New Covenant Prayer Shawl

$39.99 In Stock

This white prayer shawl features striped blue fringes and beautiful gold embroidery. The inscriptions hearken back to the Jewish roots from which Christianity s

New Covenant Prayer Shawl

$39.99 In Stock

This white prayer shawl features striped blue fringes and beautiful gold embroidery. The inscriptions hearken back to the Jewish roots from which Christianity s

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  • Certified Letter of Good Standing
    Certified Letter of Good Standing
  • Baker Wedding Handbook
    Baker Wedding Handbook
  • Religious Symbols Pendants
    Religious Symbols Pendants
  • Holy Bible KJV Gift Edition
    Holy Bible KJV Gift Edition
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Product Description

This prayer shawl is fashioned in blue, white, and gold acrylic in homage to the ceremonial Hebrew tallit. In modern Hebrew idiom, the sarcastic expression of calling someone "a completely blue tallit" is used somewhat similarly to nicknaming one as Mr./Ms. Perfect in English. As such, it makes a fitting gift for Christian couples on their wedding day to honor the religion's roots in Judaism. In a show of interfaith solidarity, the collar features the Messianic roots symbol embroidered in gold thread, as well as a prayer in Hebrew which reads, "Blessed are you O Lord, King of the Universe, who has fulfilled all of the law through Jesus the Messiah and has covered us with His righteousness." The shawl comes with a beautifully embroidered carrying bag.

The scriptures featured on the shawl are Matthew 14:36, Isaiah 53:5, 2 Corinthians 5:21, and Malachi 4:2.

Product details:

  • features English and Hebrew script
  • weighs 8oz
  • made from acrylic
  • 72" long x 22" wide
  • carrying bag is 11" x 10.25"

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