If you thought Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking on your door to proselytize was intrusive, wait until you hear about this.
A Christian missionary in Israel decided to fake being a rabbi to go deep undercover in an effort to convert Jews to Christianity.
No, this is not a spinoff of the television series Undercover Boss (...Undercover Cross?), it’s a real scandal rocking an Orthodox Jewish community in Jerusalem.
You can’t just fake being a rabbi though… can you? How on heaven and earth did he do it?
Jerusalem Undercover
The undercover rabbi, whose name is being withheld by authorities for the time being, was caught by Beyneynu, a nonprofit watchdog that keeps track of missionary activity in Israel.
They’d been “investigating the case of a covert missionary in French Hill for many years,” but moved quickly to expose the man and his family after his child was caught evangelizing at school.
The false rabbi is a New Jersey man who allegedly forged documents showing he is a rabbi so that he could come to Israel under the Law of Return.
The Law of Return essentially states that any Jewish person can come to Israel and simply request (and be granted) citizenship, provided they’re not a danger to society or the Jewish people as a whole. Automatic citizenship is granted not only to all Jews, but even non-Jewish spouses, children, and grandchildren.
Some long curls in his hair and a few forged documents later, and the New Jersey man was on his way to Israel to go deep undercover, not only as a Jewish person, but as leader of the faith.
Man on a Mission
In the ‘this has gone way too far’ category, the undercover rabbi engaged in ritual circumcisions, and his wife falsely claimed to be the child of Holocaust survivors.
It was that latter claim that tipped off friends in the first place, as a quick search of the parents’ social media profiles revealed that they were posting Christian missionary material, and that an obituary for the man’s late father identified him as a member of the Mennonite Church.
A game of cat and mouse ensued – as investigators looked deeper, they quickly noticed that the man was scrubbing his social media cleaner than a whistle.
The suspect claims it’s all a big misunderstanding, arguing that he did work as a Christian missionary once upon a time, but has since repented. Authorities – and his community – aren’t buying it. It’s unclear what happens next, but there's a good chance his citizenship will be revoked and he’ll be sent back to New Jersey.
It sounds like the plot of the world’s most boring spy novel. And yet, here we are. Still, it brings up some interesting questions about missionary work in general.
Obviously, going undercover as a faith leader in one community, only to proselytize for another, is unethical. But missionaries go into communities where they’re not wanted all the time, sometimes putting tribes at risk during a global pandemic, sometimes paying the ultimate price.
What do you think? Is missionary work ethical? Where should the boundaries be?
You are a Rabbi if you follow the teachings. If you have the funds, build a Yahshua synagogue and have a good time loving YHWH & Christ. No one is forced to join, if they enjoy the place, they will come back.
We honor Christ by remembering his background in middle east cultures. Brother Yahshua is the savior of all beings, all Children of the same universe... many forms of Life = all one family.-
Family of god. Rev Robert wilson
Bless all
The Jewish people are a mystery to most people because they keep to themselves and even when they’re asked about their faith they initially won’t respond because of the example of Ruth. Ruth asked to follow her mother-in-law upon her husbands passing. Her mother in law initially denied her stating that it would be better for her to go to her biological family and keep their culture and beliefs. As she pressed her she was eventually accepted.
Most Jewish people don’t initially explain their religion and usually don’t offer unsolicited advice.
For this reason, I see many assumptions made because Judaism isn’t understood. I speak of this article.
First of all, within Judaism there is a debate on who is Jewish. Is it by descent or by belief? There is a denomination Messianic Judaism where the members believe they’re Jewish by descent regardless of their beliefs. As it relates to this article that would mean this man didn’t lie. Jewish descent according to orthodox faith is through their mother so that his father’s beliefs were irrelevant.
Many people who are making a transition to Judaism from Christianity do become Messianic Jewish first and then convert to full Judaism as they learn and grow.
I believe the best in this man that he may have been Jewish by descent through his mother or grandparents and deserving of a return to Israel, that he may have been transitioning from Christianity through Messianic Judaism into a full Jewish conversion as he said.
It’s possible his wife wasn’t at the same place as he was in his conversation and she may have written a few things or that he had partners contributing. When a person converts to Judaism their family & friends activities don’t always change at the same time.
Just to clarify one thing.
If a Jewish person believes they’re Jewish by descent, they wouldn’t feel the need to convert because they have always been Jewish. So when I say convert I really mean changing religious beliefs but not identity. If a person’s biological mother for instance is Irish and he learns to speak Irish and has all the customs and practices of an Irish person no one can tell him he’s not Irish. It’s the same here. If his mother or either grandparent passed to him a Jewish culture who can take away his identity? If he followed a Christian pathway for awhile as Messianic Jews are Christian Jews and then after research & study wants to accept Judaism wholeheartedly why should he convert as a non Jew if his identity and culture are Jewish. This is the debate in Judaism.
Rabbi of all people where is your forgiveness. I ask for wisdom daily so to know how to deal in life and with us humanbiengs that live within our universe, it frees the conscience and gives strength to the heart, to learn how to forgive, especially human errors, which we all commit. However, if we committed to kill, or defraud a loved one emotionally to the point of harming their spirit that is something I find hard to understand. Why do people try to hurt what they do not understand, can have, or the other person wants nothing to do with them, I say move on. The ocean is huge, many sand pebbles, stars in the sky, and vast lands of people still live around us. However, some people have a hard time to let go, they forget, who, what the source is, and the why they act as they do.. move on, if the pot your holding is burning let it go, if the milk is sour, throw it away, start over its great we can start something new, but not if one holds on to the old garbage, things will start to smell, and the person will feel stuck, just open the windows, open the door and move on and out, smell the roses, yes the hills are not greener on the other side, because we bring the same song climbing over the hills, change the tune and laugh at yourself often it does the body good to admit you’re not perfect, just a human saved by grace, and all mistakes are forgiving, I love being free to be me, no matter what mistakes I've done, or stupid things out of being naïve will find myself getting into again, but ,I can laugh and do it again, move on, and start new, fresh.. Therefore, I choose to forgive this Rabbi, and I hope he finds what he is in search of. "GOD" bless him, and his family and all those involved in the pretense, so what, laugh, and enjoy the experience, after all life is a journey of many weird experiences.. Just keep it clean, no murder!! Thank you, Shalom Hava'
There is really NO excuse for such unethical behavior! He should be imprisoned for a long time! This man does not even show any respect towards his own (Christian) faith. Thanks to G‘d he was unveiled.
CIA👀? 🤓💖 Broode of vipers are deadly. Remember?
I'm Sephardi and I find these stories amusing. Judaism is a legal system set up to establish courts of justice. Christianity misses the point. Jesus is a symptom, not the problem, of a much bigger issue. I was once at my Rabbi's home for a Shabbat meal. A group of Christians knocked on his door, they always knew we would be at home, and asked if he had not heard of Jesus? His response was precious, "Yes, Of course I have, he is a Jew who made the big time as the Son of G-D. You worship our G-D and you believe Jesus was his son. And you are "grafted" unto our tree, Where is the problem?"
Avraham New Mexico
The problem is that God created all. Therefore it is not one groups God or anothers. Yet, all groups belong to God. The favoratism is the battle. Jesus called you guys a brood of vipers and he was right to do so. He further more said that the only way to God is through him because the others ways don't offer Gods forgiveness. So You and Israel kept getting punished because you do not accept Jesus as fact. Facts are acts of faith in love without intrests in divisions and dominance. Even if GOD stands for Great Order Dominator. Remember that God uses nature for and against all life forms because God gives life and only God takes it away. The nature of the beast in humans is what Jesus Christ was after. He gathered all the belief systems in to one law. Love one another. Yet the Rabbis didn't think that he was anyone more special than them to be commanding in God's name. He (Jesus, Maria's US aka Marius) said that only through his teachings can we all become children of God again because otherwise we are condemned by God for using that knowledge and understanding against God and each other. So Wisdom is what the gospel of Jesus Christ is. Even He said that no man can double cross him. 🤓💖 Much is still hidden about that but hey, guess what? It's Revelation time. It's about US. Us all not just the Jews and the grafting. Even the Jews were grafted by God because God created them the same way all people were created. It's the evil (negative energy aka hatred aka racism aka tribalism aka animalistic behavior pac aka brood of vipers, and lions den.) That claim themselves as favorite. Sure now the Jews have to claim him as one of their own but Jesus used the Romans and all other nations to brinf them about back to equality among Gods children which is all human beings. So domesticating the beastly creatures which was the missing link. The missing link was invisible because he is not seen until it performs an action. Therfor psychology and behavioral sciences are born and that is also belief systems. Now the money lovers run the world from behind paywalls of education. Now in this era of revelation an apocalypse will happen because here in the cloud of the internet all knowledge will be enhanced as it is a world library and comunication system. The things people will learn are that they will watch all the futures of their offerings be destroyed by Gods Nature Systems. You should know that everything that is up will come down. So think yourself a favorite but you should know that your favor was taken away once and it can be done again. Therefore favor all life forms as if it were your own. Do on to others as you would want done on to you. LOVE ALL LIFE
From where I'm sitting, Nowhere in the New Testament does it contain the words of Jesus. Those words were put into his mouth. He only wrote one thing in the sand.
The Book of Luke insists that Zachariah and Elizabeth were sinless. How is that possible given your views on salvation? "And they [Zachariah and Elizabeth] were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." Because they kept the Law. According to core Christian teachings, Luke’s claim that Zachariah and Elizabeth were without sin is preposterous!
Were we not created in the image of God? Is it not an insult to God to call ourselves spiritually defective and utterly depraved?
"However, if we carry humility to such a point that one says “I am utterly lost and no action of mine can ever be good,” then the incentive to improvement has been abolished, and excessive humility becomes an excuse for lack of effort. This is the ultimate consequence of grim Christian doctrines that has polluted the minds of parishioners for the past two millennia."
What does your proclamation that “Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law” really mean? My Two Cents!
Marius You are a true believer in Christ. Gd bless you
Rev Robert Wilson
Carl, you are true believer in logic and reason. I’m sure your life be greatly enhanced.
Minister Lionheart 🦁❤️
Rev robert wilson
I would like to see Dr Eve Taylor comments posted!!! She’s a smart Dr with feelings let her speak. God bless all of you
Did you have a particular God in mind that you’d like to bless us with? Mankind has created so many since the dawn of time.
I was never sure about Vishnu. The Toltec and Aztec Gods always sounded fairly brutal if they didn’t get their own way, much like the Christian God. Which one have you taken a liking to?
She has commented -- just scroll up.
Thank you Robert, I ask for wisdom daily so to know how to deal in life and with us humanbiengs that live within our universe, it frees the conscience and gives strength to the heart, to learn how to forgive, especially human errors, which we all commit. However, if we committed to kill, or defraud a loved one emotionally to the point of harming their spirit that is something I find hard to understand. Why do people try to hurt what they do not understand, can have, or the other person wants nothing to do with them, I say move on. The ocean is huge, many sand pebbles, stars in the sky, and vast lands of people still live around us. However, some people have a hard time to let go, they forget, who, what the source is, and the why they act as they do.. move on, if the pot your holding is burning let it go, if the milk is sour, throw it away, start over its great we can start something new, but not if one holds on to the old garbage, things will start to smell, and the person will feel stuck, just open the windows, open the door and move on and out, smell the roses, yes the hills are not greener on the other side, because we bring the same song climbing over the hills, change the tune and laugh at yourself often it does the body good to admit you’re not perfect, just a human saved by grace, and all mistakes are forgiving, I love being free to be me, no matter what mistakes I've done, or stupid things out of being naïve will find myself getting into again, but ,I can laugh and do it again, move on, and start new, fresh.. Therefore, I choose to forgive this Rabbi, and I hope he finds what he is in search of. "GOD" bless him, and his family and all those involved in the pretense, so what, laugh, and enjoy the experience, after all life is a journey of many weird experiences.. Just keep it clean, no murder!! Thank you.
scientists have their plan but GOD has his the climax is coming that,s for sure
Deception and Lies are never ethical and isn't his God all about the truth and fighting such deception and lies
This is a fascinating and quite comical story, and to find out he's a Mennonite is just icing on the cake...Only in Jersey...hehe
why don't you post my comments I will not participate any longer, as you never post what I think
I see a movie idea and a great televangelist career, very lucrative on TBN or some place.
Where he made his mistake is not going onto TBN and really milking it for all the big money it was worth. "Undercover Rabbi: Saving Their Souls." Could have made him untold $Millions! Still could for some enterprising entrepreneur.
Is missionary work ethical? Err....No. How can preaching myth, with an attempt to convince the unknowing, that it's truth, be ethical?
Would it be ethical for me to work on convincing a child that Harry Potter is real, and if the child doesn't believe it to tell them they will burn in Hell when they die for not believing me?
I have a Jewish lineage..but discovered Jesus and see where all faiths are in need of communication of Hightened knowledge. I even have a great aunt and uncle that were Jewish and becane Universal Life!! Not until near 25 years later was I led here, as a healer. If You actually are on a Universal and beyond Diversal Universal You are all faiths and live for all faiths...and where and how you soeak to each person is an art. It is all inclusive!!!! And the more we try to hurt one another for attempting to soeak their language to bridge over deadlines with Life, the less easy it gets. If this guy was Ordained Universal Life!!!! La Chaim!! Only I am trying to end the practice of infant male sexual mutilation (circumsicion) as I think it has led to violence and confusion for both sexes in regards to happy marriages and healthy relationships that uphold unions of such spiritual and carnal personal grandeur.
Attraction, not coersion, is the only ethical way to share a belief system. Agressive missionary activity is a cancer on spirituality.
This is very sad, and says to me that someone has little faith in their faith if they need to resort to duplicity to convey their belief. I am not a proponent of proselytizing, in fact, my belief system prohibits it, and I would hope that this person's home church uses this as a point of reflection. (I’m not optimistic about it, but hope springs eternal!)
Does God smile at all his children?......who seem to all cast stones......do you still enjoy cartoons?.....maybe when God worked so hard to make all things....he wanted to make sure he had good reception to watch his cartoon creation...Rev John
none of what the poor soul did, tells us clearly the WHY? I read the comments, and most sounded horrible. Who pointed you to sit on the judgment seat? All I have to say is so what, look how much hell we are going through in this life, so what he disguised himself as a Rabbi! Look around you most people disguise themselves as someone else they are not. I didn't read what harm was caused, from him, wanting to be a Rabbi, maybe he was thinking of changing religion, I like to give the benefit of the doubt, especially when all the details are vague! I need to read more and hear his side, before I pass judgment on anyone's reasons of actions, {Who knows the mind and intent of a person's heart} without more info, I don't! He without sin, cast the first stone...…. Now drop your stone too, whether you are whatever might be... we are all sinner's born from a sinful nature, saved by GRACE! Be blessed, peace, and love to all, and stay safe ...
He broke the law of the State of Israel by misrepresenting himself in order to obtain Israeli citizenship (to which he was not otherwise entitled), but let's look at it from a purely spiritual perspective. In your mind God is cool with this kind of thing? Is it okay to lie, cheat, and steal in order to achieve one's goals? I'm not familiar with any religion which espouses that sort of behavior as acceptable or desirable -- are you?
Linda A. Solomon that sounds like a Jewish name , most my family is in Isreal. I do not stand for deception of any kind, I simply did not have all the details to why he did what he did, and if it was to get Citizenship that was wrong. I was upset at some remark's that I felt was too harsh, and going to the extreme. A person should live with integrity and dignity especially if they are in ministries, so again I do agree with you, thank you for your reply, its taken with respect.. stay safe, and be blessed.
These details were in the article on which you commented. Let's review, shall we?
He lied, first in representing himself as a Jew in order to obtain Israeli citizenship per Israel's Law of Return. (His wife also lied in this fashion and compounded this lie with another -- representing herself as the child of Holocaust victims.)
His second lie -- representing himself not only as a rabbi (which he is not) but also as a mohel (a man trained and qualified to perform the ritual of circumcision, which he also is not). As such, he performed numerous circumcisions, not only engaging in spiritual deception but literally placing countless infants at medical risk to the point of potentially risking their lives.
Frankly, IMO this creature and his wife deserve far worse than anything anyone has said about them here.
Hi Linda, again I will say one thing , I have not heard his side, only what he did. Is doing what he did in comparison to what this entire universe is facing so bad, NO! say what you want, there are more serious issues to get so upset over, than one person pretending to be a Jewish rabbi, so WHAT! open your eyes smell the coffee and see what real deception in this world is, and it's coming from our own government, cabinet members, the senate and ect, now that's something to get upset over! I have not read, nor heard his side; until all the evidence is in, I make no judgment call, after all I'm not "GOD" to judge a person that has not committed murder, or any other crime against individuals or our counrty, only miss- representation, and after all isn't that what our politicians do daily, why not spend energy and go after them......... in the big picture of lives matter, what really should you voice your concerns about, check yourself out maybe there's more to this than meets the eye.. Take Care, Be Blessed, and Stay Safe.. I love everyone in this universe we only have each other, lets be kind, compassionate, and accept as we are, all in the Almighty's image, Jew, Gentile, yellow, purple black orange or blue, you get the drift.. eat some chocolates and have a sweet day,.
Lying is against the 10 commandments. He lied. He's a big sinner. He and that whole family need a conversion! Hmmmm...who would do that?!
Dear Linda he without -sin cast the first stone. I wonder how many stones are you holding, and for who, what if you slipped and for whatever reason you made a mistake and it happened to you. further what's the real issues this man pretending to be a Rabbi, or people in church pretending to be Christians? just ask Jimmy Swagger or Jim Backer!
I dont know where this mans head and heart really were when him and his wife decided this was a good idea. I mean not only unethical but he wasnt being true to himself or his family when he concocted this plan up. How can you be true to God if your not even being true to yourself. Im just saying.
I primarily us my ministerial credentials to counsel with my fellow ministers like you child, right here on this blog, child-child. And I have taken counseling and psychology courses, little Danny. For many, becoming ordained, and receiving honorary titles and degrees is only the beginning. Some already have training in those areas, and others start obtaining it. Anyone can have an honorary degree, but using it in our ministerial work is another thing, for those of us who are sincere. It's a reverse order for most of us. First we get the credentials, then we study.
Yes, and anyone can have a degree or two and abuse them. It's hard for me to see anyone who claims to have taken counseling and psychology courses and still talk down to people... seems like something didn't take in the courses.
SO what? And what exactly is the difference between that and the morons we have here in this thread who got their "religious papers" and then claim that there is no deity meaning they are an atheist and yet still want to claim they have some kind of religious authority?
Sounds like someone is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill and unless its against the law in Israel, then what exactly is it any business of the Monastery or anyone else?
The business of a monastery is religious support for those who CHOOSE to be there and focus on a spiritual belief system, not to deceive people into a false sense of reality. Unless, of course, you believe ALL religion and spiritual belief systems are basically deceitful and doling out false reality. Then your point sort of makes sense.
And, in case you weren't aware, NOT believing in one deity is actually a spiritual practice and in itself does not singularly define atheism. Educate yourself.
not too bright are you. Not one religion says you should just decide, Islam says join or die, Christians say when you join you follow their rules and do on and so forth
Daniel Gray, what this man and his wife have been doing is absolutely against the law in Israel. They lied to obtain Israeli citizenship, and then continued to lie and misrepresent themselves to others. I doubt you would so easily dismiss as no one's business the idea of criminals obtaining citizenship in the US (or in whatever other country in which you happen to live) under false pretenses, even if religion were not involved.
then let ISRAEL deal with it, unless you live there you have nothing to say about it
Daniel Gray, pretty sure you don't live in Israel, but you felt free to express an opinion nonetheless. Not sure why you think where other people live has anything to do with their right to express their opinions on this matter.
And Israel is dealing with it, just as US authorities have dealt with similar religiously oriented deceptions (affecting members of different religious groups) which have occurred on US soil. Some things are not only unethical and immoral by the standards of many religious groups, but also flat out illegal per civil law, both in the US and elsewhere.
Maybe they can name a show "Little Dead Jesus Was A Liar." If they do, I'll send in my resume to be the host of that show. And I don't think it would be hard to get Lionheart and Ilmenheru to be my co-hosts.
ROFLMAO......ok, now the organized religions are trying out for reality tv. But there is a show already named mythbusters so they will need to come up with something else 🤣🤣🤣
In light of your last question posed... whether or not missionary work is ethical, I have been debating about that for a long time. I know that I, personally would not want to be converted from one religion to another; that's ultimately the same as peer pressure in a sick way, for I believe that everyone's religion is there own to decide; no one should decide for you; not your parents, your friends, your teachers. Only you. Others' opinions may differe on this, and I appreciate that.
What this guy did, though, is absolutely unconscionable. He broke the eighth commandment, for one, and for two, he deceived so many people in a community just trying to get by. Not okay!
You hit it right on the nail. Whatever a person believes is their choice and should not be influenced by others.
I'd like to see a Christian go through a year and a day of intense training to be baptized, like many of us Wiccans have to do to become initiated. I very seriously doubt that most of them would be capable of completing such acoursework, and we'd have far less stupid christians in this world, as a result.
I don't know. Some are just willing to take the easiest route and it wouldn't be out of the range of possibility for them to just start yet another new religion so they can do it their own way.
Comment removed by user.
Mind you, we train a priesthood and not a laity as such. It would be better then to make reference to eclectic Wiccans and those in a non-initiatory stream with less quality control as to who considers themselves a Wiccan spokesperson.
I hope they decide to lock him up rather than banish him. NJ has enough jagoffs already.
Some of our fellow ULC Ministers might even be just as deceitful, but trust me, we'll weed them out. They never last long. And we call them on their shit, right here on this blog.
It's well known that a lot of Christian ministers have a lot of different ulterior motives, iether in becoming ministers, or that they developed later. A very good example is all the sex scandals. Whatever the case, one cannot truly minister or preach about a religion that has honesty as one of it's main principles, through deceit. It goes against the grain, and it seems like there should be penalties for doing so, including making that person's deceit be known by all those who could be affected by it, as well as the humiliation of such a minister, or missionary. Such a person should never again be allowed to participate in such activities.
This is probably over the top for an individual to do but if you know anything of Samaritan's Purse they just pretend to care about Muslim's lives when they really just want to "save" them.
And Christians keep wondering why those of the older faith whose rabbinical scholars keep pointing out that Jesus by definition can not be the messiah because he does not meet any of the more than a hundred different signs of the coming messiah, like not even close. So those who think Jesus was the Christ basically are spitting upon every Jewish scholar who understands this and pionts this simple truth out.
While no fan of Israel as a nation, this guy will be lucky to last a year, considering how the Mossad like to deal cold vengeance to enemies of their faith. And pulling the my parents were holocaust survivors card, just damn thats disgusting,That might get her black bagged before she ever gets back to the states.
And don't forget, Israelis have been known to crucify people. I hope I get to go to their crucifixion, so that when they are thirsty I can offer them a sponge of vinegar, while saying "Here Jesus, drink this." [ I have vague recollections of having once done that in a previous life.]
Crucifixion was a Roman punishment. The Jewish method of execution was stoning. If you must spew bigotry and hate, at least try to get your facts correct according to your own bible.
Is seriously? How is it possible that that person called Christian wants to do something like that? He will think that he is doing something right before God but No, no way, he is not and of course God will not see him with pleasure. To reach out to other people based on lies, how will he pretend to live an upright life before God and men?
Why is it Christians are always lie and deceive people. This is just another reason young people today just do not want to Christians. I have never meet a Muslim, Mormon or an atheists who is dishonest as those Christians. Have you ever heard of any religion other than Christians who set-up fake abortion clinics. who try and pass religion off as science and who protect pastors and priests who are rapists and pedophiles.
Christians always seem to feel the end justifies the means. God is sure making sure this Christin is getting punished.
Douglas, it's just that christianity attracts a lot more stupid people than any other religion. And even the ones who aren't stupid have to be thrown pretty far out into left field to believe in that stuff.
For Carl. You are judging your fellow ministers why?
R wilson
Yes, Douglas, I agree. Young people see the emperor with no clothes and want no part. As you said, christians are the ones who continually mislead others in the name of god and conversion. No other religion is soooo focused on these activities to the point of such deception. They will be their own downfall.
I wouldn't go that far. Lies for a cause is a people problem, not just a single religion based problem. Some religions do make it easier than others but I've seen them in and out of all kinds of religious persuasions. It's a blind faith issue, an "anything for the cause" issue. Until we, people on a whole regardless of persuasion or location, come to the understanding that its how we treat each other and being honest about it that is important. The cause or the faith means nothing if it includes deception.
I don't affiliate with any commercial religious group, yet I can't grasp how anyone would go 'undercover' and pretend they belong to a different religion. Either he isn't committed, or maybe should be....
Believe it, CB. A lot of religious people, ministers, and missionaries are that sick, and even sicker, and think they're engaging in their work, as representatives of their god.
They need to ship him back to New Jersey with the papers in hand and on file with the Government he is not allowed back in the country under any circumstances. God as always wanted honesty from his children and this guy was definitely there under false pretenses.
Yeah.... I know what you mean, John. And I think those practitioners of black magic were called Sybil, and flugo.
Seriously, 🤣
I know, right?
I believe that this creates a bad feeling against each Religion ! Why can't we just get along ?