The following guest sermon was submitted by ULC Minister Rev. Torre Journey. All ULC Ministers are invited to contribute their own sermons for consideration/publication. To submit a sermon, please email it to sermons@ulc.org.
On January 28th 2025, the Doomsday Clock was set at 89 seconds to midnight. The Doomsday Clock is not a seer of set tragedy. It is a sentinel of potential global disaster. The world has seen a number of catastrophes in recent times including war, climate disasters, political upheaval and unknowns, the full advent of Artificial Intelligence, and much more. Yet, it is because we are now here at this precipice, and that fear cannot be allowed to grow, oligarchies must be upended, and nature must triumph that we all must face the world with newfound bravery, impact, and truth.
In the year 1947, just after the end of World War II, a team of scientists known as the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists created the idea of the Doomsday Clock to represent the threats posed by scientific and technological advances. When first created, the clock was set from 7 minutes to midnight and has changed 26 times since 1947. Before now, the farthest the clock has been set is 17 minutes to midnight in 1991. It was moved to 100 seconds before midnight during the pandemic in 2020, and 90 seconds in 2023. Each time the clock was changed, it was done so in response to environmental issues, political changes, nuclear warfare and activity, and artificial intelligence.
We do know that there is much left to be done, said, and yet to happen in the wake of resolution and change for the tragedy in our world today. But recently, I have reflected on the feeling that humanity has not grown to feel helpless against the issues. Instead, I think we know deep down that we are the ones who must step forward and be the change we wish to see in this world.
So in these last "few minutes", when it seems we have only hope left, What is it you wish the world could have done or could still do differently? What kind of world do you hope for now? Is it a vision of peace?
I hope you know, no matter who you voted for (if you voted) in the U.S. presidential election, no matter where you spend your Sundays, even if you have once hated me or someone like me - I will always work towards a world of peace for you and I. It will hopefully be left better for your descendants and mine. I want to believe that this hope is there for all of us. Even, sadly, when it's not in some cases. Afterall, it seems like the perfect vision found in the promise of a democratic republic and for the rest of this beautiful world.
I also hope that if you feel alone in the struggles faced in this world, that you find solace in the safety of others both like you and willing to defend your right to live, be free, and create joy in this world. We must know that courage is forged by fear. It is the tremble we feel in unraveling mysteries that our young souls are always encountering in this wonderful life. It is the weightlessness brought on from compassion, generosity, love, and honor.
My last hope is that you do what you have always done best. Love. Write, dance, sing, wander. Fight, build, cultivate, protest, teach, and paint. Heal the Earth and her children. Honor your ancestors. Tell more people you love them and spread the best parts of yourself unto this world. Remember what is best is what is good and equitable among a civil and reasonable society. Be blessed, and go in peace.
Your words are beautiful. All we really can do is love those in our immediate circle and try to help others when we can. “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Najah Tamargo-USA
Well said Torrey!!!
Najah Tamargo-USA
Thanks Trump and maga. Humanity had a good long run, and it will end in idiocracy meets the hand maids tale. Unless the rest of humanity bolsters and breaks us from Americas first Fascist Idiocrat.
Does the clock ever go in reverse?
Yes it does, actually. I've lived long enough to see it swing back and forth. The furthest back I can remember is 3 minutes to midnight.
Reverse? Yes, several times in the past it has backed off quite a bit, such as when the Berlin Wall fell. That was when my partner resigned from the CIA.
Backwards (reverse) 7 or 8 times total.
But what is important is that it is now the closest to zero time in 78 years, worse than during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
A friend of mine was one of the original members, having been on the Manhattan Project.
I have been a strong supporter of the Bulletin for decades.
it does! I do believe it has been set back at least twice ( I could be off). typically, it is moved according to globally social movements that could imply major changes to certain factors as mentioned above. For example, in 1991 the clock was set back to 17 minutes!
I don't believe in the doomsday clock utter rubbish.How can anyone predict the future.Lets face it we are put on this planet for a reason.Then we will leave for a reason.Its up to God when that happens . Let's enjoy ourselves whilst we are here and forget all this nonsense otherwise the world population will fall into deep depression worrying about doomsday.
The Doomsday clock is not a tool of prediction. it is not meant to determine doomsday. it is meant to express the severity of the worlds conditions. this is especially true for natural disasters, nuclear activity, and other grand factors that can affect us all. furthermore, the clock ,in fact, reverses when moments of peace, advancement, and major resolution in wars or conflicts has occurred.
It is worth mentioning to you that our civilization is already living in that fear. they have, at least, since the cold war (give or take). The current positions we have on the world stage are a direct result of that fear culminating into a political statement over that last 70 years. to ask for it to stop, is to wish for peace from tyrannical saviorism that occurs in ANY political party.
This is a link to the Bible Study I posted a few days ago.
It's based on the Book of Daniel, Chapter 11.
I mentioned the fact the doomsday clock is at 89 seconds.
We now have the 2nd Antichrist in a century. Maybe the last.
Yeah the world is not like it used to be. Where is all the ones the prayed for every one, that they run into. We need to go back to the way it used to be. When we took time out for one another. And prayed and head church with them.
America is gone. Welcome to the 4th Reich and it's our own fault.
Yes, the last four years have been terrible, haven’t they, but don’t worry, illegal immigrants are being removed, crime is on the decrease, and crazy government spending of our tax dollars is now in check.
I don’t see how we can call ourselves a democracy anymore. We are not the country I grew up in, and I miss it badly. If it’s up to the remnants of the United States to save the world, we are SOL.
Yes, this country has changed since I immigrated here 38 years ago, but hopefully the next 4 years will help America to get back that “spirit” that we used to have. Thankfully, the democracy of elections that we have recently had here in the USA will help to get back the country you grew up in. 🤗
Are you white it sounds like it the next four years can be just as bad as it was in World War II and worse because it will be a short period of time but then again, I don’t think Trump ministration will quit. They will become a dictatorship and control. Everything in the church can be glad that they voted me voted him in so he could control the whole world. The church needs to take responsibility for its heirs in the past, and in the president Germany, elected Hitler, the church ****** Hitler and that is the truth and this is what the church is done again they never learn you’re not meant to be in politics you’re meant to be in the service of others and caring for others. You’re not there condemn people you’re there to take and make sure people have peace in their lives. Whatever a person does in their lives is what they have chosen to do , you don’t have no place to determine what the world should be like because of course I don’t think you guys know how it’s supposed to be like don’t keep putting your head in your in the ground and think that the end of the world is coming in that the heavens are going to be opening up for you because far as I’m concerned having I’m not sure I haven’t. It’s not a solution we need.
I’m not quite sure what the color of my skin has to do with anything, isn’t that a racist comment? Does skin color concern you for some reason?
I would suggest to not worry too much about these next 4 years. Hopefully our crime rate will continue to go down as law and order is once again observed. I would imagine we will all be pleased by that, right?
Let’s also hope our tax dollars are spent more wisely than in the past, “unburdened by what has been” 😜
Well said.