promotional image for Disney series Agatha All Along
Is Disney's latest Marvel TV show an "explosion" of gay Paganism?

The “gayest project Marvel has ever done” is available to stream, and some religious parents are warning others that they may want to tune out of the new Disney+ show.

“Agatha All Along,“ a spinoff of 2021’s wildly popular “Wandavision,“ follows Kathryn Hahn’s Agatha Harkness, a powerful witch on a quest to recruit a coven of witches and complete a series of magical trials. 

But some parents say that the show’s LGBTQ+ themes, and heavy emphasis on the occult, make this a show families should sit out.

A "Gay Explosion"

“It will be a gay explosion by the end,” is how actress Aubrey Plaza, who costars in the show as “Green Witch” Rio Vidal, explained the series. Actress Sasheer Zamata, who plays Jennifer Kale, cosigned that statement, calling it the “gayest project Marvel has ever done.” 

"Witches are Queer inherently, just because we are outcast and set aside for many reasons," she explained. "This show does a really good representation of different types of people."

Those comments did not sit well with Christian parents, some of whom are mounting a protest against the new series. These critics argue that it’s inappropriate for kids, despite being included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and airing on the kid-friendly Disney+ streaming service.

"Parents presume that a streaming platform such as Disney+ is designed for children and is the last place parents would expect their children to be confronted with content regarding sexual orientation and sorcery," wrote Monica Cole, from the faith-based parent watchdog group One Million Moms, in a recent email to followers. "Issues of this nature are being introduced too early and too soon, and this type of content is becoming extremely common and unnecessary."

It’s not just the film’s LGBTQ+ content causing a stir on social media.

Rise in "Dangerous" Paganism

Movieguide, a religious media watchdog which rates films and television on their appropriateness for Christian audiences, told its readers that Agatha All Along “reflects a dangerous growing interest in witchcraft and Paganism among young people.”

Some argue that Disney is intentionally injecting Pagan themes into their shows to garner acceptance for a faith that was once pushed to the fringe of American society.

A few years ago, one mother went viral for her campaign against Disney’s 2022 film ‘Hocus Pocus 2,’ alleging that the PG rated film had the power to manifest demons through the television and straight into one’s living room, where they might harvest the very souls of your children. 

“It seems innocent,” she stated, “until it’s not.”

Satanic Panic, But Make It Gay

Is this all part of a resurgent Satanic Panic, with a modern LGBTQ+ twist? And are these shows with Pagan themes following in the footsteps of other pop culture scapegoats like Dungeons & Dragons in the 80s and Harry Potter in the 00s?

Some would argue that as Wicca and Paganism see a popular resurgence and renewed cultural acceptance, it’s only natural for film and television to reflect that by telling more stories from a Pagan point of view. And the same could be argued for LGBTQ+ acceptance and growing LGBTQ+ representation across media. 

But this shift has also prompted heated debate, particularly in religious households, about how children consume media. As a consequence, some Christian parents and watchdog groups are going so far as to protest any content with Pagan and/or LGBTQ+ themes, with the loudest critics going as far as trying to get them removed from streaming services entirely.

Could similar arguments be made about religious themes in children's television, though? You don’t see Pagans mounting a nationwide campaign to wipe Christian-themed kids’ content like "VeggieTales" off the air, opponents say. 

If there's one constant here, it's that parents want to do the best thing for their kids. Some parents clearly believe their children's very souls are in danger, and that viewing shows like ‘Agatha All Along’ may set them down a dark path. Others insist that exposing kids to diverse identities and perspectives is vital to development. 

What do you think? Where is the line drawn when it comes to kids, faith, and what’s on the TV screen?


  1. Mary E Benoit's Avatar Mary E Benoit

    Among the children watching and listening are young gays often confused and at the beginning of feeling their true self is unacceptable. I pray that all of us are appreciated for our uniqueness.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Including those that are down with bestiality and pedophilia? That's kinda unique.

      Maybe Disney should make a skin flick with men and boys and girls. That'd be unique I bet.

      1. Paula Copp's Avatar Paula Copp

        SoJ, the LGBTQIA community does NOT condone bestiality or pedophilia, and people like you - - who don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about - - make life that much more difficult for those of us who are just trying to live our lives without your ignorance.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    Here we go again! Does you TV have an off button? Use it, and keep away from mine.

    1. Paula Copp's Avatar Paula Copp

      Spot on!

  1. John Ash McCormick's Avatar John Ash McCormick

    Easy peasy, simply forbid your kids seeing this.

    Then either lock them in the basement for 2 years or expect them to lie to about where they are going next weekend.

    The movie will gross another $20 million.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Or raise them in a way they don't care about it.

      Even easier.

  1. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

    Super Duper! Here's a tip for overly religious parents concerned about what their little monsters watch, "don't watch it and Mind Y O F B. Sincerely, Everyone Else

  1. Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson's Avatar Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson

    I try to be live and let live. I like to not know what anyone else does in the privacy of their intimacy.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      That's why Disney is broadcasting across the globe, so they can be private about it....

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    kkkris chn outrage compliments of the GAY AGENDA and PAGANISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    just more pathetic, whiny, someone-needs-attention kkkristofascists taking advantage of the present kkkristo-talabanistic sentiments in this country (and in the kkkristofascist (white) suprem(icy) court.

    so let's see, one million kkkristofascist moms each pounding out at least four kkkrsit-lits, at least one of which is going to be a boy, times one million equals one million boys times four percent (a conservative number) equals 40,000 new gay baby bois to keep on populating the american gay community.

    marvelous, absolutely marvelous

    you go girls, keep obeying you husband, prayin to jebus and keep on making gaybies (and lesbians, and trans, and non-binary...we all come out of the mama vagina)

    as for paganism...if the show were instead about jews, or muslims or catholics those same bigoted moms would be complaining about that.

    1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      I think One Million Moms is only one mom, and I wonder if she believes spousal discipline is acceptable. That’s a new term I learned today from a white evangelical hate pastor. It’s consensual in case you wondered, but that’s just the pastor’s statement. The spouse wasn’t allowed to speak. Now that's a topic they should focus on.

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Give it time JJ. Soon Disney will have jesus ridin' the pole all the way to Jerusalem.

  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    Here’s an idea… Don’t let them watch! Why do we need to go further and say wipe it out completely. Don’t ever produce a show like this again. What is that? The article mentions that people who are Pagan or Wicca don’t organize against Christian themed shows. On wait, that would be religious persecution. It’s really Religions persecuting everyone that doesn’t tow their line.

    I love the line that says they are trying to “garner acceptance for a faith that was once pushed to the fringe of American society.” Are we talking about the Salem Witch Trials because yeah… that was a good thing. Did this sort of thing happen when Bewitched first premiered? We’ve had all types of TV shows and movies like this over decades. Charmed, Supernatural, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, A Discovery Of Witches, Harry Potter, Dungeon and Dragons. Some of these had gay characters.

    This isn’t even the first show like this on Disney+. Wandavision, which this show is a spinoff was about a Wanda, The Scarlet Witch. What did parents do then? They didn’t let their kids watch them. Why are we now organizing protests, calling for boycotts, picketing? I realize these parents think this is dangerous, but simply don’t let your kids see it.

    This is make believe. Real witches cannot wave their hands, recite an incantation and disappear. They can’t shoot energy bursts from the hands to slay a foe. I wonder if the parents have lost track of some of the computer games their kids are playing. They at least normalize things that are real dangers to society. Just sayin...

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Real men can't get pregnant but the 8 O'clock news says they can and so does Google.

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Men getting pregnant?! What on earth are you talking about?

      2. SueW's Avatar SueW

        I’m not at all sure how this relates to the topic, or wtf it actually means.

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      I forgot to say, I agree, just don't watch it, we stopped watching marvel junk once Disney female dog'ed it all up.

  1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

    According to Google AI, the intended audience is younger women and those who call themselves queer (not gay) and it is rated TV-14 by Disney+. Therefore, it is not appropriate for prepubescent children and would be boring for postpubescent boys or men whether gay or straight. Since it is not appropriate for kids (prepubescent), why is it produced by Disney which long ago established itself and its empire in shows for young children? Bad decision by Disney, but not worth the hand wringing of the fundamentalists.

  1. Stephanie A Willey's Avatar Stephanie A Willey

    Parents, complain all you want, forbid your children from seeing this or some other movie / show, or as suggested by some even lock them in your basement. That will in no way prevent them from learning all the lurid details of this or any other movie / show / book. They will learn these things from their friends and classmates and in your neighborhoods. I never learned about homosexuality from my parents or in school, I learned about it in my neighborhood from the homosexuals. Better to let them experience these events, better yet go with them, and have calm informative talks about the various subject matters. Like witches aren't real, never have been, and are just the stuff of mythical fairy tales and scary stories. (Oh if only I were a witch, the good I could do and the fun it would be to cast a spell of the pox on every politician, cultural leader, person, and even clergy who insist upon continually spewing hate, lies, and intentional misdirection, but alas ... )

    1. Paula Copp's Avatar Paula Copp

      I am a witch. It’s a lot of fun, actually…(and yes, I’m a minister as well.)

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Paula, do you have any intelligence spells? Please cast them!

        1. Paula Copp's Avatar Paula Copp

          I said I’ma witch, not a miracle worker! I’ll start on that with my morning ritual…

  1. Robin Anne Hannon's Avatar Robin Anne Hannon

    Easy, don't turn it on, and there's nothing to get all upset over is there? Find things to watch you can enjoy, family type entertainment.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    If it does not have a G rating then TV settings should shield kids in a conservative house hold. Otherwise just cancel your Disney service and state why you are doing it when the inquiry pops up. Hit the bottom line a little and maybe we can all go back to Mayberry RFD. HBO and Ru Paul have enough information for the alphabet squad families to watch as a group. Maybe it would be best just to limit screen time altogether for any children along with smart phones.

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    Disney has been puking it's guts out for a while now. I got bored of looking at their haggis a while back and am glad for it.

    I think the last pile of puke I looked at was when the sawed off runt called mark hammil or whatever it calls itself performed like a sick cow. Reminded me of the mess you get when a goat gives birth.

    1. Paula Copp's Avatar Paula Copp

      SoJ why don’t you keep your misogynistic and inane comments to your ideas of religion and leave decent people alone?

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        And try to write something useful, sensible, hate free and without vile language. It might get you an actual upvote once in awhile.

    2. SueW's Avatar SueW

      I’m unclear why you care so much that you’ve commented on nearly every post. If you don’t enjoy the show, don’t watch. It’s really that simple.

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    These kkkris chns are advocating for not just religious intolerance but religious bigotry. Who are they to condemn pagan beliefs which are no more made up than their own beliefs.

    Just one more example of kkkristofascists fake-outrage because another religion is being spotlighted when they believe that only their (version of) kkksristofascism should be highlighted.

    Paganism, Wiccan, Hindu, Judaism, Islam, et al. have just as much right to exist as kkkristofascism yet those cross-carrying terrorist are in many ways little different from (and likely include) those cross-burning terrorists (though I'm told there are good people on both sides, DJ)

    To be fair, the ULC does kinda encourage outrage and overreaction by seeking out articles that are either anti-kkkristofascist or offensive to kkkristofascists (which of course, is practically everything)

    Will this see the light of day? We'll see

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