
With A New Foreword By Neil deGrasse Tyson

By Carl Sagan

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An iconic book in the science community that inspired a generation. In this text, readers can explore the mysteries of the Cosmos with the esteemed Carl Sagan.

An iconic book in the science community that inspired a generation. In this text, readers can explore the mysteries of the Cosmos with the esteemed Carl Sagan.

Product Description

Take a journey into the Cosmos with Carl Sagan and his fellow professors of science. One of the bestselling science books of all time, Cosmos delves into how amazing our universe, or multiverse, truly is. In reading it, you will discover unimaginable facts and fascinating theories about how the universe works. Explore the unknown and see how beautiful and frightening our existence continues to be.

The beauty of this book is its accessibility. You don't need a degree to understand the ideas, yet even the most learned will still find wonder within its pages.

This latest edition includes an introduction by Ann Druyan, full color illustrations, and a new foreword by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Cosmos examines the fourteen billion years of development that has shaped the universe into what it is today. In addition, it explores topics like the origin of life, the human brain, Egyptian hieroglyphics, space missions, the death of the Sun, and more.

Ann Druyan was the creative director of NASA's Voyager Interstellar Message and was Carl Sagan's co-writer for Cosmos. She is also the executive producer and writer of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. Druyan was married to Sagan until his death, and two asteroids that are in a perpetual wedding-ring orbit around the Sun were named after them.


"Cosmos is like the college course in science you always wanted to take but never knew a professor could teach. It's magnificent. Sagan writes beautifully… With a lyrical literary style, and a range that touches almost all aspects of human knowledge, Cosmos often sounds too good to be true." -The Plain Dealer

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