wiccan woman with wreath on her head in nature

If God's "grace" covers atheists as Pope Francis I recently declared it covers Wiccans and members of other earth-based religions too, a Christian pastor has said. The Rev. Dr. Sarah Halverson, of Fairview Community Church in Costa Mesa, California, made the suggestion in a written response to a neighbor who complained about the church's decision to host an interfaith dialogue between Christians and Wiccans. It is this kind of courageous defense of traditionally persecuted religious groups that the ULC Monastery supports.

That Fairview should be the brunt of a politely disapproving backlash is perhaps unsurprising. The church is located in notoriously conservative Orange County, home base of the evangelical Trinity Broadcasting Network. As Dakota O'Leary of God Discussion notes, hundreds of years of misinformation about Wicca have prevented open and honest debate between pagans and Christians, but Rev. Halverson wanted to change this, so she decided to hold an interfaith discussion at her church to help her congregation learn more about pagan and Wiccan customs and beliefs. It was not long before a "concerned" citizen took to the local daily paper to express his dismay over the idea of pagans entering a Christian house of worship, let alone entering heaven, prompting Halverson to publish her own written response.

Following the Lead

Citing the pope's own surprisingly open-minded stance on the spiritual fate of atheists, Halverson disputed her neighbor's assumptions about grace and redemption, suggesting there is a place in paradise for pagans, too. "[W]hile we may seem incredibly radical to you, we're actually in line with a major Christian denomination: the Roman Catholic Church," she writes, pointing out that "Pope Francis just reminded us that Jesus challenged the disciples' intolerance of those who were different" and proclaimed atheists can go to heaven for being good people. Hence, she claims, "even the pope knows that God loves us and redeems us all. Therefore, the most important path is the path of righteousness: doing good deeds, caring for the poor, seeking justice and living peace". It is a familiar message to the Universal Life Church, which teaches members to "do that which is right".

In addition to arguing for the redemption of pagans, Halverson endorsed intellectual curiosity and love of knowledge as godly, Christian virtues, and notbecome a pastor temptations that lead one astray. Defending the need to expose ourselves to different ideas and beliefs, she explained that "we believe that there is power in knowledge. We believe that our faith cannot be destroyed by learning about the faith of another. And ultimately, we believe that God and Jesus call us to be open, loving and tolerant (if not affirming!)". Those who decide to become ordained in an interfaith church can relate to this message, too.

We laud Halverson's actions, for they reflect our own values of solidarity, openness, tolerance, and peace building. It is unfortunate that in this day and age there should still be busy bodies lurking about in the background ready to defend their turf against some "Satan-worshipping, baby-sacrificing" outsider (pagans do not sacrifice babies, nor is Satan a part of their belief system), but it is equally refreshing to find members of a dominant faith, such as Christianity, look at themselves, challenge their own privilege, and welcome members of minority faith groups with open arms. If anybody truly lived the ULC's motto, it is the Rev. Halverson.




  1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

    Unfortunately, many die-hard Evangelicals, and religious zealots think that people who are Wiccan, or practice the Shamanic traditions, or are pagan in general, are "evil" and "devil worshippers". That is why they are pushing so hard to get books on such religions banned. Pushing to FORCE the ten commandments into public schools despite the fact it completely shatters the 1st amendment, and, using the law as their brutal club, trying to turn the USA into a cruel, Afghanistan-style, religious theocracy.

    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      That's the problem with dualism. If you're not one, you MUST be the other.

      1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

        Not sure what you mean with that. That "if you're not one you must be the other". Are you talking of the views of the die-hard evangelicals?

        1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

          Dualistic faiths like Christianity in general have this philosophy. Similar to "If you're not with us, you're against us." We witches have in general been slammed with, if you don't worship God, then you must be a Satanist. Even though Satan is a Christian entity, not a pagan one.

  1. Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS's Avatar Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS

    My daughter identifies as a Wiccan and, as such, asked if I could perform a Wiccan naming service. I was honoured to have been asked and did so. It isn't too different from a Christening, in that you have Godparents. She allowed me to say my own Christian blessing, too. I have also been asked if I could perform a hand-fasting ceremony. I will serve anyone that needs me, if I can.

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    In reality, We Are One!

    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    I thought all reilgions were just that Surely if Ulc recognises Wiccan as a religion then I don't see a problem there are so many Religions out there it's hard to keep up.The only one I wouldn't support is anything Satanic.

    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      Satanists are all right, they're people who like Lucifer who wish to live free of the tyranny of God.

  1. Tareq Asfour's Avatar Tareq Asfour

    As a as a defender of all faiths not to be infringed upon by anyone..

  1. Quinn R Amaro's Avatar Quinn R Amaro

    I am in agreement with a dialogue between the Christian and Wiccan beliefs. But I disagree with pope francis because he is the christ-like leader of a pagan religion called Catholic. For those who have read and understand the Word of God, it tells us, and it is quite clear, that the pope and his lacky's are violating the Word of God. Jesus is my one and only Savior; not the pope and mother mary and a bunch of fictitious saint's. I seek to criticize no one as that us not my God given right. Please. Allow the Christian's and the Wiccan's to have their debate.

  1. Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson's Avatar Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson

    I am Heathen, but I do honor my ancestors who were Christian.

    On my ancestor altar I have a statuette of Mary in honor of all my foremothers and one of Francis of Assisi in honor of my forefathers.

  1. Juan Rolón Rosario's Avatar Juan Rolón Rosario

    Definitely, I totally agree with the Rev. Dr. Sarah Halverson, we cannot live with our eyes closed, of course Jesus taught living in love and tolerance, and yes, all of us can live in peace and harmony even if we do not have the same beliefs . Pagans, as Dr. Halverson mentioned, are not Satanists, I don't know why this has to keep repeating it, they live in balance and harmony with nature. In my opinion, ULC are doing a great work, we can be in one place, different people with different beliefs, no one is above the others, that is harmony! and in fact, we are children's of the same universe.

    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      As a witch, I thank you for this,

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    I disagree. The Bible states that not everyone goes to heaven, only those who believe and ultimately accept the Sacrifice and Lordship of Christ. There is no other way.

    John 14:6 TLV [6] Yeshua said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life! No one comes to the Father except through Me.


    Romans 10:9 TLV [9] For if you confess with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.


    Yes Wiccans, pagans, Muslims, and atheists are often blessed by God, but they will not have the Eternal life they seek without acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice. Harsh, maybe, but there have been thousands if years of warnings.

    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      Why would anyone want to go to heaven? Revelations specifically says dogs can't enter, your Christian marriage is over, so your spouse isn't waiting. All you do is sit there and praise God 24/7 for eternity. No thanks. I'll go to Helheim where my family will be waiting for me.

    2. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

      No offense, Colleen, but if it's only people like you there? Pagans, Wiccans, Atheists, etc., wouldn't WANT to go to your "heaven". And I noticed how immensely bigoted that statement is. You're basically saying that anyone who doesn't worship the way YOU worship deserve to die and be eternally punished.

      Muslims believe that you should do so for not following their religion. And other religions have similar views about each other. Here's the thing not everyone believes in your "heaven". There are those that believe they will go to Odin's side. There are those that believe they will be reincarnated. There are those that believe they will go to a different heaven. There are those that believe there is nothing after this life. etc.

      Yours isn't the only path.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Wicca/Pagan rites have been woven into Christianity for centuries. Candles, and Incense to name just two. They even crafted gargoyles into their early church architecture. One could even say that Christianity is just another pseudo Wiccan religion, but with a different deity and narrative. 🤭


    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      Wicca was invented by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s.

      1. Rev. Rory's Avatar Rev. Rory

        He founded Wicca but he didn't invent it. He participated in a coven (Wica with one "C") in the1930s. So yes, you are right that it started with Gardner in England but it was already out there. I found something online that said "Wicca is a sin and God hates it." I don't believe that any God would hate anything. My idea of God and the afterlife is based in science. We are starstuff and the result of the Big Bang. The universe we know started with a small ball that exploded and continues to expand over the past billions of years and will continue after the earth no longer exists. Does that mean I don't believe in God? No, I most certainly do. I think God is far too sophisticated and complicated for us to understand. God created what became our universe. It makes no sense for the people of the world to fight and have wars over the "best" and the "real" religion. It will take thousands of years for us to even begin to understand creation and maybe we will never understand it.

  1. Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski's Avatar Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski

    " All Are Welcome! " It has a right to exist. I personally dove-tail christianity to make my wiccan in prayer.

  1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

    "hundreds of years of misinformation about Wicca"? Wicca was created in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner. Now paganism and witchcraft, sure, that's older then even Christianity.

    One day Christians will follow the teachings of Jesus in action, instead of in lip service and will love all their neighbors - including us witches.

  1. NJB's Avatar NJB

    I think people should also know the word Pagan means, from Latin, "villager, rustic civilian, country dewier. Every one should just be at peace with it and try to be more loving towards one another.

    1. Juan Alatorre's Avatar Juan Alatorre

      l Ul C please registre Your degree with the Theological Christian Evangelists Association and Religious Departments alsowrie to the U.S.Deoartment of Education and appeal for recognition based on the ten comandments of God Freedom of Religión and persuit of happines. We Americans do have a Duty to do and achive God's work in this world for the spiritual salvation of humanity J.C.

      We must live our lives by example and acction Good morals and Christian valúes

      1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

        Good "Christian Values"? You mean the ones that deny that children should be allowed school lunches despite being poor? The ones that force women to die of sepsis rather than get abortion care, even when miscarrying? The ones that are pushing to put LGBTQ+ individuals, esp. those that are transitioning, in prison? The ones that want to enforce a christian form of "Sharia Law" onto the citizenry of this nation, esp against the women and those who don't believe in the Christian god?

      2. Juan Alatorre's Avatar Juan Alatorre

        ULC appeal a case on to the United States Supeme Coirt. ULC vs the US Department of Education. Based on descriminatiion iin Education reciognition and equal opportunity in Education Failiing to grant credit and recognise Theological studies and Religious Studies of Uniiversal Life Church that is unconstitional in our country and deprive us from liberty and persuit of happines as American citizens. God os in our side thru the Holly Bible and the tentth comandments . Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. J.C.

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          As a Pagan, no thanks to you or your god's salvation, I chose others

          1. Alan Santiago's Avatar Alan Santiago

            Just started my ordained ministering life back in May but been a wiccan since I was 16 and I love the fact some can't cause me problems anymore

            1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

              Goddess bless your endeavors.

          2. Alan Santiago's Avatar Alan Santiago

            Just started my ordained ministering life back in May but been a wiccan since I was 16 and I love the fact some can't cause me problems anymore

        2. John Alex Paxson's Avatar John Alex Paxson

          God is in every religion, every faith, every belief ... no one can claim God for their own, God is for everyone and everything ... from Christian, Muslim, Wiccan, even lost tribes from some places advanced civilizations have not infected yet ... so do not kid yourself ... God permeates existence.

        3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          They can appeal all they want but it isnt going to do any good as all states have a requirement that for them to recognize your ministerial license you must have graduated from a school of ministry. We had one guy here locally that tried to register with the state and he was told by the SAG (state attorneys general) that while he could register, the state will not recognize the license until such time as he proves that he went to a registered school of divinity. And they also warned him that he is not to preform any marriages nor baptisms or anything of a religious nature until he is clearly certified.

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