Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Expanded & Revised Edition

By Scott Cunningham

$18.99 In Stock

Using this tome, readers can practice an ancient magic that is both natural and powerful - the Earth magic based on foundations of plants, herbs, and greenery.

Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Expanded & Revised Edition

By Scott Cunningham

$18.99 In Stock

Using this tome, readers can practice an ancient magic that is both natural and powerful - the Earth magic based on foundations of plants, herbs, and greenery.

Product Description

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs has become a classic in the field. It is the ultimate guide to herbs and their use in magic, rituals, spells, talismans, or personal spiritual/religious practice.

In this edition of the book (expanded and revised on the 15th anniversary of its original publication) you will find the magical properties and folklore of over 400 herbs! Listed alphabetically, you'll find each herb along with a detailed hand-illustration, classifying information (including each herbs governing planet and more), as well as a thorough description of its magical uses.

One of the most useful elements of the encyclopedia is its folk-name cross-reference section. There, you'll be able to learn that when a recipe calls for "bramble", you need some blackberry, or that if the magic calls for "enebro", you'd be wise to add juniper to your shopping list.

The wealth of information assembled in this book, painstakingly gathered by renowned scholar and practitioner Scott Cunningham, is invaluable. With his guidance, you'll learn that violets can be used for protection, luck, love; that primrose is for protection and love; that garlic can be employed for protection, healing, exorcism, lust, and prevention of theft; and so much more!

In days-gone-by our ancestors lived in harmony with the earth. They know which plants could kill, and they also knew that plants harbored magical powers: forces that could be harnessed and directed to fulfill a need whether that be protecting a house or finding true love. Magical herbalism is the use of these powers to create positive changes.

Hoping to meet that special someone? Wear a sprig of maidenhair fern. Having problems with your cash flow? Burn cloves as incense to attract riches. Want to enhance you psychic abilities? Brew up some dandelion root tea.

Far from concentrating on esoteric unobtainable plants, Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs mentions numerous herbs that can be found in almost any home. The magical properties of onions, cashews, apples, rice, and lettuce as well as dill, basil, fennel, garlic, and parsley are all described at-length. Extensive tables, a cross-reference of folk names glossary, and annotated bibliography make this a comprehensive and valuable guide to the practice of magical herbalism.

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