Does Jesus need a rebrand? One faith group says yes, and is planning a $100 million dollar marketing push to bring the good word to the masses in a whole new way.
Its backers insist that the rebrand is necessary to combat worrying trends in Christianity. They point to studies that show people are becoming increasingly less religious, and argue it's going to take something big to bring believers back on board.
Largely funded by donations from anonymous wealthy families, the campaign (called "He Gets Us") officially launched last month with billboards going up and commercials running on televisions around the country.
The $100 million price tag is comparable to ad campaigns from Old Navy or Mercedes-Benz.
But unlike the commercials for those products, the ads aren’t promoting a particular item, which in this case would be a single church or denomination.
Rather, they’re selling the idea of Christianity and Jesus himself in hopes of scoring the holy grail of both the marketing and ministry worlds: conversions.
He Gets Us
The $100 million marketing push for Jesus is courtesy of the nonprofit Servant Christian Foundation, backed by anonymous mega-donors.
To get churches on board with the ad blitz, marketers asked a simple question: “What if Jesus was the biggest brand in your city?”
The campaign's strategy seems to be painting Jesus as a figure relatable to young people today, portraying him as a sensitive, kind, anxious man, the son of a single mother – and a bit of a rebel himself.
The most popular ad, “Dinner Party,” pushes a message of unity, arguing that Jesus “wanted everyone to eat and be filled, not with food and wine, but with compassion.” “Jesus welcomed all to the table,” it states, as somber piano music plays over stark black and white photos of struggling people.
It’s a message of inclusion, and that’s by design. The marketing team behind the ads felt that young people associated Christianity with hatred, rather than love, so they want to rebrand Jesus in a way that would appeal to young people: understanding, empathetic, and non-judgmental.
There was also a relatability gap that had to be dealt with, and ads like “Jesus Was Born To A Teen Mom” and “Jesus Suffered Anxiety” do their best to make Jesus seem very Gen-Z, less the son of God and more a character on Euphoria.
“Is the goal that people become Christians? Obviously,” said the marketing agency in charge of the ads. “But more importantly for now … we need to raise their level of respect for Jesus, and then they’ll move.”
The $100 million dollar question is… will it work?
Does Jesus Need Marketing?
The response to the ads has so far been mixed. The “Jesus Was Born To A Teen Mom” ad has been particularly controversial, as it draws parallels between the immaculate conception of Jesus and a young woman cheating on her boyfriend.
“This is the most deceptive and contradictory ad I've ever seen in my life,” wrote one commenter. “Mary was a virgin and had never engaged in sexual activity prior to the birth of Christ… Stop trying to use the Bible out of context.”
“Mary did not get pregnant because she cheated on her partner with another man. Why is this an advert?” pondered another.
Others say that Jesus shouldn’t need commercials, and that the best marketing Christianity can do for itself is for Christians to live up to Christian ideals.
“Jesus knew the best way to spread the word was to live a life worth following,” says Brad Abare, former head of ‘Church Marketing Sucks’. “While the He Gets Us campaign is admirable for its intent, it does make me wonder that if we had more followers of Jesus worth following, what else could we put $100 million to work doing?”
Still, others might argue that Jesus was the first influencer. After all, he amassed quite the loyal following in his day. It’s not hard to imagine the millions of likes a video of the Sermon on the Mount would get on Instagram.
As the ads roll out nationwide, if you haven’t seen them already, it’s likely that you will soon.
What do you think? Does Jesus’ message stand on its own, or does he need a carefully workshopped campaign from a marketing team?
Nothing says Faith more than spending $100 million to convince people............
I don't care when you were ordained Mary. That doesn't give you any clout or seniority around. A spiritual awakening is a good start, but faith without works is dead. We need to work a spiritual program in order to nurture our spiritual conditions. You don't seem like you've done that, or you wouldn't be critical of your fellow ministers on this blog. Maybe you need another spiritual awakening. One won't last forever, if you remain complacent. An idol mind is a devil's workshop.
I was ordained in 1990 and had a powerful spiritual experience during ordination. Have been an active minister since...I watched the video posted and see nothing wrong with it. It is a love letter from the Millennials. Its how they know to share their love. Why throw it back in their faces? Yes, its a lot of money. Yes it could help many. Remember the story of Mary Magdalene anointing Jesus' feet with expensive Nard ointment as an act of devotion and profound love? Many around her complained to Jesus she was wasting money.... He said to them: Why do you bother the woman? For she has done a good deed to Me. Let everyone show their love in what ever is the best way for them... and not what way judgmental people think they should. Peace brothers, Chaplain Rev Mary
Do you still believe everything you read in that book, even though there are obvious errors? How have you determined which errors are correct?
Rebrand? Didn't know christ needed a rebranding. What's next, get Marvel Studios to put him in a movie? He (meaning Christianity) doesn't need rebranding it needs real ministers preaching the gospel of Christ. Not flashy folks who only use the word to make them money so the can drive around in flashy cars, buy airplanes, or a former MLB stadium that you converted into your mega church. Ministers need to stop their political dalliance and be concerned about their church members immortal soul. Stop using the pulpit to tell Christians how they should vote. Just my two cents
Jesus said to be in the world not of the world. If you make Jesus into a marketing strategy you are doing the very thing He said not to do. The mega donors aka the Antichrists like Joyce Meyer and Joel Olsteen, right? Jesus is who He is. We need not care about the antics of Him in the World. Who Jesus is should be enough for anyone. The end is near. If you think not - think again. If you are following this garbage or any of this false preaching- I suggest you repent before you end up in hell. MARANATHA.
How does anyone know what Jesus every really said, and that’s if this Jesus fellow ever really existed? It’s possible he did, but all we know about him is what others said about him decades later. I wonder how much of it was really true 🤔.
The religious “blackmail of Hell” thing doesn’t wash with me. You have no demonstrable evidence any Hell is real. Would that be the Egyptian writings of Hell, or the Islamic version of Hell, that you refer to that you’ve “read” about?
I think they confuse Hell with the god Hades and the underworld mixed together with them confusing Satan with the horned god, and Lucifer, the ancient Greek god of light. It's been going on since the early days of christianity, when they were rivals with Pagan religions. They tried to distort Pagan beliefs to convert them into christians. Read The Wiccan Mysteries by Raven Grimassi. And also The Goddesses and God's of Old Europe by Professor Marija Gimbutas.
So, is Melissa Ann one of your persoñalities, and Maranatha another one of them? Could another one of them be called flugo?
" if we had more followers of Jesus worth following, what else could we put $100 million to work doing?"
THAT's what your Jesus told you to do, NOT make stupid commercials!!
A rebrand is not needed but if you feel a rebrand is something to explore this is a personal 1 on 1 choice left to the individual person not some over paid marketing firm. A 100 million dollar rebrand is certainly not needed by any means and in fact if Jesus were alive right now he would find this group flip their tables and whip them mercilessly for their greed in spending that money on their own cause and not for helping the poor and starving as he did the tax collectors in the temple.
Jesus loves spreading the word of God, he will not forsaken you if you give him a new look to appeal to the younger generation as long as he has the teaching of the good book and is aimed at saving their souls and allow them passage to the kingdom of heaven.
Phillip, Jesus never read that bible comic book. It was written by schizophrenics long after his death.
Oh, For Christ's Sake.
Jesus said to be in the world not of the world. If you make Jesus into a marketing strategy you are doing the very thing He said not to do. The mega donors aka the Antichrists like Joyce Meyer and Joel Olsteen, right? Jesus is who He is. We need not care about the antics of Him in the World. Who Jesus is should be enough for anyone. The end is near. If you think not - think again. If you are following this garbage or any of this false preaching- I suggest you repent before you end up in hell. MARANATHA.
Being in the world makes us of the world, plain and simple.
And your point is, Harte?
And also for Christ's sake Harte, in this day and age, Jesus better put on a pair of pants, or he'll get confused with a dragqueen. Harte har har!
Robert, they should atleast give him a haircut and a shave, and maybe also a few piercings and tattoos.
A rebrand is not needed
There are millions of dollars, and tons of energy from hostile forces spreading messages of hate and intolerance pushing people further apart. The ad example shown seems to try to break through the noise, providing young people a connection to Church and Jesus. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Jesus is recognized through out time as a healer. There many instances of Jesus through the star line and in quantum theory. Jesus was canceled and still maintained his relevance today. A star seed, son of God, Messiah etc... Jesus is relevant at anytime because he made the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good of society. Let's all just do no harm and create a better society that can learn from. Put forth the effort to make a positive change in someone's life.
Jesus was relevant today, as Jesus was relevant throughout centuries. Jesus stood for the people (jncluding all beings) and just did no harm. Jesus would have been canceled today also. Indigo to some, son of God to others. One thing we know is we can learn something from a man who sacrificed his life to heal and spread his ever lasting love. Just like times of now, we must face things head on, just like Jesus and perceiver, regardless of our circumstances. Jesus is known to many religions. The Universe is all encompassing and includes quantum metaphysics that relate to Jesus. In society it is said that re-incarnation is part of Quantum theory. Meaning Jesus is still relevant to this day as long as time allows. Societal norms need to improve collectively, partly the message the Messiah was conveying.
Has Jesus changed over the centuries or do we mold him into whatever is convenient or trendy? As one of your readers mentioned: "The best marketing Christianity can do for itself is for Christians to live up to Christian ideals." That is the message for the western world. No bells and whistles.
Will the New Jesus be like the New Coke? Tried, then discarded? Does Jesus Need Marketing? No, marketing is not the question. There will always be those who discard or ignore Jesus from the standpoint that the teachings are uncomfortable or go against his teachings. We don't need to market Jesus. We need to express the virtues of Jesus. And why did I mention Coke? Because some people like Coke but hate Pepsi, or other brands. Just as some people love Jesus, but some reject him. We should sell them on the virtues, not a marketing campaign.
Get it
If people want to make a "re-do" of Jesus Christ ... they should first learn something about Him ... because NO church has gotten it right in over 2000 years.
Go here and get this up-to-date book by a Christian Theologian:
More Powerful Than The Trinity Doctrine – Trinity Function (eBook Edition) (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095CTHN1P)
Okay, I get it, the book you reference is the one everyone should follow and believe, even though we still don’t have any good demonstrable evidence Jesus was real. It’s hardly surprising that no church has gotten it right in over 2000 years, is it, or more than likely, never will. We don’t even know if any of the worlds gods are real. None of them seem capable of even showing up to prove all others wrong. So much for there alleged omnipotence!
Lionheart, it sounds like you've never sat in at a meeting of the council of the gods on My. Olympus.
Just a bit of info.Jesus was not the Immaculate Conception, Mary was. Tradition tells us Mary was conceived without sin, immaculately, in order to be pure enough to give birth to the Son of God.
What are you reading? Mary was the mother of Jesus and Jesus was the product of immaculate conception. Where do you people get your information?
Celynia, nobody has ever been born after missing the mark. It is a learned behavior.
I’ve seen the advertising and I’m not against it, however, if someone has $100,000,000 to share why not DONATE it to the following: Build homes for Veterans, Feed the needy, Build homes for the homeless, Invest in teaching others how to support themselves. Get a CLUE, we can’t RE-Brand Jesus nor does Jesus wants to entice us to accept Him.
Minister Ralph krebbs Rebrand seems in its wording. Means change. All Believers no that God never changes. It’s just a fact. I ask that these questions come before the throne of God. Not Dealing first through God and prayer; it has always failed. To have man not God to make any change, it will always fail. What do we gather from this.
I would say prayers are in all things that bring the Lords word to the for front in all things. Not Change. So let us do so in prayer. For the Holy Spirit intercede for us before God. It’s not rebrand , it’s prayer and understanding. And Choice! To be clear: it’s not God that needs change it’s his people! I agree use the money to set the captives free. And to help in Discipleship. Feed the poor, help the needy. Further the mission. I love you all. Minister for the Kingdom
Christianity doesn't have a very good reputation, it looks like they're trying to redeem themselves. A much better use for all that money would be to help legit causes - our Earth, environment and people, as a "hand up," not a "hand out." And yes, he was born to a teen mom - that was a common practice - women were old at 35.
Smells a bit like Buddy Christ.
Who the hell is Buddy Christ?
The spirit of Christ is with us in spite of 2000 years of christianity.
In who? Do you read the news?
P. K., You'd never imagine all the spirits who are with us, and they don't have to tell the truth about their identities. Surely a lot of them claim to be Jesus, so be careful.
Without empirical evidence this person ever really existed — and IF he ever lived he was a indeed a PERSON — I think he would be heartbroken and more than a little disgusted with what’s been and has been done in his name. How many millions of people have been murdered in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior? Yeah, I don’t think so. Why would a cruel and vindictive ‘god’ send such a hypothetically kind, generous, and living person to reign over the land? Oh, right, because it’s just that: reigning like a monarchy over the land with all inhabitants it’s serfs and slaves.
So to answer the question, no. I do not think “Jesus Christ” needs rebranding. I think there should be empirical proof, not some book written by men for men claiming blah-blah-blah, produced showing there to be any validity to these writings. Without such proof, it’s a masterful work of fiction.
If people just acted like Christ more than trying to rebrand him I think Christianity would be a lot better off
This is an epic waste of resources. Rebranding Jesus? For one, Christ (or any other religious figure for that matter) is not a company, corporate entity, or political party. Two, if Christians of the world are worried about the image or connection with followers, maybe they should take a hard look in the mirror and start living through the teachings and lessons of their savior. The world has had a "falling out" with the church, not Christ. Rebranding Christ feels like a money grab, and it is concerning that these private donors feel they have the "power" to initiate this ludicrous idea. Christ did not come from money, nor did he care about money. Christians should follow the teachings more closely, not their check book.
If anything, Jesus picture, the pretty boy needs to be updated for the truth. Back in Jesus day, Jewish men were about 5 ft 6 in and rough looking. In the bible., it says that Jesus was of a unfriendly manner. So here is Jesus to me and most non-Catholics.
Short, tan with very muscular arms and uncut long hair. As a carpenter, his hands had to be rough and had to have strong appearance. Jesus had so many enemies so i believe that he had to intimidate most of them just by his built.
In His grip,
Minister Michael J Farmer
Besides all that Michael, they didn't even have toothpaste back then, so try to imagine the knarly smile Jesus must have had. However, considering how rough they all must have looked (and smelled), some of them probably thought he was cute. They wouldn't think that if they saw him now.
Carla, your ridiculous comment here is based on the absurd and erroneous assumption that in the thousands of years before the invention of toothpaste, mouthwash, bar soap, shampoo, and underarm deodorant, and in Jesus' time, people really couldn't figure out any way to avoid having bad breath, b.o., unclean teeth, dirty bodies and hair, and otherwise being offensive in their hygiene. Ancient Romans put bay leaves in their armpits for the same purpose as we use deodorants today. That should cause anyone who considers it even for a moment to come to the obvious conclusion that ancient people weren't indifferent to stench from other people or being stinky themselves, anymore than people are today, and fought against that as hard as they could and succeeded despite the lack of modern means of doing it. Public bath houses have been around in all countries as long as there have been people, which wouldn't have been the case if they didn't care about smell from other people or being smelly themselves. More people today go around stinking (perhaps, such as yourself, to match your personality!), despite all of the modern means of avoiding it, out of sheer laziness, orneriness, and deliberate desire to offend in their bodies as well as their personalities, than did so in ancient Israel and the rest of the world in that time. Necessity is the mother of invention. People could brush their teeth with gritty objects or with sand on their fingers and spit it out. They could chew mint leaves or other aromatic herbs for mouthwash. They didn't go around with dirty hair or bodies, as their own comfort would have dictated against and ancient friezes and depictions of them disprove. Nobody could have stood Jesus' talking to them and being around them, if he had stank or had bad breath, and his being of divine consciousness wouldn't have let him get that way, anyway. The Pharisees, who were out to attack and demean Jesus in every way that they could, wouldn't have left out b.o. and rotten teeth and bad breath in Jesus, if they had been true about him or they could even get people to believe their lies, anymore than they left out that he was "a glutton and a winebibber, the friend of harlots and tax collectors, and cast out devils by the prince of devils Beelzebub", and we would be reading about "Jesus' bad hygiene" in the New Testament, too. So, Jesus' teeth weren't gnarly and he and the disciples and people then smelled just fine. Try again at some nit-picky and desperate attack on Jesus, Carla!!
Walking the talk is the best advertisement, and that costs nothing.
Posting billboards that say "This Sunday we will explain why good people are going to hell", is not likely to win over nobody.
It is reported that Ghandi said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
NO! Jesus does not need a Rebrand. However, the way Jesus looks in most all pictures are wrong! The description in the bible only says that Jesus is as a unfriendly manner. So, back in His days, Jews were about 5 ft 5 in tall. Jesus was a carpenter, tough hands and a muscular build, arms huge and uncut hair; in other words, one bad dude!
Minister, Michael 4/27/22
Get that look out, most Christians will agree! Jesus is not the pretty boy Catholics have him to be.
WE need to change, Jesus doesn’t. Which means we just need to listen more and better not only to one another, but especially to God through the Holy Spirit. Walk the talk.
Awesome! I find the objections and criticism in this thread regarding the spending of $$$ to get people in church, hypercritical. It appears to me that the campaign is aimed at churches by challenging their unwelcome. Good job! The idea that the church is experiencing a "mass exodus" is off target. The new blood in churches today consist of younger adults who as children were exposed to religion by their parents. At the same time, the old blood is dying and fading out. If "the church" continues on this path for new membership, it will continue to shrink in numbers. Now, the "WELCOME" has to change if it is going to appeal to a generation who was not taken to church by their family. You see, one can't return to something where they've never been or are still unwelcomed.
Spend the 100 million feeding the poor, helping people with real needs like let's see....car repair, transportation, clothes, pay some bills for them, etc.
Until the church actually loves its neighbor before SELF, people will fall out and hate God and Christianity.
James 2:14-17 KJV What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? [15] If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, [16] And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? [17] Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
Jesus, has many times already over centuries been given a makeover and misrepresented. Very few people can live in the religious socialistic manner, like the Essenes did, and first Christians, or in the pacifist role, no weapons, no war, as the Essenes and first Christians who dealt with the brutality of Rome. Look at Patriarch Krill of the Russian Orthodox church today with his ‘Holy War,’ against Ukraine - killing thousands of his own followers, to increase the borders of Russia! Do you think Jesus would do that? No. It is a militant image created of the Jesus who sought only a better world.
Jesus isnt the problem in this scenario. Church leaders need look no further than their own mirrors to find the source of the chasm being created between the church and the people.
This is satanic. Any effort to add unto Gods word is detestable. What a sin to commit against God. Rev 22:18-19 is relevant to TODAY! Leave his holy name and reputation the way it is!
And what's wrong with a little Satanic fun Victoria? Try it, you might like it!
This is satanic. Any effort to add unto Gods word is detestable. What a sin to commit against God. Rev 22:18-19 is relevant to TODAY! Leave his holy name and reputation the way it is!
Mrs. Wilson
Is slavery, stonning Gays, genocide, raping Mary, incest, mixing fabrics, and not eating shell fish considered "holy" things in your opinion?
The idea of a higher power has been used as a marketing prop to otherize and condemen people and profit from doing it...
Do you know what a sin is to God? How? If you do not agree with any of these things just listed, then you must be leaning on your own understanding, if you do not follow the "holy bible's" literal interprtation...Or has god changed its mind becuase it was right before but wrong now?
Can you please provide proof, its name is holy, without leaving out all the uncomfortable, destable, and indefensible bits?
I'll wait...
Minister Wilson
Honestly I think he's fine as he is. What he needs is for his messages to be taught more honestly and more regularly. Too many have forgotten them even though they claim to be his.
So we finally get Catholicism WOW and the Buddy Christ from Dogma?
This is exactly what crossed my mind. It's not a good sign IMHO
This is garbage in my opinion.
I agree with you on that, Marius. Christianity is garbage.
That commercial was way too long. Most Americans used to have an 8 minute attention span. This has decreased to the length of a tweet. Infiltrate your target audience through social media. Kids now are so densely herded by what ever is shiny and new at the moment. Familiarity breeds contempt, make Jesus the new wave, all bright, shiny and new.
Absolutely uncomprehensable Satan and his followers hard at work to destroy the truth.
Paper bills are not money, money will not change the truth, although it will reserve a place in HELL FOR YOU. Either JESUS or MAMMON. No soul here can change anything. But you can choose Satan if you desire!. I will keep praying for all who do not believe the word of GOD, KJV. AMEN
I have seen some of these adds on tv already. Some send a message of inclusion and maybe this has a place in our world, who am I to judge? 100 million dollars is a lot of money that could possbly be spent to help many people eat, be clothed, or even housed. Jesus walks, rides, and even flies with me everywhere I go. And he can be with everyone where ever they go. I was brought up in the catholic faith. I went to catholic school as a child. I was beaten by nuns for the most minor infractions of the rules. I was constantly told that due to these infractions I was destined to go to hell. Not the best thing to tell young children. I drank and drugged for years some of it possibly because of this upbringing. But I do not blame any of this on anyone other than myself. God gave me and all of us the amazing gift of free choice. I got clean and sober over 33 years ago. Where I had to recreate God as I understand him, since that day I am never alone, I am with Jesus Christ. I am a much better person today for making that my choice. Just imagine how much better a society would be if everyone knew that whatever choices they made were being witnessed by Jesus standing right their and watching. Peace to all.
Many blessings to you as you travel with Jesus, my brother! Not only is Jesus witnessing your choices, He is right there - helping you along the way.
I have seen some of these adds on tv already. Some send a message of inclusion and maybe this has a place in our world, who am I to judge? 100 million dollars is a lot of money that could possbly be spent to help many people eat, be clothed, or even housed. Jesus walks, rides, and even flies with me everywhere I go. And he can be with everyone where ever they go. I was brought up in the catholic faith. I went to catholic school as a child. I was beaten by nuns for the most minor infractions of the rules. I was constantly told that due to these infractions I was destined to go to hell. Not the best thing to tell young children. I drank and drugged for years some of it possibly because of this upbringing. But I do not blame any of this on anyone other than myself. God gave me and all of us the amazing gift of free choice. I got clean and sober over 33 years ago. Where I had to recreate God as I understand him, since that day I am never alone, I am with Jesus Christ. I am a much better person today for making that my choice. Just imagine how much better a society would be if everyone knew that whatever choices they made were being witnessed by Jesus standing right their and watching. Peace to all.
Thank you. You are the first voice here that is compassionate and healthy. Chaplain Mary
Excellent way of taking the spirit of the thing out of the dogma!
I wasn't in your position, but had my own experiences, of course, and agree completely: the man was a brilliant scholar and a good Rabbi.
- just as a quick non sequitur, I'll add that, in my mind there's a huge link between the Egyptian religion (that lasted for thousands of years) and this new . . . well, no, maybe cult, maybe not cult.
Once the priests and their "magical", self funding activities overwhelmed the basic mores of the basic beliefs, the crumbling set in. Once the title "Prince of Peace" was proved to be the touchstone of the greatest bloodshed ever seen of man upon Man, sadly, I'm sure that you can follow the logic of what happens next.
A more effective method of having his message accepted by young people might be to actually teach what he did, and not the perverted version used by the wealthy conservatives. Jesus was a socialist and cared more for people than wealth. The predominant message accepted in the US seems to me to be the antithesis of his word
Is 'marketing' any different from 'proselytizing'? Both are business strategies aren't they?
I think it's a great idea to market and grab the attention of the masses; many who have moved away from organized religion due to corruption, churches acting as political pundits, churches amassing so much money that their founders get to enjoy living lavish lifestyles, and the list goes on. I think it's a good idea to remind people of the essence of God and Christ's work. I do question the collective motives of donors who are giving $100 million dollars. I'll guarantee they are not donating so much cash just to help get their souls to Heaven. What's in it for them?
Money laundering? tax evasion?
Due to the influence of a Jesuit priest, I left Catholicism and Christianity in March 1975, never looked back.
Happy to have found Heathenry in 1988.
I do still consider the Rabbi Yeshua as one of the Great Teachers, but still not part of his Big Box Religion fan club.
Excellent way of taking the spirit out of the dogma!
I wasn't in your position, but had my own experiences, of course, and agree completely: the man was a brilliant scholar and a good Rabbi.
- just as a quick non sequitur, I'll add that, in my mind there's a huge link between the Egyptian religion that (lasted for thousands of years) and this new, upstart . . . well, no, maybe cult, maybe not cult.
Once the priests and their "magical", self funding activities overwhelmed the basic mores of the basic beliefs, the crumbling set in.
You think he was a brilliant scholar? He claimed to have created the world. You think he was a good Rabbi? He said, "No man comes to the Father except by me." I wonder who this Jesus is that you claim to agree with Mr. Robinson about.
This is only true if you say that Jesus is God only, and not Gods son.
Oh give me a break. less then 30% of the people responding to these polls say they dont believe in a religion. And the highest group that are coming TO Christianity are people between 18 and 35. Seems to destroy the whole premise of the article.
Best I can do is give you a piece of a KitKat bar.
It was 78% in ‘07, now down to 63% I think what you’re ignoring is that many fundamentalist Christians are dragging their kids to church. The number of fundamentalists has been on the rise unfortunately. But the over all trend of religious Is going downward. Thank the gods. Maybe the christ madness will finally be shelved. One can only hope.
best I can give you is tissues as nobody will believe a local news outlet when you have national polls saying something complete different.
I do have spring allergies, awful kind of you. Too bad that kindness doesn’t extend to you representing data accurately or showing your sources. That local news article was using pew. Lol what national polls? News Max or Fox News polls? lol two of the biggest “entertainment” sources of propaganda? Surely not Prageru another propaganda machine disguised as an educational tool. It’s funny how right wingers wann say leftists are grooming and indoctrinating youth, when they’re the ones by far the guiltiest when it comes to either. Goddess bless y’all hearts. ☮️♥️☮️♥️
And I have given you numerous links that say otherwise. Try again
The best you could do was an article from 2015 talking about the obvious truth of yes, Christianity as a whole has the largest congregation of followers. Meanwhile pew research has shown a 10% drop of people who when reaching adulthood leaving the church. That drop occurred from ‘07 to ‘19. Again, Gray, all you did was misrepresent data and lie. Also. Reminding others of numerical advantage hints of a threat. How barbaric.
And the best you can do is whine since you cant prove me wrong? Oh and BTW, you DO know there was more then one link which disproves your fantasy...right?
You didn’t prove anything other than your ability to manipulate data is poor. You gave one source. And yet somehow me explaining the source is irrelevant is whining. Thou doth protest too much. Here’s some pew research from 2019. Try actually posting some reading material instead of sneering like a twit.
and yet here you are whining and crying because you cant refute what I said and you are trying to do exactly what you are doing here. Typical
I just did. With pew research from 2019. 🤷🏻♂️ an all you got is boring copy and paste dryer that Ben Shapiro’s wife’s cooch replies. That’s just embarrassing. Do better. You’re boring.
Ok so lets say you did one, thats ONE out of a PLETHORA of links I posted proving you wrong. You dont know when to quit while you are ahead do you. I may be boring but I can change, unlike you.
Plethora means more than one with the context of variety included. You only gave one. You don’t even understand what plethora mean. Or The Monastery didn’t post your sources. Which if that’s the case, repost them.
The only source you gave was about the over all global population of Christians. Which, yah, is the largest cult on the planet. The fastest growing cult globally growing right now is Islam. In the US, specifically, Christianity has dropped. From 78% in the early 2000’s to 63% as of 2019. Though I was reading where Amish and LDS groups saw a slight increase. However, the over all trend is down amongst adults. Oh no, weak attempts to personally insult me, whatever will Ido? You should take your own advice. 🤷🏻♂️
You provided one link that gives an approximation of the total number of each religion's practitioners based on a 2015 Pew Research Center poll.
Robert provided you with a link to the Pew Research Center's website that shows a decline in Americans identifying as Christian while those identifying as unaffiliated is growing. This is based on a phone survey from 2019-2019.
People constantly refute the things you post and you never change your headstrong denial that you could possibly be wrong.
Here's another Pew Research link from December 2021 that proves you wrong: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/12/14/about-three-in-ten-u-s-adults-are-now-religiously-unaffiliated/
I don't think you're boring Danielle. I think you're hilarious!
Oh, give us a break, Danielle! You didn't mention what percentage of people between 18 and 35 are coming to christianity. I bet there's a much larger percentage of people in that age group who aren't seeking it, and that percentage is continuously growing.
Sorry Carla, but you have been proved a liar yet again. According to PEW research's own survey taken late last year, The survey finds that 63% of U.S. teenagers ages 13 to 17 identify as Christian and the rate of converts to Christianity are growing at a rate of over 1.32%, far faster then any other religion out there. Even Gallup shows that over 50% of the youth between 13 and 30 are christians and even forbes validates these numbers. Not to mention that in the 7.7 Billion people in the world, almost 3 billion of them are christian with another 2.7 million converts each year to christianity and thats just in the Americas. Christians outnumber the "unaffiliated" (like you) by over 2 to 1 and climbing. https://www.infoplease.com/culture-entertainment/religion/top-ten-organized-religions-world
Must be magic for reality to rip you a new one each time you open your mouth
I think the money could be more wisely spent . Helping the homeless , women's and children's shelters , community kitchens....just to name a few . I see a very good possibility of the money lining pockets instead of helping folks with their spiritual / religious needs .
Just what the world needs right now , $100 million spent on propaganda and bulldust. Which has no lasting value. (5 to 6 years max for the best ad campaigns) The modern world is getting rather impervious to spin and hype, its power has wained.
`If any group calling themselves Christians and have actually read their scriptures , they would have come across many examples which show the value of CHARITY. Their Prophet supposedly fed many people with bread and fishes. (charity). There are numerous examples where he gathers huge followers not by spin and rhetoric, but by charity. Feeding the poor , Healing the sick etc. Imagine how much Christianity would spread if it saw to the needs of the homeless, refugees world wide, starvation and sickness. Does not action speak louder than words??
Just an idle thought, wouldn't this ad. campaign be an excellent way to launder money? Right out in the open? This is pure conjecture on my part.
What are the top things to not bring up in today's society: (a) politics; (b) religion; (c) money. It absolutely amazes me every time I hear that being said, yet unfortunately it's the best way to not "offend" anyone, to make sure the party continues🙄 I think that this marketing of our Lord is a great thing. It's not our Lord that created the division, it's structured religion. Whether you be a Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, etc. it's the people within religions that have fought for centuries because of their religion's interpretation of the Bible. Now do I feel that our Lord Jesus should be the focus point? No, I feel that God should be the focus point because even pagans believe in our Almighty Father, otherwise the Fallen Angel would never have been able to take place.
It's really a shame that it has come to this. Christianity needs to employ an advertising agency to reach out to the community?
For myself I'd like to find a sense of non-judgmental family but I don't know if that's universal.
This campaign sounds utterly ridiculous.
Of course this program will not work! A truism is: 'God's work, done God's way, will not lack God's supply'.
This contrived, man-made 'He Gets Us' fiasco will have little to no eternal benefits.
What would be moving, Paul Andrew Barker, would be if the $100 million was donated to help the poor, and suffering, vet's living on the streets, just a Christian type of thing....know what I mean? 🤷🏼
Joel Osteen has enough money, but somehow I just doubt any of his money will be used. The Catholic church too! I guess the Pope will still hold his gold cross as he meets those who could actually be helped if he sold it. Not to mention the priceless treasures worth millions that the Catholic Church is in possession of. If there is a God, I'm sure it's shaking it's head....if it has one. 😳
I'm moved by what you said, it's so true. To donate, is to give to the poor not rebrand Jesus, but to show Christ in you and walk as he walked.
The pope does not have a gold cross and Pope Francis has done away with a lot of the pomp and circumstance of papal clothing. Each pope since Paul VI has done away with something. The Catholic Church gives more money to the poor than people know - not only through its own outreach but also at the parish level.
A quick Google search on the wealth of the Catholic Church shows to be around $30 billion, Raymond, so it seems the church could do way more than it is for the poor, while its additionally paying out monies for its recompence of children harmed by pedophile priests, or are you going to minimize that as well, in support of priests?
why be so combative, isnt there enough of that in the world? So much hate here. I was ordained by ULC 1990. Back then it meant something very special to a lot of people
My intention is not to be combative, but to open peoples eyes as to how ridiculously indoctrinated they have become about something where there is no real demonstrable evidence. Thank you for your comment 🤗
no evidence for what? Open your heart. Its all around you. Why not use the energy you seem to relish debating people, instead, volunteer that energy for those that are suffering, they are everywhere. Thats where you will see God / The Sacred / The Numinous, you wont find it at a computer or ph keyboard
I prefer to open my eyes to logic and reason Mary. Thank goodness the legal courts of this land don’t rely on people just opening their hearts, because too many have been scammed by doing that. All legal courts rely on hard evidence, and that’s how it should be for all religions, even yours. Even the Hindu faith, the Islamic faith, the Mormon faith, the Jewish faith, the JW faith, the Greek orthodox faith, and all the rest on the face of this earth. All of them claiming to have opened their hearts to the truth, just like you Mary.
You of course will always say that you have the real truth, because of your faith, just like everyone else does.
You don't open your eyes to logic and reason because the logic and reason that tells everyone else who actually has any logic and reason that the unthinking universe isn't capable of guiding and maintaining itself without a Mind behind it never tells you that. You don't rely on hard evidence because the hard evidence that the universe can't do anything for itself is right in front of you and you don't rely on that for your conclusions, but only on your bigotry against that hard evidence and God. You will, of course, always say that you have the "real truth" because of your lack of faith, just like the Communists and Nazis and all other atheists did and do. All of you claiming that your closing your minds and hearts to God have "revealed the truth to you". With what judgment you judge, you shall be judged, and the measure that you mete out will be measured right back at you again! How do you like it so far?
Comment removed by user.
Raymond, that damn Pope better put his clothes back on! He's much too old to be running around naked. You know he's only trying to turn on his altar boys, but even the gay ones don't want to look at a naked, old pedophile. And if you don't see his big, gold cross, guess where he must have his it!
your hatred is heart breaking, did you just come here to hate?
Mary, that's not a good pick up line. You need to think of something else. There's not even an ounce of hatred in me, and I'm sure my ministry is just as important to me as yours. If I give you something to pray about my mission is complete.
I wont argue with you. Pick up line:? What in the world are you talking about? If you want to make a difference, do something for someone else who is suffering.... It will help open your heart that seems to rejoice in verbal combat.
That's not true, Carla, that you don't have even an ounce of hatred in you because your saying that all the churches should be burned down, suggesting a "game" called "Let's All Sodomize Jesus", and all of the other obnoxious hateful things that you are saying in here all of the time as part of your pose in here are much more than an ounce of hatred and more like a fleet of semi trucks or a freight train full of several thousands of tons of hatred!!!
The pope has nothing to do with Christianity. Catholicism is a religion filled with pagan traditions and false ideologies. Repent. Follow the Bible .
If one followed the Bible we’d still have slavery, and we’d be stoning people to death, all approved by the biblical god. Is that what you’re advocating?
I couldn't agree more. $100 million dollars would go a VERY long way in helping those who are impoverished, homeless or dealing with a variety of issues which prevent them from having quality of life. This would demonstrate true love and compassion, which, in my never-so-humble opinion is not the sole purview of any one religious denomination, but of humanity.
Amen to that!
Lionheart, besides making large donations to charities of my choice, your choices, and the choices of a few others, if I ever get one hundred million dollars I'm going to buy a hotel and throw a huge party that will last for the rest of my life, and will be free to all invited guests, among whom will be most of the ministers who wrote on this blog, yourself included, and even Danielle and flugo, if they'll perform at our drag shows. That's all going to happen shortly after I win a lottery jackpot, so keep your fingers crossed.
Bring it on Bro Carl. We’ll do our best to show up and help ailing children, even if all those pathetic gods won’t.
Lion heart you don't like Catholics
I am not happy with anyone that supports any mythical deity that condones, slavery, genocide, and infanticide. Thank you for your reply.
Its easy to point your fingers isnt it? Non of us can change the past, good or bad. Do something that makes a difference today, help someone who is suffering. Do you ever leave your keyboard?
Actually Mary, yes I do. I actually visit the sick and suffering children in hospitals, which clearly is more than your God ever does, because they are all still there, and your God isn’t.
If your mythical omnipotent God spent as much time visiting the sick and suffering as I do, one would have thought he would’ve healed them all and emptied the wards, but clearly he wants them to suffer, which is hardly surprising due to his infanticidal leanings he has towards little children, as stated in those fables and stories in the Bible.🤷🏼
Please let me know if you would like me to make a difference in any other hospitals, and I will try my best to visit, which is more than your deity will. And the reason is Mary, it is very clear your God doesn’t exist.
It's all about quiet contemplation, taking the time to put oneself at the foot of the Cross, because that's what Jesus and Christianity is all about. He died for our sins. He descended into Hell. On the third day He rose again. He walked among his disciples in the flesh. He ascended into heaven. He told us, "It is finished." His mission accomplished. Our mission is to accept the gift. He paid the price for our slimy sins. Jesus doesn't need an advertising campaign.
No Jesus does not need a rebrand or marketing everyone knows about him and our lord and saviour God So what difference would it make.Dont forget the world is a 24/7 place to live.People will have different lives then my 64 years ago.I think that people are so busy with life they don't get the time to go to church.But I bet every one prays to God and his son Jesus wherever or whatever their doing right now.
Nicholas, Jesus is not one of my mythological deities, so I would never think of praying to him.
Jesus is not a product that has to be purchased or he would be a mark. To see him is to believe that he is the Son of God. He must be the substance or a reward of what is hope for, yet the evidence of what is not seen.
The Ad or billboard should be of faith not a brand (mark), because the billboard or commercial waters down the power and makes it of non effect.
Jesus Christ is not a Brand (mark) but the power of God unto salvation. He is not a brand (merchandise) less any man should boast.
I am sorry Mrs. Owens,
But I am calling "bullpoo" on the arrogant manner in which you think you know something that you really dont know...
Religion is and always has been a marketable product, Christmas and Easter are prime examples. Presents and easter eggs have nothing to do with what you are talking about.
There is no such thing as JudeoChristian Values it is just a mish mash thrown together so Jews were more seen as more acceptable in the ...
"In the 1930s, "In the face of worldwide antisemitic efforts to stigmatize and destroy Judaism, influential Christians and Jews in America labored to uphold it, pushing Judaism from the margins of American religious life towards its very center.."
and yes this was all marketing too...
If your depicition of praise worthiness is a deity that makes rules for slavery, misogyny, genocide, stoning children, killing gays, requires a sacrifice to "itself" because of the rules "it" created, then I am sorry that you believe in a charlatan...
Jesus is a brand, a product, that has been used for years to support racism and justify large scale discrimination against others, so dont even start with the whole peace and love crap, look at how religion and God are used today, to exclude others, this has been its legacy, behavior and manipulation...To believe in what is not yet seen but hoped for??? Ya, really trying paying your bills that way and tell me how it works out...
Minister Wilson
Minister Wilson, I agree with you. Religion has turned into profit for the church, not to help the poor or anyone out there. To turn away people from church because of race, sexual orientation, not being married and having children, not being able to give to the church the money, and looking down upon, are some of the things I have seen throughout the years of my life. I have had to rethink my ways of growing up in today's world and seeing the hatred that religion is being used to hate and destroy people, all this pulled me away from the church. Today's people have made the American flag a poor sign of hateful people and people have made people of religion hateful people. People today are being condemned because of who they are. Yet these people are loving caring people that walk more in the shoes of Jesus and care for others. Yet the churches. Don't recognize them as good people. We need to build a new religion for the new types of people that are out there in today's world, and not preach of the old Gospels that condemn.
Greetings, Minister Tarquinio
That sounds like a great idea....
I think there are "...people [that] are loving caring people that walk more in the shoes of Jesus and care for others", ; however if they do or say nothing, then they have tacitly accepted what is going on...
Thus, unfortunately, they too are complict...
I do not mention this from a standpoint of anger, I mention this as a matter of consequence and unfortunate circumstance...
A deer will sometimes freeze in the middle of the road when it sees the oncomming headlights... so regretfully, neutrality is an enemy when obvious wrongs continue to go unchallenged...
Take care,
Minister Wilson.
Jesus is not a product that has to be purchased or he would be a mark. To see him is to believe that he is the Son of God. He must be the substance or a reward of what is hope for, yet the evidence of what is not seen.
The Ad or billboard should be of faith not a brand (mark), because the billboard or commercial waters down the power and makes it of non effect.
Jesus Christ is not a Brand (mark) but the power of God unto salvation. He is not a brand (merchandise) less any man should boast.
God would not like this. Using his son for marketing purposes? It would kill him.
Now here's the irony, that $100 million for advertising is going into the pocket of non-believers. And these ads sure aren't going to change their minds. Young people today aren't interested in God or Christianity today at all. Just look at all of the evil and dishonest things Christians have done recently. Priests raping young children and women, changing laws to take control over women's bodies and being dishonest to their followers about where their donations go to "help" others.
It's no wonder no one wants to be or associated with Christianity anymore.
This is not my money and I rather see it used in a positive way than in the coffers of some televangelists. These ads don't particularly move me, but maybe it will others., I am not an ad man. Making Jesus more attractive and human in order to attract more young people concerns me. We just can't change God to please the masses. I would put less emphasis on Jesus than the messages he offers the poor, the forgotten and the homeless.
He,is not a commodity like,a packet of corn flakes you either accept him or not I have seen so many gimmicks to get the message of the,gospel to the world yet their is still the fact today is good Friday I went to the wakefield cathedral to the,litany of the crucifixion I don't think anything can compare to how moving it was No gimmicks no adverts in between or commercial break but the full impact of good Friday and its deeper
I'd rather eat cornflakes, Paul. And thanks for reminding me, Paul. I need to add cornflakes to my walmart.com shopping cart.
Perhaps it will begin millions of good conversations to lead the lost to faith. The Pharisees weren’t too fond of his methods either, as I recall
Perhaps it will begin millions of good conversations to lead the lost to faith. The Pharisees weren’t too fond of his methods either, as I recall
Perhaps it will begin millions of good conversations to lead the lost to faith. The Pharisees weren’t too fond of his methods either, as I recall
Imagine how much good press Jesus would receive if $100,000,000.00 was spent to help needy children. I think this is misguided. Actions speak louder than ads.
$100,000,000 would cover the cost of purchasing and direct mailing 10 million copies of the bible for free to households across America.
They aren't marketing God. They are marketing membership in their religion. There's a difference.