A new Disney Plus show is swapping out a transgender character for a Christian one in what appears to be a radical shift for the network.
First, Disney announced that a new show called Win or Lose, Pixar’s first original animated series, would no longer carry a planned transgender storyline.
Now it appears that not only is the company reversing course on LGBTQ+ content, they may in fact be pivoting towards the realm of faith instead. In the show’s first episode, the character of Laurie – who is the focus of the episode – is a Christian, and she’s even shown praying to God.
It’s a quick turnaround for a company that's been targeted in recent years for their perceived “wokeness.” Is Disney changing course?
Win or Lose
Disney made headlines for their increased representation of LGBTQ+ characters, whether that was a gay character in kids' films or a “gay explosion” on television.
Disney’s embrace of better LGBTQ+ representation led to a very public battle with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who established a board to review Disney products for “wokeness” – and punish Disney World accordingly.
Now, Disney appears to be pumping the brakes on queer content.
Late last year, Disney made the announcement that they were dropping the trans storyline from Win or Lose, a highly-anticipated television debut from Toy Story and Cars creators Pixar.
Storyboards of the planned transgender storyline were nevertheless leaked online:
Many suspected the storyline was dropped because of possible fear of political backlash from President Trump. However, Disney insisted that the decision had been made months prior.
As a Disney spokesperson said at the time, “when it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents would prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline.”
How Are Fans Reacting?
The decision left Evangelicals who’ve long called on Disney to stop featuring gay characters vindicated, and LGBTQ+ advocates fuming. And the introduction of an explicitly Christian character, reportedly Disney’s first since 2007’s Bridge to Terabithia, has anti-LGBTQ+ Christians taking a victory lap.
Meanwhile, others were disappointed by the character swap.
And one user posed the question: is Disney's reasoning hypocritical?
It’s clear that one side views the omission of the planned trans storyline a disappointing and cowardly betrayal, and the other views it as a return to form for a wayward kids’ entertainment juggernaut that lost their way. What is your reaction?
Juan, well stated.
But when god stops war, cancer, deadly fires, floods, disease, suffering, poverty, gun murders, child abuse - then I will believe in his love and his plan. If god created us, surely he can fix us.
I do not fear god, I fear hardline evangelicals creeping into politics, business and schools.
Rev. BH, it's already done. If your a child of God, you should know this. Don't fear what's taking place in the world. These things must take place because of unbelief. In the name of Jesus Christ your an overcomer. Because Christ dwells with your spirit man. He'll never leave you nor forsake you. This is what Jesus meant when he said ask anything IN HIS NAME, which means in him. The power to overcome is in him. Not just saying in the name. This is the victory we as believer have, acknowledging him, which means, walking in this world in Christ. This is the name of Jesus Christ. The victory will only take place when you trust in him. Your lead to overcome in him. This pleases God. This is what it means to be in the spirit of Christ. We fear God because of our nature, this is why we stand in the presence of God with humility, but Jesus Christ is our victory. He does the work. The Father don't look at what you have done, He only looks at Christ in you. John the Baptist said, they're one coming, because he was before me to baptize with the Holy Spirit AND with POWER. Don't fret, Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.
I wish that instead of invoking your mythical god character, you would instead see it for what it is really about, MONEY. Business runs on....money. Everything runs on money, including FAITH, which is besides prostitution one of the oldest businesses in history. Disney does not want to alienate its' customer base, families. Many families do not want their children taught ideals that they may not agree with. Some say it is due to their faith, when they could just say they don't want their children indoctrinated into ideas that they disagree with. This is the same argument that people use, (including me), when schools try and teach the bible in class. Now, I understand your position with Disney, as long as you understand about my position involving bibles in the classroom. All of these battles come down to MONEY. The stronger the flow of money, the greater the voice. That is the way it is.
I can't find any fault with what you've said Brien. Anything a corporation does will always be centered on its blood, which is money. Once a corporation becomes anemic it'll do whatever it can to fill it's arteries and restore vitality.
Disney, if it's leadership were wise, would stay clear of the political flavor of the day and instead focus on making quality entertainment filled with exciting adventures. That's what kids want and need. Stimulate their imagination and help grow their creativity.
I’m extremely disappointed in Disney for attempting to erase transgender human beings such as one of my children. There was a much simpler solution to this fake “issue.” Disney claimed to do this to appease those parents who might want to discuss certain things with their children in their own way and in their own time. The very simple way to take care of this fake “situation” was to recommend those parents not take their children to see the movie. Problem solved. But no, Disney chose to throw a group of human beings to the curb by pretending they don’t exist. Additionally, Disney bowed to the christian nationalists and pretended no other religion exists. What a load of Bull. I expected far more honesty from Disney but no, they have bowed down to a loud minority of pretend christians who manufacture lies and outrage because they cannot face the truth that transgender human beings have always existed, currently exist, and will always exist. You can live in the fantasy world where you lie lie lie to yourselves, but your beliefs do not make your lies truth.
I think it was an ongoing show, not a one time movie.
It's amazing just how hypocritical a company like Disney can be when it comes to making the almighty dollar. Please don't get me wrong. I thought exposing young children to the idea of transitioning sex was all wrong, but I dislike them chasing that dollar in the name of Christianity. They are trying to 'use' all of us, regardless of our persuasion.
Yep, they didn't learn a single thing Theresa.
I'm getting pretty sick of the petty stories in here and setting everyone up to argue or to be hateful or whatever.
Why can't this place have more meaningful conversations. Like, how can we help those who are currently at high risk the best? How can we ensure our elderly and children get the food the need to survive and thrive in these trying times? How about how to ensure our children get an education that will propel them into a successful future.
Disney sucks. Christianity is no longer about a decent, merciful god. It's more about a shallow, vindictive son of God who apparently hates everyone not white or something.
It's now about Disney, hating gays and immigrants and women should not have any rights and all babies must be born no matter what. It's about who's right and who shouldn't be alive. It's become extremely shallow and sickening and is rotting from the inside out. It's about distraction and making sure all of the wrong people are heard.
At this point I'm seriously considering a mantra of go Satan whoohoo.
Ok, that is my personal opinion. The creation that God Almighty made many centuries ago is given to evolution. Physical, mental and spiritual. In my position as a traditional minister, many people might not like it, judge this whole situation, but no. I know that many colleagues will criticize me and of course I am not worried, it is the freedom that we have as citizens of this creation, no matter their creed, thoughts, point of view, etc. EVEN THOUGH we do not like it, it evolves for better or worse. The concept of gay for men and women is very old. This is not limited to humanity itself, but to animals, birds themselves. I am of the belief that God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Stephen, but well, that is the world we live in. The problem is that we involve politics in our lives. Even if I do not like it, I must respect the point of view of each person. Of course, according to our belief, in the future God will play, and He will be in all his right, He is our creator. Although I have my point of view, I do not decide.
My opinion, and it is just that, is god knew us while we were in our mother’s womb and we were perfect the way she made us.
That was the most confusing animation I've ever seen. Without words I couldn't understand the message other than an individual couldn't approach a bathroom or look in the mirror without a meltdown. Maybe a fractured psyche? If so, they need help. Maybe gender dissociative disorder should be treated rather than promoted. Disney channel is a business and decisions are always money driven. They looked at the demographics and measured the viewers loss to gain from making this change.
Najah Tamargo-USA
Wow!!! Someone brought Team Mouse to a knee!?!?!?
Good point, Theresa.
Except if you remove every controversial concern from all entertainment forms (books, movies, TV, internet, etc.) you're creating some pretty dull content. Take out violence, there go Marvel movies and comics. Take out scary creatures like Dracula, Godzilla and zombies, there go horror movies. Take out car crashes and fires, no more NASCAR, take out fights and injuries, there goes hockey, boxing and football. Soon nothing will be left but My Little Pony.
Very disappointing for Disney to take this move. As a ordained transgender male asexual forgotten australian liberation hermeneutic clergy activist that's just outrageous. guess well all have to watch Disney reruns of past Disney LGBTIQA+ cartoons,movies such as the little mermaid, the owl house, Lightyear, Strange world, Raine whispers, the muppets, mickey etc.
Are you really a ordained transgender male asexual forgotten australian liberation hermeneutic clergy or are you being sarcastic?
It's a monetary decision. Disney is a corporation and the shareholders want to see profits, not losses. The stock price peaked in 2021 at $201 per share and it's been falling because of nationwide boycotts for a loss of 46.7%. That's a big loss for investors. Disney is now firing workers who are stuck in the failed past and changing directions. Look for the DIS stock price to begin rising in the next few months.
Ok, that is my personal opinion. The creation that God Almighty made many centuries ago is given to evolution. Physical, mental and spiritual. In my position as a traditional minister, many people might not like it, judge this whole situation, but no. I know that many colleagues will criticize me and of course I am not worried, it is the freedom that we have as citizens of this creation, no matter their creed, thoughts, point of view, etc. EVEN THOUGH we do not like it, it evolves for better or worse. The concept of gay for men and women is very old. This is not limited to humanity itself, but to animals, birds themselves. I am of the belief that God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Stephen, but well, that is the world we live in. The problem is that we involve politics in our lives. Even if I do not like it, I must respect the point of view of each person. Of course, according to our belief, in the future God will play, and He will be in all his right, He is our creator. Although I have my point of view, I do not decide.
There was no reason to add a Christian character than to impress fundamentalists and raise their rates to make more money.