The “gayest project Marvel has ever done” is available to stream, and some religious parents are warning others that they may want to tune out of the new Disney+ show.
“Agatha All Along,“ a spinoff of 2021’s wildly popular “Wandavision,“ follows Kathryn Hahn’s Agatha Harkness, a powerful witch on a quest to recruit a coven of witches and complete a series of magical trials.
But some parents say that the show’s LGBTQ+ themes, and heavy emphasis on the occult, make this a show families should sit out.
A "Gay Explosion"
“It will be a gay explosion by the end,” is how actress Aubrey Plaza, who costars in the show as “Green Witch” Rio Vidal, explained the series. Actress Sasheer Zamata, who plays Jennifer Kale, cosigned that statement, calling it the “gayest project Marvel has ever done.”
"Witches are Queer inherently, just because we are outcast and set aside for many reasons," she explained. "This show does a really good representation of different types of people."
Those comments did not sit well with Christian parents, some of whom are mounting a protest against the new series. These critics argue that it’s inappropriate for kids, despite being included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and airing on the kid-friendly Disney+ streaming service.
"Parents presume that a streaming platform such as Disney+ is designed for children and is the last place parents would expect their children to be confronted with content regarding sexual orientation and sorcery," wrote Monica Cole, from the faith-based parent watchdog group One Million Moms, in a recent email to followers. "Issues of this nature are being introduced too early and too soon, and this type of content is becoming extremely common and unnecessary."
It’s not just the film’s LGBTQ+ content causing a stir on social media.
Rise in "Dangerous" Paganism
Movieguide, a religious media watchdog which rates films and television on their appropriateness for Christian audiences, told its readers that Agatha All Along “reflects a dangerous growing interest in witchcraft and Paganism among young people.”
Some argue that Disney is intentionally injecting Pagan themes into their shows to garner acceptance for a faith that was once pushed to the fringe of American society.
A few years ago, one mother went viral for her campaign against Disney’s 2022 film ‘Hocus Pocus 2,’ alleging that the PG rated film had the power to manifest demons through the television and straight into one’s living room, where they might harvest the very souls of your children.
“It seems innocent,” she stated, “until it’s not.”
Satanic Panic, But Make It Gay
Is this all part of a resurgent Satanic Panic, with a modern LGBTQ+ twist? And are these shows with Pagan themes following in the footsteps of other pop culture scapegoats like Dungeons & Dragons in the 80s and Harry Potter in the 00s?
Some would argue that as Wicca and Paganism see a popular resurgence and renewed cultural acceptance, it’s only natural for film and television to reflect that by telling more stories from a Pagan point of view. And the same could be argued for LGBTQ+ acceptance and growing LGBTQ+ representation across media.
But this shift has also prompted heated debate, particularly in religious households, about how children consume media. As a consequence, some Christian parents and watchdog groups are going so far as to protest any content with Pagan and/or LGBTQ+ themes, with the loudest critics going as far as trying to get them removed from streaming services entirely.
Could similar arguments be made about religious themes in children's television, though? You don’t see Pagans mounting a nationwide campaign to wipe Christian-themed kids’ content like "VeggieTales" off the air, opponents say.
If there's one constant here, it's that parents want to do the best thing for their kids. Some parents clearly believe their children's very souls are in danger, and that viewing shows like ‘Agatha All Along’ may set them down a dark path. Others insist that exposing kids to diverse identities and perspectives is vital to development.
What do you think? Where is the line drawn when it comes to kids, faith, and what’s on the TV screen?
Among the children watching and listening are young gays often confused and at the beginning of feeling their true self is unacceptable. I pray that all of us are appreciated for our uniqueness.
Including those that are down with bestiality and pedophilia? That's kinda unique.
Maybe Disney should make a skin flick with men and boys and girls. That'd be unique I bet.
SoJ, the LGBTQIA community does NOT condone bestiality or pedophilia, and people like you - - who don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about - - make life that much more difficult for those of us who are just trying to live our lives without your ignorance.
May your life flow smoothly with understanding and acceptance
We want a life without your ignorance as well. If you just wanted to live and be happy, why push your alphabet on the rest of us who want nothing to do with it...especially with tv and kids shows.
Why do you push straightness on everyone regardless of their sexuality? It's not ignorant to want to see yourself represented in society, it's basic empathy. Asking to be accepted in society isn't pushing anything on anyone. You're just showing your ignorance.
"Including those that are down with bestiality and pedophilia?"
isn't that the domain of priests and straight married fellows? pretty sure it is
as for a disney skin flick, is that on your wish list
Why is it you self-righteous 'judges' always fall back on bestiality and pedophilia? Heck why not throw in necrophilia too? Where is your mind? You're just haters that have zero understanding. https://www.livescience.com/13409-myths-gay-people-debunked-sexual-orientation.html.... A 1994 study, led by Carole Jenny of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, surveyed 269 cases of children who were sexually molested by adults. In 82 percent of cases, the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close relative of the child, the researchers reported in the journal Pediatrics. In only two out of 269 cases, the offender was identified as being gay or lesbian.
We LGBTQ++ people can get married to the partner of our choice now. So far, only conservatives (Republicans) have wanted to have sex with animals, computers or other inanimate objects, and once asked the courts to marry them. They were laughed out of the courts, like you are being laughed at now by so many.
Ahhh, I believe the phrase my daughter would use is
' Look at you, telling on yourself '
Comment removed by user.
Comment removed by user.
Easy peasy, simply forbid your kids seeing this.
Then either lock them in the basement for 2 years or expect them to lie to about where they are going next weekend.
The movie will gross another $20 million.
Or raise them in a way they don't care about it.
Even easier.
Peer pressure is real thing, and for children too!
First statement of value you have made soj. Raise your children to not care about the sexuality of others. Raise them to not self-righteously judge others because they are different than you. Raise them to love their neighbor. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
Super Duper! Here's a tip for overly religious parents concerned about what their little monsters watch, "don't watch it and Mind Y O F B. Sincerely, Everyone Else
Klaire, do these Christians not have the same civil right to voice their opinions just as you do?
Of course they do. What they don't have is the right to dictate what everyone else watches or does.
Hear! Hear! Amber is correct!
kkkris chn outrage compliments of the GAY AGENDA and PAGANISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just more pathetic, whiny, someone-needs-attention kkkristofascists taking advantage of the present kkkristo-talabanistic sentiments in this country (and in the kkkristofascist (white) suprem(icy) court.
so let's see, one million kkkristofascist moms each pounding out at least four kkkrsit-lits, at least one of which is going to be a boy, times one million equals one million boys times four percent (a conservative number) equals 40,000 new gay baby bois to keep on populating the american gay community.
marvelous, absolutely marvelous
you go girls, keep obeying you husband, prayin to jebus and keep on making gaybies (and lesbians, and trans, and non-binary...we all come out of the mama vagina)
as for paganism...if the show were instead about jews, or muslims or catholics those same bigoted moms would be complaining about that.
I think One Million Moms is only one mom, and I wonder if she believes spousal discipline is acceptable. That’s a new term I learned today from a white evangelical hate pastor. It’s consensual in case you wondered, but that’s just the pastor’s statement. The spouse wasn’t allowed to speak. Now that's a topic they should focus on.
Give it time JJ. Soon Disney will have jesus ridin' the pole all the way to Jerusalem.
pretty sure he did that already, not to mention a train or two and some other 'tasty' acts
You lead a horribly protected life, SOJ!
I think it was a piece of timber, not a pole.
Really nailed that joke
As usual this is much ado about nothing. If someone's lifestyle or religious beliefs are influenced by the TV shows they watch then there is a deeper problem here. Therapy might help.
Here’s an idea… Don’t let them watch! Why do we need to go further and say wipe it out completely. Don’t ever produce a show like this again. What is that? The article mentions that people who are Pagan or Wicca don’t organize against Christian themed shows. On wait, that would be religious persecution. It’s really Religions persecuting everyone that doesn’t tow their line.
I love the line that says they are trying to “garner acceptance for a faith that was once pushed to the fringe of American society.” Are we talking about the Salem Witch Trials because yeah… that was a good thing. Did this sort of thing happen when Bewitched first premiered? We’ve had all types of TV shows and movies like this over decades. Charmed, Supernatural, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, A Discovery Of Witches, Harry Potter, Dungeon and Dragons. Some of these had gay characters.
This isn’t even the first show like this on Disney+. Wandavision, which this show is a spinoff was about a Wanda, The Scarlet Witch. What did parents do then? They didn’t let their kids watch them. Why are we now organizing protests, calling for boycotts, picketing? I realize these parents think this is dangerous, but simply don’t let your kids see it.
This is make believe. Real witches cannot wave their hands, recite an incantation and disappear. They can’t shoot energy bursts from the hands to slay a foe. I wonder if the parents have lost track of some of the computer games their kids are playing. They at least normalize things that are real dangers to society. Just sayin...
I forgot to say, I agree, just don't watch it, we stopped watching marvel junk once Disney female dog'ed it all up.
masculinity threatened was it?
Disney is building a new Marvel park, I'd say Marvel superheroes are here to stay!
Real men can't get pregnant but the 8 O'clock news says they can and so does Google.
Men getting pregnant?! What on earth are you talking about?
I’m not at all sure how this relates to the topic, or wtf it actually means.
They've successfully transplanted a few uterus from one woman to another and actually given birth from them. Last one was a swap between two sisters in England. Only works with IVF and cesarean birth only. Womb last a maximum of 5 years in another body. Of course a bunch of freaks think that they're going to get this implanted to make them more like a woman. But it would have to be a from a younger living donor and not a cadaver. I'm quite sure that real women would be given the greater preference before a wishful trans. Of course there's always someone with boatload of money and women (or bearded ladies) ready to sell body parts. Maybe Ru Paul will be first!
I try to be live and let live. I like to not know what anyone else does in the privacy of their intimacy.
That's why Disney is broadcasting across the globe, so they can be private about it....
"Pay for TV" service is not broadcasting, child!
These kkkris chns are advocating for not just religious intolerance but religious bigotry. Who are they to condemn pagan beliefs which are no more made up than their own beliefs.
Just one more example of kkkristofascists fake-outrage because another religion is being spotlighted when they believe that only their (version of) kkksristofascism should be highlighted.
Paganism, Wiccan, Hindu, Judaism, Islam, et al. have just as much right to exist as kkkristofascism yet those cross-carrying terrorist are in many ways little different from (and likely include) those cross-burning terrorists (though I'm told there are good people on both sides, DJ)
To be fair, the ULC does kinda encourage outrage and overreaction by seeking out articles that are either anti-kkkristofascist or offensive to kkkristofascists (which of course, is practically everything)
Will this see the light of day? We'll see
For those worried about Paganism should look at history as the church itself incorporated Pagan items into it's own ministry. Many parents who are complain and panic about everything under the sun don't realize that their parents before them did the same thing about the things that they now like such as rock music, television itself and more. Why not be more constructive and spend time with your child and teach them how beautiful the world outside is and how much more good there is in the world than bad.
It’s ok for these people to let their kids watch Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Frozen, etc. But Agatha All Along is where they draw the line? There aren’t many children’s stories and films without magick of some sort. As far as LGBTQ content, if they don’t want their kids to watch it, they can use something called “Parental Controls”. SMH
Parents, complain all you want, forbid your children from seeing this or some other movie / show, or as suggested by some even lock them in your basement. That will in no way prevent them from learning all the lurid details of this or any other movie / show / book. They will learn these things from their friends and classmates and in your neighborhoods. I never learned about homosexuality from my parents or in school, I learned about it in my neighborhood from the homosexuals. Better to let them experience these events, better yet go with them, and have calm informative talks about the various subject matters. Like witches aren't real, never have been, and are just the stuff of mythical fairy tales and scary stories. (Oh if only I were a witch, the good I could do and the fun it would be to cast a spell of the pox on every politician, cultural leader, person, and even clergy who insist upon continually spewing hate, lies, and intentional misdirection, but alas ... )
I am a witch. It’s a lot of fun, actually…(and yes, I’m a minister as well.)
Paula, do you have any intelligence spells? Please cast them!
I said I’ma witch, not a miracle worker! I’ll start on that with my morning ritual…
I'm with you my sister in witchcraft. If there was such a spell it would take all of us working together to just cover a tenth of the nitwits out there.
We are very real my dear. We’ve been around since the beginning. 😉 🌖🌑🌔
Longer than religion, right? I think people miss that.
Totally! It’s really sad.
Easy, don't turn it on, and there's nothing to get all upset over is there? Find things to watch you can enjoy, family type entertainment.
It is strange that those who are so religious have issues with their own personal self control and self censorship.
Why do these people think we are their children? All the devices they lavish on their actual children can be confiscated and turned off.
^Are there terrifying 🌈s on stuff?^
Everyone has a right to see themselves represented. It goes both ways. you can't just have it your way. that's bullying. I love that Disney+ has these shows and doing their part to for equality.
This show is excellent and these Humans complaining can turn it off or chose something else to watch. There is nothing wrong with this show.
According to Google AI, the intended audience is younger women and those who call themselves queer (not gay) and it is rated TV-14 by Disney+. Therefore, it is not appropriate for prepubescent children and would be boring for postpubescent boys or men whether gay or straight. Since it is not appropriate for kids (prepubescent), why is it produced by Disney which long ago established itself and its empire in shows for young children? Bad decision by Disney, but not worth the hand wringing of the fundamentalists.
Disney has been producing more, let’s say enticing movies and shows for decades. They used to hide them behind their subsidiary Touchstone. At least I believe that was their name. We called them the naughty Disney. There is no reason they shouldn’t be producing a wide range of programming. They kind of need to for them to stay relevant.
James, I agree with the main points of your comment. Disney took a major stake in Hulu for the very reason of producing more adult content and, I think might own it outright now. I've no issue with that. But Disney made it's fortune with shows and theme parks whose target audience was little kids. They've bled billions of dollars over the last couple of years. I'm not advocating that as a corporation they shouldn't make content for profitable markets, but do think that it would be a wiser business decision to separate the branding.
Streaming makes that more and more difficult to do.
Hulu and Disney+ are two different brands of services managed by the Disney Corporation. There is a package plan for both services, which we buy. There is nothing untowards on the Disney+, unless you see some of the documentaries for the National Geographic selection, where breasts on natives are sometimes pictured.
First and foremost, if you don't like it don't watch it. But, WOW! gay pagans and heck let's throw in illegal brown immigrants while we're at it! BE AFRAID BE AFRAID!!! And seriously, HOCUS POCUS II? Demons coming out of the tv!? It is so obvious that most of these Bible thumpers have no idea what Paganism really is. Here is the bottom line, no matter what your idea of God is whether it's seeing God's power in nature or the corrupted ancient scriptures know this... ALL SPIRITUAL POWER COMES FROM GOD.
The Bible thumpers are practicing Pagans and don’t even know it. Every year they honor the fertility goddess, worship their ancestors spirits, and to top it all off, celebrate the Saturnalia/Winter Solstice. 😂 Plus, casting spells using candle magick on their birthday. 🤣🤣🤣
April B, Not to mention celebrating a human sacrifice.
It's ashame of the pure self centeredness from some of the posts. I hope that these people are not in the religious role their name implies. What happened to it's not our place to judge, only accept and love one another as they are. We don't know each other's backstory.
I know haters will hate. Don't feed into them that's what they want, to start a confrontation. If you do they win. Not that it's a game, but they get what they came after. When they find they can't rouse you/us they will continue to try but eventually go away as the game is no longer fun. Don't give into them.
Stay safe all Gal. 6:9
Amen Just read the Bible then tell me
A man made book no thank you.
Grow up people and stop judging and stop trying to make it your way. There are many different ways in this world you can't have it just one was.
Sleeping Beauty? Snow White? If you think that Disney is "just now" featuring witchcraft in their programming, then you have been asleep the entire time!! Also, think it over...Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Wizard of Oz...Kinda looks like you are fine, just as long as the "Witch" is shown as being evil and gets killed in the end. Didn't have much problem with your kids seeing a witch being offed, did you? As for "being sexualized"...I guess it's fine if a random stranger comes in and kisses a sleeping girl...so long as it's a MAN doing it! Of course, it's okay for him to "Grab them by the pu#@y", too, isn't it? GROW THE HELL UP!!! If you don't want to see it, DON'T WATCH IT!!!
Christians need to get off their high horse, This country does not belong to them. I am a Pagan and not a Witch or Gay and I really like this show. I find it entertaining and not pretentious or judgemental. I have every right to have shows that reflect my personal ideals as the Christians do. I am tired of the false morality and sense of superiority these people keep projecting. Turn the dial if you don't want to watch. That is what I have to do when the preachy shows are on.
I could not agree with you more but, to them they do believe the country does belong to them and presently they are working very hard to make that true and accurate. Project 2025 is the game plan, should it be followed, to make the US a theocracy. They make no bones about it (other, eventually, than those with whom they disagree) these people (some are in here) honestly want this country run according to their (specific) bible and beliefs.
This is not an exaggeration, it's a real and persistent threat to this country and to every citizen who is either not their flavor of kkkrs chn or is not kkkrs chn. And they will be coming after the LFBTQ+ community, then immigrants, racial discrimination, sexual discrimination....some people are working very hard to make the US a kkkrstofascist version of the taliban
[my posts take anywhere from a couple of hours to a day or more to clear the censors here, just saying...]
And, of course, the religious zealots and hate-mongers are out screaming foul and stomping their feet. Comparing being LGBTQ+ to being a pedophile - despite over 98% of all pedos have been straight men, and a HUGE number of them have been religious priests.
Just like they scream that being pagan, or more to the point a practitioner of witchcraft, somehow also makes a person a pedo and one to go into bestiality and all the rest of the BS. They scream "protect the kids" while, at the same time, handing their kids over to churches whose priests are KNOWN child-molesters.
But of course, they have no ACTUAL reasons for hating people who are LGBTQ+ or who are pagans except "It's against my religion", so they scream and claim that people who don't follow THEIR god, or believe the same as they do, are somehow evil beings who are trying to harm kids.
People are right, this is the "Satanic Panic" all over again, amplified by idiots on social media.
Sorry Bridget, wrong yet again. while most pedophiles are men, there are about 45% of them that are women. Or are you ignoring the massive increase of women going after teens in their classes according to the latest FBI Crime Report that is made up by police reports from all over the country.
Daniel she is correct that Pedophiles are NOT members of the LBGTQ community. And you are incorrect women only make up 12% of pedophiles.
sorry but thats not what the NIH has found. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3302030/
The NIH didn't write that page, it's just published there. It's a paper from the Cultural and Recreational Center, a Dutch organization. It's their opinion, not science.
According to the FBI Crime Data Reporter, in the last 5 years there have been 98,290 arrests for sex offenses not including rape. They don't provide statistics as far as I can find specifically on pedophilia. Of those arrested, 5,613 were women. Lets do the math here. 5,613 divided by 98,290 comes out to about 5.7%. Unless you can provide me with some source of data specifically listing pedophilia offenders, I'd love to see that source. Until then, you look like the one with egg on your face.
Wrong yet again. The FBI Crime report clearly available on the FBI webpage, states "while most of the pedophiles are men (51%) women are now almost equal to men (49%) in being charged for child sexual exploitation and here is yet another survey/study that backs this up http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/pubs/cm09/cm09.pdf . Now lets see the egg on Hunts face when the FBI Crime report refutes his claim
I have searched and searched and I cannot find anything on the FBI Crime Report that states what you are claiming. Please provide a link to the page in question.
The link you did provide goes to a website that says page not found so could you try again?
This sounds like a made-up fact, please include a citation/spource
https://www.d2l.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Statistics_2_Perpetrators.pdf FACTS for Rev. Dr. Father JJ
Where in that pamphlet does it state that 45% of pedophiles are women?
yes JJ Hunts claim is a made up fact, and I already gave sources proving him wrong.
Here's what Google AI had to say about this:
"A majority of statutory rape offenders are male, but a significant percentage of male statutory rape victims are also victimized by women:
Female victims: More than 99% of offenders of female statutory rape victims are male.
Male victims: 94% of offenders of male statutory rape victims are female.
Child sexual abuse: In 2013, 88% of substantiated sexual abuse claims to CPS were made by male perpetrators, while 9% were made by female perpetrators.
Other statistics on sexual abuse include:
80–85% of completed rapes are committed by someone known to the victim.
29% of statutory rape offenses occur when the offender and victim were previously in a romantic relationship, and 62% occur when they were acquaintances.
Only 2% of rapists are convicted and imprisoned.
Most research on sexual crimes has concerns about underreporting."
I draw your attention to two of the above statics 1) 94% of those who raped boys are women. 2) Only 2% are convicted. So any statistics referencing prosecutions or convictions are likely to be unreflective of reality as boys are much, much les likely to report adult women with whom they had sex as minors. I was astonished as an adult to learn from my male classmates how many had indeed done so in high school.
And statuary rape is not Pedophilia. A pedophile is exclusively attracted to prepubescent children. Clean up your terms to less triggering terms and accuracy.
Lisa, the term statutory rape is defined by law not me as are terms such as child sexual abuse. Why did you bring up a technical difference some (not all) make between pedophilia and ephebophilia? And why would any of these terms be triggering to anyone?
I have watched all 4 episodes and it is a very entertaining show, and it did not make me want to be gay. LOL I am looking forward to the next episodes.
If it does not have a G rating then TV settings should shield kids in a conservative house hold. Otherwise just cancel your Disney service and state why you are doing it when the inquiry pops up. Hit the bottom line a little and maybe we can all go back to Mayberry RFD. HBO and Ru Paul have enough information for the alphabet squad families to watch as a group. Maybe it would be best just to limit screen time altogether for any children along with smart phones.
I repat for your benefit: "It is strange that those who are so religious have issues with their own personal self control and self censorship."
Disney has been puking it's guts out for a while now. I got bored of looking at their haggis a while back and am glad for it.
I think the last pile of puke I looked at was when the sawed off runt called mark hammil or whatever it calls itself performed like a sick cow. Reminded me of the mess you get when a goat gives birth.
SoJ why don’t you keep your misogynistic and inane comments to your ideas of religion and leave decent people alone?
And try to write something useful, sensible, hate free and without vile language. It might get you an actual upvote once in awhile.
Thanks rev BH, you got my message. I don't like Disney and please don't ask what I think about Hasbro.
It took alot of probing to find out what they'll censor here. Once a fella sorts that out he can give it heck when he feels the time is right. He can be the most politely belligerent mother trucker this side of the Mississippi no matter what side you on.Transformation is a good thing usually. The caterpillar into the butterfly, the worm into the Luna moth, the boy into the man.
The forest into decay, the lake into mud and the friend into fiend are not good transformations. Disney has not undergone a good transformation. It has become the bottom of the trough you'll find in any average pub toilet of Windsor England filled with cigarette butts and the urine of drunkards.My opinion of course.
That is a sorry reply!
Paula, I have no idea where you get the thought that I devalue women. Zero.
While it's true the thing called mark hammol(or whatever) is the genitalia of a woman he's not one.
Women are the finest of all creation. No flower, no bird of beauty, no wonder of nature or man can be levied against the splendor and flawless perfection of a woman.
The only comparison that can be made against women is this: Women are as sunsets are, each is beautiful and each is unique. Nothing in the universe is as a woman is.
Well, that's one man's opinion. But, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Your lack of respect is not just for Disney+ as is evident here in these many comments you make. I feel sorry for a person with as much raging disdain for so much of the wonders of life and what it really is all about! Perhaps you chose the wrong "lifestyle"!
I’m unclear why you care so much that you’ve commented on nearly every post. If you don’t enjoy the show, don’t watch. It’s really that simple.
you have some interesting scenarios to draw upon
No reason to get upset as its already been cancelled faster then the Acolyts 2nd season https://deadline.com/2024/08/the-acolyte-canceled-no-season-2-star-wars-disney-plus-1236044233/ and Agatha All Along Agatha All Along Season 2 Has Not Been Confirmed By Marvel As it stands, no official plans have been revealed for a season 2 of Agatha All Along. Still, everything known about the Agatha series suggests that a follow-up season wont be a possibility.Sep 18, 2024
All of Disneys DEI programs have been shut down. and writers have been let go. Disney has lost close to 4 billion dollars in the last 3 years on movies that have not even mnade their money back they spent on making it
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. has not even broke the 600 million they would need to break even The Marvels has not even broke the 100 million mark worlwide. The Little Mermaid actually lost money to the tune of 800 million dollars Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny only made 400 million worldwide and needed to break 850 million to show a profit
Pixar has lost money left and right after the Same Sex kiss in Buzz Lightyear. And dont even get me started on how Disney has destroyed the Marvel Universe and Star Wars, and have you noticed that Star Trek has not reared its head after they showed Sulu was supposed to be gay?
Disney plus is so screwed they shut down their offices in less then 5 days. And I dont foresee this to be changing anytime soon. All of this sex swapping and DEI crap (the person who does the best work should be the one who gets the job) I mean look at Dr Who, they changed him to a woman and now to a minority and fired the latest doctor and brought back the old one. Disney has cancelled at least 6 new star wars movies and TV shows and has removed bre larson from all future projects (Captain Marvel was originally a man) and they have went so far as to try and change the Universal monsters into different sexes and kill off Blade the Vampire Hunter and use his daughter...He never had a daughter.
The whole point is you need to listen to your audience. They come to see your product to be entertained and escape reality for a while, not to be preached at and called names or to have their beliefs shoved down your throat. Its got so bad for Disney that Musk is looking into a hostile takeover of Disney. Want to hear them scream, let that happen.
Daniel, Trek has nothing to do with Disney and making the Sulu character gay was in honor of the original actor, George Takei who is Gay.
Wait a minute, what Trek show has made Sulu a gay character? Since Discovery I stopped paying attention. My second TV crush of a male actor was Sulu. I guess that's why most of my romantic interests have been with Asian guys. So, where is this show?.
In the Kelvin Universe. Sulu is gay. I'm a huge trekker.
Super cool. Thanks!
Hey, Russ. I should have been more specific. It’s the Kelvin Universe, 3rd movie, Star Trek Beyond. I believe it’s on Netflix.
Thank you for the update, James. I definitely want to watch it.
Sorry Johnson, but Disney OWNS Star Trek, the person who runs it is Kathleen Kennedy, look her up on the Disney web page.
As for Sulu being Gay, go rewatch the new versions of Star Trek. All this was started by Kennedy.
And I pretty much expect her to be fired before the end of the year as Disney cant keep loosing money left and right and keep their doors open. So far Snow White has fired the person who was supposed to star in it as she couldnt stop shooting her mouth off in front of the camera. They removed the dwarves and the outcry was so great they tried to put them back in and made them CGI and they are a young childs nightmare. They are so horrible that it would give Freddy and Jason nightmares. Rachel Zegler shot her mouth off and cost herself over 250 million in income and future parts. And you dont go round and insult your co star Gal Gadot and then expect Gal to just ignore it. And its become so bad for Zegler that she has hired attorneys to try and sue Disney, the problem is the contract she signed which is SOP for all actors and actresses clearly states you will NOT disrespect Disney nor bring any shame on them while under this contract. I fully expect in about 10 to 12 years going into a restaurant in Hollywood (if its still there) have look at the person asking if they can take my order and seeing Zegler standing there.
Pixar is owned by Disney and they have not had a movie that broke even in over 10 years.
ABC is owned by Disney and ABC is facing a 30 BILLION DOLLAR lawsuit for popping off at the mouth with no proof. Not to mention it has been proved that the two in the Presidential Debate actually gave Harris the questions and this was stated two weeks before the debate by a whistleblower, and if proved true...ABC will lose their broadcast license and face Federal Election fraud charges. Congress already has a committee looking into this.
SO no matter what you think or want to believe, its not looking good for Disney right now and with all these legal troubles, no they are not now nor will they in the future be building any new parks when they had to close almost all of the overseas ones and are having a hard time keeping the lights on on the two they have left in the US.
Again, Daniel, just because you speak with authority does not make you right. You’re confusing Star Trek with STAR WARS, but they’re different franchises, and Disney owns STAR WARS. Also, Paramount Global is NOT part of the Disney family. You may not know the difference between Star Trek Cannon, the Novel verse, or Fan Fiction, but the think about Sulu’s wife? Come on… that certainly IS NOT part of Cannon. And you can’t bully your way through it. I am PROUDLY a Trek SUPER Nerd, but this isn’t the place for that. You are just plain and simply wrong my Bully Buddy.
As for Kathleen Kennedy, she has never had anything to do with Trek, but she does have some of the most powerful credits on her CV making money as a producer. Everything from E.T., Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Back To The Future, the original Jurassic Park, and yes, STAR WARS. Disney made her president of the Lucus part of their business where she’s had some success and some failures. However, she had nothing to do with Star Trek Beyond, where they refer to Sulu being gay by showing a husband and child.
As for the other conspiracy theory-type remarks… you actually begin to make sense now. There is no evidence that Harris was given any questions before the debate. Even that disgrace of a tRump disciple MTG said the story she posted was not true. As for a 30 BILLION dollar lawsuit against ABC… There was a defamation suit for 5.7 billion they had to pay. It was a Beef Products company. Good for them. News outlets should not get away with lying. I believe Fox News also owes Dominion a lot of money for the same thing.
Now that I know you are a part of that Religious Cult, I will never take anything you say as factual. But keep on bullying. You can’t chase me away, especially with made-up ****!
Finally, be respectful if you can. My name married name is Riggle-Johnson. And because I think you’ll like this; my husband and I have been together for almost 27 years now. Legally married for the last 14 as it was illegal before that. To make it easier since you don’t dig the hyphen, you can address me as Jim, James, or Riggle. Have a great Halloween.
Sorry, but since I was at the last Disney Stock Holders meeting, I think I have a bit more authority to speak on this issue then you or anyone else would. Or are you going to now say that Bob Iger is wrong?
If you were actually at this meeting, which I doubt you were, you'd maybe know what movies Pixar has actually made and that Paramount isn't owned by Disney.
I was and I know Pixar is not doing as well as you are trying to claim as if you had any knowledge of this you would know that Pixar, motion-picture studio, from 2006 a wholly owned subsidiary of the Disney Company, that was instrumental in the development and production of computer-animated films in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Therefor at the disney stock holders meeting Iger clearly stated how Pixar was doing and its not good.
Star Trek is owned by Paramount Global, not Disney...
And who do you think own Paramount? nice smoke screen. I bet if I told you Disney owns ABC you argue.
I'm well aware ABC is owned by Disney. So is ESPN. Paramount isn't owned by Disney. It's owned by Paramount Global which was previously Viacom. Never has Paramount been owned by Disney. Paramount does own Nickelodeon though, a direct competitor to the Disney Channel.
Sure they do......keep on with your fantasy. And I bet you still think Campbell Soups is still privately owned, Its not its owned by Pepsico just like the companies I mentioned are owned by Disney
Please show any source you can find showing that Paramount is a subsidiary of Disney. I won't hold my breath since they never have been.
Very simple, check with Bob Igers off at Disney. Or are you afraid you will be proved wrong as usual?
Great idea. I'll just give him a call on his cell phone sometime and have a chat.
I'm not afraid of being proved wrong. Are you?
Pixar has had a number of films be profitable in the last 10 years. https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/production-company/Pixar
I can't find anything about ABC facing a 30 billion dollar lawsuit for doing anything so I'm very curious as to where you received that information. The assertion that they gave Harris questions in advance is unsubstantiated over a month after the affidavit was submitted so we should be careful believing the claims to be true at this point. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2024/abc-news-affidavit-whistleblower-tony-west-bill-ackman-kamala-harris/
Disney also has seen a 4% increase in revenue since last year so they're not exactly losing money like you seem to infer they are.
right. here are just a few of the flops from Pixar Turning Red - A Bug’s Life - Elemental - Cars - The Good Dinosaur - Cars 2 and 3 - Onward - Lightyear - Soul - Luca - Mars Needs Moms - Strange World - Teacher’s Pet - Wish. NOT ONE of these made enough money to cover productions costs. Or in language you can understand, they LOST MONEY
You know if you had actually looked at the link I provided, you'd be able to see the budget and global box office earnings for each Pixar movie. If you had, you'd see that Lightyear had a $200,000,000 budget and brought in $218,878,024.
Inside Out 2 had a $200,000,000 budget and brought in $1,681,507,562.
Elemental $200,000,000 budget, $484,829,737 box office.
Toy Story 4 and Incredibles 2 made over $1 billion compared to their $200,000,000 budget.
Have they had movies that did not make a profit, yes. "They have not had a movie that broke even in over 10 years," very much false. Mars Needs Moms, Strange World, Teacher's Pet, and Wish aren't even Pixar films.
Just take the L here, Daniel.
Nice try Hunt. And just who are we supposed to believe? Some fool behind a desk who was not at the Aug 2024 Stock Holders meeting, or Iger who actually runs the darn place? Do try again
First off, you don't know that the person who created that website or found that information was not also on the stock holder's call.
Second, box office numbers are public knowledge so you don't need to be a stock holder to find them.
Third, you listed movies that aren't even Pixar films. Your credibility is extremely lacking.
Again, who are we to believe? your "source" or Iger, the CEO of Disney?
sorry but using your logic they should have done this back in the 70's and 80's....but they didnt. They spoke about Sulu's Daughter and how Sulu lost his WIFE in a romulan attack on the starship she was serving on. Seems you dont know as much as you think you do.
Sorry, I was laughing about your lengthy response I kinda mixed them all together. So, let me explain. My logic is straight on. I’ve actually talked to the actor’s and writers themselves. They did make reference to Sulu by showing a husband and daughter in Star Trek beyond because the original, Geoge Takai is gay. Yes, I’ve talked to the people that were involved because I go to so many conventions and speak to the talent.
So, to repeat… You may not know the difference between Star Trek Cannon, the Novel verse, or Fan Fiction, but the thing about Sulu’s wife? Come on… that certainly IS NOT part of Cannon. And you can’t bully your way through it. I am PROUDLY a Trek SUPER Nerd, but this isn’t the place for that. You are just plain and simply wrong my Bully Buddy.
SO what, there was no mention of this until Kathleen took over as head of that Department so you can say whatever you wish but the fact is Kathleen Kennedy is the one that changed the characters and she is soon to be fired because she screwed it so badly that its going to take years before Star Trek and Star Wars/Star Trek/Marvel ever gain back the trust it had before she took over.
It is easy enough for you to look up where Kennedy has worked, and the projects she’s been connected too. None of them are Star Trek. Reddit is not always a good source of information.
Reddit is not a news source. Sorry, its an opinion site
I implied that your source of information came from Reddit, because it’s so false, my dear bully buddy. Look up Kathleen Kennedy, and her credits. They have nothing to do with Star Trek.
And this is the best you have? Oh my no wonder people are laughing at you.
You have that backwards my dear bully buddy. It’s not me people are laughing at.
https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2024-08-07/disney-streaming-profitability-softening-parks-demand "The Burbank media and entertainment giant reported Wednesday that its streaming business — which consists of Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ — took in about $6.4 billion in revenue for its fiscal third quarter, up 15% compared with a year earlier."
So you think they are profitable? Hmmm, in the last stock holders meeting, and yes I own 100 shares of Disney stock, it was announced by Bob Iger, and I quote "The Walt Disney Company announced on its August 7 investor call that its direct-to-consumer business, including Disney+ and Hulu, reported a quarterly operating loss of $19 million. That is an exponentially lower sum than the $505 million loss the previous year." Now tell us Tim, who do we believe, the LA Times who have been caught in more lies then holes in swiss cheese, or the CEO of the Company itself?
According to Nielsen "Viewership of The Disney Channel, the company's child- and teen-centric network, has plummeted over the past decade. Instead, children ages 2 to 11 watched three times more content on YouTube than they did on traditional TV and Disney+" "Disney streaming service lost 4.2 million paid subscribers during the past year (March 2023 – March 2024) which comes to almost 30% of its overall viewership" "According to Forbes, Disney has lost well over 11 Billion dollars when you add in Disney+ as well as the non preforming movies and the massive loss of people coming to their parks and the 15 upcoming lawsuits, nont counting the loss of all of the Florida lawsuits on which now they have to pay taxes on and are subject to the same florida laws as any other resident."
Now taking all this into consideration, according to you they are making money?? Would you please tell us how exactly?
The LA Times is a reputable news organization. You, Daniel, have proven to not be credible in the past.
yea sure. According to Media Bias and Fact Check, the LA time is at the bottom of 13 different policies, only the Washington Post and the NY Times rate lower.
SO according to you they are credible, but according to the national checking source, they are not. So tell us do we believe you or the ones who make it their living to check the bias of ANY newspaper. And just to show you they are fair, they rate the Washington Times in the same position as the LA Times and the Washington Times is a far right paper like the LA times is a far left paper.
Do try again
Per your source, Media Bias Fact Check, one of my favorite websites and a great source for everyone looking to improve their media literacy skills:
The LA Times has a left-center bias and rates as high factual reporting. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/la-times-los-angeles-times/
The Washington Times has a right bias and rates as mixed factual reporting. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/washington-times/
The New York Times has a left to left-center bias and rates as high factual reporting. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-times/
Fox News has an extreme right bias and rates as mixed factual reporting with warnings for "Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Poor Sources, Numerous Failed Fact Checks" https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fox-news-bias/
According to Media Bias Fact Check, the LA Times is a more credible source than the Washington Times and Fox News and similarly credible to the New York Post.
I don't know what these 13 different policies you are referring to are. If you had provided a link to your source I would have been able to verify your information but you never do so we can never trust what you say.
and even politifact is saying your fav source is left wing and leans that way in writing their stories. Try again
Politifact just fact checks articles, it doesn't provide a bias rating for other websites. If it did, you could have linked to that webpage to prove your point. Since you didn't, I'll just assume you're making it up.
What are you calling my favorite source? Media Bias Fact Check, an independent, non-partisan website that you even used as a source?
so now you are upset that you have been proved a liar? typical
One, not upset. Two, not at all proved a liar. Three, you've been proven wrong countless times by more than just me and you've never once accepted that you could be wrong. You can't provide sources to support your claims because there are no sources that support your claims.
- Yes you are 2.you are so desperate to try and prove your myths and failing. 3, You have a very nasty action of trying to justify your claims and failing to do so.
Did you learn to be crabby, or were you born that way?
I was born to be realistic.
Crabby it is then!
No factual.
I pray that Elon Musk would be successful in a hostile takeover of Disney!
I'd rather he be a casualty of that hostile takeover
seriously, elon? someone have a man-crush on that melonhead?
LOL. No man crush. But I do respect him. He's imperfect as are we all. But he's one smart man!
He's not smart, he's just rich. He bought all of his companies, he didn't make them himself. His acquisition of Twitter has been a colossal failure as the company has lost tons of users, revenue, and employees capable of keeping the website running. He's pushing Tesla away from mid-sized family vehicles in favor of his god awful Cybertruck, costing the company money. It's documented that he's a horrible, absent father and he's recently become enamored with white nationalist talking points. None of that points to a man who is smart. He just has an ego complex.
Sorry Hunt, X is doing far better now then ever before.
That's laughably false. https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/x-is-still-far-from-profitability/722602/
No YOU are laughably false. He has more subscribers and people on X then were on it before he bought it. You should stop trying to quote left wing sources and then get upset when they are proved fake.
Social media today, per Media Bias Fact Check, is not a left wing source at all. It's listed as least biased with high factual reporting. You also haven't proved my source fake at all, you just claim that it is with no evidence, per your m.o.
Here's another source that Media Bias Fact Check rates as lest biased and high factual reporting: https://news.sky.com/story/elon-musk-announces-more-changes-to-x-following-claims-user-numbers-have-plummeted-13103101
and yet instead of proving it, you post something from SKY news which is in Europe, not from here in the US. And then you use Media Bias fact check, a site which even politifact says is biased in and of itself as it leans to the left and writes their stories with that ideal in mind.
Nice try to use a left wing sources to try and prove your basis.
Just because they're in Europe doesn't mean they aren't a good source for US news. Politifact says nothing about Media Bias Fact Check having a bias themselves because Politifact doesn't rate the bias of websites.
Nice try making up bs excuses to flat out deny the truth.
If Disney shut down their DEI programs, why does this page still exist? https://impact.disney.com/diversity-equity-inclusion/
because Disney does not own this.
Disney doesn't own a Disney website? It literally says copyright Disney at the bottom of the webpage. If Disney doesn't own it, who does?
It's okay to be wrong, Daniel. It's how you react to being wrong that shows your true character.
You said why dont they shut this down, and you are posting this on the Monastery website, not on Disneys website. Just trying to confuse the issue and failing yet again
You appear to have misunderstood my initial comment. I asked, why, if Disney cancelled their DEI program, does a Disney owned website exist outlining their DEI program. The only person getting confused here appears to be you.
No you did not phrase it correctly as you gave the impression that Disney owned this site. I answered correctly
I'm not sure why you got that impression since we were talking about the Disney DEI website that I provided to you to show that Disney does still have a DEI program. I've been talking about that website this whole time. Sorry you couldn't catch that.
'Satan' is merely the shadow side of 'God' Satan means adversary in actual literal meaning of the term. Also I am a very happy and proud witch. I have never found more love anywhere than in my truest self and my current understanding of Source.
I will not recieve any longer in this life or any other a religion that touts racial, ethnic, and superior religious traditions over the very tenants of love itself.
Calling a witch 'satan' possessed, etc, is no different than making fun of someone based on skin color or any other thing. It is a form of persecution against us. It is downright wrong and rude and fed by fearful propaganda lies of that particular patriarchal doctrine. I tolerate Christianity. But listen, love doesn't seek its own way, or keep a record of wrongs. I wish others would stop attacking us based on lies that we are less than and deserve unaliving, being burnt to death, etc, because we are different, they have been taught fearful lies and don't understand our paths. That is a hate crime same as racism. I was born with magick in my pains. My path and I are one. I am me. Not evil, not worshipping or following evil. And I certainly don't deserve death when 1st Corinthians 13 itself plainly says love does not take offense, seek its own way, or keep a record of wrongs. And love always hopes and believes all things snd Always perseveres and love never fails. Therefore I believe in the power that made that love and they cant and won't ever give up on anyone. Ever. Which is why I believe in reincarnation and say that 1st Corinthians 13 plus not being given a spirit of fear and no kingdom divided against itself can stand, it negates the very doctrines of hell and condemnation altogether within its own description of love. People say, then how will people change. Martin Luther King Jr once said.... hate can't drive out hate, only love can do that, and he was a great man of distinguishable character. If a man knew such things and Creator is indeed higher, and if we were instructed to love feed and clothe our enemies to be as Creator Gof/Source and again no kingdom divided against itself can stand...and God being even a fraction of love itself would have to obey the tenants of love, being love... wouldn't God/Siurce be even more wise yet? And truth is truth or it is not truth and does indeed lie... Done with venting...
My childhood was severely Catholic so I understand the outrage that was ingrained in my psychy but, my family became broken by divorce. My mother was finally diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia with narcissistic over tones and we(my brothers and I) were sent to live with our Dad. That led to us learning our father was gay, as are several members of our family on both sides. Though not pagan, it caused all I had been taught in Catholic school into question! This led to a spiral on my part due to the schizm in belief VS real life and it took years for me to accept how human we all are and how many shades of color, belief, or ways cast shadows of hate and bloodshed for those on the edge of our upbringing. The Bible has the biggest answer is the most powerful teaching of Jesus. Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Basically love is the answer, even of those who don't know what they are doing or committing abominations by putting God first(however you believe) and loving no matter another's situation. If we could love even the worst of human beings, not hating, judging or hurting, the world would be a better place. I also believe psychopaths belong in prison if they have murdered with impunity, that anyone who has hurt another in any way should make recompense and so on; to protect and forgive by showing love of the down trodden, the broken and mistaken we lift up our community(ies), our neighbors and ourselves. Many here will think I'm too ultruistic but, we never know what has happened to a person who has become "bad" or what love might do to help heal. Pagan, Gay, multitude of religious beliefs have caused the crusades, holocaust and many of the wars we see in the news every morning! Maybe acceptance of the things we can't change could lead us to change what we can within and God help us all understand. We are many shades on the spectrum even unseen wavelengths on the fringe deserve to be here on the walk of life to learn. So in summary: Love your God first to prevent the hurt that humans do everyday. Love your neighbor as yourself meaning getting know what your past your biases taught you and learning. Yes, may not be your cup of tea but, is their view of you, theirs. Accept the difference of views with love, considerations like they say... Walk a mile in my shoes. Might learn something if approached with an open heart, mind and door. Bless you all.
I have to disagree with one point. It wasn't the differences that caused crusades/holocaust/etc. It was the lack of respect for those differences and the asinine idea of controlling those outside of their own religious ideals so they don't have to be witness to life outside their own little box. Live the beliefs, stop trying to force others to comply to them, and leave others to do the same as they see fit.
Amber, I think you err in judging those times by ours. Back then there were kings who ruled entire countries and when the king accepted a particular faith it was a good idea for everyone else in the kingdom to do likewise as this made for more cohesive societies. Their world view was vastly different than ours. Best to study them and learn from them than to denigrate them.
My mother would or could be very witchy. She knew ahead of time what I was about to do. Knew when I did something wrong and she even took away my broom for a week. Those who believe in anything but true science need to be hung upside down for a week over hot coals. I have been called a warlock and rightly so since if you make me mad, you change sexes. Many a man can now be called she. Just look at JD Vance it took a woman to make him a man.
What a whiny, entitled way to think: "I don't like this so nobody should have it." If you don't like the show, don't watch it. These people are unbelievable.
Ari, interesting comment as I'm quite certain that if they produced shows that you didn't like you'd be first in line to cry that it should be cancelled. Remember here on this blog the article about the preacher who said he wouldn't vote a guy guilty of r*pe if the woman was dressed inappropriately or acted lasciviously? How many people on the progressive left were protesting that he be removed from the pulpit? They should just have ignored him according to your comment above.
There's a big difference between one person at a church saying terrible things and a tv show having gay characters. One is offensive and disgusting behavior for a preacher, who's own congregants were calling for his removal if I remember correctly, and the other is people of a different sexual persuasion existing like straight people.
Michael, the issue is not about a TV show with a gay character or even a theme of witchcraft. The issue is people's right to speak their peace about these and other topics. Ari's comment characterized these people as whiny and entitled. I supported their rights and gave an example of when the left did their own whining. You've responded by reframing the issue as between what you would most likely consider hate speech and gay people. That missed the mark as that is not the issue at hand. The issue at hand, as I said, is people's right to protest what they don't like and to advocate for what they do. My example wasn't to reframe the issue, it was to show that the left is inconsistent on this issue, calling their opponents whiners even as they themselves do the same things. It's hypocrisy, plain and simple.
Ari's initial comment was that "I don't like this so nobody should have it." is a whiny, entitled way to think. You then make the assertion that people here are trying to cancel a preacher who said awful things to his congregation. It was not just people on the left who were being critical of this preacher. One person is blaming women for getting r*ped which hurts women. The other group is protesting and trying to cancel a show because it features gay people. These two examples are a flawed comparison.
You say the left is inconsistent on this issue but I disagree. The things people on the left generally are trying to cancel are things that actively hurt or spread hate. The right is trying to cancel things they don't agree with. Do you see the difference?
Michael, I see that both sides fight against what they believe to be hurtful or hateful. I also see that both camps are ideologically driven.
How is being gay allowing gay people to exist in public hurtful or hateful? That's the problem on the right at the moment.
Michael, there are growing numbers of gays who have moved to the right. And many organizations on the right, even if they don't agree with gay marriage, are not advocating the destruction of gay people. Your views are really old.
The word 'witch' is nowhere to be found in original scripture. King James had the word poisoner taken out of 'thou shall not suffer a...', and replaced with his pagan scare 'Witch' language, for political purposes.
The best answer to all these different opinions is that all religions are nonsense! Us atheists have none of these issues!
I've had it with Christians and their unreasonable demands. They need to sit down and shut up now.
Well, I Thank GOD ALMIGHTY for the Christian Watchdogs who Sound the Alarm for the Body of CHRIST when they notice something harmful headed our way. So glad I don't have Cable TV any more; that way, I can select more carefully what I desire to watch on television in my home. And the Disney Channel is certainly not one of them! / To each his own. The Bible tells us, there will come a great falling away from the faith first, then, a great influx! / To All Believers Of The Faith In Here: Remember What JESUS CHRIST SAID: Behold, I come quickly: Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy Crown! / Selah! AMEN LORD JESUS CHRIST! ♥ Rev. 3;11 KJV/ ♥ /
Unfollow This Subject Please. I really don't have the time to read this wasteful garbage! Thank you.
Good thing the REAL story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is kept in the secret Disney vault.
Rather than paying for a bunch of streaming services, take some of that money and get a good antenna. Broadcast networks and stations still have to follow the century-old FCC guidelines regarding decency. There may not be as many choices, but you can only watch one show at a time, and it's free and relatively moral.
Witches? How can any human believe there are 'Witches'? Here's the common definition. "a person thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as a woman wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick."
Anyone remember the Hoorah and Foofaraw about the Happy Potter stories? For goodness sakes, give this bizarre 'belief' a rest! Is Majic a proven 'thing'? NO! It is not!
Is it possible to prove that some humans are able to use telekinesis (move objects with their mind)? "Telekinesis, the ability to move objects with the mind, has not been scientifically proven to be real. While there are claims and videos online, there is no documented evidence with scientific rigor to support telekinetic powers."
Is it possible to 'cast spells' or cause harm or beneficence by chanting and mixing a 'potion'? NO!
I am saddened and disgusted by the 'beliefs' of humans who use their 'Religious Beliefs' that attempt to denigrate and chastise a group of other humans, who are 'not within their ideology' and do not 'conform' to their belief systems...
"Primum non nocere is a Latin phrase that means "first, do no harm". The phrase is sometimes recorded as primum nil nocere. Non-maleficence, which is derived from the maxim, is one of the principal precepts of bioethics that all students in healthcare are taught in school."
So after seeing this post and reading some of the Bible thumping bs I watched the first 2 episodes of AGATHA ALL ALONG. 1st episode 'seemed' badly directed and over acted until a dramatic twist! The second episode showed what the show really is, very funny and unpredictable. I will watch at least one episode tonight. Thanks for hype!
Be prepared for other twists with marvel, batwoman, was also lesbian, when it was a TV show,, but entertaining part is each generation, movie, TV show animation, they all flow with each generation, but the thing is, noone doesn't have to watch them, just simply turn the channel to the likeness of your family bonding.
I just wanted to add one more thought for those who don’t believe in witches. If you believe what the bible says, then you believe in witches too. The Medium “witch” of Endor was mentioned in 1 Samual 28. Saul went to her for assistance knowing she was a sorceress. Even though he had ordered all practitioners to death, she still helped him. Performed necromancy, and gave him the information he wanted to know. She even fed him and his men when he became depressed. This in my opinion, puts her in a good light. People should not put others down for their spiritual practices. You never know when you will need our services.
The Catholic priesthood is disproved in 1 Timothy 4:3, where Paul warns Timothy that in the last days apostates in the Church would forbid marriage. Catholic priests, contrary to the Bible, are forbidden to marry. In view of this verse, and since we're living in the last days, how can you possibly defend your priesthood?
Here we go again! Does you TV have an off button? Use it, and keep away from mine.
Spot on!
Rev BH & Paula, I agree with both of you. This does not need to go off on a tangent... Got little kids? Don't give them the opportunity to watch the Disney movie(s) in question!
Exactly. If they don't get viewers, they don't get ratings, which means that they don't get advertising money which pays for them to stay in business. Better yet, don't subscribe to the streaming service, or if you already have it cancel it and explain why. If other programming is why you subscribe, find another service that has it or use parental controls to keep your kids away from the content you don't authorize.