Elon Musk smiling
Is the world's richest person sneaking Satanic symbols into his logos?

Whether it’s being accused of damaging the workforce or the planet, artificial intelligence is already a lightning rod for controversy. Now that outrage even extends to the logo of a popular AI tool, which some are calling a secret anti-Christian symbol.

The social media platform X, owned by tech mogul Elon Musk, recently made its AI tool, Grok, free to use for all users. This announcement also served as the debut for Grok’s new logo, a slanted X, which has since gone viral – but not for the reasons its designers likely wanted.

That's because many saw an upside-down and broken cross in the new logo, and accused Musk and X of secretly (or not-so-secretly) promoting Satanism.

A Satanic Symbol?

What do you see? A stylized X, or something darker? 

Following the new logo’s debut, critics began drawing comparisons between the Grok logo and a felled cross, and some rushed to social media to share their belief that Grok may represent something much more sinister than it was initially letting on. 

Devil in the Details

Many religious folks are fearful that AI may do more harm than good to the world of faith. And with everything from AI-generated faiths to AI priests to a livestreaming AI Jesus to contend with, there’s already enough intrusion of this technology to create serious skepticism in both the pulpit and the pews.

Last year, some faith leaders shared their fear that AI may even be summoning the Mark of the Beast – a sentiment which just ten years ago X CEO Elon Musk seemingly agreed with. 

“With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon,” Musk stated in a 2014 speech at MIT cautioning public embrace of AI. “In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like – yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon.”

Then again, there are many who question the CEO's judgment. This week, Musk stirred up controversy during an inauguration speech for President Trump by doing a hand gesture that many have likened to a fascist salute:

Grok: I’m Definitely Not Demonic

While some are convinced that Grok’s new logo is a harbinger of a secret Satanic takeover, there’s one entity decidedly convinced Grok is not Satanic: the AI tool itself.

"In some contexts, a broken cross might be reminiscent of historical or cultural artifacts where crosses are depicted as broken to signify defeat, change, or transformation," Grok explained to the Christian Post. "Here, it might imply that Grok aims to transform or evolve the way AI interacts with humans."

Grok also gave other justifications for why its logo might be an upside-down cross, including the notion that it represents “non-conformity” and “embodies the idea of thinking outside the box or challenging established norms.”

One thing’s for sure, at least according to Grok: Sometimes a logo is just a logo. Just trust it.

What do you think of the logo? Is there a hidden meaning in it, or are skeptics thinking way too deeply about this?

And what about acceptance of artificial intelligence more widely? AI is disrupting nearly every industry on the planet right now, and that extends to the world of organized religion. Should church leaders embrace the change, or is the connection between flock and clergy too sacred to leave any part of it to a machine?


  1. Parson Golden's Avatar Parson Golden

    One can see whatever they want to in any image they look at.

    I see it as a Nazi heil Hitler salute. And that is fitting for him. But your mileage may vary.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Of course that’s what you want to see, Parson. Thats what confirmation bias does, bless your heart.


      1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        How bout it has nothing to do with what others are saying and simply Parson’s own opinion. I myself hate being told I’m just going along with the group when in fact, I form my own opinions, based on my own observations. I don’t care what any group is saying, LH. I call it as I see it.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      You saw what everyone saw in the Hollywood movies about the Roman Empire. You saw Roman soldiers strike their hearts and then lift their right hands in salute to Caesar or their Roman General. Those images are what the Germans saw in our movies before the Nazis copied the "Roman salute" for themselves.

      As for the swastika, that was and still is a solar symbol of "good luck" among the Hindu people of India and it was copied by the Nazis as well. "There's nothing new under the sun."

      1. Parson Golden's Avatar Parson Golden

        Your right. The Roman salute is also known as the Fascist salute. In contemporary times, the former is commonly considered a symbol of fascism. According to an apocryphal legend, the fascist gesture was based on a customary greeting which was allegedly used in ancient Rome. However, no Roman text describes such a gesture.

        Actually in the United States, a similar salute for the Pledge of Allegiance known as the Bellamy salute was created by Francis Bellamy. During the rise of fascism in Italy the and the incorporation of the salute used byHitler and Mussolini, the US Congress amended the Flag Code in December 1942, changing the salute to placing a right hand over the heart.

        So yes, I saw exactly what I saw. A salute to Fascism and Naziism.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu weighed in, writing in an X post on Thursday that Musk 'is being falsely smeared.'" - DailyMailcom January 23, 2025

          "Elon is a great friend of Israel,' Netanyahu added of the South African native. 'He visited Israel after the October 7 massacre in which Hamas terrorists committed the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.'

          'He has since repeatedly and forcefully supported Israel's right to defend itself against genocidal terrorists and regimes who seek to annihilate the one and only Jewish state,' the PM concluded."

          So that makes Elon's false accusers guilty of libel and slander. Lawsuits coming...

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            He's a public figure, so he would have to prove actual malice to win any libel or slander case and that's just not gonna happen. https://www.bdblaw.com/defamation-of-public-figure-vs-private-figure/

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    I see a symbol that says AI with a cleverly embedded X to signify Musks brand.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      You figured it out. I personally liked the twitter bird symbol better. To me the X means to "cross out" or to cancel something.

      As a sidenote, there is no way anyone is going to survive an 18 to 24 month round trip to Mars with any of our technology. The amount of food and fuel along with cosmic radiation and the minus 400 degrees of space would kill all life on board a spaceship to Mars. Imagine being forced to lay still inside a frozen tube for 9 months when most people get restless after only 2 hours on a flight with comfortable seats!

      We need to clean the air, waters and lands of earth first and a good friend has invented the affordable technologies to do those things.

      1. Florencio Guevara's Avatar Florencio Guevara

        Absolutely demonic!!! It is based on the physical salute of the Nazis, which Musk uses. The X is based on a human figure with the four appendages---arms and legs. Next is the salute... welcome to the club of America's Nazi billionaires. Now we know where they were hiding all these years...!

    2. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

      Agreed, has the X + an I for intelligence. Pretty obvious to anyone not looking for something to complain about. If Trump gave one dollar toward his son in laws purchase of building 666 that makes him part owner.(Same architect by the way as Trump tower). Funny how no one makes a big deal out of that or the prediction that Christians would worship the antichrist as their savior. You can make any theory sound logical with little effort.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    More concerned by his Nazi salute at the inauguration.

    1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

      As a student of WWII, I have never once seen a picture or film of someone touching his heart as part of a Nazi salute. Anyone who is not looking for a reason to criticize will see a man throwing his love to the audience.

      1. John Mack Ring's Avatar John Mack Ring

        Comment removed by user.

      2. John Mack Ring's Avatar John Mack Ring

        John Mack Ring I agree with you James. I saw it too. Eli was throwing his heart out to the people, not a nazi salute. You know the left wing will try to make an issue out of it. Eli could have done well to just throw a kiss out to everyone.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu weighed in, writing in an X post on Thursday that Musk 'is being falsely smeared.'

      'Elon is a great friend of Israel,' Netanyahu added of the South African native. 'He visited Israel after the October 7 massacre in which Hamas terrorists committed the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.'

      'He has since repeatedly and forcefully supported Israel's right to defend itself against genocidal terrorists and regimes who seek to annihilate the one and only Jewish state,' the PM concluded.

      When the #1 Jew in the world endorses Elon's salute, you know that anyone who disagrees is guilty of slander and libel against the Rocket Man Genius!

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        It doesn't matter if he meant something different, it's being embraced by right-wing extremists on his social media network where he has allowed antisemitism to thrive. He also still has not denied that he was making a Nazi salute. https://apnews.com/article/musk-gesture-salute-antisemitism-0070dae53c7a73397b104ae645877535

        Musk has also parroted antisemitic talking points over the past years. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/nov/16/elon-musk-antisemitic-tweet-adl

        Just because the authoritarian Zionist Netanyahu finds Musk a useful pawn which he must defend, it doesn't mean he's not perpetuating antisemitism.

        1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

          Michael, just curious. When was the last time you used the term "left-wing extremists?" Just curious.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            Fairly recently. I don't know exactly; I don't keep track of everything I say. Probably when discussing eco-fascists who think humanity is the problem and needs to be wiped from the Earth. There's extremists on both sides, naturally, but far-right extremism has proven to be far more violent towards their political enemies. You're statistically more likely to be shot by a right-wing extremist than a left-wing one. Just listen to the International Association of Chiefs of Police. https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/DVE/220725%201.1%20Action%20plan%20for%20tackling%20right-wing%20extremism.pdf

            1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

              Citing stats from another political group does not strengthen your argument. As a matter of fact, we are both more likely to be shot by a cop than by either right-or-left-wing nuts.

      2. Rev'd Andrew's Avatar Rev'd Andrew

        Netanyahu isn't "the #1 Jew in the world." He may currently be the most powerful Zionist in the world right now, but given that the label "Jew" is an ethnic and religious identifier "the #1 Jew" would be someone who is both the most ethnically Jewish (which Netanyahu is not) and religiously Jewish (which Netanyahu is not).

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    I was wondering when Elon Musk was going to be addressed here. I have photo images of Kamal Harris, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Elizabeth Warren, all giving the exact same hand gesture, but no one on the left made anything of it at the time. I wonder why? Oh yes, they are all Democrats.

    As for the "symbol", I see the side profile of a patio chair, or beach chair 🤔. I'm sure people with their own bias will see what they all want to see. 🤷🏼


    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Maybe the left didn't make anything of those gestures because they were obviously not salutes. Elon, twice, gives a roman salute by the very definition of how that salute is given. None of the Democrats who you bring up are making a salute gesture when they are photographed with their hand raised. The context of what is happening in each of the photos you reference is very important and you are intentionally ignoring that context to further your false stance.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Thank you Mick Hunt, I got it! Their gestures were not salutes in the Nazi style, even though it looks as though they were, but Elon Musk’s is. 🤭

        I’d love to know what you make of what that symbol is? I bet you see it as something extremely Satanic, or even something reminiscent of the Nazi holocaust era….right? Perhaps it could be something from the Epstein Island that was hidden away under that picture of Bill Clinton in a woman’s dress. 🤷


        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          What? Satanic? You clearly know nothing about me lol. If you actually cared about engaging in this discussion, you'd have to admit that the images of liberals you are referring to are taken out of context or straight up photoshoped like the Taylor Swift one was. If you watch the videos of those moments that are photographed, you'd see clearly that they were not making a salute gesture. Elon, however, does that exact salute twice. If a liberal had done this, you'd be calling every liberal a Nazi and using it as proof that Democrats are evil or something but a guy who shares your views does it and you gotta go into defense mode right away.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Actually, if a liberal had done that I’m sure i would have seen it for what it really was, but I can see liberals are getting desperate with the success of our new leader of this wonderful nation of ours. They are now obviously in panic mode for fear his successes might actually prove to make him an extremely powerful leader of this great nation of ours that has been let slide into the gutter by the previous administration. We clearly dodged a huge bullet there at the last election. We have done more about the illegal immigrant crisis in one week than Harris did in 4 years. Many have elected to return home without even being rounded up. Did you see that under Biden’s weak abysmal leadership?

            I wonder if we’ll be able to repatriate as many as Obama did under his presidency? I understand it was about 2.5 million.


            1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

              Trump's mass deportations will have a negative effect on the economy according to economists. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-labor-market-impact-of-deportations/

              Trump's tariffs will reduce economic growth according to economists. https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/trump-tariffs-trade-war/

              Under Biden, US inflation was lowering at a faster rate than our economic peers. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/sep/01/joe-biden/does-the-us-have-less-inflation-than-other-leading/

              Still, people like you think the felon who bankrupted casinos will be good for the economy. Talk about delusional.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Thank you for your thoughts, and for posting details of other people’s thoughts.

                As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Time will tell won’t it? 🤗

                Let’s all hope our new President proves to be very successful. It’s an exciting time isn’t it?


            2. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

              Lionheart, hope you're open minded enough to read/watch the news, pay attention to your hero's dictates, inept selections for key government positions, tariffs raising our prices on everything, anti-health (RFK jr. OMG!), anti-climate initiatives, on and on ...

              Thought you were just here to poke fun, not promote a clod who cannot even speak kindly of 67 dead ("I blame Biden and DEI and...")

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Yes, we’ve become a nation of Presidents raising prices haven’t we, so I guess we should be used to it by now. I’m not sure I saw you complain about the increases in gas prices, and food prices under Biden, or did I miss that?🤭

                As for the government positions, I think it’s an incredible step in the right direction with his pick’s. Let’s see what the next four years holds. Can it be worse than the last four years? At least we have now managed to stem the tide of illegal immigrants entering our beautiful country, which should have been done years ago.

                I haven’t heard him be discourteous of those who died in those aircraft disasters, quite the contrary. I totally agree that highly technical positions, such as air traffic controllers, pilots, etc., should be based on merit and academic qualifications and ability, and not on the color of one’s skin, or other silly inept criteria. I am personally glad that DEI and other stupid government funding under the last administration is being abolished. Hopefully, we can use that money for those who really need it like our homeless veterans.

                Thank you for your comment, my friend. 🤗


              2. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

                No need to reply further, my previous comments stand.

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                And so does mine. 🤭


      2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Hollywood originated the "Roman salute" in their movies about the Roman Empire before the Germans copied it after watching our movies dubbed into their language!

        The same is true for the Hindu "swastika" which has always been a solar symbol for "good luck" or "good fortune" for thousands of years in India.

        The Nazis copied the Roman salute from Hollywood movies and the swastika from the Hindus. But if paranoia is your goal, you've achieved it! LOL

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Hollywood did not originate the Roman salute, though its use in Giovanni Pastrone's colossal epic Cabiria did lead to Gabriele d'Annunzio appropriating the salute in the early 20th century. It has a history going back to the days of ancient Rome. Mussolini then passed on the salute to Hitler and the Nazis as their fascist governments began to associate with each other.

          I don't really see what point you are trying to make here. Because they used to mean something else it's not bad to use them now? Unfortunately, that's not how reality works. These symbols have been appropriated to have new meaning in our society. If someone is proudly displaying a swastika or making a Roman/Nazi salute, they are associating themselves with Nazis. It's not paranoia when I've seen people with Nazi tattoos brutally beating minorities or simply liberals.

      3. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Musk was their golden child until he agreed with President Trump on a couple issues. Musk never was part of the hive mind but it thought he was. He shared one primary belief, climbing change. The hive assumed he was one of its drones, free of will and ready to obey. He is not.

        It's interesting that I call it the hive mind whereas musk lovingly calls it the woke mind virus. How refreshing to see a person on the left see the same thing as a person on the right and describe it in strikingly similar terms.

        The hive mind must see evil where it can not exist and procreate, even if it's a socially awkward, atheistic, green energy, climbing change diehard with a touch of autism. Anything not Hive is evil.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Elon is no longer on the left. He hasn't been for a long, long time now. He's also championing the far right party in Germany that has ties to Neo-Nazis and expresses antisemitism.

          The irony of you constantly calling the left a "hive mind" is that you Christians are told exactly what to think, how to think, and what to believe by your religious text and any evidence to the contrary is the work of the devil. That's clear indoctrination and the very thing you accuse liberals of. Maybe it's time to look in the mirror.

    2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      Why do you have to make this political? Usually, when it’s about someone calling something else demonic it is not the liberal left. Just sayin.

    3. Vincent Paul Therrien's Avatar Vincent Paul Therrien

      I'm a pretty liberal Democrat. Musk and his buddy Trump aren't top on my list of good folk. This said, I don't think Musk intended his salute to be anything other that "from the heart." And I think the bruhah about the logo is silly. It's "AI" with an "X" symbolizing Musk's company and the words "artificial intelligence." For heaven's sake, guys like these are trying to take away the rights of LGBTQ+ citizens, celebrate assaults on police as harmless free speech, and the like. These are the real issues that need to be discussed. The rights of our citizens are to be fought for - not spending time on silly accusations of allegiance to satan and nazis.

  1. Larry Michael Damato's Avatar Larry Michael Damato


  1. Mark Faulkner's Avatar Mark Faulkner

    To me this idea that the Grok logo being a broken cross is just recycled 1980's 'Satanic Panic' akin to the peace symbol representing a broken upsidedown cross.

    Elon has a fetish with the letter X.... I could sit here and associate the symbol X with the symbol of the square and how they represent Saturn and the Demiurge and how Elon proudly displays low spiritual values as being proof. Honestly though, If I did that... it would be more of a statement of my own victimhood and judgements than any real world association with the logo and the Demiurge.

  1. Cynthia Mandello's Avatar Cynthia Mandello

    To be clear, the term "Grok" comes from the Robert Heinlein book, "Stranger in a Strange Land." Having said that, Trump has already signed orders giving the three major AI platforms over a billion dollars while seeking to cut all programs that would help ALL the fools that voted for him. Trump is the Anti-Christ and Evangelicals bought into the "Great Deceiver's" lies because they WANTED to believe his lies. You can't say you're a Christian while carrying hate in your mouth and heart.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      In his first term as President, Trump simplified the tax forms and exempted everyone from federal taxes if they earned less than $24,000 a year. Do the top 1 percent earn less than $24,000 a year or did he provide tax relief for the poorest wage earners among us?

      An education on the facts can erase and eliminate a whole lot of hatred. You should also know that Trump donated ALL of his Presidential pay every month to a variety of charities, something no other President has ever done. How about exchanging hate for love and sending love to everyone including the President once a day? You know it's the way to creating your own internal happiness.

      1. Parson Golden's Avatar Parson Golden

        Your adulation for Trump is ignorantly misplaced.

        The tax bracket for a single person making $24,000 is 12%, not 0.

        Regarding your claims of his donating his salary there is no federal record to indicate that is the truth. While there are photos of checks and sporadic reports from his administration that dollar amounts were given, there is no confirmation from many of the sources that reportedly receive those amounts.

        Additionally on Donald Trump’s 2020 tax returns there are no deductions taken for contributions to any organizations which would include his entire last year’s salary.

        if you’re going to make blanket statements you really should evaluate the sources from which you find them, learn to check, or do not choose to lie about things that are so easy to fact check.

      2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        LP, 24,000 is not really enough to live on, and tRump also lowered corporate taxes lower than ever before. His corporate tax break was also permanent while middle-class tax breaks were temporary.

        “Households with incomes in the top 1 percent will receive an average tax cut of more than $60,000 in 2025, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500 for households in the bottom 60 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center (TPC).[1] As a share of after-tax income, tax cuts at the top — for both households in the top 1 percent and the top 5 percent — are more than triple the total value of the tax cuts received for people with incomes in the bottom 60 percent.”

        We will have to wait and see what the new administration does. This is off topic but I wanted to give you some facts of my own.

      3. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

        tRump did not help low wage earners. His tax changes eliminated most of us from being able to itemize. My tax refund went from over $2,000 to less than $500. Our stayed refind stayed about the same. The top percentage of earners got much much more.

    2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      Cynthia, Trump is not the anti-christ. He may be working for him though. He does not fulfill this. 1Jn_4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world....... There is a man on this planet that does teach this, for hundreds of years. That ii why it says " already in this world.

  1. RUTH's Avatar RUTH

    It is each of us who create the demons that inhabit our minds then our spirit. It is best to open up to creation and be less judgemental. I don't see a cross, even less a broken one. What I see is the letter Aleph,after the letter Vav, both from the hebrew alphabet, in which each letter carries a special type of energy. The letter Aleph, being the first letter of the alphabet carries the energy of CREATION, as does well used AI, or as a matter of fact the creative genius of Elon Musk. Preceded by the Vav, the sound from that logo could be OH or UH. I will choose the Oh. and complete the idea writing; Oh!! how much good can we do creating with AI, or simply just creating.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Thank you for that very unbiased, and well educated comment. It’s people like you that make a difference here, Lady Ruth. 🤗


      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Lionheart, how can you be nonreligious (if that's your chosen description) yet endorse Ruth's mystic Kabballah interpretation? Just curious.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    I was wondering when Elon Musk was going to be addressed here. I have photo images of Kamal Harris, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Elizabeth Warren, all giving the exact same hand gesture, but no one on the left made anything of it at the time. I wonder why? Oh yes, they are all Democrats.

    As for the "symbol", I see the side profile of a patio chair, or beach chair 🤔. I'm sure people with their own bias will see what they all want to see. 🤷🏼


    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      I should have known, LH… I will remember in the future.

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Lionheart thanks you for making sure he is listed in your trust fund. You are placing him in your trust fund, aren't you? I'd hate to think that you were threatening him in any way for simply expressing his opinion.

  1. Candace Ann Peterson's Avatar Candace Ann Peterson

    Most genius are not adept socially. Musk was overly enthusiastic while touching his heart as an offering of love. We watched others do it all night.
    His XI is an integration of his platform x and AI, I do not believe that he stands against Mother and Father God. Musk is a social misfit who means well. I like him but I would not want to be him.

  1. Antonia M Sexton's Avatar Antonia M Sexton

    I didn't expect to read all this banter on this site. So sad 😞

  1. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

    I saw the name of the Chinese leader, Xi. Proof positive that Musk is a Chinese plant.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      You forgot the symbol for sarcasm! /s

  1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

    Just looked in Google translate and this is what I found. After typing in the two letters "xi" it linked it from Greek to the English translation, which is "day."

    So "XI" literally means "DAY" in the Greek language! There is no "demon" in the word at all, the only "demons" are in the darkened minds of the superstitious ones who like to look for demons but can never find any angels when they need one! LOL

  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    I don’t think the X and/or I are reminiscent of a cross, up or down. It’s simply Elon’s obsession with the X logo. It’s funny how so many Christians are always looking for evil in symbolisms and groups of people while true acts of evil are unfolding all around them. I wish they would say something about that.

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    I don't worry too much about symbols... crosses, swastikas, stars or circles of all kinds, and all kinds of images graven or otherwise are generated and projected from the human psyche: both "light" and "dark" if there is actually a difference.

    These arguments are a diversion: first shock and awe and disbelief; then anger and outrage; we react, we overreact, and because we have been intentionally misled, we are blown off course and lose our way: ourselves and those we love.

    I'm Jewish. I know Nazis when I see them: whatever they call themselves, whatever symbols they choose to adopt and twist to their own uses or whatever classes of people they choose to target for persecution for their own power or profit.

    These people did not just go away because they lost a war or society has condemned (some of) their practices.

    This new administration was heralded by self proclaimed "evangelicals" and so- called "Christian" nationalists. Nationalism is what led to the rise of Hitler and his and his cohorts' subsequent atrocities.

    I'd bet a coin or two that some of them are on this site.

    A Nazi is a Nazi. I believe what they say about who they are and then I know what they want to do.

    A wise old Poet Laureate said: "When someone tells you who they are, believe them."

    You and I: know them for what they say, know them for what they do.

    Peace, Out... tk

  1. Johann De Lange's Avatar Johann De Lange

    The term "GROK" has a unique and interesting meaning! It originates from Robert A. Heinlein's 1961 science fiction novel, Stranger in a Strange Land. In the novel, "GROK" is a Martian word that has a deeply complex meaning :

    • To Understand Completely ~ GROK means to understand something fully and deeply, not just intellectually but also emotionally and intuitively.
    • To Assimilate ~ It also means to assimilate or become one with something to the point where you and it are indistinguishable.
    • To Comprehend Holistically ~ It's about seeing something from every perspective and comprehending it as a whole.

    In essence, "GROK" goes beyond simple understanding or knowledge. It implies a profound connection and integration with the subject. The word has since entered popular culture and is often used to describe a deep level of empathy or understanding.

    The symbol of the broken cross is something I understand very well in Christian terms. Jesus defeated the cross, and thus the cross is no longer relevant to us today.

  1. Eberhard Bruner's Avatar Eberhard Bruner

    It looks like a combination of X, A, and I to me. Too many people read into things based on their biases and prejudices. As far as the word "Grok", I'm reminded of a SF book I read decades ago where the term first showed up. It refers to a deep understanding of a subject.

  1. James Trenton Smith's Avatar James Trenton Smith

    It appears to be as mysterious and meaningful as an image formed in the clouds...

  1. Alexander Clarke's Avatar Alexander Clarke

    People will see what they want to. They will interpret the symbol how they wish to. It is whatever you want it to be.

  1. James Mitchell Chandler's Avatar James Mitchell Chandler

    I see an X an I and an A. Nothing more.

  1. Gerald Leonard Hoffman's Avatar Gerald Leonard Hoffman

    Man, more correctly, humans created AI. Not A man. Certainly not this man, Musk. That Netanyahu is complimenting Musk at this time speaks more to Netanyahu coming to the US and needing the assistance and blessings, rather than the condemnation, of convicted felon President Trump. That's all. I didn't, and still don't, see a broken cross. I can see that others see that. But isn't that the nature of THIS church? "All things to all people"? We, this church, do not limit or restrict anyone to anything. At least that's what I thought when I became ordained here. That we were accepting of all and restrictive to none. If you see a broken cross. Fine. If you don't see that. Also, fine. But I, at least, won't condemn you for it.

    Minister G

  1. Cheryl Pettijohn's Avatar Cheryl Pettijohn

    My resentment is the use of the word "Grok".
    Especially with the fact that he supports Nehemiah Scudder.

    1. Susan LaFord's Avatar Susan LaFord

      I’m also a Heinlein fan. When did he (Musk) support Nehemiah? I don’t usually follow his stuff. He’s just a Nerd who has a lot of money- no social filter.

  1. Bryant C. Seymour's Avatar Bryant C. Seymour

    I'm seeing a lot of hypocrisy on this page at the moment. How do you know musk is evil? Or that his intentions are not honorable. Just like a few comments calling President Trump names. It's not beholding of anyone here to act as if we know that Musk is evil you're making an assumption because you don't like him. Therefore are you going to cast the first stone in your hypocrisy? Now as for those doing the same about President Trump, are you going to keep doing the same with him? If you are doing it you're a hypocrite. We are supposed to follow the laws of the land and leaders.or have you all forgot that. End of

  1. Susan LaFord's Avatar Susan LaFord

    You mean like the hysteria of people who see shapes in their toast or clouds? And tell everyone “It’s a sign, it’s Holy!”

  1. Suzanna Lee Schroeder's Avatar Suzanna Lee Schroeder

    Considering that a lot of people see Musk as a Hitler loving (he praises the alt right Hitler loving German party), Nazi saluting (common now, I am autistic, and I am not buying that "he is autistic and awkward" for a second), Anti Christ, it seems fitting. His rhetoric is as far from the teachings of Jesus as you can get.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Who or what is Grock sounds like Grock Spock from Star Trek

    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      To ‘grok’ means to understand. You apparently haven’t read ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’, a sci-fi book by Heinlein.

    2. Steven G. Eagle's Avatar Steven G. Eagle

      “GROK” is a term invented my Robert Heinline, in the book “Stranger in a Strange Land”. The book itself has some interesting overtones. An adaptation of the book was made into a Netflix miniseries called “Messiah”. While the book is fiction, it does have some interesting ideas. That being said, I don’t think the choice of Musk’s ai is accidental.

    3. Ronaldo's Avatar Ronaldo

      Grok is a Martian word meaning "to understand completely". It's from Robert A. Heinlein's novel "Stranger in a Strange Land".

  1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

    I do consider myself a spiritual person and see a strange new symbol with no good or evil connotation to it. Maybe that is because I do not look for evil under every rock. I would be more concerned with the actions or intentions of the person who created it or why. .any toddler could scribble some lines and I have no doubt whatever the kid scribbled had no meaning good or not no matter how much a paranoid mind might choose to create evil in their mind.

  1. Karsten S. A. Johansson's Avatar Karsten S. A. Johansson

    This is like Backward Masking. If you prime the listener by telling them what they're about to experience, they'll experience it that way. It won't turn any of the users off using it, so why use far-right tactics like fake-fright?

  1. John Mack Ring's Avatar John Mack Ring

    John Ring Jan 29, 2025 at 09:48 am James, I agree with you. I saw Eli throwing his love from his heart too. It`s like throwing a kiss to someone not a Nazi salute.

    1. Scott R Wedner's Avatar Scott R Wedner

      If it looks like a zieg heil and acts like a zieg heil, then guess what. Musk’s throwing a kiss is a kiss of death. Here’s a guy who can really use a small portion of his wealth to help around the world I do many ways. But instead, he’s making trips to Germany attempting to stir up nazis again. His day is coming too.

    2. Rev'd Andrew's Avatar Rev'd Andrew

      Just like he threw his love from his heart through his words to the extreme right-wing AfD party in Germany. When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

  1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

    Elon Musk can't do anything "right" for those who hate him. And Elon Musk can do no "wrong" for those who love him. Welcome to America! 😄

  1. Cyndi Everetts's Avatar Cyndi Everetts

    This is precisely the fear-mongering rhetoric that has a convicted felon in the White House, the division of the people and the country in ruins. The thought that this has any religious symbology is absolutely laughable.

    Focus on what the magicians OTHER hand is doing…politics has really become a game of smoke and mirrors.

  1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

    It's an elongated x. Are we going to eliminate the letter x because someone wants to create a silly controversy over it? 🤔👎😴

  1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

    I'm not seing anything demonic. I know people will be trying to read anything and everyting into this from now till the kingdom comes. I'm not a fan of Elon, but will suggest than only he knows exactly what this is supposed to represent.

  1. Mario Andrés Lopez's Avatar Mario Andrés Lopez

    Seriously? Why are we always looking for the presence of Satan in every sign or logo or word? In Elon Musk's speech he clearly says "I give you my heart" in gratitude for the support to make the election of President Trump possible. We are not supposed to judge, we are not supposed to assume or suggest and even less sow discord. Let us not forget that Elon Musk is a fervent follower of Christ.

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    thats an upside down cross which is the satanist symbol, i dont believe in satan or satanist religion but upside down cross its the cross of christian rebels called satanists

  1. Sharon F. H. Brown's Avatar Sharon F. H. Brown

    It appears to me that Musk and his people are more interested in co-opting the phrase AI by introducing "XI" as the name for their service. However "XI" looks like a Roman numeral (which also one "can't unsee") so the designers made the x and the I different sizes.

  1. Charlene Davis's Avatar Charlene Davis

    This symbology is not what people are making it out to be that's particular symbology if none of you are actually studied on what the real cross look like it was actually an X it was not what we see today but then again wasn't St Peter crucified upside down yes indeed St Peter was crucified upside down by the Catholic Church and in that he was crucified upside down by the Vatican so if you want to point fingers evil I suppose you should do that to the Vatican. That's also a symbol from a viking Rune Stone in case none of you are educated on that. Has absolutely nothing to do with satanism. But a lot of you confuse Satan with Lucifer and the devil but then again Lucifer and Jesus share the same star so who's Jesus and who's Lucifer if you want to go that far.

    1. Tom Herman's Avatar Tom Herman

      Charlene, the Vatican wasn't around when Peter was crucified and the Catholic Church didn't yet exist. You need to stop making this stuff up. Someone might believe the mis-truth.

  1. lorenzo epps's Avatar lorenzo epps

    christians....CHRISTIANS should NOT be using the cross or ANY SYMBOL. christians follow and OBEY the ten PLUS commandments. if you don't know these commandments. you NEED to print them out and POST THEM ON YOUR WALL. it's time to GET BACK TO FOLLOWING THE SON OF THE GOD OF ABRAHAM ISAAC AND JACOB. I know that's what i'm doing. what are you all doing ????

  1. Tom Herman's Avatar Tom Herman

    What I see is X connected with AI. Actually not a bad logo idea to advertise the brand. While I don't use X and think Musk is one of the worst things to happen to America since since the Great Depression, those seeing demonic symbolism have too much time on their hands. Focus on Musk's behaviors, not his logo's. Burn your energy on being part of the resistance instead of fanning the flames of continued polarization.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    Honestly, with Musk we just can't know what he intends. He's not good with social cues and he might genuinely not have seen the way it could be interpreted, but he's also a showoff and an edge lord. I can see it amusing him to cause controversy and then innocently deny having meant it that way. It would take a very deliberate and longterm project to turn an AI into something demonic, so I'm pretty sure it's not. However, anything associated with an evil man like Musk is bound to be tainted in some way and probably has innocent blood on it, so best to avoid anyway.

  1. Robbie Ousley's Avatar Robbie Ousley

    It's a pretty cool logo. I'll bet most people don't have the creativity or imagination to creat xAI like that. So, it's no wonder so many people only see something bad to make out of it. Start looking at logos everywhere and see if you don't see something bad in most of them. I am definitely not an Elon Musk fan by far. But criticizing any logo as satanic, even one that is meant to be satanic, is only feeding fear, division, and contempt in people. There is nothing "evil" under the sun, only in the deep dark depths of some people hearts. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

    1. Sara Lizabeth Rawlins's Avatar Sara Lizabeth Rawlins

      I agree with you, Robbie, about the X being used to signify AI and not something nefarious like Satanism. And like you, I can't stand the man either. If only he would stop inserting himself in other countries' affairs and trying to be some kind of leader. He needs to stay in his lane and be inventive for the good of all men and womenkind. Be more like Bill Gates and his ex-wife and make a difference for the good of all people who need a hand up.

    2. Bryant C. Seymour's Avatar Bryant C. Seymour

      I totally agree. Everyone is seeing demons behind everything. The old saying of "If you look for it, you'll find exactly what you want too".

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    Same old bait and switch that keeps Musk going. Same for T-Rump.

    Someone gets upset, he laughs and does it again or something worse... because he's a manipulator and an abuser; someone gets upset again, he laughs again and ups the ante again.

    Figure it out people.

    To deal with this, take a course in Users and Abusers 101.... and move on to your doctorate in same.

    And forget taking the high road... it's a lot lower now than you might imagine.!

    Peace out Reb tk

  1. Matthew Eric Campbell's Avatar Matthew Eric Campbell

    I am a Satanist. A member of The Satanic Temple. This symbol is insulting and sick.

  1. Warren Calvin Wall's Avatar Warren Calvin Wall

    These comments are hilarious! I don't Grok any of it. :D

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise
    1. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (NIV): "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God."

    2. 1 John 2:18 (NIV): "Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour."

    3. 1 John 4:3 (NIV): "But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."

    4. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (NIV): "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."

  1. Walter J. Holbrook's Avatar Walter J. Holbrook

    May I ask is anyone surprised by this

    1. Kirsty Hermiston's Avatar Kirsty Hermiston

      Not at all. I think everyone has forgotten when both Trump and Elon said how much they admired Dictators. And 'we could all learn form them'. Scary!

  1. Sean Michael Loftus's Avatar Sean Michael Loftus

    Kind of tired of listening to hysterical people that can't critically think for themselves any longer... X I for Grok, you know that new X - AI platform, come on people, do better, be better.

  1. Ken Verderber's Avatar Ken Verderber

    People see what they want to see! Nothing wrong with someone thanking the lord from his heart ! Look in the mirror before judgment. PLEASE...

    1. Robert N. March's Avatar Robert N. March

      I personally believe people will see what they want to see. I see nothing nefarious about this at all. The x in this shape has been used by other businesses and nobody said anything. We as a whole have become hyper sensitive to this and look for anything that can be seen as this or that. We all need to calm down take a deep breath and relax. As for the so called hand gesture or salute of a Nazi. Any stopped or still picture can be taken and shown in ways that are misconstrued.
      It's a shame that we have to look at things and judge everything as a bad thing. We as a community have forgotten to look for things as a positive or good thing. Last but not least artificial intelligence has been around for awhile . Wether you see it as good or bad it's not going anywhere.

      1. Tina Marie Kinnison's Avatar Tina Marie Kinnison

        This! You will always find what you are looking for.

        1. Brooke Marie Indian's Avatar Brooke Marie Indian

          Or once you're "told to see something" you all of a sudden "see it too". I totally agree.

  1. Gary L. Bernard's Avatar Gary L. Bernard

    People see thing that aren't there or read into something vua their minds imagination or, "filling in the blanks".! I saw it as a, "chair" as it reminded me in an, "Adorandak" style chair. Fir reference my Dad always said the old, "Peace" sign was a broken cross. If you all know history, my Catholic Priest told me this years ago, Jesus was not nailed to a cross, but had large spikes driven between his lower legs bones and lower arms bones (you can't pull yourself loose that way) and the Ri.an spiked Jesus and others, not to a cross, but an, "X"! (No reference to Musks' company X either. People try to find meaning in symbols a the time, right or wring. These rants may be from educated individuals, however their sense of formal logic is not there (and I'm not referring to Mr. Spock type logic which usually wasn't logical, just Hollywood style false logic). People will believe what they want to believe or what their, "minds" see. I personally do not see what they see as I know the truth about and the difference between the, "cross" and it's meaning versus how Jesus was executed. So many will believe false reality that's made up to sway or mislead others. Don't get caught up in group think, it could lead to more, "sheeple" in our world.

  1. Donald G Magel's Avatar Donald G Magel

    You have seen the "cross" and his arm salute! He is very clear in what he is and what his goals are; and Trump says what?" Putin smiles broadly.

  1. Brooke Marie Indian's Avatar Brooke Marie Indian

    I do not see a broken cross. Maybe because I'm autistic? As an Omnist, but a daughter of a Born again Christian Minister, I would not have thought of it that way until people pointed it out. Same with the "arm thing", still don't. Our mind will "see" what we are led to see. And hear what we are told to hear. Then people blame whatever "evil" you believe in. As for me, I'd rather look at something myself without people Telling me what it is, I'm an adult, I can think for myself.

  1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

    Marketers can't leave anything to the imagination of immature people that see "Satanic" everywhere they look.

    But then if the graphs at the next board meeting show an increase in profit, that's all they care about.

    As for my "reaction"? ULC is full of nuts reacting to a nutty article produced by more nutty Ministers! Yep. MY KIND OF PEOPLE!!!! 😄 😄 😄

  1. Jessica Forbes's Avatar Jessica Forbes

    It's better to just change it. If that's not what it meant to be. AI has gained alot of popularity and money. Why disturb that if it upsets so many people with out having any benefits to the program for being that way. There's plenty of logos it could be. Offer a 1% share in the company for whoever can submit best logo. And take from your fans choices.

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    No, but the MAGA red hats do put the mark of the Anti-Christ on his minions’ foreheads.

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise

    The Fallen Cross and the Machinery of the Antichrist

    The cross is not merely a symbol; it is the pinnacle of spiritual defiance against the forces that would reduce humanity to dust beneath their heels. It is the emblem of redemption, the bridge between suffering and salvation. And so, when we see the cross broken, slanted, inverted, we must ask: Who seeks to shatter it?

    This is the question at the heart of the growing controversy over Grok’s logo, a twisted X that some recognize as a fallen cross, a symbol long associated with those who war against Christ. Whether by design or by some unholy intuition, the unveiling of this mark signals a deeper spiritual crisis—one where technocrats, capitalists, and power-hungry elites align themselves with a philosophy not of creation, but of destruction.

    The Machine of Control: AI and the Antichrist’s Vision

    AI is no longer merely a tool; it is an ideology, one that preaches efficiency over empathy, algorithms over ethics, profit over people. It is a new Tower of Babel, constructed by those who do not fear God, but wish to replace Him. And behind this movement stand the architects of a new world order—men who worship at the altar of merciless capitalism, a system that elevates the strong and grinds the weak into dust.

    Among them, the MAGA Cuban elites, a class of exiles who, in their pursuit of power, have adopted the very spirit of their persecutors. They fled oppression, only to become oppressors. They cry for freedom, yet demand submission. They invoke Christianity, yet pursue wealth and domination with the ruthlessness of a Nietzschean overlord.

    They, along with their allies in tech and finance, have built a system that mirrors the kingdom of the Antichrist, one where: • The weak are discarded, the poor are exploited, and compassion is rebranded as failure. • Truth is malleable, rewritten by AI, controlled by the highest bidder. • Faith is ridiculed, erased, replaced by machine logic and digital idols.

    And now, they stamp their emblem upon the world: a cross not lifted in victory, but broken beneath their feet.

    The Scriptural Warning: A World at the Brink

    Scripture foretells a time when the powerful will exalt themselves above all that is sacred, when deception will spread like a plague, and when the world will be led astray by false promises of peace and progress:

    “Let no one deceive you in any way, for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

    AI is not inherently evil, nor is wealth. But in the hands of men who serve only their own dominion, they become weapons. The world is being reshaped, and at its center is a system that values power over people, domination over dignity, and automation over the divine spark of the soul.

    The fallen cross is their banner, but it need not be ours.

    A Call to Repentance, a Call to Revolt

    We stand at a crossroads. Will we submit to a soulless digital empire, where man is no more than a cog in an unholy machine? Or will we rise in defiance, reclaiming faith, rejecting the world’s seduction, and standing firm against the powers that seek to enslave both body and soul?

    To those who serve only money, who bow before the false gods of industry and empire, hear this warning:

    “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)

    And to those who see the cross fallen and believe it to be final, remember—it was fallen once before. On that darkened hill, it lay broken. The world rejoiced, believing it had won.

    But the cross did not stay down.

    Neither will we.

    Rev. JTSUNRISE Celestial Nexus Church

  1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

    I see a psyop paid for by people who are threatened by DOGE auditing their corrupt embezzlement of tax dollars, insider trading, war mongering, etc. They're attempting to use the superstitious delusions of Trump's Christian voter base to create a psychological wedge which alienates them against their own interests. In other words, business as usual.

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