The World's Religions

50th Anniversary Edition

By Huston Smith

$19.99 In Stock

The world is spotted with several different faiths. Explore each of these, and how they interconnect, with this comprehensive atlas of world religions.

The World's Religions

50th Anniversary Edition

By Huston Smith

$19.99 In Stock

The world is spotted with several different faiths. Explore each of these, and how they interconnect, with this comprehensive atlas of world religions.

Product Description

The World's Religions, by one of the most esteemed religious authorities in Academia, Huston Smith, is perhaps the best-written primer on the religions of the world in human history. This bestselling book has been in print for more than 50 years, and this revised and updated edition of the masterpiece includes a new foreword and even deeper explanation of the world's predominant faiths.

Inside, you'll find clear, well-written descriptions of several religious traditions, including Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and even some of the faiths practiced by the Native people of the Americas, Africa, and Australia. For years, scholars and critics have pointed to Smith's book as the quintessential guide to human religion - the only one that truly captures the spirit of every faith explored.

By emphasizing the deeper aspects of these faiths, Smith is able to give readers not just a glimpse into another worldview, but true insight into how people around the planet think about and perceive life through their spiritual lenses.

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