Norse Magic

By D.J. Conway

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Norse traditions and legends continue to permeate through our culture today. This book allows readers to reconnect with and study ancient Norse magic.

Norse traditions and legends continue to permeate through our culture today. This book allows readers to reconnect with and study ancient Norse magic.

Product Description

While most people are readily familiar with the traditions of Greek and Roman mythology, very few are acquainted with the intricacies of the historical pagan Norse religion. Today, even though the Norse people remained pagans for centuries after most of the rest of Europe had converted to Christianity, very little is generally known of their mythological foundations.

Author D.J. Conway's Norse Magic attempts to correct this lack of information by quickly and effectively "filling in" the reader on the centuries of history they likely haven't heard about.

The book includes, on every page, interesting tidbits analyzing the history, lore, and rituals of the ancient Norse people. As a bonus, it also includes an encyclopedic list of over 150 Norse Gods, Goddesses, monsters, creatures, places, and things (including pronunciation help!). Whether or not you are actually interested in following the teachings of Norse Paganism, you'll find Norse Magic both enlightening and interesting.

The book also includes detailed guides on the rituals associated with each of the traditional seasonal holidays, including Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Walpurgisnacht, Sonnenwende, Lunasa, Autumn Equinox, and the Feast of the Fallen Warriors.

Of course, there is also discussion of magic rituals. You will learn how to cast the magic circle, and what magical tools you need. You will find that the resource ultimately includes information on a wide variety of magic, including herb magic, elf magic, cord magic, and cauldron magic. You'll also discover the secrets of the Norse runes and how to use them for divination.

It is important that the spiritual history of all cultures is easily available for anyone who is interested in learning about them. The most effective and valuable way to understand how we think today is by learning and understanding how our forefathers thought. This book is perfect for anyone who is eager to learn more about the powerful magic and mythology of Norse spirituality.

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