As children return to school all across the country, the fight over what books are available for them to check out of school libraries is heating back up.
With the culture war on the doorstep of one Alabama community, one city councilman has a message to the faithful hoping to censor content in school libraries: careful what you wish for, because the Bible might be next.
Rated R For Religion
“In the Bible, you can find prostitution, adultery, fornication, wars,” explained Mobile, Alabama City Councilman William Carroll. “Men with lower extremities removed. When we talk about information in books, let’s be careful about what you’re asking for.”
Councilman Carroll was hearing grievances from members of a Christian conservative group hoping to censor and restrict what books are available for kids to check out from public school libraries. They argue that dozens of books in Mobile public schools need to be pulled from library shelves and carefully reviewed for content not appropriate for children.
This is a battle being waged between school boards and parents across the country. Some parents – particularly those with strong religious convictions – are trying to keep kids away from books with "offensive content," a wide net that includes everything from LGBTQ+ issues, to discussions of race, to cartoon mouse nudity.
If those topics are enough to get books banned from libraries, then it’s a slippery slope to the Bible, argues Carroll.
“[Just looking at content], it sounds like some of us would want the Bible taken out of the library,” said Carroll, citing the holy book’s allegedly inappropriate subjects. “That would be extremely suggestive, but it could happen if we start (banning books).”
Could Schools Ban the Bible?
It's not out of the question. Bible bans have been proposed across the country, often as a defensive tactic by librarians and secular advocates against potential book bans in their public schools.
When an anti-obscenity law passed in Utah last year, one parent tried to get what they called “one of the most sex-ridden books around,” the Holy Bible, thrown out. In the complaint, the parent sent in a list of more than 130 biblical passages containing “incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape, and even infanticide."
As they wrote in their formal request: “Get this PORN out of our schools!”
And in 2022, after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an anti-pornography bill largely focused on removing LGBTQ+ content from schools, one activist tried to get the Bible added to the banned books list by citing all of the “murder, adultery, sexual immorality, and fornication” present in the text. “If you want to teach morality and ethics,” they asked, “do you really want to turn to a book that wants you to dash babies against rocks?"
Though attempts to get the Bible taken off of library shelves have largely been in vain, activists found success in at least a few locations. In Utah, activists got both the Bible and the Book of Mormon temporarily taken off of library shelves by challenging the holy texts under the state’s morality laws. In Texas, one Fort Worth-area school board banned the Bible, citing its violent and sexual content. Could Mobile, Alabama be next?
Is the Bible Safe For Kids?
Supporters of the Bible ban idea argue that the Bible often has much more graphic content in its pages than other books being challenged. They ask: if the goal truly is to protect children from viewing violent and sexual content… shouldn’t the Bible be added to the list of banned books?
Opponents, on the other hand, hold that the Bible's spiritual and cultural importance override any potentially inappropriate content.
Where do you stand?
Only zealots believe that they have the right to ban books. But when the shoe is on the other foot they cry foul. Well, you can't have it both ways. Remember, YOU started this whole ridiculous book banning obsession. Now live with the results of your actions.
Us parents across the America don't want our children to Satan's lies that Homosexuality is the norm because it is a mental disorder
Mrknowitall - Homosexuality is a mental disorder? Not according to the APA DSM5. Years ago, it was believed to be such a thing, but since then, it has been shown to be the norm in mammalian life. (It is not merely human beings who are homosexual but many other animals globally. I do not know if plantlife is included, at this time.)
Know it all, You are sadly mistaken. The LGBTQIA community is as sane as any and more sane than some. So much for being non-judgmental, huh, Kia…
As a parent, you have the right and responsibility to teach YOUR children the beliefs you wish them to learn. You may NOT teach mine, as I do not agree with your beliefs and as stated it is MY responsibility to teach my children the values I wish them to have. Tell me what right do you have to force your beliefs upon my children? I do not care what your beliefs or values are, just keep them to you and yours and leave mine ALONE. Am I stating this clear enough?
Satan’s lie? You mean Satan is the one who wrote the book Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health? Here I thought it was written by L. Ron Hubbard.
Us parents? No, just YOU parents.
I don't believe in banning books. I do believe that school libraries should have age appropriate materials. A standard Bible might be too much for Elementary age schools but fine for High School or College. There are also Bibles geared for children or teens.
Banning books outright is a slippery slope that should not be attempted.
I agree that no books should be banned. They hire school librarians for a reason, let them do their job and pick the best catalog they can. If they pick a bad catalog, fire them.
I have no problem with KJV1611 being in school libraries, right next to the Qur'an, the Bhagavad Gita, the numerous sutras from Buddhism, and other writings relating to religion.
To use any 'holy book' in a class, it must be relevant to the topic. For example, the Bible as Literature, the Historicity of the Qur'an, etc. The other location in schools would be in a Comparative World Religions class, and taught ONLY by authorities on the subject.
Why limit it to the KJV? Some of the other translations are much easier to understand. If you provide multiple translations, you can also provide examples of the translators' agendas affecting their decisions in translation.
In any case, I definitely agree that the Bible should be removed from public schools in most cases. It shouldn't be anywhere near elementary or middle school children. In high school, its use should be limited to study as literature or as otherwise relevant to academic subjects.
Sorry only the Christian bible is the word of God, everything else is complete gibberish and meaningless. America was built with God and Jesus Christ in mind only and it's no coincidence that we are the greatest country ever.
So why are you here at ULC? The ULC accepts people of ALL FAITHS and you're just here to put them all down.
I imagine that goD and jebus are cringing right about now reading the follytwap you just wrote
What's your proof for those claims?
Why do you believe that the Christian Bible is the Word of God? Not condemning but asking.
Have you ever looked at the writings of the Tao Te Ching or even just the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism? There is no gibberish in them. They come from non-theistic religions that espouse truths about living life.
Why do you believe that the United States was built with God and Jesus in mind only? You do know that many of the founding fathers were not Christian, right? Is it possible you believe that because in the Pledge of Allegience, the phrase "under God" exists? Guess what? It was not added until 1948. How about 'In God We Trust'? That was put on U.S. currency between 1954 and 1956. These were because of pressure of people who were afraid of the "Red Scare" of those 'Godless Communists'. It had nothing to do with the governance of the U.S.
the bibble is a religious document and therefore has no place in public schools or institutions
the only reason to insist on having it in school is in pursuit of the kkkristofascist, nationalist, dominionist agenda of kkkrischin-izing the entire country
these are not good people. not by any means.
Its not a ' religious ' document he/she/they/them, it's the actual word of God. It will speak to you if you believe it. Romans 10:9.....it's soooo easy !
You can NOT use the bibble to prove the bibble is true. It's a tautological argument.
There is no such thing as the 'word' of gdD, he don't speak so how can you hear her words?
Also you should know that goD is bicurious, bisexual, gay, lesbian, non-binary, transgendered, asexual, androsexual, queer, you name it, your goD is all of it.
And yes the bibble is a religious document, to deny it is to be fundamentally cognitively disadvantaged
It's documented that the Bible was written by men and retranslated by men. It's not the actual word of God as it is a book of stories, not God speaking.
Comment removed by user.
Notice how many ordained ministers are giving a thumbs up and to which arguments.
A number of years ago, we had a lead teacher (the one who runs things if the principal is off the campus) at our public school who chose to provide 6th graders instruction in ancient Egypt straight from the King James bible, version whatever version she was reading from.
I know this is true because I was sitting in her classroom observing and assessing a student in her class. And I saw and heard the whole thing.
As someone with a deep appreciation for history, archaeology, anthropology and social studies in general, I was appalled.
As a Jew, I was even more appalled.
Not only was she wrong about how and what she was conveying about ancient Egyptian history, she was dragging the histories of ancient Semitic peoples of all descriptions through the British biblical mud as well.
Such a disservice to the kids, and an academic crime. And illegal in this state... depending who you are.
She should have been reprimanded. But she was married to one of the district's high level high school football coaches, so that wasn't happening.
And in her own gifted area, mathematics, she was an inspiration: to the kids and me...one of the best math teachers out there, I have to say. I've only found one better. She should stick with the math, nu?
At the time the history crime occurred, my concerns fell on deaf ears. But things have changed.
For one thing, this particular teacher is gone and lying to students at another school. I am neither grateful nor ungrateful but I do fear the impact on our district youths' history education. As a math teacher they have a gem and will learn a lot.
Something about staying in one's lane?
But I can happily report that at our school the 6th graders' experiment in the history of Ancient Egypt is under the instruction of an inspired history teacher, and they engage in a a very hands on project and performance piece, with the kids exploring everything ancient Egyptian, from birth, life, death, to food, games, music, dance making paper from papyrus and even some Egyptian religion thrown in. It's hard to miss that one in ancient Egypt!
This is the second year for this production, and the entire school and surrounding neighborhood (inner city suburb) are invited to see what the kids have learned and have to show us: displays, plays, brief lectures, videos, etc.
When it comes to the issue of any religious text in schools, I tend towards the strict separation of church and state. They must not be displayed, conveyed via instruction, or incorporated in any way into schools codes of conduct or discipline.
Then I think:
Our public libraries have religious texts and more in their stacks, because it is considered literature and information, and perhaps even history. Perhaps the bible and other religious texts that are age appropriate may be made available in school libraries for the same purposes.
But only as long as other religious texts are included, whether they derive from the bible, the oral traditions of our indigenous peoples or as far and wide as the Wiradjuri peoples of Australia.
And certainly not as any violation of church and state which is very clear under the Constitution, publicly the moral and legal guiding force for all of us who share public space.
"Religion" in school = bad juju.
I would love to hear from all those that state their is a seperation of church and state staement in the US Constitution. Tell me where I can find it. I have searched and searched the entire Constitution and ALL of the Amendments and cannot find it anywhere. I hope some of these so-called geniuses would please enlighten me! If you are referring to the first amendment, all it says is that there will be no state sanctioned religion over the entire country, nothing about the seperation about church and state.
If the government cannot establish a state religion, and cannot interfere in the practice of religion, that is by definition separated from religion. Hence there is separation between the state and religion.
Tell us you don't understand constitutional law without saying you don't understand constitutional law...
The words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the U.S. Constitution, but the concept is enshrined in the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Known as the establishment clause, the opening lines of the First Amendment
We need protection from the Antichrist like the Jew and LGBTQ+ in a Civil Society.
Who’s the Antichrist? Are the Jewish and LGBTQIA communities the Antichrist? If that’s what you’re saying, then you have no compassion or empathy for your fellow humans. If you don’t have love and compassion, you don’t need to be a minister…
First you need to use the proper use of the word antichrist. It can be used two ways; most use it as against Christ. The proper use is, in the place of. Then you just read all the verses in the bible speaking of him. The best one, I believe is 2Jn 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Then ask yourself who it is, that makes this statement.
From: Edward D Torres "We need protection from the Antichrist like the Jew and LGBTQ+ in a Civil Society."
now see, your statement claiming jews and lgbtq+ are the anti-christ...unsurprisingly ignorant, stunningly hate-filled and a perfect example of horrible kkkristofascism that pretends to be holy and worthy of respect,
just absolute SHAME ON YOU
Homosexuality is from Satan that is a fact. Demons find homes in those who practice such perverted acts therefore we don't want Homosexuals around our children !!
There are no such thing as demons. You have zero evidence of their existence. Your homophobia is gross and you clearly don't know it all.
Homosexuality is just one of many gifts from GOD, you really shouldn't pretend to know the mind of god, accept your homosexuality instead of flailing against those that have accepted theirs.
Do you know where homosexuals come from?
From people just like YOU?
Yup, that there is a fact and you can take it to the bank. It's people like you that make homosexuality. And what are you going to do when one of your kids, or grandkids comes out as gay? Gonna go all biblical on him (or her)?
SATAN blesses you regardless
What does that even mean?? Anti christ then lgbtq??? I only know one person who displays characteristics of the antichrist. Leading by lying, cult mentality, dividing people by racism, gender characteristics, nationalities and bullying. And you know him too. Are you drinking the koolaid?
orange koolaid, amirite?
Yes, it should be banned. Children shouldn't be exposed to: Genocide, murder, incest, rape, and all the other depravities contained in that death cult book, dedicated to a narcissistic deity.
What should be banned is Homosexuality and people like you who espouse that lifestyle, the majority of us, the 95% absolutely have say so, you don't
and what would you be willing to do about it?
If you "edit" a Bible down by taking out the bad parts then you don't have The Bible any longer. You are also tacitly admitting that there are parts of The Bible which should not be read. Then you get the problem of just who does the editing.
It would make for a short paperback.
How about "Be nice to other people and mind your own damn business?"
These book banning arguments always generate the same posts.
I check out each new one just to see if anyone has any new thoughts - they never do.
Why not go back to asking how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
The good thing about these fights is that they keep people busy with nonsense.
They do have a short paperback version, I bought it many years ago at the bookstore. Cliff notes have both the Old and New Testament.
I don't think it necessarily be banned, just don't make it mandatory in the classroom. There are many different religions that are NEVER taught and maybe should be.
No religion in school unless you are prepared to teach all religions because it is unfair that ine religion be pushed on a child or made to feel like it is the only religion that is right.
We have this before you can not force religion on anyone.The best thing is to keep a stock of bibles and let the children make up their own minds up.
With that logic you should also let them make up their own minds about the other banned books.
Comment has been removed.
The article mentions schools where books containing scenes of a sexual nature are prohibited by law in schools.
Easy peasy. If public schools are forced to add the Christian Bible, then they have to add every religious book of any kind. Including from Satanists. Especially since Satanists are one of the big powers behind religious freedom and women's rights and pro-choice rights. Then there are many Wiccan and Pagan books. Religious freedom is just that. The right to believe what you want without persecution. That also includes who to love, the color of one's skin, etc. Islam has 72 different sects, to include the Taliban. If you do not want these things in your public schools, then leave the propaganda of Christianity out of the schools as well. Forcing children and families to have to deal with this is fanatical and insane. Some Christians seem to be bent on forcing their beliefs down peoples throats. I don't even believe in forcing children to attend church of any kind. Keep religion out of public schools and politics. It's distasteful.
ALL AND I REPEAT ALL RELIGIOUS TEXTS SHOULD BE BANNED FROM SCHOOLS. Period. You can teach tolerance without teaching the actual religion. Lessons on actual religions should be left to universities and colleges. Just like you can teach tolerance for LGBTQIA2S people without teaching actual sex, you can teach religious tolerance without actual religious texts.
All thoughts and I repeat all thoughts like this are from satan.....Romans 10:9
Teaching tolerance is from Satan? No wonder Christians are so intolerant.
If you are a Christian, a follower of Christ, as I am you try to follow the Commandments He gave. There are only two. Love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Second, love your neighbor as yourself. I am sad that this simple religion has been co-opted by power hungry people.
I am sad about that as well :'(
When schools are ready to put the Satanic Bible next to the Christian Bible, the Koran, the Tipikata, etc. on the shelves and also teach all of them equally then I would support their inclusion. Otherwise, then schools are favoring one religion over another, which is Constitutionally impermissible.
Holy Christmas, people spout off Constitutionally Impossible like they understand what the document says. Sorry our founders who's intelligence is light years beyond yours and mine wrote and conceived that document with the help of God and Jesus Christ....Separation of church and state does not exist, to prefer one sect of Christianity as more important than another was the stated goal.
I read an entertaining comment the other day that seems to be pertinent to this discussion in general, and your contributions in particular. It said something along the lines of:
Remember when we were in school and the kids in each year were divided into classes according to their academic ability so that the slow kids could get remedial help and the smart kids wouldn't be held back? Well, what that meant was that the smart kids didn't have to listen to the ignorant ramblings of the slow kids. The problem with the internet, and forums like this, is that all the slow kids and smart kids are in the same 'room'...
And, I repeat, the 95% don't appear to be anywhere to be found here, anyone else notice who never gets a single up vote? Strange for the 95%
As a firm believer in the importance of freedom of religion and the value of spiritual education, I firmly believe that the Bible should not be banned from public schools. The Bible holds a significant place in human history, culture, and literature, and to exclude it from the educational system would be a disservice to students. Instead of banning the Bible, it should be embraced as a valuable resource for teaching about different religions, moral values, and ethical principles.
The Bible is not just a religious text; it is a document that has shaped the way people think, act, and govern themselves for centuries. It is a foundational text of Western civilization and has influenced art, music, literature, and philosophy. By studying the Bible in a public school setting, students can gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical contexts that have shaped our world today.
Moreover, the Bible is a moral and ethical guide that can help students develop a strong sense of values and character. By reading the stories of the Bible and reflecting on the teachings of Jesus Christ, students can learn important lessons about compassion, forgiveness, and love. These are values that are essential for building a just and compassionate society.
In addition, studying the Bible can help students develop critical thinking skills and engage in meaningful discussions about complex ethical issues. By exploring the themes and ideas presented in the Bible, students can learn how to analyze texts, think critically about different perspectives, and make informed judgments. These skills are essential for success in college, in the workplace, and in life.
Furthermore, the Bible can provide students with a sense of comfort and guidance during difficult times. In a world that is often chaotic and uncertain, the teachings of the Bible can serve as a source of strength and solace. By studying the Bible in a public school setting, students can learn how to navigate the challenges and struggles of life with courage and resilience.
Ultimately, the Bible should not be banned from public schools. Instead, it should be embraced as a valuable resource for teaching moral values, ethical principles, and cultural understanding. By studying the Bible, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around them and develop the skills and values they need to become responsible and compassionate adults. Let us embrace the Word of God in our public schools and allow it to enrich the lives of our students and our society as a whole.
The problem with the point you're trying to make is that everyone should read your kkkris chin bibble because...stuff.
If you want to talk about critical thinking skills let's begin with teaching kids to distinguish facts (science, math) from fiction (religion, god, saviors)
I am quite capable of teaching my children right from wrong, compassion and empathy, and that the rewards for doing so are to help get along in society. Failure to comply/learn may mean that they are restricted from a favorite treat, or toy, or activity etc. But I would never be so mean and abusive as to threaten them with eternal, buring alive in hell for ever and ever damnation, like your bibble and religion does. That's just pure mental and emotional abuse and people who preach that nonsense should themselves be punished.
So year, while you write a thoughtful comment it's in the end, your justification for teaching the bibble in schools. amirite? I think I am
The bible Does NOT teach that you burn forever and forever and forever. That is a lie that has come down from the mother of harlots. The harlots are those that perpetrate that lie because they have drunk from the wine of Babylon.
Once again you spout off ideas that are no part of the bible, you clearly can't comprehend it because if you did you would know that people do not burn alive in some kind of hell forever, that's a fairy tale. Problem is in order to understand the bible at all you have to believe in God and Jesus Christ, it's written for those who believe and those who believe understand it and know it to be the word of God, it's not written for UN-believers, there's a trillion other books for them !
Does anyone know how to read? In answer to your accusation against me, Your words "if you did you would know that people do not burn alive in some kind of hell forever," these are my words from above, " The bible Does NOT teach that you burn forever and forever and forever." I even wrote it in big letters that the bible does not teach it and it is a lie promoted by a church that has made big money from it.
The most thought out well spoken thought on this thread, anyone who disagrees is just full of hate, is a Homosexual or both
Your intense focus on homosexuality suggests that you need to embrace who you really are...and come out of the closet.
What seems to be the driving force to ban books in the USA not only deals with sex and violence but the opponents also have a desire to conceal the true history of our nation, that being racism, slavery, and genocide. The same application to ban those books from school libraries should be used to ban the Bible, Old Testament, and New Testament, from school libraries and teachers should not be allowed to preach – teach from that book. The far right agenda is to control the information allowed school children to read. They want to hide from their children the fact their parents were involved in trying to prevent equality in the country and not just ban books. Equality begins at home.
Religion is a personal and parental choice. NO religion should be taught or forced on students of differing faiths. Leave all religious material out of the school system unless it is a book with an overview of ALL religions to show the diversity of choices.
I don't think it should be forced on anyone either, but it certainly shouldn't be hidden from them. Maybe I'm just to open minded. I've always taught my kids to make educated decisions based ALL the information on the subject, not just what they want you to see.
If than ban other books for including graphic texts and subjects, then the bible should be banned right along with them. You can’t have it both ways. Let’s just stop banning books. Problem solved.
No religious texts should be allowed in public schools for k-12 students. That way, no one religion is left out…
We are a Christian nation, we don't want any other so called religious books poisoning our children's minds....Were good with the Bible, the Word of God !!!
We're definitely not a Christian nation. Our constitution clearly outlines that we are secular.
I personally think that all works of fiction, including Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Harry Potter etc., should be allowed in schools.
Education is about opening up opportunities to learn and teachers are responsible for managing (to a degree) the material they are exposed to.
The issue with any religious text is that the content is often treated literally rather than symbolically. Moreover the context in which such texts were written are also vitally important.
To fail to encourage critical thinking when reading any text is dangerous. Extremism thrives in situations when valid questions are censored.
Religious texts being taught as “truth” creates a problem. Schools, I believe, need to be free to explore religious beliefs in the context of history, philosophy and sociology.
Educators are educators and not the proponents of any specific belief. Religious intolerance thrives in situations where one belief is taught as the only belief.
There is an argument for schools to be very neutral with regards belief and not becoming an advertisement for any single faith.
Belief is a personal thing and in order to come to your own belief there needs to be time and space for questions to be asked. Spiritual texts like The Bible, the Koran, the Torah and so on can be studied within the framework of comparative religion.
The wholesale banning of any book is something we need to question and challenge - think if any extremist regime. Likewise the promotion of any single text as being “the truth” or “the only way” is equally dangerous.
Alan /|\
No problem with the Bible because most people don't actually read it. They allow intermediaries like priests, rabbis, imams and all sorts of holy rollers to them how to act and think according to this Bible. No need to ban the book, just ban the clergy. Rev. Senderowitz
Well said, Rev. Well said.
I see a different issue. I have no problem with a course in religion. But, make sure it's a critical examination of the texts that underpin that religion. One could spend a year discussing the difficult logic, discrepancies, etc. in the bible. That book is really its own worst enemy when it comes to promulgating belief. But examine other religions and other texts as well. It's a great intellectual exercise when taught correctly. Using it for indoctrination violates church/state separation.
I understand the parental desire, no, need to protect our country's children. However, banning books is not that. Instead it is shear laziness and fear. Access to books will only damage children if there are not parents or responsible guardians to help put the material into context and offer perspective. It is not institutional failure for allowing these books in our places of learning or worship for children to read. It is instead, our failure as parents for not adequately guiding and supporting our children who read the materials. Banning books is much akin to making a martyr, for whatever is taboo, becomes instantly desirable.
I agree. No Bible in schools. The story's in the book are ridiculous and have no evidence to suggest most of it took place.
Once again someone saying things about a book they have never read, your ignorance is astounding....Go back to school and do the work !
what if I told you I've read it and found it to be horribly biased, to be stunningly inaccurate and overall to be comprised of make-believe, childishly fabricated fairy tales and the only good use for it I could find was leveling up the pool table in the game room
I've read the Bible. I laughed the whole way through at its ridiculousness.
The Bible was not written for children. That being said, instead of banning it entirely, why not consider removing it from school libraries so that students are not exposed to this content without their parents'consent.
I have read the bible since I was a child. Never have I had any desire or temptation to look upon the bible for reference to adult pornographic content. I'm sure many of us remember reading the bible as a child, do any of you say the same. For centuries scholars and theologians have always summarized the bible as, "a book that is left to the readers interpretation." People are free to believe what they believe the truth is. If this man believes that the bible is full of seditious adult content then that is his interpretation of it. Personally I do not remember ever reading about female tools of pleasure, as far as I know those things were not invented until the 19th century. That just general knowledge, I'm no professional on the subject so my opinion of course, is subject to interpretation. However in general the bible has always been a reference for wisdom and moral foundation that tell of examples of various men and women who made the wrong choices and the consequences for their choices. For that reason I do not think the bible should be banned from libraries or classrooms for it can be interpreted as a tool for teaching just as much as any other scholastic article of literary knowledge.
In my Three-Score-and Ten on this Earth, I have read many different versions of the Bible. Some are beautiful literature with religious insight, others are barely readable. Within the Bible, some books are excellent for literature study (Ecclesiastes, Job), some are important to gain perspective on our approach to faith (Psalms, the Epistles - especially the Non-Pauline ones). However, the Bible is NOT History! Every book up through Chronicles was based on the different oral traditions complied from the Northern (Israel) and Southern (Judah) kingdoms. And even then you find the differences between the Canaanite and Philistine forms of worship that made their way into Judaism. You cannot even read the first five chapters of Genesis without spotting all of the contradictions that are glossed over. OK. All that being said, should the Bible be banned? No. It should be available to all. However, what version should be made available? There are enough problems with the KJV that, while in beautiful late 16th early 17th Century English, it is now one of the less readable versions. Should it be the Douay version? Oh, no, Creeping Popism! Should it be the NRSV? Too "Middle of the Road" for many folks. Should it be the Jerusalem? This time, galloping Popism! If Christians cannot agree on what translation of the Bible to use, maybe we should all go back, learn Latin and use only St Jerome's Vulgate version! So, in order to satisfy the needs, we likely would need an entire shelf with each available translation (Geneva Version anyone?) so people could read and compare between them.
someone who truly knows their bible, respect good sir
No. The Bible is too vague. Scholars are still trying to decipher the parables. Grade school children are not old enough to understand, and you take the chance of warping their minds. Middle and High school is ok, but on a voluntary. When I was in school, we actually had Bible study, but it was an opt in. I graduated in 1984. In a very rural, southern town. We had the 10 commandments in every class room. It made no difference in the quality of students, or citizens that our school made. Half the class of 1984 are either dead from cancer, or overdose. None of them lived this fairytale life, of goodness and kindness, because of the Commandments, or church, or the Bible study group, that has 25 members.
The bigotry and hateful comments on this thread has saddened and disappointed me. Religious extremism on full display! Smh. The very reason I left the church years ago. So disheartening. We are supposed to walk as Jesus. But I think he has been replaced with something that is anti-christianity. 😭😭😭
I agree with your post. Kids in grade school are too young to really fathom what the Bible is all about. It was too long of a read for me and these things that people are angry about showing the children is mostly Old testament and that's really difficult to read and decipher. I grew up in the Detroit metropolitan area and in an elite community at a private Catholic high School and we had religion class. Mandatory. I didn't learn much never paid attention cuz I really didn't care as a teenager. Now in my 60s I'm reading the New testament. Freedom of the press, we should not regulate things that are good for us, like the Bible which in MHO is the blueprint for humanity.
The Bible should be available in the school library along with the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita and the Torah.
I would fully support this. Our World is not just one point of view. It is many. And all should have the right to choose how they believe as long as they do not promote hate or violence towards others. But will the Christians and Catholics accept the others point of view as they try to install a Theocracy? To be able to learn these religions from the school library but separate from primary education, should be allowed.
I believe that the Bible should be taught at the High Scool level because some of the content is very graphic. My main reason for teaching it is that it details the early history of mankind and much of what is written is very close to what we are living today. As the Bible states, "What was, Is, and Will Be Again. There is nothing new under the sun,"
most of the bible is fiction with no proof of existence in reality written and interpreted by men over the course of centuries with lots of personal biases
It is only a good history of mankind if, and this is a very important it, it is recognized that the creation story is actual a description of evolution, with lower life forms coming first, and higher life forms coming last.
You have absolute rocks for brains ! Anyone who believes we came from rocks is null and void. Its mathematically & scientifically impossible case closed. I can't believe people believe such nonsense.
Curiously you are the only one to claim that people claim that people came from rocks. I think you may have some comprehension issues that should be addressed
May SATAN bless you
No one said that people came from rocks. You're projecting that falsehood on Michael to demean him.
Know it all, are you reading the same posts I am? The only person mentioning rocks is you. Your inanity is astounding!
It’s a great read better than any Stephen King Horror Novels….
The Framers of our State Constitutions acknowledge the One God of the Bible and call him Almighty God or The Devine and we're not confused about THE One God we are under or The One God we Trust. We make concessions for other Religions in your freedom to worship.
but state constitutions don't have affect in other states and can easily be modified/changed at the will of the state residents. what state constitutions say are easily subject to change and have no bearing in this discussion
keep in mind the 'under goD' and 'in goD we trust' were added only recently in our history and should be (and hopefully will be) removed.
read the US Constitution to see what does matter. the use of mystical words and magical creatures do not appear in the constitution and for good reason, the founders understood that the document from which our country would evolve and grow had no need for make-believe, it was/is a factual document
p.s. who is this 'we' that you speak of?
Most of us, the 92% to 95% who are not Homosexual like yourself agree that the states constitutions should promote the majority will of the residents there. With that said what we would like to see is to annex the upper northwest of the U.S. for all Democrats and Homosexuals where they can live in all their peace and harmony together along with every single illegal immigrant where you can have your own separate communist gov't and do what you want. The rest of us will build a wall around your heaven on earth and live free with God and Jesus Christ as the center !
MOST OF US? If that were true then the fundamentalists wouldn't be fighting so hard to enshrine into law their bigotry. Every year there are fewer church goers in this country and not just because bigots force them out. No, every year more people get a real education. At the end of my driveway they finally tore down the old church because no one went inside for thirty years and even then it was just a caretaker. A mile away there is a $50,000 building used once a week for one hour by five people. It is a church too. In ten years it will be abandoned. And I live in small town middle America. Although I must admit, north of the Mason Dixon Line. And before people start throwing around ideas about what mathematics proves where did they study mathematics. I did at three Universities, even taught differential equations.
What is WRONG with you. Remember the motto of the church: we are all children of the same universe. We don’t make “Concessions”; we , like all the rest of humanity, are capable of serving our gods the way we want to!
This comment section is an interesting microcosm of broader conversations in society. Clearly we should be doing a better job in schools teaching US history and government. Let's all get out our copies of the constitution.....
No books should be banned in public schools, but the Bible and other possibly controversial books and writings should be part of well rounded studies. Present the Bible along with the Koran, Tora and every other religious text in a comparative religions course.
I personally think that all works of fiction, including Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Harry Potter etc., should be allowed in schools.
Yes unless every Religion Book is taught.
I don’t follow the pope I follow GOD
Comment removed by user.
There are things that are age appropriate. Books showing nudity or sexual acts are not appropriate for young children. There is a reason movies are rated and only adults can purchase them.
Yet it seems some want the alphabet bunch to show that to children because it’s what the alphabet bunch want.-
Except that's not what they want. That's a lie propagated by conservatives to demonize the LGBTQ community.
First, I do not believe in banning any books. Books should be available to inquiring minds. That being said, perhaps some books could be placed in libraries in the older children section. When I was young, there was such a section sequestered off and "patrolled" by the librarian. If you were too young and were found there, you were marched right back out again. As far as the Bible, I say keep it there. Along with all the other holy books of all religions.
Banning books is a mistake. It has been unilized by the world's worst political figures as a control over the people. We do not need to start that again. Socialism may look attractive to some, but once there, they will not like what has become of their world.
I think you meant "fascism", not 'socialism.' Jesus was a socialist.
Neither Facism nor Socialism is a good deal. Look to the past...they don't work; neither does Communism or Marxism.
There's many socialist countries in Europe, some of which are some of the best places to live in the world.
Do you think so, Michael? Will you be packing bags and baggage to try them out? Or are you planning on toughing it out here? As for me, I was born here and will stay right here, loyal to my country.
I'd love to be able to move to one of those countries but I believe in trying to improve my own country first before abandoning all hope.
It's also incredibly expensive and tedious to relocate your possessions in order to move to a different country so I currently lack the means of emigrating from the US anyways.
If you really had it in your heart to move to a socialist country in Europe, you would find a way. Possessions become a burden, why not shake them before moving and start fresh and new? If you ever decide to make the decision to move, I wish you the very best of luck.
I believe the Bible should be in school libraries, If a child wants to read it. I do not believe it should be pushed on the child but it should be there if it’s their choice to read it.
I don't think books should be banned, whether it's the Bible or anything else. Certainly schools engaging minors must be sensible and conscientious regarding what is age/maturity appropriate - there are certain books that are not helpful for young, developing minds to undertake until they have the emotional maturity to do so in a balanced enough manner. There is a wonderful African American host on TCM named Jaqueline Stewart who's an expert in film, particularly Black and silent films - she's taught classes on them, but she does not avoid or exclude those films that have racial disparaties or stereotypes and bigoted situations, she shows them and uses them as teaching tools. Any book can be discussed and used as a valuable teaching tool by an experienced and excellent teacher, it's all in how it's done. People often seem lacking confidence in their childrens' ability to reason it seems, or they're afraid things will corrupt their kids. Then why not sit down with them and discuss the books instead of just banning them? Too much fear, unfortunately.
The Bible should never be banned. The only reason to censor and ban any books from schools should be to protect the children. Every school should ban sexually explicit books and extremely violent books with lack of value for human rights.
Your contribution was deliciously sarcastic with a generous topping of dark humor! Thank you! So clever of you to juxtapose "we should ban sexually explicit books and extremely violent books with lack of value for human rights" with "the Bible should never be banned"! Beautifully done! I wonder how many Bible-thumpers will realize that the Bible is in fact sexually explicit, extremely violent, and lacks concern for human rights!
Under the First Amendment, the Bible should not be used as a religious teaching tool in school. Yet under the same Amendment, neither should it be banned from school libraries, regardless of its content. It should appear on the same shelf as the Koran, the Talmud and other religious texts.
If you want to ban books in schools for the various reasons given by Morons4Lunacy and their ilk, the Bible must be included in such bans.
No books should ever be banned, though common sense and common decency should discourage topics of blatantly questionable moral character; topics of which even the readers would agree appeal to one's lower nature. To the contrary, the Bible should be welcomed, along with the Quran, Hermetica, Torah, Emerald Tablet, Vedas, Asclepius, Puranas, I Ching, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Tripitaka, Tao Te Ching, Book of the Dead, Upanishads, and many more; far too many to list here.
I think the Bible should not be in schools, unless every Bible from every religion is there. The Torah the Catholic Bible, satanic Bible, Islam, Mormon etc, by just giving the Bible for schools, is not fair because some people are Islam some people belong to the satanic Church some people believe different beliefs. So they have to make it fair that every religious belief is and will be available for each student of different faith. Now how are they going to do this with different beliefs. I don't know. I live in San Antonio and 12 of our public schools are closed so unless all religions, Bible's are accepted then I will be in agreement with that law. But the Bible alone just the Bible the regular 66 page Bible King James version, amplified etc. Then I have to say no on that the Bible shouldn't be allowed. Unless the other religions are recognized as well. Thank you Minister Dena
No, but it shouldn’t be alone on the shelf under Religion. There are plenty versions of religious texts of all faiths tamed down for children. Religion is a part of life for many families and I don’t see anything wrong with little Johnnie taking out a Bible, Quran, Torah, whatever.
Smut and gore are everywhere. Fact of life. Just tone it down for young ones, please! If you want to get into smutty and set the giggles going in the classroom, introduce your 12 year olds to some Chaucer for English Literature. That will do it.
I’m a spiritual atheist but I still handed my kiddo (read to at night) all three of the aforementioned holy texts to give him a well-rounded approach as he was growing up. (Okay, I did ban South Park for a few years so call me a bad mother if you want to.)
My problem is not with the books - it’s with any teacher who would cram the contents down a child’s throat. Books are there to expand the mind, not to choke on.
Teachers, leave your own religion, politics and sexual persuasion at home and answer questions thoughtfully. Don’t use books as a brainwashing prop. Thank you.
When examining the standard of censorship, or prohibition, of literature in a public academic setting, it is important that such standards remain uniform in nature.
Should holy texts qualify for restriction under the same qualifications, then their restriction is necessary--regardless of the affiliated religion. In terms of the comparative analysis of religions, it is generally inappropriate for such study to precede secondary education, and more appropriately found in postsecondary education.
Regardless of the enforcement of any "moral laws" which qualify religious literature for restriction, the comparative analysis of religions in an academic and professional setting should exempt texts from restriction, for only such purpose.
Christ was very clear about separation of church and state, he stated render unto Caesar that which is Caesar (the State), and unto God that which is Gods (the Church). The founders of our Country were also very clear on Separation of Church and State, look at what happened when church and state were intertwined it was a destructive, have we not learned anything from history of the World, the reason this country was founded was so that we could have freedoms, it not wise to mix oil and water or gasoline and a match.
I'm not in to banning books. I was reading about the French Revolution in 5th grade. I was reading Asimov in 6th. But no wisdom tradition should be given precedence in public institutions. Sunday school was where I learned the beliefs and traditions of the religion I was raised in.
I believe in the separation of church and state. That being said, our "Pledge of Allegiance", paper currency etc all say, "In God We Trust".
This is a complex issue, however it needs to be addressed and there needs to be dialogue that is of a critical thinking nature vs an angry and shortsighted-overly simplistic view.I do not believe in banning books. Books inspire, create and develop each and every one of us. Some are unable to bring such religious texts into their homes due to circumstances, so they find solace reading outside of their homes.
No one should be denied access to any religious text nor knowledge they are interested whether it is to pursue or to just be knowledgeable about.
I believe that the person who brought up the points re the Bible was counteracting the "Christians" re their hypocrisy, arrogance and hatred to make a point. I can understsand that and I do not blame nor hold anything negative re that individual.
To ban, is to demolish and disrespect therefore causing grief, anguish and anything but virtue, understanding and love.
NO religion/faith/beliefs are above any others.
I find it almost fascinating how riled people get regarding banning of certain books from school and public libraries. It is nothing new.
In 1972, the Placentia-Linda Unified School District in California actually banned Jonathan Livingston Seagull because "it hints of the concept of reincarnation." It happens to be far less 'poisoning the minds' of people than some of the concepts found in KJV1611.
Why not ban it and the Qur an? More people have been harmed, through the ages, by the content of the Bible and Qur a than by any other two books, EVER!
Should read “Qur’an”
yes. Not everyone subscribes to the same spiritual path.
The Bible should 100% be banned from the public school system. Religion doesn't belong in a system with diversity. Why risk alienating people and their beliefs. That's why laws were made to keep religion and State separate. Why is this even a question?
The bible should not be banned. That said, Brave New World, To Kill A Mockingbird, and all the other amazing and brilliant books on the “banned” list should be in every library. Books are not evil. imposing your beliefs on the innocent, and taking away free will is!
The Bible and other religious/spiritual texts should be in schools for study, use, and sharing. Did we forget the place is called school a place of learning? Nothing should be banned if it’s exposes our children to what they will be exposed to known and to parents in the word. With the assistance of responsible educated adults and Teachers children can be exposed to sensitive and complexed information just make it age appropriate or and at the proper time in the development of a child and teen. We are seriously dumbing down our children not only culturally but with basic knowledge that is important to know to navigate the world. We do our children a disservice to ban anything they will face. Why not expose in a safe place of learning with supposedly teaching professionals that are changed with preparing our children for the world not to just survive and have information for testing but to thrive and change the world for the better to evolve into better beings of inspiration and wisdom. They should know business to why racism/prejudice/phobias exists and how to change those dynamics for better relations among peers and improving global relationships. We can’t have our children learning with narrow minded views and stunted understanding of how the word moves.
Just like most books, the bible should not be banned in public schools. Also, the bible should not be used for student assignments in public schools below 8th grade, in my opinion. It can be used with other resources when students are of an age that they are making judgements and understand poetry and metaphor. Bible assignements at younger ages could be construed as the school promoting a specific set of religious beliefs.
Are you the coke dealer that turned minister? KUDOS to you!! You knew my sons & helped them when I had a nervous breakdown. I too have become such, in my old age. Like people think those close to death should do. But I have been talking to my Guardian Angel for some years now and IT HAS CLEARED UP MANY THINGS FOR ME. The logic of the brain with the mind of Soul is a challenging combination but a logical one for the information needed by a Creator that has been learning since before the beginning of time. To be "all knowing" requires ALL the information of all life forms that's been created until there's "nothing new under the sun"....but do you think that will ever happen? We are sparks of that Creative Fire & we create & recreate constantly! Our curiosity is ingrained into our being....now you know why! We are the fingers of our Creator!
With diversity being what it is in the United States these days. Wouldn’t you have to make the Qur’an as well as the Bible and any other religious book available to students to study?
Let us not forget all be it fiction..,
In Ray Bradbury's 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, a culture which has outlawed books due to its disdain for learning, books are burned along with the houses they are hidden in.
I pray we never come to this.
I believe in this, if you don't like it in schools then home school your children, oh wait that means I can't drop them and go do what u do daily. So then if not public schools one say I will just put them into private schools, which are basically catholic or somewhat religious. Leaving you again to tend to your children. Good luck trying to get them to understand the way of life which is basically given to you from the Bible. All of this starts in the home and if you can't get to it because your working a 60 hour work week this day and age, at least the schools could assist with the guidance to create wholesome young men and women. But for now the way it is, all I will say is listen to the music on the radio and television. That's what we are graduating out of our schools, no values, no self dignity or respect. World we have to gain back the control of our youth or we will be in a world of hurt.
so women at home tending house and babies, men at work supporting the family, children drenched in toxic religious fumes from which will rise children with values, self-respect, dignity and music YOU can appreciate? did I get that right? I just want to be sure I'm understanding what it is you're saying here.
The separation of church and state is vital for preventing the rise of a Theocratic Dictatorship….just check your history people, specifically the Inquisition and the Crusades.
Any religion that pushes for the removal of books because they don't align with their teachings should have it's own books removed from the selves. There are so many descriptions of sex and murder that this book called "The Bible" that it falls into the category of what they want banned. We do not need a Theocracy as the government of the United States of America. With all the fear and contempt Christians and Catholics have sewn, both religions should be labeled as Hate Organizations in accordance to the law.
From the beginning....being tempted to be like their Father (knowing ? from ?) was banned but the DESIRE to learn was overwhelming. Banning anything creates the curiosity as to WHY? Questions such as "what's wrong with it?" "what are you hiding?" ..."why don't you want me to know this?" etc.,etc. Restrictions created curiosity...and mankind has that in great abundance. As does the Creator. Our entire universe and every universe was a learning process of matter and gases in every conceivable way, shape, fashion and form. From an endless fasciation as to "what is this to become?" Banning things excites one's curiosity until it becomes a DESIRE...once fed, we seek it out again...almost like a drug. Most things can only be understood with time and maturity; with growth and changes. And the Bible is no different. We know it differently than when it had the "hidden meanings" of the dark ages! Any and all writings are open to interruption. And that's the beauty of it all! Children who have seen farm animals mating will not be surprised by sex ed. but anything out of the "norm" for some will be the DESIRE to know BECAUSE IT IS CONSIDERED "FORBIDDEN" ! Rather than what it is; the Soul's memory of a previous time, in a previous gender. (Now I know this will raise a lot of noise but there's an energy that makes this mud and blood form move and it's not just YOU but the spark of the Creative Force that exists thru out the universes. We call that energy Soul which is different from the energy that sparks the brain.) Back to topic....schools MUST teach our children how to SURVIVE in this world; parents must teach them there is more to this world than meets the eye! Holding either back will only do them great harm and slow down our blessed evolution!
Well said Ms. Rebecca! I agree!
If it's appropriate to ban any books from schools, "The Holy Bible" should certainly be included by the banning guidelines. Religious significance should not give it a pass from qualifying traits. This should be a big hint to people that no books should ever be banned because "offensive" is a subjective concept.
Parents should be responsible for bringing their kids up to know what world they live in. Whats really being said here is that these parents don't want to have to deal with guiding their kids through a world they themselves do not understand. Parents,educate yourselves on how best to talk with your kids about these topics. Don't be bigots and do not teach them to hate those who would identify as someone other than yourselves. Teach your kids how to be an attractive example of their beliefs. So that outsiders would see what they stand for and willingly want to participate.
I am a reader of all sorts of books, I went to a religious school, and a public school. I feel no book should be banned from schools, libraries, or any location anyone can obtain information for learning and entertainment for mind, body, and soul. I also feel past books should not be edited, because someone is "to sensitive" about our ancestors, and the cruelty that they did to others. If we don't learn from our past, we are all destined to repeat it.
I believe ALL religious texts should be available to ALL people. Maybe grade school is a little early to understand the context of the literature and the time it was written. High school age children should have access to all religious literature. They can than reach their own conclusions, provided that they are aware of time and context. Sometimes some guidance may be helpful in that respect.
Bibles should not be banned anywhere. The teachings in the Bible are the foundation of ethical peaceful society.
Has anyone here read any history at all?
Or a newspaper?
Why do any of you keep arguing with the fanatics?
Some people are terrified of dying, terrified of living if they have to think for themselves, and quite often terrified of women in general.
They don't reason in the sense of most people, they merely react based on a few ossified "truths" they have been taught since childhood, indoctrinated so deeply in a psychosis that they don't dare to actually consider that they might be wrong.
That's why they just keep repeating the same nonsense and work so hard to control women, sex, and their children as well as everyone else.
They happen through history burning witches, trying to take over governments so they can force other people to do and live exactly they way they want.
Think about how feudal Japan operated, samurai believed in a horrible ethic and all the rest of the population believed they were correct because it is the only thing they were taught from birth.
Most of you can think of other examples from history and from modern life.
They believe that they and their few fellows are the only real humans and have the only correct way to believe and behave. That they have a divine right and mandate to "fix" or eliminate everyone else.
Arguing with them, pointing out where they are so wrong simply wastes your time and reinforces their belief that they are persecuted by every other person with a different belief system.
You can't argue someone out of a psychosis, you can only annoy them and everyone else by trying.
They do not believe in evidence so explaining things to them just makes them certain you are headed for hell.
Many religions don't have a hell but the ones which do tend to breed fanatics.
I'm a trained mathematician and physicist so I seek evidence.
I also know that showing evidence to a fanatic only annoys them.
When I read some of the comments I always wonder how people can read any version of The Bible and forget that the Jesus himself wasn't a "christian", in the New Testament Jesus was a Jew.
As a Jew he didn't believe in damnation, hell, or forcing others to "believe" in him or anything in anything like the sense that evangelicals do today..At the worse Jewish "hell" is a condition where the person is ashamed of things they have done.
In fact, the Bible is made up of various Jewish documents and even today rabbis are arguing about whether a non Jew can enter an afterlife. Rabbi is not a priest, he, and a few shes now, is a teacher, an interpreter of religious law.
According to the Bible, Jesus just wanted everyone to be nice to everyone else, which is enough to get you nailed to a tree even today.
people here are conveniently overlooking one little fact; these things are ALWAYS about the kkkris chn bibble (and probably a very specific version at that)
it is NOT about exposure to ALL religions, rather it is always about exposure to kkkristinsanity (and probably a very specific version at that)
and the reason there is/was a discussion about banning the (probably a very specific version of) bibble was in retaliation to these kkris chins being offended by books in school libraries that mention or discuss same-sex families, gay/lesbian BTQ+ questions or issues, even books that discuss how racism has affected this (US) country, or abortion, even women working.
the kkkrsitofascists are out to create a theocracy exactly along the lines of the taliban in afghanistan. morals police, fashion police, woman's place is in the home, the man is the provided
Land of the free, to choose what we want, if we decide to keep the bible in schools, we need to have all religions in the schools then, not just one, to keep it equal for all. So that's one of the reasons bibles shouldn't be in schools,
Creationism using the Bible backed by the science of Intelligent design is what we are promoting in the Public Schools. Evolution as the only explanation of Origin has been debunked with 21st Century Discovery of our DNA and RNA.
creationism is religion, ID is a made-up thing with no facts or evidence.
evolution has most definitely NOT been debunked, except by 'believers' in (sub-par) intelligent design
DNA have further strengthened the theory of evolution, showing relationships between species and how they've changed. RNA may possible be the original engine of evolution
Only a moron would believe in the theory of evolution, science and mathematics have proven it a lie. And another thing most of us didn't need that kind of proof we know we could not have come from rocks.....That's absolutely brainless and anyone who really believes that doesn't have much of a chance at anything.......I n the words of Richard Dawkins and I quote : " The is zero evidence supporting the theory of evolution, we just know it to be true "
First of all, science and mathematics have categorically proven Genesis to be untrue while also providing plenty of evidence to support evolution theory.
Second, I can't find anything attributing that quote to anyone. Did you just make it up?
I believe he quotes from answers in genesis where science and facts go to die
Discovery of DNA and RNA happened in the 20th century. Such discovery has NOT debunked Evolutionary Science, rather it has actually substantiated Evolution. Neanderthals have been proven to be a separate species from modern humans, with many people currently having 10% Neanderthal DNA. Also, Punctuated Equilibrium has been substantiate by the sudden appearance of a new bear species brought about by Polar Bears mating with Grizzly Bears. Surprise- such crossbreed bears are actually FERTILE. This is evidence of Macro-evolution.
We're 98% pig and 10% neanderthal? I've actually read 2% neanderthal but either are just at as good. We're more closely related to the crocodile than the caveman.
Bears produce bears. That's not proof of evolution, it is in agreement with Genesis though.
The more I researched evolution the less atheist I became. One day I knew I wasn't an atheist. Just ain't got the faith for it no more.
Please give us some sources of your research on evolution. Books, authors, internet, etc., I'd be interested.
You can't Google without finding it rev bh.
Quick comment: You ask BH to do a Google search to reference your claims. It is YOU who must give examples/citations when challenged.
In schools, it is not up to the professor to research to claims made by the student.
If it's so easy, please google me some links, as I politely requested. I see 4 others who would be interested, too.
Dodgy non answer, SOJ
I can find all sorts of things using Google. Doesn't mean all of it is true or has value.
I think that would be Charles Darwin, not to mention millions of facts from astrophysics, millions from genetice, millions from biology, millions from archeology. vs one very old book which has scores of different versions. BTW those who deny evolution please stop taking flu and covid vaccines every year as the new virus EVOLVES every year.
SHOJ, you know that we are related to neanderthal and in fact, Homo sapiens cross-bred with them which is how many carry some part of their genome.
and where do you get this nonsense we're 98% pig (at least those of us non-kkristofascists)
and crocodillians were around before dinosaurs so yea, no we are not remotely related to them. seriously, where do you get this nonsense, same place as that other guy, ?answers in genesis? where science and facts go to die?
the thing about evolution is, it's factual. of course, one has to be somewhat read in the topic to understand it but the facts are all there, available for anyone who wants to study and see/learn for themselves.
point is, there is no effort to being an atheist, one simple disregards everything that people like you spout off; easy enough and effortless. now to be a kkkristofascist, that takes effort, commitment and a whole lot of cognitive dissonance, which you seem to excel at so good for you
Crazy when people spout off facts they know nothing about. Neanderthals were regular humans and yes macro evolution is normal between species....Micro evolution is scientifically Impossible. And to the Moron using the kkkristofacist word, you are so friggin stupid its scary. I find people who use the word fascist are easily brainwashed and cannot think for themselves, people that are haters and more often aligned with Hoosexuality
Says the person hating homosexuals lol. You're the one who's been brainwashed into thinking that the world is only 6000 years old despite significant evidence to the contrary. You think what you're told to think by the Church; you're the one who can't think for themselves.
It's 2024. If a kid wants to read a Bible he can download one. His parents can buy. He can buy one. It's easy.
It's just as easy for a kid to get all the LGBTQIA++ materials they want with video instructions on the stuff. The ladder is known to cause addiction but it's still at the touch of a tablet.
If humans want something and it's available, they'll get it. No big deal.
When schools instruct in either of these two they're flawlessly fitting the definition of indoctrination.
Let's just stick with reading, writing, arithmetic, history and practical science.
why would you feel it necessary to suggest that LGBTQ+ can get all the materials they wan with video instruction, then point out the risk of addiction clearly alluding to LGBTQ+ desire/need for pornography as if straight people weren't drawn to and addicted to it as well.
it 'seems' as if you were trying to make a connection to gays and porn while conveniently excusing horny straight boys and men.
now why would you do that?
trying to cast aspersions on the gay community?
I agree JJ, my bad. Leave straight sex from schools also. Those horny boys don't need any help sorting things out.
Lol, you should have been in the room when my sex Ed teacher tried to force me to describe the method of Early Withdrawal as a form of birth control in front of the whole class.
I gave it to her brother, she got her answer and never asked me another question again.
Kids go to school to learn to read and write. I don’t think religion in any form should be taught in school. Same with any topic that is even a bit controversial. Politics, sexuality, religion should all be taught at home by parents. Schools need to stay in their lane. Let parents parent and schools teach reading, writing and math.
Don’t misinterpret what I’m saying. My point is parents need to step up more and be more involved in their kids lives. Be there to answer the tough questions according to the family units beliefs.
I think religion should be taught in school. I don't agree with lgbtq+ , I think anyone marrying same sex or preaching that it is ok is not understanding of the bible. This includes the pope.
And see, that's the point. While you're entitled to your opinion and beliefs which you expect everyone to accept, you are not accepting of others.
I can probably say for the most part, speaking for the GBTQ+ community, we disagree with you. And no one is asking you to marry anyone of the same sex or preach about it, likewise though, no one cares if you are against it.
Since I don't believe (in or) as you do, I am under no obligation whatsoever to follow your beliefs. I am always struck by the thunderous ignorance of some who expect all others to believe as they do and abide as they do. It's simply stupid to expect a non-kkrs shn to care one way or the other about how or what or why a kkkrs chn believe or thinks.
It's like that joke, if you're against same-sex marriage, don't marry anyone of your same sex.
You have the right to believe as you wish
You do NOT have the right to govern how others believe, or don't believe (unless your the fashion and morals police of the taliban)
There are many faiths and one faith should not be ban not as far as in public schools unless it is a public catholic or Christian school the Bible should not be allowed in the school teaching because how it will affect and offend people not of that religion and faith
I think the Bible should stay in schools and be available as a religious text along side other religious texts. The Quran, the Torah, books on all world religions.
I believe it is time to take an “all or nothing” attitude when it comes to religion in our secular schools. Either we expose our students to all religions so they can make informed decisions about their faith or we remove all texts on religion and leave that teaching for their parents.
If the public schools offer world religions study, yes.
IN GOD WE TRUST ... (it does not say what or whose God) ... keep all books ... the parents have to do their job instead of trying to blame and put the responsibility on someone or something else ... certain countries have their own language, laws. rules, beliefs and culture ... when you jump ship and run to another country (because some people are afraid to try and change their own country to something ... Better?) ... then you must speak that countries language and abide by its rules and regulations and not try to change it for your own liking. Grow up humanity, and learn some common sense ... If at all possible.
My comment is simple. First amendment. The freedom of religion without the "fear" of persecution. Removing any religious texts is a violation of this if even 1 individual says they want it there. A simple solution...place it in the same section every library I have been in has that is regulated. Even schools have had it way back in the 70's when I was a kid. You had the Liberian regulating which books the younger children checking out.
No, the Bible should never be ban from our schools. Like any History Book the Bible is a History of Christianity.
The bible’s a book of short stories some of which are arguably fiction. So, there’s really no reason to ban it or require it. Let teachers & students use it judiciously to make points, stimulate discussion & encourage intellectualism. It’s not the word of god. Please…
I personally feel that the BIBLE should be allowed in the schools. I was raised with it in schools and it didn't hurt anyone then.
What about the jews, or maybe hindus, muslims, native americans, buddhists, wiccans, atheists. Were any of their concerns addressed or were they just ignored because...not kkkris chn?
So so long as something didn't affect or hurt you it's fine and you don't care about its affect on others? Once again I have to slap down the tag, that's not very christian of you, is it?
Good day all! I believe that all books have value! To skew information to one viewpoint leads to bias critical thinking not pure, open minded thought where you can apply critia with critical thinking skills, also found in books of different ways to think about whatever subjects are proposed. To comprehend, ponder, debate, talk with each other not at each other would benefit us all. Critical thinking is how you form your understanding of any subject. Not criticizing, berating or belittling another's person for their analysis of subject(s) as far too many people die from someone else's beliefs). Instead shouldn't we all consider, discuss and delve to understand ourselves and our viewpoints with acceptance of conflicting opinions. We are all here together as ordained humans and like it or not we are all on a bell curve some far out of center, some who are like minded with much yet to learn. Creation or evolution? How can we truly know anything without being open to change of viewpoint with new information! Is the world still flat NO, is our Earth the center of the universe NO, so with new information and new criteria we form new opinions or ideas about ourselves and our surroundings. Isn't this our purpose for living, our creation and our evolution, to further our growth in understanding and acceptance?! To judge another isn't as necessary as is understanding ourselves in relating to another, in my humble opinion, otherwise we are only obstinate or stuck, closed to possibility(ies). Death to the wrong side of your line only puts an end to possibility. Could both be true? Evolution and Creation, I mean, or is science not looking for the God particle as we speak!? Argument is to be right but, reading, writing and discussion is to seek understanding... Open the library door and you'll find fiction next to non fiction but, should we curtail any or all? Read and learn the author's view, then open the table to discuss what you got from the work, as well as, others at the same table will have slightly or completely different reviews or analysis of the same information. Might be a good thing to think for yourself as it gets tempered in the heat of talk and doused with cold views as no one ever agrees fully. Accept the great outcome of the other and yourself because maybe it will congeal into a mutual understanding of the material. Sister Marie
in my opinion yes let me explain why which Bible, we have freedom of religion and speech, and there’s a separation between our government and religion. They did it for the churches not for the guy. The problem with the Bible is there are so many different religions that which one are you gonna allow in schools since we have a separation of church and state absolutely no religious material in the schools of course is my opinion, religion should be taught. It should be taught at church not at school.
The United States government and the citizens of America have forsaken God long ago. Religion always fails. Relationship with God is uniquely individual. Parent's responsibility to raise their children was taken away by vote of citizens of America through the respective state and federal government. The Bible in most versions is of great historical, sociological studies, political, economic and civics (political interaction of citizens to government) educational value. Compulsory prayer was removed in schools supported by the Supreme Court and justifiably so, no person should be compelled to pray to a God or god they do not believe in, individual prayer was not and cannot be taken, but can be persecuted. We witness the indoctrination of children in America's today. To confuse a child is simple, just present the indoctrination statement as fact three times. Any nation that forsakes it's children is doomed. America does not educate it indoctrinates. Teaching what to think is quite different than teaching how to think. What do you think?
Your goD has no place in government, period! If parents want to indoctrinate their children's minds with poisonous religious nonsense let that be done at home, out of sight. But there is NO place for it in the schools and it should not be tolerated.
As to your statement about indoctrinating children, that is what religious education exactly is; indoctrinating children into thinking religion and goD is real and doing it by terrorizing them with horrifying tales of hell and damnation.
As to your last statement, here in quotes:
"Teaching what to think is quite different than teaching how to think. What do you think?"
The only thing religion teaches is that their own religion is right and all others are wrong. And that isn't really even thinking, just parroting.
Religion is the antithesis of thinking (much less critical thinking).
And that is what I think
You're welcome
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The banning of texts has been paramount in the history of the world. What is one man's honey is another's poison. And while one man's words are brilliance, to another they are perverted, dangerous, and grossly incorrect.
Having said that, there is a dark danger to the suppression of words, and dare I say that one comes from the church, and the other from government.
From the church comes the means and desire to control the religious narrative. As we have seen in several "books" which were not included in the Bible, the inconvenience and ignorance of the author's words becomes reason for banning. And to a local extent, we had a rather nasty (turning physical) fight over which form of the Bible is the correct version, and which version may be used in the church. To see people lose their minds over a book is odd, and at the same time frightening.
From the government perspective, we know that government wants to be "helpful" and select what its citizens are allowed to read. Sometimes it's well meaning, (as in the prohibition of pornography books in public schools), but most of the time it's like those fighting over the various versions of the Bible, or those faiths trying to prove their religion is better than your choice of religion. And let's be honest, we have all seen the fights in politics with the news and social media control of the narrative. I think have our preferred candidates, but government's malfeasance in the topic has proven to me that they are 100% untrustworthy and incapable of managing what we read and see. Clearly, government should do what it was designed to do by the founding fathers, which is to manage the assets and media between states. Nowhere does it say government shall protect citizens from words, thoughts, or opinion.
Ergo, if one prohibits one text from access in public schools, and public places, then all texts which people feel are offensive should be removed. BTW, in some schools this would make the library the size of a closet. Does anyone remember the controversy over the book "Curious George", the little monkey?
Personally, I think in the public eye, all texts should be available without any bans or limits. The only limit would be a parent's suspension of access to a minor based on Family Belief system, but then that requires parents to be parents, and not cede the responsibility to bureaucrats and malcontents in government.
I'm reminded of my younger days in religious studies when asking for access to the Book of Enoch, and was told by the instructor "never ask for that again." One has to question why suppression of writing creates such a hostile reaction. Why can't I read it?
The other books were not included because they do not fit within the entire text of the bible, its like me writing some story and saying it should be included... The people of the times knew immediately if something written was not the word of God.....Don't be deceived
I recommend you learn about the history of the Canon, and how for 3 centuries after the Resurrection Christians were instructed by writings of apostles that the Romans eventually rejected because they didn't serve their political ends. The Bible you hold so dear today is a collection of altered texts specifically chosen to ensure that Christians would subjugate themselves to an hierarchy of priests who in turn would serve the whims of a Pope. You may not consider yourself a non-Catholic, but the Bible you read is the Catholic Bible, and the beliefs you hold are those carefully chosen to ensure your blind obedience to a One World oligarchy.
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So you only served and fought to protect YOUR religious freedoms, not for others of DIFFERENT FAITHS? And correct me if I'm wrong, but are there OTHER RIGHTS that needed defending as well?
I know that when I served, it wasn't just for those things that I approved of, I served my country in the defense of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY, of the US Constitution (to which I swore allegiance to, Oath of Enlistment).
If you think you get to defend only the rights of some and not all, you are not an american and as it stands, based on what you've written, you seem to only care about and willing to defend those whose faith you approve of.
For the others, well, it's not very christian of you, is it?
It is very Humbling to see you carry such a Prestigious amount of Religious Titles Sir, but you are speaking very uneducated, and it shows you have never served this Country or it's People in a Positive or uplifting manner. I can only Pray you will understand one day before your Race is Ran, that you will have a Revolution of Redemption. The Lord is My Defender and my Strength. Reverend John R Wobrock DBA; SGT Rock US Gorilla Forces
They only want to ban the bible because it is what is right. Too many want to make right be wrong so they can continue to do wrong without a guilty conscience or answering for it. To pretend something wrong is right still doesn't make it so. The Devil has always wanted to destroy our children and if you have read the Word, it is true! Leave the bible in the schools and libraries. Grown-ups shouldn't be allowed to strip the world of Godly knowledge, should be banned! It should not be your choice! If you choose to follow Satan then you chose that. You have no right to make that choice for everyone else.
Just as an aside - many prominent people (politicians) who claim to be Christian do not do what is right, or follow Jesus commands to love God and neighbor. Reading the Bible, having it posted on a wall or having a prayer recited does not a Christian make. However, it, along with other religion's holy texts should be available to all children so they can make decisions based on knowledge, not fear.
Mster HB Lovey...I agree, that damn bibble should be in all schools, all classrooms and I will fight for your right to have them there. Of course, I expect you to have my back as well when I introduce the tenets of The Satanic Temple be made available to the students, as well as the Qu'ran and the Vedas. After all, we have to be fair to ALL the religions, don't we? I mean, there is that damn pesky Constitution that has to be adhered to.
I know you and I would like for the students be exposed only to your kkkris chn bibble and my Satanic Temple Tenets but sadly, we HAVE to make room for those other religions. Amirite?
Yours in Satan's Eternal Blessings,
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Years ago when the Bible could me read in school, things were different. The children showed more respect, less discipline problems. We need to get back to the basis this country was founded on. Which is God. I am a former special education teacher.
You don't appear to understand that back then this country presupposed that the only religion that mattered was kkkrstinsanity, jews were supposed to keep it to themselves, islam was unheard of and ungodly and, there was something else...what was it. Oh! I know! Years ago racism was the rule of the land and so was homophobia.
So yeah things were different back then. Thank Dog we grew out of that (mostly, but not nearly enough).
I don't have a copy handy, could you indicate where in the U.S. Constitution it mentions goD?
So kids today have less respect, more discipline problems you say? How exactly does that correspond to religion in school? Seems to me that respect and discipline are 'values' taught at home (encouraged in school, but taught and reinforced at home).
So maybe the problem isn't in or with the school, or whether or not there's a bibble in the school or classroom but what happens in the home. I think what you are saying without saying it is, the PARENTS are at fault and which has nothing to do with the bibble in a school
I believe that EVERYONE should be able to choose their own religion, and the Bible SHOULD be in schools to give the option of learning about Christianity. I'm so sick of seeing how "oh I'm offended" it literally does not harm you in any way for a freaking book to be in a school 🙄 if you don't like something, don't look at it, or don't pay attention to it.. it's not that hard!!
My personal opinion is, that the Bible, Quran, writings by His Holynes the Dahlia Lama and other religious texts should be available in school Libraries only. Then they should be filed in the reference section. Along books on the subject of religion in general the history of religion and how religion shaped developed and shaped of human civilization and culture.
No books should be banned. Perhaps restricted by age, but none should be banned.
Growing up I carried a bible every I went. Reading some of the comments on here seriously makes me rethink getting my clergy through Universal Life Church. Who would ever under any reason want to ban the Bible? If the Bible is banned from schools does that mean the Christian students will be crucified like the Jewish students are now just for being who they are?
Sandra, your martyr is showing.
I suspect that what you would like is to actually have kkkrs chn students "...crucified like the jewish students are...". One think I've noticed is the more kkkrs chn a person is the more they appear to want to be persecuted, I guess they think it makes them holier?
And as for ULC, that's not really your 'clergy', it's really more a membership card to a not very discerning club.
And welcome
As long as other religious texts are allowed, so should the Christian bible be allowed. Most religions have a common past and theme, and even from a non-religious standpoint are important glimpses into the past and our history of development as a society and as a species.
This is simple. If the Bible is banned from a public school library, then ANY book that is even remotely controlling the spiritual thoughts of a child in public schools, those must also be removed. But please never forget that the United States of America's first government was based on the words if the Bible.
Wrong. Our founders specifically excluded religion from state. Try harder, your nonsense is showing.
Hmm, lets see now. "and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of natures God entitle them". "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". And concludes with "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence". Not direct quotes from the bible, but it sounds like they all had a solid religious foundation and relied heavily on that when forming our nation. I'm with Quinn of this one.
A GFY letter to some king across the pond isn't all that relevant...and doesn't mention Jesus' dad. Meanwhile, our nation's founders included the No Religious Test Clause in the original Constitution, and followed up with the Establishment Clause in the first set of amendments. You're welcome to be with Quinn if you're really wanting to be wrong as he is. But at least you tried, silly kitten.
That's a Yuge problem ! A person cannot become born again of God's spirit once they confess allegiance to Satan, it is an unforgivable sin, it is the only one therefore I simply disagree....Romans 10:9
Banning books creates a slippery slope. There are children’s bibles so why not put a copy or two on the shelf in the grade school? A copy of the adult bible is fine for high schoolers. Personally, I believe the bible or any religious book from another religion is dangerous but banning books sets a bad precedent.
No I don't think the Bible should be banned, it's a history of the pass and it's the revelation of the future. What has been on the pass shall be a part of the future.
To be honest...Yes!
Let the children be free of expression and thought and as an adult we have no right to force an idiology they dnt even resonate with until its taught to them...Leave the kids alone and let them decide which direction the creator want them to follow...We have been misinformed and miseducated...and they can see that corruption because they are innocent and pure...why not protect that aspect we wish we could have back and let it grow naturally. Maybe our world can finally get the peace it really needs! Music should be placed back in schools because it alone can treat illness of the mind body and we do this with Mudras, chakra chants which my kids love because it helps them de-stress from outside external forces disturbing their natural order to nature.
Hope that makes sense!
I love you family, Everyone have a great, great day! We are a small part of the population. But together our voices scream louder! Minister Dena
Everything that's in the Bible. We hear or read on the news.i think we need more religion in classes and get rid of cell phone usage unless it's for 911 calls.children today that's all they know.thwy bring the phone to the dinner table.theres no real family time.lets bring back the old values we had years ago.
so you want a kkkris chn version of sharia law?
you say more religion in the classroom so...islam, right?
you advocate for going back to the 1970s phones with the long twisty cord on the kitchen wall?
if your kids are bringing their phones to the table and no real family time...sounds like it's YOUR fault
which family values are we talking about? the wife stays home and does all the housework? kids are seen but not heard? blacks know their place?
I'm very curious to understand where you're coming from
Whether you consider it religious text or not, the fact is, the Bible is a history book. Same goes for the Torah and the Quran. No different than books about the Vietnam war, the Holocaust, the Great Depression, Racism, or the Crusades. They are all accounts of what happened in the past. We learn from the past, at least we are supposed to. Too many people today are trying to erase history because somewhere, something happened that was an insult to a particular race, gender, color, creed, etc. Erase it and we will make the same mistakes again and again. Libraries are full of history books with references to religion. Most wars were fought over religious beliefs and some accounts are pretty graphic. Remove one, then you must remove them all, because someone will always find something offending somewhere. Take many of the Disney stories for example. I grew up on these. They teach valuable lessons, yet some find them hurtful. Society is really getting ridiculous with it's self importance. If you don't want your kids exposed to certain literature, then be a parent and accompany your children to the library, or home school them and leave history where it belongs, accessible to everyone and anyone interested in it.
the bible is not a historical document nor a history book. it's a religious book that mixes up (a LOT of) fiction with (very little) fact
There are plenty of books out there that mix up fact and fiction depending on the authors personal experience, research, and what they choose to take artistic and creative license on. Everything is subjective. I believe the bible to be a gathering of historical accounts, religious or not. Jesus dying on the cross was a historical account as witnessed and documented by Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Its up to the reader to decide if its truth or not. Those of faith would believe. No matter what anyone's belief is, the bible and all other religious text should be available to all publicly, so they can come to their own conclusions. We shouldn't make up their minds for them.
it's not like they're NOT available, just not in schools.
as for historicity...yeah the bibble is so far fetched that anything that ends up being actual fact was most likely put in the bibble by error.
jebus on the cross is a story made UP by M, M, L and J, a conflation of many different crucifixions in the time of Rome to make some goat herder a martyr and a hero, if anything poor jebus was a schlub used to further the goals of MML&J
Just like many history books, the Bible is filled with a lot of misinformation and was used to control the masses through fear. If it is something you want your kids to follow, at home or in your church is where it would be appropriate. No disrespect intended.
Absolutely NO to the banning of the Bible! In fact I believe it should be in every school library in its many translations and versions.
I don't know about "every translation" English is fine .. if parents want the kids to read it in their native language; they can do that at home.... No need to fill up library book space with that much repetitiveness
Banning books is like standing on the edge of a cliff waiting to fall off. However, the Bible should be read and taught at home, or if you are an ardent Christian, in a private school. The USA is a melting pot of many religions. As you have seen, open the door and it's like the little dutch boy at the dam sticking his finger in a leak. As to Satanism, do what you please, it's your life, your business, but please don't shove it down my throat, or my children's throat.
Schools are an institution for learning and there are a lot of children that don’t have access to bibles to learn from in their homes (permanent or temporary), emergency shelters, or other placement facilities. If “In the beginning GOD created”, “In GOD We Trust” (the National motto of the United States for which we reside, our money, emergency vehicles, even some businesses and buildings in our communities express by whom we were created and who to trust, then our schools at very least, should offer learning about the Holy Bible to children, which are so precious to GOD, Our Father and Our Creator.
Ma'am I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but that made no sense at all. Faith in God has nothing to do with basing it's foundations within the material things around us. Free will was given to us to be free to choose what we believe. Children do not know the complexities between good and evil, sin and virtue, these things are for the parent to teach the child. They go to school to learn the things of the world but the difference between right and wrong is the responsibility of the parent not the schools.
Thank you for your sharing your opinion. However, my response doesn’t mention “Faith in God, the complexities between good and evil”, nor the difference between right and wrong”. I merely pointed out that school is an institution for learning and if we, adults and the children (old enough to read), can see with their own eyes all around our whether on the money that their adult/parent/themselves, etc. use, or our United States motto etc. than why should it be “banned”? It’s okay in our jails, prisons, hospitals, medical facilities etc., but not even to be on a shelf in our school systems…but it’s okay for atheists, agnostics, all other religions to be taught as well as our President and his administration to push LGBTQ+ onto anyone with a means to hear or see… I respectfully agree to disagree.
Vicki, the first part of your comment is rambly and I couldn't make sense out of it, but the part about "...atheists, agnostics, all other religions be taught as well...", could you explain how atheism is taught in schools? Also, do you know what agnostic means (cause I don't think it means what you think it means).
As for pushing LGBTQ+, it's not being pushed onto anyone other than explaining what those letters mean and how those people have as much right to be themselves as you do. As for those LGBTQ+ people, the only ones to blame for them wanting to be treated fairly and decently is you. And their parents. Because there wouldn't be any LGBTQ+ if it weren't for straight people like yourself making babies that grow up to be LGBTQ+. Think about that the next time you want to complain specifically about the LGBTQ+ community
Thank you, but no thank you. Good evening, good luck and GOD bless you.
I feel all Holy books should be studied in High School by every one. Open minds make for a better society.
I do believe in the separation of church and state. But my suggestion is do not ban the bible (don't preach it or have school prayer) but include all the world religion's books in the school library. Why only the Christian book? Why not the Qur'an, the Bhagavata Gita, Tao Ti Ching, etc. That would make for a more well-rounded education. And doesn't it say in the Constitution that the government protects the freedom of speech and the practice of all religions?
Secular books glorifying deviancy is different then a book explaining the horrors of adultery and unnatural acts that spread disease and negate the family bond. RuPaul is not a role model Jesus Christ is. Look what's happened since the prayer was taken out of schools. We need Christ Jesus more then math science English or social studies. We need all that but if people don't change their ways their gonna have terrible lives and eternity in hell.
Except many of the books being banned do not glorify deviancy. Some of them explain the horrors of sexual violence and teach compassion for others. They're not filled with pornography; often it's just that the author is black or LGBTQ+. I'm an atheist and I have a great life. I don't need religion to be happy.
The bible should not be banned. As a matter of fact, prayer should be put back in school. All of this "politicaly correct" stuff has to stop. Just because it may offend a small group does not give them the right to take away the teachings of the bible.
so screw the jews, the muslims, the hindus, the buddhists, the wiccans, the atheists...it's all about you and your own particular religious views, eh?
maybe a law making it illegal to be any religion other than what YOU decide is the right one?
what next,, put them up against the and....well, in your dreams you know what happens next
If they are talking about the bible being in a school library, yes, I feel it should be allowed. Christians are already teaching their children so this won’t be a shock to them and they would have been taught to read the New Testament, preferably beginning with ACTS, but I suggest reading Matthew and on while I educate them that Matthew, Jesus is still alive. He dies in Acts and the New Testament enters into the Christian lives. Read through Revelations. Then read from Genesis and on to the New Testament. That is history. When I read it I didn’t like God at all. Of course I feel differently now. We need to know where we are right now in life and read on. Then revert to the history.
I also advocate for all religions and spiritual beliefs to be allowed in the school libraries as well. The diverse information for all who want to read it is good and healthy for the mind. We all should be aware of other people’s belief system, the way they were raised. I have read other religions books and many are similar to the. Christian Bible, especially the Quran(sp?).
Taking bibles out of school is just what Satan wants and the communist left wing in office so they can truly rule the way our kids are taught they have been doing this since they took prayer out of school keep it so you can learn all religions and make your own decision
There is absolutely no good reason to ban the Bible in schools! If for no other reason than it’s a collection of teachings regarding molality, which the entire country is running short on these days. I don’t think it should be forced on anyone. However, it should be an optional elective. It shouldn’t be any more offensive than metal shop.
Put all religious books in the library.. if kids are interested, they'll seek them out themselves.... This is the 1700s anymore America isn't a Christian/protestant country.... That's one of the reasons why America was founded... To be other denominations..... Now we have other religions... To bring the bible into the classroom is disrespectful and almost hateful toward other CHILDREN of different beliefs.
I certainly think the king James version should be band and the original bible should be welcome back into not just school also homes churches and all four corners of the earth. It is now that the true teaching is needed. There's so much False doctrine spread throughout the world. To were the proper teaching is being held up. With the condition of the people in the world I would dare so it's the devil. It's the missing direction to keep the people kept and in disconnection with higher source, the creator of all things. I think this way towards every act that dose not align with the conscious enlightment to higher self.
I have no problem with addressing age appropriate materials in public schools. No religious materials should be introduced in K-8 schools. I believe that comparative religious studies would be appropriate for 9-12 grades as an elective. Even an advanced course for specific religions after the comparative studies prerequisite. Again, as an elective and not part of the required curriculum. All it really takes is a bit of common sense, granted, that it's a commodity in short supply today. There are plenty of studies that have absolutely no place in the curriculum of public schools and plenty that are crucial that have been removed. The entire U.S. public school system needs a vast overhaul. It is comparable to a very buggy computer operating system that has been hacked and loaded with viruses and malware. It needs so many corrections that the current system could not survive.
The Bible is the blueprint of humanity. The so-called pornography the people assume is in it is really part of the seven averages that we must overcome. The same with the violence. You cannot overcome something without first understanding that it exists. Therefore we must be aware of them, children should learn the difference between good and evil without having it whitewashed for them if the assistance of parents who really weren't raised right in the first place. Woe be unto those who call evil good and good evil, thus said Isaiah
I am a firm advocate of choice not mandatory regulation of what people can or cannot read, view, believe, or think. Make books available, at sign out, perhaps have a questionnaire seeking the reason the selection is being chosen. If such reason isn't sound then the book isn't checked out. Something like that other than taking choice away. Adults have a responsibility to help youths make informed decisions not making the decision for them.
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It should be available in the library. If in a classroom, then by all means, ban it! Separation of church and State and all that. But by the same token, all of the books that were banned should be unbanned.
No! The U.S. constitution is based on the Bible and Christianity .And the most discriminated Religions in the U.S. today. A Jewish person can ware the Koppel. A Muslim Female can ware the Hijab. A Satanist can ware a shirt with the devil on his or her clothing . But a Christian can not ware anything concerning Christ without being kicked out of school. The U.S. needs to go back to it,s roots. And stop this attack on Christianity.
whoa, slow down there slick, you couldn't be MORE wrong.
in fact its your kkkris chns that are constantly pushing their beliefs where they don't belong, like school and government.
the part about wearing different things but kkkris chns can't is pure nonsense, you're making it up and badly, I might add.
there is NO attack on kkkrsinsanity, in fact it's the other way round, you kkkristofascists are constantly attacking everyone that doesn't believe in you. you're not being attacked, you're feeling the affects of defensive action taken by the people you yourselves are attacking
oh and by the way May SATAN bless you
I hope you know you just proved my point. I,ll pray for you. God bless.
I have been looking @ your replies to Christians. Rev JJ. And you have completely proven what I said. In each one you were just looking for what you think is an excuse to attack Christians. Like I said Christians are the most discriminated against people in the world. thank you for your help. God bless.
I,m sorry what I said in my statement is in the U.S. But since I brought it up. they are the most discriminated against religion in the world.
Look, if the other religions of homosexuality, evolution, science, and transgenderism can be taught, then so should the bible. Some will say that there's no proof that the Bible is true, but the same goes for the others. There's no proof that homosexuals are born that way, there's no proof that people are born in the wrong body, and science itself is based on theory, not fact. It's true until you prove it's not. I am in no way saying that these other religions are bad. I'm just saying fair is fair. If you're going to teach evolution, which is based on theory, then the alternative should be taught as well.
tell us, Doctor David, when did you decide to be heterosexual? I'll wait.............................................................
There's actually plenty of proof that homosexuals are born that way and science is based on observable and repeatable data. There are scientific theories but again, these are based upon the evidence we have thanks to scientific study. They are not religions in any sense of the term.
Now there's going to always be a war over this so instead of commenting my concern of opinion let me ask a few questions what is the bible , merely nothing more than a book and ink. What contexts is inside that book alot of things not a single child should know about nor hear or see. Jesus Christ name is yewshua Spanish Latin, in biblical era there is taboo incest relationships with mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters until mosaic law of Moses, where is became wrong. Back to yewshua his mother Mary committed adultery and Titus made her and the child of Christ leave in which Mary had them joined the streets then Joseph had taken her in, yewshua father was a Roman Sargent, there is on the 1st page book of Genesis where it states. Worship no gods but me, that's I'm not quite how I would think that no other god or higher spirit exists and, sounds an lot like what in the book god describes as Satan. Now if we look at the church you see it together a lot of people including some of you here say I'm going or heading to church but your not your going or heading to meet with the church in which a deemanle fact is a cult by definition so before anyone else states their 2 sense make sure u comfortable having those conversations,
First In Hebrew His name is Yeshua longer form Yehoshua . In English Joshua. Yeshua, means salvation or deliverance. It comes from the root word Yasha meaning to rescue or to save. In no texts does it say Mary or in Hebrew Miriam commited adultery. It said Joseph suspected her of adultery. Then in a dream an angel Gabriel came to Joseph and stated do not be afraid to take Miriam your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Yeshua., because he will save his people from their Sins.
I,m sorry but I was baby sitting and could not stay online. To answer your question . What is the Bible ? The Bible is the inspired word of God, And many of the stories in the Bible has been proved to be Historical fact. Through archaeological excavation. For example : 1 . The city of David has been uncovered . Along with evidence of other historical figures of that time as mentioned in the Bible. 2. Noah ark. 3. Hezekiah's tunnel. 4. The city of Sodom. These are among the just a few of the archaeological discoveries that has been made . So your opinion does not align with historical facts. But the Bible does. God Bless.
Comment removed by user.
Stop with banning the Bilbe
As the right wing of the Universal Life Church I would like to say as a Christian of course it’s abhorrent to even think about banning it but on the other hand this is exactly how it’s supposed to shake out. I’t is a bit tiring slogging through the lead up to the end times as it just gets lousier and lousier this is a very important time to have faith in god and recognize there is nothing to worry about as we have the millennial reign coming up.
The Bible is a book. Pure and simple, it is just a book. Some folks swear by it, while others swear at it. I figure you leave it on the shelf, and let the reader decide. However - the Karan belongs on the shelf as well, and for the same reason. If someone wants to put the 10 Commandments on the wall in the classroom, fine. But, make a space for followers of other religions as well. I'm sure one can find good words to live by that have been written by Mohammad, The Dalai Lama, as well as many others. The courts have already ruled that separation of church and state is only crossed when the Judeo-Christian ethic is the only religion represented. IMHO this isn't rocket salad surgery.
No I don't think the bible should be banded because it is his true word from God..
but only if you can prove that it is
I personally do not have any problem with the Bible or other such books from other religions being in public schools so long as the intent is not to proselytize and these books are left in the library as a reference giving students a chance to explore their faith or the faith of others.
Class rooms, however, should be for reading, writing, and arithmetic, pure “academic”.
no one should have the right too religion do thay need a bible though is the answer and question id like too bring up att question i was understanding as long as you beleive in any thing in life or gods lords angels you are able too pray anywhere and will being looked att them all from the heavans hell heaven parralles dementions space galaxy and beyond
Personally, I don't believe that The Bible, or any other religious book should be banned in school libraries just because they are religious texts so long as they are not considered required reading. If one religion is included, then any religion that wants to make its texts available in this way should also be included. They all, however, should be held to the same standard as any other book in the library. The stories of Noah and the flood, David and Goliath, and the beheading of John the Baptist all contain gratituous violence, and the Song of Solomon is quite erotic. If you want to eliminate books that contain these types of stories, plus polygamy, adultery with concubines and prostitutes, and slavery, you have the holy grail of all of these in The Holy Bible (pun intended).
No the Bible should be in all schools
i been fighting for this since i was 6 grade and then thee school started getting me in school suspendtion but that didnt stop me
Amen 🙏 and Full Respect 🙏
If you allow the bible in the school, then you allow all books and walks of faith in the school, not just one!!!
Banning books depending on someone's own personal values is an incredibly poor way of dealing with issues. You create division and drive topics underground rather than in the open and, of course, to open and honest debate. Putting you fingers in your ears and saying, "no I am not listening" when you morally disagree with something is incredibly foolish and people who do this need to man/women up" and deal with it openly. It is not helpful. When Hitler ordered the burning of books, the ideas they represented did not go away.
The freedom to read what you choose should be just as important at the freedom to talk. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Parents should educate their children of the dangerous things, the nudity, the violence. My children were born and raised into young adults. They knew what a penis and vagina were when they were 5 years old. They knew what good touch and bad touch mean. They knew what sex was by the age of 12. And knew that it is not a shameful act. It is an act of love and honor. My children have graduated high school. Some are in relationships some are not. They have the freedom to choose who they want to be, whether they have a partner or not. Only one of my children is not a virgin the rest are. So respect the opinions of eachother but also note that books should not be banned sole because they “offend” certain people. Educate about books.
I would only point out the difference between most of us and a fanatics. Everyone isn't entitled to their own opinion when that leads them to hate and violence but more importantly, no one is entitled to their own FACTS.
The Bible, like all other books is there for children to learn from if they desire. Banning books should be banned from school, or to only take out the sexual explicit or extremely violent ones. If kids need to learn from those, and the parents who allow children to read that stuff are the ones who would alllow the children to look it up on their phones or go to a public library to find it.
No the Bible should not be ban from any public place or location
There is a reason that the Constitution specifies a separation of church from state. Religion is intrinsically personal and not something that can be taught in school. Individuals should have the right to practice the faith of their choice or NOT! Not everyone has a deep seated fear of death which is required for faith.
God loves all.
All religious books should be banned from school, if you're interested in it you should seek it out yourself, while you're in school you should focus on your studies and on the reality of this world instead of focusing on the spirit world and the entities in it.
You can not remove God Jesus I Christ from anything. He Created it, it belongs to Him, no matter what it is.
To ban the Bible would be the flame needed to also ban any kind of publication that discusses ethics, morals, and situations of growth that can be confusing for many lost soaks in need of comfort, guidance, and real life experience solutions.
The Quran is allowed in schools so why are they only trying to ban the bible. The bible and quarn and any religious book has its place so long as ot is for self study and not taught by a teacher. It is why religiois books are in the libraries so students can check them oit to read privately for self study. Should we allow the otjer religious bokks in as well? So long as they are for self study and no one is forcing rmthe book or religion on a student. I also believe the bible I checked out from my school library saved me from committing suicide at age 14. No one told me it was there and I happened to be drawn in that direction and say the holy bible there. So I would ask those who want it taken out of the school libraries of they want a rise in teen suicides and shootings. There is a boy who would have shot up fellow sumtudents and teachers in his highschool and the bible at the school library changed his heart. So tell me if the other religious books are already there like the Quran, Scientology books, and even wicca. Why do they want to remove the Holy Bible in a manner that is pure prejudice? Isnt it time they were charged legally for stopping the freedom of religious choice?
The "Bible" is a part of history. But, so is spiritual religion, Buddhism, Greek mythology, and so on. The "Bible", however, was more of guidelines and historical events of Jesus, aka "King of the Jews". Every king has a place in history that needs to be passed down through the generations. The "Bible" has been re written so many times that Christians themselves, are falling astray from it. Teaching the Bible should stay in the churches but the teachings of Jesus and his time should be incorporated into history lessons as should the spiritual guides as well. We also need our children to learn of the indigenous ways. If we all come together with peace and love, as Jesus would want, we can accomplish great things!
There is a separation between church and state for a reason. The stare should not have any authority when it comes to regions matters or anything Involving the church. But this is only my opinion.
The Bible is one of the oldest history books in existence no reason to band history I know the government has tried to edit history and history books in the past and will probably try again don't let them
The Bible should not be banned from public schools, nor should it be mandated. it should be offered and taught age appropriately. Just like any other textbook. As for banning other books because of their content that is not acceptable. However, books and literature in general should be available on an age appropriate basis. By the time students are in high school, there should be very few limits on content.
I do not think the bible should be banned from schools. A lot of people have turned away from God. They really need to bring him back to school along with the bible. learning age apprropriate is the way.
Lol. What's the point of banning books? Evil is now made available everywhere. Check out social media. Go to a gay pride parade. Seriously look at what American morality has become. Look at a world that worships money while letting people starve. We have the privilege of having our faith tested and it only gets worse from here. These are the times fortold to us. The Bible should be mandatory reading, along with the Tora and koran. But devotion to God can't be pushed upon people. Either you have it or you don't. Unfortunately many are lost in an effort to find instant fame on tic toc. God bless, good luck.
As a former public-school educator responding to the question of "should the Holy Bible be banned from public school libraries", I recall I was in 5th grade when I found myself curious about religion. Specifically, I wanted to read for myself all of the Sunday school stories found inside of the Bible which was told. I eventually grew up reading the bible from front to back which took me 1 year and 1 day to do so. At the same time, because I was trying to find religion in my own life, while reading the bible, I would compare it with other religious books, which I did find similarities and differences (most of these books/bibles were found in a public library). I even went to the school library and checked out a Oui Ja Board book in 8th grade because some of my peers were playing with one bought from Walmart. I just wanted to know more about the board, regardless of the stories I heard about it. The library was my discreet way of settling curiosity as a child, which has assisted in who I have become today (I am 60 years young). Because these books were available to me as a child throughout my school years, I now study Buddhism as a philosophy of life with quantum physics, which fits with my Native American Spiritual cultural. So, from my experience, I feel that ALL books should be available to students as a resource and tool for study purposes or a source of curiosity. School is for learning and I, as that small 5th grader, was allowed to use free will (and with parents' permission) to pull those books off the shelf of a public-school library. It is up to the parents to tell the child not to read certain things out of the public-school libraries and not to bring them home, but for others, who do not have the resources at home, should be allowed to read them. By the time they are 18 (around the age of high school graduation), most children are already going to have a concept of what is in a certain book, whether it is religious material or not. School is where I found that most Atheist just want to be the best they can be on a daily basis and do not dwell on what happens with the afterlife (a 9th grade student taught me and a whole class of high schoolers that). Ignorance is the problem with most who do not want to learn about the interest of others (especially when it comes to religion or culture) for understanding. Learning about others makes a more positive diverse culture of understanding and tolerance.
Sure there are many aspects to mull over as there are viewpoints, when censorship raises it ugly head then free will goes out the window. If parents don't want thier children to read it, or any book then it is thier perogative, but to lend that assertion on others is lending to disaster.
Some people, I my opinion, do not understand what the separation of government and religion means. It does not mean a total absence of religion ion government premises or anything like that. What it means is the government may not create a state religion. Prayer in schools and all that is OK because it, is not a state religion.
The Holy Bible is all that is left that has everything we need in it. From life to death and all in between. As it is known as fact, bad has always tried to take over good. I will choose to read my bible in spite of anyone elses views. Those who choose not is on them but no one is going to take away my right inside my home and outside of my home. God's teaching in the Bible are my teachings to those near me and sometimes to those afar. For sure, people who don't believe in God will not agree and the Bible also tells us that and goes further on to tell us that some will not believe to the degree of eternal burning. I am not surprised. Just don't tell me that I cannot believe in the Holy Word of God and I will teach it to those who don't have it that are willing to learn it. Banning the Bible, "to me" is not the answer or is not in comparison to banning of others. The Holy Bible has all of history in it from beginning to end so why would anyone ban it? Everything is there. I don't and will never agree to banning the Holy Bible.
I don't agree with the banning of books,yes I worry that the Bible will be next,we all need to be praying and speaking out about this
The greatest thing about the United States is our freedom of choice. Freedom is not your right to think and say what you will. Freedom is your willingness to defend anothers right to think and say what they will, even if you totally disagree with them. Americans need to learn that.
Some of your ministers are not Christian, like myself, so you're asking myself, whose faith is already banned from schools and rightly so as a priestess of my faith I dont believe any faith belongs in schools or government, if I feel Christianity should be an exception to that rule and I do not.
I believe that in order to understand and even admire or respect other cultures we should All learn about each other. If the Bible is to be in the school systems, then we should also have access as learning tools, to all religions and this should begin with Judaism and Islam. We all want peace but when we limit our minds, hearts and most importantly what we believe then we will never have peace. I've heard that, "The heart wants what the heart wants", but there is more to the human experience than one human facet. In my heart and what I have for my fellow human is first love then a need to understand all others. I have gotten into trouble before because the world climate doesn't receive the questions I often have. I have asked people in my workplace and community to please tell me about their home or culture. I never bring up religion unless it is requested of me but in general people are afraid to share. I say we learn about all religion in order to understand other people's faith and why they believe what they do. banning the Bible is a mistake, instead we need to accept all religious texts except those based on illegal practices of course. I would recommend each school system or even educational government system consider and recommend this as the appropriate course of action. I know I am not wrong about the general idea of what I have shared but I welcome any changes to these suggestions.
Remember that I mean these books and teachings should be available in school libraries not the classroom unless the course is a study of world religions.
The Bible should be taught in the schools
1) The Bible has been the source of many English literature like Shakespeare writings. Without it we wouldn't have the greatest classic that many study in English classes.
Shakespeare writtings has lots of Biblical imagery aswell .
For example in Macbeth
Act 1, Scene 2
Sergeant: Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, Or memorise another Golgotha (1.2.45)
This is clearly a reference to Christ death on the cross.
Act 1, Scene 7
Macbeth: If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly (1.7.1)
A reference to what Jesus told Judas at the last supper in John 13.27: "That thou doest, do quickly."
2) The Bible was a influence to form our United States Constitution and the Bill of rights for example
In United States Constitution "the Year of our Lord” is mentioned before its signatures.
Which Lord is it speaking about but the God of the Bible which was in reference.
3) The greatest scientist believed and was inspired by the Bible.
For example:
Isaac Newton 1643 to 1727. Passionate dissenting Protestant who spent more time on Bible study than math and physics. Profoundly changed our understanding of nature with his law of universal gravitation and his laws of motion; invented calculus; built the first ever reflecting telescope; showed sunlight is made of all the colors of the rainbow.
so just the bibble, right? I mean, I'm assuming you have a particular 'version' in mind, right?
but along with the bibble you would approve other versions, right?
and along with other versions, you would insist that the torah, and the qu'ran, the vedas, The Satanic Temple tenets and others would also be side by side and taught right along, as well, right?
or are you one of "those" who "only" want your kkkris chn bibble in school and taught? yes? it's okay, you can admit it, that you "only" want your belief, bibble, version, taught to children. right?
Newton also worked diligently to find the philosopher's stone and pursued what we would term mysticism in many forms. Just because someone is an expert in one field doesn't mean they are correct about everything. That would be like thinking sports heroes, actors, and singers are qualified to make religious or political recommendations for others. Fortunately no one does that.
BTW, some of his Newton's papers are titled: "Nicholas Flammel, His Exposition of the Hieroglyphicall Figures which he caused to be painted upon an Arch in St Innocents Church-yard in Paris. Together with The secret Booke of Artephius, And the Epistle of Iohn Pontanus: Containing both the Theoricke and the Practicke of the Philosophers Stone."
I stuck with Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathemati.. and Opticks (optics) when studying early physics. I skipped the ones about magic.
When the founding fathers put into the Constitution a Division of Church and State.The mentioned statement was not to allow the state to rule the church or the church to rule the state. It was not until 1963 in the case of Abington School district v. Schemp The Supreme Court ruled that MANDATORY Bible reading and the Lords prayer was unconstitutional. But students could still VOLUNTARILY say Silent prayers and read the Bible or other Religious texts on their free time. And form Religious clubs. Religious symbols such as the cross was to be permitted as long as it is not state sponsored . BANNING THE BIBLE ALL TOGETHER IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS OR NOT ALLOWING STUDENTS TO WEAR RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS SUCH AS THE CROSS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL .
Here is how you will move on from the Completion of the Rapture of Demons, the End of Times,
We have no obligation to be fair to false religions, all others, but ours.
The only Bible that will be used, after the Rapture of Demons for Eternity, is The FIRST TESTAMENT (OLD TESTAMENT including REVELATIONS,which was moved from the last book of the First Testament to the last book of the Second Testament (New Testament,) and The Third Testament, available on FB now, at God Elizabeth I White Rockefeller and King Father Creator God Jesus I Christ Rockefeller, and on Amazon in 90 days at $24.00.
There will be ONE RELIGION with its own traditions which are established by King Father Creator Zeus I God Jesus I Christ Rockefeller, The Torah Jewish Universalist Life of God Jesus I Moses. There will be no others. God's People automatically KNOW they belong.
No one had to be forced to do anything. The demons are gone entirely. There are no longer enemies or dissenters. You KNOW when you hear and see and read the WORD OF GOD JESUS I CHRIST. We accomodate no one, their is no other religion.
There is no indocrination. GOD JESUS I CHRISTs religion of 650 Universal Laws of God Jesus I Moses was implanted, into your Soul MemBrain, along with your Spirit at 3 months prior to your birth by GOD JESUS HIMSELF. YOU ALREADY KNOW. Refreshers will bring it all to the fore, you've been cast under by Alzheimers.
—God Elizabeth I White Rockefeller and King Father Creator God Jesus I Christ Rockefeller .
I'm sorry, WHAAAAT?
JJ at least I can understand your post. I share your confusion, I have no idea what that means. Perhaps it is part of the Illuminati secret creed?
Doesn't Lucifer mean Bringer of Light?
I am fine with moderators rejecting posts with profanity or which attack people, but wouldn't it make for better discussions if they also rejected posts if they can't make sense? No, I guess that would eliminate too many posts.
Rock on Rev. JJ
JAM...thank you. And I agree, go run have a look at the 'discussion' in the evolution bog (I mean blog). One person has decided that that blog is all theirs and a LOT of confusion and nonsense. For some reason they deleted one of two comments directed at the 'member' who is apparently doing a brain-dump
Anyway yes, indeed but, the mods seem only to delete (my) posts that are more aimed at someone than just ramblings.
I've noticed that the more someone starts posting pages from their private manifesto that spelling, grammar, punctuation etc seem to fall by the wayside.
Every day here is a wonderland of odd, specious, emotional invective.
Praise Dog
JJ I've raised 24 dogs and even written both a children's book and a scientific book about dogs. You would enjoy some of my books and my news stories. I'm a credentialed foreign correspondent working out of Central PA news bytes.
I tend to object to fascism especially theocracies because I studied history.
You are one of the truly sane contributors.
I have little free time to bother with fanatics so I don't post often but someone needs to.
Have you noticed how many contributors seem to have no RETURN key on their keyboards so their comments, on either side, are very difficult to read. Is that on purpose?
Far too many people (not just here) forget that If it weren't for the first amendment many religious groups would be labeled hate groups and cults. They meet all the legal criteria.
John, should I worry like a puppy?
I don't think puppies should ever be given a reason to worry. Unfortunate than many do.
most puppies don't. but better worried than scared, or threatened
JJ actually the title of my children's book includes the words worried little puppy. It was about tolerance. did you use"worried" because you found that book?
God's 650 Universal Laws of God Jesus I Moses are on The Emerald Tablets, by Thoth, who was and is King Father Creator God Jesus I Christ Rockefeller.
OK, thanks for the clarification. I understand completely now. Solipsism, it wasn't supposed to make sense to anyone else, sort of like religion,.
Compare and contrast solipsism and the anthropic principal
Do you mean Oysters Rockefeller?
Books should be categorized according to maturity level just like movies/tv shows. If the parents are ok with certain texts, then ok. Just have permission slips signed if a book is deemed “questionable”. Then everyone is happy. It doesn’t have to be a big debate.
Or, a much simpler solution - keep all religion out of public school, teach academics like reading, and let parents and churches handle religious instruction.
No segregation, no chance for bullying, no forcing parents to disclose their religious beliefs, no starting arguments between a child's parents over what to permit, no setting up a board to rate the maturity level of every printed or spoken word, no need to confirm signatures on permission slips, no wasting teacher's time, no policing what students have and making certain they are all permitted, no spending thousands of dollars preparing copies of certain texts and sending them to every parent,etc.??
too simple?
Here’s my two cents worth; the Bible should be available for those who have no access to it, and wish to read it, as should every other religious and spiritual “book”, across the board. If a parent has an issue with their kid reading said book, then it should not be allowed, on an individual basis.
If you want decide if someone is open minded, have them consider Russell's teapot. (try wikipedia)
Simply put, one of the great philosophers of all times one who concentrated on epistemology pointed out the giant fallacy of people who believe in one god or another thinking others need to disprove their existence.
Anyone with an open mind and a touch of logic would see that the burden of proof always lies with the person claiming an undetectable, unprofitable, possibly mythical person, god, or object exists. Disproving something is usually impossible.
Where would you go to see that there is no god, person, or object there?
I have no problem with them believing something that can't be proven but strenuously object to them demanding others also share their personal beliefs.
That happened throughout history and always ended badly, in the middle ages it ended with about a million totally innocent women being burned to death to "save their souls."
Hitler demanded others hate Jews. That didn't turn out well for anyone, including Germany.
Then there were the crusades which several times resulted in christian cities being looted and burned by other Christians when they couldn't find infidels to burn.
Even pretending that The KJB makes for a peaceful happy population haven't noticed how badly that has worked in history and the more strongly religious the powerful are, the worse their actions against others who even slightly disagree.
Time to try something else?
That, of course is at the core of this discussion, one group of true believers insisting that ONLY their belief can be true and that others must also believe. Even that other's children must be taught something about their religion.
There are only so many hours and teachers can't even get most kids literate by grade 12. They already can't read or write cursive so I have to hand print messages to my youngest worker.
So should people really take more time to teach one religion or should some perhaps learn a bit of science? I notice that the people who prefer religion over science always seem to go to doctors, drive cars, carry cell phones, live in places with heat, keep food in refrigerators, use canned food, and even fly to vacation spots, all of which required science but no religion.
If, after getting most of the kids able to read, there is spare time, why not squeeze a bit of science or even logic into their minds and leave the religion for churches.
I never insist that churches teach computer science.
Why should schools teach any religion, let alone one exclusive religion only supported by about 35% of the U.S. population.
The more extreme religious leaders are rapidly losing customers they can boss around and get money from, that is why they are fighting so hard to force their religion onto kids. Fortunately that won't work unless you start indoctrinating them very young, even pre school. By the time kids realize all adults are idiots (about age 10 for the smarter ones) they can't be forced to believe anything.
Ever talked to a kid? Or tried to teach one anything, like not to speed in a 3000 lb machine?
Exposing them to the KJB in tenth grade would likely make them reject all religion.
I just post this to help give others some encouragement and ammunition they can use in discussions, certainly the ones who insist only they are right won't benefit from reading any of my posts.
Try to be good to people.
If you can't do that, at least try to think.
unprofitable? blame autocorrect gone mad should read unprovable auto correct has a much smaller vocabulary than a reporter and science writer.
No, the Bible should be banned.
The Bible most definitely should not be banned in our schools it should be part of the library.
The Bible is a command by our heavenly Father where he says;
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
The important thing is to buy out time from less important things for daily meditation on God’s Word Read {Ephesians. 5:15, 16
Our children could read it while their in library at School
God’s Word repeatedly promises blessings to all who meditate on it and who strive to apply what they learn.
All bibles of all religions, should be a part of a school library, that could be an idea
There are 66 books in the KJV Bible. Which of the books should be eliminated? Please be specific so we can understand the books you are referring to. I assure you God finds immorality an abomination.
YOU, cant take GOD out of our country, schools or hearts!
I don't believe that any religious txt should be banned. They should be there for any that want or need to read or consult them
If you ban the bible, you ban freedom of religion.if you ban any book of any religion, you ban the freedom to worship given to us by the constitution of this country.
If one religion is taken away, then all religions should be taken away from the schools, but it doesn't mean that it is a right thing to do. But it is a equal right for every religious to have a belief in school,
There are so many parallels with the way things heated up in Germany during the years leading up to World Ward II! The banning and eventual burning of books was a large part of how Hitler took control. If we let zealots control our country and allow our leadership to violate the Constitution we will have more conflict than just the banning of books. We need to have open minds and open hearts! We learn by example and that means we learn from the good and the bad. If don't show our children all of the worlds possibilities they will not know which way to lean; good or bad. I am very proud of my children and they learned from a very open minded household. They have become very productive members of society and one has even saved 2 lives with his actions. Good and bad are in us all but if we don't learn from examples in our society from all resources including books, we will always have crime and other societal issues. Remember we are all the same in the eyes of God so we must be able to learn from one another!
Based on the reasoning for banning certain books then you have to include the Bible.
The Bible shouild be in high school libraries, along with the Qur'an, the Hindu Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, the Buddhist Tripitaka and the Mahayana Sutras, the Jewish Tanakh and the Talmud, the Tao Te Ching, the Zhuangzi, and the Daozang of Taoism. If you ban one, you must ban them all.
As for teaching of any of these texts, they should be taught in Sociology/Comparative World Religions classes, or in literature, but NOT to push beliefs of one religion on any student. Teach them objectively, not "my religion teaches this or that."
You don't get it both ways. You ban books for violence and sex, you ban the holy books too. You say oh well not "my" holy books, you should get sued for violating the separation oof church and state. No public school should have any form of religious texts if it also will ban books for "vulgar and immoral actions". I'm so sick of religious zealots getting babies because people are trying to make them obey the laws they are blatantly abusing. I don't see Wiccans demanding our authors be put in schools, but hey maybe we should. After all our texts also teach good morals and love.
No such thing as Separation of church and state. Its not listed anywhere in the Constitution and the SCOTUS does not have the authority to just "find" in the Constitution what was never there. In short they do not now or have ever had the authority to interpret anything
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. " (First Amendment to the Constitution) This has been the subject of dozens of cases before the SCOTUS and the ruling has been consistently that it establishes a separation between church and state. Thus, the government can not support or oppose any specific religion and must ensure that everyone can practice their preferred religion. To claim otherwise is a sign of ignorance.
yes but that means they shall not make a national religion like in england, nothing more.
Wrong, as usual, Danny. It means exactly what Christian says it means: "the government cannot support or oppose any specific religion and must ensure that everyone can practice their preferred religion."
Christian, Muslim, Hindi, Zoroastrian, Rastafarian, Wiccan, Satanist, Jew, Sikh, Baha'i...all are able to freely worship their faith in the US
I'm Correct as usual Andrew. All you have to do is read the founding fathers papers and you will see how wrong you are. Yes you have the right to worship as you please but no the Government does not have the right to force you to believe in one religion. Thats the 1st Amendment in a nutshell
England should always be capitalized. Englands Church of England has many facets but it was never truly a national religion. Basically it was created on behalf of Henry the 8th. Nobody wants to send a foreign church tithes so in order to keep the Catholic Church from controlling his relationships with women and from taking England's money in the form of tithes and gifts. I am sure that I got something wrong here but The Church of England is and was a choice. A national religion may infer the requirement of a nations citizens to join that church. I was born in England and even though I am a n American citizen now I still feel a pull toward my former home.
I messed up some of my sentences. Please forgive the mistakes. I have tried to edit them but that doesn't seem possible.
What is the job description of a Judge, Daniel?
the Job description is to know the law and decide if the actions of a person has violated that law. Nothing more.
Right, they interpret (to understand in a particular way) the law and apply it to a case. To quote the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Judges interpret the law to determine how a trial or hearing will proceed." https://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/judges-and-hearing-officers.htm#tab-2
Sorry but NO. in Article 3 of the Constitution (powers of the judiciary) the word Interpret never appears and if you read Article 3 you will clearly see they have one job, and that is to decide if something violated already established and written law, not to interpret or to find rights that never existed before and were never mentioned as rights.
And its very funny that you use the Bureau of Labor to explain this when the Constitution is explicitly clear on what powers they have and dont have.
What you seem to be unable to understand, Daniel, is that the word "interpret" does not need to be in the constitution since that is the job description of a judge. They understand the law (interpret) and apply it to cases. Article 3 also does not state that Judges can rule on cases but it doesn't have to because that is the understood job of a judge.
No what you dont seem to understand is no matter how you try and wedge this into the Constitution it never is going to happen as the 10th Amendment clearly states that if the Constitution does not give you that authority ot power, then you dont have it and never did. Now for the SCOTUS to "interpret" anything it must clearly be stated in Article 3. If its not there then they dont have it and they cant just give themselves this authority as that would change the constitution and that means that it would take a constitutional amendment.
So by your logic, Judges cannot rule on cases either because Article 3 says nothing about judges being able to rule on cases.
No by the US Constitution which is the supreme law of the land and cant be violated, the who job of a judge is to hear what charge you have been charged with, look it up in the law books and see if the charge fits into violations of said law. If it does then you are guilty. if it does not then you are not guilty. This isnt rocket science. No Judge has the right to "interpret" ANY portion of the laws already passed legally by Congress or state assemblies UNLESS they are in violation of existing laws.
You seem to be admitting that you cannot understand that simple fact that is basic pre law 101
Daniel, this is a religious newsletter, not the Harvard Law Review. It is perfectly reasonable to make an ethical argument here.
sure when its actually ethical
As a follower (satanic), I believe that only books that align with my beliefs should be displayed in areas of education.WHEN I am elected president in the 2032 election I will make this the law of the land.
Spread the word
Sadie....You call yourself a satanic follower? From all the things I've read about them, they do not believe "the devil is real". It is a symbolic reference, mostly aimed to ruffle the feathers of fundamental Christians. They are actually atheists. Non-believers. Their tenets are reasonable. I'm not sure what kind of cult you're involved with, but you might want to tread gently. The world is filled with some very strange people.
As for the Bible in public schools? It should be banned. No religious books should not be allowed in public schools. Separation of Church and State is very important.
Absolutely… not banned. Freedom to choose is my stand. Not freedom to impose beliefs!
Sounds like you picked an easy campaign promise Sadie, they're almost there already.
Mandating the Bible should not be a thing however knowledge of all subjects is power.
There are too many variables involved in using the Bible in schools. I'm not saying it can't be there but it needs certain guidelines to use it there.
Those are just some questions I feel need to be asked.
One last thought. Thomas Jefferson fought the individual colonies to not force the religion of the religion sponsored on those of other sects. This included Judaism and Islam, which opened the ability to pick our faith without fear of government interference.
There's only one unforgivable sin and that's confessing allegiance to satan,,,,You will experience a second death
You can't possibly know this, this is the mind of goD
And maybe it's not SATAN that is satan but maybe the trick was to make you believe that SATAN is satan when in fact, your GOD is actually satan who has convinced YOU that HE IS god and that SATAN, who actually IS GOD is satan
I’m amazed that I understood that…
The Bible should never be banned anywhere. It is the book all should live by
So a member of the Islamic faith should live by your bible? I hardly believe that anyone has the right to force that particular belief into action. Also, that is a very un-American thing to say. I have tried to understand all other people I come into contact with and that includes their beliefs. I don't judge them for it and I don't hold them accountable to my beliefs.
So un American, do you even say the pledge of allegiance every day
Can u summarize please?
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏😈
Hell yeah I will