Human Timeline of Mythology and Religion

$2.99 In Stock

The Human Timeline of Mythology and Religion brings the history of world religions to life with a colorful visualization of their origins and evolution.

The Human Timeline of Mythology and Religion brings the history of world religions to life with a colorful visualization of their origins and evolution.

Product Description

The Human Timeline of Mythology and Religion is a full color visual representation of the mythos and religions throughout the world. This diagram is printed on high quality paper and easy to read; using the same general format you would see on a family tree, you can follow your religion's path back through the centuries for those curious to find from whence their religions came.

This timeline diagram is quite comprehensive, depicting a variety of different beliefs over the course of time as well as the rough geographic origins of each of them. If you've ever wondered about the different East Asian religions, for example, you need only look to the appropriate section to find each distinct religion and when they began in relation to one another.

The Human Timeline of Mythology and Religion diagram stands as a great resource to keep on your wall or near your desk, and serves as a helpful reminder that no matter our faith differences, we are all children of the same universe.

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Universal Life Church ministers come from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

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