
in the Time of Jesus

By Joachim Jeremias

$18.99 In Stock

Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, written by Joachim Jeremias, a late professor at The University of Gottingen. Explore what life was like during this period.


in the Time of Jesus

By Joachim Jeremias

$18.99 In Stock

Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, written by Joachim Jeremias, a late professor at The University of Gottingen. Explore what life was like during this period.

Product Description

Learn about the economic conditions in the city of Jerusalem, the economic status, the social status, and the maintenance of racial purity. It was a strange time when Jesus would have been alive, with many cultural norms we would find unfathomable today.

Chapters Include:

  • The Industries of Jerusalem
  • The individuality of Jerusalem
  • Evidence of commerce in Jerusalem
  • The influence of Jerusalem on commerce
  • Evidence for foreign visitors in the city
  • The unique character of Jerusalem
  • The Rich, the Middle Class, and the Poor

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