If you thought you’d heard the last of the wildly controversial Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), you thought wrong. Drag Queen Story Hour, equal parts celebrated and condemned, has now come to Minnesota, and some legislators in the Gopher State aren’t taking too kindly to it.
Five Minnesota Republicans are going so far as to propose a bill that would slash all government aid to public libraries that host Drag Queen Story Hour, which were conceived to provide young children more positive LGBTQ role models in a fun and wholesome environment.
The response from the public was not exactly what the legislators had in mind.
"All five of us immediately began receiving hate email which continued throughout the evening and all night long," reported Eric Lucero, one of the bill’s sponsors. His post on Facebook drew hundreds of comments pro and con, with many outraged that, in the midst of a pandemic, their legislators were focused on defunding libraries for letting drag queens read to children.
Still, they had plenty of defenders. One commenter stated, “Stand your ground!! Be like PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! Shrug it off. There are more on your side . Please every Christian STAND UP!!!!”
A Global Phenomenon
DQSH began as a small operation in San Francisco that has since ballooned into a global phenomenon, with well over one hundred events every year.
Turns out, kids love being read to by these sparkly and often larger-than-life characters that will take children age 3 through 8 through a riveting 45 minutes of storytelling, sing-alongs, dress-up time, face-painting and other arts and crafts. Many parents, for their part, really seem to love the idea of showing their kids that it’s okay to be different.
And yet these same events have drawn protestors - mostly evangelical Christians - who denounce them as inappropriate, hyper-sexualized and unnecessarily promoting homosexual lifestyles that ultimately lead children astray from the Bible's teachings.
Some have even taken their objections to the courthouse. A group in Texas called “Christ Followers” actually sued the city of Houston for allowing DQSH in their local library under the basis that the event violated their religious freedom - although, it should be noted, nobody forced them or their children to attend.
A federal judge ultimately dismissed their suit.
The Fight Never Ends
The battle continues, and Minnesota Republican Rep Mary Franson is on the front line. She had made it clear that she is most certainly not in favor of DQSH. She claimed that it's “outrageous” that “publicly funded institutions would put on such programming.”
Does she have a point? Videos have emerged of some of these events, and while reading to kids is one thing, risqué dancing is another.
While this behavior is an outlier, it drew swift condemnation from commenters, who called it everything from "sick" to "demonic". One suggested that "The FBI seriously needs to check the hard drive of everyone in that room right now."
Still, the proposed anti-DQSH bill will likely be dead on arrival in the Democratically-controlled House, which has critics dismissing it as a minor publicity stunt.
But these sorts of political stunts can also undo what proponents argue is an innocent, feel-good and highly successful initiative designed to create a kinder world for everyone, and to show how easy it is for all of us to get along.
However, is there a line for these type of events? Can things get a little out of hand, even with the best of intentions?
What do you think? Do the Republican Representatives have a point? Or should public libraries have the freedom to hold whatever events they choose?
As well they should. If these men want to read to the kids then they should do it as men. Children of that age have enough of a decision making process to figure out if they like green beans or not. They dont need a man dressed as a woman showing up in front of them. Maybe after they turn 12 or 13 then this can be explained to them but at the age of six or seven, for Gods sake let them be kids as long as possible.
People like you with your bigoted, transphobic attitude are and will always be the problem and never the solution.
A simple answer is this leave sexual orientation to young adults 8th graders and above. I remember in my public school, we students where taught in 8th grade the physical anatomy of the human body. Not that only people married should have sex but just the facts without including the act of love or orientation just the biological facts. We were taught not to hate anyone and left the parents to teach about relationships
call names all you wish, but the fact remains the same. Let the children be children for as long as possible. Later when they are mature enough to deal with this then explain it to them.
If you cant or wont understand that then mores the pity for you
Thoroughly agree.
So, Daniel Gray, your condemnation of men wearing women's clothing while reading to children would also condemn Milton Berle's or Flip Wilson's dressing up as women and reading to children or their performing while dressed as women during their acts and entertaining children and adults by doing so. Condemning Uncle Miltie is un-American because he was the quintessential American comedian and Flip Wilson entertained us all with Geraldine! Then, there was Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire, who had a children's show and read to children in the movie. RuPaul, no doubt, entertains and instructs many children in his Drag Race series on LogoTV. There have been many performers who have dressed up as women and entertained and instructed both adults and children down through history. Elizabethan theater had men playing both male and female parts. It's very late and hypocritical to decide or say after all this time and history that "men should never dress up in women's clothes to read to children or entertain us". 12 or 13 is too late to expose children to different lifestyles and expressions of people because, by that time, they are already becoming hardened or already hardened in their views and prejudices and so not open to becoming accepting of other people. This, in turn, will have an adverse effect upon society from their discriminating against other people because of those views as they grow older and more entrenched in their views, and teaching that unacceptance and bigotry to their children, and so on into the future. The time to teach children acceptance of and openness toward others is while their minds are still uncluttered by all the homophobia and prejudices affecting older children and adults, which is during pre-school years.
No I am just saying let children be children for as long as possible. While I thought Milton Berle and Flip Wilson was funny, i should not have to be explaining this to a 7 year old child. If you cant understand that then I feel sorry for you. And that means the rest of your post is just huff and puff. Deal with it
It in no way negatively impacts a childs life to learn about sex and reproduction at an early age. In fact studies show that children who learn about it at an early age tend to adjust far better to changes at puberty and very rarely develop sex related mental health issues unlike those raised ignorant in religious households filled with zealots.
Likewise children raised for example in families that are nudist tend to have very little issue when it comes to personal self worth being based on physical appearance, and can amazingly interact with those they find physically appealing without seeing them as physical sex objects. As in they dont walk around thinking a woman wearing revealing clothes is asking to be sexually assaulted, again unlike in households filled with faith based ignorance ruling over logic and reason.
Also and maybe most importantly of all, children taught about sexual education at an early age are far more likely to report sexual abuse then those taught to feel shame over such acts that drive them to keep the abuse a secret because their faith paints them as the evil temptation born sinful.
says you, but there are a majority of the head shrinkers that say different
Drag queens aren't too much for children to understand, since it is only dressing up, which they already know all about from doing so at Halloween and at other times. If you can't or won't understand that, then I feel sorry for you. And that means that the rest of your post is just huff and puff. Deal with it. Sound familiar?!
So John you want them to think dressing up is ok every day of the week instead of it being special and fun?
Daniel Gray, they don't have to think that dressing up every day of the week is ok for them in order to think that it's ok for those drag queens who want to do so. And why are you now saying that dressing up, in drag, too, would be "special and fun", sometimes, when you said before that men shouldn't be dressing up in women's clothes at all to read to children? You are just making up your "argument" and "points" up as you go along to suit yourself!! Even if children wanted to dress up every day of the week, it would be as right for them as it is for drag queens to do so. Also, you can't complain anymore (except as the HYPOCRITE!!! that you are!!) about my long posts to you because I have seen your own long winded and "6500 words to say one sentence" posts all over this blog on different topics!! So, either stop complaining about my posts to you or stop writing long posts yourself!!
No while I thought Milton and Flip were funny, I was old enough to accept what they were doing. A child of 7 or 8 has trouble accepting what they want for supper that night or their school work. let them be children for as long as possible and then when they are mature enough then explain it to them. Why you cant seem to understand this is well beyond reasonable common sense.
Why you can't seem to understand that acceptance of other people's lifestyles and expressions have to be learned early in life, while children's minds are still open and uncluttered by prejudices, and not be put off until age 12 or 13, when people are already becoming more entrenched in their thinking, is what is really beyond reasonable common sense!! No truly reasonable person expects closed or becoming closed minded people to be open to accepting other people or new ideas. That is a contradiction in terms!! Closed-mindedness isn't conducive at all to being open-minded or open and accepting of other people!! That is just obvious common sense and should be obvious to you and everyone else, who actually has common sense. So, if it isn't obvious to you, that excludes you from the ranks of the sensible people of the world! This is obvious to everyone to whom it can be obvious and so if it isn't obvious to you, there is an obvious reason for that. You aren't able to get it or honestly admit it!! Acceptance of other people can't possibly come out of unacceptance and closed-mindedness about them!! Children's being accepting of different lifestyles and expressions of people and being taught acceptance and openness toward people doesn't interfere with their being children, except according to you and your ilk, who want to indoctrinate children to think and feel and speak about these people and everything the same as you do. That is your version of "letting children just be children": making them little warmed over copies of yourselves and continuing this bigotry for another generation and on into the future!! Acceptance and openness actually make children more childlike and innocent, truer to their nature. That is why Jesus said: "Except you have faith as a little child, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven". Children will play with children of different races and watch and listen to drag queens reading them stories and do many other things innocently, until they are told by supposedly "wiser" (actually, more stupid) adults to "stick with your own kind", "don't listen to those 'sick' men in dresses", and impose other of their prejudices upon those innocent young minds!! That is how bigots become bigots!! I feel sorry for you if you really don't see or understand that and you are the one who is just huffing and puffing here!!! You are always talking about other people "name calling" against you, but have no problem name calling on me and other people here, which is a double standard and hypocrisy for you!!
And I will turn your own words right back on you. Why cant YOU accept the life style of people who dont want some drag queen in the public library reading to our kids? You want people to accept them then hows about you accept that most normal people dont think its right or natural for a guy with a beard dressing like a woman. The more you try and force this in peoples faces the more they are going to resist.
Why can't I accept the lifestyle of people. who don't want a drag queen in the public library reading to kids? Because it's the PUBLIC!!! library!! What part of PUBLIC didn't you understand?!! When you get a library, then you can have in it only what you want to have in it. So long as you are sharing the library with people who want or are open to drag queens reading stories to their children, you don't get to exclude them or have any say in their being there!! If you and other people don't want drag queens reading stories to your children in the PUBLIC LIBRARY, keep them the Hell at home and yourselves along with them, and let other people have what they want, just as you are having what you want. If you don't like a show on TV, you just don't watch it or turn it off, but you don't tell other people that they can't watch it!! You can be the dictator of your home and say what goes or doesn't go there, but not in a public place which is for everybody. I don't care what your and like-minded people's opinion is about transgenderism's or transvestism's being "normal", until your opinion is imposed on other people and limits or affects their rights. Then, you have gone too far and overstepped your boundaries. Keep your opinions about other people's "normalcy" or "morality" to yourself, the same as you want people not to comment about your business and life and to mind their own business. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you and keep out of their business, the same as you want them to keep out of yours. You don't speak for the public, even if you think that you do, so that if Daniel Gray and your ilk don't approve of something, "why are you forcing that upon the public?!!". Because you're not all of the public or the most important part, even if you think that you are, and so don't speak for the public!!! "Normalcy" is in the eye of the beholder, the same as beauty, and all kinds of things are nornal to some people that wouldn't be normal to others or abnormal to some people that wouldn't be abnormal to others. Wearing kilts is normal to Scotsmen, but not so much or at all to others. Togas were worn by the ancient Romans and worked for them, but aren't seen nowadays, except at college frat "animal house" parties. The list goes on and on of different customs and habits of different people, which are normal to them, even if "abnormal", according to you. So, men!s wearing dresses is just one more thing for the liat and isn't wrong anymore than all of these other things are wrong, but only different. Different isn't synonymous with evil, except to you and your ilk who want everyone to be the same as everyone else!! Viva la difference!! Variety is the spice of life!! You are pretty different from most people in this blog and in the world, too, and so if different is wrong, that makes you wrong!! But to each his own!!
Because you refuse to accept the fact that not everyone wants a drag queen in their library. You keep saying that people should accept the drag queens and completely ignoring the simple fact that quite a few wont accept them. So how can you demand that every one accept your vie when you wont accept theirs?
The public libraries in the country don''t belong exclusively to those who don't want drag queens in them reading stories to children or for any reason at all. Not everyone wants drag queen story hours in their libraries, but many people do and are entitled to have what they want there, the same as you are. How many different ways do I have to say the same thing to you and you still don't understand it?!! Oh, but yeah, you're a smart guy, right?!! The public libraries belong to everybody, which includes those who want or are open to drag queens reading stories to their children. Those who don't want drag queens reading stories to their children should keep their children and themselves home that day when the drag queen story hour is on and avoid in that way being imposed on by something that they don't believe in, while also allowing those to have those drag queen story hours who want them. The anti-drag queen story hour crowd can, then, have story hours of men dressed as men or women dressed as women on other days. This is called sharing the public libraries which are for everybody, without the pro-drag queen story hour people imposing on the anti-drag queen story hour people or the anti-drag queen story hour people imposing on the pro-drag queen story hour people. This is the opposite of your plan, which, because you don't believe that drag queen story hours should even exist, nobody should ever get to have them in any library anywhere, thereby imposing your will on everybody else---the same thing that you are complaining about the pro-drag queen story hour people's doing to you. So, it's either drag queen story hours having their times in the public library and you also having your times for your story hours in the public libraries or only your side or their side having all the time because you or they refuse to share and want it your or their way all the time!! You can have it your way all the time and never share the space with anybody by starting your own library, but until you do so, you have to share the public libraries with other people and just not enter the libraries when there are events that you don't want to hear or don't believe in, so as not to be imposed on. The "quite a few who won't accept them" don't have to be there or listen to them, just as people who don't like what you're into and all your homophobia and bigotry don't have to be around or listen to any of your nonsense, either, and then everybody gets what they want!! You can go on, then, darkening your "thinking" and ignoramusing yourselves and shrinking your "minds" to your hearts' content and just be deliriously happy campers!! You still aren't going to understand any of this, since you never understand anything, but, at least, I did my part and told you, the same as Jesus told the Pharisees the truth, though they didn't accept or understand it!!
More people disagree with you that are taxpayer and support the libraries then do agree with you. Maybe in places like San Fransisco or Seattle Washington you may be right but not in the rest of the US
If more people that are tax payers and support the libraries disagreed with me than agreed with me about having drag queen story hours in libraries, you would already have no drag queen story hours in libraries and have won and not need to keep protesting against them. So, that is, obviously, not true!! You conservatives and homophobes are the minority and open minded, fair minded, and freedom loving people are the majority and you can't stand it that you don't get to impose your will on all the rest of the majority of people!!! You just don't want to share the libraries and other public places at all and want everything your own way and impose that on eveyone else all the time, but that isn't freedom and democracy in this country or in the world!!! Sharing libraries and public spaces isn't only how things are done in San Francisco or Seattle, Washington, but how things are done everywhere in America!! If you can't live with that, that's your problem and then go live in a country where you can have everything your own way, but that isn't America and you and your ilk will never make it America!! Again, if your kind are already the majority here, why haven't you stopped all drag queen story hours in libraries and gay rights and everything else that you don't like and have to keep on whining and protesting like spoiled brats who aren't getting their way against these things?!! It's because you aren't the majority here! We are the majority here, whether you like it or not, and things are going to go our way from now on!!! Live with it and get used to it---or else prove me wrong by stopping all of these things right now!! You can't, but can only go on pissing and moaning that you're not getting your way and imposing that on everybody else!! Nobody is stopping you from having your own straight man or straight woman story hours or whatever else that you want (and the libraries will allow, short of Nazi party or Klan gatherings!!) in libraries, while these drag queen story hours are having their times, too, but, again, you aren't interested in sharing spaces at all and want everything your own way!! You don't want freedom or democracy or civil rights or equal rights or any other American practices or virtues, but just everthing to be about you and what you want all the time and to Hell with everybody else!! You and your ilk are totally un-American and the most self-centered, narcissistic, and obnoxious people imaginable in the world!! Never in this country or world will you impose all that garbage "thinking" on the rest of us!!
I don't demand that everyone accept my view that there is nothing wrong with drag queen story hours or with drag queens, but neither can you demand that everyone accept your view that there is "something wrong with drag queen story hours and drag queens". You should certainly be allowed to go on thinking that nonsense, the same as Nazis should be allowed to go on hating Jews and Klansmen should be allowed to go on hating black people, Catholics, and Jews, and Black Muslims should be allowed to go on hating white people, Catholics, Christians, and Jews, and everybody should be allowed to go on hating and being bigoted and ignorant about whatever they want----so long as they, at least, keep all of that to themselves and don't impose any of that on anyone else. I have no interest or desire to enlighten you or broaden your minds because your minds aren't developed enough for you to be able to handle it or understand any of what I would tell you, as you have already abundantly demonstrated, but only to not be imposed on or bothered by your ignorance or have you bother or impose on anyone else with it!! As Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men: "You can't handle the truth!". Then, you can go on regressing mentally and becoming more and more stupid to your heart's content and just all be very happy campers!! Wouldn't that be good for you?!!
you most absolutely are demanding that people accept this and thats the major problem, yes its a PUBLIC library but when you have more people saying no then saying yes, how are you going to dispute their feelings on this?
If there were already more people saying no to drag queen story hours than saying yes to them, this wouldn't even be an issue and we wouldn't be having this debate because there would be no drag queen story hours and you would have won already and not need to keep protesting against these events! Since you are still protesting against these events, it can't possibly be the case that you are in the majority abd trying to wrest your rights from the minoriry who want them. That is a contradiction in terms because, obviously (except to you), those in the majority don't need to consult the minority or be deterred by them about doing as they please. If any "stronger" group is kept from doing as they please by a "weaker" group, that seriously calls into question the whole concept of "sttonger and weaker" and which is which! I've already written you a post about this and am not going through all of that again right now here!!
Even if you and yoir ilk were the majority in this country, which your constant whining and protesting against drag queen story hours prove that you aren't or you wouldn't need to do it, other "minority" people would still be enritled to use public libraries and public spaces for their own programs, too. The same as the black minority civil rights workers were entitled to eat in public restaurants and at whites only lunch counters and stay in hotels and motels and vote in elections when the white majority said "No" to all that! The same as abolitionists had the right to call slavery wrong even though they were in the minority and the white majority said "It isn't wrong, but is God's will and design". The same as our American revolutionaries against English rule had the right to protest and fight against that rule, though they were in the minority even among Americans and certainly compared to the population of England. The list of minorities that were and are right against wrong majorities goes on and on! This is just more pearls before swine said to someone like you, but I did my part, anyway, even if you won't accept or understand it, the same as the Pharisees didn't accept or understand Jesus' words against them!
How am I going to dispute those who don't want drag queen story hours' feelings on this? How am I going to dispute white racist restaurant or store or motel or hotel owners who don't want black people in their businesses, the same as you don't want drag queens in your libraries reading to children? Because the schools and these businesses are for the public and white racists can go on feeling about black people however they want---and they will, and you can go on feeling about gay and transgender people however you want----and you will, but they can't and you can't impose personal feelings on other people while doing business with them and you both have to keep that nonsense to yourselves!!! Yes, white racists have to accept that black people are deserving of full human equality and act accordingly with them (outwardly, at least), regardless of their personal feelings about it, and you sexual bigots have to accept that gay and transgender people are deserving of full human equality and act accordingly with them (outwardly, at least), regardless of your personal feelings about them. This lets you hold on to your feelings, while they still receive fair and equal treatment and service. That would be accepted as fair and reasonable by anyone else, but, of course, not by you, who want everything your own way all the time and don't want to share or get along with anyone else at all!!
You write the words here "it's a PUBLIC library", but your interpretation and "understanding" of that statement is still "Oh, yeah, it's technically a PUBLIC library and belongs to everyone, but still everything there has to go our way and our will be imposed on everybody else and nobody else have anything that they want or need there, for their own good, because really it's just our library and our wants are all that matter!!". Back in the real world, though, you can't have it always your way and impose that on everybody else in a facility that is for everybody, but have to share the facility and let them have their time for activities and you have your time for activities. That is sharing and democracy and equal treatment of you and them, instead of only you getting your way all the time or their getting their way all the time. You and your ilk don't believe in sharing public places, but want it your way all the time and to impose that on everybody else and deny them their rights and freedoms!! That is the real core of your protest against drag queen story hours and everything else that you protest against: your implicit or even explicit stating that "nobody else has any rights and all rights belong to us!!". That is your view, in practice, of "freedom in America", but, thankfully, that isn't the reality of freedom in America or in the world!! Even Nazis are free to have their rallies and have freedom of speech, and everyone else is free to have their rallies and have freedom of speech, and you and all other homophobes and transphobes are free to have your rallies and story hours and other events in libraries and have freedom of speech, but you can't deny pro-drag queen story hour people or others who disagree with you their rights to have those story hours or events that you don't agree with and impose your will on all of them!! That is freedom for everybody and equal treatment of everyone here, instead of only freedom for you and your ilk and none for everybody else, as you would have it!! That isn't America and what people have fought and died to achieve in this country!! Your view of "freedom" is un-American, while my view of freedom is very American!! Even if pro-freedom and pro-drag queen story hour people were the minority in this country (and you wouldn't still be protesting against these story hours if that were true and would already have no drag queen story hours), we still would have the right to have these story hours in public libraries, the same as black and other minorities have the right to be in and use public facilities and businesses!!
Children don't have a problem with drag queens reading stories to them or with children of different races or with people of other religions or with many other things until the so-called "adults" in their lives and in the room pour their poison into these innocent young persons' minds and start them down the path to becoming just the same as them, so that they can poison other young people's minds in their turn, and keep this going on and on into the future!! If you say that children's innocence should be protected and they should be allowed to just be children, why would you then turn right around and take that innocence away from them and steal their childhood by pouring your poison of homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, religious bigotry, and other hatefulness into their innocent young minds, as Klansmen, Black Muslims, homophobes, and others of your ilk do?!! Are you really incapable of seeing and understanding the hypocrisy of demanding that children not be "corrupted" by those who are only trying to teach them to be more accepting of and loving toward other people, but then turning right around and corrupting them yourselves by turning them into smaller copies of yourselves with your hatefulness toward gay people, transgendered people, other races and religions, etc.? Or do you just not give a damn that you're being hypocrites and think that it's not hypocrisy if you just refuse to admit it?!! Who protects the children from you, their supposed "protectors"?!! You and your ilk admit that children need to learn the language of their country early and not wait until they are older to try to learn it because it will be much harder for them to do it then. You admit that children should start learning how to read and write when they are very young or, again, it will be much harder if they wait until they are older to start learning. You admit that children need to learn many things early in their lives and not put that off until they are older, since they will have a harder time of it; but, for some not so mysterious reason, (your homophobia and transphobia!), you "think", inconsistently, that children should put off learning acceptance and openness about other people until they are much older, though it will also be much harder for them, then, or even never learn that at all, though that will make them hateful to other people and problematic in society!!! It is as important or even far more important for children to learn acceptance and openness and love toward other people early in life as it is for them to learn language, reading, writing, arithmetic, and other things because love, acceptance, and openness make our society even as peaceful as it is and will make it even more so if this acceptance, love, and openness are taught and practiced more!! Hitler didn't just wake up one morning and, out of the blue, decide to start hating and killing Jews and other people. His whole life and experiences beforehand turned him into what he became. If he had been taught acceptance, love, and openness toward other people, instead of the hate that he was taught, the Holocaust and W.W.Ii and the deaths of 6 million Jews and 50 million others might never have happened. The same goes if serial killers and other murderers and criminals had been taught acceptance, love, and openness toward other people, instead of what they were taught by the world, since they wouldn't, then, have committed the murders and other crimes that they committed. So, this teaching of acceptance, love, and openness toward other people isn't impractical or pie-in-the-sky, but is extremely necessary and practical for our own protection and good!!
Children cant even decide what they want for supper or how to dress and you want us to accept their decision on this?
You are generalizing about children's "not knowing what they want for supper or how to dress" and using that straw man and figment of your own imagination to "justify" your own prejudice against their not having any problem with drag queens reading them stories. Many children know very well what they want for supper or how they want to dress, while only a few are indecisive, the same as adults. You keep bringing up the same old tired lines and dodges in order to avoid dealing with my or anyone else's here refutations of your "thinking"!! If some adults' also not knowing right off the bat every time what they want for supper or how they want to dress doesn't invalidate their choices of cuisine or wardrobe when they do decide, neither do some children's occasional indecisiveness about their food or clothing invalidate their decisions about those things and many other things when they do decide. If the object is to raise children who can think for themselves, that can't be achieved through disrespecting their choices and invalidating them!! That is just obvious, to anyone to whom it can be obvious, which obviously excludes you and your ilk!! It isn't a matter of "speaking for all children", which is just another evasion on your part and retaliation against my saying that you don't speak for all the public, to say that their obviously not being bothered by drag queens reading to them speaks for itself without my needing to "speak for all of them". Even you have actually admitted just now that children don't have a problem with drag queens' reading to them because you said that "children can't even decide what they want for supper or how to dress (the strawman and figment of your imagination again) and you want us to accept their decision on this?". So, you can't reasonably call it "speaking for all children" for me or anyone to say that that is what they are thinking about this, though that doesn't stop you from calling it that unreasonably and illogically, as usual!! You keep going off on these tangents and using these same old tired lines and obessive evasions in order to avoid answering the rest of the points and questions in my posts here. Are you self-deluded and delusional or what?!!
No I am stating fact. Ask them what they want for dinner and include three things they love. They will tell you in about 20 or 30 minutes. Now since they cant figure out something this easy...what makes you think they are going to be able to understand this?
President George H.W. Bush didn't like broccoli and said repeatedly that he didn't like broccoli and wouldn't eat it and didn't care if it was good for him or not, but, somehow, despite his aversion to that food, was still able to understand some fairly complex matters and deal with them, as best he could. Many other adults don't like sushi or snails or chocolate covered grasshoppers or hummus or oysters or seafood or any of a number of other foods and have favorite foods that they habitually eat and prefer all of the time, but, also, somehow, despite their food preferences and dislikes, are still able to understand some complicated matters and deal with them. Many adults keep eating and preferring foods that are no good for them, the same as children do (but don't have someone over them, unless it's a doctor, telling them not to eat those things and keeping them from eating those things), which cause them to have heart attacks and other health problems. So, if children also have their favorite foods and foods that they hate, and if asked to decide what they want for dinner, will go with what they like and reject what they don't like, that shouldn't, consistently and logically, be taken as a sign that they can't understand this matter of men's dressing in women's clothes or dealing with that, either. Besides which, you're making that "more complicated" than it actually is, just to "justify" your prejudice against it. Transgenderism isn't nuclear physics or the theory of relativity, so that children would be incapable of understanding it, since it is only dressing up and any child who has ever gone out trick or treating on Halloween knows all about dressing up and understands it very well!! Little girls and even little boys have been dressing up in their mothers' clothes for thousands of years and so how could they not understand that after all this time?!! Obviously, they understand it very well. You want to think that this is "too much for children to understand" just because that "justifies" your bigotry against transgender people. Little boys in the early 20th century and before that were routinely put in girls' clothes. Look it up!! So, children could no more "not understand" transgenderism than they could "not understand" playing hide and seek, blind man's bluff, leapfrog, hopscotch, cowboys and Indians, follow the leader or anything else that they have always been doing!!
Jeeze you spend 65 pages just to try and say you are correct when you cant back up anything you say with scientific or medical evidence
And you are sure of this because you speak for all the children? Are you delusional or what?
No, just you.
So now stating fact makes you upset?
the only person delusional here is clearly you if you think you are going to force this on everyone.
Dan Gray: Your 25 March posting was right on!
These crazy uneducated religious fanatics need to get a life. They have nothing better to do then push hate. When will they start listening to the experts then just keep pushing their sick agendas on people they oppose. The world would be a better place if these people got an education on science and phycology. But most important if they practiced love and acceptance.
The world would be a better place if you would stop pushing your nonsense. All this is is just another left leaning group trying to tell everyone else that a man dressing as a woman is normal. Whats is the next one you are going to try? That pedophiles should be left alone because they are born that way. Oh wait that defense has ALREADY been tried in Los Angeles California and is working its way through the courts to the 9th US District Court.
Just because people like to believe in science is no call for you to call then uneducated religious fanatics. You want to make a statement then back it up with facts good, otherwise all it is is name calling on your end and does nothing to or for the thread not to mention showing your ignorance and bias, the same thing you are accusing others of.
Quit trying to compare apples to oranges. YOU are the one showing how bigoted, intolerant, and biased you are. Religious fanatics do NOT like science because then they have to actually use critical thinking skills.
All people have some intolerance to something. We as grown adults need to understand this. Just because you don't like something another person tolerates does not mean they are automatically wrong. Don't hate someone because you disagree with their thoughts and belifes and don't get the Childern involved in adult situations. Think about what you say in front of Childern, what you say may do harm that may never be reversed
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I am comparing apples to apples you have just last September one drag queen named Dylan Pontiff, a gay man who helps organise DQSHs for pre-schoolers, admitted the purpose of the story hour is the grooming of the next generation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niWNO4p1L-0 . Pontiff boldly acclaimed, “we are trying to groom the next generation to not see the way that they just did.” Yes, there is a fight on to educate children beyond anything previously known, accepted and with indeterminable consequences. SO you need to open your eyes child and have a come to reality moment
Conservatives and homophobes are trying to groom children, too, to agree with yourselves and get them to go on thinking and acting toward gay people, transgender people, black people, and others the same as you do. So, you don't have a problem with grooming children, but only with grooming them toward any other objective and for any other reason than yours. Pontiff's saying "we are trying to groom the next generation to not see the way that they just did", quite obviously, except to you, doesn't mean grooming them to become gay or transgender because that isn't something that anyone can be groomed or influenced into, since you are either naturally born gay or transgender or aren't, but only to be more accepting and loving toward gay and transgender people. You certainly are in need of a come to reality and coming out of your propaganda, bigotry, and brainwashing moment!!!
and any point you thought you had just went out the window when you started calling names like a 3 year old child.
Sorry child, but you are wrong and no matter how many ways you try to say the same thing does not make it any less incorrect.
Since you see "name calling" in everything, as has already been abundantly demonstrated, your accusation of that yet again is just more evidence of your mental disorder and delusions!! Your calling me or anyone else "child", despite your own intense childishness, is part of that same delusion and disorder in you and so is also ridiculous and hypocritical on your part!!
So you are saying you didnt call people Homophobes? Strange that considering that considering that you actually DID call names three posts above this and it has your name as the poster.
Nice try at spin child but major fail
Calling people homophobes isn't name calling when it it is the truth about them, anymore than Jesus' telling the truth about the scribes and Pharisees by calling them "a brood of vipers" and "whited sepulchres" was name calling. It was just calling a spade a spade and telling the truth and my calling you and other people homophobes, when it fits, is just calling a spade a spade and telling the truth about you, not name calling. Homophobes are people who are against homosexuals and their rights, fair treatment, and humanity. Name calling is just another term for making things up about people, but it isn't necessary for me to make up anything about you and your ilk because there is too much truth about you to have to bother with doing that!! You want to think that everything that anyone says about you is "name calling" because then nobody could ever say anything about anything that you ever do, think or say, which is ridiculous!! If we really had to stop ever saying anything that is true about anyone else which wasn't complimentary, no accusations could ever be brought against anyone to have them arrested for a crime and put on trial or any other unpleasant truth ever be told about anyone. That, clearly, isn't going to work in this world!!
'jonny fartin': ' . . . . . naturally born gay or transgender . . . ', you say. What X and/or Y gene combination distinguishes a transgender?
show me the gene that sets homosexuality. And when you do you will get the Nobel prize in Genetics as NOBODY in science or medicine has been able to do this
This issue has nothing to do with religion. But the Christians seem to be the first to discover their backbone and point out that the emperor has no clothes. The liberal continue to promote aberrant behavior. The weirder the behavior the more the liberal encourage it and cry discrimination if someone questions them. Teaching children to become weirdos is going to far. If an adult decides on their own to live as a different species then they deserve the discrimination. Oh but their just men harmlessly dressing as women. Oh but they are just men sodomising each other. Oh but they are just men looking at pictures of little children. Oh but the schools are just teaching children that they really don't know what sex they are and its alright to change teams. Well this is all crap and the liberal agenda is to promote and encourage all aberrant behavior. Liberals are evil.
LOL! YES it does you self serving, fanatical loon.
LOL! YES it does you self serving, fanatical loon.
and yet you have drag queens who are gay admitting they are grooming the next generation by going after the children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niWNO4p1L-0 I say leave the children alone. Teach them to be kind to everyone they meet but they dont need to know about gay or straight until they are old enough to understand it. 7 or 8 years old is way too young.
'the hare tick';: Appreciate you stance. Maybe a bit extreme, but in essence, right on! I recommend Jesus as the ONLY hope for this disjointed, hell-bent world in which we live.
SibylTheHeretic, I agree with Jennifer Rebecca Lovsey, and LOL! because this issue definitely has something to do with religion, and loving your neighbor as yourself, and doing unto others as you would have others do unto unto you, and doing unto others as you would do to Jesus himself ("Whatsoever you have done to the least of these, my brethren, you have done to me"). These are the teachings of your religion and discrimination against gay and transgender people violates those teachings!! It's as simple as that!!! Homosexuality and transgenderism aren't aberrant behaviors because they are found in the animal kingdom in males having sex with other males and male peacocks and other bird species being more colorful than the females of their species. It can't not be transgenderism in birds and other species when male human beings' adorning themselves to resemble and surpass women in beauty is the very definition of transgenderism!! You can't have it both ways!! Different isn't evil, but is only different and that is a good thing, not a bad thing. Variety is the spice of life, not the curse of life, as you and other conservatives seem to "think". Liberals and all sensible people only want to teach children and everyone else to be accepting and loving toward other people, which is the only way that hatred, bigotry, and small mindedness can ever be overcome!! That doesn't make liberals evil, but makes those who oppose that broadening of minds and teaching of love and acceptance EVIL!!! "Weird" is in the eye of the beholder. "First remove the beam from your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye". More of that religion of yours that you say "has nothing to do with this". "Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone". Still more of that religion!! You are pretty "weird" according to some people, too, but still are just being you and have the right to be who you are, so long as you show other people the same consideration. Live and let live! Transgenderism and homosexuality aren't things that anyone can be taught, but have to be inherent in and natural to the people themselves. Schools don't teach homosexuality and transgenderism just by teaching openness and acceptance toward gay and transgender people. Sodomy isn't taught in schools, but only acceptance and love toward gay men who indulge in that sexual intimacy with each other. Nobody deserves discrimination!! You and your ilk are the conformist mob who is telling the "Emperor" who is actually naked that "he is wearing a suit of new clothes" by going along with this bigotry against gay and transgender people!! You can't, reasonably, indiscriminately lump pedophilia and "looking at pictures of little children" in with adult, responsible, and natural behaviors, such as homosexuality and transgenderism, which is your ilk's usual scare tactic against them!! Finally, again, Daniel Gray, 7 or 8 or even younger is definitely not too young to start learning love and acceptance of different lifestyles and sexualities of people, since much older than that the children are becoming fixed in their views and aren't as open to learning, anymore, if that wasn't too many words for you to understand yet again!!
I have consulted with my "ilk" and we still believe that women dressing as men is not normal behavior and should not be accepted or promoted by society. And while children are growing and learning they certainly should not be told that they do not know what sex they are. If you are confused about what sex you are, to be crude, there is a clue between your legs.Men who belong to NAMBLA are not normal. And God specifically said not to practice homosexuality. So the "ilks" and I will continue to disagree with you.
God never said not to practice homosexuality. Only the homophobic bigots who wrote the Bible and put their words into God's mouth, so as to force them on other people even easier, said not to practice homosexuality, sitting God on their laps like a big ventriloquist's dummy and making him say whatever they wanted. NAMBLA members aren't normal sexually, but they have nothing to do with the entirely normal sexuality of gay and lesbian and transgender people, who aren't molesting children. You must be confusing gay, lesbian, and transgender people with those Catholic priests and Boy Scout troop leaders who have been molesting young boys, but they aren't those people, either! Transgender and gay men aren't confused about what sex they are because they have already looked between their legs and seen the proof, but they aren't unnatural at all. Defending people's rights doesn't make me one of them or I would be black, too!! I'm very glad that you have consulted with your "ilk" (which really only means a kind of people) and you can go on disagreeing with me, for all that I care about what you do, but if you don't like gay, lesbian, and transgender people, leave them alone and don't comment on them, as they won't do to you, and live and let live!! What part of "love your neighbor as yourself", "do unto others as you would have others do unto you", and "whatever you have done to the least of these, my brethren, you have done to me" didn't you understand because all of this that you are saying about them doesn't come up to those standards?!! 44 states are right in passing laws that require public school textbooks to promote homosexuality as acceptable because it is---for homosexuals!! You are very welcome!!
Are you SURE that God never said not to practice homosexuality? So according to you, you are some kind of prophet now because you know what God said and didnt say because he tells you? Ok John this is the most stupid thing I have seen here, PROVE IT! You can say God spoke to you all you want but until you PROVE it then its nothing but YOUR OPINION. SO its put up or shut up time John, show us proof that God told you that there was nothing wrong with homosexuality
Daniel Gray, the proof that God didn't say that homosexuality is a sin is that God isn't a bigot and calling homosexuality a sin is homophobic bigotry, as I've shown already and as the evidence says to everyone who actually looks at it and considers it, unlike yourself and other homophobes!! That's what the evidence of God's not being a bigot, such as yourself, says to everyone who looks at it honestly, not just to me. It doesn't require being a "prophet" to see that, but only just an honest person who can still think logically and put two and two together and come up with 4 and not 5 or 6 or some other number, and not make "God" in your own image as the big homophobe in the sky!!. Your saying that I "must be a prophet" in order to figure out this common sense and obvious thing is just more of your usual deflection and clouding the issue, in order to "justify" your own distorted and bigoted view of "God". You call common sense and logical thinking on this matter "the most stupid thing I have seen here" because you don't have any common sense or logic about anything and so any of that would, naturally, be way over your limited "comprehension", as I told you before, and seem "stupid" to such a STUPID!!! person as yourself!!! Since God is, quite obviously, not a bigot (to those to whom it can be obvious and haven't made him in their own image, which excludes you and your sort of people---is that a better word for you?), all the bigotry in the Bible has to have come from the men who wrote the Bible and put their words into God's mouth, logically considered. That isn't my opinion, but merely the logic and common sense on the matter. It is your OPINION!!!! that God is a bigot, the same as yourself and other bigots, since you have made him one in your own propaganda about him, but the evidence just stated doesn't support your view and propaganda!! Where is your proof that Bible writers didn't put their own prejudices against homosexuality into God's mouth in order to "sanction" and "justify" those prejudices and impose them on other people?! And by "proof" I don't mean just what satisfies homophobes as "proof", since that is just more distorted and convoluted "thinking", but something that would satisfy an unbigoted and fair and open minded and logical person!! So, now, you PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!, since I have told you my evidence of deductive reasoning and logic on the matter. Also, you can't anymore (except as the HYPOCRITE!!! that you are!!!) complain about my long post here or any long posts from me to you because I have seen your long winded and "6500 words to say one sentence" posts all over this blog on different topics!! So, stoo complaining or stop doing the same thing yourself!!!
44 states have passed laws that require public school textbooks to promote homosexuality as acceptable behavior. Thanks Democrats.
Let's think about the purpose of the bill. Will such a bill, if it should pass, be a positive for Christianity? If proclaimed Christians wish to set an example or be a witness, wouldn't it be more impactful to do so with acts of love? Public libraries are and should remain uncensored. I suspect many drag queens are excellent readers who make a library experience memorable and promote reading as they demonstrate a dramatic flair. I doubt children will influenced to become drag queens if their personalities don't align with the behavior and if it does, so what? Personally, drag behavior, drag shows, or drag queen story hour is not my preferred form of entertainment, but it does no harm. And I am a mother and grandmother in my seventies,, but I think a person's energy is better spent when minding one's own business and spends time developing integrity, character, generosity, compassion and other "Christian" traits instead of judging too harshly. De-funding libraires is not a solution and proves more detrimental to a community than is helpful to its citizens.
When it comes to kids I disagree Because you think any and everything is ok don't push it down the throats of kids. Do it in your own place. Government should not be paying to have this crap. I your a man read as a man. If your a women read as a women. What you do with your private life is fine. Each of us have free choice. Kids don't get that choice tell there of age.
Jesus Christ himself became intolerant of sin in the Temple, did he not overturn the tables of the money changers? You can love without tolerating everything people do.
bonnie: How can you be a mother AND a grandmother in your seventies?
Oh Judas Priest...... She is the mother of the woman who had the child, as such ALL women who have grandchildren of any kind are both mothers and grandmothers!
Yes, who wants men, wearing dresses, teaching children stories? Oh but wait......Priests, Cardinals, Popes, and Islamists wear dresses. Now I know some of you are going to say, but they don’t wear dresses per se, but how do children know that?
And of course we know how the dress wearing priests think of children and I don't want them to read anything to my kids either!
Sorry but they are not dresses Lionhart, and as usual you attack someones religion. This is getting old. The priest’s ROBES are a ceremonial vesture—a uniform of their sacred office. They are meant to effectively obliterate the priest’s personality. They are also, by the way, meant to be unobtrusive. They should not be creative or clever or call attention to the smart vestment designer or the wonderful seamstress. They are simply to dignify the office of the priest and dignify and beautify the celebration of Mass.
I know thats going to be had for you to understand with your anti religion attitude, but the facts remain that you are wrong again, as usual.
I know they are not dresses Daniel, but do children, especially those being molested by Priests who have fallen into the trap of religion denying them normal sexual relations with a spouse?
And you are saying that children are not molested by members of Atheists or Muslums or any other religion. Nice spin on your attack on Christianity buy it wont fly
Then why did you call them dresses? Or are you saying this wasnt you?
Lionheart Mar 17, 2020 at 02:08 pm Yes, who wants men, wearing dresses, teaching children stories? Oh but wait......Priests, Cardinals, Popes, and Islamists wear dresses.
You cant even keep your own stories correct or your constant attacks on religions. And then you wonder why you keep being corrected each and every time you post or wonder why people who have and use common sense refuse to accept your statements
You obviously don’t understand Daniel. It’s hardly worth responding to you but I will try. Of course children are molested by peoples other than the religious. Priests are stupidly instructed “by religion” to be celibate. This increases the possibilities for some of them to vent their sexual hang ups.
You obviously don’t understand my references to the possibility that children might see religious leaders wearing dresses, but that’s ok. I can’t explain that inference any more than I already have. Sorry you don’t understand. You believe in a god that doesn’t seem able to prove he exists so I can’t expect more from you.
I obviously DO understand Lionhart. You just want to pick any little thing and start ripping on it. Thats how you get your jollies.
I clearly do Lionhart, all one has to do is read your posts and they will see that you are anti religion and everything it stands for. And that you cannot refute.
I used to be in a reading program for children that were described as "at risk". They just needed an adult to care about them and they had no judgement of that adult. So the school board decided not to fund a teacher/supervisor for the program, of course.
The world would be a better place if love was the agenda of everyone. Live and let live is the way to peace. Complaining about how others live their lives is a waste of time and effort. Evil does as evil does, just as love does as love does. We each choose our way in this life for better or worse. We each will experience the consequence of our actions, God or no God, Devil or no Devil...it boils down to just plain "Good and Evil", my way or the highway, and who cares anyway? No one can make anyone change or do what another seems the right thing to do.
As you can see all it does is spread hate, judgement, resentment, rebellion, prideful arrogance and separation within the "Universal Family of Existence". Christians should remember it is written that one should hate the sin, but not the sinner. To be examples, share their knowledge, love, and compassion for all. You can not use "the rod" on adults who have made up their minds and hearts. Their duty is to pray for others not condemn. One scripture I have come to live by is in Revelations 22 v 11-12: "Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy." Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done." "He" of course is meant for "She" or something in between for those who may want to protest.
'reverend pummeled': 'Reverend'? Huh? Where in the Bible is it written 'hate the sin, but not the sinner", as you intimated?
Repression of sexuality seems to be at the root of this problem. What is next - "Horndog Story Hour" with sleazy old guys reading Little Red Riding Hood and smacking their chops? But seriously, entertaining children using reference to sexuality is more about the grown up than the children, and not that appropriate in my opinion.
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I think it is important that children understand other people. Book characters are informant for children their age. This way they can learn about others without the prejudice of their peers putting their opinions of people on them. This way they can make their own decisions to love their neighbors as God teaches
According to the KJV, it states in the book of Genesis that God created ADAM and EVE, No I do not agree with letting this be done in the school system of be taught about in the school system. God created ADAM and EVE, God said no man should be alone so god took a rib from Adam and made woman then had Adam to name her then she was call EVE. Far as the gay community that should be something the parents of the child teach not out education teachers that need to be teach about math, English, American history, which is more important than gay community. Most of all they need to start teaching the BIBLE again
You call the attempted legislation a "political stunt?" So we obviously know where u come from ULC. Drag Queen Story hour is an abomination that goes against all natural law. Does not matter what religion you practice or dont practice. There is only one reason an organization would promote this today. That is to destroy western civilization. I see some of the commentors here have stated that science is on the side of the leftist deviates trying to destroy the family. The left has turned science upside down and twisted it to support their agenda. Science is no longer science. I dont believe God will set this right. God is waiting for man to fix this mess. He will.
Pedophilia? Really? The children are laughing and it is fun for them and is it no way about sex. So many religious people are ridiculous that is why I never use the world and most dress the way they do because it is fun and entertainment not so people can get there man panties in a bunch lol
I believe it is quite obvious that there is a lack of understand regarding human sexuality. Science teaches us that homosexuality is not a learned behavior but rather within the individual as a variation of normal sexuality. The past argument has centered on a belief that same sex behavior does not occur in nature except when animals are in captivity at zoos, etc. However, giraffe males routinely perform sexual behavior with other males except when they mate with females for reproduction purposes. Straight children will not become gay as the result of encounters with gay persons no matter their appearance and behaviors. I think this program can have a positive effect on young people who feel different and who see non-mainstream people being creative, and accepted.
Where does science teach that. Giraffes aren't human. is the drag queen pictured a heterosexual or homosexual? I'm guessing he is promoting his own sexuality on the minds of young developing minds.
But but but animals do it so it must be natural....so you are saying Margret that you are no better then an animal?
I believe it is quite obvious that there is a lack of understand regarding human sexuality. Science teaches us that homosexuality is not a learned behavior but rather within the individual as a variation of normal sexuality. The past argument has centered on a belief that same sex behavior does not occur in nature except when animals are in captivity at zoos, etc. However, giraffe males routinely perform sexual behavior with other males except when they mate with females for reproduction purposes. Straight children will not become gay as the result of encounters with gay persons no matter their appearance and behaviors. I think this program can have a positive effect on young people who feel different and who see non-mainstream people being creative, and accepted.
So called traditional hetero relationships have to look at and improve their own track record before they judge others. Love is the most important thing.
Harry Poters books were also dislike by certain people because they taught magic on being a wizard. Having kids to be interested in reading and you have moved their dull world into fun.
Don't worry about it. Keep the faith and Keep your children home and away from it. Leave it in Gods hands. In the time of Noah the world was filled with wickedness and sin. Luke 17:26 "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man."
As in the days of Noah, God will bring forth his wrath upon them. We are all children of the same universe, But not all children of the same God !
Your comment is a bit of a stretch Frederick. 1) We actually don’t know any god exists. 2) Noah’s story is even less credible. If you you believe the Three Toed Sloth that moves at a maximum of 6 feet per hour and sleeps most of the day could make it to the ark, along with its mate, for Noah to keep the species going you are seriously deluded, but I admire your faith.
Many may think having a drag queen read to children is innocuous. However, no one seems to be concerned about the psychological impact of all of this on children. No, I dont think gay is catching but gender dysphoria is real psychiatric disorder and now our society is actually encouraging it. Our whole culture is becoming hostile to the mental health of children.
Yes, children’s minds are very sensitive. Look at the psychological impact religion has on children. They are so gullible and easily convinced. It is actually mental abuse!
Lionheart just a observation. It took Noah 100 years to build the Ark so I would guess maybe he gave the sloth a heads up on the departure time. Just say'n
🤣🤣🤣 I knew there would be a totally logical explanation.🤣🤣🤣
These people are sick to expose this depravity to our children.
I totally agree. It’s the same with religion.
just as many if not more, anti religious people are sick and expose this depravity to our children Lionheart. Or are you going to call the FBI Crime report a liar now or the Interpol who just broke up the largest child pornography ring in Europe, a liar as well?
Not at all. I’m sure many of those in the CP Ring are Christians, or some other similar religious sect, or even secular. It’s possible most of them are religious. Some could be catholic Priests, or are you going to suggest that might not be true?
the only cults I see are the non believers who are trying everthing in their power to get others to side with them. So where does that leave you Lionheart? In a cult or just clearly biased? Or both
Of course that’s all you see Daniel, what else would anyone expect of you.
and we clearly know what to expect from you...constant bashing of religion and nothing more
Bigoted holy rollers that need to be removed from public office.
First we must look at the bigger picture here, this isn't about the story hour, it's about a bigger agenda, this is truly to cause division, when we can be divided we are weaker, when we are together we are powerful, no matter what you believe to be your higher power, we are all energy, when that energy is all together in a positive light we are truly powerful beings, when we are divided by anger we are weak, as beings, just look at this thread, and you will see the problem, may all of you be blessed,
You can't teach about God and Jesus in the library so why should you be able to teach about something sinful they shouldn't defend them but they should not allow it
God, jesus, and sin are all subjectively fictional at best, Thus it shouldnt be taught as anything but fictional works. Just as this story time is all about telling children fun stories. Maenawhile the bible is filled with mature subject matter no child should be exposed to.
Children DO NOT need to be exposed to this type of perverted way of life so young! There is plenty of time when they are older and able to understand! Their young mind's don't need to be corrupted so young!
I totally agree. Children shouldn’t also be exposed to the dogma of any religion so young until they are capable of understanding logic and reason to decide for themselves.
So, Michael Dooley, are you saying that children do need to be exposed to another type of perverted way of life, so long as you don't call it perverted, but just not what you call "perverted"? Because homophobia and transphobia and conservatism are perverted, too, and not how people are supposed to think or attitudes or behavior that people should have toward other people, even if they are "acceptable" perversions to you!! Children's young minds don't need to be corrupted by those perversions and they could hold off learning about those things until they are older and better able to understand and reject them!! As for transgenderism, that is only a "perversion" according to actually perverted people, who need to remove the beams from their own eyes before trying to remove the specks from their brothers' and sisters' eyes and teaching children to be loving and accepting toward transgender people is what they should be taught and is only considered "wrong" by those who are themselves wrong and filled with hate and bigotry!!!
Have you ever noticed that when homosexuals and their supporters are proven wrong then they go into the regular claims of homophobic and bigotry because they cant accept the fact that no matter what case they have won in the Court, not everyone is going to accept them.
You don't have to accept drag queens or gay people, anymore than white racists have to accept black people or Jews or Catholics or black racists have to accept white people or Jews or Catholics or Jews who hate Germans because of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism before that have to accept Germans. You can all go on being hateful, bigoted, and ignorant about these people to your heart's content, but just as you don't want to be imposed on and have things forced on you, all of these other people don't want to have your views and agenda forced on them and have the right to have that not happen!! So, keep all that BS to yourselves and go your own way and leave other peoole alone and not spew your bile and views about them on them!! Live and let live and do unto others as you would have others do unto you and keep your nonsense to yourselves. Then, go ahead and wallow in all the bigotry and ignorance that you want and grunt contentedly!!
race has nothing to do with men dressing up as women John and when you try and add this to your attempt to justify it al you do is show your ignorance.
Race most definitely has something to do with another reason that causes people, such as yourself, to discriminate against and be bigoted against other people, which is homophobic and transphobic bigotry, since it is all human rights, and you merely show your ignorance by not knowing that and so lose the discussion!!
Sorry John it does not. No matter how much you wish it were otherwise. It makes no difference what the skin color is, nobody except the people in California and the new england states, want men of any race dressed up as women trying to change the minds of children and I have posted links where some of the trans people admitted that this is what they are doing, trying to impress the children. And that is wrong no matter how many words or pages you use to try and say otherwise, so your usual 6500 words to say one sentence isnt going to fly and neither is your smoke and mirrors race issue.
Once again, any words more than "if" are too much for you to handle and overwhelm you and seem to be "6500 words to say one sentence" to you, since your comprehension level is very, very limited, but that's your problem and I'm not going to incompletely and inadequately respond even to your ignorant statements just so that you would be "able to understand it", which you can't do, anyway!! It doesn't matter what some of the people in those other states want or don't want because they only speak for themselves and not for everybody else in their states, and if they don't want to see drag queens reading stories to children, they can just keep their children and themselves the Hell at home, as I said before!! Some drag queens may have thought that they were just trying to impress children because some of all other entertainers (men in men's clothes and women in women's clothes) think that they are just trying to impress children, too, and drag queens are just human beings, the same as everybody else, no matter what you "think" about them, and so do the same thing, but the actual purpose of drag queen story hours is to get children to accept differences in people and be open and accepting of other people and liberate them from homophobia and transphobia. As for the race issue's being "smoke and mirrors", you and your ilk might "think" so because, well, it's you and your ilk and I've already discussed your "comprehension" levels, but, to return to reality, everyone who is able to know already knows that gay rights, transgender rights, black rights, and all other people's rights are all human rights and so relate to one another!! If you don't already know that, it's because you aren't capable mentally of knowing it, but it doesn't stop being true just because of your disability and lack of comprehension!!!
Once again you go off on a tnagent. Ever hear of the saying "keep it on point" please try that next time you want to pontificate and take up 16 paragraphs just to say no.
Once again any words more than "if" in a post overwhelm you and are too much for you to "understand"!! Ever hear of the saying "Develop a brain!!". Please try to do that before you try to read any more of my posts to you, so that I don't have to talk down to you like you were a 3 year old and try to join the other adults in the room, for a change!!!
'denigrate'; Your 03 April submission is good, but I'd modify it a bit: ' . . . not everybody is going to accept them.' I'd suggest we certainly abhor and oppose their amoral lifestyle, but need to accept them selves.
You have yet to prove your complaint. Since this is a bill before the state assembly it seems that a lot more people have said NO to these drag queens then have said yes as if they had said yes then the bill would not have reached the state assembly
And ust how do you know they dont. Seems the only Guys in dresses that are reading to children are in left wing controlled areas and the second they become right wing controlled areas the guys in dresses vanish
Your belief or convenient lie, as usual, that " drag queens only happen in left wing areas" is disproved by the fact that there were even drag shows in Nazi occupied France (and it's not possible to be less left-wing or be more right- wing than the Nazis!!). If drag queens reading to children or performing drag shows all automatically disappear in right-wing controlled areas, according to you, then why did they continue there? And why if you and your ilk are as much in control in this country and really the majority here, as you say that you are, are there still any drag queen story hours or drag queen performances left for you to protest against?!! Obviously, you aren't in as much control of everything or as much of a majority as you think that you are!! Drag queen story hours or drag queen perfirmances are, clearly, not subject to the politics of an area, since they happen everywhere, even if not so openly some places as others-----but still happening!! The most straitlaced and conservative and prudish society in human history (Victorian England) produced Jack the Ripper and prostitution, pornography, drag shows, homosexuality, and all practices of the human race have gone on throughout history, regardless of politics anywhere and none of that stopped any of it!! So much for "drag queens reading to children only happen in left-wing areas"!!
Um sorry but no, nice try at lying but historically inaccurate considering that Nazi's sent homosexuals to the gas chambers. But hey anyone can see how desperate you are when you get destroyed with each of your fake posts.
The Nazis sent SOME!!! homosexuals in Germany, especially, and other conquered countries to concentration camps and gas chambers (not even all that they knew about or could find---but definitely not all!!!). They were very much more lenient in France than they were in Germany, out of diplomatic and public relations considerations (the same reasons why they didn't invade the Vatican) and so gay, lesbian, and transgender clubs were allowed there which wouldn't have been allowed in Germany. This isn't desperation at all, but merely looking deeper than the surface into the Nazi occupation of France and actual Nazi practices there and not being satisfied, as you are, with mere appearances. My posts are, obviously, except to you and your kind again, not fake at all, but only much deeper than you care or are able to go. Horizontal Collaboration: The Erotic World of Paris 1920-1946 by Mel Gordon would be an excellent resource for you to begin your disillusionment about "Nazis killing all drag queens and gay people" and could lead you on to many other sources, if you would be open to them. Here are only a few of the gay, lesbian, and transgender night clubs and bars in Nazi occupied Paris: Liberty's Bar, La Petite Chaumiere, Chez Tonton, Magic City, The Colombin, Le Wagram, The Recamier, Le Fetiche, La Perle, Le Monocle, Chez Graff, Le Boeuf sur le toit, and The Rive Gauche. Look them up! That was just in Paris. Of course, there were others in Marseilles, Lyons, Nice, Cannes, and other French cities. If I don't need to do everything for you, you can hunt up these other gay, lesbian, and transgender night clubs and bars in France during the Occupation for yourself, since I have pointed you in the right direction, but if you are really that incapable of finding that out for yourself, I'll look them up, too, and get back to you. The Nazis were out to pacify the French people and ingratiate themselves with them, so that they would accept Nazism as the New Order in Europe, and so had to make some concessions to people's customs there in France and not try to beat or murder everything into them. Let's not forget, either, that many Nazis themselves were gay and transgender, despite their Party's official stance against those things, and liked frequenting these clubs and having gay liasions and relationships for their own enjoyment and not just for the French, away from the overview of Berlin. They needed a break from all of that draconian rule, once in a while, too!! Educate yourself and stop just taking everything at face value!!
Oh really? Why dont you take a little trip over to Germany and visit Dachau or Flossenbürg or Buchenwald or Bergen-Belsen. In there you will see that they had Homosexuals wear a PINK triangle or Star. History itself will tell you that when the Nazi's went into a country they rounded up the old and feeble and homeless and Homosexuals and Jews and anyone else they thought was undesirable and off they went to the gas chambers. I dont know where you got your education from, but I can assure you that they failed you in history My neighbors mother survived the "camps" and she has first hand knowledge of what went on there, far more then you will ever have. So do yourself a major favor and shut up about something you clearly are ignorant about.
You are still ignorant about something when the proof of it is put right in front of your face for you to see and still you won't admit it!!! None are so blind as those who will not see and the mind of a bigot, such as yourself, is like the pupil of an eye: the more light that you shine upon it, the smaller it gets!!! I never said that there weren't Nazi death camps in Germany and Poland and other occupied countries or persecutions and murders of homosexuals and others, but only that it wasn't happening equally everywhere, as those gay and lesbian bars and night clubs in occupied Paris prove!! They couldn't have existed there if it had been!! What happened to your neighbors' mother isn't indicative of what happened to everybody everywhere. People who were there in that time had first hand knowledge, too, of all the things recorded in that book that I suggested that you read and so she isn't the only person who has any knowledge of those times and they know more about it than you ever will, unless you just want to listen to one person about it and ignore all other evidence and testimony!! What are you afraid of, that your delusions will be destroyed?!! History tells us all lots of things and not just one version of things. The Nazis, practically speaking, needed at least one place in Europe where they could go on furloughs and vacations and be relatively safe from attacks or ambushes or poisonings of their food, as happened to them in the other countries of Europe from partisan groups and others. So, they had to cool it in France a great deal in order to have that place. Hitler expressly ordered his troops to behave themselves more and not be such idiots with the French for that very reason. Look that up, too!! No occupation of a country is good, but some are much better than others and the occupation of France wasn't even a pimple on the ass of the occupation of Poland and many other places, where the Nazis could really let themselves go and open the ball on those people!! I know about those things as well as you do or probably better, but know the other side of the coin as well, which you don't!! Do yourself a major favor and don't ever try to tell me to shut up and show your own stupidity by doing so!! If you think that you are any better than the Nazis were, why do you imitate their attitude toward gay and transgender people, thereby proving that you actually think like a Nazi, too?!! It is your education that has failed if you don't know about the things that are mentioned in that book!!! Educate yourself, as I told you before!!
Daniel Gray, you could have looked up gay and lesbian Muslims and Buddhists as easily as I did and informed yourself before speaking out of ignorance and telling that lie that "there are no gay and lesbian Muslims and Buddhists". So, you brought my rightful calling of you a liar on yourself by not doing your homework first before making a statement. You could have looked up gay, lesbian, and transgender bars and nightclubs in Nazi occupied France as easily as I did, instead of my having to tell you in a post to you that you will, hopefully, receive here on Monday, and have avoided speaking out of ignorance and assumptions yet again. So, you brought that charge of mine that you are wrong upon yourself by not doing your homework before making any statement here. Stop making ignorant statements and start knowing what you are talking about before you say anything in here and making a fool of yourself!!!
And I already showed you that in the Koran Homosexuality is a death sentence as that religion will not tolerate it. So whats your problem?
And I have already showed you that other Muslims and other people are more than merely tolerating or putting up with these gay and lesbian Muslims, but are actually accepting and loving them, and that it is only your ilk among some fringe Muslims who aren't accepting or loving them!! So, you have been proven wrong once again and it doesn't matter what homophobic verses in the Koran say anymore than it matters what homophobic verses in the Bible say because neither of them are the words of God, but only the words of stupid and bigoted "men", such as yourself, who don't speak for God!! Real men accept and love other people and don't demand that they be the same as they are before doing doing so, and that will always exclude you from the category of real men!!! Only the love in the Koran or the Bible is actually from God, while all of the hate in them is from you and your ilk!! My problem is small "minded" people such as yourself who claim to "speak for God" and bring God down to your level!!!
"You and your ilk" when you start with this name calling like a spoiled 3 year old John D. Partin, then you automatically lose whatever point you were thinking you were making. You cant refute that the majority do not want drag queens in their libraries or around their kids....and yet you are so desperate to try and refute that point that you have to bring race into it and that destroys you completely. So go dunk your head to cool off as you clearly have lost this discussion
Even if the majority don't want drag queens in their libraries reading stories to their children (which you haven't proved or else why hasn't this alleged "majority" already stopped all drag queen story hours and overruled and overwhelmed the "minority" who want those story hours, instead of, as is actually the case, your having to feebly and impotently keep protesting against them?), the "minority" would still have the right to have those story hours in PUBLIC!!! libraries. You can't have it both ways and say that "the liberals are taking over and ruining the country", which is your constant complaint, but, somehow, despite that, you and your ilk are "the majority and really represent the will of the people". That is a contradiction!! If your "majority" don't want drag queens reading stories to your children, keep them at home on drag queen story hour days and times, while other people have those story hours and what they want, and have your own story hours and events on other days and share the libraries. Then, you don't have to be around what you don't want to be around and other peiple don't have to be around any of your nonsense!! The best of both worlds and sharing the world, instead of all your way or all their way! It isn't desperation to mention race in connection with gay civil rights or bringing that in artificially because it is already in it, since it is all human rights and every part of humanity has a bearing on every other part of humanity. So, it is actually your position that has been completely destroyed and you need to go soak your head and go cool off, since you have lost this discussion!!
And you John have not proved that they do, and in fact this bill clearly shows that you are wrong
The bill only proves that a screeching vocal minority has imposed its agenda upon a majority of people who either just don't give a damn about drag queens reading stories to children or are in favor of their doing so---the very thing that you complain about the liberal "minority's" doing to you!! The very thing that the Nazis did to the majority in Germany!! You again can't have it both ways and if you were really the majority of people, you would have already stopped all drag queen story hours and everything else that you don't want without the need of bills by politicians catering to you and kissing your asses or your ridiculous, feeble, pleading, and pathetic protests against these drag queen story hours!! Since you are still trying to push those bills through and counting on them and continuing with your stupid protests, you prove that you aren't the majority and are wrong again and that the people that you are doing all of these things against are actually the majority here!!!
And sorry but its the drag queens that are the Minute minority. The sooner you understand that the better off you will be
The sooner that you "understand" (a first for you!!) that you and your ilk are the minority here and we loving, accepting, and open-minded people are the majority and the wave of the future, the better off you will all be!! Then, you can have your own drag queen shows among yourselves and not invite any of the majority of drag queens to your shows and exclude them there, too, and be very happy campers all by yourselves!!!
Sorry but when you start with "Your ilk" then you lose whatever point you were trying to make. Nice try but you lose yet again
Once again, Child, your not admitting that you have lost yet again and your not having done so are two entirely different things. "Your ilk" still means "your kind", as all adults here know, and isn't derogatory, for the 10,000th time with you!! Now, go write on the blackboard "Ilk means kind!" 1,000 times and then stand in the corner!!!
John I have already posted parts of the Koran where it says NO to homosexuality. So you can try and claim otherwise but this was taken directly from the holy book of Islam
Where homophobes in the Koran said NO to homosexuality, but they didn't speak for Allah, anymore than homophobic Muslims today do! Their bigotry and hatefulness isn't consistent with the love of God. So, they and you and your ilk are WRONG!!! and God and his love are RIGHT!!! Once again, you see "name calling" in everything and any words more than "if" are too much for you to "understand", which is still your problem!! Your "thinking" (a really laughable term, applied to you!!) that I have "failed to prove my point" and my actually doing anything other than proving it right down into the ground are two entirely different things!!!
John calling people names is a sure way to show you have nothing of import to try and pass on. But please continue using 65 words to say hello and then spending a book trying and failing to prove your point.
Telling the truth about you isn't name calling and your not admitting that I have proved my point isn't the same thing at all as not having done it!! Still overwhelmed by any more words than "if", huh? Do try and grow up and keep up with the conversation!!
Once again John you are wrong and yet you still take two books of words to try and tail to defend your point
You can't complain anymore (except as the HYPOCRITE!!! that you are!!) about my writing long posts to you when I have seen your own long winded and "6500 words to say one sentence" and "two books of words" posts in this blog site to people all over the site on different topics. So, either stop complaining about my long posts to you or stop writing long posts yourself to other people and myself and operating on a double standard!!! If you can't stand full replies, instead of half-assed and inadequate replies, to your posts and the heat in here, stay out of the blog and the kitchen!!
I believe that the hate taught by the anti-LGBTQ so called Christians is far more harmful to children than any DQSH. One of the most positive school experiences, for me, was an English teacher who took it upon herself, in 1967, to explain homosexuality. I had no idea. She presented gays as people with different preferences. It did not make me gay, later, when I met some, I was able to see them for the people they are and not a threat, not an abomination, and nothing to be feared.
And you should not have had to deal with this when you were 7 or 8. When you were mature enough to deal with this then and only then should you have to have this explained to you. Thats all I am saying and if you cant accept that then mores the pity
Children can deal with and understand far more than you give them credit for because they don't have all the baggage and prejudices against things that their supposedly "wiser" (actually, usually far more stupid) so-called "adult protectors and superiors" do. If this weren't the case, children wouldn't be able to play with children of other races when many "adults" aren't open to associating or dealing with people of other races because children think and look at things innocently, as we all should. You want to think that children have a problem with men in dresses reading stories to them just because YOU!!! have a problem with that and to make them "the same as you" and "supportive" of your propaganda and prejudice against drag queens reading stories to children!! Again, I say, who protects the children from their "protectors", such as yourself? That is what they really need protection from most of the time!! The same kind of arguments that you bring up against men in dresses reading stories to children are the kinds that white racists would bring up against black women or men reading stories to white children: "it's unnatural for these N words to be reading stories to or associating with our white children and they should just stick with their own kind", etc.!! You just have a different object of prejudice more often than they do, though white racists don't think that transvestites should be reading stories to children, either, and so you are still in agreement with them, but it's still all bigotry, anyway!! You aren't even consistent in your belief that men in dresses shouldn't be entertaining us or reading to children because you said that you enjoyed Milton Berle and Flip Wilson, who performed in drag for their audiences, because, according to you, you were "mature enough to understand it", but then turn right around and deny the possibility of other children and young people's understanding it and being able to enjoy it, too!! That is hypocrisy!! What even you were able to understand and enjoy, other children and young people can also understand and enjoy!! You are just not capable of more than other peoole are and weren't capable of more than other children and young people are today, if your current "thinking" and opinions are any reliable indication of what you are capable of, compared to others!! By the way, what happened to you that made you less mature now to understand and deal with men wearing dresses or reading to children in them than even you were before?!! That would be mildly interesting to know, too, and we're all sitting on pins and needles to read it here soon!!
'jonny fartin': ' . . . . children think and look at things innocently, as we all should.' you say. That's head-in-the-sand, naive blather. Murder, terrorism, corruption, anger, LGBTQxyz activities, and other sin, children and adults should view and consider innocently?! Wow! How realistic and sensible is that? How safe and morally responsible is that? But, if that's your disjointed diatribe, go for it!
Flugo Marx, I thought that you were still in hiding over your shame and cowardice at not being able to answer how God could be above all human feelings and thoughts, as stated in Isaiah 55:8-9, while still indulging in hate, the same as human beings do, since that is a contradiction. But I suppose that you must have come up with an answer, right? We would all certainly like to hear it!! As for drag queens reading stories to children's being "the same as murder, terrorism, corruption, anger", etc., even something like you should be able to figure out that that isn't true and put it together better than that---or maybe not, considering your other statements in this blog. After coming off with those statements, your calling my or some other people's posts in here "disjointed diatribe" is certainly a joke and the whole pot factory's calling a single kettle "black"!!
If they wait until "they are able to understand", according to you, they have already made up their minds by that time about homosexuality and are no longer open to understanding and accepting gay people and so there is little to no point in talking to them about it by then, as I have tried to explain to you before. The time to teach these children openness toward and acceptance of gay and transgender people is while their minds are still open and innocent and before prejudices have set in and become entrenched and that is at a very young age, during preschool drag queen story hours in libraries or kindergartens.
Sorry child, but you are wrong. That idea has been debunked more times then carter has liver spots.
Then why, Child, don't you think that children should wait on learning reading, writing, arithmetic, and other subjects, too, until they are much older, instead of starting them off early and thereby making them get these subjects even easier? Why do you, inconsistently, single out teaching them acceptance and love toward different lifestyles and sexualities for putting off to a much later time or even never at all, except because of your homophobic and transphobic bigotry?!! Your still calling me or anyone else "child", considering your own childishness and stupidity in here, is really just the biggest joke and the whole pot factory's calling a single kettle "black", as well as that name calling that you accuse everyone else of doing, while doing it yourself to all of us!!
Nope because if you ask anyone the ages from 1-10 are the "LEARNING YEARS" that is when they learn how to walk and talk and dress themselves and how to be polite in public and so on.
And again when you start calling names like Homophobe or transphobe or bigot, then you lose whatever point you were trying to make and prove that you are still a child. A long winded one but a child none the less
Once again, Child, calling you a homophobe, transphobe, and bigot isn't name calling when it is the truth about you and you continually express homophobic, transphobic, and bigoted "thoughts" in here, anymore than Jesus' calling the scribes and Pharisees "a brood of vipers" and "whited sepulchres" was name calling. It was only telling the truth about them and calling a spade a spade, just as my calling you a homophobe, transphobe, and bigot is telling the truth about you and calling a spade a spade! If you admit now that 1-10 are the "LEARNING YEARS", those are the very years to teach children love and acceptance of different lifestyles and sexualities in people, right along with other subjects, and not when they get older and it will be harder or even impossible for them to learn. Also, you can't complain anymore (except as the HYPOCRITE!!! that you are!!) about my long posts to you because I have seen your own long winded and "6500 words to say one sentence" posts all over this blog site on different topics!! So, either stop complaining about my long posts to you or stop writing long posts to other people and myself and practice what you preach!!