Wherever You Go There You Are

Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life

By Jon Kabat-Zinn

$19.99 In Stock

It can be easy to get distracted in this modern day and age, this helpful resource aims to teach readers how to live more mindfully through meditation.

It can be easy to get distracted in this modern day and age, this helpful resource aims to teach readers how to live more mindfully through meditation.

Product Description

This book was originally published in '94, but no person could have ever imagined that the book would make it into the bestsellers lists on a national scale and on top of that, sell well over 750,000 copies. As the years pass, this book still continues to change many lives across the world. Hyperion is happy to release the book with a special afterword by this author, and to share his wonderful book to a much greater audience.

Author Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. carries many stress reduction management techniques and mindfulness for people in the health profession which brings audiences worldwide. He is well known for being the bestselling author of this book and Full Catastrophe Living. Also, he collaborated on a few other books with his wife Myla Kabat-Zinn.

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