not for God. God doesn’t need our worship. When we pray, meditate, perform ceremony or ritual, or any other way we connect, worship or praise God, it is for us, not God. Many of us have found we do better and feel better when we connect with God. As long as it doesn’t harm anyone else I say, “Great!”
I totally agree that any form of meditation, no matter how it is performed, is for the good of each individual. I’m totally okay with that as long as their beliefs do not cause havoc with promises of death and destruction for those who don’t want to believe as they do.
Then religious fanatics are purely egomaniacs.
and you anti religious are just as much if not more fanatics and egomaniacs.
I don’t have to argue if good is real I know in my heart he is in 2006 I had a heart attack the dr said I had 5percent chance of coming out of surgery alive this is 2024 in 2009 I had cancer the dr said I had 6 months to live this is 2024 you haven’t seen a miracle because you haven’t been in the right place try going to church once in awhile god can change minds too
It’s totally okay. You are no different to others of other world-wide faiths that believe in their heart that their god is real.
All that matters is that you defeated the odds. Well done 👏. I’m sure there are many others that didn’t, which might have changed their relatives minds about the god they believed in.
Yet we do not have free will. We experience the illusion of agency, with which we justify the course of action taken. This (lack of agency) has been shown in numerous peer-reviewed experiments. Without "free will" the whole premise of Christianity falls.
The version of Christianity practiced in 2024 began in 325 CE, when Roman Emperor Constantine imposed his version of "Christianity" on the entire Roman Empire. He invented the "Trinity", because Christianity is a multi-god mythology.
The concepts of "Free Will" versus "Omnipotence/Omniscience" are mutually exclusive. They both cannot exist at the same time. So far there has been no one who can produce a real and existent "silent, invisible and eternally absent" supernatural deity.
Omniscience and free will are not at all mutually exclusive. Just because there is a prophesied ending that is supposed to occur that cannot be prevented doesn't mean that one doesn't have free choice to do whatever the like with their life. The religious reason that both coexist is to give individuals the choice to follow god or the other knowing the consequences of their choice. Those that choose god will receive his blessing and everlasting life. Those that don't choose god don't receive his gift. Free will and Omniscience mutually existing. One does not cancel out the other. We are provided the playbook or rules in the 10 commandments. Easy to understand and easy to follow and easy to win if you follow the rules. But also easy to lose if you don't follow the rules. It's up to your free will to decide.
I am confused by what you are trying to convey. What does my ability to have a free will have anything to do with the all-knowing and all-powerful God?
Omniscience means the future is fixed and unchanging due to God's foreknowledge of everything that happened. That is a contradiction to Free Will. Thus since we are missing any overt natural revelation of this personhood which you call "God" -- since it is silent, invisible and eternally absent. The only logical conclusion is that supernatural deities are imaginary. In short, "Gods are imaginary."
It just means He knows the future. When He put the tree of good and evil in the garden. Adam and Eve could of chose not to eat from it and the world would be much different today. But they chose to eat from it, but God knew what their decision was going to be before that day, and the plan to save them was instituted before the foundations of the world. He gave them free will to choose. Just as we allow our children, if we have them, to decide for themselves, all the time knowing what the outcome will be. My first wife dumped me after four years. My mom told me she knew that would happen because she knew the parents. I asked why she didn't tell me four years earlier. Her response was love is blind.
You describe a fixed, deterministic religion where everyone's actions must agree with that which God foresaw and foreknew. That is not Free Will. You misunderstand what Free Will entails.
I did not say that anywhere, I have said from the beginning that we have free will to do as we please, Adam and Eve are one example of that, the sons of God when they went after the pretty women of Cain's descent is another, the Israelites when they wanted a king is another, all what God did not desire and the list could go on. God is all knowing and knew all of it, it is like reading a history book to Him.
Omniscience is the basis of the Presbyterians, who have believed for years that one's destiny is fixed by an all-knowing omniscient omnipotent God. Logically and commonsensically, one cannot have Free Will if any God is Omniscient.
If they believe that, it has to be either a great life here on earth or a miserable one. Because you can live your life however you want because you cannot change it. If your life is predetermined, there would be no need for the cross, because it would not change anything. If you were created to go to heaven, you would go there. If you were created to die the second death, so be it. The thought that God would create individuals to be saved and others to be lost after living miserable lives on this planet is repulsive and I would have to agree with Robert Ingersol and say there is no God. Thankfully that is not true!
Then produce your God so all can see, hear and experience reality and not fantasy!
@Thomas P. Davis: "Don't worry God will return before the devil destroys everything. We just need to be ready." Matthew 16:28: “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” We've been waiting for God's return to save us for 2000 years. Can't hold my breath much longer.
Thanks, I am not worried for me, but do worry for my offspring. Yes, all the signs are here, not many left. I am ready to go home. The verse you quoted was fulfilled when they saw the vision on the mount of transfiguration. God Bless
He does not allow it, thats why its called choice. But lets see you make the same claim about Islams Prophet and see how far that gets you.
The Bible also says that God hardened Pharaohs heart so he wouldn't believe. Rationalize that.
Or is it the way we read it. Exo 8:32 And Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also, neither would he let the people go.
Gods and supernatural entities are imaginary.
and we feel the same about you
Then you are a figment of The Monastery Organization newsletter only! You are a disembodied soul, if a soul existed at all!
And that makes you the same, so hows about you prove YOU are real then?
God did not allow the three Hebrews to burn up in the fiery furnace even though they chose to go in there.
After some research into fire in a furnace like the one described in that story of Daniel about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, it turns out the forces that drive the hot air in the furnace had some hot and cold spot inside the furnace where a person could stand and not be burned to death. So there was no miracle at that time. All miracles have a valid scientific solution, not ones of divinity! Divinity is imaginary!
I would love to see that research. God is so marvelous that He being all knowing, knew that some unbeliever might say that and covers all the bases. Evidently there was no cold spot at the entrance to the furnace, because the bible says that the guards carrying the three boys were burned up, just approaching the door to the furnace. Dan 3:22 Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. No cold spot there. Plus, someone must have given them a map of those spots prior to entry because they knew just where to walk. Dan 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
Find out the solution to the problem. There are drafts in all places where the Laws of Thermodynamics are applicable. That is one of those cases. It is also possible the story was not recorded properly, in part or in whole cloth.
Ask a fireman about those drafts, also those drafts as you call them seem not to help the men that were holding them when they threw them into the furnace. Dan 3:22 Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Aren't they very lucky!
So you try and use an Irish atheist to prove your point? how pitiful.
Prove your point first. How awful.
So you dont know how to debate? YOU claimed its false therefor its YOU who has to prove same.
What are you writing about?
if you had any sense you would already know the answer to your question
Your misleading comments are a distraction.
how, I am replying to the post, you are the one trying to use smoke and mirrors and then try and claim its me.
You are only a shade of Gray!
wow, what a kindergarten comeback.
Free Will and original sin are offered as reasons why humans bear the 'wages' of suffering.
That kind of falls apart when so many animals on the planet suffer all sorts of painful fates, even outside of human interactions.-
Original does not exist. It was created so my old church could profit from it. Not only did the animal kingdom get affected by sin, but the natural world did also. Take a walk in the wood and see all the decay there.
Sin does not exist. It is an imaginary concept used to defame and control those people the religious fanatics do not like.
1Jn 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Tell that to me the next time some steals from you, hates you, wants something you have, If your married cheats on you, etc etc.
I believe in crime. I do not believe in sin.
It is odd how all of man's civil laws to protect society are mirrored after commandments 6 thru 10.
SIn is an act of unbelief. Your just an unbeliever, that's all, were all born in unbelief. Every act in our flesh is unbelief: Murder, divorce, thief, hate, racism, etc. Even believing in a lie is unbelief. It's caused by a lack of understanding. As it is written: my people suffer form a lack of knowledge.
I will just go with the bible definition of sin. But I do agree with you somewhat. Eve had unbelief that she would not die if she ate the fruit. She had unbelief that the way God created her, equal to Adam was the best for her and she choose to believe the lie of the devil and ate to obtain a higher sphere than she was created for. Thus, she was demoted to a lower position than Adam and suffered for it. We are told by ministers we cannot stop sinning and because we don't believe God's word that we can, we don't.
The truth is, we have an advocate of the Father the Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing it is one God, which shall justify us by faith through the law becoming established through Jesus Christ by the Spirit of truth. We walk by the faith of him covered in his shed blood. Not by our works but by the moving of the Holy Spirit of Christ who orders our steps by the will of God graces. This is why, for by grace you are saved. Not by works or your own ability less you should boast. But by the gift of God through Christ who dwells in use. I know I'm a sinner, I know its not by my might or power either. This is about the life of Jesus Christ being revealed to the world. His manifestion is manifested through the life of the believer through faith. No more you live or that do it but Christ in you the hope of glory.
It's the fall of creation Satan rules on Earth until Christ's return.
Biden is the one that’s hell bent on destroying democracy but you just can’t see it for all the smoke and mirrors of the looney left, but that’s okay, you’re not on your own.
Long live the Republic of the United States. Let’s hope that America can be great once again like it used to be. A nation dependent on its own oil; sensible immigration; illegal criminals sent back to where they came from; money being spent on its infrastructure and homeless vets and citizens, and not being frivolously given away to other countries.
Good for you, Lionheart! I don't know about you, but I've had enough of Democratic Administrations. I would love to see America Great Again! I know many will not agree with me when I say this, but this is what I believe, "God Bless America!"
Yes, that's correct..."God Bless America"! I am not a "Democrat" or a "Republican", however I come from a long line of Republicans. My father is turning in his grave. I am totally and completely embarrassed with what the Republican party has become. If any of you reading this has any shred of decency or self-respect left, and cares about our republic, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP!! And if you're that anti-Democratic party, write in a candidate.
It’s actually Donald Trump, or the laughing Hyena that’s done absolutely nothing to protect our border. I’ll go for Donald Trump that loves our Republic of the United States.
Lionheart: We certainly don't need another 4 years of 'The Laughing Hyena.' I hear tell that there is room for him in the basement of his Delaware home.
It sounds like a racist wearing a cross. It’s really simple, follow the 10 that Moses was given. The rest is noise to impose your personal morals and belief system. The slave Bible is proof that folks like you created it so you can control others. Praying for your healing. The Kahuna Warrior
Why should we follow anything written by mankind, purporting to be sanctioned by a deity that has no demonstrate evidence of its existence.
The same is applicable to the tales associated with Moses of whom there is currently no demonstrable evidence that he ever existed, much like Abraham.
Thank you for your comment.
@Lionheart: "Like it used to be" - the Klan, slavery, segregation, women unable to vote, kids in factories 12 hours a day, insane asylums ... sounds terrific! Make America Gruesome Again!
Thank you for a very typical gaslighting leftist piece of humor. 🤭
I'm obviously referring to the good old times 20 to 40 years ago when we were proud to be an American, or were you not? Not the times when those who were in opposition to the Republican Party established the KKK in 1865. Those were dark days indeed.
Sorry BH, but you do know that historically all of the above mentioned thing in your post were started by Democrats
problem with your TDS showing through? You do know there are hospitals and medication for that now.
Comment has been removed.
After Hitler survived a bomb in an assassination attempt he thought it was divine intervention as well. How did that turn out?
If “God” didn’t intervene when the Jews were being slaughtered, then why would “He” intervene when 45, who has violated most, if not all of the 10 Commandments and satisfies all of the prophesies of the Anti-Christ? It is to wonder.
I think you might find that all politicians have at one time or another violated the 10 commandments, as listed in that book, written by some human being purporting it's from a deity of some sort. Bill Clinton obviously comes to mind, but I'm sure there are many others.
In fact, thinking about it, perhaps we all possibly fall into that category of "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Know what I mean, Rev Ned, or are you totally innocent? 🤭
I know I'm not. 😇
This situation reeks of a set up and a hedged bet. A bad shot has nothing to do with divine intervention. I’d say the blessing lies in that trump was not made a martyr for his hellish cause which would have made the situation worse. This just goes to show that maybe we shouldn’t have this many guns on the street. Especially if some stupid kid, a registered Republican, can do this. Interesting how history repeats itself. Maybe not exactly, but History hasn’t seen a blatant foul up of protecting a higher up since the praetorian guard put Caligula to the sword.
Sorry Ruhnke, his voting registration clearly shows he is a Democrat. His family clearly have stated he is a Democrat, He has constantly made donations to the Democrats..and you want to lie and claim he is a republican? How low do you want to sink? I mean who do we listen to? the Kid and his family or you? Wanna bet it isnt you? And want to explain WHY this kid was on the radar and WHERE exactly did the ladder come from. If the SS knew it was there why didnt they take it? And since they were searching every person and bag wanna tell us just how he got tyhe rifle within distance of Trump? And why were the agents you see, especially the plump female) not secret service members but from Homeland Defense who were so messed up they couldnt even holster their weapons and dropped them? And explain why requests were made for more Secret Service agents and they were instead taken from that duty and sent to Jill Biden? Or maybe you can explain why a sniper from the SS who spotted him in his scope and asked permission to "drop" him and was told NOT to do anything until after he started shooting? This came across the radio so you cant refute it. Or why the local police were told to stay away from that building? And yes they have radio transmissions telling them that. Someone is going to have a lot of explaining to do with all these witnesses and evidence and believe me if its found out that ANYONE in the DNC had ANYTHING to do with this......there will be hell to pay! Especially since 5 days before Biden stated on CBS that its "time we put Trump in the crosshairs" so I guess you seem to ignore all the fuss that was made about the cross on the campaign map for Giffords... but I guess that is ok for you?
Hahahahaha. Grey youre pushing misinformation, that’s how I can refute your bogus Reich wing claims. He made one donation a couple years ago. A lot can happen in that time. We don’t listen to liars who are spreading heinous and atrocious propaganda. That’s you grey, you wasted so many words to tell us you’re a liar, bub.
There are lots of odd questions, but I can discount yours. Keep your meal team six threats and conjectures to yourself.
I’m grateful Trump wasn’t made a martyr for your hellish cause.
I am posting fact. This is from hiw own mother and his voting registration as well as the cell phone they got unlocked. Seems the only one pushing anything here is you.
This Ruhnke also came from the Congressional HEARINGS and were broadcast on live TV. So according to you, all of them are liars because YOU say so? Delusional much are you
All of the first reports I saw stated that he was registered as a Republican. His parents are Democrats.
Don't forget not only was he a registered republican, but he also donated money to the democrats.
He donated to a progressive websites designed to get people to register to vote, whether they vote Democratic or not is up to them. He had done it 3 years ago. He had registered as a Republican after. He also had a photo of Biden and other US representatives on his phone. It looks like a young man tired of all of Washington, not just one side of the aisle.
That is what the said on the news last night, Biden was next on his list. How he thought he was going to survive this attempt I have no idea. Other than as usual, the news network is reporting fake news.
Just give up with the bait and switch Ruhnke, you have already been proved ignorant and you would know this if you watched the congressional hearings today with the head of the Secret Service who actually called her boss a liar in the hearings, not once but multiple times and then ADMITTED that they took some of Trumps security detail and sent it to Jill Biden. You really should know what you are talking about BEFORE you start posting as facts coming out afterword clearly show you have no idea what you are saying.
Proven ignorant by a know nothing, like yourself, Grey. Hardly. Every conservative accusation, is a confession. YOU are the one who clearly doesn’t know what he’s EVER talking about. Yet here we are, having this conversation. You only ever push conjecture, never facts. lol I love how flustered you get as the lies get deeper.
She’s the active First Lady, her life is more important than Trumps. Because he’s former president, her life takes precedent over his. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just protocol.
SO you are admitting you are ignorant? Well good for you as you cant refute the Congressional Hearings that were shown on National TV no matter how much you wish it were otherwise.
So all the congressional hearing that were showing live on TV are wrong because you say so Ruhnke? And then you wonder why you get ripped apart so much in these blogs.
Imagination can be a good servant, but a bad master.
Imagination does not stop for any one person!
I don't really know, but it may be possible. Had a close call during the Panama Invasion in 89 where a turn of my head and leaning it back to answer a question caused an AK-47 round from splattering my brains out and during my tour in Iraq I found myself in a building a few minutes after talking to a friend outside who was killed when a rocket hit where we were standing. So, does it exist? Part of me says that both my deceased parents and guardian angel had a hand in things that kept me alive at those times. Did some unknown thing cause President Trump to slightly move his head and not be aware of doing it only to be wounded rather than killed? So I think that it may be possible in the spiritual realm of things.
Thank you for your serive, John.
August 16, 1998 I end-over-ended my 1977 Ford Econoline van 5 times at 100 mph. No seat belt. Everything went into slow motion. I could see the individual blades of grass on the windshield. When it stopped it was upside down, and I was sitting on the ceiling with the driver's seat over top of me, and my dog, that was sitting on the passenger seat was licking my face. I kicked out the driver's side window to get out, but it turns out when I saw my van the next day, it was the only window left in it. I just missed an approach, and head-onning a hydro pole by about 2'. The roof was flattened down to the seats, and the bed in the back. I was driving again 2 days later, and picking pieces of glass out of nearly everywhere on my body for about a month. I still have the scars on my neck where the dogs right front paw went across my neck. I know it was that one, because when she was a puppy she stepped on a piece of glass, and one of her nails on that paw hung out more than the other ones. I never went to the hospital, I figured if I was still alive I wasn't supposed to die yet. But I still do celebrate my birthday August 16, even tho I was technically born in March. So you tell me
I'm glad you came through that alive. It sounds horrific.
So, God intervened to save a corrupt candidate who has openly committed a litany of sin, while leaving the bullet go that killed a dedicated father and community leader? Protects this divisive liar while allowing classrooms of children to be murdered? Either God is not a righteous God, or this is a bunch of self serving drivel by those who brazenly use God’s name in vain to achieve power and impose a clearly non-Christian agenda for their own gain.
Perhaps G-d intervened because She wanted T***p to live for the humiliation of being defeated by a Black/Indian woman.
She isnt black, she is Jamaican Indian. Just like Obama is a mixed race and so is tiger woods a mixed race. You cant make a claim of being one race and then all of a sudden decide to switch. There are a plethora of interviews she did on CNN and MSNBC and Washington Journal where she admitted and claimed to be Indian. And you do know that her own history shows he father was a slave owner...right?
Why would a loving GOD save a man who is evil, is on Epstein's list for raping a 13 year old child, while allowing innocent children to be killed in a classroom. This is not how GOD works. He gave us free will, and we are to use this free will for good...not to control another person's body. Not to force religion on people. Not to tell people who to love. When Jesus was here with us, he told us to love one another. He told us not to judge others. He told us to take care of the poor and the refugees. We should live the beatitudes and look on everyone as the Face of GOD
So God spares Trump, but not all the kids that have been shot and killed in classrooms, or my sister from a brain aneurysm, my mother from Alzeimers, or my friends young daughter from Brain Cancer, the lady who was just shot and killed by police after she called for help, and so many more he didn't spare. He spared Trump out of all these good people that aren't criminals like he? I highly doubt it. Trump uses God to gain votes. That in my book is sacrilege.
Listen Trump is Evil not because he is a republican but because the lies and being deceitful. In the Bible it says to watch out for leaders that has what I just wrote. I do believe Trump is opening doors for the Anti Christ. Is it set in stone for Trump to win and bring in his evil ways? No I do not believe so. But take a moment he has broken every law known to man but yet he has not been punished. He said that he was the chosen one. Now are these things God's intervention no. But it is paving the way for the Anti Christ. Take Israel's leader he let his own wife go to prison and yet he stayed in power. He to has Satan working for him and will bring Isreal to down fall.
11 years ago i had a brain tumour op and had severe headaches for 4 and a half years im immune to pain killers but after a prayer session and the laying of hands on my arms and the leader put his arm around my shoulders reciting the prayer.I woke up the next day and my headaches vanished overnight.That is Gospel Truth so thank you to God i will love you all eternity.
Did you bother to ask God why He gave you a brain tumor in the first place?
I read of a woman that was cured from a brain tumor and credited her god for it and not medical science because people prayed for her. A few weeks later she died in a vehicle accident. I wonder if your god is selective? 🤭
I oft wonder about the prayers of two young ladies, one for no rain on her wedding day, and one for rain to water some new seeds and plants which she recently planted and while she is away to a funeral of a lifelong dear best friend, both of whom lived over 1,000 miles apart for a few years?
I'm truly happy that the faith healing works. I believe that the faith of the recipient, that really does the healing.
Thank you for telling us what you like to believe. I have a friend that likes to believe the earth is flat, she also believes in Fairies.
Sometimes God will send you a WARNING, not save you to keep doing the same dirt. I do pray he’ll be a better person from here on out, but I’m not putting too much faith in that. Some people will never see until it’s too late.
I don't take hints well, and I need a real face to face encounter with some imaginary supernatural being first, long before I die, in order to be believe such clap-trap hearsay espoused by someone who wants my money.
Humans have a strong need to connect the dots and understand why something happened. We are extremely reluctant to accept that the events that happen around us might not have a special meaning. Analyzing events and making sense of them is a brilliant evolutionary tool. But it also makes us prone to engaging in many logical fallacies to support our conclusions. We have a great need to find "evidence" for our own ideas; we can have a strong confirmation bias. But, really, "it's so unexpected and special, therefore there was divine intervention" is logically invalid on it's face. The claim might be true, but not because of that argument.
Why is the Universe never ending from one side of eternity to the other? The idea of God(s) is man made!
Too much evidence in this world for a Supreme being, to many medical miracles that cannot be explained without the existence of a Supreme being, the list could go on and on.
Medical miracles are the result of a misdiagnosis by the physician team. It happens more than you would like.
Yes, some are but not all. Read the story of Desmond Doss, how does a medic save 75 wounded soldiers with bullets flying around and never get hit himself. On another occasion he needed to go out in a rice patty to save a soldier hit by a sniper. Years later he was retelling the events of that story and a man in the audience finished it for him. He happened to be the sniper and told how he pulled his trigger repeatedly and could not get the weapon to fire.
Concurrent or sequential multiple consequences are not proof of causality.
Nor disproof.
Tell us something we do not know!
And you dont believe in God but I would bet you believe in the myth of a big bang even though Newtons law of thermodynamics clearly states "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force" Now if all the universe was squashed into a small collection, care to tell us what was the outside force that caused the explosion? And explain why astronomers cannot figure how we had immense black holes before we even had stars? Or the Methuselah star is rated to be over 16 BILLION years old...when the universe is only suppose to be 14.3 billion years old? Guess it shows you dont know what you are talking about as usual
Daniel, you should read more about that star, the age of the universe, and how we measure both. It might explain things a little better. Not everything is at it appears. That includes our knowledge of the universe. We make hypotheses on the best data available at that moment in time.
I have, and I think NASA knows far more about it then your source does.
Sure, Jan...
Ahhh so you cant stand it when NASA proves you wrong with the red shift or the James Webb Telescope. Must be magical for you to have your belief bubble destroyed
Methuselah was not 900+ years old, but 900+ months old. It was a translation error. 900_ months is about 75+ years old.
Methuselah was 969 literal years old. Add to that this scripture Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Add to that this scripture 2Pe 3:8 that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. You will observer that no one lived past 1000 yrs. You will also notice the decreasing life span, since man was separated from the TREE OF LIFE. No place to get recharged anymore. In the earth made new, the resurrected will once again have access to that tree. If God would have left it on earth and sinful man had access to it. Sin would have become immortalized too. God alone has immortality 1Ti 6:16 Who only hath immortality, Scripture says man just has it put on. 1Co 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
I thought the Antichrist was supposed to suffer a near death wound to the head from which he rises up on a stage in front of an army of loyal followers. Donnie has part ownership in building address 666 which his son in law bought, embassy in Israel location restored. Sounds like everything is in place. Christians praying to a golden idol. Sounds like a cheap horror movie.
It is a G and R rated movie, soon to be even more X-rated.
He did in 1798 and just as the bible predicted and as reported in the San Francisco Chronicle on the front page on Tuesday, February 12, 1929, they reported it healed.
and you have just shown your complete ignorance. The Antichrist was to be "wounded unto death and then return to life" in short anyone that understands english knows this means they are to be killed and then return to life showing they are supposedly divine and then they go on to claim they are God. Trump has never claimed anything like you are implying. How typical for someone like you to try and use religious texts to fit your agenda.
It really reads "Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;" as is and was, are two different words. Plus, the word anti-christ has two meanings, one of those is (in the place of) so you are looking for someone like Judas, everyone thought he was part of the team. He acted churchy, lived a life like he was churchy. So back to the before mentioned newspaper article. there was an individual that was taken captive because society was fed up with him and his civil powers were removed, (as it were wounded) then later, (read the newspaper article) then later they were returned. This anti-christ has claimed to be God on earth. How you brought politics into this, I do not understand. Maybe you were thinking of Roberts remark, which was what I was responding to. Here is another verse to ponder on "2Jn 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. " Think of someone on this planet that teaches that Christ did not come in the flesh and you will have the answer.
I'm sorry; but in this case, I think it just dumb luck.
This is really getting a bit ridiculous. People losing faith, believing the population and the world over gods word. How can "you" call yourselves Christians or ministers of God's word when you doubt the father! People die at certain times. Just cause 5 die here and two are not doesn't mean our god is unsympathetic, it just means it wasn't their time. God has a plan for every living thing on earth. I call on ALL ministers to look inside yourselves, ask yourselves, " have I lost my faith? , what is it God requires of me?, am I spreading God's word properly or with the mixture of the world and the population together?
Lord I ask that you watch over my fellow ministers, guidethem with your hand that they may find the right path to you. I ask in Jesus name, that you help bring peace and calm to their minds that they may not confuse your word or thoughts with worldly thoughts and beliefs. I pray that you guide them to help the doubters so that they too can see your greatness and Devine intervention in tragedy.
In name the father, the son and the holy spirit, in Jesus name Amen
It would be better if an unnamed God sent us an email with all that planning stuff in it.
My question would have to be what God had against firefighter guy, or did His omnipotent powers not extend far enough to save two people instead of just one?
To believe in divine intervention you must also believe that God allowed the shooter to acquire the gun, travel to the rally site, climb to the roof, load the gun, aim and fire, and only then choose to do something about it. Why didn’t he intervene sooner? The only logical answer is that God had nothing to do with any of it.
Politics is a concern to humans, not God. The motion that God favors one country over others and one political party in that country over another is a myopic defense of our own prejudice. It is also denial of our free will. I agree with Robert Ryden. Saying God intervened at that moment, allowed a fireman to die, and two others to be severely injured while Trump only suffered a cut on his ear from glass shards (from a shattered telepromter screen) defies logic and the Christian message that God loves us all equally. Trump's narrow escape is nothing more than chance, a poor marksman and an unanticipated turn of Trump's head.
God does not micromanage the universe, and that's no Shinola.
Divine intervention? It was it caused by an untrained boy who had very little concept and understanding? If the boy had been aware if what wad taking place the then a single round would have hit the target in the center of the forehead.
God is everywhere, he knows all, sees all, hears all. That's what I was taught from the pearliest days I can remember getting ready for the church bus to come.
Does he intervene in certain situations? Being a God fearing, forever loving man I sure hope so.
Unfortunately it boils down to believers say yes. Doubters and non believers question. In my opinion.
I would like to see the proof that your God exists rather than knowing that the Universe has always existed and no divine intervention was ever needed or required. Energy and matter cannot be created nor destroyed. I find that the concept of "Free Will" and the concept of "Omniscience and Omnipotence" are mutually exclusive; they both cannot be true concurrently.
Those that believe in God have no idea what he plans, and what he thinks. All we can do with speculate. As we speculate, with many other things that happen in this world.
Consider his plan was he wanted the shooter and the man that was killed and to scare Trump for whatever reason at the same time. Who are we to say that wasn’t his plan? Again my speculation not my facts.
Thank you for a spectacular speculation!
Danny ... faith doesn't work with proof, because proof equals fact.
Then faith is all pure speculation with no amount of proof. We call that SciFi/Fantasy/Horror now.
Why are you on a minister website, if you don't have any faith? Trolling?
I am here to show that supernatural deities not exist. I do not stop anyone from following their chosen brand of mythology.
How about you prove that he does not exist Danny?
The educated minds knows that it is not at all possible to prove that something does not exist. Rather, we believe in producing what does exist. So far, no proof of a supernatural deity exists. Divinity is a kind of fudge.
Still waiting for you to prove he does not exist.
And I would like for you to prove he does not exist.
Short version of the proof that is factually true: "Free Will" and "Omniscience" are mutually exclusive. Thus, Gods do not exist.
Knowing everything has nothing to do with free will. He just knows what you will do before you do it. As they say there are no atheists in a fox hole. Sometimes that is what it takes for one to believe.
If God knows in advance, then the future is fixed, like it or not. That is pure truthful logic.
Sort version is you have proved nothing. Nice try though
And I am waiting for you to prove he does not exist. Yet again I am waiting for you to tell us just how your big bang happened when everything was supposedly in one tiny thing. See that violates Newtons 1st law of inertia, a bedrock law of science and physics that cannot be broken. Newton's First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force. Ok then explain just how and what the outsdide force was that caused this?Especially if everything was already compressed into a single item? Now this proves that science does not know what they are talking about OR there wasnt any such thing as the big bang. Sort of destroys your whole belief system now dont it?
Ernest Haeckel, in his remarkable work “The Riddle of the Universe” opined that there’s absolutely nothing supernatural, in the universe, that any human mind can comprehend” (Haeckel, was the first high-profile physicist who commented regularly on those making supernatural-based-claims). Ergo, without any reliable, demonstrable evidence, that there’s anything “Divine” and/or ‘supernatural” — reliance on delusions to determine whom one should vote for — undermines the very essence of what democracy is supposed to be about.
All religions are a form of Fascism.
and yet here we go again a guy who puffs up his title where there is no such thing as a Bishop in the church and never has been.
It could be his real given name. Parents are free to choose anything as a name.
No its not, he has repeatedly stated he has achieved the rank of Bishop in this place and I have challenged him over and over and over again to show where in the Monastery it gives the rank of Bishop and he has yet to do so. All he is doing is puffing himself up and hoping nobody calls him on his lie.
Anyone with a title is guilty of a form of self-flattery and importance-puffery. So what! The truth, the empirical data and the material facts to support the proof up are all that matters.
Oh really? I have never used a title in my life and I have absolutely no respect for anyone who is so self deluded that he has to lie and prop himself up
Ok FB, explain this
how your big bang happened when everything was supposedly in one tiny thing. See that violates Newtons 1st law of inertia, a bedrock law of science and physics that cannot be broken. Newton's First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force. Ok then explain just how and what the outsdide force was that caused this?Especially if everything was already compressed into a single item? Now this proves that science does not know what they are talking about OR there wasnt any such thing as the big bang. Sort of destroys your whole belief system now dont it?
There is your proof that you are ignorant of a lot of things.
Divine intervention for sure. Watch the slow motion vid of Trump speaking and the side-by-side animation of the bullets going past his face. Watch the somewhat sudden way he turned his face in the only moment of benefit. He 'felt' something inwardly and moved. See how it looked as if something occurred to him.
This intervention is subtle. I've seen 'impossible intervention.
Why intervention? I'm not speculating on that. Could be any number of reasons, but in the long and short, a necessary level of balance would have been obliterated if the intended kill had happened in that moment and/or time/place/manner.
A lot is interesting these days, as people far and wide awaken to the horrors that have been brewing viz human individual sovereignty. The destroyer is about, seeking to moment... everything. And as balance, awakening is fast and furious.
It's up to those with vision to shine light on how to defeat the destroyer by exposure, right action and will, not irresponsible action that would only feed into the Destroyer's agenda.
Just questioning the divine intervention theory. So, a loving God killed a husband and father to save Donald and wounded seriously two other individuals. ??????????
That doesn't really get to the meat of the matter. First, "God" or "Divinity" didn't fire those shots.
What is apparent is that an 'unearthly' power sparked Trump to move in that moment.
Don't forget that Trump is a son, a father, a brother and a husband also. You may not like him, but that doesn't change the fact. That he is (in)famous, rich, powerful and all that doesn't make him more or less entitled to Divine intervention than anyone else. It's lamentable that anyone got hurt.
How that shooter (and a probable second, or more) was present--and how many others were in on the attempt--is perhaps the bigger issue of concern to us of clay feet.
Please don't add words to what I wrote. I don't like him nor dislike him anymore than the other party. God is no respecter of persons, and neither am I. Was it an unearthly power or just normal circumstances that he turned his head to point to his screen? There are too many people in this world that have nothing to do with God because people make comments that they don't have the answer to about His character. At times He chooses to intervene and at other times He chooses not to. He did in the story of Daniel and the three Hebrew, He did not in Job and the apostles.
How horrible to have an unpredictable God and one who has the horrible characteristics of a human baby!
Danny, perhaps it was you that Thomas was feeling added words to his concern. Or not.
So you think that a predictable god would be more suitable? ...one whose thoughts and purposes can really be narrow and shallow enough for the human body-mind to consider?
Wouldn't that be exactly your other issue? ... that of a human-baby-like God?
While my cosmology makes humans--good and bad, fair and not fair, etc.--each a tiny sliver of God--of Divinity, more correctly--that still doesn't mean we have the faintest logical grasp of the intricacies especially of balance and necessity that the whole of Divinity could be said to farm.
You asked a question that often carries implications. I didn't 'add' anything. But I did address those implications, in case they were extant in your--or our other readers'--thoughts.
Is it possible that God intervened? Anything is possible with God . It is just as possible for the whole thing to have been staged, just as the enormous gauze bandage was. And much more likely.
Not sure about the staged idea but feel certain that we will never know the truth in this life. Too many inconsistencies.
You either believe in the power of prayer or you dont. If you do, then you also believe in divine intervention. If you don't, then you are missing something that comforts millions of people around the world.
Yes, illusions comfort so many people.
People comfort themselves. There are only imaginary gods.
My friend who is an ex-marine said it wasn't an ordinary AK that costs 3 or 4 hundred dollars in the store. He had a specific name for it, which I can't remember, but it costs around 1800 dollars. The government supposedly issues them.
I suppose it was divine providence that saved Hitler from all of the assignation attempts while he was chancellor. Was it divine providence that allowed the holocaust? If credit given, so can blame. You choose as to nonsecular disposition.
God is to blame for everything that happens in the Universe, obviously! It is doing a bad job managing that realm, too!
Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Joh 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Many believe that bad things come from God, the adversary likes that false narrative. But the scriptures say otherwise.
Nice job of cherry picking scripture! Yes, Evil exists with God's permission, otherwise it would not be permitted. That is plain and simple to figure out.
People who are filled with hate desperately wanting to believe in an act of love is the real disconnect.
Divine intervention or not, Trump, I hope, will understand he received a second shot at life and will be a better person.
Don't hold your breath!
There is no such thing as luck, only cause and effect!
Then I'm taking it that pure skill is the reason people win lotteries and jackpots at the casino?
LOL. A pinball moves by causes. That those causes are incomprehensible to us because they're immeasurably complex doesn't drum them out of effect.
I tend to agree that there are no coincidences, but discerning between that and the alternative... more a matter of faith or gnosis than academics or our infantile sciences.
Maybe. I can't discount that deity will directly interfere. But my belief is that the deities provide aid in other ways. People have free will. If the Christian god was going to interfere with anything, why didn't he stop Hitler? Why hasn't he stopped the deaths of children in Ukraine or elsewhere? If the Christian god would save a man like that one and let the children die, he's no god I would want to worship.
I didn’t read all of the comments but I read quite a few. I noticed a kind of common thread on both sides of this thread. Those that believe that it was divine intervention and those that don’t. The argument for those that don’t seems to evolve around the idea of natural coincidence and nothing more. Citing that others were killed or injured and why god would choose to spare Trump and not the others. Or why does god allow all the horrible things that occur in the world to happen. Some even said that the would be assassin was a bad shot. The opposite position cites many of the common arguments that free will and evil existing the consequences of both. The notion that the assassin failed because he was a bad shot doesn’t hold water. The first shot he fired was deadly accurate. The absolute fact is that if Trump hadn’t turned his head ever so slightly at that exact moment he would have sustained a deadly wound. The fact that others were wounded or killed is self evident because any shot fired at the president would continue past him into the background hitting whatever was in its path. The randomness of the shots following his first and most carefully aimed shot can easily be explained. The shooter knew, because he observed that he had hit Trump because Trump grabbed the side of his head and went down. The randomness of his follow up shots can easily be attributed to his excitement at hitting his target even though he didn’t know how severe the injury might have been, and his adrenaline filled reaction. He may have even felt that by spraying the area with less well aimed shots might help facilitate his escape. Trump only escaped death as a result of a last second slight turn of his head. Executed at the exact same moment that the shooter pulled the trigger. Was that divine intervention or natural coincidence? I believe it was divine intervention and that god is not done with Trump. I believe god chooses champions throughout history to do what needs to be done. Usually the champions god chooses appear to be the most unlikely of candidates but over time prove themselves as possibly the only choice. Ask yourselves what might have happened if the shooter had been successful? Chaos, civil war, civil unrest? In the sacrifice of those that were killed or injured, might a greater tragedy have been avoided? Imagine a world without free will, good and evil. The inevitable intervention of god preventing every tragic moment, every evil, every disease, every mistake that any of us could ever make. Everything you have ever imagined, experienced or known, including all the people that you have ever loved or known would not be anything like what you’ve experienced in your life. That’s a life not worth living. A life of no change. A life of no seasons.
What a bunch of baloney.
No, he makes some good points. Baloney is argumentation by declaration absent facts, points or logic. ...like what you did here.
You're obviously and thankfully free to follow your own notions on this, but you sure don't help anyone else find the utility in them. And if you don't want that, why comment at all?
A miracle is something good happening against the odds. A bad miracle is called a freak accident. Scat happens.
If God has a plan the devil isn’t going to change it.if the devil could change Gods plan we probably wouldn’t be here
Lionheart and Theresa, your blinders are disgusting to me. When was America great? When Caucasians felt they should steal, kill, destroy and if they lived dominate and enslave people that didn't look like them??
When the Trump ran the first time all that hate was present in America again. Families were divided, marriages ended. People of color were met with hateful behavior during their everyday tasks. Grocery shopping, doctors visits. The entitlement to spew all the hate from their hearts was present and spoken loudly like a waving confederate flag alongside an American flag.
wealthy people of color voted for him in hopes of getting some secret to more wealth. His followers openly got on social media and threatened people, warned that they'd be enslaved again. violent things were said and done.
the country was in shambles and yet, many wish it to be so again. Trump is not an honorable man. I do not believe any god would shield him with his behavior. I believe he is a criminal that belongs in prison for the rest of his days.
Many children are scarred for life after being separated from their parents and held in cages, where pedophiles and plain old sick individuals called law enforcement were free to abuse them as they wished.
Many years ago the republican party stood for something great. once all those votes were mainly people of color and level headed people who wanted equality, until that was stolen too and then the party became democratic.
I honestly do not represent either party because of the foolery. However, I am someone that can look at a situation, observe it and be unbiased, unlike many. I am full aware that Trump is dripping with hate, foulness, division,and greed from every pore in his body. He is well loved and or liked by those that think exactly like he does.
which causes America to be laughed at by other countries and disliked by some of its very own citizens.
America will be great once the mentality of Trump and his followers die. That mentality is of dead works and has no place in a great nation. It's like a cancer to any nation let alone each individual that rallies behind it.
The Paula whites, Joel Osteens etc all turned my stomach with their blatant lies. It just showed that money could change even these so called christians( I laugh bc I recall the look on his Face when they tried touching him to pray for him). I wish I could bare witness to their & Trumps judgement day.
blessings be with u all
I am sorry to say but that reply was filled with hate and completely biased. Bless you!
Rightfully so, too!
If a person says Christ saved Trump without "proof" doesn't it make a more logical conclusion that Satan saved Trump because Trump has turned so many Christians to him, a person who doesn't emulate Christ's basic teachings. Which in turn has turned so many away from Christianity. I have talked to scores of young people about Christianity and what happened when Trump came on the scene there was a turning of attitudes away from receptiveness. When Evangelicals embraced Trump young people saw the hypocrisy and said they wanted nothing to do with that religion. Hence Satan's work is done. I'm just postulating this which is just as easy as saying God saved Trump.
Was this a double-blind sociological study, or commentary from a half dozen 'young people' to your friendly ear?
Fact is, we can see similar dynamics no matter who we see them--the vaunted young people--looking at.
It's an intriguing question, though, exactly what kind of help twitched Trump's head in just the saving microsecond.
Perhaps Divinity wants us all to quit horsing around with stories of heroes and villains besides ourselves, and asks us why we expect saviors when nary a one of us will do the right thing on a bet.
Good article and well written! Kudos to Rev. Stephenson.
I do believe in divine providence. I most assuredly do. In fact, as I understand it, that is how the ancient Israelites interpreted their own history. And it seems our forefathers did too as they often referred to Divine Providence.
Again, great article (sermon).
Scripture does say that the beast will receive a deadly wound and that did happen in 1798 then it says that the deadly wound will be healed and that too happened in1929. It was even reported in the San Francisco Chronicle on the front page for February 12 of that year. Also, scripture says the antichrist 1Jn 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God 2Jn 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. I only know of one entity on the planet that professes that.
And the last two chapters of Revelation describe the spaceship in which Jesus is supposed to return. We've seen this SciFi movie before.
Just curious what version of the bible do you use. I would be interested in getting one. Mine talks about the new city Jerusalem and gives its dimensions and the doors to enter in.
Did you calculate the size of that "city" called Jerusalem? Did you pay attention from whence is arrives? Did you take into consideration that the language of the time had no words for a spacecraft, but they knew "large numbers of people come from a city"?
Let's revisit the dimensions of that spaceship from the Book of Revelation: According to Revelation 21, the city-like structure (which easily could be interpreted as a spaceship) is described as being 12,000 stadia in length, width, and height. Since a stadion is approximately 607 feet or 185 meters, we can calculate the dimensions as follows: Length: 12,000 stadia * 607 feet/stadion = 7,284,000 feet (or 2,220,000 meters) Width: 12,000 stadia * 607 feet/stadion = 7,284,000 feet (or 2,220,000 meters) Height: 12,000 stadia * 607 feet/stadion = 7,284,000 feet (or 2,220,000 meters) So, based on this interpretation, the "spaceship" described in Revelation would be a massive cube with dimensions of approximately 7,284,000 feet (or 2,220,000 meters) on each side. It's certainly an impressive size!
To convert the dimensions of the "spaceship" into miles, we can divide the length, width, and height in feet by 5,280 (the number of feet in a mile): Length: 7,284,000 feet ÷ 5,280 feet/mile = 1,380 miles (or 2,220,000 meters ÷ 1,609 meters/mile = 1,378 kilometers) Width: 7,284,000 feet ÷ 5,280 feet/mile = 1,380 miles (or 2,220,000 meters ÷ 1,609 meters/mile = 1,378 kilometers) Height: 7,284,000 feet ÷ 5,280 feet/mile = 1,380 miles (or 2,220,000 meters ÷ 1,609 meters/mile = 1,378 kilometers) So, the "spaceship" in Revelation would measure approximately 1,380 miles (or 1,378 kilometers) on each side when expressed in miles. It's quite mind-boggling to imagine a structure of this size!
There are some discrepancies in the theologians as to if as they write 1500 miles is the length of one side or the perimeter of the whole city. If it is one side, it would be by their calculations 375 miles per side. Which as He said in my father's house are many mansions and I go and prepare a place for you and if I go, I will come again. So that edifice would need to be large enough to house all those righteous who are resurrected and the living righteous when He returns, considering an article in a charity magazine years ago that I needed to get my math book out to verify, made the statement that there is no overpopulation on this planet and you could take all the people in the world at that time, 6 billion and put them in a circle with the radius of 26 miles. That city will be able to hold quite a few.
My estimates show about 105 billion people have lived and died throughout all of human history. You will have to have room for that many. They all must be judged, and so the storage for information to hold all of that is necessary as well. A lifetime of evidence is required at the final judgement.That sure is a lot of space needed for so much! That cube better be HUGE!
That is assuming they will all be saved, in the time of Noah only 8 were saved. Sodom and Gomorrah even less. we are told Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. God's hard drive to retain all that information is most likely much more advance than our technology.
They all must be judged first. Gotta have the evidence and a place to keep them until their time has arrived. I would not take the word of any omnipotent being as the final word and law.
Yes, and the judgement is taking place now. When it is finished, He will return. Until then the dead are in that is where they are kept as you call it.
the dead are in the ground
Some got cremated. 🤭
The good news is that uses new dirt to recreate us, not that old toxic stuff.
Thank you for adding humor to the conversation.
So who are those judges and where is it happening now?
Scripture says that Jesus is our judge, and it is happening in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary. He is the only one capable of judging us.
Do you have any real demonstrable evidence to support your claim, Sir Thomas, or did you just read that in a book somewhere?
It would appear that your estimate does not consider how many of those are 'repeat customers' of Earth, or how many times each.
Presuming you don't believe in reincarnation. I do believe in it. There is no tell how many or few have occupied the planet on toto.
The spirit of truth hasn't intervene yet. The world will see the glory of God in this matter. As it is written in the Greek, in Matthew 24:4 Jesus said, "Take heed less anyone you deceive." In the NIV it says, "be not deceived. Only God knows the truth, trust in Him. For in Jesus Christ is full of grace and truth.
If only God knows the truth, then we are all doomed.
Then your doom, if this is what you believe. Life is based on faith.
If you believe there is no God, then there's no God to you.
Tell me something I do not know, please!
You apparently don't know that there is a God. No worries though unless you have committed the unpardonable sin, God will keep trying to get to know you. As they say it will be harder to be lost than to be saved. Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
First, you must prove that your supernatural hero exists. Let's get that out of the way first. You better get hoppin' to make your God appear in a court of law, to testify under oath! I have jillions an of questions for it. Consider this as a summons!
No if you are going to debate then you need to prove that God does not exist, otherwise its your OPINION and not worth much more then that
Obviously you are not familiar with proofs and proving. One cannot prove something does not exist. It is nonsensical to even mention proving the negative of an entity. If it is exists, then proof must be made manifest. No proof, no conclusion! It is that simple. Scripture is not proof.
You are the proof that God exist. God imagined light, you imagined light. God blessed man, you blessed man. God trust in what he created, you trust in what you create. Mankind has all the attributes of the likeness of God. The only difference between God and man, God is spirit. Man has a a fleshly body that covers the spirit of man. It is nonsensical not to believe in God. He not in the sky, or over yonder. He's in you and around you. Religion keep people focused on the religion, But worshipping God is not going to church, its being the church. Its God acknowledging you acknowledging Him. He'll bare witness of Himself in you, only if you have faith and trust Him. Just like you would want someone to have faith in you to trust you. God's proof of Himself is you: The I AM.
Clearly Danny I am and its you that are not. I have always said that people believe in God because of FAITH, I can no more prove he exists then you can prove he does not. but at least I dont run around like a fool and constantly claim he does not exist and then provide no proof that he does not.
So I will ask you the same question I have yet to recive from others like you. If you are so sure that God does not exist, then please enlighten us as to what you are doing in a religious blog? You do know the name of this blog is the Monastery right? Its not the "free thinking say anything and attack other religious beliefs blog now is it?
Danny gets a lot wrong, but here he has it right. You cannot prove the nonexistent of a thing; you can argue that there is no evidence of the thing, or that what evidence appears to exist that proves its existence is not actually evidence thereof. Either way, until one drops in to direct personal experience of anything, all he has is so much hearsay.
And yet the majopr 8000 ton Gorilla in the room is that Danny has yet to prove that God does not exist, therefor anything he claims on the subject is his personal opinion and nothing more no matter what he tries to say otherwise
Truthfully God in any form or name you assign doesn’t intervene that way. Two to three things happened. First he chose a bad rifle. 150 yards with an AK? A long rifle with a sniper scope would have given a different result.
Second Trump moved slightly. That’s free will. Or good/ bad luck Third poor target selection. Why a head shot at that distance with a rifle not designed for long distance accuracy?-
I have never fired an AK anything. AK rifles didn't exist when I was in the military (early '60s) but I qualified as a sharpshooter with an M-16 and as expert with an M-1 carbine. For the expert rating I hit 396 of 400 targets at 300 yards without a scope. The shooter was not a good marksman.
I beg to differ. I qualified on both the M16 and the AR-15 in the military and I believe whoever shot Trump was an expert who was trying to send a message to someone that no one is safe, Secret Service detail or none.
Um not quite correct... The Soviet Union began equipping their soldiers with the AK 47 in 1949, seems that was a good 10 years before your stated date.
Seriously? Watch the video! The shot was perfect right up to the microsecond, practically, when Trump moved and wrecked it.
AK-47 was designed in 1947. Thats whatvthe '47' stands for. Granted, they probably hadn't jumped the pond to the U.S. by the '60s, but they existed.
PAS = Police-Assisted Suicide.
I can say that Divinity does absolutely work that way! My goodness, I was swept out of the path of a T-bone crash from an 18-wheeler, and that really shook my skepticism the rest of the way out.
150 yards is not a long shot. Any respectable rifleman, with a long gun, a rifle such as an AK, could make that shot.
Head shots are dramatic, make a real impression, that's why they chose a head shot.
This Divine intervention was 'simple': a little twitch destroyed an otherwise perfect drama and kill shot. Meantime I'm wondering just how the at least one other shooter managed also to miss.
God may very well work in mysterious ways, though the Devil looks after his own...
I see absolutely no difference between the Devil and your Godhead!
The movie “Adjustment Bureau” is an analogy of what goes on behind the scenes. We are not alone. There are helpers keeping the script on path. What if it has already been planned/written and we all are just playing our roles here. What is the meaning of life? To love, forgive, and help each other. Evolve.
We can be certain that the trails we face are not punishment from God. For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself tried anyone.
When we are convinced of that fact, we are drawn closer to our loving heavenly Father. {James 4:8
We can be certain that the trails we face are not punishment from God. For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself tried anyone.
When we are convinced of that fact, we are drawn closer to our loving heavenly Father. {James 4:8
If we suggest God intervened because God liked Donald Trump I believe that would also suggest God did not like King, Gandhi, Kennedys, and thousands daily. Trump was spared as it was time to turn his head to point to an illustration behind him. My greatest concern is what is used as "evidence" of God.
Is this a community of faith, or not? Whatever the One Source be called. Providence elected to keep Trump alive even through incalculable odds. A fraction of an inch in a fraction of a second, hmm
This is obviously a miracle. The Vatican should investigate this as such. GOD HAS SPOKEN! HEED!
Be careful of believing in miracles. The other side does them too. Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
The acclaimed best protection in the world the Secret Service did not detain Crooks with a rangefinder. Onlookers yelling a he's on the roof he has a gun, not immediately kept from firing rounds. Trump lives. The greatest sacrifice a Father gives his children out of love, his life is taken. Jesus dies to save His Family. Several suffered wounds in the attack. Many condemn Trump yet he lives. The World looks upon. The Hand of God at work.
Or Trump** was just plain old lucky!
Angels have been following me my entire life and, without them, I probably would not be here right now. My most recent example of divine intervention is regarding a leadership program I applied for several years ago. While I was a highly qualified candidate, my application was denied. While I was devastated because I knew that I exceeded the criteria that they were looking for, my despair immediately turned to relief when I learned that I would have been stranded in Washington, D.C. at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. As a result, I was able to avoid getting COVID for over two years and this is the reason I believe that rejection is God's protection. I would end up being selected for this program two years later and ended up getting COVID for the first time at my graduation ceremony in D.C. after the organization significantly relaxed their COVID protocols. Had I not reapplied for this program, I truly believe I would have been able to avoid contracting COVID entirely. Fortunately, I had my vaccines by this point and feel that I was better prepared to battle this illness than I would have been before.
For those of you who think this amazing near miss, (of which I can't think any this close to it's mark in all of history) Is due to being a bad shot. And I really would like for a military trained marksman of sniper caliber, maybe a SEAL, or Raider to weigh in on this. I know I can shoot and I am a pretty good shot. But a novice 20 year old child could in no way have logged enough hours behind the cross hairs to make a perfect bullseye at a bouncing, wabling, moving target the size of a peewee league basketball. Pumped up on adrenaline to the max after evading the out perimeter security, climbing a third foot building and low crawling to a vantage point of proper defecate. With multiple eye witnesses pointing him out to counter snipers and knowing that his time alive on earth is about to cease. He was not calm. He was scared to death to the point of loosing control of his bladder. You are trying to tells that he was just a bad shot. My friend that was a one in a thousand shot made not once but twice within a hair of the targets skullcap. 157 yards. A football field and a half of another. I don't know of many pros that could make that shot much less miss by that much on purpose. That shot and the one behind it was guided to the point of impact by the forces that cannot be explained and those forces will be debated for now until memory fades for the last generation . The target and marksman was put in that place for the explicit reason of delivering that debate. The collateral damage is truly a very sad by product. And all that can be said for that is that without suffering their can be no compassion. Without loss their can be no rebirth. And with evil their can be no good. God blessed those who survived and I hope they see it as that. I said all that to say this. That shot was no accident, and that miss was no accident. He is alive for some reason that this sinner can't understand. I hope he can understand what he has received and does something good with it.
That should have been "defelade"
Just to clear up the confusion about the shot that hit the president. I have heard commentators on different networks saying that the army trains to shoot at a maximum of 150 yards. I was in the army and although it has been awhile I would assume that since essentially the same rifle is still in service that the marksmenship requirements are still the same. I believe the marine corps is very similar. The marksmanship medal is three levels. Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert. The targets range from 25 meters out to 400 meters. An infantry soldier must meet the requirements of one of these levels engaging randomly displayed torso targets at ranges varying between 25-400 meters. The a AR style rifle is particularly suited to engaging random targets that only appear for approximately 5 seconds and then disappear. Failure to engage a target is counted as a miss. Failure to hit a target is a miss. A soldier must successfully engage and hit 90% or better to reach Expert Level. Engaging random, timed targets at 250 meters or less is very easy because the AR platform exhibits very negligible recoil allowing easier follow up shots. You can place an AR into the hands of a grandmother and after little instruction and little practice she could easily put rounds on a pie plate at 150 meters. The shooter did not miss President Trump. Trump repositioned his head very slightly as the shooter pulled the trigger. Trump survived only because of the last second angle adjustment of his head (the shooter’s target). Divine intervention, coincidence, luck. Call it what you want but the shot that hit his ear was a kill shot. I believe he was spared through a higher power much like someone missing a flight or not getting into a vehicle that is latter involved in a horrific crash. I believe he was touched by god.
I concur.
No deity needed to interfere. This was a set up. We may never know the truth but we can make some points based on what there is. The young man was a Republican. He got a rifle past security and up a ladder against a building with Secret Security around. He got off several shots and was killed. Now he can't talk. Suspicious, right? Trump wasn't surprised, dismayed, or fearful at all. After getting tackled down, he made the stop because he wanted his SHOES! Then he had them stop again so he could make his iconic gesture and yell. this was planned out; it just wasn't supposed to get so close. That was sheer coincidence. It was just pure luck the bullet missed. Now the shooter can't be questioned, so we'll never know for sure. I'm waiting for Trump's cognition to break down more and he spills the beans. Did Trump go to church to thank god for his marvelous rescue? NO. Did Trump call the family and comfort them? NO. HE WENT AND PLAYED GOLF. Just like him. Trump's only addressing god's miraculous rescue so as to keep his MAGHATS in the fold; to draw uncertain voters to his camp for more votes. And it appears to be working. All I can do is say God had no hand in this, since there is no god. It was a close shave for sure, and we should all come together to decry the free access to guns to anyone who wants one or more. It's time we all stood together to stop gun violence. Political violence MUST STOP. Any good Xian knows that killing is wrong. It's one of the 10 Commandments, isn't it? The set of laws being place in schools? Ones Trump said should be followed? Remember, this is the guy who had church goers tear-gassed out of the church so he could pose for a photo shoot, and held the bible UPSIDE DOWN. What kind of an Xian does that? This is my conjecture, of course. What I know for sure is that everyone needs to check out Project 2025. It spells the end of the free country of the USA.
This is just silly.
Divine intervention? Absolutely - by Beelzebub!
Why wouldn't God intervene? We are all his children.
God doesn't reward bad behavior.
Which god is that? Mankind has created so many.
I don't think any of them do.
That cannot be proven.
I guess that's where faith comes in.
Would that be the same faith as used by Mormons, Hindu’s, Moslems, BaHai, Zoroastrians, JW’s etc,?
I've been through alot in my lifetime so far and strange events happen to me each day. I become a ULC minister because of these events. I've died 3x and have had 2 more ndes and God brought me back each time. I question why God continues to spare my life and bring me back to this earthly realm. I try each day to do God's work to the best of my knowledge. With God's help I've saved 4 people from death that I know of just by me being put in that area to render aid. Is this why I've been spared to be there to help others that otherwise would have passed. This I don't know and probably never will but that's ok because I'm just thankful I was able to help. I've been face to face with the reaper numerous times and it visits me from time to time as in a inquisitive way to why I've escaped its grip numerous times So to sum it up I've had 5 death events and sitting here contemplating number 6. Three days ago they found a 2 inch mass in my chest and I'm experiencing shortness of breath and other symptoms of heart attack but nothing can be found other than the mass. Staying in prayer and keeping my faith if it's my time to go this time so be it I'm not afraid. Devine intervention does happen every day even to regular people like myself. I am so blessed to be a ULC ordained minister and none of us should never ever take being ordained for granted.Just remember that we are here ,until one day we are not. Pray,live life,love,be kind to others,forgive and take time to smell the roses for yourself.
It actually turned out well. If he died in that attempt, the German high command would have pushed the Nazi politicians into a peace settlement. If that had happened, Nazi Germany would still exist.
I don’t believe in luck I know that sound crazy right but I have tried to find even the word luck in bible and it’s not there nowhere to be found but intervention is praise God the word is our best guide in this life Dennis wrote this
don't spit on superman;s cape!
Does God deliver ?
Certainly ! In the biblical context, deliverance refers to being rescued or set free. It’s a profound demonstration of God’s faithfulness, power, and love toward His people. Here are some Bible verses that highlight God’s deliverance:
1 John 4:4: “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” Galatians 5:1: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” James 4:7: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Psalms 32:7: “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalms 34:4: “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 107:6: “Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.” Isaiah 43:18-19: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” 1 John 5:4-5: “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” 2 Samuel 22:2-3: “The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge, and my savior—from violent people you save me.” Remember, God’s deliverance extends beyond physical circumstances—it encompasses spiritual and emotional liberation as well! 🙏
A favorite meme of mine shows a little Christian boy and little Hindu girl both praying to win the same spelling bee; then Jesus and the elephant - head God Ganesha have to battle in fierce combat to see who wins. There are many Gods. They are ancient and omnipresent. This is what the Holy Bible tells us, and this is what history tells us, according to this article. Unless, of course, you are an Atheist, then religion and Gods, and divine intervention is just silly.
All religions are silly, right?
less so then the ones who claim religions dont exist.
Awe…bless your heart, Sir Daniel, there you go making silly statements again. Of course religions exist. I think by the last count there were about 3,000. I’m sure one of them is yours. I bet you think yours is the correct one….right?
So the best you can do is to throw shade instead of proving your oft repeated claim of no divinity?
I can see I’m in error. I just asked Alexa and she told me there are approximately 4,200 religions. It’s interesting that most of mankind needs religion of some form isn’t it, even though none of them can prove their god is real. Which one of those 4,200 is yours?
So let me get this correct, you dont believe in religions and you just asked an item that is spying on you 24/365 and are going to claim you believe this from a supposed" know it all" who does not even have a job?
No, you didn’t get it correct, I do believe in the reality of religions.
Yes, I do believe in Goddess Alexa, because she makes an audible announcement whenever I ask her a question, whether it’s right or wrong, which is more than your God seems to be able to do that is presumably spying on you 24/365, but gives you no audible answers at all. 🤷🏼
then why is it Lion that if its as you say you believe in the reality of religions, you do your darnedest to attack and claim they are fake?
No I don’t try to prove religions are fake, they are very real. I used to follow the Mormon religion, and that was/is a very real religion. Hinduism is a real religion, as is Islam.
I have issues with all those 4,200 religions in what they like to believe, with no demonstrable evidence to support their beliefs. You, on the other hand, possibly have issues with 4,199 of them, just one less than me.
Comment removed by user.
You don't have to be political to think that could have been a saving grace. The fact that we are able to have a choice of opinion and not be censored is what he is fighting for. The fast that you can comment on this post alone is proof of it. History has a way of repeating itself and we are close to losing everything that America fought for. The whole world is watching and those on the outside can see clearly while people from the inside are blinded by propaganda.
Typical logical fallacies. It wasn’t divine intervention for the poor guy that lost his life, who I understand was also shot in the head, and also for those who were injured. Does anyone really think that a deity would purposely intervene to save one person knowing it was going to become catastrophic for a few others?
Doesn't god have a plan and work in mysterious ways? I believe that's how Christians explain bad behavior on their deities part.
Apparently mysterious, evil ways. Why would anyone worship such a god?
Now that’s right thinking, religion breeds ignorance, not that people are dumb or stupid people just ignore the facts, the shooter wasn’t a professional other wise he would have had a hole in his head, to me the security aloud it to happen and it backfired, I don’t trust anyone in politics or this government or their god they warship lol, if their god intervene, why did this deity do the same for the others who were injured and killed, evil exist just as well as good, there are two natures, agreeable and disagreeable, agreeable will produce honor goodness, righteousness, respect an disagreeable produce jealousy, hatred, misery, evil an disrespect, GOD, God and god, what truly is the difference, remember in a book called revelation chapter 12, there was wars, and in the Quran it was ask, are you gonna create one that causes mischief and shed blood? So who’s the blame?
Agreed and yet these worshippers fail to see the fallacy in their arguments, after all it is hard for me to imagine a God so forgiving and yet so vindictive on the other hand. I caution those who ascribe to such a God as it would appear that they are worshiping an abusive God which I refuse to believe exists. IMHO
The last two chapters of Revelation describe the spaceship in which Jesus is supposed to return. Revelation is SciFi! Jesus must be an extraterrestrial alien.
Fact: there’s only one “known” provable God, and that’s Nature itself: so anyone not knowing that Nature is God, is an atheist. “God” is used by those whose scientific awareness leaves a lot to be desired, so such science-challenged individuals use the term God, to personify Nature. And, Nature is, as Nature does. Thomas Jefferson ( who amongst other things) composed the Thomas Jefferson Bible; and authored the United States Declaration of Independence in which he referred to God, as Nature’s God — which was reflected by Washington, Paine, Franklin, Ethan Allen, Einstein, Hubbell, Nietzsche, and possibly even DJT ( when he isn’t being pragmatic, and pandering to his base). And, because Nature can to everything that any human mind can comprehend, Nature (God, minus the supernatural component) Nature (if and when, scientific awareness becomes the norm) Nature will become the universality accepted “Singularity” which unifies all identifiable creation legends under one science based expiation, that’s under constant revision, depending on where the facts lead.
Especially when that special person so blatantly violates God's Commandments... starting with worshipping Xenu.
Donald Trump is a Scientologist? Didn’t know that.
They do not let non-members lead the services at Clearwater HQ, as Trump has done.