Last week, Pope Francis wrapped up a 12-day-long tour throughout the Asia Pacific region. The trip, the longest of his pontificate, took Francis to the nations of Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Papua New Guinea (where he made some remarks that some found controversial).
But at his final tour stop, the 88-year-old Francis seems to have saved his best – or at least most contentious – comments for last.
“God is for Everyone”
Speaking to children in Singapore, a multi-faith country where Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are all common, Francis suggested in what appeared to be off-the-cuff remarks that following any faith can get you to heaven.
"All religions are paths to reach God,” Francis told those gathered.
“They are, to make a comparison, like different languages, different dialects, to get there. But God is God for everyone. If you start to fight saying 'my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn't', where will this lead us? There is only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christians; they are different ways to God."
Francis has long advocated for increasing interfaith dialogue and connectivity between faiths, and his recent comments are seemingly aligned with that ethos.
But critics say it doesn’t exactly line up with Catholic dogma.
Catholics Cry Foul
The pope's comments sparked quite a reaction from more conservative-minded Catholics, some of whom went as far as to call it heresy.
They say that per Catholic doctrine, no, God is not for everyone. God is for Catholics, and salvation is found through Christ alone.
Other critics pointed to the 2000 Catholic declaration Dominus Iesus, which clarified Catholic dogma that the Catholic Church is the one true church and that salvation is reached through Jesus alone. Specifically, the passage which reads: “It must be firmly believed as a truth of Catholic faith that the universal salvific will of the One and Triune God is offered and accomplished once for all in the mystery of the incarnation, death, and resurrection of the Son of God.”
Does the Pope Misunderstand Catholicism?
This isn’t the first time Pope Francis has been accused of misunderstanding Catholic fundamentals.
Earlier this year, Pope Francis caught the ire of Catholics for saying that humanity is “fundamentally good” – which similarly sparked accusations of papal heresy.
Is the pope’s notion that “God is for everyone” yet another controversial, or even heretical, statement from Francis?
Or is this being blown out of proportion by agitators hoping to score points against a progressive-leaning pope they disagree with?
How do you see things?
well now the IBM (or Verizon) of religion is getting heat.
apparently every religion thinks it's the one and true fairy tale
let the Squid God Games begin lol
So, "Rev" Dr Father JJ, are you saying 'man is the measure of all things?'
What a breath of fresh air!! Let there be light and enlightenment!!
Perhaps the pope is getting to the point where he realizes that no matter which way you go, you’ll get there eventually. It’s not for us to judge others…
Religion is you seeking God and never finding him because of you. Faith is believing God in you, as it is written, I am the way the truth and the life. Which means, if you look within yourself, you'll find He's been with you because you are the image and likeness of Him: (You are LIFE). Trees are life, grass is life, flowers, bugs are life, the ocean and the earth are life. Everything God created is of Him. Accepect money, cars, homes, and clothes are not life. If you would understand who are, as it is written, when you see Christ in you see the Father.
When it comes to your image that identifies your flesh according to your name, your flesh is the living sacrifice holy and acceptible unto God. This is why your image can not be equal with God. It is your spirit that is equal to Him if you surrender. As far as your faith, it makes you whole with Him as the Christ, the son of the living God. You become one mind and one spirit. This is why we walk by faith and not by sight. God is in control, not religion. Thank Him for the Life. Amen.
Well stated and thoughtfully written
God is for everyone touches on a deeply philosophical and spiritual matter, and it resonates with ideas of unity and love found in many traditions. If we are all, "God's children" and the core of spirituality lies in practicing unconditional love and serving humanity, it could be argued that the specific religion one follows may be less important than the values and principles that guide their actions.
Many religious teachings emphasize love, compassion, and service to others as central tenets. Whether it's in Christianity's call to "love thy neighbor," Islam's emphasis on mercy and charity, Buddhism's compassion for all sentient beings, or Hinduism's idea of selfless service (karma yoga), the underlying message of love seems to transcend individual doctrines.
If the essence of spirituality is the practice of love, understanding, and kindness, then some would argue that the differences between religious paths are secondary. The labels or traditions could be seen as cultural expressions of universal truths. What matters most is how one lives out those values in daily life—through actions of love, compassion, and service.
At the same time, others may believe that the specific beliefs, rituals, and community practices associated with a religion are integral to their personal and spiritual development, and therefore are meaningful in their own right.
In the end, it might come down to personal perspective: some may see love and service as the highest form of religious expression, making the particular path less relevant, while others might feel that their specific religious tradition holds unique truths that are essential to their understanding of life and the divine.
How do you view the relationship between love, religion, and spirituality in your own experience?
George, I couldn’t agree more. I was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic church when I was 26 years old. It was important at the time for my catechism to be fast tracked with one on one training. The only reason I stayed with the Catholic faith is because of that person. She told me that despite the teachings that God made many paths to heaven. That God would never abandon people who were unable to learn the entirety of Christian teachings. That as long as you stayed true to what you believed and were kind and selfless, that God would accept you.
I don't know if the Pope is waking up or if he's finally expressing what the church has known all along, but it's a step forward. Way to go, Pope! Keep the door open.
Best words taught me about God, from my uncle, the priest: "God is everywhere, in everyone and in everything" That about sums it up.
No Bible quotes needed, no dogmas - no boundaries.
You’re right that is the best advice you could have been given. God does not discriminate. There is only one God as there is only one garden (the earth) there are many names people call god but he is the same God. There are many different flowers, trees, bushes that make up the garden but it is still one Garden. Think about it. God didn’t make us all the same. He gave us virtues to live up to but for every single one of us. Rev. Clark
It's interesting that some Catholics are speaking out against The Pope.
To be clear, I'm not Catholic, but I've been told by many staunch Catholics that The Pope was the infallible messenger of God. Perhaps there are some Catholics who only consider the Pope to be infallible when they agree with the message he is delivering.
He according to their belief system is only infallible when he speaks ex-cathedra from his throne.
You are correct. The Pope is supposed to be the messenger of God on earth.
And trump is the chosen one doing god's work on earth. But is he the anti-christ that Christians have feared the return of for hundreds of years? He who has returned and subverted the Evangelical right for Satanic purposes!
Paul said the anti-Christ was in his age and I am 70 years old and the anti-Christ has been here my whole lifetime too.
The Catholic church is the biggest idolatry body in the world, they worship idols. Jesus's said the only way to the father is through me, they pray and worship to Mary and the saints, nowhere in the bible says to do this, they hold religious texts in their vaults and deny access to them, they excommunicated people which in not a Christian attitude. They are a cult leading millions straight to hell
I am super happy to hear this!!! The Old Testament - is filled with The Law of One information!!!! When Jesus was heard to say, "No one enters the House of my Father but through me" he didn't mean the Catholic/Christianity Religion is the only way, that would have been very egoic of him - and Jesus was FAR from Egoic!!! That is man's interpretation to make us separate from one another and from God!! (Jesus' Gospel vs Paul's Gospel; killing another in the name of Jesus; judging someone because of the race, color, religion; etc.)
Jesus was sent to demonstrate how anyone - ANYONE - can live a full, loving and righteous way by living through God's Law. God's law is "Love the Lord God as One and love your neighbor as one as well". Thank you Pope Francis for seeing this truth. 'All dogs go to heaven' - and so do all humans who believe in God and live peacefully with one another - as Jesus did in his time!!! Live like Jesus! That's 'getting to Heaven through me'. And if they (those who judge and condemn others) can't see it in this lifetime - then so be it - that is their journey as well - they are honored and loved for their lessons as well. They will have to return in another lifetime to heal this lesson!!! I love them all and pray they find their inner truth - their I AM presence!!
Forgive them Father, those who persecute, judge and think low vibrations towards others, for they have forgotten who they are!!!
Make your (whoever is triggered by this event) decision to act out in lower vibrations a sign of lesson learning - for all events that are seen through love without judgment and ego bring us closer to the truth - that we are made in God's image - the image of pure unconditional Love for all humanity!!!
Thank you Pope Francis!
Has anyone seen or heard of another God that hung himself on a cross for you. ? I Am The Way The Truth And The Life.... jesus and other have stated that as fact , they wrote it down ..... its understood what was meant by this clearly. This fact in various sentence forms can be found at leased 100 times throughout the bible , John, Acts, , Timothy ,Philippians ,Ephesians, Mark ,Palms Peter ,ROMANS ,Mark and more. they might all be seeking their God in their way, which each has a different image of who God is. Not all Gods are the God of the bible and the Jewish people and not all roads lead to heaven. The Pope wants all people to like him , here in the real world that's not going to happen . he is not following the word of God .
But the Catholics believe the Pope is the word of God on earth. More Catholics believe as he does than you think. Do you really believe God would not condemn a child to hell because their parents refused to teach them about Christ? I refuse to believe that.
You are absolutely right Amen.
I absolutely love this response from the Pope. Religion should be all accepting regardless of your religion. We are all children of the same universe
You should follow Lord Jesus and not a man the Pope can't you people see the prophecy it proves the whole word of God I don't want to see you guys all in hell come on now please Don't damn yourself
I am not Catholic but I think the Pope stuck his foot in it. Although I don't believe that the Catholic church is the "true church" I do believe that the only way to heaven is through belief in the Christ. A narrow way, yes. But open to everyone and anyone.
The Pope's words may sound good but they do show that he has a poor understanding of Christianity. Seems as if he prefers to please people and not God.
Let me understand this - the Pope, the leader of the largest Christian denomination in the world, elected by other leaders of said denomination, has a poor understanding of Christianity? What??
Also, according to the Catholic faith, the Pope is the representative of Jesus and speaks for him. He is the successor of Peter and makes the decisions on issues of faith and morality in the church. So, per Catholic teachings, the Pope has the authority to make these pronouncements, and entire church needs to get behind him. If not, then it’s all a lie.
I was raised Catholic for 28 years and believe the pope has a very good understanding of Christianity. If you read the Keys of This Blood by Malachi Martin a Jesuit priest, written around 1980. You will see the pope's agenda to get all his daughters or separated brethren as he calls them back into his fold from whence, they came. That is why his church is getting so upset with him for appearing to drop all the rules his church had. All of this fulfills scripture Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
I believe that is a God. But I don't believe there is any true religion. I feel that religion is just another way humans created as a way to say "I'm better than the next guy" there is not any true religion. Lots of people seem to scream that they're Christian while not even remotely acting Christ like. Let's just stop all the hate and live and let live. If a door to heaven opened tomorrow and only the pure of heart was able to enter there probably wouldn't be even one person that could pass through that door. Face it what ever we may think no one is perfect and no one is truly deserving any more than any one else. Rather you worship God or fence post no one truly knows who is right. Why would we even bother to to say who is right.
The pipe is only infallible when he declares any tracing he states to be ‘ex-cathrdra, or from the ‘Chair of Peter’.
That authority has only been used once in 2000 years.
The pope is certainly fallible.
That being said, Francis is attempting to bring together all faiths, especially Jewish, Christian and Muslim.
The diversions of different faiths in everything from the crucifixion of Christ, the Great Schism and the Protestant Reformation, has so greatly divided humanity that it has become necessary to bring them together again.
I, a Catholic of the Latin Rite, finds his words on the matter to be disturbing. However, it is simply another step in ecumenism, which was started with Vatican Council II.
There may be those that are infuriated with his words on the matter. But someone needs to make the first move.
...and yet.....Pope Francis IS the POPE...right? He is the Apostolic successor to Saint Peter...an office which is renewed every time a new Pope receives the instruments of his office ".Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam meam." ....Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church"...(Matthew 16: 16-18)..... As such, he stands in the Shoes of the Fisherman.....He IS Peter! According to the teaching of the First Vatican Council (July 18, 1870) as proclaimed in "Pastor Aeternus: First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ".... the Pope is protected by the Holy Spirit from teaching error......, ie: the Dogma of Papal Infallibility! SO....we have a DILEMMA....In his discourse to the children at Singapore, Pope Francis tells them that ""All religions are paths to reach God,”......which on its face seems to contradict a passage in the Gospel of Saint John 14:6...."“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me " ....Pope Francis.....speaking to the Children like Jesus did....has brought the whole Church to a very critical moment.....and has confronted us with a very compelling thought and it MUST be considered reverently and with respect.....I don't have a wise solution to this dilemma.....but perhaps Pope Francis has had a private revelation....one in which God reveals a new aspect or facet of Himself....one we have not SEEN before....OR ....maybe we HAVE SEEN IT BEFORE....but we are too arrogant and bound up in our very narrow interpretations of Scripture and Tradition... Pope Francis has challenged us with his words to the Children.....perhaps we need to think about the possibility that God Our Father actually LOVES ALL OF HIS CHILDREN WHOM HE CREATED....and by whatever Light He gave to each one....He will bring them ALL home to Him! Let's all listen to Pope Francis lovingly....and discuss his words and his thoughts and see how they fit into our understanding of the broad and deep Apostolic Tradition which we have received!....so be it!
Only in the eyes of the Catholic Church is he the successor of Peter. The Bible teaches no such blasphemy.
Only in the eyes of the Catholic Church is what he speaks infallible and that is only when he speaks from his throne ex-cathedra.
Yes, he wants to bring all his daughters or separated brethren as he calls them back to his church.
Thank you, Brother William. Finally, someone who makes sense of this. Maybe like all the politicians who say God spoke to them, the Pope received a message from God telling him there are many paths to him.
It's hard to know how to take Pope Francis in view of the contriversial comments that he's made. Oh, that this one would be true! I agree with R. Hauck in his recent comment that it is "a breath of fresh air"...finally! Essentially, we are all one, always have been, always will be.
As someone who has experienced the life-changing power of spiritual encounters firsthand, I wrote an article that I believe resonates with the mission of Universal Life Church Monastery. My story speaks to the profound impact these encounters can have on personal transformation and faith, much like the core values your organization embodies. I’d love to share it with your audience and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the role spirituality plays in our lives. Could I send it to your team for consideration? https://www.transformumedia.com/about
You should submit this for ULC's consideration.
Praise God for opening the depths of the Holy Trinity to Pope Francis. Divisions are not part of the mindset of God, our Creator and Father.
Good for him.
He is the Pope and in his leadership, you have faith that his words are inspired by God's and his faith in what he believes, worked hard to achieve this took his life's efforts, if anyone is to guide us to change or through it, he was elected. Change has happened in many old traditions over centuries...this is not new. He is right because it is his seat to make those decisions. If people choose to challenge him than you must be able to sit in that seat first otherwise it is not your right to challenge him in this.
He is a man I think you have lost your mind
And let the onslaught of Christians who will say that the pope is wrong, not catholic blah blah blah. Christians will always say that their faith is the only path but if a Christian was born in the far east they would believe that Buddhism is the only path. Born in India the they will believe that Hinduism is the path to god. God sent many holy men and women to share the knowledge of the divine with all people around the earth BUT he shared this knowledge in a way that each person would understand. I’m an X-Christian having left the mainstream faith many years ago due to the hatred that was showed towards me for my life path so I was lost for a while. I then found Unitarian Universalism and I was welcomed with open arms because that is the teaching our god gave to us. Many years of prayer and contemplation led me to a vision where god showed himself as a mighty oak tree. The trunk is the foundation which represents god. The branches are the many faiths that he has given the world and the leaves are the holy men and women who have come to share the wisdom of god with humanity. We are all from one god but we are also finding our own way to meet with him. No faith is the one true faith and please don’t quote bible verses because those would only apply to people in the west and it is the way god wants us to follow him but at the same time he gave us freedom of choice to follow other paths if we wish to.
Anyway sorry for the long post, this is just my 2-cents on the comments by the pope.
Take care and be blessed.
f the pope is supposed to represent our Lord Jesus he is mistaken. There is one God. There are many pagan religions that have no relationship to our Lord. To justify them cannot be truthful.
so only YOUR beliefs, YOUR religion is truthful, all others are false and incorrect. Is that what YOU'RE saying?
and you're qualified to state this because...sanctimony
it it any wonder religion causes conflicts globally, deaths globally, genocide globally, injustice globally, wars globally....
Catholics believe that the Pope is the direct successor to St. Peter, who was the leader of the apostles and the first Pope. The Pope is believed to represent a direct line back to Jesus, with Jesus being present in the papacy, and the Pope makes the decisions on issues of faith and morality for Catholics around the world. So, maybe the Pope has received a message from God.
This is all fascinating. The religions of the Book, Christianity, Judaism, and Muslin Faiths, are a miniscule portion of the religions of the world taken by numbers of reported believers. And yet they purport to control the gates of heaven and and God's appointment calendar for newcomers to heaven. I have posted before that I believe that the "Cardinal Sin" of Pride is a misunderstanding. That should be Arrogance. Whether the Pope is correct or not is really irrelevant. It was a nice comment even if he does not really believe it.To be relevant would mean I care about his opinion. I do not.
God is God and God is a personal symbolic representation of the power and creative force of the Universe. I Know, as a somewhat pantheistic Gnostic, that such force is Mind, consisting of Unconscious and Conscious portions. All creation shares in this Mind and all things share degrees of Consciousness. Of Mind we are and to Mind we shall return. To that degree the Pope is correct: all faiths leed to God because all faiths are, ultimately, of God. The consider yourself to be special, chosen, or the exclusive club of the true God is simply Arrogance. Get over yourself and really love everyone and everything not just the folks accidentally born to your particular tribe.
I am proud of the pope, something I never thought I'd say. I agree with him. What makes you think God didn't send the prophets as well as his son to give others a chance to know him? Why would someone gatekeep God? The only purpose I can see is to that their bigotry is justified in their eyes.
According to the Catholic faith the Pope is the messenger of God on earth. He is the direct successor of Peter, the original head of the church. The Pope makes all decision on issues of faith and morality on behalf of the church. Now, he says something that offends them, they abandon all that and call him a heretic. I call them hypocrites. What kind of faith is that? Either they believe all of what they’ve been taught or none of it. How is this any different from all the evangelical pastors, or politicians saying that God has spoken to them?
Jesus himself presumably changed some of what was originally written in the bible. Can’t the successor of Paul do the same if he’s received a message from God. To be clear, I’m not sure anyone on earth is receiving messages from God. Some people say they believe in their heart that God wants them to punish people. The very bible they claim to hold dear says in the end ALL people will be judged by God. It’s not the responsibility of people to judge.
Personally, I agree with the Pope in this instance. God is for everyone, and there is no “One Path” to salvation. Does anyone truly believe that an innocent child, who has never heard the Christian’s version of religion, would be condemned to hell? No, I don’t think so. Just my two cents.
Thank you, Pope Francis! We are all children of The Divine, each given free will to choose the spiritual path which resonates with our being.
On this matter, I agree with His Holiness. I rarely agree with him on matters, however, he hit a homerun, here. All gods are constructs of man. Before I am chased out of town with pitchforks and torches, hear me out. The concept of god, a god; any god, is a construct of the human mind. Historically, there have been around 18,000 deities since recorded time, and currently, there are still over 4,000 deities worshipped or acknowledged on Earth today. Every religion says their's is the one true god. The Christians have not cornered the market on gods, and there will be arguments in perpetuity. Furthermore, the religions that believe the Judeo-Christian god, the god of Abraham, is the one true god, will still argue about which characteristics, mannerisms, agendas, personalities, attributes, and gender that god posesses. So, tell me this, among all 18,000 deities worshipped, there is not one lick of proof of any of them. All people have, since time began, is a belief in said deities. These past deities have not shown themselves, that is, not where their images can be captured as proof. Currently-worshipped gods are also being vague and absent. There are no photographs or press conferences; only written accounts, but "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," et. al., are written accounts of a group of young wizards fighting the forces of evil. Which written accounts are more authoritative? Just because a text says it is the "word of god" does make it so. I can write a religious canon on a toilet roll and call it "The Word of ." It does not give it authority, except to those who worship that god. You see, all gods are constructs to order and direct the followers, for good or not. The attribute of all deities depend upon the mind and heart of its followers. To sum it up, with or without belief in any god, you will have good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things and worst, good people doing bad things, all in the name of that deity. Where the path of worshipping any particular god, leads, is up to the person who worships that god. Whether it is The God of Abraham, Ra, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, all paths should lead to enlightenment to benefit, not subjugate humanity. To force or coerce someone to worship your god is wrong, but to condemn someone for not worshipping your god is tantamount to evil. So, be good. Do no harm. “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” -
Wonderful, Murray! I am a firm believer that each person creates their own personal spiritual realm. There are over 8 billion people on this planet and not any two believe exactly the same thing. They may hold similarities, but each person has different imagery, different tenets, different exceptions and rejections, different ways of expressing their view of God, and still, most people think they hold the true path to God. Human arrogance of such beliefs builds the illusion. I believe the truth lies within the quantum fabric of the universe. Untouchable to our human feeble minds. The only means of explaining the vast spiritual/religious influences, is that each person creates their own realm as a means of connecting to the great mystery. It's a LANGUAGE! A personal language for the sole purpose of reaching out to something we cannot comprehend. NOT a concept that's intended to convert others. We fabricate spirituality to suit the many layers of conditioning we've received. We build constructs, or thought forms, to open a pathway to the greater consciousness. The more clutter we accumulate in our minds, the farther away we get from the fundamental truth that lies within the fabric of time and space.
The Pope is gathering all people of all Religions to God. It is like the Unitarian Universalist. church where we have. Christians, Jews, Islamic, atheists, Wiccan and many more all worshipping together despite their different paths. It is a path to world peace. It also makes it easier to truly love your neighbor.Hooray for the Pope!!!
This has been my belief and teaching all my life. There is one GOD. He has many names, speaks every language and loves all of us.
Finally, someone who GETS it. He is trying to teach that faith is faith, no matter what you call the higher powers. That people are people and should learn to work together. Not hurt each other, and hate each other, simply due to different religious doctrines. Since most religious doctrines are very similar, even if the wording is different from religion to religion within the monotheistic faiths. And when you look at pagan religions, Wicca, Shamanism, Druidism, Taoism, etc., they are very similar, in many ways, to the very early beginning of the monotheistic religions that gave rise to Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
100% agree with you!
Beautiful and true words from Francis. Yet there is a fine line of falling for a Globalist agenda we don’t need. The dogma of most religions is to instill fear in people and are in the business of mind control, which is epic.
All we have to do is research who owns these religions or their True history. The richest family in the world worth an estimated 700 Trillion is “The Rothchilds” and in certain circles it is shown they own the Catholic Church! as well as the monetary system. Now who makes the rules? And whose words and beliefs are in those written texts? Before Hindu became the religion of Bali they followed a faith known as “Agama Tirta” the worship of Water. It was a religion of Nature. So many questions…if you have trouble following your intuition or can’t understand the messages from your spirit guides just follow the Money for a few answers on the Earth plane.
That phrase is contrary to the wisdom in the Bible. You won't find any such foolishness ever to be said by God. If God were to say something about ignorance and bliss it would go something like this:
Delivery from ignorance is bliss.
Unfortunately the pearls of wisdom found in the Bible are hidden under blankets of ignorance and xenophobia.
I seen him kissing the hand of some Muslim brother after the Muslim brother told him to. Thought that was weird but I come from a place where we don't kiss other brothers hands if we can avoid it.
Who am I to judge? Maybe his back was against the wall..
Irony, I love it
Why is everybody surprised about catholic christianity? Catholic Christianity is based on Judaism + Roman paganism…
I would have thought that all religions would allow you into heaven apart from Devil worshipers for obvious reasons those that create evil and sinners will go to Hell.
The pope is right. I am a baptized Catholic, but because of the way the church has treated people of different faiths, I cannot agree with its policies. Although, this Pope has put Catholicism back in my mind. Anyone that has studied different religions, can tell you that all faith leads to GOD. No matter what different cultures may call him. It is not being a good Christian to condemn children from their cultural religions. Isn't the whole idea of Christianity to spread the word of God? I think he is truly blessed by God to modernize a religion that really needed help. The way to god is to have faith. No matter what faith that may be. Unless the Religion thinks they are the only way to God then to all others they are the one committing Blasphemy.
Well, Lady Elizabeth, your statement “All faiths lead to God”, perhaps should read “All faiths lead to [a] God”. Mankind has created so many, I think that number stands at around 3,000 now none of which have any demonstrable evidence to prove their reality, but it’s an interesting comment. There are even some people that have faith that Fairies, Vishnu, Thor, or even the Loch Ness Monster, are real. It’s amazing what mankind can create in their heads isn’t it? Thank you for your contribution here at this blog. 🤗
Perhaps then, "All faiths lead to the divine"? My wife (a catholic) and I (a wiccan) both believe in an afterlife - we believe that it is the same place for us all, regardless of religion (I really don't like that word) or faith. Just my belief/opinion.
I totally understand your comment, I’ve been where you currently are. For me, I eventually came to the understanding that all the Wiccan rites are really no different than all other religious rites. Their efficacy is totally non-founded. Yes, you can pay homage to the N,S,E, and W elements, when you are “in the circle” but really it’s just man-made mumbo jumbo that’s fun to do with friends, all robed up, believing you are paying homage to “the gods” of nature. When my eyes were finally opened to the ridiculousness of all forms of religious doctrines, I finally up and left, and never looked back. Thank you for your comment. 🤗
Blessed be, Sir Ian 🤭
I’m not Wiccan, but I am a witch. I was also raised Catholic. I’m so happy to have found ULC!
There is but one goD and that GOD is The Flying Spaghetti Monster All other goDs are impastas May HIS Noodley Appendage oil and BLESS you Nel nome de Aglio, Olio e pepperoncino Andare in Piselli Ramen
All religions are equal. Equally lacking evidence. Equally silly.
God is called by many names and many man-made doctrines. God is love; His Son is love; His Spirit is love. The doctrines of each religion are written by men trying to guide us to God and trying to help us stay on the path to Heaven. Read the Old Testament. Read the 10 Commandments with the definition of love in the back of your mind. God told us to love him and to love one another. I believe he accepts our love how we offer it.
The Pope brings truth to all in stating that there is one God and all are paths to God. We must exercise great caution in thinking that beliefs trump truth, for they are simply a thought form of structure used by many or even just one, whatever it may be. I've learned that there is a Universal Curriculum based in Love and Forgiveness, and that all paths utilize it on each path's way Home to God. Care must be exercised to not hold that 'other' as different in that attack would be made upon them, for they are also what God has made equally with us. Give a thought to all there appears to be, and it is vaster than most realize. Blessings always, and in all ways.
Wow Mary you guys are much worse off than I ever thought I will definitely pray for you all I don't think arguments are appropriate at the moment but you are making a internal mistake opportunity for eternity don't lose your soul sister 🙏
Yes Pope you are absolutely correct! Show where the word Christianity is in the Bible. Just saying. But follower of Christ is spelled out.
Jesus is the only way the prophecy proves it glory to God Yahweh ✝️🇺🇸❣️
R u hell bound for ever an a day?
This is not nothing as a True Christian I was waiting for this it just confirms that the kjv is the true word of God the prophecies are there to prove it Jesus Christ is at hand glory to the Lamb of Jehovah ✝️❣️✝️❣️
Jason, what proof? You mentioned the King James Version of the bible, but as it name implies it is a persons version. It is not the original bible. The bible was written by men and most of it is word of mouth passed down over centuries. Then a group of other men centuries after sat down and decided which books of the bible were made the cut to be put into the final document. That only makes it obvious that only those books that held their own personal beliefs were added. Then we have the problem of mistranslation. Take for instance the work homosexual. That word did not exist anywhere in the original. It was added in 1946 by Americans. The bible is not the true word of God. It’s a bunch of old men telling people what they wanted them to hear, and to make it taken seriously they said it was the word of God.
The KJV was created for English speaking people to read. King James wanted it to conform to The Church of England , so he told his committee to translate words from Hebrew and Greek to reflect that. The Catholic Bible reads different from KJV. Everyone should read more about how the KJV came to be published. God didn’t dictate it, there is no such thing as an original Bible. All of them were taken from writings of the ancient people. The Latin Vulgate , which the Catholic Church used was translated by St Jerome and a few others , was commissioned 382. Jerome was supposed to us the best Greek texts to translate the Gospels. He and the others combined some books and numbered them as they saw fit.
*** was supposed to use the best Greek texts***
I agree.
God is not a religion but separated from them and does not need a certain religion to know God as it is
God is not a religion but separated from them and does not need a certain religion to know God as it is
I am not Catholic, but I do feel this Pope is not a man of Gid but rather a servant of satan.
Satan has spoken, go ahead believe him and you'll die a second death......God is angry at this
"God is angry at this"
So you know the mind of goD?
God is God of all. This is theology spoken and not faith-based. We must call to understand that not one faith is genuine. God is reaching out to everyone through whatever you believe in bringing some sort of righteousness and holiness within humankind.
I agree God is everywhere in everyone and in everything. God is a consuming Fire who dwells in unapproachable Light and all fall short of His Glory - so no human and no human organization can help us get super close to God. Now Jesus Christ can help us b/c his father wasn't human - human sperm didn't create Christ - God's Holy Spirit did - so he definitely has the right understanding on how to approach God. On this lower realm where the evil spirits are the main broadcasters any group or church that intentionally teaches contrary concepts about God's Commandments...we know that group is not trying to lend us a helping hand with understanding the God of the Holy Scriptures. There's a rhythm a frequency and a wavelength to be on the right path to God and it has to do with God's Rest. If God's Rest isn't known to the person then approaching God is still fine but falling short is definitely goin to happen. If God's Rest is known to the person and they still don't pay attention to it then the person falls short. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH DEFINITELY FALLS SHORT CAUSE IT TEACHES PPL NOT TO KEEP GOD'S DAY OF REST ON THE 7TH DAY - so it has no credibility as a truthful organization and therefore the pope is a big ERROR trying to broadcast for Christians. But all humans and all human organizations fall short of the Glory of God and that's b/c the god of this realm does the main broadcasting thru organizations like the catholic church which intentionally tries to teach ppl the wrong DAY OF REST. There's no right way to do wrong...mr. pope whatever your name is!!
Too many Catholic clergy, especially here in the US, have been trained under the policies of Josef Ratzinger, both before and after he became Pope. He trained folks under a strict rejection of Vatican II, and the Church as a whole has been paying the price for it since his elevation to the office that took over from the Inquisition. Francis is following the footsteps of John XXIII and Paul VI, who were trying to drag Holy Mother the Church kicking and screaming from its Tridentine stance into the 20th Century. John Paul II and Benedict XVI did everything in their power to restore that 16th century philosophy that hamstrung them for centuries. As someone born and raised in the Roman Catholic Church, I was saddened when John Paul's sainthood was the price the Church had to pay for the same honor for John XXIII!
Jesus Christ Is The Way and The Only Way, Period!
The Pope answers to God and Jesus and The Holy Ghost,I am sure he prayed about this and was guided by the Holy Trinity..Who are we to dispute the Vicar of Christ.....
It seems a tragic waste of a life that Jesus Christ would come to Earth to be the living sacrifice that reconciles us with God. If only he had known that all paths lead to God, before we willingly suffered the most brutal death for us. No point in studying scripture, who needs all that when all paths lead to God. Seems all my efforts to walk the path of God's truth and redemption has been for nothing, I could have taken an easier path and obtain the same results and the promise of eternal life, too. Not even going to waste praying about this since I'm on the right path in the first place. The absurdity of the Pope's comment.
I am Minister DON McClellan If you read the 10 comandments ,you will see ( as stated ) I am THE ONE GOD ETC. Man has made religion " NOT GOD" SO AS FAR AS I am concerned the pope is right . Everything is made of the atom ON THIS PLANET , Excepft ONE THING ,and that is the most powerful thing that we know of . " LOVE" LOVE IS" GOD " NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE -YOU HAVE LOVE IN YOU ,and that is GOD .
Let the Catholics deal with their church leader as they see fit. I have no idea as to what God said or didn't say to him or WWJD as well. The Bible is merely a snap shot view in time, written by mere mortals. A way to control people's thoughts and actions? An accurate guide to living this way but not that? I have no clue as God doesn't "speak" to me. I only feel a warmth and peace come over me when I think of God and the wonderful act of creation all around me. I'll leave it to you "scholars" to fight it out over what is and what isn't.
As someone who was raised Catholic and is still a devout Christian, allow me to offer some insight:
Modern Catholic teaching has clarified that non-Christians who are ignorant of the Gospel through no fault of their own, such as those raised in other faiths who have not accepted Christianity either because Christian doctrine has not been presented to them fully (or at all), or those who are so deeply committed to their own faith that they see Christianity as unnecessary or not relevant for them, can indeed be saved through following the law of God as written in their hearts. That view isn't an attempt to ignore or downplay Jesus's assertion that following him is the only true way. Rather, since God wants to save the entirety of the human race, it follows that he must have provided a means for those who are ignorant of that "only way" through no direct fault of their own to follow it, albeit indirectly. I believe this is what Pope Francis was trying to verbalize, although I will say he did so rather badly. Still, when you take into account where he was when he made the comments in question, and the sheer number of non-Christians who would hear them in that particular moment, he seems to have (wisely) decided it was not appropriate to call into question the diverse beliefs of his audience.
i was understanding most of my life as hes says pope francis
I don't see what they're complaining about. He did say there's only one God, so he's still dissing the polytheists. Sounds pretty traditional to me.
Salvation is by Grace through Faith not of works that none shall boast. Basically, I classify only 2 religions. by this I mean you can put all religions like Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, and all these other religions into one group we will call the "DO" group (do this or that to earn yourself a spot in heaven.
I call Christianity as the only religion in the other group we will call the "DONE" group. Everything you need to get into heaven is already done! Salvation is a free gift of grace. Jesus has done it all! all we need to do is accept his invitation
Bill Allen
"...do this or that to earn yourself a spot in heaven..."
"...all we need to do is accept his invitation...
How again is the former's "do" different from the latter's "do"?
Kinda seems like you're favoring one religion over all others
Bias perhaps?
I was raised Catholic and still subscribe to all of the tenets of the Church that I see as logically arising from the beliefs and practices of the early church.
Having said that, I have no problem is saying out loud that "there is bo God but Allah" (but I stop there). For all believers, as Francis says, "All religions are paths to reach God". If one follows as best one can the ideas of loving God and loving others as oneself, one sees God in everyone.
The idea of limiting God, saying that unless somebody does this particular act or that particular ritual God will damn that person, is ridiculous. If you believe in a loving God, that does not compute. :)
A life lived in peace and love, regardless if one is in any particular religion, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Bahai'i, even if one is agnostic or atheist (boy, will they be surprised!) is a path to God. That, to me, seems crystal clear.
Many people need a god to focus their life upon. I personally do not care what they named him/her; just so they are comfortable in their living with all others on his earth.
My one great hope is that, one day soon, all of today's religions achieve the mythological status of those that preceded them.
I feel that the Almighty reaches out to us in the way we are most able to relate to, whatever that religion might be. The Almighty existed long before modern religions and will be here long after they have faded. The Almighty doesn’t care what name you use to talk to him, or what ceremony you chose, just so long as you are talking.
One of the documents of the Second Vatican Counsel stated that the Catholic Church recognizes that God is revealed in various ways and in various cultures. Although Christianity states that Christ is the most perfect revelation, other religions are also on a path to God.
I feel like his words were the warmest comment he’s made. Maybe people will start to genuinely see the divine in everyone.
All roads lead to God. Some just take a little longer.
Well, I did a little research and yes, the Pope is right on. Fully in line with Church teaching. The document that backs him up is called Lumen Gentium and it states the Catholic Church recognized the seeds of the Spirit in all faiths. And all lead to salvation.
Thanks for your research on this question. I do wish you would share some or all of your resources. I am from a long line of practicing Catholics. We were taught to embrace people of other faiths as well asCatholics who marry outside the church. Some members have joined other faiths, a few have abandoned organized religions. I am one of these. I have long realized that the church fed us pablum mixed with lies and fear, in order to control us by keeping us in the dark and often unable to believe we are in charge of our lives, not an institution that finds every way possible to keep us under their thumb. Here is a profound example: Do you see and female priests, bishops, cardinals, popes? I once asked my younger sister if she thought we”d have women priests in our lifetime. Her answer was “ Not as long as there’s a hierarchy!
Those Catholics who believe in their stoic traditions over the unseen hand of his holy spirit which has guided each one of us to minister his word for those believers so that they may find their path to faith, have forgotten the face of The Father, that intangible divinity that each faithful interpreter translates the message to which is given to us to in turn tell those who will hear our words. Every man of the cloth stumbles along the way. Remember that forgiveness first starts from within ones self and ALL are deserving of salvation and we each know his presence as he has revealed himself to us. We all walk different paths in life so we all know him in our own way. Other cultures have different backgrounds, heroes and events that make them who they are as a people. Some cultures are built by evil men but eventually, for the sake of their survival and prosperity, they will overcome their evil roots and erect a hero in his place. In turn these heroes become gods to earlier civilizations. Yet all righteous lives and roads inevitably lead to crossing paths with God in some way, so I believe of course.
Those Catholics who believe in their stoic traditions over the unseen hand of his holy spirit which has guided each one of us to minister his word for those believers so that they may find their path to faith, have forgotten the face of The Father, that intangible divinity that each faithful interpreter translates the message to which is given to us to in turn tell those who will hear our words. Every man of the cloth stumbles along the way. Remember that forgiveness first starts from within ones self and ALL are deserving of salvation and we each know his presence as he has revealed himself to us. We all walk different paths in life so we all know him in our own way. Other cultures have different backgrounds, heroes and events that make them who they are as a people. Some cultures are built by evil men but eventually, for the sake of their survival and prosperity, they will overcome their evil roots and erect a hero in his place. In turn these heroes become gods to earlier civilizations. Yet all righteous lives and roads inevitably lead to crossing paths with God in some way, so I believe of course.
However, the Pope one who is allowed to see the most secret of writings. When the last pope will be, the signs of the second coming of Christ, the truth about I AM. To attempt to bring all faiths to God is his directive from God. I fear for those so locked in the written word of man, as deciphered and re-written through the ages, God did not write the Bible, man did. Those who fail to open their hearts and minds are stuck on man’s interpretation of man’s writings.
I love this, and fully agree with you. Thank you for sharing.
The Pope is telling the world Jesus Christ is not the only way to come before God. A unhealed man is telling the world he is the way the truth and the life, really!? He is saying all religions is the way. I mean, religions. No help from God at all. You work your way into the kingdom. I don't want to worship a god I got to find, I don't want to worship a god I have to beg to hear me. I want to worship a God who knows me and understands who I am in spirit. I'll follow Him into His kingdom. In the God I serve is rest, peace, love, mercy and comfort. He has no conditions. I want to worship with others who follow His steps because there is no other gods beside Him. Jesus Christ is that follower, the exess by faith into His grace in which I stand by the glory of the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent.
So if anybody want to follow me, because I'm following Jesus Christ (Yod-he-vau-he-shina) whom God (Yod-He-Vau-He) has sent. He's the only way. For I AM dwells with in me. I AM is King of Kings and Preist. There is no other. Amen.
I happen to agree with the Pope -- so much so that I wrote a book about staying personally connected with God and renewing faith in everything we do while not stressing out about which church is "right" or adhering to ancient rituals and differing Christian doctrines that may no longer serve to nurture one's Christianity and spiritual growth. The Bible was written to be applicable for all times and it's up to every Christian to keep it relevant in their lives and in our time if we are to do God's will. For those who are interested in learning how to embrace modern principles for Christian renewal, the information is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DH3GFTPS
As a teenager, I embarked on a quest to understand the various religions by attending churches of different denominations and exploring diverse faiths. Through this journey, I came to the realization that there is only one God, and it is humanity that has created the differences and viewpoints in their interpretation of the world. Religion serves one core purpose: to create a path for individuals to connect with God. No matter the path one chooses, if it leads to a connection with God, it is the right path. However, I believe that only a small percentage of people truly understand and experience God’s unconditional love, while the rest remain on a quest to discover this love. This realization has deeply influenced my approach to life and work, reinforcing my commitment to inclusivity and the pursuit of wholeness in all aspects of wellness, both physical and spiritual. What is you quest?
Pope Francis did nothing more than to take time to remind Catholics on one of the Church’s perspectives from the Vatican II Council (1962-1965). The Vatican II produced a series of documents to direct the life of the Church in the twentieth century and beyond.
Any Archdiocese will be able to help anyone interested with any questions they may have.
As a Jesuit-trained Catholic, I was taught that John was not written by John and was written well after Jesus' death, so the words attributed to Jesus are actually put in his mouth by whomever wrote this Gospel. The real heretics are the evangelical conservative Catholics who love to play the Bible quote game to promote their political agenda.
Yes, thank you! I’ve been saying that for a lifetime. Bibles were/are written by man not by the Lord himself and Bibles are written in a way to ensure that followers obey the rules of the particular religion created by man.
Born and raised Catholic…I believe there is no “ correct “ or one path to heaven. Every religion has its own pitfalls and good points, the Catholic faith is no different. Just check it’s history if you don’t believe it.
I believe God made all creatures and no matter what path to God you follow, if your path is true you will be graceful and kind in your words, actions and deeds, this will bring you to him in heaven.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your response, as it is and has been mine for YEARS. Do good, do for others, be kind, love your neighbor and the rest, and in time we will know. I have gotten into "scuffles" with a FEW, who repeat the "the way, the truth, the life", and my response that would throw them: "What about your Jewish, Islamic, Hindi, etc. friends, what becomes of them and their belief?' Truthfully, I feel other religions have it more accurate in their beliefs than "most" Christians. Just my opinion.