Product Description
Learning the laws and procedures of running a church or ministry is made simple with this collection of three books that have been hand selected by our church President.
The Star Book for Ministers The all-time best seller from Judson Press, this minister's handbook contains suggestions for almost any type of service in which a minister would be called up on to participate. Also contains forms and helpful letters
Minister's Service Manual Offering fresh and creative resources to help busy pastors with the ministry events each day brings. No matter what the occasion, be it a wedding, funeral, dedication, or baptism, you'll come well prepared with this essential resource!
The Practice of the Presence of God A former soldier, French mystic Nicholas Herman, aka Brother Lawrence (1611?-1691), was converted to a powerful love of God at age eighteen by a humble observation of nature, and his thoughts, collected in these two uncomplicated works of devotion, remain among the most pure and most powerful adorations of the divine.