An alliance of 400 Christian investors is imploring Costco, Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons, and McKesson not to sell the abortion pill mifepristone.
The investors sent letters to some of the nation's largest retailers, painting a stark financial future should they offer the drug to customers, suggesting damage will be done to both their reputation and bottom line.
Will the retailers heed the call?
A Bitter Pill
On August 2nd, the CEOs of retail giants Costco, Walmart, Kroger, and Albertsons, as well as the medical supply company McKesson, received letters from a coalition of over 400 Christian investors representing a collective $172 million in stock between the five companies. In the letters, they urge each of the retailers not to sell mifepristone, a commonly used abortion drug which recently received FDA approval to be sold in store pharmacies.
The group of Christian shareholders was organized by Inspire Investing, a wealth management group responsible for managing some $3 billion in assets for Christian churches, individuals, and businesses. The group manages investments for the Southern Baptist Church as well as evangelical activist group the American Family Association, and says on their website their goal is to “[inspire] transformation for God’s glory by empowering Christian investors through biblically responsible investing excellence and innovation.”
“We write to urge Costco, for its own sake and the sake of its shareholders and customers, to continue its current practice of not dispensing the abortion drug mifepristone,” began the letter sent to Costco head Ron Vachris.
The letters argue that many of their customers are Christians who will bristle at the idea of shopping at a store where abortion drugs are available behind the pharmacy counter - and customers may potentially even mount a nationwide protest if mifepristone becomes purchasable.
“Maximizing shareholder value requires Costco to avoid politicizing its services and to continue to do what it has always done best, provide excellent grocery and retail goods to families. The 'growing market opportunity' of abortion drugs is legally and politically fraught, raises significant reputational issues, and reduces the company’s customer base, both literally and because it would drive away many existing customers,” the letter said.
The letters also warned the retail giants to “carefully consider the cost of alienating [their] diverse customers and potential customers just to boost one product.” It’s easy to read that as a warning for retailers to remember what happened to other businesses who recently ran afoul of the Christian community.
Business in the Time of Cancel Culture
Many businesses have faced protests from Christian consumers in recent years, but Bud Light was likely on the receiving end of the biggest hit to both reputation and bottom line.
Bud Light faced immense backlash from scores of Christian customers who were angry and disappointed when they teamed up with transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney to promote their beer. According to some reports, that brief partnership may have cost Bud Light parent company Anheuser-Busch InBev $1.4 billion in sales last year. After the partnership was announced, a year of social media outrage ensued, a successful protest was mounted, some Anheuser-Busch factories received bomb threats from angry consumers, and some musicians even refused to sell Budweiser products at their shows.
And, of course, some of them blew up a few cases of Bud Light, too.
The line in the letter serves as a reminder that Christians are well organized and very good at voting with their wallet, and brands like Tractor Supply Co. and Target recently backed down after backlash from the Christian community over their stance on hot-button cultural issues.
Could retail giants like Costco and Walmart suffer the same fate if they offer mifepristone in the pharmacy? That is certainly the implication the letter gives. As of right now, these retailers haven’t responded to the letters publicly, and only time will tell if mifepristone makes its way to store shelves later this year - and how big the backlash will be.
What do you think? Will Costco and Walmart proceed with plans to put mifepristone on store shelves? Or will the potential backlash from Christian consumers make them rethink their plans?
Najah Tamargo-USA This crap....AGAIN????? I have read all the Bibles, plus countless other religious doctrines. I don't recall any of them discussing how you should "invest your money." I will stick to my original stance of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!!! The church and the government have NO BUSSINESS telling anybody (female or male) what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
When they stop the heartbeat inside the womb, who's heartbeat are they stopping? It's not the mother's heartbeat, hers still ticks.
So who's heartbeat are they stopping? Is it yours or mine? No. Who's heartbeat is it then?
When the heartbeat has already stopped and no doctor will remove that which will KILL the mother for fear of having their license revoked for “doing an abortion”, what then? Let the mother die? And do NOT say “that won’t happen”, because it already has. It’s not about “saving the babies”, it’s about control of women. If it was about “saving the babies”, there would be common sense gun laws, school lunches, and affordable childcare. You as Americans already pay enough taxes to cover most of it, and if the politicians actually made the 1% pay their fair share, that would cover the rest with funds to spare. Believe what you wish, but don’t force others to abide by your faith. Isn’t that what freedom of/from religion IS?
If the pregnancy is nonviable and the heartbeat has stopped, then it is already dead and not an abortion. I have no knowledge of anywhere that this kind of procedure is prohibited.
Peace, White Owl
Thank god it's not the mother's. Then, in the future she can have another shot at a wanted child, if she so chooses - rather than being dead. Or is that your preferable option, SOJ?
No rev bh. My preferred option is if a baby can be born then it should be born. If the mother's life is in jeopardy from a medical issue the of course abortion is her call.
A surprisingly decent reply, SOJ. However, you forgot as always, rape. No woman should ever be forced to carry a rapist's seed to term.
I am not convinced that the organization cited actually has the clout it projects. Big pharma has much more. Had these churches not chosen to make God, gays, and guns their hills to die on in the past, their membership might be bigger today and their threats more effective. As it is, it and its associates need to decide on other strategies to achieve their goal.
Even the Heavenly Father, Our creator gave us the right to choose. But Abortion is what it is - all about killing something, In this case a Human!
What is a miscarriage? Involuntary manslaughter? Please explain your logic on this
It’s what I call a “god abortion.” After all, he knows all the outcomes of every decision that will be made before said decision is actually made. So he knows who will “choose” abortion and who won’t but as always he doesn’t bother to intervene. I’ve had two “god abortions” in my lifetime. Not sure why he didn’t bother to intervene. I sure would have loved to have my baby boy.
The German people minded their own business while Hitler designed, constructed implemented and opened hated execution camps.
When I see a man slapping his girlfriend around shall just turn a away? Do I remain silent when a Latino degrades a black man? If a gay man is getting harassed or beaten shall I carry on with my grocery shopping?
God forbid. I can, will and do mind other's business when I see it's needed.
You do realize that until a fetus is old enough to live on its own, it’s nothing but a PARASITE on the woman’s body. Mind your own business.
Scott Peterson was found guilty of murdering two people. Laci Peterson and their unborn human baby, Connor.
The jury unanimously agreed that two human beings were murdered. On inside the womb and one outside the womb.
It doesn't sound like the jury or the law agrees with your assessment of a human baby.
Yet tens of thousands of women abort unwanted fetuses each years and the law has nothing to say. Seems the numbers aren't in your favor on this one.
What you've said Andrew is the feelings of the person doing the killing dictate if killing a human is murder or not.
Or your saying the feelings of the person dying dictate if it's murder or not.
All fetuses recoil from the scalpel while getting cut apart in the womb.
That sounds like murder.
SOJ, your rebuttal doesn't work. Laci Peterson was eight month's pregnant when she was murdered, and the motive was the pregnancy. The baby could have likely survived had her body been found in time to deliver the baby. Mifepristone only works in the first 8-10 weeks of the pregnancy (up to 70 days after the last missed period).
Patricia, the article below shows that a person can be found guilty of murder even if the child is only 5 weeks old. If one reads it, it raises a truly interesting question as in this case the husband wanted the child aborted not the mother. It's a tragic case in many ways to be sure. But here's my question, if a man makes a woman take this pill, unknown to her, is he guilty of murder? Why or why not?
I'd like to add this to the question Russell.
Because the life energy comes from the sperm, the man has a right to his baby. If the woman aborts the father's baby out of spite, is she on the hook for murder?
Even if the man is an HIV infected rapist? Even if it if happens to your wife or 10 year old daughter? Be real.
SOJ, hush. The right has demonstrated they don’t care for the well being of born children as they’re doing everything in their power to stop aid for starving children in their own country. This farce protecting children makes you all the worst kind of evil.
Robert, Christian organizations in the USA donate about 1 billion dollars for feeding the poor annually.
They must be starving kids by feeding them huh?
Robert, always trying to silence others. Seems you're not much of a free-speech advocate.
What about the part in the BIBLE that says GO AND SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD.
What about the part where Jesus told his followers that if a town did not accept the apostle’s message, they were to shake the dust from their feet as they left. Leave people alone…
Most everyone lives paycheck to paycheck John, me included.
I don't recall anywhere in the bible god telling people to spread their wealth. Not anywhere.
Maybe that's why I'm not wealthy, you lefties keep spreading my wealth to yourselves.
When leaving your comment, please:
Be respectful and constructive Criticize ideas, not people Avoid profanity, insults, and derogatory comments......these comments I see on here. No one is following rules. Like a bunch kids on here
David, it's good to be reminded of these rules from time to time as emotional can run high. Thanks.
Save it, when y’all stop with the passive aggressive attacks and gaslighting, maybe people will be nicer to you. Weird how your arrogant patronizing isn’t well liked, Kester. lol.
Robert, excellent example demonstrating David's point.
This kind of Christian Taliban activism is, once again, showing their hypocrisy . Guns are the number one cause of dr death of children. I've never heard of religious groups boycotting gun manufacturers, gun stores, and gun shows. The Christian Taliban could care less about children. Their whole mission is about control and they are terrified of a growing lack of religiosity. Stunts like this will only repel would-be churchgoers. The Christian Taliban is obsessed with what happens in the womb. If life begins at conception, then by that logic life began a billion years ago and keeps rolling along.
These people are just plain weird. And dangerous.
I think these types of tactics are wrong, but also futile. The big corporations worsjip the mighty dollar.
So your saying that all the hype for the change in syrup bottles and cereal boxes didnt work? its the same tactic
I think that abortion should ONLY be performed during incest and maybe rape. Those rape victims could give those babies up for adoption. Yes, the rape was bad enough, but living with the thought of killing a baby could outweigh the rape by giving it up for adoption. As for the danger of the mother or the babies' life in danger, well, science might be able to save them both. Life starts at conception. It turns into a living being. Adults and teens know the risk they are taking by having sex. If there is a chance that they could get pregnant by this sexual encounter, then think twice. Can they live with themselves if they kill a baby. Ok, go ahead and strike.
Life does not start at conception. Life is on-going. That is, every sperm is human and it is alive. Every egg is human and it is alive.
My choice for an abortion is none of your business as your choice to not have an abortion any of my business.
Adoption is a billion dollar+ human trafficking industry. No one owes anyone a “baby.” If you are infertile then accept that this was god’s choice for you.
Elizabeth, if we were not a civilized nation, then your comment about whether or not society has a say in one killing a baby might be correct. But we are a civilized society and as a society we make decisions everyday about what people can or cannot do with their bodies. But this is not a question of what a woman may or may not do with her body, it's a question of what she may not do to a baby's body.
Till the umbilical cord is cut, that pregnancy is part of the the mother’s body. Or do you just not understand how the human physiology works, Kester? The answer is always obviously no. We are indeed a civilized society where half of us have rejected the barbarism of faith based medicine. Which includes life starting at conception, when it doesn’t. So maybe get with 21st century and realize your opinion should be minded when it comes to women’s autonomy.
Robert, you said that you're a man, so you shouldn't be talking about women's autonomy since according to your comments only women can do so.
A fetus is not a human. It has the potential to become a human but it's not one as a 10 week or less old fetus.
If someone wants to claim it's human, don't abort. But you or anyone else doesn't (and shouldn't) presume the right to tell other people what to do with their bodies.
If people are going to stop women from governing their own bodies then the first thing to do is to ban viagra etc because if a man can no longer get an erection, for any reason, clearly it's goD's way of saying, so sad, too bad, no more snu snu for you.
And let's be clear, no marriage for old people looking from companionship, marriage is for procreation, only. So olds getting married needs to be stopped. And there needs to be a test to determine is a male has masturbated (a sin in the bibble) and if he has he needs to be punished. Sounds ludicrous doesn't it? Well of course it does, because it would affect men and their bodies and they won't stand for that. Not to say of course that men have no problem governing women's bodies. Just the natural state of religious hypocrisy at work. Women are submissive to men...the way the insane clown god decreed
I agree, and I enjoy your sarcasm…
Comment removed by user.
Actually Sperm and eggs are not human, they do not contain a complete human DNA strand, only half. At conception when an egg combines with a sperm then you have a complete and unique human DNA sequence that is then human. And that strand is not the same as the mother or the father or any other human. Also goes to show that it is not just cells because all the other cells in the body, even those like cancers, are the same DNA as the mother.
Peace, White Owl
The problem is that currently there are unviable pregnancies which are being forced on women in states which ban them outright. Especially pregnancies where there is no hope of a child being born. Imagine carrying a mass of rotting tissue which was once a pregnancy, till the hospital has to intervenes, and there’s a still chance the mother still has to be charged with something. Then there’s the women who through know fault of their own end up with miscarriages and are being investigated or charged with murder. All of that has nothing to do with sanctity of life, but with petty senses of control of women’s bodies. These are all sad pitiful examples of pro life dogma which should have no baring on any other person’s life. You want that for yourself. Fine. Go nuts. For anyone else? Heck no.
An abortion is an operation which is none your business, unless it’s yours.-
If the pregnancy is nonviable and rotting then it is already dead and not an abortion. I have no knowledge of anywhere that this kind of procedure is prohibited.
Peace, White Owl
Robert, you wrote that, "An abortion is an operation which is none your business, unless it’s yours." That's simply wrong. The state has a compelling interest in the life and safety of every citizen from the moment of conception to that of death.
No Kester, it doesn’t. I’m also talking about pregnancies which have zero chance of being viable and cannot be saved. The state should stay out of the lives of women and their reproductive health. Unless it’s to help women through a pregnancy or through an abortion with some kind of paid off time off. Then no. Conception is no guarantee to life. Which is why the Bible counted it at first life. Not conception. They are killing women in the name of faulty biology and incomplete data. Like every other “scientific” stance they hold.
Russel, When you can get pregnant, then you can run your mouth. Until then, just shut up…
Paula, I'm sure you won't mind my disregarding your opinion and another call to silence a voice with a message you personally don't like. It would have been interesting if you could have made an argument refuting my claim of the State's compelling interest in the life of every citizen, born or unborn.
As you are aware, a fetus is not considered a citizen by the state. A child cannot be claimed on taxes until live birth; a Social Security Number isn't issued until after a live birth; abortions aren't considered murder, manslaughter, or even accidental death by law... So, while it is true that "the state has a compelling interest in the life and safety of every citizen" it is demonstrably untrue that citizenship begins at conception.
Comment removed by user.
Andrew, while I'd rather gnaw my thumbs off, I must acknowledge that you are right and no state in the US grants citizenship rights to fetuses. In this case, you hold the legally correct position. Kudos.
Pamela, if you’re referring to absences, that has really never worked. And expecting a rape victim to carry a child to full term is a constant reminder of an that none of us can truly understand how devastating that would be.
I get that you believe life begins at conception, but not everyone shares that view. My belief is that the eternal soul does not enter the body until birth, but that’s just what I believe. There is no proof that either of those concepts are factual. I also don’t believe that God has told anyone when the soul enters the body. Personally, I don’t think I have any right to tell a woman what the best decision is for her. I think that should be left to her and/or possibly the father. Let God take care of the rest.
Even God told Hosea to marry a prostitute. As undesired as it was and her repeated cheating, he went to the block and bought her. A bad as it was, he obeyed God and did what was hard. What will you do if God tells you. Political footballs or listen to the Holy Spirit.
Proof that God has a sense of humour? My dear, how can you still be sank into such book like a baby afraid that the dummy will be taken away?
Yes, if God were to ever speak to me I would listen. I should also say that I don’t think God is speaking to any of these people.
Have you ever been a position where you were pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy? Somehow, I think not. Until you are, judge not that ye be not judged!
One person kills another person and your ministerial advice is to judge not lest ye be judged?
I have doubts about who's really in the lead with this organization.
Real shepherds of a flock will not attempt to control their flock, and far beyond their flock, by eliminating temptation, but rather by awakening the self-love of the individuals in the community.
Coercion and extortion are not the way of love, and compliance 'won' by such measures is not virtue.
Religion got a bad name exactly because of this devilish and foolish notion of controlling, forcing people into a ludicrous fake virtue.
Thank you. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone on the wilderness! It has its points, but... 😂
They should also add Viagra and Cialis to the list of drugs that the pharmacies ban. They should also call for banning these stores from selling guns. Maybe then I would believe that this is anything but a sexist plan masquarading as a "pro-life" stance.
Christofascists gotta hate.
“Christianity” is about control. “Christianity” have seen another opportunity through Trump, to gain their lost power(evil of ego).
This is wrong. No one should control what any of us decide to inject or ingest into our own bodies.
I wonder if these investors are willing to make sure that all these children they want born are fed, and have a house over their heads? Millions of unwanted children and Christians are trying to find a way to make more. They tried to get this drug banned through the courts but failed. Now they’re going to try to force companies not to sell it.
Are these the same people saying religion is under attack? Maybe they should stay in their own lane. Stop telling people what they can do with their bodies. Stop telling people where to shop, or what to watch, or what to read. Religion, especially Christianity is attacking everything and everyone they don’t approve of.
I have to wonder what would happen if sensible people launched a counter boycott and bought all the stuff the christians are boycotting…
It's not going to work. All you're accomplishing is training the rest of us not to listen to you. We're never going to agree you should have the right to meddle in the personal affairs of complete strangers. Deal with it.
It seems to me that Inspire Investing is the one politicizing what should be a basic case of a legally approved medication being available to a consumer who wishes to purchase it. Another of the many tactics the religious fundamentalists are using to impose their minority view on our society. This article is an interesting addendum to the previous one on the fact that a majority of those leaving the church are young women.
Man interference again when will it end?
Activist Christians see these issues backward. Rather than using businesses to force their religious views on others, they could act for themselves: Don't invest in the companies ... no threats needed. Live your views. Just don't try to make them mine.
I am wondering why such a big fuss is being made over Mifespritone yet no mention is being made over Plan B? I understand that Plan B is meant to be taken the morning after as emergency contraception, but this new pill would allow someone up to five days after the act to come up with the money to purchase this medication. It just seems to be a way to punish the poor who cannot afford immediate medical care.
Abortion is a personal decision between a man and woman, and in many cases just the woman. Choice is and should be the rule again and keep politics out of the bedroom.
This is a reprehensible tactic made by reprehensible people. And it will work. Believe what you wish, but when you are forcing others to live by your rules, you are denying others their own beliefs.
"Maximizing shareholder value requires Costco to avoid politicizing its services." Who is politicizing Costco's services....
Isn't this called extorsion? What does the Bible say about intimidation, threat, blackmail, oppression, or show of right?
Corinthians 15:33- “Bad company ruins good morals.”
Corporations have poor track records when it comes to doing the right thing. They can barely manage the bottom -line thing.
If these companies cave, like beer manufacturers, there are alternatives. There are states who provide protection to MDs who are able to prescribe for women in more restrictive states, and they sure aren't using Costco et al.
Even if these companies cave to these aggressive stockholders, it won't matter much... Costco et al are simply distributors, and it's fine if their right wing stock holders have their way and lose money themselves... because necessity and saner states will find a way.
Strange how the increase in abortion services nationally seems to be inversely proportionate to the restrictions on abortion.
But, after all "necessity is the mother of invention." And her daughters and enlightened sons will find a way!
The blogs from this church wants people to bash other religions.
I think it’s sometimes to get a discussion going. Sometimes I think that christianity is the main focus of every conversation, and I think that leaves a lot of people out of the loop.
So, the weeds and the tares. God will let both grow together until the end, then separate them. There will always be politics vs beliefs. Satan has a right to this world. He is here and alive and well. He causes division. Christ ones stand up and put Gods message back in place. Satan is a lier and a deceiver walking around like a lion devouring whom he will. He causes unrest
Remember your soul. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul. Eternity is forever. Don’t lose sight that your life is a vapor that appears a short time and is gone. Beating in the air is aimless. Paul said do not get caught up into endless taxing issues that have no solution. Do the best you can. But don’t throw pearls before swine lest they turn and rend you. Gods word stands now and forever. Not everyone will follow its beliefs or standards. Again on that day he will separate the goats and his sheep. Eternity is forever. Make sure you are on the narrow path that leads to a home with him.
From the statistics I could find, 2600 people under 18 were killed by firearms in 2023. In the same year over one million aborttons were performed. Feelings about firearms and abortion aside, which kills the most? It appears that as a society we need to be more responsible with firearms and sex. As far as the religious taliban, I do not personally know of any Christian organization in the United States calling for the violent overthrow of the government and sponsoring highly organized terrorism (taliban does not deserve to be capitalized)
From the NCBI, comes these numbers. "The previous analysis, which examined data through 2016, showed that firearm-related injuries were second only to motor vehicle crashes (both traffic-related and nontraffic-related) as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, defined as persons 1 to 19 years of age." Hope this helps to understand.
taking life no matter how after making life isnt good how ever the life att question will be harmed or not cared for properly is another question alott end up in groop homes orphan homes end up bad situations or abusive homes are care facility now a days are not rating att 5 stars prayers are with the ones having too make such a decision to begin with will thay be able too live with themselfes after minister kevin j venteicher
STOP IMPOSING ON WOMEN!!!! If those bleeting christians are so concerned why are they killing the offspring of other creatures of God to bbq at the weekend? Those too have beating hearts!!
First, selling a legal, government approved product should not be a concern for anyone. What someone does with this type of product is their business, not anyone else's business. As a kid, I remember the furor over selling condoms, anti-pregnancy products and birth control products in pharmacies. I tried to buy condoms when I was 14 and was told "You're not old enough kid. Come back when you're older." I believe we are seeing something like that now and I sincerely hope these folks are shunted aside and the products are available to the adult public...
Why do you think as Christians you have the right to tell other people and their families what to do with their bodies. Christianity is not the religion of the United States. People came here for religious freedoms and how dare you tell them that Christians are the only religion you should be ashamed of your selves
Walmart and Costco likely have professional consultants working for them to determine what the overall views of shoppers in all store locations add up to en masse. If there are more people that believe in the government owning women's bodies than there are that believe that women own themselves, then they will likely pull the products in order to avoid losing money. If they determine that it's mainly politicians whipping their voter base into a frenzy in order to heighten division before a major election, and that normal folks aren't going to nose into what a pharmacy carries in order to have a hissy fit and boycott a place, then they'll carry on with selling the product.
What one might keep in mind is that the same people who pitch screaming tantrums about abortion are the same demographic that quietly buy abortion drugs when they find themselves or a girlfriend with an unwanted or unsafe pregnancy. Just as they say there are no atheists in a foxhole, when one's personal circumstances become urgent, people change their tune real damn fast, and of course we never hear about that because it's a private, secretive action carried out in shame and desperation.
These "Christians" can go **** themselves!
They will have to have their babies