The Solo Pastor

Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges of Leading a Church Alone

By Gary L. McIntosh

$17.99 In Stock

Grab your ministry by the horns; learn to understand and overcome the challenges of leading your church and congregation as a Solo Pastor.

Grab your ministry by the horns; learn to understand and overcome the challenges of leading your church and congregation as a Solo Pastor.

Product Description

Being a pastor can be a nuanced and challenging role, especially if you're doing it alone. Even seasoned pastors can find themselves in a position of uncertainty if they don't have anyone to provide a different perspective on certain subjects.

With The Solo Pastor, you have a reliable resource to turn to in such times of need; author Gary L. McIntosh has been in those shoes and has crafted this guide to help other ministers live up to their potential as a caring leader who can successfully shepherd their congregation.

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  • Minister's Service Manual Minister's Service Manual
  • Clergy Business Cards Clergy Business Cards
  • Executive Portfolio Executive Portfolio
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