prayer in church, some congregants in Trump hats

The evangelical community came out big for Donald Trump in the election, showing up in droves to vote for him. Now one evangelical denomination is hoping to collect on their ballot-box investment.

In a recent letter to President-elect Trump, the head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) outlined five policies President-elect Trump should implement in his first 100 days in office, largely focusing on overturning discrimination protections for the LGBTQ+ community, as well as implementing widespread restrictions on access to abortions.

What's in the Letter?

“This letter highlights five critical policy actions that reflect deeply held values for Southern Baptists and warrant the incoming administration’s immediate attention during President Trump’s first 100 days in office,” reads the letter, penned by Brent Leatherwood, president of the Southern Baptist Convention ERLC. 

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is one of the nation’s most prominent - and most evangelical - Christian denominations, and the ERLC is their highly influential policy wing. With some 13 million members, the SBC is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, and the second largest Christian denomination overall (surpassed only by Catholics). 

They’re considered one of the most influential religious denominations in the realm of United States politics, and a number of current and former SBC leaders served on then-President  Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board during his first term.

The letter, directed to the co-chairs of the Trump transition team Howard Lutnick and Linda McMahon, outlines their urgent requests for the President-elect.

LGBTQ+ Rights Targeted

In the letter, the SBC took aim at a number of LGBTQ+ legal protections. One of their primary requests for President-elect Trump is to revoke Executive Order 13988, an executive order signed by President Biden shortly after his inauguration which implements guidelines for federal agencies on how to expand antidiscrimination protections outlined in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sexual orientation and gender identity. 

This executive order “was specifically crafted to circumvent the religious beliefs and conscience protections of millions of Americans regarding gender and sexuality,” reads the SBC’s letter. “By undoing this harmful executive order, President Trump will reassure millions of Americans that they will not be targeted by the federal government simply for believing in biological realities or holding to their religious convictions.”

Additionally, the letter sought to remove discrimination protections for the LGBTQ+ community in everything from health care to foster care.

Abortion Restrictions

Abortion access was the other primary target of the letter. They requested that the President-elect “reverse the Biden FDA’s changes… That expanded the reach of the abortion pill [mifepristone] and threaten the health and safety of women.”

The abortion pill mifepristone is quickly becoming a major target for anti-abortion activists, given its widespread access and ease of use. In 2021, the FDA approved mifepristone for prescription via telehealth, and earlier this year it was approved for sale in retail pharmacies - two things the SBC would like to see overturned.

“We eagerly anticipate the day when the abortion pill is recognized for the evil it is and prohibited,” the SBC wrote. But until then, they say, extensive restriction to access will do. 

What do you think? Evangelicals were an indispensable part of President-elect Trump’s electoral victory earlier this month, and many view Trump as a defender of religious liberty. And it’s clear given their history that the Southern Baptist Convention has Trump’s ear when it comes to social issues.

What will happen?


  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    🤬 Christofascists! 🤮

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      you mean like you are doing now?

  1. Sandra D Morgan's Avatar Sandra D Morgan

    I have taken the time to read a lot of the comments, and felt I would chime in. I am a true believer and have and still do study to show myself approved. I am not God and have no heaven or hell in which to put anyone. In the Scriptures about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God told Lot and his family to come out. God did that, He said if 10 were found good he would not destroy. Man have no rights to make judgment over the life of people only God should judge. If you choose to live life as LGBT that's between you and God, not you and me. If you don't like it, that's okay, teach your children. God says, train up a child in the way he should go! Even when it comes to abortion, teach our children and explain to them that their choice to do that is between them and God, not them and me. This world is so corrupt 😪 no one knows the truth because many have taken God out of the picture , and added their on face there believing they know more or better.

  1. Lisbeth Kieran Bushey's Avatar Lisbeth Kieran Bushey

    The SBC needs to lose their tax exempt status. They are not acting like a religious entity, they’re acting like a political organization and political organizations have financial responsibilities, unlike religious entities. Christ taught that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Discrimination against our neighbors is wrong. We are better than this organization of hate masquerading as a church group. We should not allow them to be representing to the world how people of faith act in America. I am a Pagan who left the evangelical community because I read the Bible independently and not just the parts they chose. I’m also Queer and no longer welcome in the church I grew up in and literally helped build (my name is etched into the drywall under the fire alarm panels) because of it. People who I used to be close to, whose kids I looked after, who were like family to me, stopped speaking to me or allowing me to be alone with their kids. I still firmly believe that Jesus was a real person who said and did all these things. The SBC and similar organizations/churches think we’re Satanic, PDF files, confused, possessed, don’t actually exist, and/or are dangerous. They want to legislate us back into the closet based on libel. We’re just regular people who want to be treated like everyone else and have the same rights. We just want to have equal marriage rights, equal rights to change names and gender markers, equal rights to have biological children or adopt children, and everything else that non-LGBTQ people take for granted. Tax the SBC. Get religion out of politics - it’s against our Constitution.

    1. Sandra D Morgan's Avatar Sandra D Morgan

      My heart breaks reading your comment! My daughter grew up in church and I taught her the word of God. She made a choice to live her life LGBTQ and guess what? I love my child still! I would never want to attend a church that would turn her away. The church is supposed to be a hospital for the sick. Her coming to the House of God, mean she coming for something. God may have sent her because He could better reach her there. Who knows! I will continue to trust that God will deliver my baby, and if He don't I know that it's not because he can't. Never stop believing because Jesus is real 🙏

  1. James H. Tijerina-Spalten's Avatar James H. Tijerina-Spalten

    The election of Donald Trump shows the level of racism in the MAGA world. Donald Trump is America's Hitler. Along with his loyalist they will suffocate acceptance of anything that doesn't fit their mold. Anyone that is suffering now will suffer more over the next 4 years, maybe more if he refuses to leave. Should be die, Vance is a bigger threat because he will be a puppet who's strings will be pulled by the extreme loyalists. The separation of church and state is in peril. Not every student is Christian. Forcing Christian values is not in any states constitution. Doing so violates student/parental rights. God has a crazy sense of humor saving the "Pumpkin felon" from his fate.

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      racist and bigoted much?

  1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

    The fantasies from some of the comments could inspire a Hollywood B movie! From “ordained ministers” of the ULC of all people! We can do better! I hope. Meanwhile….

    SBC like any other lobby can throw their hat in the ring. I am confident the President has already decided what he’s going to do on this and many other issues.

    Remember: The “rights” of any group end where the rights of another group begin and must stand the test of being brought before the Supreme Court should anyone complain.

    Courts can strike down executive orders on the grounds that the President lacked authority to issue them or the order is found to be unconstitutional.

    Secondly, EO’s must stand alongside already existing laws to have any authority, otherwise the President must submit it to Congress for legislation, again laws that can be challenged by being submitted to the Supreme Court. Children in civics class know this as “separation of power”.

    SBC can dream like any other lobbyist and get a form letter from the White House expressing gratitude. Their letter will just be thrown on stack of many others who also have dreams of their own.

    Now to have fun reading some more comments here! It’s nice and cold. Perfect for a cup of hot cocoa!

    Tah! Tah!

  1. Patrick Brian Harrison's Avatar Patrick Brian Harrison

    What happened to separation of church and state?

    Keep your beliefs to yourself and leave us alone to do what we want with our bodies for our wellbeing.

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      never did exist and never will exist without a constitutional amendment. Now go back and retake US Government History that you clearly failed the first time around

  1. Gareth Lewis James Townend's Avatar Gareth Lewis James Townend

    Love is love when you are blessed with falling in love with someone, weather they be male or female gay or straight the gift of love is unconditional and unstoppable. You may not agree with some couples and you may not accept some couples but surely we can show enough respect to our fellow community members that we can find some sort of middle ground. Those that are blessed with the true gift of finding love will understand

  1. Shelby's Avatar Shelby

    Christian Nationalism is Fascism.

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      You mean like what the left is trying to shove down our throats?

  1. Jo Anne Lynn Coopland's Avatar Jo Anne Lynn Coopland

    Adam Khan, I do not say this to criticize you personally just the ideals you hold. Please hear my heart when I say marriage is about more than sex. Humans date typically to find and marry the love of their lives. Sometimes that involves sexual activity with the other. The desire to find someone who will love you above all others who will support you and walk with you through life’s trials… and joys is what most humans desire. That’s what it’s about. That’s what it’s about for a man who loves a woman’s a n d for a man who loves a man. It’s about providing health care. It’s about for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. Not just about sex sir. And a man being in love with another man and expressing that love in an intimate way is not as you say “ruining children’s lives or harming adults. Nor is it an abnormal form of intimacy. It may not be what you prefer. And that’s ok.

  1. Leigh Anne Petersen's Avatar Leigh Anne Petersen

    In 2022 the SBC released a list of 700 sex offenders who were/had been SBC ministers. Maybe instead of casting stones at others, they need to clean up their own act first.

    1. Michael W Cobb's Avatar Michael W Cobb

      Can you share a link to that list for us all to see, please?

      1. JPrime's Avatar JPrime

        I’d love to see that myself!! Link please, Leigh!

  1. Michael Mason's Avatar Michael Mason

    Every American has equal rights under the law!

  1. Stephen James Oder's Avatar Stephen James Oder

    The USA is a secular state, in which any and all religious beliefs that function within law are tolerated. No religion, anyone's, is to be taught in a public institution.

  1. John Audrey Blythe's Avatar John Audrey Blythe

    Completely agreed with you. In Texas they are only allowing the Bible to be taught to children that parents opted in K-5 grades 100% agreed with that too.

  1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

    As a trans man I find myself feeling like I have a target on my back that grew exponentially after the election. The SBC is pushing to have us ‘eliminated’, one way or another. I was in mourning immediately after the election but that mourning turned to anger. I’ve been in EMS since 1990 and a nurse for 18 years. But, none of that matters to these folks, they just want me erased somehow. I’m automatically labeled a groomer and a pedo but if you look at the arrests and convictions, very few are LGBT+ people. And as someone else mentioned, the SBC has a number of them that were never prosecuted. We just want to live our lives and be happy. Is that too much to ask?

    1. Jo Anne Lynn Coopland's Avatar Jo Anne Lynn Coopland

      It’s not too much to ask. I’m so sorry this world has so many people who cannot understand.

    2. Michael W Cobb's Avatar Michael W Cobb

      Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to:

      Use of profanity Harassment, intimidation, or personal threats Deliberate provocation, insults, or derogatory comments Encouraging or inciting any form of violence Spam of any sort (promotional links, repeated duplicate comments, etc.)

      1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

        Are you accusing me of saying something ‘unacceptable’? If so please elaborate because there is no profanity or threats towards anyone in my post. It is only what I have encountered

    3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      No Tim, you are judged by your actions. We have three local firemen who are LBGTQ and you would not find one person in this city who would trade them for anything. They do their job and are respectful to everyone and not once have they tried to push the left wing LGBTQ agenda or demand special rights. And they are treated as respectfully by the community for it. Its that simple, no need to try and make a mountain out of a grain of sand. The SBC has no political power, they are like a lot of groups on both sides of the political fence as they think the louder they yell, the more people will pay attention to them. The last election should show you that this isnt going to work anymore. Live and let live and there should be no problem, but when you start doing like what the SBC is doing or demanding we let men into womens sports or bathrooms like some on the left are doing, then thats when you are going to make people mad and they are going to fight back.

  1. Heather M. Afflerbach's Avatar Heather M. Afflerbach

    My oh my! What ever happened to the non mixture of church and state? I'm not understanding why this is even an issue. Why are religious people trying to implement their views on others personal lives and bodies is beyond my understanding. ??? This world is in deep trouble. We are not going forwards, going backwards... This is sad . Stop the madness folks.

  1. Tom Herman's Avatar Tom Herman

    The religious right seems to be a front for the repeal of the US Constitution. They are not patriots but subversive's who forgot there is separation of church and state. I would go as far to say they are a cancer to America who would advance their high and mighty supremacist views at the expense of everyone who does not look like or think as they do. We all want the same things, good jobs, affordable health care, a secure dignified retirement and a better life for ourselves and our children. Preaching tolerance for all people and views is how we get there.

  1. Cameron Lewis's Avatar Cameron Lewis

    My response is simple quoting composer Eric Schwartz---"keep your Jesus off my penis and your bible off my balls" church and state are to be kept separate, NO CHURCH has the right to dictate or request anything from the government PERIOD that infringes on individual belief or behavior as related to society as a whole. Our founding father found and knew that christian faith was corrupt as a whole and wanted faith and government seperate for the reasons we are seeing now. I may be a Reverand, but I despise most of the organized religions behaviors...I always remind the idiot wrong wing the bible has directions for chemical abortion in it...and no where does it say anything about LGBTQ issues. If anything it says barracks sleeping is bad...

    1. Heather M. Afflerbach's Avatar Heather M. Afflerbach

      Exactly! Corruption from the start! Wow people do your history!

  1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

    Trump is a demon from hell sent to destroy democracy.

  1. Rev. William Creacy's Avatar Rev. William Creacy

    The United States of America was founded as a Christian Nation, I believe that school should only be teaching core curriculum not gender studys or anything like that leave politics and things like that out of it. I also believe that abortion should be few and not used as a means of contraceptive, there are many types of contraceptives that you can use and if you don't want to get pregnant use protection, people need to learn there are consequences for your actions and you have to live with them.

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      It was explicitly not founded as a Christian nation but intentionally founded as a secular nation where anyone would be free to practice their religious beliefs.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        sorry but no Matt, according to all the founding fathers documents it WAS founded as a christian nation.

  1. Patricia Law's Avatar Patricia Law

    so tired of these Christians and their beliefs running the country please remember to pray in secret and leave the world to it's own devices not your crazy religious interpretations

  1. William Christian Theile III's Avatar William Christian Theile III

    Bring back separation of church and state and get rid of PAC’s and SPAC’s. If you preach pro Trump you are not preaching Jesus and his love for ALL! With that said have you ever noticed that “white baptist” church’s are hugh where “black baptist churches” are much smaller or even a house. Take a look at the Vatican and how rich that is when the poor aren’t helped. If you love Jesus then you treat all equally but in America there is a lot of hypocrisy!

  1. Mark Bell's Avatar Mark Bell

    Here we go again! People going crazy over something they don’t understand. Our new president for one, cannot control, or stop abortion, this matter has already been decided by the Supreme Court, and even the president cannot change it, it is up to the State to decide. As to this Executive Order issue, if one bothers to read it, the new president could reverse it, then rewrite it to put protection for women’s sports in it, or just let it go to the Supreme Court and they will overturn it there. How do I know this? Well my PhD in Constitutional Law, and 18 years as a Federal attorney might have some bearing on the that. This is a spiritual battle we are fighting here, if one studies Scripture, you would know that, of course then you would also know what right and wrong are as well.

    1. Darrell Hebert's Avatar Darrell Hebert

      Doc, Yes, a president can’t control all that… but he can appoint judges which as we have seen, really have an impact. right ?

      Now there will be more judges appointed and younger ones too that are also conservative.

      He can also stop the feds from putting old ladies and pastors in jail for protesting at abortion mills. As compared to the “mostly peaceful” protesters burning of American liberal cities in 2020…

      There is a great deal that can be done by the President, short of “controlling it”.

      But you are right, roe being struck down was huge and decided law now. The struggle is not over yet tho. 🙏🏻

      As we saw Nov 5, it’s not the main issue with Americans anyway. Right?

    2. David Lee King's Avatar David Lee King

      Not so. Evangelical anti abortion activists are advocating to use the Comstock Act to implement a nationwide abortion ban. Conservative interpretation of the act endorses its ability to ban abortion. Trump could simply instruct his DOJ to enforce it, or a law passed citing it would most likey be upheld in his Supreme Court. As to "settled law" that's what many of his Supreme Court appointees said of Roe at their confirmation hearings, then turned around and changed course.

  1. Matthew W Meister's Avatar Matthew W Meister

    To consider President Trump as a protector of religious liberty is the most ethnocentric and egregious thought I can come up with. He may protect certain religions, but he does so at the detriment of others. Religious liberty in this country is the freedom to control yourself, not to control others. If you would change the word liberty to zealotry, then we could agree. He is a great protector of religious zealotry. He doesn't walk that walk, but he does talk that talk, all for the purpose of getting votes.

  1. John E Smith's Avatar John E Smith

    Baptists…..say no more

  1. Joe Moore Gordon's Avatar Joe Moore Gordon

    Separation of church and state is there for a reason.

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Tell you what, you show exactly this phrase in the Constitution and I will send 1000. To the monastery so they can send it to you that way you wont have to give any personal info.but I am not going to have to worry about it as that phrase is not and never has been in the Constitution, as such it cannot be considered law.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        So what does this mean then: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

        You'll find that the majority of legal scholars agree that this phrase provides for a separation of church and state. Just because it doesn't explicitly state "separation of church and state" doesn't mean there isn't one.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          All that means and this is coming directly from the Founding Fathers as well as the US Supreme Court, is that the US shall NOT have a national religion like they do in England. Nothing more.

          And if you want this mythical Separation of church and State, then you are going to have to go through each member of Congress's background and if they are a decon or leader or Priest or pastor in a church then they must step down as according to you religion cant have anything to do with Government. Now there will be a lot of laws that will have to be removed as if Religion cant have anything to do with Government, then Government cannot have anything to do with religion either. There goes the laws requiring you to have a marriage certificate, there goes the laws that say women cant get abortions, and a whole lot of other laws.

          Here is a little history for you. 1787 was when the Constitution was ratified into the final and national law. The very first mention of this myth was in 1802 a good fifteen years later in a simple letter and not as a constitutional amendment as was and is required for you to have to change the Constitution or amend it. So what this means is simple in law and fact, ANY decision by any court or any congress that says otherwise on this issue is non enforceable as what they are trying to claim is not now and never has been part of the constitution and you cant make a decision or a so called law on a myth.

          And lets not forget the 10th Amendment which clearly states that unless the Constitution specifically grants you this authority, you never had it and never will

          Now go sit in a corner till class is over.

  1. Darrell Hebert's Avatar Darrell Hebert

    The SBC and the entire country are pushing back in so many areas. All of the leftist executive orders will be undone. New ones will be issued which will be the opposite.

    • pro life
    • pro family
    • restore the military
    • close the border, remove illegal criminals
    • restore pipelines and drilling
    • end global wars

    All Americans will enjoy cheap gas and reduced prices artificially inflated due to Bidenomics

    1. Matthew W Meister's Avatar Matthew W Meister

      These kinds of promises are what got him elected. What happens when these things don't come to pass? What happens when these things violate human rights? Are you going to be happy that you didn't get what you thought you were going to get? Be careful what you wish for.

    2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      They didn’t happen last time, and Trump’s Presidency is already imploding in on itself and he’s not even inaugurated yet. Please stop watching right wing media. You’ll feel loads better.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        yea sure it is. And thats why he has had conversations with both mexico and Canadas leaders and BOTH of them agreed with him. Thats why terrorists groups in the middle east have publicly stated they will work with Trump after laugh in Bidens face. Thats why even Democrats have said they are going to support Trumps Picks for his administration. Thats why even the Mayor and Gov of NYcity and New York have stated they are going to work with Trump for the deportation of criminal illegals and even Bostons Mayor is backtracking to support Trump so fast the loud sucking noise you hear is the air rushing into the vacuum she left. And its still 4 weeks before he is even sworn in. If this is what you call imploding, then I wonder what you would classify Bidens failures as.

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          Bidens failures to the working class are he’s a corporate boot shiner and as much of a corrupt crook as Trump. I’m not a democrat, Grey. They’re all crooked and need gone. Corporate CEO’s first, and their political puppets second. You’re a fascist brown shirt, I know, Grey.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            so you are trying to project Bidens failures onto Trump. Yea ok now we know how to take your posts since they are filled with this much misinformation

            1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

              Not in the least, Grey. I’m saying they both failed differently. Again. You can’t actually argue or think for yourself Troll Bot.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                No you are trying to protect Biden. You do know right that the NY Times just came out with an article saying that Biden is suffering from Dementia





                And what should worry you is that since they are admitting that he has dementia, then all the bills he signed and all the pardons he gave and all the commutations he approved can now be legally challenged as no law in the US will allow anything being signed by a mentally challenged man or woman to stand.

                If I were you I might just want to find a hole and pull it in after me as you are not going to like the next 4 to 16 years

    3. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      All those tariffs are gonna make it hard for prices to drop lol. Our economy was recovering from the pandemic caused inflation better than most of the world but I guess doing research isn't big for conservatives. You probably don't ever understand how tariffs work. Continued oil drilling is going to lead to further damage to our environment and it's not gonna bring down gas prices. Oil companies have no incentive to lower their prices now. They're already making record profits.

  1. Martha Phillips Youngblood's Avatar Martha Phillips Youngblood

    Explain to me again why we don't tax churches? If they're sticking their nose in politics (where it doesn't belong), they need to be stripped of non-profit status and taxed out the wazoo.

  1. Joseph Grieco's Avatar Joseph Grieco

    This slippery slope started when Ronald Reagan, whose personal life was definitely questionable, courted the Evangelicals to get their votes instead of supporting someone who actually lived his faith. We are now to the point that there is almost Zero difference between the ELRC and the RNC Steering Committee. So much for Madison's and Jefferson's admissions about separation of church and state.

  1. Susan Sklodowsky's Avatar Susan Sklodowsky

    I am saddened by all of this. My belief is not my neighbors. I have the right to my opinion and so do they. I don’t care about your gender identity or if you have a same sec partner. That is not my business. I do feel we have no rights to take others rights away because we believe differently. I care about a persons heart and soul. I care about love and Faith concerning fear! We need to stand strong for all human rights. All humans be treated the same. Love them where they are at! Not are place to judge.

  1. David M Hines's Avatar David M Hines

    Because what’s more Christian than screaming “Give us Barrabas!” when it comes right down to it. Amirite?

  1. Keith David Harry's Avatar Keith David Harry

    Please replace live in my post with love. I hate iPhones !

  1. Keith David Harry's Avatar Keith David Harry

    I grew up in a neighborhood that included quite a few gay people. In the 60s, you didn’t have just one set of parents, you had a whole neighborhood of them. Did any of us question why Uncle John was living with Uncle Joe? Did any of us question why Aunt Vi was living with Aunt Joan? Nah, we had no idea. The entire group of the kids in our neighborhood really respected and lived ALL of the parents. And amazingly, we were never “diddled” ( as a poster poignantly referred to it ) , or in any way acted inappropriately to any of us. As we matured and grew older and we learned what the term “gay” meant, we kind of shrugged our shoulders and said So what. I just had the great opportunity to not only walk two beautiful ladies that I grew up with not only down the aisle, but presided over their Union. Who cares what you do behind closed doors in the privacy of your home. Who cares if the gay community comes out and supports itself, much as the so called Christian community does every minute of every day. These folks ( my friends ) deserve respect commensurate with the human beings that they are. Let live reign. And for those of you who continuously express your outright or shaded hatred of these folks, your missing out on some amazing people. Peace out.

    1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

      Exactly. When I was a child, two of my mother's best friends were Bobbie and Marilyn and they lived together in a small rural town. Decades later, my sister ask mom if Bobbie and Marilyn were lesbians, and mom admitted that she didn't know, and it really didn't matter. They may have just been roommates, but at a time when women were expected to get married and have children, Bobbie and Marilyn were an anomaly. They were well loved in the community, went to church, and nobody batted an eye. Why do people get so twisted about it now?

  1. Adam Kahn's Avatar Adam Kahn

    Why do we, as a society, so wildly promote all sorts of pervertions, and do NOT promote normal healthy family relations and traditional values? Just to remind you, historically speaking, if human beings were LGBTQP+ "community" back in a day then humans would extinct much faster than mammoths who died out. All this "LGBTQP+++" shi.... thing is only about different abnormal forms of sex, and it is insanely egotistic, because LGBTQP+++++ does NOT help any society neither procreate nor survive. Rather the opposite is true. LGBTQP+++++++ propaganda and agenda ruin children's lives, and harms adults too. It is poison for the country. Therefore, let's stop supporting pervertions and start thinking about tomorrow, shall we??

    1. Jennifer Golembeski's Avatar Jennifer Golembeski

      Good morning. I have to agree with you 100%. Adults are so quick to point fingers when children are bullying other children. Adults dont realize that they are bullies and not just to other adults, but to children also. Which this leads up to what you said about LGBTQP

    2. Rev. William Creacy's Avatar Rev. William Creacy

      The LGBTQ+ community is only a small percentage of the United States i don't care what they do let them be them but my only issue is that they keep shoving it in my face because I don't care about it, this is America everyone can do who they please I don't care but don't have to keep throwing it in my face about how they're "oppressed" because if they were then they would have to hide it in secret which they don't have to do.

      1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        Define “shoving it in my face.” Does that mean a gay character in a movie or TV show? Does that mean little Sally telling kids at school what her and her two dads did over the weekend? I ask because that’s not shoving it anywhere. People say they don’t care, but then through fits every time it’s seen out in public. Do you want us to keep it private so you can pretend we aren’t there?

    3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Before you rant about perversion, learn to spell it correctly first. LGBTQ+ people have always been part of society. Get over it. The ones who have no value in our society are the layabout men who complain all day that other people are the problem. Who make the same complaint's and comments like yours. We are part of tomorrow, get over it.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        yea less then 1% so why should we listen to their whines and have it effect the other 99%

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          1% of 9 billion is 90 million people. 1% of 340 million is 3.4 million. Either way it’s still a lot of people you’re trying write off. I bet you the number of LGBTQ+ is a lot higher than 1% globally. Considering that many LGBTQ+ live in countries which restrict their visibility and freedoms. Which I’m sure you secretly approve of. Due to the fact you’re a closet hater and coward who waits for ugly to be in fashion again.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Ok lets use your math. The US has a population of 343.9 million people. So tell us Ruhnke exactly why should 3.9 million (your claim not based on fact according to the US Census) be able to tell the rest of us 340.5 million people what to do and how to think? If we decided to outlaw you, there isnt anything you could do to stop it. So I wouldnt keep trying to poke the sleeping bear.

            1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

              According to the constitution you cannot outlaw us. I think you’re worrying about the wrong bear being poked.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                And pray tell us please where in the Constitution does it say that? Name the Article and verse, not where you imagine it should be.

            2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

              Well the real percentage is 7.6% which equates to 25.45 million people and that number is probably low since older generations are less likely to come out or admit that they are LGBTQ. That's a lot of people to take rights away from.

              In Nazi Germany, they effectively outlawed being Jewish by putting them in concentration camps. Are you really okay with outlawing the existence of the LGBTQ community from our society? You're okay with forcing people to hide their true nature and denying them the ability to love someone simply because you don't like it? That's pure hatred and bigotry.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Nope the most accurate count is from the US census so unless you are saying the people who filled this out actually lied, then its less then 1% and nowhere near the 7+% as you claim

              2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                I don’t think “THEY” lied. We also know that not everyone felt comfortable answering this question. Also, it did not take into account all people living within each household.

                Taken from the US Census: Question: “Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?”

                Bisexual: 4.4% Gay or Lesbian 3.5% Straight 88.3% Something else 1.9% Don’t know 2.1%

              3. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                So according to the Census data from James, that would mean it's higher than the 7.6% Gallup found. Bisexual + Gay or Lesbian is 7.9% and if you also include Something else in LGBTQ, we're at 10.8%. Much higher than the 1% you're claiming, Daniel.

                The census data I found has slightly different numbers than James': Straight 86.1% Gay/Lesbian 3.2% Bisexual 4.6% Something else 2% Unsure 2.1% No answer 2%.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                really? And you do know its a federal law that you have to fill out to that specific area and then mail it in, so are you really trying to state that these people are violating US Law? Title 13 of the US Code requires ALL citizens residing in the United States is required to fill out the Census accurately, meaning you must answer all questions truthfully and to the best of your ability; failure to do so can result in penalties including fines for not responding or providing false information.

                proved wrong yet again eh Johnson.

              5. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Funny how you won't address the fact that I provided correct data regarding the population according to the census that contradicts your claims. Instead you make personal attacks, per usual.

              6. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                funny how you refuse to accept what the Census says when its against the law to lie on it or not fill it out correctly

        2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

          Where did you get the 1% number, Daniel?

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            He’s using an outdated census or one that’s made up by right wing talking heads. Daniel rarely tells the whole truth. I was simply using his 1% as an example. Still a lot of people no matter how you slice it. I personally think that should LGBTQ+ people continue to survive and in many cases thrive, we’ll see a 10-15% maximum of our community. What nay saying conservatives don’t understand about the community is that they have kids, whether it naturally or adoption. I know lots of lesbians and gays who get wild hairs and have kids naturally. I know lots of both who play it straight for years and have kids. Then you have the largest and over looked community, Bis who have kids. Goobers like Grey underestimate our community and it’s annoying

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              Nope Ruhnke, I am using data from the most recent US Census in 2020. Hardly outdated. So wrong yet again.

          2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            US Census.

            1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

              But the census doesn't say that. It says...

              Taken from the US Census: Question: “Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?”

              Bisexual: 4.4% Gay or Lesbian 3.5% Straight 88.3% Something else 1.9% Don’t know 2.1%.

              You're simply wrong, looking at the wrong data, getting it from Fox News, or you're out right making it up/lying. Thanks for playing, my Bullly Buddy.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                sorry Johnson, wrong yet again and even the UCLA Law school is saying you are wrong. I guess you cant get over having your bubble burst.

              2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                You are so strange.

              3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                why because I post links and facts that make you so upset that you try and use smoke and mirrors to prove me wrong and fail each time?

              4. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                What links where, Grey? You don’t. You never do. An when you try to it’s misinformation. Now you’re just commenting to hear yourself talk to tire others out with your ridiculous antics, Troll Bot

              5. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                I have posted more links then you have ever done Ruhnke and what makes you so mad is the links I post prove you have told more myths then Joe Isuzu.

  1. Teresa Freeman's Avatar Teresa Freeman

    I'm appalled at each pagan Sunday religion that ever spawned from the Romans, we've adopted the lunar calendar instead of the solar, God's Sabbath is Saturday , and the Master Plan has been forgotten, this isn't our world , it's a six thousand year probationary period , then the goats and sheep will be devided , we are supposed to proclaim Jesus as our savior , And the third earth age , when we will have our world back and Jesus will be King of Kings Forever

    1. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey


    2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis


    3. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

      What a load of poppycock!

  1. Charlene Davis's Avatar Charlene Davis

    This whole pronoun thing it's ridiculous it also does not help our young people because they're being confused by what's in social media what's on the news in that right there is not healthy for anyone it's like they decided under the current Administration to open up the doors from the insane asylum and it's wrong people are people no matter where they come from but they also should not be pushing harmful thoughts on the young people like Jeffrey Marsh saying don't talk to your parents come be with me how do you know he's not a predator because that's just a thought and I have no friends that are gay and lesbian and they say this whole pronoun thing is nonsense as well

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Oh for Frigg’s sake. The only people who are confused about pronouns are the ones politicizing their usage, as in you ultra conservatives, who have no LGBTQ+ friends. An the ones you claim are against the usage of pronouns are just as bloody ignorant in how they’re used. Trying to hide your ignorance behind their opinion paints a target on them too. Whether you like it or not. We all have pronouns and some people use them as they wish. So respect their wishes or be met with derision, possible hostility, and on a good day, cold contempt. I know lots of cis women and men who hate being compared to the opposite sex, and no one bats an eye. The minute someone decides to define their gender as they see fit, those same malcontents turn their gazes on a person who has the gumption to live their lives defined by someone else. Trans folk aren’t insane. How dare you gaslight them in that way.

  1. Charlene Davis's Avatar Charlene Davis

    President Trump never said that he's taking anyone's rights away in fact he hosted a gay wedding at Mar-A-Lago because the couple that wanted to get married in a fancy place in Florida was rejected by other country clubs so on the Christian side anybody saying these things about him is going against the Ten Commandments Thou shalt not bear false witness

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      And lest you forget his favorite song is YMCA, done by the village people and all of them except for the lead singer are gay. And he also has a Gay member of his administration as well as minorities and Women. Now if he was such a racist and homophobe as he is called in these thread by a lot of very ignorant people, he would not have any such members of his administration.

  1. Gerard Anthony Ritchie's Avatar Gerard Anthony Ritchie

    As a citizen of another country I view with alarm and fascination the culture wars currently raging in the USA. It seems to me the once great example of progressive social development has stalled and has started to reverse. Grented, the USA has a history of appaling episodes of discrimination, intolerance and some would argue the genicide of their indigenous population, but in the late 20th century you made great strides in addressing many areas where injustices were recognised and righted. From the outside world, it now looks like the USA is willingly giving up it's mantle of defender of democracy, the concept of holding political leaders to account, the protection of the vulnerable and the fabled American dream where anybody can achieve success regardless of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc. We have all become used to watching films and TV shows and reading books about dystopian stories of the collapse of civilised societies and the return to barbarism and war lords, or a theocratic/aristocratc ruling class similar to medieval Europe. It now seems that somehow, and against all expectations, the USA is heading in the direction of some wierd social construct dreamed up by the active imagination of Margaret Attwood.

  1. John W's Avatar John W

    The utter hypocrisy of it all. Far too many stone casters shrieking in indignation from inside glass houses. It seems these same people would just as soon disown a LGBTQ+ family member or one that chose to have an abortion rather than accept them with the love and compassion that Jesus Christ preached.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    These nut jobs are already making demands. Fortunately I believe now that their use is over Donny won't care much about them. I believe he will give them a little something and make a big deal out of it. Abortion did not win out in every state which is a real shame, women should not have to fight for control over their own bodies. Sarah Palin said on stage that when she found out her baby was going to have issues, she had thought about abortion then decided against it. But she had the choice to make that decision, as every woman should. Sexual preference is every humans right what ever someone else might believe. Now the gender identity should have never been included, since the trans nation removed it as a mental illness, it became a fetish. That's not to say trans have no rights, just not special privileges such as sports and women's safe spaces or having a meltdown over using their real name or pronouns. That is the individuals issue not everyone else's.

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      If you have nothing helpful to say, why bother? You undermine the first half of your statement with the latter half. It’s only a fetish to weirdos like yourself politicizing things like human biology, sports, women’s safe spaces, and any other things you deem to poison with your contemptuous tone. I know lots of cis folk who meltdown over proper nouns and pronouns. Trans rights aren’t special privileges, troll, No matter how many ad hominem attacks you try to hurl my way, you’re still not right, Gags.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Sorry but Democrats in Congress are trying to say they are

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          Yeah, and they’re sore losers who blame everyone but themselves for losing. I’m not a party line hugging democrat, Grey. Never was. I’m an independent progressive, but many democrats are corporate boot kissing money chasing goons. I don’t care what they the democrats or congress think. It’s funny that you do though.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Really? Then why do they go to Unions and other high money groups begging for handouts then?

            1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

              Because, as Robert says, "many democrats are corporate boot kissing money chasing goons."

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                will wonders never cease, at least he said something correct, and that goes for politicians on both sides of the fence.

      2. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

        Duh, special privileges means rules that apply to to everyone else that does not apply to them. Some folks like to believe the trans badge gives them privileged status. Mental illness used to be an excuse, now their just another special interest group demanding executive status. Kinda hard to argue facts.

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          You still haven’t stated any facts, Gags. Just really confident opinions. Trans people aren’t looking for privileges. They’re just trying to live without the privileged like yourself dictating their lives to them. You never argue facts, Gags. It’s what is funny when your run your mouth.

          1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

            Fact, women are born as women. They are physically different from men. When ever anyone fantasizes differently, it is just that a fantasy. To insist and force others to indulge in this fantasy is demanding privilege. When rules do not apply to certain people, those people are privileged. Can't simplify it much more than that.

            1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

              Fact. A woman is not born a woman. They are born female, then grow to become women. Fact. You don’t know your butt from a hole in the ground when it comes human anatomy or biology. So just stop embarrassing yourself Gags. The only person fantasizing about anything are the men like you who can’t live up to the weird standards their ancestors left for them. There was nothing scientific about them Segregating people by gender, and was all about control of people’s bodies. Men have it rough because they’re kill themselves through wasting away by trying to live up to the impossible standards set forth by ghosts. Youll never get it, Gags because you’ve drank too deeply of the toxic masculine koolaid. Seek therapy. I used to think like you, then I woke up. I pray you don’t peace in this life.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                So maybe YOU should stop with your ignorance Ruhnke. A Male has a specific set of Chromosomes and a female has a completely different set and you cant change them. THATS how they know if its a boy or girl so its not an arbitrary decision, it called medical fact and science so you should stop talking about stuff you clearly know nothing about

              2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                By your logic men are half women anyway due to the fact we inherit half our genetics from them anyway. If they were entirely different they’d be a separate species entirely. Being a male is a matter of biology, the rest is applied depending on the culture the male grows up in. No two cultures are the same. The only ignorant ones here are you two and those who echo you. Your data is incompetently incomplete. Science has advanced since the 50’s get over it.

              3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Nope by my medical facts, each fetus has a specific set of dna and chromosomes that make up if they are male or female, and there isnt a darn thing you can do to change that so one wonders why you still insist on spewing your myths

              4. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                No myths. Just updated science. Get over it already.

              5. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                You cant update medical science and fact Ruhnke, no matter how much you wish you could. So hows about YOU get over it and stop with your myths.

              6. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                I can’t, cause I’m not a doctor or medical scientist. You’re right. I go but what medical and science community has discovered in the last 30 years. In your own words. “You’re just mad you cant prove me wrong.” So far you’ve posted nothing which proves I’m pushing myths. You’ve just posted your hateful opinion. Again.

              7. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                But yet when Doctors state this as a scientific and medical fact, you then try and claim that they are wrong even after admitting you have no medical training of any sort and are not a doctor. See even Science and Medicine are clearly saying you dont know what you are talking about

                "That's correct. Men and women have different sex chromosomes that play a key role in determining their biological sex. Specifically:

                Females typically have two X chromosomes (XX). Males typically have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

                The presence of the Y chromosome is what typically leads to male development, while the absence of a Y chromosome and the presence of two X chromosomes leads to female development. In essence, the sex chromosomes are a crucial factor in determining the biological sex of an individual."

                So either you admit you are wrong or continue to prove you are a fool.

  1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

    Who Would Jesus Hate?

    1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      If Jesus came forth and told them they were wrong, they would call him a fraud and hang him.

      1. Donald G Magel's Avatar Donald G Magel

        They would scream, “ that Jesus guy is WOKE! Stone him!

    2. Jerome Thomas Martin's Avatar Jerome Thomas Martin

      Jesus loved everyone, no matter what! Maybe you all should take lessons from Him and The Nazarenes,

      1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

        Even the tax collector and the money changer in the Temple? Perhaps you should read that book again...

        1. Jerome Thomas Martin's Avatar Jerome Thomas Martin

          They made Him mad but there was no hatred, He still loved them. Remember The Great Commission.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    It is unfortunate that we once again live in a world where everyone who does not match the standard should be persecuted. This type of thing will continue until Trump and his ilk are out of power.

    Right or wrong these people will do what they want.

  1. William E Muldrew's Avatar William E Muldrew

    I'm not a trump person, but I don't believe in abortion. I do say God gave us choices as we make those choices as we live with them, and God will be our judge. As for our sexual identity I feel the same, we will have to answer for our actions. God made Adam and Eve Adam and Bob you think about it. I'm not here to judgement on anyone. I just pray for us all to acknowledge what we do and were it will lead us in life. There is an end coming to this madness we live in where will you be. Amen

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      You don’t agree with abortion, William? Great! Don’t have one! Oh, you can’t because you’re a man? Then mind your OWN business!

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Paula, don't be too harsh on William. He doesn't believe in abortion - a philosophical position. But when it comes to man's wife or teen daughter having been forcibly raped, the philosophy should go out the window, and harsh reality hopefully takes precedence. Particularly when, as is being pushed by the Far Right, the rapist can claim fatherly rights! How can any loving husband or father demand his kin carry such a heinous, criminal intrusion to term? Beyond my comprehension.

        1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

          I agree. I apologize to William for the harshness of my statement. I do stand by my assertion that men have no right to dictate what a woman can do with her body.

          1. Linda Vergowven's Avatar Linda Vergowven

            So true💕

      2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Ok Paula, then if you get pregnant then YOU take care of the child if the man does not want to. If you cant feed them then dont breed them

    2. Rev. Rory's Avatar Rev. Rory

      Are you in favor of women that really want a baby, then has a miscarriage, dying in the hospital parking lot? That is what happens when there are strict laws against abortion. Before Roe, women had miscarriages all the time - it's very common. And guess what? They received care to preserve their health. In other words, prior to Roe, women received better care than they do now. Prior to Roe! What we have now is cruel. Can you provide a list of laws that control a man's body? Even one law?

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        you better go back and look at Roe as that law had a 16 week restriction on abortions, After the 15th week abortion was off the table. Direct from the decision itself

        1. an absolute right to an abortion in the first three months (trimester) of pregnancy
        2. some government regulation in the second trimester
        3. states to restrict or ban abortions in the last trimester as the fetus nears the point where it could live outside the womb

        Didnt know this did ya?

  1. LilithV's Avatar LilithV

    The same Southern Baptists/convention that had a list of like 300 members who had diddled kids…. That weren’t prosecuted, if I remember correctly? So they are condemning all of this because they are running out of victims. Got it. Lines up with everything else I see going on with 45 and his people.

  1. Jake Reynolds's Avatar Jake Reynolds

    On top of these thoughts, there is a dolt politician in the UK who is presenting a blasphemy law, but only for abrahamic speaking, wow let’s hand the free world over to authoritarian pandering despot thinking.

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      already did to the State of California and we can see how that turned out. According to the State Treasurer there California is almost 1 trillion dollars in debt and the only way to fix this is to raise taxes which will chase more people out and lower the amount they get every yeas. So much so that Newsom has come up with two really great ideas according to him, start taxing people for the water running off their homes and lands into the streets, and then try and tax people who move from California for 10 years after they move. Or at least this is what The San Francisco Chronicle and the LA Times are reporting.

  1. Jake Reynolds's Avatar Jake Reynolds

    Ethics and religious liberty commission? That’s quite a stretch, as they appear to have no ethics and they don’t appear to care about anyone’s liberty except profess their beliefs, and as for the “evil” of the abortion pill, it is nowhere projecting evil like this head in the sand bunch broadcasting their hate.

    1. Sadie Tan's Avatar Sadie Tan

      Are u related to Ryan Reynolds?

  1. Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox's Avatar Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox

    As the mom of a transgender child I would first like to thank Reverend Paula Copp, Shelby, Lawrence A. Benson, and Reverend Marina for their support of the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

    tfg, the christian nationalists, and everyone who voted for tfg want my child’s marriage to be invalidated, their gender affirming medical care outlawed, and for them to be murdered. It is that simple.

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Sex change drugs have already been outlawed in Tenn and the SCOTUS upheld that decision. You want the drugs then you pay for them.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Daniel coming in with the irrelevant comment once again! You just love to attack people don't you.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          No Mike, I love wanting people like you to try and tell us why in the world we should pay higher premiums to have a child get a sex change, or what health insurance is going to allow this, thus leaving them to go and demand medicade or medicare try and pay for it. As I said if you want this done then you pay for it.

          So tell me how hard is it for you to understand that simple fact?

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            We'll first of all, it's not fact, it's your opinion. Second of all, I'm not telling you anything except that your comment had basically no relevance to the comment made by Elizabeth. Third, sex-change drugs being outlawed means you can't pay for them at all. You're all over the place, Daniel.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              Proved you wrong yet again Mike, according to SSA, there has been an increase of over 35% of people trying to get sex changes on the Government dime and lets not forget the hundreds to thousands of videoa and pleas all over social media for people to help others get these sex change operations. Heck just on the soon to be extinct tic tok platform there are over 700 of them.

              You really need to pay attention to reality or you will keep being proved false just like when I complete destroyed your claim with the link to the NIH showing you lied about the polio.

  1. John Ash McCormick's Avatar John Ash McCormick

    Welcome to the 13th century, we all know how this horror story progresses if not how it ends.

    We are in the possibly final race between religious mania, fascism, global warming releasing new/old and exciting diseases from the melting permafrost, mass starvation and wars as people flee droughts, and the end of vaccinations in enough of the population to really get the next pandemic to spread like wildfire.

    We will have kids with polio and measles just because of anti-science politicians.

    It is a race to the bottom.

    I am in the unenviable position of being in two of the most threatened groups, a journalist, and a former scientist.

    Not being a member of, but a supporter of the LGBTQ community, I have sanitized all my web sites and social media posts.

    I suggest many of you should consider doing the same.

    If you think I am being alarmist just look over some of the wonderfully vicious posts we see in many of these discussions.

    What seemed like a funny or innocent comment on Facebook can make you a target.

    Press credentials can protect me in a normal war zone but soon they will just make me a target in the US and if any of you think it can't happen here, I direct you to Google "capital gazette".

    The LGBTQ community are only the most obvious target they are far from the only endangered people these days.

    I can close my Facebook account but I can't remove all the citations referencing me in the scientific literature.

    The SBs may think they have the upper hand but people will turn on them too.

    How long will it be until the husband of some poor dead woman who had a miscarriage decides he has nothing left and seek revenge.

    This will probably be deleted by moderators but enough of you will read it to think about protecting yourself and your families.

    Good luck to all of us.

    1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      I fear you are right.

    2. Rev. Henry's Avatar Rev. Henry


    3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Oh please, every planet in the solar system according to NASA is warming, and Earth is the only one I know that has humans on it. Or any other form of life that we can tell. And as for climate change, the Earth has done this every year in 3 month sections for as long as humanity has been on the planet.

      There has been mass starvation, droughts and wars for the whole of human history so what else is new.

      And as for measles and polio and other diseases, we had them eliminated, and the illegals brought them right back and now we have it all over the south west US.

      So just admit that your post is your OPINION and nothing more nor based on scientific fact.

      And let me ask you a simple question, how much longer is it going to be before s person who lost their happiness because of the ill fated covid shots, the same ones that the NIH has said caused over 92% of all the covid deaths and this has been backed up by the Royal Academy of Science and Health in England....suddenly decides to go off on the idiots that were trying to force this down our throats? makes about as much sense as your statement does now dont it?

      1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        Straight from the NIH: There have been 55 cases of death after COVID-19 vaccination reported and a causal relationship has been excluded in 17 cases. In the remaining cases, the causal link between the vaccine and the death was not specified (8) or considered possible (15), probable (1), or very probable/demonstrated (14). As for climate change... stop getting your data from QAnon sources.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          so now we know where you are receiving your info from

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            Yeah a credible source. Something foreign to you, we know.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              what credible sources? I have yet to see any of your claims or links be classified as credible.

      2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        "And as for measles and polio and other diseases, we had them eliminated, and the illegals brought them right back and now we have it all over the south west US." Talk about racism and xenophobia...

        The reason some diseases like measles is coming back is because of less Americans vaccinating their children.

        Climate change is extensively documented by organizations such as NASA, Daniel, so trying to use them as a source to discount climate change is comical. Yes, droughts and storms have always occurred but now they are going to occur more frequently and more often. We've already seen this happening. And since you hate illegals so much, consider that many illegal immigrants are coming here because they can't grow enough food in their country any more to support them due to climate change.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          wrong yet again Hunt, even the NIH says polio was eliminated 30 years ago in the US and was brought back by illegals so your claim of not having the children vaccinated is utter rubbish. You do know right that when a child gets their school shots that also includes a measles and polio shot booster. Or does that not fit into your little fantasy?

          Be3cause it happen every three months Hunt. And they are going to happen more now? Oh sort of like the claim that the Hurricanes are because of this when each and every time the Global warming/Climate change people try and claim that this year will have between 15 and 20 major storms are supposed to happen, that it never does? Or should I believe Al Gore when he said that the artic ocean would be ice free, and yet it isnt. Or when these same people said the polar bears were going extinct, and yet the Canadians are saying there are more polar bears now then there ever were.

          And as for illegals coming here because they cant grow food, what a whopper. Ask any of them and they will tell you that they are coming here illegally to get away from their governments and gangs. Growing food has nothing to do with it. Your fantasy is starting to divorce you from reality

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            The only one in a fantasy here is you Grey. Your fantasy is that of a wannabe 80’s mean teen rebel who ironically has no cause based in fact, even though you live to claim to have them. I no longer correct your madness and am happy to in detail point out the foibles to your lack of arguments.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              No such fantasy except coming from you Ruhnke and its been proved over and over that you dont live in the same reality as the rest of us

  1. Reverend Marika's Avatar Reverend Marika

    The IRS needs to revoke their 501(c)(3) status and make them pay income tax.

    1. Rev. Henry's Avatar Rev. Henry

      Absolutely agree!

    2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Absolutely cant do it as if they did they would also have to do the same thing to any church or 501.3(c) that allows politicians to come into their charity and politic as that is also banned. And how long do you think it would work for Baptist churchs to become upset when they lose their tax exemption. Be careful what you wish for,

  1. Shelby's Avatar Shelby

    The Southern Baptist Church and the Catholic Church has been convicted of sexually abusing tens of thousands of children. They are the groomers. They have no moral authority.

    1. Lawrence A. Benson's Avatar Lawrence A. Benson

      And neither does the MAGA cult.

      1. Minister Rob's Avatar Minister Rob

        I do not see a problem with LGTBT community, I work with them daily and most that I interact with are very respectful. I don't put that community all in one basket, there might be some extremists, but most are not that way. I would appreciate it if people like you, Lawrence, do not group us people who support D.J. Trump as "MAGA cult".

      2. Susan A MacDonald's Avatar Susan A MacDonald

        Thank you for keeping it real.

      3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        And neither do you two, shelby and Lawrence

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Same is true with all political parties, schools, universities, and any organization humans have ever constructed.

      All humans are guilty of the things you say Catholics are with zero exception. Therefore no human has any moral authority.

      1. Shelby's Avatar Shelby

        That's nonsense and frankly it is offensive. The Catholic and Baptist church has a rap sheet a mile long that spans many thousands of abused women and children and Billions of dollars in lawsuits. This is a pathological psychological disease ingrained in theology and carried out by thousands of clergy worldwide. There's nothing even remotely like it in the world.

        1. Linda Vergowven's Avatar Linda Vergowven

          Agree and a Christian support for trump is so unbelievable makes me wonder if they are really Satan in sheep’s clothing …. they hate Liberals just wait until they meet JESUS the most Liberal of all 💙💙

          1. Susan A MacDonald's Avatar Susan A MacDonald

            Amen to that.

        2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          But its factual Shelby.

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            No. You putting a mean girl twist to a man argument does not make it factual, Grey.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              But stating its factual and proving it does not do anything but make you look foolish

              1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                We are all still waiting for you to do that, Grey. You’ve not posted facts. Just really confident opinions. Nothing more. None of us has stopped engaging you. lol your tantrums don’t scare us.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                I have done it far more then you ever have Ruhnke, is that what is making you so cranky when you constantly are proved wrong?

              3. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                You're the one constantly proved wrong, Daniel, you're just too delusional to accept it.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                No you post fake or cherry picked info and then claim you proved me wrong and yet nothing you have ever claimed has actually been able to do so.

      2. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

        And with this comment you became guilty of the same thing you accuse others of..and that isn't what she said. She said, very accurately, the CHURCH has been convicted of it. And it has.
        Then also many of those working in the Churches name have been found to be doing those things.

        Not all, not even most, by any means. But, the issue keeps happening and keeps coming up.

        But to claim that humans have no moral authority is just a misconception on your part.

        1. Shelby's Avatar Shelby

          Comment removed by user.

      3. Shelby's Avatar Shelby

        Comment removed by user.

      4. Shelby's Avatar Shelby

        Comment removed by user.

  1. Shelby's Avatar Shelby

    Christian Nationalism is Fascism 💯

    1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      All religions, cults and mythologies are forms of Fascism.

      1. Donald G Magel's Avatar Donald G Magel

        And that’s why they appointed Trump as their chosen one! Donnie will carry out these demands to take others rights. Sounds like 1936. And then they come for you.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          sounds like all three of you are drinking from the bottle of sour grapes.

      2. Adam Kahn's Avatar Adam Kahn

        Basically, everything which unites people is Fascism. Seriously, it is the definition of this Italian word.

  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    As a member of the LGBTQIA community, I find this “religious” organization to be antithetical to everything I believe. What I do in my home affects nobody but me and my family. No entity, religious or otherwise, will dictate to me what I can legally do in my bedroom.

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      "Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission"

      What a hypocritical name ...

    2. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

      If what you did in your bedroom stayed in your bedroom, I would agree. But, when what you do in your bedroom finds its way into my schools, entertainment, parades, ad nauseum, then it begins to infringe upon me. To paraphrase a popular philosopher, "What used to be the sex that dared not say its name, has become the sex that won't shut up".

      1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        James, you say, “But, when what you do in your bedroom finds its way into my schools, entertainment, parades, ad nauseum, then it begins to infringe upon me.” Sexual acts remain in the bedroom. They are not being performed in your schools, entertainment, or parades.

        What has left the bedroom is not what we do in there, but who we are. We no longer have a need to hide who we are. There is a BIG difference between the two. I think you want us out of public view again, and that will not happen.

        1. Kevin Michael Evans's Avatar Kevin Michael Evans

          What the LGBT community is getting regarding exposure is the same thing the breeder community has always had! It's about time that it started happening.

        2. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

          Correction; Never know he wasn't born male.

        3. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

          James, when did you get back in the country, and how many years have you been gone? As for what leaves the bedroom, it is not who you are, it is who you think you are. As for being invisible, it would be a favor to you, I have never seen a trans whose looks didn't creep me out.

          1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

            Wow, the hatred in your comments. "I don't like knowing that gay people exist, and I think trans people are so inhuman that I refuse to acknowledge them as people and have to throw in an insult even mentioning them in passing." Just wow. Why are you on a religious forum if you can't even grasp the basic concept of treasuring all human lives?

          2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

            James, what do you mean by “it is not who you are, it is who you think you are.”? You have no idea who I am. I’m sorry that you’ve never seen a trans person who you think meets your standards of what they should look like. Perhaps that’s more your problem than theirs. I’m sorry for the inconvenience it must be to explain why two men are walking on the street holding hands. Maybe you should explain it the same way you would if they saw a man and woman holding hands. You don’t have to explain the birds and bees and talk about sex. Maybe we should outlaw holding hands in public.

            I can assure you that seeing people of the same sex holding hands or even kissing each other will not turn your child gay. Just like when I was two people of the opposite sex holding hands, I did not suddenly become straight. Again, I think the problem is how you look at it than what it actually is.

            1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

              It may not turn him gay, but it will assuredly turn his stomach.

              1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                Only because his father taught him to feel that way. Again, this is more about you than us or your child. I’m sure Jesus would be proud of you teaching your child disgust and hate. Bravo, Dad!

          3. oy_gevalt's Avatar oy_gevalt

            Oh no! Someone creeped you out! Better take away their rights before they make you even more uncomfortable! sigh

          4. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            That sounds like a whole bunch of personal problems and nothing wrong with the LGBTQ community.

          5. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross


            You've probably met several trans people who you didn't know were trans. If you ever met my husband or saw him in your bathroom, you would never know he wasn't born female. Primarily because he uses the stall. Most trans-people don't advertise they are trans unless it is essential (like in a doctor's office), and even there, there are often "teaching moments" required, because of transphobes.

            1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

              To all: No matter how hard you try to change the definition of "normal", you are still not and never will be it.

              1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                I'm not sure where you thought I was trying to define "normal." I'm not sure it exists.

              2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Mr. Mounts. Your gross bigotry is far from normal. The amount of headspace you’ve allocated to thinking about gay sex, when it’s still nowhere near as popular in media as you’re projecting, is concerningly laughable. Due seek therapy for this issue. It’d do you wonders.

              3. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                Am I detecting some repressed emotion? I had a cousin who had been my best friend as a child. One day his body had an involuntary response to some unknown stimuli, and he was suddenly overwhelmed with disgust for himself. He blamed me and we never spoke again. It had nothing to do with me. I didn’t even realize I was gay at the time. Later I realized It was because my uncle was so vocal queer folk.

              4. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

                Nothing repressed about it. And, please understand. I don't care who kisses whom and in what room. It is not gays I don't appreciate, it is those who put on the opposite sex's clothes, take a few pills, and expect the rest of the world to change their lives to accomodate

              5. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                So you are saying that someone who was born with a body type and cognitive features that more resemble the cultural norm of the gender that does not match their genitals are required twist their lives to conform to what society says is "normal." Since you asked, what is your definition of "normal?" Women barefoot and pregnant, and men hunting and fishing? Some women are more comfortable and adept at hunting and fishing and some men are more of the nurturing type and do better cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children. Why the shoehorn? It is because society says that if one is to be adept at science, engineering, hunting and fishing they must be male so a woman with those attributes can only use them if she become male and vice versa.

              6. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

                *Patricia Ann Gross Your missive was well written and interesting, but it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. I have repeatedly said, "I don't care what you do, it is what you expect me to do in return that burns my asp. Be what you will, and do as you like, just don't try to force me to like it.

              7. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                Nobody is even asking you to like it, just respect that there are people with different views, and just because they are different doesn't mean they are evil or invalid. I'm sure that there are things you believe and are vocal about that differ signficiantly from what I believe, but I don't think you are trying to say I have to believe that way and like it. Respecting someone's humanity and feelings doesn't mean you have to like them. You don't want to transition to a different gender, then don't. I might suggest you try to figure out why this creates such a significant reaction (i.e., the notion that you believe that people are trying to force something on you that you disagree with) because nobody can force you to feel anything. Your feelings are uniquely yours, and only you can explain or control them.

          6. Keith Ramsey's Avatar Keith Ramsey

            Based on the wording of your post, these seems to be a personal issue that you are attempting to project onto others. It is unfair to everyone that you do this.

            Ask yourself whey two people of the same sex holding hands or kissing bothers you so much and work on resolving that conflict.

        4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Oh really there Johnson? guess you have not see some of the "pride" parades in California where they simulate sexual acts IN the parades or they actually have been reported as having live sexual acts on the street IN PUBLIC during the parade, or teachers having gay pride flags posted in the classrooms, now imagine the outcry if a straight teacher tried the same thing?

          So yea its being forced into schools and public, and recently my great niece wanted to watch Blues Clues, so I turned on the TV for her and then I turned it right back off as what I saw was a gay rights parade and it was addressing kids under the age of 5 and they were being, in polite terms, indoctrinated on language and how not to hurt homosexuals feelings.

          So my apologies if reality is pushing its way into your beliefs.

          1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

            I was wondering when you’d show up trolling the rest of us on this subject. This is something a bully can’t resist. Based on your prudish behavior in this group I suspect that you’d think a guy in leather harness and shorts is too sexual. Forgive me if I can’t take you seriously.

            I’ve seen some of the footage you’re talking about, and it wasn’t taking place at a All-Ages Pride Parade. Some (and only some) of what you talk about does happen at the Folsom Street Fair or Dore Alley/Up Your Alley Street Fairs where children at not allowed. The last street fair I attended had an enclosed tent that required an ID to get where the deed was done. Again, you are probably too prudish for that too.

            Just because we are open about sex here in California doesn’t mean we are teaching children sex. That’s called pedophilia and WE ARE NOT INTO CHILDREN! To suggest it is disgusting. It’s true that pedophiles exist everywhere in both Straight and LGBTQ societies, but the term doesn’t apply to the majority in either Str8 or Gay communities. Thanks for playing my Little Bully Buddy.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              And I knew you would continue to lie and try and spin it in your favor, so what else is new?

              1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                Do you know what deflection is? Lie, deny, then accuse. Did you read tRump’s book or something? You play his game but not even close to his expertise.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                and you are doing a very good job at this.

              3. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                Is this your version of “I’m rubber, you’re glue”? This is what bully’s do when they can’t think of anything else to say. I do appreciate our exchanges my, Bully Buddy.

              4. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

                James, never heard that definition before. I was raised to respond to Bullies in this way because anything they say can't hurt me.

              5. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                nice 3rd grade insult, I was hoping as an adult you could do better, but I guess I was wrong

              6. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Another Uno Reverse…. Lame.

              7. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Such a nice 3rd grade insult, and then you wonder why people laugh at you

      2. Susan A MacDonald's Avatar Susan A MacDonald


        I wonder what about porn or male to female rapes, or the leaders of these religious entities illicit affairs or a presidential candidate who pays for hookers and escorts, or one who marries one…. You probably say these don’t make their way into your bedroom, schools or entertainment… but wait they do. Teachers molesting students, government officials meeting up with underaged girls for who knows what… I’m not sure how many you actually know from the LGBTQ community but I have many wonderful friends from that community, they are the best people in the world. Please stop accusing that community of things that come from the “ straight” community.

        1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

          You must be projecting. I never accused anyone of anything except making me sick.

    3. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Why then shall the lgbt2qia++map community display and celebrate annual in public that which you say is reserved for your bedroom?

      It you're not sure why, I'll tell you but you won't like it, not one bit.

      1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        Sure, SOJ. Do tell me why the LGBT can’t celebrate our community when it’s alright to have WASPs every day. (W.A.S.P. means white Anglo-Saxon, Protestant). So, yes, please do tell me why we draw the ire of the general population as we annually celebrate our lives.

      2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

        Do not accept* let me be clear do not Accept. Phone typing and walking don’t mix.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          seems like a case of CYA after telling the truth according to you

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            Not my truth. The only MAP’s I know of are majority conservative Christian who think child bride’s married to grown men are a protected religious right. I do not accept MAP as an orientation. It’s another odd right wing mirroring as another attempt at delegitimizing LGBTQ+ orientations. You can post all the YouTube you want, still not a great source.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              yea right, and here you go again making a claim and not providing any proof to back you up. Do you even know the difference between fact and opinion, and 99.9% of your posts are your OPINION and not based on anything factual

              1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                lol there you go confessing your own cognitive shortcomings and projecting them as someone else’s, Grey. I’ve posted them before and you do this really neat trick of denying reality. lol again. It’s the only trick you know how to do. So far you’ve not backed anything you shared with CREDIBLE sources. It’s just random talking head YouTubers and twisted versions of political rags. Do better.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Not my problem that you see yourself as wrong in my posts, sounds like a personal problem to me.

              3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Awe. Trying that old uno reverse again? See how it never shuts me up? lol Grey, again, you have no arguments or counter arguments. Just childish retorts. lol

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Something that you seem to be an expert at with the childish retorts

          2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            He literally corrected himself a minute after the first post. Why is it necessary to attack him over it?

            1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

              That’s what he does, Michael. His narcissistic, sociopathic personality makes him take every opportunity to put other people down. He can never admit when he’s wrong because somewhere in there he truly believes that he’s always right.

              1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Mr. Johnson, Grey is just an internet troll saying things to get his jollies. He’s too sloppy to be a narcissist. As for sociopath? Well. I think it’s more ADHD with a touch of obsessive compulsive. Far too obnoxious to be a true sociopath.

              2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                ROFL... that made my day. Thank you.

              3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                why are you talking to yourself like that? Its not mentally healthy

              4. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                What a sick burn, Grey, you e literally caught yourself in your web of petty and instead of just skulking off to another comment, you feel like hissing more. Strange. Very strange.

              5. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                the only sick burn is to you and people who like you refuse to accept the truth.

              6. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                lol you push no truth. Only silly bully tactics and biases.

              7. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                still mad because you cant refute me I see.

              8. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                lol mad? Ive done nothing but successfully refute your tantrums since comment one, Grey. You have no arguments. Just projections and hearsay you push on people.

              9. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                you have done no such thing, except in your own reality

            2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              because he saw what he did and decided to CYA.

              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                He made a typo. It's easy to do. Correcting one's self isn't CYA, especially when they correct themselves so quickly.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                yea right, and this is why some people should not be allowed to type while messaging as the truth of their statements is first to come out.

              3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Like how you’re a know nothing, manipulating, lying troll? Grey that’s the only truth you’ve been posting so far.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Oh really, seems that I have proved you wrong in 99.9% of your screeds, so tell us exactly where does that leave you?

              5. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Except you haven't...

              6. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Except I have and do it so much that you literally cant stand it as you seem to think you can come here and say whatever you want and people will accept this as fact.

              7. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Where I started. Calling you out for being a lying, manipulative, projecting, and hearsay smearing Troll. My opinion of your ability to argue still stands strong, and you can’t refute that. lol you’ve only ever thrown ad hominem tantrums my way. That’s not a refutation, Grey. LMFAO.

              8. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                why are you trying to project your own failings on anyone else?

      3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

        SOJ, get lost with your inclusion MAP in the community acronym. You know damn well and good lgbtq+ people do accept or tolerate “minor attracted persons.” You have the same beaten dead horse argument every time this topic pops up. Get a new one already, it’s 2024.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Sorry Ruhnke the LGBTQ people do NOT accept minor attracted people and never have. I dont know how many times I have seen on the nightly news/major media as well as social groups that have said the same thing, so please tell us exactly where you have seen where the LGBTQ people do accept Pedophiles? Seems these people are calling you out for this lie

          MAP stands for “Minor-Attracted People” and members of that group have been criticized for being pedophiles, even though they claim they don’t “act” on their attraction to children. They are looking for acceptance and hope to find a home in the LGBTQIA+ community, but members say they want nothing to do with them or their attraction to children.

          Or are you as usual posting just to see your name?

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            Notice how my second catches the error of my first, and corrects it. Too bad the ULC doesn’t have an edit function. I don’t see MAP as being part of the community. I do see them as individuals who need help for their mental health issues. Just as you neee help for your narcissistic tendencies.

            My first comment states that, despite the typo. You’re such a hateful individual who gets drunk on his own words you can’t see this. It’s why you’re always twisting facts and gaslighting.

            “Or are you as usual posting just to see your name?” As per usual a silly projection and confession of your own personality quirks.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              cya much?

      4. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        SOJ, you don’t see us having sex on the street and that IS what we keep in the bedroom. Celebrating LGBTQ pride shows those who their families have abandoned and those who remain in the closet out of fear, that they have supporters regardless of the hate which surrounds them.

        Year after year minors are kicked out of their homes by parents who hate what they are. They are so afraid of what will happen to them that they choose suicide because they feel abandoned. That is what pride is about. Showing these people, they are not alone. Showing them, they can have pride in who they are and have millions of people who support them.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Sorry guy, but there are pictures of this happening on all the major media and actual video tapes of same . Maybe you should check with The San Francisco Chronicle about this before you try and start claiming it didnt and does not happen

      5. Lisbeth Kieran Bushey's Avatar Lisbeth Kieran Bushey

        PDF files aren’t welcome in LGBTQ+ spaces and aren’t allowed in our acronym. We keep telling you this!

      6. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        SOJ, you don’t see us having sex on the street and that IS what we keep in the bedroom. Celebrating LGBTQ pride shows those who their families have abandoned and those who remain in the closet out of fear, that they can have pride in themselves, and that they have supporters regardless of the hate that surrounds them. Year after year minors are kicked out of their homes by parents who hate what they are. They are so afraid of what will happen to them that they choose suicide because they feel abandoned. That is what pride is about. Showing these people, they are not alone. Showing them, they can have pride in who they are and have millions of people who support them.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          The San Francisco Chronicle says you do and have been, so prove them wrong

          1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

            I don’t have to prove you wrong, and don’t believe everything you’ve read in the Chronicle. Like all news outlets they have their right and left leaning reporters. It’s the moderate I look for. I believe there may be an article that you’ve interpreted that way, but that doesn’t make you right. In fact, you’ve been wrong on many things you’ve written that I’ve lost count. I have nothing to prove to you.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              Oh so when the two major newspapers in California make a statement and have evidence to back it up and it does not fit your agenda, then you want to take your ball and go home by claiming you dont have to do anything? Typical when you cant.

              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Provide links to these articles so we can verify your claims. Otherwise it's just your OPINION.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Already did, you mean the might Hunt cant check the archives of the LA Times or the Frisco Chronicle? Does not go very far in proving your credibility now does it?

              3. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                My agenda? Is this the BIG GAY AGENDA that I’ve been hearing about for so many years? I have news, my bully buddy, the only agenda in my heart is to be treated equally. Until that is truly achieved through congressional law, I will never stop fighting. I’ve seen the clips and pictures you’re talking about. They were fake. Stop trolling everybody.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                so you admit to the agenda being yours?

  1. Michael Mason's Avatar Michael Mason

    Every American should have equal rights under the law!

  1. Eugene T Rice's Avatar Eugene T Rice

    This is, once again, an example of what is driving young people away from religion. Bidens order was not an endorsement of any particular lifestyle. It was an effort to protect a minority from discrimination. Is the Southern Baptist position that discrimination is good in certain circumstances? If that is not their position, why in the name of God, would it be wise to strip away protections?

  1. Clay Serenbetz's Avatar Clay Serenbetz

    It's fascinating that the Southern Baptist's morals proscribe gay marriage and accept women dying in parking lots for want of reproductive care, but they're also accepting of sexual assault, lying, intimidation, bullying, extortion, breaking the law over 40 times, etc. Let's hope that their morals are not adopted in the Constitution. I'm curious how they rationalize their views in their minds, as such views have nothing to do with Jesus' teachings.

  1. Clay Serenbetz's Avatar Clay Serenbetz

    This country is not a Southern Baptist theocracy, but is a secular government that respects all religions. It's unlikely that the Donald understands this Constitutional principle, however. So, good luck with keeping any former fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of religion, gay marriage or abortion.

    1. Hank Stanco's Avatar Hank Stanco

      Same-sex marriage was declared constitutional by the United States Supreme Court Court.

      Abortion rights were sent back to the states after a liberal court declared that abortion rights were a federal concern. The Roe v Wade decision completely ignored the 10th and 14th amendments. No one has taken abortion rights away from anyone. The right to abortion now lies with the individual states.

      Freedom of Religion has been a hot button issue with both parties wreaking havoc over the issue. The Obama administration defended its religious protections activities but fought in courts over requiring Catholic businesses to cover abortions.

      Stop being so melodramatic and start looking at real facts.

      1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

        1) Roe v Wade solidified women's' 10th, and 14th amendment rights, which has now been 100% stripped away from them. It was not sent to "lay with individual states." They did it specifically to rip that right away from ALL women, and now, hundreds of women are DYING because they're forbidden to get care even in cases of miscarriages, which is the number one reason abortions were made legal.

        It's gotten SO bad, now, that Texas is threatening to imprison anyone who reports on the deaths of women due to being refused abortion care during miscarriages.

        2) Same Sex marriage is being ripped away from people and the MAGAS, and other hate-filled bigots, are trying to get it made illegal, along with mixed-race marriages.

        3) People are NOT being melodramatic, they're stating facts. You're just too filled with hate and the demand that women be "controlled" to see it.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Nice hyperbole claims Bridget, and yet not one of them have been backed up with facts nor legal proof of this supposedly being a 10th and 14th amendment issue.

          The 10th Amendment clearly states that unless the Constitution specifically states you have a power or authority, then you dont have it and never did. So show us where the abortion actually fits into the Roe decision in the first place as the SCOTUS never did have the right to decide this as its not under their authority under the 3rd Amendment.

          I have two sisters (one in Dallas and one in Brownsville) who live in Texas and nothing you claim about Texas is true nor has been passed into law. So why lie?

          SSM is part of the law of the US and while there are people who feel different, you do understand that for anyone to overturn a SCOTUS decision you would need 3/4ths of BOTH Houses of Congress to do this as just congress passing something does not work. So why all the hate filled claims about this? Seem your level bubble is well off center.

          And yes you ARE being melodramatic as you are making claim and calling names when nothing you have said has been proved as legal nor factual. Go sit in a corner and have a few adult drinks and calm down or you are going to break a blood vessel for nothing

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            As per usual you can’t make an argument without gaslighting or throwing in a couple ad hominems, and using your sisters as points of reference means you’re pushing a cognitive bias, all as a means to deflect from the fact that all three branches of government are now conservative majority, Grey. Grow the heck up, Grey.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              As usual I state facts and thats what ticks you off Ruhnke as you cat refute it.

              1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                You lie through your teeth with such confidence you can’t tell the difference between fact and opinion. Why be angry with someone who tries so hard to bring everyone else down to his sad level? May you find peace sometime in this life, Grey.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                No, the person lying would be you and it has been shown as much through hundreds of factual posts showing links of your lies.

              3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                LMFAO. You’ve posted maybe 20 links across dozens of blogs. Out of the 20 maybe 3 were factual and those were just you twisting facts to meet your biases, you sad strange little man. You’re the proverbial pigeon which flips the proverbial chess board every time you comment because all you ever do is Uno Reverse, Project, and ad hominem, Grey. I have witnesses who can back me up. My gods the delusion is strong in the maga in you. 🤦🏻‍♂️

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                And you have yet to prove me wrong in any of them

        2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          And before I forget Bridget, the SCOTUS has said the 14th Amendment here on the abortion issue does not apply. So I dont know where you are getting your information from but you really need to stop as if you continue to listen to them you could end up in legal trouble later on down the line since they are so wrong in this issue

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            Oh you mean the corrupt hyper biased right wing majority SCOTUS? They aren’t going to be there forever. Should liberal or progressive judges be appointed, will you still squeak the same tune you’re squeaking now?

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              Comment has been removed.

              1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                It’s funny, Daniel. The Supreme Court Justices who decided Roe V Wade originally were moderates. Now the majority who are right-wing fanatics that don’t think it’s constitutional; it only makes their religious-right-wing fanatism more apparent.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                No its funny that they were not moderates in any sense of the word, you are just saying this to try and give you a reason to disagree with their Constitutional based decisions.

              3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Comment has been removed.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Comment has been removed.

            2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              seems you dont like it when they rule as the constitution requires now do you Ruhnke?

              1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                No. I don’t like their corruption and paid off biases, Grey. Huge difference.

            3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              isnt it funny Ruhnke that when they decide how you want them to they are great, and when they decide how the Constitution requires them to do you go off all half cocked and start name calling.

              1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

                Republicans will not follow the US Constitution, especially with criminal cheating Trump** and the MAGAs in charge!

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                You mean like Biden and company have been doing for the last 4 years?

      2. Susan A MacDonald's Avatar Susan A MacDonald

        Part of the statement is contradictory… because now some of those states have constricted or removed the right to abortions. So who will care for, financially support and love those unwanted babies who were “born” to this country…perhaps the access to viagra and other such meds for men should be deemed illegal as well… maybe we should make it a little more equal.

        1. Illya King's Avatar Illya King

          I believe the ideology is that same-sex is not real sex. if the government regulated heterosexual sex you'd might see people cry a different tune. Although I suspect American Christianity would support arrange straight marriages based on wealth, class, and race if they haven't already.

        2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          No Susan, I dont know of any state that has completely banned abortion. Heck even Roe itself banned abortions after 16 weeks...most people claiming that abortions were banned seem to ignore that little nugget of truth. And the people who want to adopt the children have been told by numerous different agencies who are mad about the SCOTUS sending the case back to the states as it should be, are now refusing to allow adoption. Heck do a search in this blog and you will see a whole thread about it and you will also see a lot of ignorant people from the left trying to claim this is somehow ok? I mean you cant claim on one hand that people dont want to adopt the kids and then on the other hand try and claim they should not be adopted because of your beliefs that go against the law. Now I am not saying you, I am just giving you proof that most people on this issue from the left talk out both sides of their mouth

          1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

            Big D, FYI: Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception.

            That's hardly 16 weeks.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              And yet here it is directly from the Roe decision from the US Supreme Court saying exactly what I just said.


              And sorry your source cannot overturn a SCOTUS decision so it does not mean anything

              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                The full text of Roe v Wade says, "Viability is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

                Wrong again, Daniel.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Wrong again Hunt, it says that in the first trimestes it can be done, in the second trimester states can place restrictions on abortion and in the last trimester its banned as 99% of the time the child is viable.

                Your attempt to cherry pick isnt working for you

              3. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                Thank you, Michael. I find him tiresome, but for some reason I keep engaging. Lol

              4. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                Neither do SCOTUS decisions apparently as they are frequently overturned when the next wave of new justices come in. Their credibility has sharply declined in the past few years. They’ve all become political hacks.

              5. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Sorry Johnson but their decisions DO effect all states and any lands under US Jurisdiction. You are just upset that Congress cant pass any law that would violate these decisions and for them to overturn a SCOTUS decision it will take over 2/3rds of BOTH houses of congress voting to do so. So you can say what you want but since they are voting/deciding as the Constitution says they must, then this is the reason why you are upset as they are not voting so as to sooth your feelings.

              6. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

                Sorry Grey, they are making decisions based on their biblical views, and it has nothing to do with the Constitution as they pretend. I am not the only person who thinks that. Either we all have equal rights, or we don’t.

                You’ve made it clear that you believe you’re a member of some superior class of people. That some of us are somehow lesser than you. You are a rude, obnoxious, bully who thinks if you repeat a lie often enough it somehow becomes true. I and others on this platform continually demonstrate that some of your statistics are simply made up, or outright lies.

                It’s become obvious that you’re a member of the new tRump Cult gripping the country. Please feel free to worship your Chosen One. The good news is we have seen this before and overcome it and we will do it again. You are devolving right before my eyes. I will no longer engage with you on this subject, but I promise I’ll be there at the next one when you decide to start spouting your conspiracy theories.

              7. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                wrong yet again, so tell us exactly what decisions are they making based on the bible? I know you spewed this nonsense but you have not named even one decision that backs you as you usually dont do.

    2. Joseph Grieco's Avatar Joseph Grieco

      Tell that to Speaker Mike Johnson.

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