How far would you go to promote your beliefs? A father and son duo allegedly went deep undercover, spending twelve years in the Orthodox Jewish community, to promote the faith.
Not the Jewish faith. The Christian faith.
That’s according to a bombshell report from a watchdog group that keeps an eye out for ‘sleeper agents’ in Orthodox communities. The duo have apparently performed sacred rituals, including marriages, washing the dead, and overseeing conversions to Judaism, all of which are at risk of being invalidated.
It’s a wild story if the allegations are true, and Christians infiltrating Orthodox communities is apparently a bigger problem than many of us might realize.
An Unorthodox Investigation
The allegations center around Michael and Calev Isaacson, a father/son pair currently based in Phoenix, Arizona. The watchdog group Beyneynu, which investigates covert missionaries, first made the allegations against the two men, saying that their investigation turned up evidence that the Isaacsons aren’t who they say they are.
For one, they’re not even Isaacsons. The Beyneynu investigation revealed that up until 2019, their last name was Dawson.
The investigation found “no evidence of traceable Jewish heritage” for either man. The investigation found that Michael Isaacson was raised Lutheran, and that he and his wife were wed in a Lutheran ceremony.
Interviews with their family members confirmed as much. An aunt of Michael Isaacson called her nephew’s claims of Jewish heritage “bizarre”.
The group says that the Isaacsons have a pattern of infiltrating Orthodox communities in the United States, staying for a year or two, then packing up and quickly moving on whenever someone begins catching onto them.
If true, the faith fraud could have major consequences for dozens if not hundreds of people. From weddings to divorces to washing the dead, any ritual they performed will likely be invalidated.
Spies, Lies, and Rabbis
Who would go to such lengths? While the report doesn’t definitively answer that question, there is speculation that the Isaacsons are secretly evangelical Christians, going deep undercover in Orthodox communities to secretly convert Jews to Christianity. Others speculate that they are Messianic Jews, who hope to convert Jews to Christianity in order to bring about the second coming of Christ.
Either way, it would probably be the world’s lamest spy movie ever.
Amazingly, they aren’t even the first fake Jews outed by this group this year. Back in April, Beyneynu accused a rabbi living in Jerusalem of being an undercover evangelical.
What do you think? When it comes to converting others to your views, is going undercover in another faith a step too far? Where is the line?
This is the New York Post it is nothing more than a tabloid by Rupert Murdoch. I will put no more credibility in this than the examiner. You read articles out of the post if you're interested in the last sighting of Elvis or e.t. impregnated Madonna.
If you have to be dishonest to sell your religion, then you are a sin and your religion is false.
We are in the world but not of the world. We are commanded to go out in the highways and by ways to invite the lost into the family of God. What these Christians were doing is no different than the missionaries who risk imprisonment by going into hostile countries to place bibles in the hands of believers.
Inviting people into a family of an unproven deity where religious blackmail exists is not really a good idea. I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s akin to me saying, “Lord Krishna has commanded us to go into the highways and byways to invite the lost into the family of Krishna”. Please tell me how silly and nonsensical that sounds to you. That statement has just as little authenticity, and truth, as yours because there is no demonstrable evidence whatsoever that anything written in the Bible, or Quran, or Bhagavad Gita etc., is true. All you have is the same as everyone else of all other religions, and that is faith. No amount of faith makes anything fact.
So, your statement of “We are commanded…” has no truth to it whatsoever, and people who believe that are just as lost as those you also believe to be lost. Thank you for your thoughts though. 🤗
If Jesus wouldn't do it (deception and dishonesty), how is it that you do?
We need religion for comfort and solace in a world torn apart by religion.
As a Christian, I find this absolutely disgusting and completely unlike Christ! Jesus was always very upfront and never tried to force the Good News on anyone. Seriously, whatever happened to, "Thou shall not lie."
yes. Jesus is the example to follow and He never lied or encourage lie.
This is a story that deserves a deeper dive. Who motivated them to do that and why? We might find another religiously invested group pushing them to do that.
I think this goes beyond Christians and Jews and more in the realm of group manipulation that go beyond religions and are anchored in power.
We forget that God is Love. PROVERBS 6:16-19, tells us 7 things that God Hates. Jesus did not trick anyone in believing who He is! Sin came into this World by one man and will be taken away by one MAN. We can only share what the Word is and hopefully, people read the God’s Word for themselves.
God is love? Would you say that about a human being if you found a man had killed children because of his anger with someone else? Would you say that if you found that same child killer condoned slavery, and also condoned stoning people to death, or are you saying your god is love because you’re afraid of him, and so prefer not to condemn his brutality?
Yeah, "hopefully." Hopefully is a good plan.
I’m not familiar with your ways of religious beliefs but I do know one thing there is a God and one day you will all have the privilege of meeting him yourself.
That is hysterical. Some argue that the covert infiltration goes the other direction.
Why do these Talibangelicals forget that their lord and savior, Jesus was a Jew? He only preached to Jews, refused to preach to non-Jews, and maintained the Jewish traditions of his time. His mother was a Jew, his maternal grandparents were Jews. His kids were raised Jews. What is there to "convert" to? It seems that christians resent so much Jesus' culture, identity and religion. They want people to "accept" Jesus while they refuse to accept him.
Kindy stop using facts, you are distracting and troubling the ideologues.
Whoever states that a “ULC Doctor of Divinity” (DD) serves no purpose, only speaks for themselves — which strongly suggests, that such statements were made by those who’ve never tried to actually use their DD; or more likely, that they never obtained a DDOf their own
I’ve successfully used my DD — whenever missionaries knock on my door — usually with Mormons and/or Jehovah’s Witnesses: or some local “Church of the only Christian-God” type.
It also comes in handy, when I order food in a restaurant — and my blackened catfish only comes With French fries, and coleslaw.
I tell the waitress, that in my religion, I’m not allowed to eat fried food, and ask for a small mixed salad — instead of the French fries.
In the waitress sends out the manager — because only he can authorize substitutions - I show him my DD - and that has always worked.
In other words, one must actually use their DD — Before they render it useless
So you provide your mail order DD in restaurants to show off and get your way. That's funny. Thanks for the laugh. LOL Wait till I tell my colleagues.
Ha, I used my card to get my first Covid vaccine! Only time I used it for anything - ever.
Right wing Christians are as evil as ISIS et al
What about Left wing Christians, I guess they are the ones as evil as the Talibans since the right wing ones are ISIS et al?
The Taliban would be part of the et al in ISIS et al!
Any degree done in person, online, or given as an honorary degree, often given to celebrities or commencement speakers, or through personal continued studies in theological or spiritual centered research has its value. The degree’s level of the value reflects the individual’s humility, honesty related to degree obtainment, and if the individual uses the degree properly. If one was filling out a resume then a list of educational accomplishments requires a listing including the institutions, which may be private. Ministers or clergy of the eighteen hundred’s obtained their ordination by small groups of men who felt they had the power to bestow such degrees and ordination. On the other hand, to gloat or used the obtainment of such degrees to suppress or place oneself above others lacks humility and proper use of the degrees in conversation. Lest we forget that God allowed a donkey to speak because the human lacked understanding. Numbers 22:28
Peggy Ann: great point and bible citation!
Ok, I laughed so hard I was unable to type. Please insert the mission impossible theme music here.
I don't think our friends any Orthodox Jewish community have a lot to worry about, for one thing, those folks aren't exactly what you would call a great prospect were conversion to Christianity oh, if you know what I mean...
It may be that there is a reverse psychological effect at work here as well, some unconscious personal spiritual cravings on the part of our would be 007s, and that, as the Jews treat these folks by their typical benign example, say the Lubavitcher sect, some of it may actually rub off on these undercover "agents," who might just be tempted to jump the line themselves. Hmmm.
Evangelical Christians have become Talibangelicals.
This is a very interesting conversation. I am a 'One God many paths kind of person.' So I would probably get caught up in the real words of God' and forget that I was there for an entirely different purpose. Religion if done right, like the motion picture-'Karate Kid'-'If done right, no can defend!!'..As long as we remain vigilant, and 'little baby steps action orientation'-when those words from the "World Religions', come to life, they can be truly awe inspiring. Regardless one's religion. That's just my opinion!! ...That reminds me, is the Universal Life Church Monastery, on the Charity Navigator website??..May I make a recommendation..I just purchased the Universal Holy Bible, which has 88 of the Ethiopic Biblical Texts from cover to cover. Its either 88 or 86..and of course for all of you NERDS (present and accounted for), it was written some 800 years before the King James Version. May I also recommend the 'World Scriptures-A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts'; by Hon. Dr. Andrew Wilson..Thank you for allowing me to participate in your blog!!
Wax on, wax off.
Possibly the one and only thing you can guarantee being accurate in any works of what are called scripture is the page numbering.
Bravo Sir-Lost in translation..From lip to ear..Generation to generation. What was the name of that game we played as children: Telephone!!
Lion: indeed, indeed. And Evan the pages can differ. We are creatures of stories, that is the critical transcending point, along with "stories we LIKE."
I find it ironic that they chose the name, "Isaacsons". Jacob's deception probably influenced their decision.
This is why I say if you are from one religion, then stay in your own lane. Dont be telling the others that they are wrong, we will all know that soon enough as when we die if there is a God and we do good works to our fellow men and women, we will be rewarded. If there isnt a God then after we are dead who the he!! cares? Dont go asking for trouble, life will give you more then enough of that to deal with already
And the world wants a one world religion.
I highly doubt that as the Muslims would not accept some of the teachings of the Christians and the Christians would not accept some of the teachings of the Muslims and the Muslims would absolutely NOT accept any of the teachings of Judaism.
You have that rather wrong, these are all referred to as the "Abrahamic" religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam...and the Muslims particularly regard Jews as "people of the Book."
So I guess you now have the right to call the Imam of the Toledo and Ft Wayne Muslum communities as well as the Rabbi's all wrong because YOU say so?
For those who opine, that the world would be a better place, if everyone had the same religion — I agree.
But (and this is a big but) what could such a religion be.
I’d like to offer the following — because, as far as I know, the religion I’ll propose is the only one that can actually prove the existence of God.
And, it’s the only religion that has no ancient mythologies, that cause those with differing religions to go to war over, so that they can kill anyone who won’t give up their own mythologies, and replace them with the silly mythologies of the victors of such pointless religious war of extermination.
Secular Humanist Pantheism (SHP) uses a provable God, which Thomas Jefferson called Nature’s God, when he wrote the USA’s Declaration of Independence”
To a God, which is the same as nature (as in Mother Nature) would easily be knowable to everyone on earth, everyplace one happens to be, would be their church, and they could hold dances, to bring on the rain— as the need be.
And, for those who tithe 10% of their incomes to their parasitic churches— their yearly disposable income would increase 10%.
Circular logic is a wonderful thing.
All men die. Socrates died. Socrates was a man.
All cats die. Socrates died. Socrates was a cat.
Secular Chair-ist Pantheism (SCP) also demonstrates a provable God. All Chairs are God. As we can see Chairs all around us, the existence of God is proven.
All Hail the Holy Throne! Loveseat! Armchair! Settee! Stool!... All of the Dieties of SCP!
Respect. Acceptance. Try 'em some time.
In human reality those who believe his or her own spiritual beliefs are the "correct" belief system one encounters individuals who have little to no respect for the beliefs of others in humanity. Half-truths remain the obstacle that media often uses to create division and confusion within humanity based on their spiritual belief systems. It is a way to sell media allegiances and keep “the pot stirred” thus creating disunity within humanity as a whole by using the “hot ingredient” of spiritually to sway the masses. The other half of the truth is the reality that humans do embark on various avenues to convert individuals to his or her belief system. Evangelizing or creating converts may occur through an appearance of friendship, dating, humanitarian relief, celebrity, education, or educational authoritarian statements that often suppress individuals into allegiance for he or she feels inadequate to one so well educated or maintains a celebrity status in spiritual circles. The sad part of this truth is the damage it incurs for individuals who trusts his or her spiritual leaders or advisors to maintain truth and honesty. Look past the headline and look to the truth of spiritual responsibility on all levels.
I've encountered these and others, they are televangelists and I believe complete frauds, only exceeded in greed by Trump. But as far as televangelists in general go, they are mild cases. Nothing new here either, not a thing, nothing more than self-styled "teachers," which is what the title of "Rabbi" actually literally means. They are of the belief, as are all televangelists, that "If God had not want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep."
Why is it Christians always seem to think it is ethical to lie, deceive, cheat and trick people. Christians have opened fake abortion clinics to trick women into not getting an abortion. At colleges and Universities they have have free pizza parties which are really Bible study classes. Once again they are using deception to trickery to get people to change religions to theirs. Why can't Christians jus live and let live without criticizing others?
Why would anyone want to be part of a religion which is so unethical?
Why would anyone want to be part of any religion…period? Aren’t they all unethical, with very poor morals from the top deity, down?
Because, Lion, that would be no fun at all. Screwing with people is almost as much fun as eating.
Don't people check ministerial credentials these days But then again anything can be produced on Line these days sad really for those who are true ministers trying to spread gods work.
I see you are referencing the “No True Scotsman’ fallacy. What in fact is a true Minister?
Nicholas, what do you say when they check yours and realize your entire course of preparation for the ministry consisted of five minutes and $20?
Not surprising to me at all......Evangelicals are nothing but malicious, gullible, Christo-Fascist. No surprise whatsoever!
I've never cared for the very concept of evangelicals. You want to convert someone to your faith? Set an inspiring example of how you practice your faith, and how it is truly central to the quality of your life.
Let them approach you in true interest, or leave them alone.
If you can't do that, you have no business trying to convert anyone.
To paraphrase Nietzsche, “one is not converted to another faith, unless one is mentally sick enough to do so.”
And again Nietzsche, “Faith as an imperative; the veto against science, the lie at any price.”
Are there no exceptions to your comment? I agree issues remain in all human related belief systems. We are imperfect individuals as a whole, however, you seem to cast a wide net in your statement.
First it should be understood, that my comments are based on me being a ULC Bishop, with two DD’s from the ULC, and at least four doctorates in related subjects.
Any time “fake” is a condition of discussion, when it usually comes to discussing any aspect, of any religion (except mine, which is Secular Humanist Pantheism) it should be mutually agreed upon, that all religions (mine excluded) are based on fakeness, and as Nietzsche stated “ truths” “just plain lying, deceit, deceptions and statements demonstrably false.
In other words, without “fakeness” there would be no religions — except mine.
So, any discussion about fakeness and religion, should just concentrate on which are the most-fake religions; usual amount of fakeness; and the least degree of being based on historical distortions — and therefore the least fake.
The longer ago, a religion was initially conceptualized ( via the imagination, and/or hallucinations of its founder) the greater the distortions — for example, it’s far easier, for those of us who have our DD’s, to identify fakeness in religions such as the LDS, Scientology, Christian Science, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses — than it is for us to identify fakeness in religions that evolved thousands of years ago, which were primarily based in the reality that back then, all religions were based on “it is true, because it is written.”
By definition all religions are fake. A Mark Twain said, “Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.”
For general information (based on a quote, attributed to Mark Twain, which Twain, perhaps, got from Voltaire) ‘‘twas Voltaire who said, “the first divine was a rogue who met a fool.” (or, something akin to that).
Speaking of 'fakes', it appears you too are at the top of your class.
Yeah, I bought one of those Doctor of Divinity certificates from ULC, too. Looks pretty on the office wall, but it is absolutely meaningless as a credential.
Wow, all those mail order "degrees" makes one feel so important and superior.
Any degree done in person, online, or given as an honorary degree, often given to celebrities or commencement speakers, or through personal continued studies in theological or spiritual centered research has its value. The degree’s level of the value reflects the individual’s humility, honesty related to degree obtainment, and if the individual uses the degree properly. If one was filling out a resume then a list of educational accomplishments requires a listing including the institutions, which may be private. Ministers or clergy of the eighteen hundred’s obtained their ordination by small groups of men who felt they had the power to bestow such degrees and ordination. On the other hand, to gloat or used the obtainment of such degrees to suppress or place oneself above others lacks humility and proper use of the degrees in conversation. Lest we forget that God allowed a donkey to speak because the human lacked understanding. Numbers 22:28
Oh please. The ULC "doctorate degrees" are only mail order with little requirements except a "promise" to study. Genuine doctoral degrees are awarded from universities which require extensive post graduate coursework, research, choosing a dissertation topic, assignment of a dissertation advisor and team, finalizing the research results, writing, presenting multiple drafts to the advisor, publishing it and defending the dissertation in front of a committee of scholars, sometimes more than once. The dissertation team decides if the doctoral student's work is reflective of scholarship and worthy of the award. The work is rigorous and takes 3-5 years for completion. I know, I was in a university doctoral program. Mail order "degrees" have no credibility except to the purchaser of a certificate which is usually a ego boost by people who refuse to be educated and evaluated at the university level.
You may not be aware that most Universities and Theological Institutions are now providing online degrees in doctoral programs. These are institutions whose embodiment includes major status within the United States educational system. These institutions have adopted online learning or a combination of both for enrolled students. With Covid those institutions who were not on board with programs scrambled to create programs and options to maintain student enrollment and financial stability. Online learning is a money maker for these educational institutions and a convenience for a larger student population. I finished my degree online due to a move to another state. I did spend a couple of weeks over the process with visits to the campus, zoom interactions with my professors. and an interactive discussion board with fellow students. Nevertheless, I was able to obtain my degree through this process. The educational process is changing, and the options meet the needs of students and financial desires of the educational institutions.
When ULC founder, and bishop, Kirby J Hensley, was interviewed by CBS’s “60 Minutes” many years ago, he was accused of awarding “worthless” DD’s (doctors of divinity) to which he replied, “all DD’s are worthless, therefore our DD’s are worth just as much as anyone else’s DD’s.
Bishop Hensley made me a bishop, and awarded me the first of my two DD’s, in person.
He was truly a man of his time.
Case closed.
When you "lead" from an article from The New York Post, you demean yourself and this group. It looks your support ignorant "click bait." Please use better sources and more meaningful approaches in the future.
As a favor to the group please provide us with the resources in which you refer to in your comments. This offers a vital source for all who remain in this group. I for one agree with you about researching resources, however, it is easy to miss a few along the way. Thank you for your comments.
The New York Post is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper in New York City, United States. The Post also operates NYPost.com, the celebrity gossip site PageSix.com, and the entertainment site Decider.com.
Does it really matter? Wolves in sheeps clothing seems to abound in all religions, all attempting to con the unsuspected 🤷🏼
There you go Lion, that is absolutely the exact correct answer.
Fun??? No matter your own beliefs, it is harmful and awfully disrespectful to tinker with other peoples beliefs, especially where it affects the deceased! This is not a joke, or fun, and vague comments regarding this are neither warranted nor desirable. These people are either sick, or lacking insight in other people's lives, or both. In any case, with a mindset that thinks this is fun or it needs doing I hope they learned something. Frankly though, I doubt it!
you know god?? amazing no one on earth has been able to confirm or deny his /it's existance. You speak from experience and scientifically assessed proof I suppose?