Does God command restrictive underwear? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, colloquially known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church, has heard the longstanding complaints about their temple garments.
Temple garments are the underwear that Mormon men and women are instructed to wear 24/7, except in the bathroom and the bedroom.
Church officials have listened to grievances from scores of Mormon faithful over the years, complaints including that the garments are unflattering, uncomfortable, and unbreathable. Some critics argue they are even potentially dangerous for women – blaming the garments for higher rates of yeast infections and U.T.I.s.
The church's response? Suck it up and keep the temple garments on.
A Brief History of Mormon Underwear

Before we get further, let’s back things up for a moment. Why are Mormons instructed to wear temple garments, anyway?
Think of the garments as akin to a Muslim skullcap or a Catholic nun’s habit. It is an ever-present symbol of that individual’s devotion to their faith, and for Mormons, the temple garment is a reminder of their modesty and commitment to God to live a morally upstanding life.
Early church president Joseph F. Smith declared that Mormons should view the undergarments as "the most sacred of all things in the world, next to their own virtue, next to their own purity of life."
These garments have remained functionally the same since the 1840s. Similar to the union suit popularly worn as men’s underwear in the 19th and 20th centuries, the plain white one-piece temple garments traditionally extend to the wrists and ankles of the wearer and are intended to be worn underneath clothes at all times, except when engaging in activities which “cannot reasonably be done while wearing the garment.”
Minor modifications have been made since; two-piece garments are now available, and they are now available in more modern cuts that end at the elbow and knee.
Even that was controversial, though.
Joseph F. Smith once condemned modernizing the garments to keep up with modern fashion trends as a “grievous sin,” and that garment design should remain as the "sacred, unchanged, and unaltered from the very pattern in which God gave them."
Women Push Back
Here's the thing: some Mormons – young people and women in particular – aren’t fans of this faith requirement.
Young women have become more vocal about the uncomfortable temple garments and begun advocating for changes. As one Mormon influencer put it, something’s gotta give because “my vagina has to breathe.”
Another woman put this is way: “People are scared to be brutally honest, to say: ‘This isn’t working for me. It isn’t bringing me closer to Christ, it’s giving me U.T.I.s.’”
And the data seem to back up these feelings. According to a 2023 survey of Mormon women who regularly attend temple:
- 47% of respondents said the garments should be discontinued entirely.
- 30% said the garments should be modified to make them better for women.
- 20% said no changes should be made.
The LDS Church knows that younger generations aren’t wearing the garments as often as they should. At a recent conference, General Authority Seventy Kevin Hamilton lamented that women are only wearing the garments to temple on Sunday but wearing “yoga pants” the rest of the week.
Church Doubling Down
Despite these complaints, it appears that LDS leadership is doubling down on the garments, rather than easing up.
To enter temple, faithful must answer a series of interview questions. Back in 2019, the LDS Church changed a longstanding question asking faithful if they wear garments “night and day as instructed in the endowment” to remove the “night and day” language.
Now, they’ve updated it again, to “do you honor your sacred privilege to wear the garment as instructed in the initiatory ordinances?” followed by an explanation that garments must be worn “day and night throughout your life.”
The message is loud and clear: the garments are an important part of your faith, so keep them on.
Underwear Uncertainty
It’s likely to be a disappointment for many Mormons, particularly women, who have long been hopeful church leadership might modernize the design or relax the rules a bit.
On one hand, LDS leadership has been consistent on the garments since the church’s inception, arguing they are central to the faith's doctrine.
On the other hand, the strict rigidity in the face of such overwhelming criticism may push some young Mormons out of their garments, if not out of the LDS Church entirely.
What are your thoughts?
from experience, there are some that are breathable, some that are satiny and reg. cotton. My understanding back then was to wear over your normal underwear. "Underware" that is in medical circles should have a "cotton crotch". so, im not sure where the "smelly" word is used by so many on posts. They are washed, just as you wash your regular undergarments.
Mandatory to enter the temple, prehaps that should remain. It is a desire to feel closer to god. But every day, 24 hours except swiming and bedroom, well it can have its issues. during the summer months, esp, in humid climates....even the "breathable " ones are too much. In hawaii, it was impossible to keep them on 24/7.... and if you are small and short, some of them fit further down the knees and off the shoulders, which makes it impossible to not peek out in even modest knee shorts or short sleeve tops.
I am no longer lds, for many reasons, but they were a godsend when my child was growing up and it was very family oriented. They lost my interest when president hinkley died and the new powers to be, took over. My daughter was temporarily in her early 20's and voiced that she was "gay". Thier missionarys and up, told me to disown her. WTH...
then asking to pull out our savings to help them defeat california's prop. against gay marage. And for many people, they donated thier life savings acct. for this. politics and religion do not mix.
I feel with any religion, let those that feel closer to "thier" god, partake in these simple things but do not force things down our mouths and lives, just to be "part" of the group. We are here to help one another, not to force people away from thier faith. I would imagine that The more uncomfortable you are, the more you are likely to be hipacritical and conflicted.
sorry for the spelling errors
They're just going to keep forcing people out until their church dies off completely.
You make the correct statement. Nothing should be imposed on a believer in Jesus Christ that makes it harder for them to connect with him. The church is demonstrably wrong if it insists on undergarments to the detriment of Christ’s presence when the majority find it does.
I feel like I’m back in the 90’s reading a thread on a AOL Chat room labeled “Atheists”. Nothing changes when your Dogmatic Helmets are strapped on so tightly.
Rules like this in the LDS Religion among several other reasons one of which is demanding that members pay ten percent of their income per paycheck to the church as a church tithing is why I personally left the Mormon Religion and switched over to being ordained as a minister in the Universal Life Church and will never go back. None of my other family members will go back to the LDS Religion either. Over the years, I've known other people who have also dropped out of the Mormon religion as well. To me, either they change or get rid of some of their rules or they are going to lose a lot more people as members and the LDS religion is going to become nothing more than a "Has Been" Religion.
Who care's? If you can't see the truth then I guess you will need to wait until your eyes will let you see the truth, if the truth is what you would like to see. Its a mixed up world right now and I think if Jesus is the WAY then it stands to reason we need to get in the WAY not in his WAY.
I was raised Mormon in the most highly Mormon populated and controlled area in America and let me tell you this is ALL about control! The church doesn’t care about its members and they especially don’t care about women other than how they can use them. Garments are another tool of the church which is why they’re pushing back so hard. I’ve only ever seen the church change or adjust rules when money is involved
Good church is hard to find as they will control the member Chrictine and everything. So you can read this script to yourself. 'God, I have life trouble, can you enter my life guide me.' For many people, many will not forgive enemy or expect enemy forgive them. So skik. But you can ask the God forgive you. It will work but may take times. Emergency? Pray for instant result. I don't know or have any idea. (See any holyman can answer this!)
Mormom has too many stupis rule. Wear under-pant. Worse is polygamy, incest love, now, more ugly, homosexual, that's change polygamy from woman to man. Terrible. Don't drink coffee and tea, like prophet James. What happen is like James, beat out by people. This James has mental problem, go to forest, find a gold leaf, God teach write the Mormom bible. Many US educated people, read the bible over-night, can re-write a make sense new bible. Or guide by God write a new bible. Or as Universal life church write a bible scrpt for them , just sign it. Mormom use young missionery cheat people to church. Find out is ( don't ask church can do for you but what you do for church.) Required pay 1/10 income and volunteer but only has pray for you. The worst is Mormom will make people (broken), then immediate show up as 'saver.' Only praying and praying not working. ( I just wonder why can Mormom witch-crafting make people broken. Finally find out Mormom chief Nelson talk about eye when every Mormom pray judge Ca San Jose gang eye doctor Eric Shieh damage patient eye. Will they change a middle vision eye lens, short ditance blind to inspect patient and use posion eye drop Cambigan damage their eye. Thats 'directly Mormom make member broken. Don't ask them pray, negative pray. Represent you forgive enemy, please enemy, pray for enemy. Want peace and make money from enemy. Mormom ill-treat by local Cgristian and run away to Utah build theit Christian Kingdom. But they will not let you share!Before Nelson say 'God has a planning for everybody. Member is full of hope. Now, talk about eye, church Sunday witness, member witness is crying again.Now, after make people broken, young missionery all run away. Mormom erase this comment in general conference. So, people tell people. Believe your sixth sense. When you see people reject Mormom in street. Thats the reason. Jenus!
Of course they don’t give a fxck…it’s not a bother or hindrance to men.
Just keep that in mind with everything going on today…the more they shovel this religious shxt, the more women get fd and not in a good way.😂🤣
Additionally, most men still today have no fg idea how a womans body works, (like the idiot congressman that said a woman can “shut her body off” to prevent pregnancy if raped🤦🏾♀️ ffs), some men still thinks it’s “gross” that we bleed.
The blood is what brought their dumb arse into the world…so I guess we CAN blame ourselves for that.😂
Only wear them to events other Mormons might see them, like the liquor store or an orgy..
Crotchless sacred undergarments for the privileged and chafed LDS members! 😁
God must be highly entertained with what he created
The Mormons are morons - - and their faith is all BS - so said I a devout born agin Agnostic - - LOL
The Mormons actually make more sense to me than most religions, especially of the Abrahamic set. Why? At least when I was with it, gnosis (not by that name) was a core principle. The constant admonition was to foster your relationship with God, which was and no doubt still is 'prophetic.'
BUT... as with much of the religion and mystery schools, etc., somehow the mechanics of things end up being what is paid attention to, and the 'mysteries' get turned to hamburger and 'weird.'
FYI, Joseph F. Smith was a descendant of 'the' Joseph Smith. I never did consider him to be of particular note, though he was one of the church presidents/'prophets.'
I haven't followed what's going on with that church since ... hmm 1987 or so. So I don't even know if I'd recognize the name of their President today. And that's fine.
My thoughts on this are that once again in Mormonism (as elsewhere, since no one can objectively measure your Heart of hearts and your mind or your relationshipwith Divinity), is bent to rely on outward, materialistic, easily faked 'indications' to take the place of real devotion and the honor system.
It's just ludicrous. JS Smith's screech on the matter is the very kind of thing that said to me, 'this is bogus,' and a part of why I walked away and stay away.
What Would Jesus Wear?
I must say, I am appalled at the level of intolerance, ignorance, and juvenile name-calling on display in these comments. Where is the open-minded support of freedom of religion? Does this only apply to a small subgroup of believers? Perhaps a review of ULC's mission and core tenets is in order. Shame on those of you who join a group like this only to ignore its purpose and precepts.
Our Mission The Universal Life Church was founded on the basic belief that we are all children of the same universe and, derived from that basic belief, has established two core tenets by which it expects its ministers to conduct themselves:
Do only that which is right. Every individual is free to practice their religion in the manner of their choosing, as mandated by the First Amendment, so long as that expression does not impinge upon the rights or freedoms of others and is in accordance with the government’s laws. We have made it our mission to actualize these tenets in the world by empowering millions of ministers to speak their own truth to power, whether they come to us from a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Shinto, Agnostic, Atheist, Pagan, Wiccan, Druid, or any other spiritual tradition.
Thank you
I would be willing to bet that most Mormon teenage girls don’t wear the undergarments routinely. They would obviously show lines when wearing much of the clothing styles seen today. But like all young people, boys or girls. They will push back against almost any form of authority especially in these times. I don’t especially care if it is some archaic rule of the church or not. It’s just a rule. Men corrupt religion not the other way around.
19th century Scientology?
The ‘original undergarment’ photo shows a split crotch consistent with 19th century split drawers. Breathable. The photo of the modern undergarments show a completely different design. Not breathable. So adjustments of the design take place. Who makes these decisions, and why can’t they change to the older, healthier design?
I admit I have no idea if people are supposed to wear the ’garment’ by itself in a mixed gender group. If so, I must wonder about the circumstances in which they wore the original split crotch design that way.
If you’re going to believe that a teenager hiking in the woods came across an angel that delivered the words of God - an invisible magic man in the sky- on golden plates that no longer exist, then wearing the ugly underwear is the least of your problems.
Christianity: The popular belief that a celestial baby who is also his own father born from a virgin mother, died for three days so he could ascend to heaven on a cloud and then make you live forever only if you symbolically eat his flesh and drink his blood and telepathically tell him you accept him as your lord and master so he could remove an evil force from your spiritual being that is present in all humankind because an immoral woman made from a man's rib was hoodwinked by a talking reptile possessed by a malicious angel to secretly eat forbidden fruit from a magical tree. Sounds perfectly plausible.
While I can understand a religion having a regalia requirement, I don't understand the reluctance to update. And apparently the church did update recently--I read an article written in 2018 by a Mormon woman reporting how happy she was because there had been an update that offered breathable stretch cotton, a newer cut that wasn't baggy or too tight, removal of an uncomfortable restriction under the arm, etc.
I'm glad I'm not Mormon, personally, I hate wearing layers, but I would be more afraid of losing a religious hat!
Slavish adherence to dictates of human interpeters of God's will seems cultish, to me.
None of us even gets to wear our own physical body beyond our sojourn on the Earth.
Will God really care what UNDERWEAR you chose while you walked upon this planet? I hardly think it's relevant.
Slavish adherence to dictates of human interpeters of God's will seems cultish, to me.
None of us even gets to wear our own physical body beyond our sojourn on the Earth.
Will God really care what UNDERWEAR you chose while you walked upon this planet? I hardly think it's relevant.
I used to have holy underware. My wife threw them away and bought me new ones.
There are a lot of negative, and honestly silly, comments here about something not understood. The garments are not uncomfortable, smelly, or in anyway harmful. The statistics given are bogus. There are no underwear police. There is nothing crude or sexual about them.There are scriptural references that support the wearing of sacred clothing. They do support modesty. The garments are symbolic if taking upon you the name of Christ. They come with very strong spiritual promises bound by God through true priesthood authority. Honesty, I'm shocked that such a liberal and open minded group can be so utterly closed minded and bigoted. Lighten up folks. I think we need to be a little more tolerant and even Christ like.
"Christ like"? I don't think Christ and his carpenter and fisherman pals would have worn these silly things.
And do they actually check under a woman's dress to see if they are wearing this thing? If so, that is an even bigger issue. What we have to consider is the health issues involved. That seems to be the most pressing thing. As to uncomfortable so are bras, but we don't want to leave the breasts swinging either;)
Some of us can and do😂
Plus, they have so many silicon or nip covers that a “form” bra is really not necessary unless you’re extremely top heavy.
Religion and churches have always had rules that has caused young folks to leave or seek a different religion that didn’t have that rule.
Many of those rules are not based in scripture but rather based on what someone else thought was a way to be a better person in that church. Why is it a big deal that the LDS is like that?
My church has a different view. They say accepting people where they are so God can make them who he wants them to be.
They let God direct people, not them.
I will keep this brief. This is a perfect example of how barbaric religion is. It's all about keeping people pushed down and vulnerable to their plan of dominance. Do away with religion and the hate they represent.
As someone with experience, only those who have gone through the temple for their 'endowments' are even allowed to wear temple garments. And those people are typically young people going on a mission (19 years old for men and 21 years old for women), and people getting married in the temple. Garments come in a variety of fabrics, and the all cotton ones aren't restrictive or horribly uncomfortable. Young people who don't want to wear garments can just decline to go on a mission or get married there.
That said, the last time I believed in gods or any of nonsense that goes with it was more than 30 years ago, so I know things may have changed. Earth knows that the "unchanging word of the god of Abraham changes all the freaking time!
Varela... Switzerland Zuerich? Could the world be that small that my fellow Swiss missionary is here?
You've covered the factual points I had in mind. So I'll leave it as you left it.... on that.
Hi Keith. I was never in Switzerland. I served in the Brussels mission, though all but 2 weeks was in France.
Control is control, it doesn't matter what connotations you put on it, leaders are followed because they provide you with education, guidance, hope and security, if the second you put control down and your congregation leaves then they were never really present and if you are saying, if they aren't forced to follow they will stray, then you haven't given them all they need, you are only expecting them to give you what you want. It has no basis of being faithful these undergarments they are clothes we are not born into, faith we are born into.
Let me guess, the head honcho is going to be doing the pantie checks on the chicks.
I first heard of their different undergarments on uniform issue day at USAF Basic in September 83. The TI (Technical Instructor) ordered all Mormons who need their "special" garments to fall out of line and form another to the right of the main one. No one fell out.
Never understood man made strictures like that.
If the item doesn't help you connect with divine or worse detracts you from it, then it needs to change.
I try not to criticize any particular belief system. I do believe, "For as he thinketh within himself, so is he..." When taken as a universal truth this is not taken out of context. If you are part of any religion you should follow their dogma to qualify as a faithful member. A big problem is dogma and twisted interpretations. For instance the Koran says women should show modesty and cover their hair, not wear a tent with a peep hole. I believe God does not care about your underwear. There is no magic clothing. If anything it is just a reminder of your commitment to your belief system, like a cross or star of David necklace or even a Yamaka, etc. My 2 cents anyway. Believe what you want but research your beliefs.
Did Jesus say “you must wear the underwear” or is this something he said to Joseph Smith privately? If they gave up polygamy, then why not relax the fit of the underwear? I don’t pretend to understand the Morman faith, but I think it is like most religions, something people made up in an attempt to control others.
LDS has a lot of rules, such as no caffeine, specific underwear, etc. They ended polygamy, they ended the ban on birth control but they are stuck on the undergarment issue. It's a religion and those are their rules, but it is mixed into state laws and any religion that controls civil law is complicated and does not consider the rights of believers of other religions or non-believers.
Early Utah laws were introduced by Mormons and included a mix of divine law, natural law, state and federal laws, and Mormon practices. For many years, Utahns relied on Mormon Church institutions for civil government. The Mormon church has a strong influence on politics in Utah, and Latter-day Saints (LDS) hold nine out of every 10 seats in Utah's Legislature.
I imagine that it is difficult to live in Utah and not belong to that religion. People that leave the religion are ostracized. I am curious to hear from people that live in Utah and don't belong to LDS.
The ONLY reason why they ended polygamy is because the United States government was AGAINST polygamy, thus they got rid of it due to both doctrine and state law.
All the world's problems will be solved if only everyone would wear Magic Underpants.
LDS People how would the church know you are wearing your garments anyway.This is pure nonsense let people wear whatever is comfortable and be able to move and breathe not sweat all day and smell
LDS, clean up your act!
To me, Mormonism (or should that be MORONism) sits atop the stupid scale (alongside Scientology and Rastafarianism) for being the very dumbest thing that a human being can believe while still (just about) being able to call themselves a human being.
It is so utterly and obviously bogus that I just cannot fathom how anyone could take it or its victims (adherents) seriously.
I agree with you on Scien(fiction)tology/Dianetics. But I can think of far more "stupid" beliefs than Rastafarianism. Music, dancing, ganja, natural food - what's the problem? Stupider than UFO cults and Moonies?
After I finished laughing, I thought to myself that I seldom see a more clean cut, healthy looking group of young people than Mormon youth. So maybe there's something to that special underwear after all.
I have been Mormon for years and grew away from the church for more then one reason. The garments and lack of inclusion are only the tip of the reform the church needs to stay relevant but like all churches I will not cry to see them go. Fath is between you and your God. No middle man needed.
I agree wholeheartedly. My initial thought was "What utter rubbish!" The Mormons seem to be everywhere - certainly they seem to have a temple in just about every medium-sized town, yet I have never met anybody who admits to being a member. If they truly wish to keep people coming into the church, they need to have a hard look at getting rid of rules that simply don't have anything to recommend them. This is certainly one of those. Evolve or perish.
I would like to see all religions perish!
How foolish and self-defeating for the LDS leadership to make this an issue, alienating members and especially young folks with an archaic "law of the Church" which has absolutely nothing to do with faithfulness.
I have to agree with you on this. Yes, tradition has its place. Many spiritual traditions do require the wearing of various items of clothiing, including certain undergarments. When the undergarments are actually causing physical distress of any sort, it is not surprising that there would be a resistance to the wearing of them, and that members of the Church may end up mondifying the garments to where they are not so uncomforatable and restrictive. We could carry this out to its furthest ridiculous extremes and ask when are the Elders going to start running around demanding that the women strip down to show what undergarments they are wearing. These are UNDER garments; it is not as if the women are running around the territory dressing like lady gaga in one of her shows, where she was wearing a bra and underpants on top of other clothing!
To be that concerned about the underwear of human beings is not only creepy but it smacks of sexualizing the human body. And not in a holy way.
Let’s just say it plainly…LDS is a cult…as are “Other” so-called “Christian Beliefs”.
Everyone is right..in their own eyes…wearing special underwear is hilarious if it weren’t so ridiculous…holiness starts on the inside….being “Christ Like” aka Christian when your mind and soul is tainted with bigotry and hatred, well, wearing smelly underwear isn’t gonna clean up your life and soul without actually turning away from sin.
Nuf said.
So where is the garment police? They are not doing their job! Even Ken is not going by the rules. Ask Barbie.
This is one of the most ridiculous topics that I have seen. This is some kind of joke, right?
Definitely, not a joke. I would add this correction though, "except in the bathroom and the bedroom," is not accurate. Members wear the garments at all times except exercising, having sex, showering (obviously), and swimming. Members are STRONGLY encouraged to wear garments at all times.
The comparison to the habit and skullcap aren't accurate either, members believe the garment provides protection from evil and although it's not explicitly mentioned anywhere, most members believe the garments provide some level of physical protection as well.
I'm sorry but to me this is a joke. It's proof positive as to how brainwashed people are. If people can't recognize made up beliefs designed to control your thinking, and your life, then in my opinion they deserve what they get. If you are going to submit to a brainwashed belief don't complain about it and expect sympathy. I'm certain that others told you how stupid and dangerous these beliefs are.
As a latitudinarian minister of faith and love in Jesus Christ I denounce bogus church rules, regulations and doctrine.
The business of any church stops at spiritual healing and promotion. The Mormon church has over stepped acceptable boundaries.
Mandating one’s underwear is absurd and violates their right to privacy. Jesus Christ never once ordinanced underwear!
Bill, latitudinarian was a new word for me. Glad I looked it up.
Me too. With an attitude of latitude.
How does the Mormon church tell what under garments the members are wearing. Isn't the underwear a private attire.
Coming from a long line of Mormons, clear back to the founders. I've always found the garments to be ridiculous and restricting. My grandmother wore them but I could never figure out why. I say get rid of them. Nothing in the Bible mentions special undergarments being needed to get to Heaven.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
Any demonstrable evidence of that claim about being saved yet, Lady Colleen, or are you just paraphrasing what you’ve read in a book somewhere?
To me any religion is a cult, even myself I think my atheism is a cult, but with thinking like this and others “pushing” their beliefs it’s no wonder declines in membership is the norm.
Yes, most excellent way to...disenfranchise the younger generation. Survival of those who can adapt to changing times.
Moses was required to ware a special kind of shirts under his priestly attire. This was so that people standing beneath the stand would not accidentally look up and witness his embarrassment. But only him, no other had this requirement.
Jesus Himself came to make straight the ways of The Lord and condemned the priesthood for making their traditions into commandments. He even pointed out how doing so drove the new convert away from God. They corrupted The Law and paid a terrible price for it. But since LDS looks more towards their own book as another testament of Jesus Christ, they probably are unaware of that scripture. Perhaps in their next "re-write / update" they will include it. You just never know what those Wiley LDS-ers will be up to next.
If you don't like the Church's rules, why not leave? That's what I did.