Created and reviewed for accuracy by researchers at the Universal Life Church

Virgin Islands, U.S. Outline

Congratulations! If you've found yourself at this page it is likely that you are either planning to be married or have been asked to perform a wedding ceremony in on the Virgin Islands. Ordained ministers of the Universal Life Church have successfully performed thousands of legal marriages in this U.S. territory. The information provided below will walk you through the steps one must follow to become a minister and perform a valid wedding ceremony on the Virgin Islands.

VI Wedding Officiant Quick Facts
  • ULC Ordination Accepted: Yes
  • Minister Registration Required: No
  • Minister's Residency: Irrelevant
  • Minister's Minimum Age: 18 Years Old
  • Marriage License Waiting Period: 8 Days
  • Marriage License Valid For: 3 Months
  • Marriage License Return Within: 10 Days After

1 How to Become an Ordained Minister in Virgin Islands, U.S.

If you haven't already, you should get ordained online with the Universal Life Church. Ordination is free and can be completed in just a matter of minutes. Thousands of legally valid marriages are performed by ULC ministers around the world every year. Begin the process by clicking the big blue button below!

2 Officiating a Wedding in Virgin Islands, U.S.

Next, you should contact the Family Division of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands. Let them know that you are a minister of the Universal Life Church in Seattle, and ask what they will require of you to officiate a legal marriage.

St. Thomas/St. John
Alexander A. Farrelly Justice Center
2nd Floor, South Wing
Room S219
5400 Veteran's Drive
St. Thomas, VI 00802
(340) 774-6680 x6435

St. Croix
R. H. Amphlett Leader Justice Complex
1st Floor, Room 104
RR1 9000
Kingshill, VI 00850
(340) 778-9750 x6636

3 Virgin Islands, U.S. Officiant Requirements

After you've contacted the Family Division, you should visit our online store to purchase whatever documentation will be required. We typically advise ministers in the Virgin Islands to get a Classic Wedding Package. While minister registration is not required in the Virgin Islands, you may be asked to present proof of your ordination before the clerk will accept any marriage you perform as having been legally solemnized; additionally, having that proof of ordination can provide a great deal of peace-of-mind for the couple you plan to marry. Additionally, please attempt to leave at least 3 weeks between the date of the wedding ceremony and your order, to ensure that you receive all of your materials in advance.

4 How to get Married in Virgin Islands, U.S.

Virgin Islands, U.S.'s Top Wedding Spot

Virgin Islands, U.S.'s Top Wedding Spot

Secret Harbour Beach Resort

Now that you've done all of the above, you are ready to perform the wedding! Be sure that the couple has picked up their Virgin Islands marriage license from the Family Division of the Superior Court. They will need to either go into the court in person and submit an application of, if they live off-island, they can call the court and have the documents sent to them. If the couple resides off-island they will also berequired to submit a a letter detailing the date of their visit and length of stay.

Virgin Islands, U.S. Marriage Code

Virgin Islands, U.S. Flag

Virgin Islands, U.S. Marriage Code

Marriage in Virgin Islands is governed by Chapter 1 of Title 16 of the Code for the Virgin Islands. Ordained ministers of the Universal Life Church have successfully solemnized thousands of weddings in this U.S. territory. Below, you will find that we have reproduced a relevant excerpt of this code.

Title 16, Chapter 1, Subchapter II

§ 32. Persons solemnizing marriage

No marriage shall be valid unless solemnized by—

(1) a clergyman or minister of any religion whether he resides in the Virgin Islands or elsewhere in the United States; or

(2) witnessed by a Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai is according to the usage of their religious community; or

(3) any judge or any court of record.

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