The buzziest Super Bowl ads of 2024 weren’t all the typical humorous, celebrity-driven ads of years past.
Some of this year’s most discussed ad spots are a pair of pro-Jesus commercials that seemingly no one – Christians and non-Christians alike – is happy with.
Controversial Feet Washing
The first of this year’s ads, entitled “Foot Washing” debuted during the game’s first quarter.
It depicts a variety of scenes of individuals washing the feet of others, from a police officer washing a man’s feet in an alley, to a man washing an environmental activist’s feet at a protest, to an older woman washing a young woman’s feet at an abortion clinic.
“Jesus didn’t teach hate,” the ad concludes. “He washed feet.”
The other ad, “Who is My Neighbor?” aired during the second quarter.
He Gets Us?
The ads were just the latest from the "He Gets Us" campaign, a $100 million marketing blitz with the goal of bringing Jesus to the masses. Much was made of that campaign back in 2022, when the group launched their first Super Bowl ad.
As many pondered at the time… Does Jesus, the most famous person of all time, seriously need marketing?
The answer, apparently, is yes. As Super Bowl viewers noticed, the pro-Christianity ad campaign was back this past Super Bowl Sunday with not one, but two, ads.
And with a reported price tag of $7 million per 30 seconds of air time, these ads were no drop in the collection plate.
Christ Gets Backlash
If you ask the ‘He Gets Us’ ad creators, they might say that they hoped to unify Super Bowl viewers. And they did… just not in the way they may have intended.
Both believers and non-believers lambasted the ads online, but for very different reasons.
Many nonreligious folks criticized the ads for their pricetag (a combined cost in the tens of millions), arguing that the money would be better spent elsewhere – like actually helping the needy.
Meanwhile, some evangelicals were outraged by the social justice undertones in the ads – arguing that they distort the views of Christ and present a false version of Jesus who is tolerant of sin.
Some even accused the "He Gets Us" team of misunderstanding the meaning behind foot washing entirely:
Who knows how many conversions the ads will generate, but one thing’s for sure: they’ve certainly generated controversy.
What do you make of the feet washing commercial? Do you find the message effective?
If the LQBGT gang can buy an advertisement, then why can't Jesus? I mean, if two dudes slobbering all over each other in an HIV commercial offend some people and that's OK, then why isn't foot washing? They paid their money, they should get the airtime they bought. I'd like to see just one day in America where some crybaby wasn't offended by something.
"They could have done so much more with this absurd amount of money."
And that would be up to the organization and it's Board of Directors how they spend THEIR money. If they wanted to spend all their money on a boxcar full of ice cream to park in Death Valley in August, I'd tell them to go right ahead, I don't care.Would I pay 7 million bucks for 30 seconds of airtime (if I had it)? Heck no. But if I did, that's my money and my decision. If HGU membership voted on it, and the expenditure was approved IAW their organization bylaws, then their money, their decision. I don't have a dog in that fight, or the right to an opinion that matters.
They could have done so much more with this absurd amount of money.
Just one more HYPOCRITICAL issue to add to the numerous reasons people are not attending.
While I understand the sentiment behind the commercial, I think the money would have been better spent helping people.
Jesus washed the feet of all 12, disciples including the feet of Judas Iscariot. After putting his outer garments on and reclining at the table again, Jesus asks:
Do you understand what I have done to you? You address me as ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you are correct, for I am such.
Therefore, if I, the Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also should wash the feet of one another. For I set the pattern for you, that just as I did to you, you should also do.
Most truly I say to you, a servant is not greater than their master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, happy you are if you do them.” Read {John 13:12-17
What a beautiful lesson in humble service! Jesus’ followers should not seek the first place, thinking that they are important and should be served.
Jesus’ followers should not seek the first place, thinking that they are important and should be served.
Rather, they should follow Jesus’ example, not by any ritual of foot washing, but by being willing to serve with humility and without partiality
Rather, they should follow Jesus’ example, not by any ritual of foot washing, but by being willing to serve with humility and without partiality.
Jesus washed the feet of all 12, disciples including the feet of Judas Iscariot. After putting his outer garments on and reclining at the table again, Jesus asks:
Do you understand what I have done to you? You address me as ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you are correct, for I am such.
Therefore, if I, the Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also should wash the feet of one another. For I set the pattern for you, that just as I did to you, you should also do.
Most truly I say to you, a servant is not greater than their master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, happy you are if you do them.” Read {John 13:12-17
What a beautiful lesson in humble service! Jesus’ followers should not seek the first place, thinking that they are more important and should be served.
Rather, they should follow Jesus’ example, not by any ritual of foot washing, but by being willing to serve with humility and without partiality no matter how menial or unpleasant the task.
I see a lot of argument over whether or not Christ was even real in the first place. Frankly I don't care if he was or not. That isn't anywhere near the point.
The point is IF he was real and IF what was in the bible is what he tried to teach then it's important that those who claim he is read and adhere to those portions specifically. It amazes me how many people who claim Christianity don't really understand the whole cannon is put together in sections for a reason. The old testament is the old Judaic basis of where Christ and Christianity was born from. It's supposed to be a history of those older beliefs. The first few books of the new testament was supposed to be what Christ taught which laid out clearly how people should be treating each other. After that there was added books of stories of others who claimed to have followed him and his teachings, many written well after he was gone so they were more personal interpretations and supposed discussions about those.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who scrutinized the bible for everything specific to Jesus and put it all in one book. I'd think people who really claim to be Christians would be very familiar with that specifically. I'm honestly curious how many would even be aware of it. never mind had a chance to go through it.
Well I took it as everyone in this world can be saved no matter who you are what you're doing why you're doing it or whom you're doing it too. I looked at it as someone trying to say everyone in the world has a chance to be saved. If you feel as though I'm wrong I'm sorry but that is my opinion and that is the way I took it I'm the good side not the negative side. And I've also talked to a few friends of mine and being Christians himself they took it the same way I did is that the Lord is showing everybody that you can be saved no matter what.
Hi my thoughts and beliefs are Jesus came due to His Father sending him as well as prophecy from the Old Testament was to be fulfilled and it was. I believe His coming/sacrifice to be our savior naturally causes division of those who believe or don’t believe. We all have this God given right. There is no profit in forcing beliefs onto another person as Jesus never did this. He never shoved his presence down another’s throat, he never killed another for not believing in him. But there were those that did still to this day. Jesus just traveled expressing and teaching the message he was given and either they followed or they didn’t…. Hungry and desperate folks just were drawn to him…. He spoke and they heard him!!!! I believe it’s the same today. Either you will or you won’t. You share with others and they do what they will with your words or what they receive from it!!!!
I can give multiple examples of me personally saying to someone/stranger what I truly believed God wanted them to hear and only 1 time was it rejected. It was always tears and thanks and life changing from what obviously was for them especially from God for them.
Obedience to my Father has always been confirmation of if we are willing to follow God in love for him, trusting His wisdom is best than my own always enriches another persons life!
Jesus washed feet. I have washed feet. It is a humbling act for both people!!!!
Much love to you all.
I bet I could say ‘Hey, wash my feet.’ with a tone and manner that would have the same results as calling someone ‘Sweetie’. Just saying. Nothing particularly offensive about either phrase. But who knows what people will find offensive. Me. I agree with Stephen Frye when he said…
“It’s now very common to hear people say, “I’m rather offended by that”. As if that gives them certain rights. It’s actually nothing more than a whine. “I find that offensive”. It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. “I am offended by that.” Well, so uking what?”
To the guy who calls himself an atheist his real title is he is a Fool. “The FOOL has said in his heart there is no God”.
And whose name will this fool be calling out to with his dying breath??!
And who will this be fool be bowing his knee to on judgement day?
It will be your loss ETERNALLY to deny God and his son Jesus.
Sally, I must ask, what is it that has created such fear in your life that you would choose to believe in myth and mysticism over things that are empirically provable and disprovable? Is it that the simplicity of the scientific method just seems too simplistic to understand? Is it that you have never been exposed to a process of empirical analysis that would allow you to identify the concepts you have attached yourself to and, through an empirically reliable and repeatable way, help you disprove those things that have no data to support them?
Let's look at this post of yours:
You: "And whose name will this fool be calling out to with his dying breath??!"
Response based on empirical analysis: "What is the need to call out a name at the time of death when the fear of the unknown is removed through the actual knowledge that there is no reliable (scientific or philosophical) evidence of the existence of a divine being?"
You: "And who will this be fool be bowing his knee to on judgement day?"
Response based on empirical analysis: again, "What is the need to bend a knee to an entity that is best shown to have no reliable (scientific or philosophical) evidence of existence?"
You: "It will be your loss ETERNALLY to deny God and his son Jesus."
Response based on empirical analysis: again, "What loss is acquired where the object of your fear is best shown to have no reliable (scientific or philosophical) evidence of existence?"
Using your own historical information, even Martin Luther knew that the belief in a divine spirit could only be supported in the idea of "believing in something with NO evidence of its existence" as he described in his letter on "Faith, Alone". In his case, the letter concludes that his position requires that unsupportable belief but, in his time, what else could he conclude? a different conclusion would have come with a church sanctioned death sentence.
Unfortunately, all this is likely moot as I would suspect that you probably know very little about the history of your own religious ideas.
Excuse me….Could I have another helping of that?
Excellent post.
Don't judge. Love.
“And whose name will this fool be calling out to with his dying breath??!”
I guess you’ll be calling out ‘His’ name? No doubt in your mind as the weather you’ll be going up or down, huh? Wouldn’t it be a hoot if you’ve been praying to Jehovah and you end up finding Allah or Vishnu?
Let’s move on to true stories….
I had a little incident with my heart. They didn’t think it was serious, but they decided to do a cardiac catheterization. They save me until last of the day, because he thought it was going to be easy. These procedures are not done under general anesthesia, but they simply numb the area where they enter your femoral artery and your groin and run that thing up to your heart. What they found stunned my doctor. It showed on his face. It also showed in the hesitant way that he spoke. He literally didn’t know what to do. He actually asked me if he should do a cardiac bypass or try to implant stents. I think that was due in part to the language barrier and in part because he was shocked. it took four different procedures to open up those cardiac arteries and I stayed in the hospital for over a month.
My point? They say there are no atheist in foxholes. That male bovine fecal matter. On the table, listening to the doctor, I thought that I was going to die. I can’t say I was scared ****less. it was more like how you feel at the end of an exciting roller coaster ride as the cars are slowing down and coming into that final flat decelerating stretch to the end of the ride. The ride was over and that’s what I felt. It wasn’t until I was back in my hospital bed that it finally occurred to me that I thought I was going to die and yet the thought of a supernatural deity, never even crossed my mind for a microsecond. It simply did not occur to me. That is the depth of the incredulous opinion I hold for the concept of a supernatural being.
Call out ‘His’ name? Sweetie, I’ve been there, done that and have the scars next to my scrotum. I speak from direct experience. Go peddle your wares to someone that gives an airborne rodent’s anal sphincter muscle about your opinion of a dying individuals last thought,
Post again… Because I actually put some effort into that post I’m posting this again. You see I’m not sure if it’s okay with the censors to reference the sphincter muscles of any, or specific, animals. So here’s the post again with a modified ending.
“And whose name will this fool be calling out to with his dying breath??!”
I guess you’ll be calling out ‘His’ name? No doubt in your mind as the weather you’ll be going up or down, huh? Wouldn’t it be a hoot if you’ve been praying to Jehovah and you end up finding Allah or Vishnu?
Let’s move on to true stories….
I had a little incident with my heart. They didn’t think it was serious, but they decided to do a cardiac catheterization. They save me until last of the day, because he thought it was going to be easy. These procedures are not done under general anesthesia, but they simply numb the area where they enter your femoral artery and your groin and run that thing up to your heart. What they found stunned my doctor. It showed on his face. It also showed in the hesitant way that he spoke. He literally didn’t know what to do. He actually asked me if he should do a cardiac bypass or try to implant stents. I think that was due in part to the language barrier and in part because he was shocked. it took four different procedures to open up those cardiac arteries and I stayed in the hospital for over a month.
My point? They say there are no atheist in foxholes. That male bovine fecal matter. On the table, listening to the doctor, I thought that I was going to die. I can’t say I was scared shitless. it was more like how you feel at the end of an exciting roller coaster ride as the cars are slowing down and coming into that final flat decelerating stretch to the end of the ride. The ride was over and that’s what I felt. It wasn’t until I was back in my hospital bed that it finally occurred to me that I thought I was going to die and yet the thought of a supernatural deity, never even crossed my mind for a microsecond. It simply did not occur to me. That is the depth of the incredulous opinion I hold for the concept of a supernatural being.
Call out ‘His’ name? Sweetie, I’ve been there, done that and have the scars next to my scrotum. I speak from direct experience. Go peddle your wares to someone that cares about your opinion of a dying individuals last thought,
Jesus only washed the feet of his disciples, the ones who followed the teachings of our Lord and believed in him. He was not washing the feet of those with a history of going against the word of our Lord.
I think it is beautiful . Because we as people are supposed to be Christ like this was on the mark. With christiany being attacked this was a perfect depiction of what Christ like should be. I hope to see more of these in the future.
They're not depicting Jesus. They're depicting people emulating Jesus by acting as he did. There's nothing wrong with this ad in my humble opinion. Those evangelicals need to stop complaining and start behaving like Christ behaved so that they can live into our divine destiny as a people. Those whiners are the main reason this ad campaign IS necessary, indeed. Jesus healed the sick, not the healthy. He even asked what need of a physician do the healthy need. If someone wants to spend over a billion dollars on evangelism, what right does ANYONE have to complain about anyone else showing that cleaning up the feet of the people who need him most is the beginning of cleaning up lives? I'm waiting...
This drives me crazy. First off I loved the add and wish it played daily Jesus walked this earth no logical person questions that fact. His divinity aside he was a Man who walked this earth and made such an impact that he is spoken about in several religions and cultures not just Christianity. Muslims , Jews, buddhist, and several others all talk about this man. His disciples were tax collecting Jews (the worst of men at that time) prostituts , adulteries and thieves. He washed their feet, he washed the feet of jewish leaders who thought he was a blasphemer. This man alone changed the world and never failed to show his love and grace to everyone sinner or not and in most cases the worst of sinners. He washed feet to show no man is bigger than the other . Even the son of god was just a man. It is not our place to judge the afterlife of others. It is our job to love them and talk to them. It is up to them and them alone to see it.
To the Atheist that’s on here. Stay here keep talking, keep challenging yourself and others, open minds. I am a man of god and I am proud of it. And because of that I will not ever allow others to be silenced no matter what they believe. We can only grow as humans when we have others who disagree with us. A group of people who all think alike and never allows opposition is extremely dangerous, no matter what they belive
Remember Jesus sat Judas at the table fed him and washed his feet knowing what he did. Not a sinner on earth today could compare to Judas yet he was forgiven Paul hunted Christians and killed them. Yet Jesus can to him. We all forget what it truly means to be a flowers of Christ.
Addressing the atheists, why that invitation to stay is just so good to hear! And here I was about to close my account.
It sure doesn’t appear that many of the commenters here are into washing the feet of others.
Feet gross me out personally. It's ok if people don't like feet, it's a free country and the internet is also free (in terms of free speech). It's the hypocrisy people have a problem with.
Did you notice that the feet washers were all white conservative looking Americans? All the recipients were of color or trans, or antifa, looking protesters. This is an anti Christian ad period. And Jesus did not go around washing feet of those didn't accept his message. The ad is racist against whites, and is meant to make conservative whites subservient to liberals. Just something else to fuel the war on white Christians. Am I the only one that noticed this?
Here's the thing. If you watch the ad closely, you'll notice that all the feet washers are white. All the recipients are of color. This is an anti white commercial. Am I the only one that noticed the racist undertone?
I didn’t like it. Not only was it kind of creepy, it also felt disingenuous. The church still doesn’t accept most of the “recipients” of the foot washing. None of the washers would do this. Plus the “family planning clinic”? Nobody who is kind would be harassing people outside of a medical facility. The whole idea is gross. The bit with the Black man and white man in a kiddie pool was a direct rip-off of an episode of Mister Roger’s Neighborhood that directly addressed the segregation of pools. Mister Rogers would be disappointed in this. He was a minister and he showed kids what it was like to live and act like Jesus - without actually mentioning Jesus. Mister Rogers wouldn’t spend billions on ads, he would be directly helping the poor and disenfranchised. He also would be doing it quietly, not for credit.
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, not everyone. To me to depict that Jesus washed the feet of those committing sin is wrong.
Jesus loved the sinner person but not the sin and did not condone the sin.
The woman who was going to be stoned, what did Jesus say to her after the accusers left. He told her to GO AND SIN NO MORE. He did not tell her to go and continue living in her sin.
If you look up the work WOKE in the dictionary, there's a picture of Jesus there. He's the very definition of woke.
And the issue is what? I personally think there are way more important issues to get upset over . No one in the video is dressed like Christ.
This country is right now is like a train wreck going to happen. You have so called Christians trying to derail democracy by supporting the anti Christ. If there is such a thing.
Money spent on this commercial could have been spent more wisely. It wasn't my money to have a say where and it was spent. No issue that I can see from either side. To much time on people's hands doing nothing they need to get a life.
According to the Bible, Jesus absolutely did preach tolerance. He was the originator of woke ideology. These people who think that's too much are bemoaning the loss of their righteous-feeling hate targets, because the human urge to hate the Other feels vindicated in their version of God's very selective love. As for the money? I'd rather see it go to advertising like this than to support missionaries in Africa telling leaders to murder gay people, or to buy a tevengelist his third summer home. There's a lot worse that can be done with this kind of money than to spread a message of peace and love.
I guess they are right. He didnt preach tollerance. He asked you to 'love thy neighbour'. Dont simply put up with people - love them. Love is only found through acceptance, understanding, and respect.
Seems like a reasonable advertisement to portray that and its done well. It has provoked clicks and contraversy so as a marketing tool its very effective. Given the aim was probably to get people thinking and engaging with the teaching its probably wildly sucessful.
Does it work for me? Nope, we dont watch the super bowl in my part of the world. :o)
Flashy ads aren't going to put rears on pews. However, using digital media to promote a message is the way forward. People today seem to believe everything they read on Social Media or see on TV and, therefore, we should embrace these media too.
As for being subservient, I don't think that this was the message. I think it is a lesson in humility and service. I have dedicated my life to the service of others, as this is the right thing to do. Although I have not done this for recognition, I have been honoured in the King's New Year's Honours list. However, I will say that the service of others will always bring its rewards. For example, seeing people gain success because of the path that you have inspired them onto, though I digress from the point, but you get the idea.
Guess they are so desperate to get anyone to believe their BS lines that they would result to this??? And you know its not working as people are laughing at this pathetic attempt. But then again they dont really care, but they will when they find it isnt helping and they wasted 1 Billion dollars.
The message is not about Jesus washing the feet, but rather, people in general doing as he did to "the least of these" so that they're doing it to HIM! "As ye have done to the least of these, so ye have done to me." It's about helping others cleanse their souls by cleansing up their physical circumstances, beginning with the foundation of the person, which is the feet.
The only winner of the Superbowl was Taylor Swift who is still a Biden supporter and man this communist and Nazi is going to become richer and more powerful thanks to the dumb and stupid yof this world 🌍
I didn't see a maga person getting their feet washed by a BLM person. I didn't see the transvestite washing a hard boiled christian's feet either.
Is the add saying maga and hard boiled Christians don't deserve their feet washed? Is the ad saying conservatives aren't the sinner that should have it done to them? Is the add saying "Hey christians, you need to bend to the world no matter what your doctrine says".
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. I could be wrong on this, he didn't wash the feet of those who rejected him and his message. Judas may be the exception though he was his disciple.
Jesus called people vipers, swine, hypocrites and so on. Does anyone think it's nice and loving to be called a swine? Jesus did it. If I used the words of Jesus verbatim towards belligerent unbelievers on this site does anyone think I'd be a loving and accepting person? No. They would not. Jesus formed a whip and slapped people around with it. He turned over tables and displayed anger. Is that universal and accepting love?
Yes Jesus gets us. Jesus saves us from the things he hates that we do, if we're willing. If we're not willing then the bus will leave without us on it and we remain as we were when Jesus made his offer, in the pig sty.
“Transvestite” is not an appropriate word to use unless the person has referred to themselves as one and ask others to refer to them as such. Your education or empathy is lacking. Most people who are under the Trans umbrella consider “transvestite” to be a slur.
The trouble with that envelope is that the people who have altered their bodies are going against 6,000 years plus by changing the actual word that describes what they're becoming, which is "eunuch."
Oh, and "transvestite" doesn't mean someone in the alphabet soup world, either. It simply means someone who dresses in the opposite sex' clothes with no sexuality or preference. Again, people are making mountains out of molehills over semantics. People need to quit looking at everyone with paranoid views and begin to look to Jerusalem for answers to our own personal problems. Quit saying "I" and the world won't be so painful.
They only had a minute, and MAGA is a political thing, not a Christian thing. It showed people who are in life, and who knows what their political views are? It's not in the ad, so it's irrelevant. The ad showed PEOPLE helping others in need, either physically or spiritually. Everyone is making way too much out of interpreting this ad for more than its message.
Everyone knows what Christianity is and we all know it doesn't look like that. That money should have been used to perform the "Good Works" of God. Lastly, if you can afford that kinda money on ads, then you can afford to pay taxes.
Right on!
Please point out where Jesus said hate the sin and love the sinner? You may have mistaken the SBC's proposition for the words of Jesus.
Ask and ye shall receive Psalm 5:4- Proverbs 8:13-Romans 7:21-25-Luke 6:27).
Think what you will, but I felt that the commercial was inappropriate to be aired at a football game. The wasted money could have been put to better use elsewhere to really help people.
Yes. I agree. And look who was paying for it: A hate group-- Hobby Lobby.
The ONLY people who are a hate group are the ones who are attacking Hobby Lobby. So where does that leave you?
The family that owns Hobby Lobby funds groups that are anti-gay. They promote "conversion therapy" which is abuse, not therapy.
The Greens espouse American "conservative" values. Christians in name only.
So, thats their decision and its no different then people who are trying to claim that pedophiles are born that way and we need to accept them.
Deliberately causing harm to others is not an innocent decision. You don't get to harm people and then claim it's your right to do so.
Research shows that pedophiles are in fact born that way. That doesn't excuse them from abusing children in that manner in any way. You are okay with homosexuals who choose not to have relations with others of the same sex aren't you? So, are you okay with pedophiles who choose to only have relations with adults and never with minors?
What research? you are trying to use the same debunked claim as you tried to use for homosexuals and yet could not prove that either
I mean it's very different to believe that a form of abuse is actually therapy versus believing pedophiles are born that way and we need to accept them.
One side is obviously believing that abuse of gay persons is not just okay, but morally right, while the other is saying if pedophiles are born that way, we should help them not sexually assault children.
Weird comparison Danny boy.
Dont know what you are lying about there guy. Its never ok to abuse anyone. but to try and claim that pedophiles are born that way, then you are basically saying that we should accept them and using the same argument that was used and debunked for gay people being born that way.
Nobody has claimed that pedophiles must be accepted as they are.
Live is a protective bubble all your life did you?
In January, USA Today ran an article by Alia Dastagir titled, “The Complicated Research Behind Pedophilia.” The article summarized a growing consensus among psychologists that pedophiles, too, are “born this way,” and that attraction to children is unchangeable. Understandably, Dastagir doesn’t call pedophilia a sexual orientation, but rather, “attraction.”
You really need to do your homework before replying.
The same HoBby Lobby whose owners were forced to return stolen artifacts? Holding them accountable or criticizing their hypocrisy and or poor treatment of employees is not the same as attacking, Grey. Don’t be hyperbolic, Grey, nobody here falls for it. 🤷🏻♂️
No different then the same "scientific experts" who have been forced to return stolen objects. Or did you intentionally not mention that? Or are you worried that people would not fall for your myths if you didnt become hyperbolic?
I don’t preach myths, Grey. That’s your department, bub. I may tell the tall tale on occasion, but I tell the listener it’s a story and not some lunatic religious dogmatic truth. Sure. Some scientists are unethical and they should return what they’ve stolen. However, the rogue scientist isn’t claiming to be some moral authority that the owners of Hobby Lobby pontificate on a secondly basis. #hypocritesayswhat
you tell more tales the Joe Isuzu
Add to that the wasted money of the Super Bowl itself and all the betting that goes along with it. That money could really help people. Then the following Monday is the most missed workday of the year.
So sad to see so many people misunderstand the message. Jesus did say we should accept everyone. He told us to love the sinner but hate the sin. It would seem that many have no idea how to do that.
Do I approve of spending that much money? Not my call. Not my money.
Assuming he was real, how does anyone really know what Jesus ever really said, Lady Colleen?
Just asking for a friend of mine that believes in everything Vishnu said.
Don't tell me you were friends with Paul McCartney Lionheart!!
My lips are sealed 🤭
“Were”? Paul McCartney is still alive SOJ! I’m not quite thirty yet and I’ve met him! He’s a really nice guy, I marched with him at a protest in 2018. You really need to brush up on your Beatles lore mate.
And I have repeatedly asked you Lionheart, how can you prove he wasnt real. You cant that means you are taking it on FAITH that he wasnt real, just like the ones who believe in him are taking it on FAITH he was real.
Bless your heart, Sir Daniel, the reason you repeatedly ask is because you still don’t understand what faith is, and no doubt will continue to say the same things until you do.
My explaining to you seems to repeatedly go over your head, so why don’t you study the word being as you still struggle to understand it.
In the meantime, try understanding why some people still only rely on faith that the earth is flat despite factual demonstrable evidence to the contrary. Here’s a clue for you. Demonstrable factual evidence is required to prove anything is real, not faith. That’s one of the reasons no one has yet proved fairies are real, let alone any gods. Even people’s supposed omnipotent gods don’t have the capability to prove they are real. Until that happens, which of course is doubtful after all these years, we have no reason to assume they are real. We are not using faith to make that assumption, just lack of demonstrable factual evidence. Can you comprehend this, Daniel? I actually have faith you’ll be able to do it, or will my faith in you prove me wrong? 🤭
‘Demonstrable factual evidence is required to prove anything is real, not faith.’
And the burden of supplying such proof rests upon…????
You never have explained it. Granted you have the right not to believe, but then again you dont have the right to denigrate the beliefs of others who do believe.
The 1st Amendment does actually allow me the right to say whatever I please, Sir Daniel. I'm really surprised you didn't know that, you are usually very good at referencing US legal matters.
Having said that, it's not my intention to denigrate other's beliefs. Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want. All I do is point to dubious errors in their statements when they like to say what people "actually said" 2,000 years ago when there is little to no demonstrable evidence those claims are true.
Can you imagine what people would say if I said a Head Fairy once said something 2,000 years ago because I have seen it written down by people who heard rumors of what the Head Fairy once said. Do you think people would think I was crazy? If so, how different is this analogy from people listing their quotes from their head fairy, aka Jesus, or God.
I think I'll pray to my Head Fairy (blessed be its name) hoping it will guide you to the truth and see the light. 🤭
Actually no Lion it does not. I cant count the number of times I have seen or read about someone saying something that another person took offense to and was convicted on "hate speech" charges. And another example of where you cant say anything you want and claim 1st amendment, try going to a bus station or airport or train station and suddenly scream out "FIRE" or "HIJACK" and see what happens to you. Or try and threaten a high raking political figure. While you may think you have the 1st amendment right to do this then that means you also have the 1st Amendment right to go to prison for doing this as well.
How sad Lion, I never though that you would fall for that lie.
Whether you like it or not, we still have freedom of speech. The 1st Amendment still exists. I’m sorry you think we don’t.
Your argument from ignorance doesn’t wash with me.
Up to a certain point Lion up to a certain point.
Greh, you CONSTANTLY denigrate the opinions and worldview of others, specifically atheists but I expect it also extends to gays, liberals and socialists.
No I dont sorry Zeph, I state questions that most people have already asked or wondered about. Seems very strange that you would get so upset about answering a simple question. Or does that show that you are not as strong in your beliefs as you try and claim others are not.
When emails come in you can see message content but not the author. When I saw….
No I dont sorry Zeph.
I KNEW it had to be Greh.
You confirm the studies that have shown that religious people are less educated than non-believers.
And I knew you would try and use smoke and mirrors to change the thread to fit your view and fail horribly at it
Mr. Gray, you are just shifting the burden of proof. That isn't a valid argument. Their opinion is based on a lack of evidence to the contrary, from a scientific viewpoint that is the correct argument.
Would it be fair for someone to ask you to prove God by disproving 4000 other gods? Not really.
You are a veritable fount of logical fallacy.
If you want to convince others of the existence of God, you need to do it by example. Show love and understanding to others and make them want to follow you in faith.
@Cyril “ If you want to convince others of the existence of God, you need to do it by example. Show love and understanding to others and make them want to follow you in faith.”
Nope, I know a several people that do that and it does nothing towards providing proof of any supernatural, sky-dwelling Mr. Magic.
Convince and proof are different words with different meanings.
Please stop trying to put words into my mouth (the logical fallacy in this case would be the Strawman Fallacy followed by anecdotal fallacy, and finally an Appeal to ridicule.).
I wasn't addressing you and don't intend to respond to any more of your goads.
“ Convince and proof are different words with different meanings.”
Yep, but convince is the process by which one comes to believe, and for a person of scientific inclinations that ‘belief’ requires proof. In other words, and not making use of those pesky words believe/belief, convincing someone is the presentation of proof that results in the proposition being accepted as valid and true.
I know several people that do make efforts to ‘show by example’ but it does nothing towards convincing me of the existence of any supernatural, sky-dwelling Mr. Magic and therefore does exactly squat all toward following anyone ‘in faith’.
Actually I AGREE with the action plan you suggest. If the religiously delusional word simply shut up and live by the principles they espouse, or just shut up and stop trying to legislate their beliefs onto others, then they would find that conversations with me would not be happening. BUT YOU GUYS WON’T DO THAT!
As for you not addressing me, you are making comments in a public forum and I will jump into your little puddle of delusional drivel with both feet if I so desire. And if you don’t like my comments then I would suggest that you open Word with a blank document, set the orientation to landscape, copy/paste my message into the document, print it out in color on A4 glossy photo paper, fold it in half twice, roll that into a tube, soak it in extra virgin olive oil and stick it…
…in a candle holder so as to be able to better search for a clue as to why your world view is based on Bronze Age superstitions. But I am given to believe (yes, be of the opinion) that you couldn’t find a clue, during clue mating season in a field full of horny clues, even if you smeared clue musk all over your naked body and did the clue mating dance.
I did that for fun. You know, the Billy Bob Thornton quote.
Really, succinctly put? I’ll comment on any post that I want to. Read them, don’t read them, tell me you aren’t going to read them, doesn’t matter.
No I am asking the people who claim God isnt real to prove it. Whats so hard about accepting that unless it blow up your world view?
Are unicorns real Daniel? If they aren't real, prove it! What's so hard about that?
I'd say there's a good chance unicorns are real. We see single horned creatures all the time. Horns are hair follicles after all. Horses have hair. If horns are hair follicles and horses have hair, it should be no surprise that once or twice every 3000 years we get a horse with a horn. That's until some pagan comes along and kills the unicorn for it's horn. No more unicorns till 3021.
See, here I wouldn’t immediately disagree with you. But once in every 3009 years (why that time span) a horse with a horn is called a mutation, not a species. And I have always thought of claims of unicornS, the plural, indicating a reproducing species. If we count a mutation and give that mutation the name ‘unicorn’, well…..
What you want to bet there’s a scientific paper of sorts that says ‘Nope, no unicorns.’???
I would guess that horned horses ARE real, they are called The Moyle horse breed. Now do they have magical powers? nope. But are horned horses real? YES they are and they are very rare as well thats why the myth came from them.
Holy cheeses, Greh.
Google ‘Moyle horse breed pic’ and take a guess as to how many people are going to jump on your wagon claiming those horses are unicorns.
Betcha’ you take 20 of those pics, add in 80 normal horses and adk people to find the unicorns and they’d laugh at you. Not that that result is an odd thing.
The moyle horse breed often have small frontal skull bosses, referred to as "horns" on their foreheads, a trait seen only in a few breeds, such as the Carthusian horse of Spain.
So in answer to your question, yes they are real.
Sorry Cyrll, I am not shifting anything. But in your attempt to use smoke and mirrors We all can clearly see who is doing what you are accusing me of doing. Say hello next time you pass a mirror.
The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. Works in our courts, works in science. Religion wants a pass but that has never turned out well for the church.
Please present the God Particle Hawking invented that spawned the universe.
I'll get a cup of coffee while you rummage through the junk drawer.....get two of you can, I'd like to show one to my cat.
This is another thing where I am going to make a sincere effort to respond to your question. Your cat won't understand any of this though. Tough noogies.
The 'God Particle' was proposed to answer some problems in theoretical physics over 50 years ago. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that evidence was found for its existence. This is much like how the existence of Neptune was predicted in the 19th century and then actually found some time later.
The particle you reference is called the Higgs Boson, named after the guy that predicted the particle about 50 years before proof was found of its existence. If you want to 'see' Neptune you have to use a telescope. If you want to 'see' the Higgs Boson you have to use the LHC, the large hadron collider. You'd also have to have a degree in physics to understand what you see.
I'm predicting that you'll object to the fact that you can't see/hold the Higgs Boson. You have to use a telescope to 'see' Neptune though. You may have a vague understanding of the workings of a telescope, enough to trust what it does. Nobody is sneaking a photo in front of the tube or anything. With the LHC output you could, theoretically, spend years of study to understand the output of one of these colliders. I was able to visit one here in Japan. Interesting things. Huge. Crazy how humans could build something like that. People of many different areas of knowledge all coming together to make something to slam little tiny things together at speeds approaching the speed of light. Kids playing with toy cars.
But the Higgs Boson exists just as surely as Neptune.
Doc, the cat probably understands far more than Danny Boy here. That’s why they’re so cranky: the most elite predator on the planet that defies the rules of physics, can make thousands of calculations to make the perfect pounce (hence the little wiggles they make when about to jump), but they can’t speak Human, weigh about ten pounds, and we keep picking them up and snuggling them! My cat understands many words, plays fetch, and loves snuggling. However, she strongly dislikes it when I try to dress her up.
The HIggs boson was called the "Goddamn Particle" because it was so difficult to find. Prudish newspaper editors shortened it to the God Particle.
Your sincerity is appreciated Dr Z, im glad for it. I wasn't aware they found the god particle, or it's fingerprints anyway. Hmm, that's the collider that everyone made a big fuss about, I remember that one. Doomsayers had that one making a black hole in Europe. Very great discovery!
Like atheists I'm accustomed to believing things are there that we can't see. We all must do this. While for now they've only found the fingerprints of the god particle, im sure one day they might actually catch one and find more existed than previous thought. If mankind could wield this power we could transmute anything into anything. I suppose we could create our very own universe. Is that what God used when he created this one? I wonder. His fingerprint are quite visible with or without a collider. Why don't atheists ever ask these questions? If mankind can do such wonders found in the bible, why can't any other life form? Why can a superior life form not do what an inferior life form can do? Can extraterrestrials travel through the galaxy or must they use railcars because we can't travel through the galaxy?
Atheists and christians are actually near identical but opposite. Just like the standard model of particles.
Of an atheist or Christian, who can say:
That thing is responsible for the creation of the universe.
Ok then Zerp, PROVE that a supreme deity/being does not exist. You cant prove this anymore then I can prove that one does. Thats what I choose to believe and thats why Zerp its called faith.
See when we die (and nobody has come back to prove this one way or another) if a person believes in a supreme being and does good works and lives by what they believe to be that supreme beings teachings, then even if there is nothing after we die, that person will be remembered for how they lived their life.
On the other hand Zerp if you dont believe in a supreme being and you die if there isnt one, then no harm no foul. BUT if there is one how are you going to explain yourself in telling that being that you not only refused to believe they existed, but that you constantly derided believers and tried to get them to doubt that being existed. IMHO, I dont think its going to look very good for you if that is the case.
And you want to use science? Ok then HOW can you claim the Universe is 14 billion years old, when NASA's own JWT has shown there are a plethora of galaxy's that according to the red shift are well over16 billion years old with one being almost 20 billion? So tell us Zerp if science is so factual how can you have a galaxy older then the universe? Or how can you just blindly believe that the Universe was created by the big bang, especially when that theory violates Newtons First law of motion, a bedrock law of physics? You know the one that says "a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and a body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force." meaning if all of the universe was condensed into a very small size (and with it as vast as it is that is impossible to believe) as the BB Theory wants to claim, then it would still be in that size and shape unless something of an outside force somehow acted upon it. Now I am not saying that it was a deity, but it does prove there had to be something else to act upon it to make it go boom. And even IF it did, there wasnt anything like gravity to make it turn into the galaxy's as even a student learning explosives in the military would debase you of that very quickly as explosions do NOT leave swirls like we have in the vast major galaxy shapes out there.
First comment got removed. Trying again.
I’ve stated many times that the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. Your ‘beliefs’ don’t wash with me.
Note: Everything past that first paragraph went unread. Wasn’t wasting my time on your drivel the first time, not doing it today..
and nothing you have said provides any proof.
Or put another way Daniel,
The Complete Encyclopedia Britannica was the result of a printing press explosion.
Ok I actually really like that argument. Lol
It’s not the commercial as much as it’s the hateful group behind it all. Thieves. Hobby Lobby is a hate group.
The people behind the ad are a hate group: Hobby Lobby.
While I don't shop at Hobby Lobby or Chick-Fil-A because of their public stance toward the LGBTQ community, they are not listed by by the FBI or the SPLC as hate groups. They are public businesses who are practicing free enterprise and free speach. That doesn't mean that I agree with them or would support their businesses. It's the way this country works. I have a list of businesses that I don't support for various reasons.
I don’t shop at Hobby Lobby bc they don’t sell stuff I need. I don’t shop at Chick-Fil-A bc they don’t have them here in Japan.
Why? because they refuse to suck up to the LBGTQ groups?
"suck up to the LGHBT" groups? Wow! you are seething with homophobia hate. you must be kept awake at night thinking about all those little gay people hiding under bushes, behind trees, trying to steal goodies out of your Xmas stocking, lurking in your sugan jar, popping out of your toothpaste in the morning to scare you, stealing the gas in your car at night, etc. etc. etc. Brother: You need to clean up your consciousness. Live and let live. You will feel better when you do this. Good luck with your work. Peace.
Wow, and just how do you figure that? Hobby Lobby is following their 1st Amendment rights as given to them by the Constitution and instead of accepting this, you whine and cry and call them a hate group? And when you are told that the LBGTQ people need to suck it up as they cant force anyone to violate their 1st Amendment you go into attack mode even though you are completely wrong? Tell ya what, if you dont like the simple fact that you cant force people into accepting you, then hows about you build a time machine and go back in time and get the 1st amendment written as you want it. Until then you need to hush as this is the law of the country and will stay the law of the country no matter if you like it or not.
Crazy how in this one thread you can contradict yourself so readily, Daniel Gray. When responding to one person you make claims that would show you believe some people have an absolute 1st Amendment right with no limits. In responding to another, you make very clear that the 1st Amendment HAS limits. It is very hard for people to trust your opinions when you don't pick a lane. Arguing out both sides of your mouth costs you a lot of integrity in these discussions.
As a side note, I am interested as to why you think this site is a religious oriented one? This site endorses no specific religion and no specific belief system. All should be welcome here. I find it an amazing learning experience. If a person has a different spirituality than you, even if they have no spirituality at all, they should be respected and listened to. That is a very good way to grow your own faith. This is a site I come to because people don't push their own faith on others. I wish you would embrace that fact.
Nice try at smoke and mirrors and wasting a lot of energy and saying nothing.
Nice try at avoiding the criticism and questions posited to you, Gray.
Not avoiding anything, just wanting to have them tell us exactly HOW Chick fill A or Hobby Lobby can be called a hate group when they are doing exactly what the 1st Amendment says they can do. Or is the reason that people are ripping their underwear over this is because they cant change this and they know it
@Matthew W Meister
Some people prefer any attention, if when that's negative?
An aspect of freedom of speech, is though people can say what they want, doesn't mean anyone has to listen to them.
If Daniel Gray's trolling gets under your skin, invite yourself to ignore his posts. A bonus is time better spent responding to more meaningful content than what Daniel Gray and a few others regurgitate from a dark place.
Wow. Jesus wouldn’t have cared about LGBTQ people. Even the Pope has dinner with Trans people. Jesus never said anything about Trans people or any other LGBTQ people. The people who came after him were the ones who were angry about it.
He was possibly one of them. Every picture I’ve seen of him he was wearing a whitish dress. It was a poor disguise though because his beard gave it away that he was male. 🤷🏼
be careful Lion, quite a lot of people in the Middle east and Africa wear the same clothing, so using your logic you just stated that all the people who live in Northern Africa and the Middle east and even some parts of India are gay if they dress this way.
Liz, do you EVER check your facts before speaking? Seemingly not as Christ did speak against LBGTQ people, Matt. 5:28; 15:19, mentioned it again and used Genesis 2:24 as his point and again Matt. 19:5 AT; par. Mark 10:7–8).and again in Matthew 19:4–6 ESV) and again in Matthew 15:19–20 and again in Leviticus 18:22. And this was just a very small amount I located in less then 20 minutes.
They started with brain washing, now foot washing, how about eliminating 'gut feelings', just to cover all the senses. Sophistry at work again.
So right on. Rev. Bond Wright
The real reason xtians shouldn’t like this is that Jesus had a foit fetish. Head on back to the hut after a full day of feet washing and hand-huff one hand…..
That's funny. Rev. Bond Wright
The comment of ‘ Jesus did not preach tolerance. This feet-washing ad is heresy.’ sounds like something the plastic Sheriff badge group on here would get behind.
Hey peeps, Christian here.
Stop telling Atheists what they do and don't believe. You don't like it when people mis-characterize your beliefs, please do them the same courtesy you would appreciate and stop telling them what they believe.
Atheists do not believe in a god. For the most part they don't claim there is no god entirely, just that one can not be proven. A few do go the whole extreme and claim there can't be any gods, but they are the extreme end of the spectrum. You don't want people judging you buy the extreme end of your religion, so don't do it to them. Agnostics are a type of atheist. That's someone who says there probably is a god but I don't claim to know anything about them.
If you want to convert an atheist you do so with kindness and love. Arguing with them just upsets everyone. Lead by example. Make them want to be around Christians because they are pleasant and they feel welcome.
If you just want to argue with an atheists, don't bring Christianity into it. The rest of us have a job to do and we don't need you making it harder by driving people away from Christ.
Sounds like you are trying too hard to argue with the premise. Again since you claim to be an atheist, why are you even hear. And dont give me a smoke screen, honestly answer why you are in a place that deals with religion when you dont believe in one.
I don’t claim to be an atheist. I state clearly that I AM one.
And just like your Mr. Magic, your god of the burning bush (Sure hope Moses knows his roses!) I am mysterious and you are not privy to all my motives.
Again so if you are an atheist, that means you dont believe in a supreme being. Therefor what exactly are you doing in a religion based site/thread other then being a troll?
I didn't say that I disbelieve in your supernatural being. There are atheists that will go so far. I simply state that I lack belief in your claims due to said claims being unsubstantiated to the point of silliness. I just don't accept your claims. And as I have said many times, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. I don't claim that there isn't a god, I simply do not accept the silly things you present as evidence of the existence of a supernatural being.
As for why I am here.... partly to educate people like you about what atheism is. Partly to, well, I have a quote by Billy Bob Thornton that applies:
"I like to fish. But I catch and release. Drag the bastard around by the lips until he gets all gassed up with lactic acid, then you take the hook out and look him in the eye and say ‘Naw, I was just fu--ing with you, buddy."
And yet again you refuse to answer the question.
He has answered your question but you either don't understand it or refuse to accept it because it doesn't fit your narrative.
Nope he hasnt, he just keeps trying to use smoke and mirrors and fails
I’m here to watch Daniel Gray be wrong and pretend to be an authority figure. It’s pretty hilarious and ironic.
Greh exhibits strange behaviors that are most likely associated with the cognitive dysfunctions that led to his worldview being based upon the superstitions of Bronze Age nomadic goat herders. His name even has the guttural intonation one might expect from such primitives.
Greh: Grog! What is 2 goat and 3 goat?
Grog: 5 goat
Greh: Grog! Why you no give answer Greh?
The only one that is wrong is you ruhnke. And all one has to do is read how many times you have been roasted alive in other threads for your ignorance and yet you keep on doing the same thing time after time and expect a different result each time.
Roasted? Hah! I couldn’t light a fart with the so called heat you reply with. Ever the pigeon kicking over a chess board and strutting like you’ve accomplished something. lol deny, deflect, project, that’s all you do Grey. lol. It’s cheap entertainment my guy. Dunning Krueger called, they want you to save some cognitive dissonance for the rest of us.
So now you admit that you were wrong. Nice of you to be honest this time
I’m always honest, Gray. The lies you project onto anyone you disagree with are obvious and are always called out. Thank you again for demonstrating to everyone here the Christian Nationalist tactic of DARVO.
And you are always honest? Hmmm seems there are other threads on this site that prove you are yet again not telling the truth. And thank you again for showing that your words have about as much weight in reality as the Star Trek race called the Gorns.
Comment removed by user.
"As for why I am here.... partly to educate people like you about what atheism is".
That is know as Preaching, Kind of an evangelical Atheist.
So to you a science teacher is a preacher?
And you left off the majority of my post….I like fishing.
Furthermore…much of any education is generally a result of comments like ‘atheism is a religion. Someone stating such needs to be aware that atheism is a LACK of belief in a proposal made by the religiously delusional.
This represents my use of NSC in my name. Stands for Non-Stamp Collector. (Check out the real NSC on YT as he really impressed me with his content.)
Ask someone what their hobby is and theresponse is ‘Well, I don’t collect stamps.’ Not collecting stamps isn’t a hobby any more that not believing in supernatural deities is a religion.
What you are describing is an agnostic, not an athiest. According to Webster's Dictionary, the athiest has an absolute belief in no god or supreme being, whereas someone who is agnostic neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of god or a supreme being. An Athiest and a devout believer in any supreme being are generally the extremes, where most of us, even those that profess faith and minister to others fall somewhere inbetween. All you are lacking is some sort of proof. A lot of proof comes when the opposite cannot be proven, so the only logical explanation is the hypothesis. In many Christian (especially progressive) circles is that doubt in the existence of God can be healthy, in that it allows a deconstruction process to occur and faith to evolve. I have gone through that process several times, and have come back to my belief that God exists as the beginning before anything that can be proven.
"Absolute belief" seems to be an oxymoron.
Webster says “ a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism”
No ‘absolute’, you just added that in their bc it works better for the way you think.
As for being agnostic Webster says “ one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.” This is another way of saying ‘still on the fence’. I’m off that fence. I find that there is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of god. I’m in the atheist pasture. However, give me evidence and I’ll change my mind. As Neil Tyson said ‘Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof.’ That’s the way that the scientific process operates.
The fool has said in his heart there is no God. So you are not an atheist, you are a fool.
It’s a democracy and an open Forum, so people are invited to respond, and they don’t need your permission or your religious beliefs to participate. Your retort sounds narcissistic my friend.
Um no sorry. We are not a democracy and never have been we are a republic and have been one for almost 250 years. And neither is this thread a democracy as the moderators can remove you at any time and for any reason.
And I have never said they needed my permission to be here, all I have asked is if they hate religion so much then why are they in a religious forum?
You really need to try and follow the thread
Hello Brother's and Sister's,
It is so clear that Jesus does need marketing help. It appears that ignorance, hate, and confusion can confound people about the reputation of the most famous person to have walked the earth. To answer some of the comments, of course washing feet is subservient, and yes following Jesus is a life of service as is the way of Love. Being of service is not just a way to feel Grace but to be Grace. A simple commercial decrying hate by showing an act of Service and Love should not attract so much negative attention. I can only say that me thinks thou dost protest too much to be living a life of Love and Devotion to Jesus if washing feet, anyone's feet can be an offense. Jesus asked us to love our enemies, to love one another as we would want to be loved, and to love the lord our God with all our heart, all our mind, and all our soul. Who's up for that challenge?
Peace, Bob P.
I agree! However, herein the USA especially, It makes folks nervous to think they should have to love all people. It is much more Important for us to think we are superior than the rest of the world. Jesus is very much a rebel in that way. As a fine minister described her Job here on earth to me: "I am here to make the uncomfortable, comfortable and the comfortable uncomfortable". Being a servant to the world makes some folks uncomfortable. That is the Heresy.
Comment removed by user.
I agree entirely, I was not offended, I was thrilled about it 🙏🏽🙏🏽
I totally agree with your comment. I see no problem at all with this ad - indeed I admire it.
First, I think Jesus would be rolling in his grave. Or cloud?
Second, I think public displays of religiiousity is a mask people wear.
Third, public displays make me think 'foot fetish', and yet another thing religion teaches that anyone can live without.
As frightening as it is to say it, I 2/3 agree with you. Second and third are right on. First, I really don't think Jesus cares about such trivialities. Good Job
How refreshingly nice that some people might get their aching feet washed. Let’s hope that mouth washing is next for many people. 🤭
Unfortunately the answer to your question is no. Atheism is at whole-time high. It is in Revelation. We are in the last church where parents reject children and children reject parents. Much hate is growing and it said it will continue to fester until Jesus returns from the heavens. All will see Him return and there will be no doubt it is him. Many will be angered by being duped from the men who claim they are Jesus, especially from the man that becomes the ruler of the earth. They will be so angry and begin to turn on each other. I’m praying for Rapture to happen now. It’s just going to get worse. It’s hindsight what I’m about to say…Had I known our world would turn into what it is, I wouldn’t have had my children and my grandchildren would not exist to be hurt. I fear for my great-grandchildren too. None of them will know the world I grew up in.
So, in answer to your question, naw, it didn’t work. Look at the anger it is stirring. Like they stepped on a hornets nest. 🥺 Elizabeth
Most scholars agree that the book of Revelations is not about the future, but rather it is about understanding the past and what has happend, not what will happen. Ignorance and a failure to shedd fundamentalist non-sense leaves us with the superstician rather than a scholarly faith. If you have fear of your children and grand-children perhaps you should examine your own heart. If at the same time you find you can't understand your fear, perhaps it would be best to get a therapist to help you and others with an fear of children.
Best of Luck Bobby
One can always pick out someone who knows absolutely nothing about the Bible when they call the book of Revelation the book of revelations. It's somewhat of a litmus test.
Very kindly I'd recommend a set of different scholars to pull data from. If they think the Book of Revelation concerns the past, they should brush up on the definition of prophecy, start back in Genesis and most importantly of all, pray to God for understanding this time around. Without God they won't make it beyond the black and white letters on a piece of paper.
Superstician and religion seem to be weaved together for many people. Scolarly study is different than making your own judgements out of fear and supposing. Try the Jerome Biblical commentary sometime, or maybe a college course.
I'll check out Jerome work Robert, thanks for the input.
I can't help but notice you've inserted fear into Elizabeth's outlook and now mine. I suppose you're supposing were afraid. Elizabeth being afraid of her own grandchildren while she's not and me being afraid of something I haven't mentioned. The thief assumes all are thieves while the fearful assumes all are fearful.
Yes indeed, scholarly study of the bible is most definitely different than self study. You either walk away with your own opinion or someone else's.
I've got my opinion while you've got Jerome's or whoever's. Here's my advice, pray to God for understanding and study the document alone with God, he'll square things up.
You did not read what she said. She is afraid FOR her children, not of them.
Thank you Colleen. I appreciate you helping out there 🤗
Bobby. I don’t fear my children. I love them more than life itself. I fear FOR them. For their future. The unknown scares me for them. I want them safe and I cannot guarantee they will be safe.
I suppose I should tell you that I was a Mental Health Therapist for the last 25 yrs. I have helped many and I have helped myself on occasion.
I’m just being a mother. A mother always wants to tuck her children under her bosom and under her arms. If she had wings she would encase them with her wings. Once the danger is done, unwrap them and let them play and live their life. When danger happens again I scoop them up to protect them. Of course that is not reality. All I can do is guide them, explain situations, teach them to be aware of their surroundings and enjoy themselves. Basically what my Mom told me and I told my kids and now I want my grandchildren to know how to be save and my two great grandsons.
Does all that make sense to you now? 😁
This ‘THE END IS NEAR’ stuff has been pedaled and pushed for 2000 years. The two images that come to mind are 1) the grocery cart pusher type with a cardboard sign and 2) listening to the car radio on the way back from beach vacations when I used to ask my parents to tune in to a breathless preacher gasping for air after each sentence. Dream on, sweetie.
As of late Dr Z, the demon called AlGore, his lovechild John Kerry and the mailman Bill Gates have been preaching the same with equal results. I lost count how many times we all should've died from fire or ice.
Indeed, the end is always near but never comes. Countries and nations on the other hand do get destroyed and burned to cinders without exception.
Civilizations/coubtries all seem to collapse at some point. Trump is making a further p attempt on at least one.
But this is totally different from the second coming. The world waits. As does my wife.
The 2nd coming of Trump. I like it! Have we accepted the Don as our Lord and Savior yet. At least he’s real……and alive. 🤭
And you still have not proved other then your opinion that the Christian Deity isnt alive and real.
Haha, and we still don’t know if fairies are not real. 😜
I wonder if they are? 🤔
I love your arguments from absurdity. 🤭
And how can you prove it wont happen Zerp? You cant, meaning that this is just YOUR opinion and not based on anything but your beliefs.
Dream on Sweetie? You didn’t mean that for me I pray.
If you did, not cool. If you didn’t, cool.
Not cool? Why, sweetie, that’s a common method to address a human identifying as a female down yobder in the South. I say, I say now, what’s wrong with such a harmless salutation? Surely you don’t think I would make such a kind gesture with my true intention being to place a thorn under yore pretty little skin!
@Dr. Zerpersande, NSC
"Sweetie" outside personal familiarity is generally perceived as inappropriate. Given your use of it here, you are likely aware of that. Which means you intentionally are denigrating someone.
As a bonafide southerner, 'sweetie' said by a man to a cherished significant other they are unfamiliar with, can be fighting words.
Try it randomly and test your odds.
And if you would have lived in the south at any time, you would understand your rant is wrong as sweetie is used as a greeting as well as a term of affection.
Greh, WE ACTUALLY AGREE! It’s grown out of style. It can be used with a certain tone to indicate derision. In fact, if one is a wordsmith one could ‘word’ that tone into a message.
Isn’t that right, Lizzy?
And just HOW can you make that claim. By your own admission you stated that you dont shop at Chick fil A or Hobby Lobby as neither of them are there with you in Japan. Now if you are actually in Japan as you claimed/implied then you would know nothing of the speech patterns of the American South.
Greh, there are these things called planes and boats. I used the former to carry myself to Japan and the latter to ship 4 large crates of belongings. I was born, raised and lived in the South for the first 40 years of my life. My decision to expatriate was made much easier due to dealing with conservative, religiously delusional, racist misogynistic twits with a hue from the lower end of the visible spectrum on their necks.
My opinion. Do not fear for your grandchildren. At least try not to. Humans are very adaptable, unlike any other creature in existence. We are uniquely unique. Our Lord wanted them here and in your life. We can't know what our future is and we can't know what light they may bring after you and I are long gone.
We know God always leaves a remnant when he judges a nation. Perhaps your grandchildren or great grandchildren will be a part of such a remnant. If Jesus does not return within our lifetime, God will have his remnant.
Thank you. I think I shouldn’t post my feelings on here. Now I’m a Bible thumping idiot who believe all I read in the Christian Bible and I shouldn’t have the feelings for my grandchildren like I do. I’m also a trained Mental Health Therapist and I have all these people analyzing me in error. Hahahahaha. Remember, no more sharing feelings. People take you literally and think I’m an idiot. 😊
Goodnight everyone. Sweet dreams. I like sweet dreams. I wake up in a better mood. 😀
As a mental health therapist I’m actually intrigued as to how you would treat anyone suffering from Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS)?
As a student of psychology myself I’m intrigued as well. I also wonder if she has/had the proper education and licensing to be a therapist. Many “religious therapists” don’t actually have the appropriate education, let alone the licensing to be one. My personal interests and research focuses are in trauma, specifically CPTSD, military trauma (I’m a Veteran), and religious trauma.
You might be interested in the Secular Therapy Project at, Lady Lisbeth.
I’ll certainly check it out, Lionheart ☺️
@Lizzy “Now I’m a Bible thumping idiot who believe all I read in the Christian Bible”
Now? NOW you are such? Just omit the ‘now’.
Rev Elizabeth
That's absolutely awesome that we've got therapists out there with your perspective.
You'll find that once you hint at being a Christian on this site they'll fill in all the blanks, even down what tv shows you watch. You can politely or rudely(I've tried both)correct their errors but they write it in non erasable ink. Lol, I got into a pillow fight in a chicago hotel room with a gay guy once and I'm a homophobe! My missus was on the phone when the dude started it no less! I hired the guy as a salesman before it was cool to hire gay dudes, yet I'm still a Christian homophobe? Everything you say can and will be twisted against you.
Anyway don't take the attacks to heart, I don't think they can help it very much. Learn from them instead. Use the attacks to measure what the Bible says.
Take care
Or even the Harry Potter books to quote another work of fiction. I was actually inspired by some things in Alice In Wonderland as a child.
Elizabeth maybe these verses can bring you some comfort for your children. We just need to claim the promises of God. Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Isa 44:3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring: Isa 49:25 But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. Jer 31:16 Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. Jer 31:17 And there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border. 2Ch 30:9 For if ye turn again unto the LORD, your brethren and your children shall find compassion before them that lead them captive, so that they shall come again into this land: for the LORD your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him. Act 16:31 And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Yes, as God calls back His four angels holding back, they windows of strife and satan is allowed to go all out, it will get worse. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. You are correct as well about those who have been duped. Rev 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. As for the Rapture, I too am looking forward to it. The biblical rapture not the one most teach about the coming as a thief in the night. The thief as the bible explains it, comes after the 6 plagues. Rev 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. 2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. No one left for 7 years to get a second chance.2Pe 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Psa 50:3 Our God shall come and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. Just as God saved His people out of Egypt (not before) Daniel out or the lion's den (not before) three Hebrews out of the fiery furnace (not before) He promises He will protect us. Psa 27:5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. Psa 91:3 Surely, he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. Psa 91:10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. Soon and Very Soon as the song goes, we will see the King.
There are some equally wonderful sayings by Dumbledore in the Harry Potter books. Have you read any of those books of fiction as well?
You mean atheism which has grown to about 12% of the country is at an all time High? Then I guess that does not say that much about that belief then does it?
What it says is that when, from an early age, you start brainwashing children about Mr. Magic, burning bushes (sure hope Moses knows his roses) and Jewish Zombies that gave up a 3-day weekend for their sins that most of them will at least go along with the nonsense. That same brainwashing works for the Muslims, Hindu, and Buddhist populations.
Last I checked it's actually up to 30% of the US who are agnostic, atheist, or nothing in particular. That's up 8% from a poll fielded 2 years earlier.
And they are wrong
According to sociologists as of 2023, "the proportion of atheists in the US has held steady at 3% to 4% for more than 80 years." According to the Pew Research Center in a 2014 survey, self-identified atheists make up 3.1% of the US population, even though 9% of Americans agreed with the statement "Do not believe in God ...General Sociological Survey
And anyone with sense would believe this survey far more then a webpage considering that the survey talked to actual people. And 3 to 4% is far below the 30% that the Hill is trying to claim
There is no question that "He gets us"; what should be brought into question is, do we get Him?