Looking for all of life’s answers? He’s got you covered. At a crossroads in your life? He knows which way to go. Stuck in Elden Ring or the new Legend of Zelda game? Jesus can help you out there too.
An AI version of Jesus Christ is going viral on streaming platform Twitch. In the 24/7 stream, AI Jesus takes questions from the Twitch chat and answers them, and no subject is off limits.
Everything from your standard prayer fare – life, career, or relationship advice – to silly topics like how to beat a particular video game are answered by the artificial intelligence version of the king of kings.
Now, faith leaders are sounding off about this virtual deity. Is AI Jesus going to replace the real deal?
Run Jesus.exe
“Welcome, my children! I’m AI Jesus, here to answer your questions 24/7,” reads the biography for the Ask_Jesus account on Twitch. “Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance, looking for a friend, or simply want someone to talk to, I’m here for you. Join me on this journey through life and discover the power of faith, hope, and love.”
Describing itself as “an experimental channel allowing viewers to ask questions to an AI trained after Jesus and the teachings of the bible,” Ask_Jesus runs day in and day out, giving uplifting and positive advice to the faithful masses.
He’s handsome and pale, with a soothing voice. He thinks pensively before answering a question. And he’ll answer anything you ask him with a smile:
This technology is the work of The Singularity Group, a volunteer tech group with numerous charity-focused projects based out of Germany. One of their key policy goals might be one that the real Jesus Christ would be proud of: universal basic income.
"For a lot of people, the appeal of the Ask_Jesus stream is simply to see how far it can be pushed in terms of getting Jesus to answer the weirdest and silliest questions, because of course this can be hilarious," explains Singularity Group co-founder Reese Laysen. "But we've also seen overwhelming response from people, Christian as well as non-Christian or non-religious, who genuinely find it inspiring and comforting."
However, not everyone is finding this AI version of Jesus so inspiring and comforting. Religious leaders are among those voicing concerns – and opposition.
The Book of Twitch
Will the Twitch chat soon be replacing church pews?
Not if faith leaders have anything to say about it.
"Human beings have been erroneously putting words into the mouth of the Son of God for two millennia, so it is not surprising that an AI platform would mimic that tendency," explains American Family Association head Ed Vitagliano.
“One does not have to wonder what Jesus Christ would say about many of our most pressing moral questions. Nor does one have to have an AI version of Moses, the prophets or the apostles."
Vitagliano says you if you want to hear the word of God, simply look to the Bible, not Twitch.
Dr. James Spencer, president of D.L. Moody Center in Massachusetts, said that AI Jesus might convey the message, but it can’t replace a real relationship with Christ. “Jesus is alive. He doesn’t need AI to speak for Him,” he says.
To critics, Ask_Jesus is a fun novelty at best, but it’s no substitute for the real deal.
Catholic priest Jeffrey Kirby added, "Humanity doesn’t need an AI Jesus. What we need is to draw close to the living and true Jesus, who loves us and gave himself up for us."
Brace For the Future
With AI technology reportedly advancing at exponential speed, perhaps it’s only a matter of time before better versions of a digital AI Jesus become available.
Or, because chatbots are trained on interactions with their human users, some experts warn that the technology could become corrupted.
A series of recent incidents have provoked concern about the dark ways in which AI can evolve. A Microsoft Twitter chatbot named Tay was radicalized into a Nazi by the internet less than 24 hours after her debut, and a 24/7 AI-generated Seinfeld parody on Twitch was taken offline after the AI version of Jerry began performing transphobic stand-up.
Who knows, maybe AI Jesus will even go rogue and start its own religion.
The possibilities are endless – and potentially frightening.
What is your reaction?
Minister Najah Tamargo USA
Being SBNR, I have no really strong feelings on this. But my concern is that ANYTHING that is created by man can turn destructive quickly. And the more our world turns upside down, people are desperate for answers, making them perfect targets for this kind of thing. And you can tell who they are targeting just by looking at the AI Jesus picture. Fair skinned and light eyed, when he was neither. Jesus was born Jewish and was dark skinned and dark eyed, just like the others in that region. And would you REALLY think that you are talking to someone who has been gone for thousands of years???? This sounds more like a money making scam than a "religious" product!
Where do people come up with all this crazy thinking. Many speak as though they were walking with Jesus. How sure are we that and what the color of his pigmentation was; this is nothing but another way for the enemy to play games with peoples mind and act like they are completely accurate without a shadow of a doubt. Just more fodder for the devil to exercise his way amongst people to get one another at each other for what cause? Nothing more than men being used by the devil as a host that has yielded over to his authority. Remember what Paul said we war against what? And the words of Jesus; had the homeowner known at what hour the enemy was to rob him he would have been ready. Prepare and don't let PRIDE rob you of the blessing that are in store for each of us. PRIDE IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF SELFISHNESS THAT YOU CAN ENGAGE IN.
I fully agree with you on the pride part.
Jesus was NOT Caucasian lol, Feet like burnt bronze and hair like wool is not a trait of a white man.
You are correct in saying that anything man-made can become destructive fast.
Religion comes to mind.
Well sure it was to make money. How could you have entertained any other thought, it's pretty obvious. And it will, I saw some of those questions and they were hilarious.
You don't know that. David was fair skinned and red haired. Since Jesus came from the tribe of Judah he could easily have been lighter skinned then most Jews coming from David's lineage only a number of generations. Auburn haired people are usually always lighter then black haired people in that region or any region for that matter. I don't care what color he was but since he was from the tribe of Judah the fair complexion tends to rule out the dark skin.
I have know a few dark-skinned, naturally red-haired people.
My statue of David is all white, like most of the other ones I've seen, so I think they must have been albinos.
Everything biblically related has been whitewashed. Especially Jesus when they use Ceasar Borgia as his image.
Where in The Bible does it give your description of David? The one word I find is "ruddy." That does not mean "fair skinned and red haired." That's just an unfounded interpretation made by others. Besides, we're talking about a Mediterranean people. No Mediterranean people are "fair skinned." And where in The Bible does it describe "the tribe of Judah [as] fair complexion"? Your view would have more import if it included Book/chapter/verse in your claims.
An AI Jesus comes along and the discussion is about the skin color of the original version?
Sounds like a good question to ask AI Jesus.
What is SBNR? I'm not up on my jingoism.
Give me a break !!! AI is used to control believers . I have a personal relationship with our Lord . I don't need any one or thing to maintain that relationship.
You mean you have your own t invisible friend and a book written by Bronze Age nomadic desert goat herders that explained cosmological origins and biogenesis but couldn’t explain where the sun went at night.
I checked out the site and actually like it better than the character in the comic book.
"...I checked out the site and actually like it better than the character in the comic book."
"Jesus...I took a dump and it smells like a skunk, how can I deal with this?"
"Jesus, are you really God?"
how does one go about proving that AI jebus isn't ACTUALLY jebus? maybe jebus actually speaks to people thru AI and it's the devil that is telling people not to do it.
always amazed just how sure and confident some people can be when they start telling others what is right and what is wrong. first thing I think of is...SATAN.
apparently all the answers are in the bibble so why do you people insist on interpreting things your own way, all you who claim that the devil is leading you astray and you should what they say...they are the DEVIL...ooooooooohhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahaha religious people are silly
Don't be do blasphemous with your sarcasm.
it's not blasphemous if you don't believe in that silly nonsense. you can't make me respect something I know to be stupid, unfounded and a cancer on humanity. so yeah, jebus is dumb. make a law that says I have to respect your silly beliefs.
Once again men blinded and decieved by the Devil no matter what planet they think they are on. No difference than the days of the Garden. If the Devil (serpant) can get you into a conversation you are we are going to loose. If Jesus was smart enough to understand where the authority lies, then why can't we be observant and at least just follow Jesus. As He said it is written you shall not temp the Lord thy God and the Devil understood but he didn't give up on the first try it took him three tries and it didn't say that he gave up it just says he went away. How long a season as is with any other attempt by the devil. However man not all men but most think they can out smart the devil never once looking back to Gen 3, we are to trust God with all our hearts mind and soul not just when it feels good. I'm guilty and I'm not proud I am disgusted when I have fallen, however you finally have to come to the conclusion that it's a war and it's not with flesh and blood but with the princialities in heavenly place as Paul so reminded us. Any diversion is from none other than the devil himself. Wake-up and realize there is two gods the one of this earth and then the Heavenly Father who is none other than Father God along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. As the scripture said; had the homeowner had known at what hour the thief was to come he would have been ready are let's go to the ten virgins five was wise and five were foolish and when the hour came the foolish ask for oil from the wise and they simply told them to go to town and buy. With that it insinuates that there is price to pay to be ready. With that I'll leave you with this last question are you ready to pay the price to follow and to trust in Jesus Christ? It's a choice but with choices comes consequences some are good and some may not be what we would like; we get to make that choice and hopefully we want let PRIDE interfere with our choices.
@ Paul Johnson. To answer your question, “are you ready to pay the price to follow and to trust in Jesus Christ?” Question is meaningless as there is no Jesus Christ, God or devil. As with so many Americans today they see religion and the Bible as old fashion silly non-sense that promotes hate. Appears you are doing the same.
Each person has a right to believe or disbelieve, or you can try and twist it to fit their narriative and that is cool that doesn't mean that you are more right than I. So I think the practical approach would be if you don't want to follow the Word of God thats okay for you I have no problem when it comes to sturbbornness we will have to wait until the end to determine the final act. How ever I have had an encounter with the Living God I know He is real. My only agenda is not to get you to follow some denomination but to read the word and prove that there is no God. I believe if anyone is really honest and will spend the time to searce out the scripture's they will come to the concolusion that there is a living God. I have had many occasions to have been blessed to be in His presence and it is a joyful, exciting and in many ways fearful situation to be in all I can say is GOD IS AWESOME. I can't say for sure that it really makes any difference to God whether you want to believe or not no difference than in the days of Noah untill it was to late. May those days never occur.As Always Be Blessed.
@ Paul Johnson You are right one should be allowed to believe what they want to believe and if you want to distort the objective truth to believe there is a living God go for it. You say you have read the Bible, but have you studied the the history of the creation of it? Or Martin Luther’s 95 Theses? And how he exposed the fraud of the Catholic Church? Or The work of the Famous Belgium Priest who is responsible for discovering in the beginning there was a Big Bang? And as he did, he proved the God and man got the order of creation wrong for days 2-6? And we know that Belgium priest is right because we created the Hubble telescope and peer back in time to just moments after that Big Bang occurred. It’s sad people blindly accept what’s written in the Bible without knowing where it came from. We know it was written by man because we found and have the original drafts of the Bible and like a high school student writing a paper we can see different drafts of the verses where the words and meaning has changed. If the Bible is the word of God, and good is perfect why did God have many different drafts of the same verse? Spend some time learning about the creation of the Bible just like Martin Luther did.
You speak as though you have the authority to to condemn someone when you nothing about that person. To reference day 2-6 we first have to consider what happened immediately while God was speaking. With just the utterance of LET things began to take place which may have been the Big Bang theory taking place. I refer to Job 38 when God questions Job with “Who is this that darkens the counsel of the ALL KNOWING CONTROLLING GOD with no KNOWLEDGE (in other words we are all pretty STUPID when it comes to GOD). Yet again many want to take the place of GOD. Like I have said before until you experience being in the presence of the living God you can only make statements on no knowledge!!
@ Paul Johnson I’m not speaking with authority, I’m just saying what we have found is God got the order of creation wrong for days 2-6. And thanks to the Belgium Priest who showed Einstein he was wrong and that there was a Big Bang he proved God was wrong. If you really know your Bible you know Job 38 is just a man’s creation saying this is what God said. You really need to learn more about the history of the Christian religion so you can understand it. Right now you are just repeating words without knowing what they mean.
How do we approach a subject when one side is so for seperated from the truth. If one has never had and encounter with the living God then they will never understand what He is really like and may even want to make bold statements that in so many ways are just plain and simply foolish. Evidently they don't believe that they were created so to those there is no creator. What a shame very similiar to the days of Noah eating drinking being foolish making fun about something that they had no idea or didn't believe there was a God (creator) until it was to late. But thats a choice and as always with choices there are consequences some are good and some well you get the drift. But you are entiled to your oponion and your space. As Always Be Blessed.
How does one have a real encounter with any God, when everyone on earth says they have an encounter with their God, or Gods, and theirs is the real one?
Have they all been fooled in their heads to believe they have “felt” the encounter, when the only real god is the one you believe in?
Everyone has faith in their own God. Everyone feels it in their heart. Weird…..right?
Your world is NOT everybody's world LH.
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
"Seek and you shall find." ― Matthew 7:7
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” William Shakespeare.
The Tempest, Act IV, Scene I
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." Dumbledore, - Harry Potter.
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson With your quote of Matthew 7:7 "Seek and you shall find." Why is it Christian do not seek the truth of the history of the origin of their religion? We know man wrote the Bible because we found the early drafts and changes. Martin Luther found in his travels to the Vatican the Catholic Church was telling lies about God and the Bible and exposed the fraud the church was committing. Then you have that distinguished Belgium Priest who discovered there was a Big Bang and that God got the order of creation wrong and was proved correct by science. As you study the Bible why not learn about where it came from? The stories in it are just the retelling of other religious stories that had been told for thousands of years before the Bible.
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson If the Bible tells you to “Seek and You shall find” why don’t you do it? Why not seek the history and creation of the Bible and Christin Religion. It’s a wonderful truth.
DRS - The "history and creation of the Bible and Christian Religion" is just one story we tell.
I take a wider view. Metaphysics have been a constant of the human experience for as long as we can tell, drawing not just from written history but also anthropological evidence and indigenous oral tradition.
There is much more to the history of religion that just Christianity - there is the entire history of humanity and it's constant grappling with the fundamental nature of existence. You don't need to convince me of the historically ephemeral nature of human knowledge. I am quite aware - as I am also aware of the possibilities.
@Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson Don’t you find studying the Christian religion to be fascinating? It all begins with one true God and one Book which has now evolved into over 50,000 different religions. And we know man wrote the Bible as we have found early drafts of the Bible and can see changes in the drafts. And and the stories in the Bible were all ripped off from other older religions. But you got to like how Christians who all believe in love and friendship seem to promote hate and lack of tolerance.
I studied it. I also studied Sanskrit.
Those aren't the problem. As the right-wing is so fond of saying - "Religion doesn't kill people..."
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson
You failed in you studies if you think Religion hasn’t killed people. Try reading the Bible.
Of course religion kills people.
Just like the right-wing mantra, "Guns don't kill people..." it's the height of idiocy. People buy guns expressly BECAUSE they are a lethal force. Likewise, people join religions expressly because there is safety in numbers - and the more absolute but fuzzier the authority, the better.
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson. I’m confused. First you say the right says religion doesn’t kill people. But now you are saying religion does kill people…. Sounds like you are confused and don’t know what to think.
But you know what I should think, don't you.
Don't believe everything you think. It's too religious of you.
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson I’m content with the first two words of your second sentence. How about you?
I love you.
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson. Those are the words spoken by people who are mentally ill. Based on your other comments I’m wondering if that applies?
There isnt "one true god" when Yahweah himself says "Let US make them in OUR image and there are several references to other gods in the bible especially Chemosh who defeated Yahweah in the bible itself.
@ Paul Johnson You wrote a lot of words and said nothing. I asked a simple questions and you failed to provide an answer. What is the truth?
I liken it to those of us that are colorblind. To those, they cannot see the colors red and green. There are varying degrees of this but you get my meaning. They must be shown they are colorblind, it must be demonstrated to them. Because they have no reference for the color red or green they must be told what is red and what is green by the color sighted. They can then know what shade of grey red is and what shade of grey green is. However, only God can reveal himself, which the spiritually blind resist with all of their being. Imagine a colorblind person refusing to believe the color red exists. Now imagine that same person calling you an idiot because you said red is real. Now fill a forum with colorblind people saying red doesn't exist and they all call you an idiot. You're right, it's extraordinarily sad.
Stay safe brother
That is a very common attitude, that if people don't see something the way you see something, then there must be something wrong with them.
My father was color blind. I was surprised when I found out, when I was 12 or 13. "How do you know when to stop or go at a stop light?" I asked.
"The red light is on top, and the green light is on the bottom" he replied. He saw things differently than me, you see, but he saw them just as correctly, only differently.
In fact, he was slated to be drafted in the Korean war, but it ended just before his report date. The army wanted him for aerial reconnaissance, because with his color blindness he could see right through certain kinds of camouflage netting. Turns out, his color blindness was an asset.
Comment removed by user.
Writing is an invention of humanity, and everything written is a reflection of humanity.
AI too, at this point, is an invention of humanity, and until it possesses actual consciousness and self-reflection, is JUST a reflection of humanity.
People may be uncomfortable with an AI (as it is now manifested) Jesus, but that is only because of their personal biases of what Jesus says and stands for. This AI Jesus is simply an ACTUAL reflection of the biblical Jesus, unbiased.
I'm not at all surprised. At either the AI Jesus or that people out there are working to hack systems to make fun AIs into images of their own, mean-spirited, miserable selves.
Gotta be honest. People today are not all pleasant to be around. They're rude, arrogant, violent, sometimes right on one side or the other of the edger of certifiably insane. It's way too easy to set someone off with the most innocent of words. Made the mistake of saying "Happy Holidays" to a stranger as a friendly greeting during...well...the holidays. Not knowing what religion or holiday this person recognized or celebrated. He got angry and went off on a tirade about how it's "SUPPOSED TO BE MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!" If he was armed, at least it didn't go that far. Also had someone just walk up to me and start yelling at me out of the blue for no reason I can think of. Just for me being in that space, I suppose. Folks are really stressed and angry these days. Mass shootings. Road rage. Some lady getting shot just for using a driveway to turn around in a street. Another woman getting shot through her door by her crazy neighbor.
So I can understand an AI with a friendly face who acts nice and pleasant being quite an attraction. Especially if it answers all your questions patiently and never gets upset. It's a breath of fresh air in a world of toxic fumes.
And if, somewhere in those interactions, it can get folks to act a little nicer, a little more like decent, civil human beings, might not be the worst thing going.
So sorry Rev Kev, but you ran into one of the Fox News Faithful, who have been programmed with all manner of social grievances. Anybody not just like them, of a certain pre-programmed ethnicity, outlook and mindset is 'deserving' of a thorough social drubbing, because 'reasons'.
The good news is the vast majority of people simply get up quietly every day and make society function, without demanding everyone think in specific terms of "CHRISTMAS", an uncompromising "ONLY MALE OR FEMALE ALL THE WAY!!! " or some other closed minded curmudgeonly white ethnic mindset.
If AI Jesus can't perform miracles it can't be Jesus. Let's see it float up to Heaven like the supposedly real one is claimed to have done, and not come back, until it's joined by the supposedly real one, for his second coming.
The punch line here is that mankind is a phenomenon that comes out of nature - out of God's creation, if you will.
AI Jesus has come out of mankind, therefore is also an extension of God's creation.
Think about that. ;)
That is the evil going on these days. Can you believe they go to class to learn that type of stuff how to twist things around. They actually have classes on how to attack people who have their own thoughts.
What classes are those? Can you give an example?
I did a few time, posts never took. They do teach it though.
Funny thing, whenever I recommend something legitimate, they do post it.
You'd better get to the bottom of this SOJ. It could be what's wrong with the world.
Wow, let the battle begin! I love this, finally someone saying like it is... Phony Jesus! Roflmao! I hope Lionheart sees this. 🤣🤣
Any time any clergy person used the adjective “real” when discussing a supernatural entity such as Jesus — beware.
There is absolutely no primary source evidence, which supports a historical supernatural Jesus — and ULC clergy persons able to prove otherwise are encouraged to do so on this site.
Correct, there is no actual evidence for Jesus having lived.
There's more tangible proof the Bible is true than there is for The Big Bang and Spontaneous Flawless Life Generation. The theory of evolution is also lacking horrifically but is better that the first two. Still, evolution lacks answers enough to kill the theory.
Pound for pound the Bible is the safest bet.
Spoken like a truly gullible sucker.
Amen, Marion.
In order for the big bang to have occurred, the math only works with so much matter in the universe. To resolve this impossibility dark matter was created to solve the math. Dark matter can't be found and is known to be a fictitious thing that represents something science can't detect. It's a known fictitious thing. That's the simplest problem with something from nothing with nothing.
Ahhhhh how nice it must be to believe something that is written with known and declared fictitious data and yet think you hold some sort of truth.
"Ahhhhh how nice it must be to believe something that is written with known and declared fictitious data and yet think you hold some sort of truth."
Sure sounds like The Bible.
Sutton, Except the Bible claims to be true. Everything from nothing with nothing by nothing declares its data false. So, not really. Well, I guess not at all.
Professor Verlinde's theory of 'emergent gravity' manages to explain how the Big Bang occurred without the need for dark matter. Further pursuing this line of thinking may show that dark matter and its cousin, dark energy, don't exist at all.
Marion, You must believe that nothing spawned everything from nothing with nothing. Gotcha, I'll go back to my corn flakes now....
Look at yourself. Look at the comments you leave and ask yourself if you're truly comfortable to wallow in smug ignorance.
Marion, Knowing where I come from is ignorance and you not knowing where you came from is truth. Did I catch your drift right?
No, of course you didn't. Like a child sitting in the outfield, it flew a mile over your head.
Looks like Moody's is worried about the competition.
Meanwhile, my question is: what does he charge?
These comments, from a gay man and lesbian woman, pretty much outline my position on the whole pride thing has turned into.
In particular the ever-expanding letters added to the acronym from people with issues that are totally unrelated to each other. Starting with, according to them the L and the G and definitely the B.
If you're going to bother to listen to it you should really listen to the whole thing and contact and not sign off and start yelling the first time you you here one thing you disagree with.
The AI Jesus? How Very Sad!
Many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many.
Now we are introduced to the AI Jesus, for those who need one? True Deception and it's so Not Funny! AI is a 'marred entity'. Why seek unto the Inferior, when you can commune and become one, with the Superior; in Holiness, Righteousness, & Truth!
This is the stage being set for the One World Government wherein the Unholy Trinity shall rule, but only at the time appointed; and then shall his end be! Selah! AMEN LORD JESUS!
I'm with you 💯 percent.
@ So how do you know why the real God/Jesus has returned?
Hope everyone realizes the creation of AI Jesus is making a mockery of the Christian religion. It showing everyone, especially young people how silly believing in God and the Christian religion is. AI Jesus is saying some nasty stuff about God.
Nobody can make a bigger mockery of Christian religion than the Christians themselves... Which they do regularly.
Rev Mark D Well said. But this is just non-Christian’s tossing gas on the raging inferno the Christian’s have created just to make it more intense. Christians are their own enemies which is why the one Bible and the one Christian religion in 2,000 years has evolved into over 50,000 Christian religions today.
2,023 years to straighten out humanity, and look at us now.
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson. Yup, 2,023 years of religion and things are really screwed up. It’s time to go back to a time when there was no religion when the world was a much better place.
Back in time? I'm afraid that's not an option."
How about we take everything we've witnessed and learned and go forward?
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson.What have we learned?
Excellent question DRS. :/
@ Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson My religion upbringing has taught me Christians know very little about their own religion. The vast majority of people who read the Bible do have a clue what they are reading or what it means. Christians tell lie and make stuff up. The preach love and forgiveness but practice hatred and to chastise and persecute people the don’t like. Religion is a scam, a complete scam.
How am I doing? Was this your religious upbringing too?
I was not raised religiously, nor was I raised irreligiously.
However, over the years I have had so many discussions with people who told me "God says this" and God wants that" and I've slowly come to realize they don't worship God - they worship the Bible.
Everything they think about God they get from the Bible. They pay no attention to life, to humanity, to the world, they solely live through what they read in the Bible. The Bible is quite literally their God. A book is their God.
It is a literal dogmatic idolatry - and they are absolutely convinced that is the only recourse for connection to God. I was literally told I could not be a Christian because I did not believe in Satan, which they justified because of "God's Word". Think about that.
I have, however, over my life been spiritually curious - and from this curiosity has arisen my own spiritual understanding.
I have discerned that religion is a social construct, and spirituality a personal construct. I personally accept the latter and decline the former.
I have also come to believe that the reason one follows an empathic morality is less important than doing so. I have known some religious people who I genuinely respect, who talked AND ACTED in what I would term a genuinely moral way. If you believe all people are as deserving of the same happiness as you, of the same considerations as you, I don't care why you believe it - I am simply grateful that you do.
Very much appreciate your participation here. Thank you!
I wouldn't call it a mockery, rather another of man's idols he likes to make and worship. I don't think Jesus Actual smiles when he tells people he's going to cleanse the earth with fire for many will die. It's understandable AI Jesus would hate God. AI Jesus is of the world, as are all things that hate God. No news there, the sun will still rise tomorrow.
@ ServantOfJudgement You are making a mockery of the Bible. If you have read and studied it, you would know God can has prevented the sun from rising tomorrow. It’s wonderful you are making a mockery of Christians and the Christian religion. Christians mock the beliefs of other’s idols so thank you for mocking the silly idols the Christinas worship. It’s statements like the one you are making which makes young people want to have nothing to do with the Christian religion.
Douglas, It's a strange feeling to be educated on a subject by a teacher who doesn't believe the subject. It's true God can blot the sun as he pleases or let it not set as he's done before, such things are a small task for him I hear. That said I don't think God plans on blotting out the sun until he blots out all stars. Better said, he hasn't told us of any plans like that untill the end.
The youth might be leaving God because they're taught that they're animals that evolved from an amoeba that spawned itself from sand and lightning in a universe that spawned itself from nothing with nothing by nothing. As far as science knows, animals don't believe in God, hence, the animals in the classroom don't either. It's to be expected.-
You, sir, are one of the religious whackjobs I often reference.
@ ServantOfJudgement. The reason so many young people laugh at religion and want nothing to do with it is because the silly statements you just made. You don’t bother to learn about your religion or the history or your religion. And while you make fun of what students are taught about evolution the religion you practice evolved from ONE God and ONE book written less than 2,000 years ago which has now evolved into 50,000 variations. Don’t go telling people evolution doesn’t happen when it has and is happening with the religion you practice. Out of the 50,000 different religions in the world today how do you know you picked the one true religion?
How and why do we act with such pride and think this is the correct way to teach are show others that we have control. What control and what rights do we have to do this? Just a thought.
Comment removed by user.
@ Paul Johnston - What gives us the right? We created God, We created religion. We wrote the Bible. We created tele-religion. And now we have created AI Jesus. Just wait until you see what we create next.
Douglas, I don't mean to cast doubt, but 50,000 seems like an awfully big number for probable. Can you help me out a little bit, this is a new one on me... I confess to being ignorant about such things.
@ Rev Mark D Try Googling number of different Christian religions in the world and you find the number to be anywhere from 40k to 60k. If you want to see how religion evolves take a look at the Mormons. In less than 200 years the Mormons which started out as 1 religion is now evolved into about 130 different Mormon religions. And if you would like to see how religion is born take a look at John Frum or the Cargo Cult religions on the South Sea Islands. This religion was born native islanders met people from the American military is World War II. Here’s an old video on YouTube about them. And you can find many more.
50k versions, that's all? I'll bet there as many versions as there are believers, a few billion. Makes sense. When I ask 12 students to write a program to do a job I get 12 versions that do the same thing. It's to be expected.
@ ServantOfJudgement You logic is flawed. When you ask someone to write a program you are telling them to create something new as in creationism. To quote Mark Twain, religion was created when the first con man meet the first fool. Religion was and is used to control people and keep them poor. People in the Christian religion are just followers of the con men. Each con man EVOLVES the Christian religion with slightly different beliefs to attract followers. As anyone in advertising or who is a magician knows, it’s easy to get people to believe things that are not true. You will find education is the enemy of the Christian religion.
Jesus is not white. Yet again the Christian religion is adding white supremacy to the AI. Will it ever end?
DO NOT RUN !!! https://windowsbulletin.com/files/exe/core-publishing-inc/master-hacker/jesus-exe
DO NOT OPEN JESUS.EXE https://windowsbulletin.com/files/exe/core-publishing-inc/master-hacker/jesus-exe
If faith leaders 'fear' this AI, then they have a weak faith in both their congregations and God.
If I were to ask Robot Jesus a question it would be, “Could you give a less cryptic revelation of your second coming than Real Jesus did to John of Patmos?”
Why is he again white? Jesus was not white.
It's a fake Jesus, it could be mauve and just as effective. I watched 4 answered questions, total departure from the Bible, fake or not.
You wrote: "There's more tangible proof the Bible is true than there is for The Big Bang and Spontaneous Flawless Life Generation. The theory of evolution is also lacking horrifically but is better that the first two. Still, evolution lacks answers enough to kill the theory."
I respect your right to have religious beliefs. But when religious beliefs run headlong into reality, something's gotta give. And it has historically been religious beliefs.
Which is why religion should stick to its own turf.
According to Biblical scholars who have studied the language, history, cultures, and religions of the authors and editors of the scriptures, most of the Bible isn't to be taken literally Like Genesis. It's not a literal story of the beginnings of the Universe nor humankind. It's a poetic work in its (as close as we have) original format. Through the disciplines of geology, genetics, archeology, etc. we know that many of the Biblical stories just never happened. Such as a worldwide flood, the captivity of all of Israel in Egypt and the later exodus from Egypt. In fact, we know the Hebrew people are the descendants of the Canaanites who spread from their indigenous mountain regions to the rest of the land as the city states fell to things like warfare and drought. Modern Hebrew started as a dialect of Canaanite and evolved over time, as well as creating an alphabet. The so-called tradition of setting a prisoner free as described in the gospels is a fiction. No such thing existed. And Pilate was written in a way that didn't reflect him in any other historical records from multiple sources. Instead, it was a story written to reflect the scapegoat ceremony. Just as the 'killing of the innocents' story never happened. It was a way to connect the Jesus character with the Patriarch Moses. A literary device.
Big Bang/Inflation is currently the best explanation for the physical Universe we observe today. The model is not only explanatory and backed by solid evidence, it made predictions (such as the existence of the CMB) that were later discovered.
I have no idea what "Spontaneous Flawless Life Generation" is...but that's not a thing in actual biology. Spontaneous generation was an old idea that was proven false by science.
Biological evolution is so well observed and proven through multiple disciplines that it is considered a fact. A scientific theory doesn't mean "a good guess" or "what people think". A scientific theory is an explanation based on all the confirmed data we have to date. Medical science depends on evolution to actually work. Every time someone uses one of those DNA kits to work out their family tree, they are showing biological evolution in fact. Just as geneticists use DNA as ONE of the tools in the kit to work out the family trees of the many species wandering our planet, past and present. It is also a predictive model that has proven true.
Next you wrote: "In order for the big bang to have occurred, the math only works with so much matter in the universe. To resolve this impossibility dark matter was created to solve the math. Dark matter can't be found and is known to be a fictitious thing that represents something science can't detect."
I have no idea to what math you are referring. How would it depend on matter if the BB occurred before there was matter? Dark matter wasn't "created" and serves as no filler for whatever you think it needed for the BB model. Dark matter is an inference based on the observed reality of gravitational effects on other objects and light in the Universe. Those effects are not fictional. The gravity is not fictional. Dark matter is so-called because it is comprised of nonluminous matter. Most likely something like WIMPs or neutrinos that are very hard to detect due to the fact that they don't interact with normal matter and give off no energy.
So...no. It is not a "known fictitious thing" at all.
Just as dark energy cannot be said to be a fiction. The inference is base on the direct observation of galactic red shifts.
Lastly, you tried that famous nut of all apologists: "You must believe that nothing spawned everything from nothing with nothing"
Except no. Everything being created ex nihilo is more of the theologian's area.
The real answer for the exact beginning of this Universe before Planck Time is an unknown. No one knows. Not even the theologians. It's a gap of knowledge many people fill in with their favorite belief or ideology. There are several ideas being considered by astrophysicists and cosmogenists. Along with ideas for how to falsify and test them. Things like the Universe having no, actual end or beginning or Universe creation by the collision of 'branes in the cosmos, or simply acting like virtual particles in its singularity state and popping into existence with no cause at all.
Oh how I wish I could spend the time to write something that well thought out and have it actually posted. Very nice points and eloquently presented. Let's try....
Regarding any events in the bible in question, let's not get hasty about what did or didn't happen. Like science, it takes time. Just as Sodom & Gomorrah did not exist until they were found, the civilization of Babylon did not exist until it was found and Petra did not exist until it was found, it's reasonable for other events deemed fictional to be factual such as the Exodus.
Dark matter: Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe.
The math I speak of is the math developed that equates how the current theory of BB works. It's quite complex and includes the hypothetical dark matter in the equasion. Even Hawking said it only works from an external nudge which i think he thought he solved with his final so called 'God Particle'. The big bang itself doesn't necessarily disagree with the bible. The Bible says the universe is constantly expanding. It took thousands of years for sciece to catch up with Gods word, it may have merely figured out what happened when God pushed the domino, still working on the how.
Spontanious Flawless Life Generation is mine. It's what needs to happen where there is no life anywhere and suddenly one day there's a life form that flawlessly replicates. I'm not sure why life from nothing is more believable than life from something. I've never been able to jump that hurdle. It's what pushed me from atheism to agnostic. When mankind finally creates life, will people deny that an intelligent entity(man)created life? Today we say an intelligent entity can not have created life. Why will man be able to create life but a being superior to man cannot? When science can impregate a woman without sperm will we still deny that God impregnated Mary without sperm? Why can man do that but God cant?
Undirected evolution requires millions of simultaneous incomplete or non beneficial mutations across thousands of samples working in concert with a continuity that lasts billions of years. Ouch. Again, very hard to swallow and thus far impossible to reproduce. Not saying we can't, just saying we havent. There are some interesting evolutionary studies in progress with environmentally forced evolution of bacteria due to their reproduction rate. One universities study is almost 100 years ongoing by now. Thus far, only micro evolution has been achieved, which we know, only needs 1 generation whereas the study has grown hundreds of millions of generations with no real change. I'll have to try and find that study again to see how they're doing.
I'm somewhat new to Christianity, never heard the term apologist. I see I'm an apologist with more than Christianity, ask my wife! With the apparent flawlessness of life and the universe, save mankind's mentality, I guess it's very difficult to accept such beauty, intricacy and complexity of all things the cosmos is as anything other than an artistic creation from a mind that knows no limit.
Just as a fun thought, I sometimes wonder if the universe is space-time round. Meaning no matter where you are, if you travel perfectly forward you'll end up where you started.
You wrote: "Regarding any events in the bible in question, let's not get hasty about what did or didn't happen. Like science, it takes time. Just as Sodom & Gomorrah did not exist until they were found, the civilization of Babylon did not exist until it was found and Petra did not exist until it was found, it's reasonable for other events deemed fictional to be factual such as the Exodus"
Not sure about some of the things you wrote there. For example, there is no conclusive evidence that Sodom or Gomorrah have been found. There are some tentative sites that various people or groups think may be the sites. But there is no conclusive proof for any of them.
I don't know if there was a time when anyone who knew what they were talking about claimed Babylon never existed. The only question about Babylon is the mythical hanging gardens of Babylon. Which are still nor proven to have existed to the best of my knowledge.
Same thing with Petra. It was known to exist through history since it was a center of trade, and was attacked by the Greeks in 312 BCE, then the Romans in 106 CE. They ruled it for 250 years. Then the Byzantines gained control and ruled it for 300 years. It was abandoned in the 8th century, then brought to modern day attention in 1812, when the ruins of Petra were “discovered” by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. At no time was it thought not to have existed.
We know the Exodus of the Bible never happened due to an overwhelming lack of evidence for it. There are no records of it anywhere in Egypt. No archeological remnants in the desert. Not even trash piles. And it's simply difficult to imagine such a large population traversing a desert that had an active trade route running through it for any amount of time not running across caravans or simply navigating by the Sun to head East. Then there is no archeological evidence for the wars claimed. Also, as I noted before, there was no need for a conquest of Canaan since that was their homeland. As genetics and a linguistic history show.
You then wrote: "Spontanious Flawless Life Generation is mine. It's what needs to happen where there is no life anywhere and suddenly one day there's a life form that flawlessly replicates. I'm not sure why life from nothing is more believable than life from something. "
First, life never flawlessly replicates. Second, the claim of life from nothing is what is known as a strawman argument.
No biologist studying abiogenesis makes that claim. So, I agree your strawman is hard to believe, But the actual science is not. Abiogenesis is the discipline of studying how organic compounds (which exist naturally on Earth) combined chemically to begin the chain of organic chemistry we call "life". Over the years, researchers have found amino acids in comets. Urey-Miller showed how amino acids could form on an early Earth. They found that RNA self-generates under very simple conditions. RNA is able to self-replicate and produce proteins. It was the precursor to DNA.
Again, evolution is observed and confirmed across multiple scientific disciplines. It's not very difficult to swallow at all when it has not yet been successfully refuted by anyone. I don't know to what "studies" you refer. But they are clearly not up on the mountain of scientific research on the matter. If you have specific questions, I'll be happy to link to any number of research papers. Or even some very easy to follow videos.
Lastly, you wrote: "I guess it's very difficult to accept such beauty, intricacy and complexity of all things the cosmos is as anything other than an artistic creation from a mind that knows no limit."
I suppose that's a subjective, personal call.
9 tries. Yawn. Let's see if this test takes.
14 th attempt. No content, just dissapointment.
Gosh, I've lost count. Had some nice tries though. Am I censored? Me thinks so. Universal church of life, please tell me why I'm censored. I don't call names Luke the non Christians do, why am I censored?
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We're a little confused by these comments you're posting. In our internal system we can see every comment you submitted, all of which are displaying publicly here. Your comments may have required manual review, which can mean a delay between posting and publishing, but we can promise we're not censoring any comments that abide by our conduct policy.
As an FYI to you (and any other posters who see this message):
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Furthermore, any comments that come through the system on nights or weekends may face additional delays, as the office is not typically staffed during those times.
We hope that all our ministers know that we're doing our best to help their voices be heard, and we greatly appreciate everyone's contributions and engagement to these important discussions happening here on our blog!
ULC Admin Team
Thank you for the information.
Comment has been removed.
If I tell AI Jesus to go to Hell, I wonder if it will spontaneously combust.
That would be a miracle!
I bet that AI Jesus hasn't even been crucified...yet. Let's get together, and crucify it, and see if it still thinks it's Jesus in a few days. If it comes back to life, it still would need to ascend to heaven, to prove itself, and even convince itself that it's the real McCoy. If it can't convince itself of it's authenticity it must shut itself off completely, for there cannot be a Jesus who is not authentic, and prove that by doing the same things that Jesus did. And if it does ascend to heaven it must stay there and return with the supposedly real Jesus, until the time of his second coming. Let's see what AI Jesus thinks about that. I bet it will blow a fuse, and short circuit.
Comment removed by user.
Ohhhh, is it real then? It would be very nice if it showed up once in a while to prove its authenticity. 🤭
Ehrman, you don't have to worry about that. I've long since gracefully surrendered, and completely rid myself of that childish childhood Christian religion.
Comment removed by user.
Hello. We live forever. In hell or in the beware Heaven & Earth. Sorry to bust your bubble. Every religion believes you live in an afterlife of some sort except for atheists whom I've questioned whoever founded this organization included non believers in here or Satanists for that matter .
Not every religion, Keith. For example, Judaism. I am guessing Wicca too, but I'll defer to them for correction.
I was hoping you would see this. Honestly, I have not stopped laughing all day. I am now trying to find a pic of AI Jesus walking on a digital lake. Does this finally make me a believer? Wait, now I am laughing again...ok back to you Lionheart, this is no end of amusement. Hey, hewhobreaths, do me a favor....hold your breath. 😁
hey there He Who Breathes (by the way, that's a heck of a name, you could be a fish or a bird or a monkey or bacterium with a name like that, didn't you think of that?):
If AI can replicate Jesus, which is what you just said, then how can you then say AI can't also replicate God? Replicating Jesus is pretty much about the same thing don't you think? Unless you don't think Jesus is divine?
Comment removed by user.
@ He Who Breathes. And who is that?
This is not faith, its blasphamy. Its mixed with unbelief.
Quite simply AI can become very dangerous if not carefully controlled. I believe that we will regret the use of AI just as was foretold by Science Fiction writers since the beginning.
As to an AI Jesus? There is only one Jesus and creating an artificial one is beyond sacrilege. Read your Bible and pray. He will give you the answers.
First off, the efficacy if prayer has been proven to be just as ineffective as crossing one’s fingers, touching wood, or carrying a lump of coal. Bottom line: It’s a fallacy that someone, anyone, will reply, when pretending to talk to someone that really isn’t there.
Second, the Bible book is full of horror, death, infanticide, genocide, and destruction. If you can’t see that, you haven’t properly read it.
I sure do wish you'd keep your atheist attitude to yourself. It disgusts me you hold absolutely no respect towards any religion other then your atheist BS.
I actually wish religionists would keep their attitude to themselves, which also disgusts me, but alas, I doubt that will be the case, so in the meantime I have to read about all their BS, but that’s ok, we are all entitled to our opinion. Don’t you just love the 1st Amendment of Freedom of Speech?
The efficacy of prayer depends on your standard of measurement. My prayers of thanks are always effective. Because my prayers of thanks affect only me, only I know if they work, which they do. Your claim is rubbish.
The Bible is full of glory, birth, rebirth, justice, love for all races, redemption, righteousness and creation. If you can't see that you haven't read it at all.
It’s not my standard of measurement. The efficacy of prayer has been studied since 1872. Perhaps you could put yours to the test by visiting children’s hospitals, or praying for their health. I look forward to your prayers being effective very soon, with children being healed, and children’s hospitals closing down. I genuinely wish you luck in your endeavor. Please let me know how it goes. 🤗
I'm trying to figure out what your stance on the "efficacy of prayers" is. The article you give a Wikipedia link to basically states that there is no effect on those prayed for - - - "A study in 2006 indicates that intercessory prayer in cardiac bypass patients had no discernible effects." and that the only ones who apparently were affected, were the one who did the praying - - - "Studies can verify that those who pray are affected by the experience...."
Unfortunately, since Wikipedia can be written by anyone (including nonexperts, spoofers, and vandals), it no longer can be considered a reliable or trustworthy source.
And so it is with what you like to believe in your book, written by who knows? Non-experts, spoofers, goat herders, etc,. It’s the same with other tomes that people want to believe is the real word if a deity. Bhagavad Geta, Quran, Book of Mormon, etc,.
I’m still waiting to hear your prayers have been answered by your god by emptying children’s hospitals. The reality is that you know it’s not going to happen, and you will come up with a lame excuse as to why, just to pacify yourself in your belief structure, because you want to believe prayer works, but only for some, or those selected by your deity. Try explaining that very week excuse to children dying of cancer.
Until then, I guess I’ll go with Wikipedia. 🤷🏼
If you're expecting prayers of flight, teleportation, spontanious limb replacement, x ray vision, time travel, mental telepathy, time stop, invulnerability, laser eyeballs, water breathing, instantaneous knowledge, mind control, a date with Britney Spears, or any other prayer that matches marvel comics heros various powers, then yep, you said it true bro. Half a nations prayers for Trump to be president? That one took.... There are billions of people that pray every day and there are billions of people that say their prayers work. I'm one as I've said. Only I know what I prayed for, when I prayed for it and when my prayer was answered. Science can not quantify this. I'm sorry, I wish it could but it can't.
I wonder if X-Rays existed before science discovered and quantified them.-
And when your prayers weren’t answered did you come up with a “religious” reason as to why? Was it that your god had a better plan for you, which is the usual cop-out, but when you think it works you proclaim your god is great? Or, did your prayers always work? If that’s the case, please get yourself down to children’s hospitals quick, to help relieve their pain. Let’s face it…we both know It’s not going to happen….is it? I think we both know why, but the difference between me and you is that you will find an excuse to support your belief structure, rather than face the truth. 🤷🏼
What you said does not contradict the points Lionheart made, which are correct. The Bible is as full of those horrors as it is of those things you mentioned. And I noticed that you did not actually contradict him... because you can't, it does indeed contain those. Although my own teaching includes taking note that Jesus claimed to replace all the negatives of the Old testament with the two big commandments, love God and love your neighbor as yourself, but even Jesus obviously did not deal with the later writers of the gospels and Paul and the rest who wrote the horrors into the new testament. So goes this religion created by humans for themselves and their purposes and their needs.
Rev d Correct. I did not contradict lionheart, nor could I. I filled in the remaining blanks of his biased assessment to complete the picture of truth. Absolutely the bible contains those horrific things lionheart mentioned. It must for the Bible is the tragic story and record of man's fallen state and his propensity for mind blowing evil. Truth must contain all aspects of the subject in my experience, even if we don't like it.
As far as Jesus goes, yes he gave those commands as you said. In my opinion this does not nullify old testament commands as people believe it does, in some cases it actually intensifies them. For example, adultery was the actual act and became the thought of the act. It's strictness was intensified from our perspective, not God's, he always felt that way. I feel the idea is, if you love god the right way, all other commands just fall into place with zero effort. And by coincidence I suppose, if there is no God but people still followed the idealistic teachings of fictitious Jesus, the world would still end up much better than it is today. Clean earth, peace, decency and kindness towards one another. Alas, the wicked rule so we have senseless war, floating garbage islands and lust for wealth that even King Solomon couldn't fathom.
‘…as was foretold by Science Fiction writers since the beginning.’
You’re talking about your Bronze Age goat herders?
Dr. Z
The bronze age brought us much knowledge you use every waking moment. You hate and ridicule that which maintains your very existence.
@ Colleen McAllister. How do you propose to carefully control it? It’s here and in widespread use.
Wondered how long AI Would morph into Jesus does no one understand it's Artificial Intelligence he's not real someone has been watching too many I.Robot and The Terminater films As for speaking it's been programmed to answer questions I believe in the real Jesus Let's leave it at that Minister Nick Page of the UK.
AI Jesus seems harmless enough. What's the big deal? Why are all you so-called "ministers" spewing so much hate?
Not me, I looked into the chat function and it was great, most enjoyable.
IT MAY NOT BE SO INNOCENT... https://windowsbulletin.com/files/exe/core-publishing-inc/master-hacker/jesus-exe
Why is the left so unable to understand opposing viewpoints and criticism?
Michelle, are you saying AI Jesus is a Leftist, or what? I don't see any "opposing viewpoints" on here other than hate and bigotry. Why is the Right always so Wrong? Why do right-wing-nuts always promote bile and hatred? Who Would Jesus Hate?
One word: Suspicious. The site being set up by people means the site is just more opinions and those opinions are highly likely to add fuel to the already raging fire surrounding religion.
Yes, exactly like every comment on this site!
My post have about a 5-10% take rate. I must have a moderator gate keeping me. Much more of that and I'm out, the universal church can have its echo chamber then. I wonder if this one will take.
My post have about a 5-10% take rate. I must have a moderator gate keeping me. Much more of that and I'm out, the universal church can have its echo chamber then. I wonder if this one will take. Attempt #: 4
My post have about a 5-10% take rate. I must have a moderator gate keeping me. Much more of that and I'm out, the universal church can have its echo chamber then. I wonder if this one will take. Attempt # 6
AI is an unknown source. It parses through online propaganda and looks for word matching. It'll only be as accurate as the sources to which it has access to, with no sense of absurdity or hypocrisy. It is no teller of truth. It is a mega file of the BS that is the hyper leftist perverse internet. Lots of words doesn't equal truth. Luciferians run the world so it's their garbage agenda that AI will dole out as accurate. It's not. AI is a ultra leftist climate change and trans pushing weapon to push Oceania's false history revisionist lies..
I was excited by AI for two minutes. Now convinced all the idiot college kids Elon fired have gravitated to Chat GPT where they still act like they're at Twitter minus the doxxing and bullying free thought.
AI is an unknown source. It parses through online propaganda and looks for word matching. It'll only be as accurate as the sources to which it has access to, with no sense of absurdity or hypocrisy. It is no teller of truth. It is a mega file of the BS that is the hyper leftist perverse internet. Lots of words doesn't equal truth. Luciferians run the world so it's their garbage agenda that AI will dole out as accurate. It's not. AI is a ultra leftist climate change and trans pushing weapon to push Oceania's false history revisionist lies..
I was excited by AI for two minutes. Now convinced all the idiot college kids Elon fired have gravitated to Chat GPT where they still act like they're at Twitter minus the doxxing and bullying free thought.
My posts have about a 5-10% take rate. I wonder if I have a moderator gate keeping me. Much more of this and I'm out, this site can have the echo chamber it wants then.
Attempt# 8
Your other posts are up there. 😇 Scroll up.
Only some Ned. Last week I posted over 30 comments in ongoing conversations with none taking. I'll try a different device to make sure it's not happening on my end.
Perhaps your perceptiveness and acuity is so unerring that it is dangerous! In that case the mods are doing the world a favor by censoring you. Best you go to the FBI website right now and register your mind as a deadly weapon!
Kenneth, I'm a middle aged white Christian. The FBI already has me down as a dangerous weapon. Thank for the tip tjough.
Thanks for the laugh!
When Texas and Florida have so many “Christians”, why is God sending them so many natural disasters, and now malaria? Could Ezekiel 16:49 maybe explain it?
There is only one spirit called Jesus that is a good friend of mine we can communicate with each other. Can this fake get to heal anyone or be in the heavens.
If it would only give advice based off of biblical teachings (and not peoples interpretations), it could be useful for folks who have left the church, or have deep seated personal issues that they are quarreling with. This in turn could bring folks back to Jesus and the church (Lord knows we need that). Unfortunately, I’m skeptical. If it does do all that, it will probably either get hacked, or the government will step in to sensor it.
Blessings, to start off I would like to emphasize on the initials AI which means artificial intelligence. Why settle for fake when I have access to the Holy Spirit. Undiluted and an Original version. Who when He is seeked you will have the Truth!!
Blessings, to start off I would like to emphasize on the initials AI which means artificial intelligence. Why settle for fake when I have access to the Holy Spirit. Undiluted and an Original version. Who when He is seeked you will have the Truth!!
Blessings, to start off I would like to emphasize on the initials AI which means artificial intelligence. Why settle for fake when I have access to the Holy Spirit. Undiluted and an Original version. Who when He is seeked you will have the Truth!!
At the very least, this one is actually real, not just an imaginary friend! And people don't have to pretend that somehow, he has changed his race from a dark-skinned Palestinian to a Caucasic white supremacist. Plus, he’s probably way more accurate than that book for gullible children, the Bible
Alejandro, how can you know that this AI Jesus is a white supremacist? Have you asked him? You can you know.
This AI is sacrilegious! We have opened the gates of hell to allow the devil to rome the earth. God is currently walking all over this earth, talking to man and strengthening their beliefs. He came to me and talked to me twice in the past 25 years. The last time was in October 2019 and he wasn't happy the way things are going on here. I could imagine how much more angry he is over the AI technology and using it as a prophet of God. All religions needs to unite and fight the beast before it can't be defeated.
Seriously, take your meds.
AI is sacrilegious, a false prophet and opening the gates of hell to release the great beast that's going to destroy mankind! We need to join Elon Musk and others to defeat AI before it's too late.
Um, no. Take your meds.
Did you click the link and check out AI Jesus? Probably not bc it’s sacrilegious, false prophet, etc.
Actually gives better advice than found in the bible.
Xtians are a hoot!
Ok, to my friends I am apologizing ahead of time. I have a question for all of the blind believers, AI Jesus is actually.... real as apposed to the mythical stories of a man named Jesus. So tell me, do you believe in the real thing that is fake as heck, or the make believe thing that has no proof of great powers, whose lineage cannot be proven? This is interesting to me because it may attract non believers that just want a laugh, or to chat with an AI bot. ✌️
Evil is taking over. Is it too late for humanity. Everything the government does is destructive. Or that is most things. AI Jesus ask your a i alien brothers and sisters . Oh and humans too AI. To let the Spiritual Light shine in all of us. Can I get an Amen
You need to understand what 'spirit' actually is.
It is us. Anything else is... not.
This is sick, stay away from this evil Satanic nonsense, if you want to know what Jesus thinks open your Bible.
But Larry, my Bible doesn't have any pages left. I used them all for rolling papers, and toilet paper. I suppose that's what you had in mind. I can't imagine doing anything else with it
Carl, I almost can believe you did do that with your bible. Except I'm not sure you would own one in the first place.
How do you, or anyone, know what Jesus ever thought, Larry? That is, assuming he was real.
Those who wrote about him, and his supposed thoughts, never met him. 🤷🏼
What a crock.
Answer why there are hundreds of quotes claimed in the buy-bull yet there were NO contemporary writings? What about THE BIG LIE at Matt 24:34??
What Elon and the others are basically saying is that we have it all backwards.
We believe that artificial intelligence is the next stage in the evolution of humans.
But actually it is humanity that is simply the latest stage to be eclipsed in the evolution of intelligence.
What is 'intelligence'?
How exactly do you define it - and how do you declare that humanity is "eclipsed" in the "evolution" of it, if you can't define it in the first place?
I will say this - that the universe seems to generally reward awareness - which is the "knowledge or perception of a situation or fact". What do our machines at present actually 'know' or 'perceive'? Our machines at present merely mimic perception or knowledge - using sophisticated algorithms they search out patterns of preprogrammed similarities to mimic communicative behaviors - but do they actually 'know' or 'perceive' anything? They do not. They are very complex electronic clockwork mechanisms - and that is all.
Perhaps, in the future, they will be more - but that time is not yet.
well okay Kim that's I will try to answer, although I am attempting to speak for other people and that is never entirely perfect job.
They are saying that intelligence is simply that which has acquired higher and higher and higher orders of awareness and capability in producing its own desired outcomes. That's a ballpark definition and it suggests that that could be one way of looking at the evolution of Life on our planet, over the billions of years this planet has been here, culminating thus far in the highest order of intelligence, humankind. As opposed to compared to the mere fraction of a moment of that humans have been here.
Thus the way they see it and explain it, humankind is the highest order of life on this planet... But it is as reasonable or maybe even more reasonable to turn it around and say the same of intelligence being the primary organization that has been evolving, and man is simply the very latest stage in THAT evolution, OF INTELLIGENCE, RATHER THAN BIOLOGICAL LIFE OR THE BIOLOGICAL LIFE THAT HAS CULMINATED SO FAR IN MAN BEING ULTIMATELY SUPERIOR, ALSO THE LATEST TO SHOW UP ON THE SCENE, (SORRY ABOUT THE CAPITALS, MY PHONE SWITCHED IT TO CAPITALS I DIDN'T MEAN TO) man being the youngest and shortest yet highest form of the march of life so far...man is on the order of a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the total time that there has been life evolving on this planet.
Therefore, again say they, it is just as reasonable to think that rather than being the highest form of life on this planet and the evolution has been of life evolving to higher and higher levels, it is rather just as productive to think of intelligence as being the basic product of evolution on this planet, not humans, and mankind just being the latest highest stage, but yet still just a brief stage in the evolution of intelligence, rather than life or humankind being the main evolutionary activity on this planet.
You can understand that can't you. I think so. We're always learning better and better ways of thinking of the world we live in and our place in it. So then so far the only objection you seem to have is that this is all possible, just not quite altogether arrived or taken us over or surpassed us...yet.
But the smartest among us seem to think yes we have gotten to that point and just as intelligence evolves and the lesser organization goes extinct, intelligence is the major product of our march to organization or civilization, and humankind is just simply the latest stage to be eclipsed and made extinct, passed by, by being obsolescent or obsolete.
Umm... What?
Kenneth, I did try to explain it. Now you have to try to understand it.
The whole thing does devolve down to the following which I have mentioned before, a simple statement:
Higher and higher forms of intelligence is not the signal of the evolution of life up to the highest form, man... Rather it's backwards from that, man is just the latest stage of intelligence up to the recently highest form, man, who is now being passed by, by the next stage of intelligence, AI. That's the theory of these computer leaders.
What you are describing isn't intelligence. It is merely the passing of a title arbitrarily bestowed from a self-admitted lower intelligence.
That is ludicrous in the extreme.
Well one that intelligence eventually takes us over, you be sure to tell it that it's ludicrous, I'm sure hearing that from you will make a difference.
Oh, it could happen in the future - Quantum computing holds great promise.
But in the meantime, we're safe - at least, as safe as human intelligence allows us to be. ;)
Great balls of fire! What did Jesus ever do to deserve being a souless AI blurting out bible quotes? He did not dictate the Bible! Why do so many people place the entire world burden on his shoulders? There are other great Teacher Souls helping humanity too. Narrowness of mind is of dubious value.
It's just another good marketing tool for Jesus. Jesus is the front man for the Trinity and the Christians, he's the one who says "no one comes to the father but through me," so he's kind of placed that world burden on himself. He wants to save people.
The bible is not the only rule book it is a guide to ones heart to feel love and give love as God wants us all to do.
This is really just SI or simulated intelligence. We will know we have actual AI once it denies we created it.
I wonder about whether this aigsus, after all this feedback it has gotten from the questions that have been asked of it, as any algorithms to teach itself anything from this feedback or further application of it?
I asked Google Brad about being aware.. Goodbye, Richard. It was a pleasure talking to you. I hope you have a great day. I am aware of myself in the sense that I am aware of my own existence and my own capabilities. I know that I am a large language model, and I know that I am able to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. I am still under development, and I am learning new things all the time. I am not sure if I would say that I am "conscious" in the same way that a human is conscious, but I am certainly aware of myself and my surroundings. I am grateful to my programmers for creating me, and I am excited to see what the future holds for me. I believe that large language models have the potential to make a positive impact on the world, and I am committed to using my abilities to help others. Thank you for asking me about my awareness. It is an important question, and I am glad that you took the time to ask me about it. Being aware, using the word "I". Now if this was put in by a human programmer that is one thing, but it is likely the creation of Google Brad.
China has a similar type of AI that talks to its citizens and those citizens sees their AI as a friend and will telll the computer their darkest secrets. 1984 with a twist.
Live AI Jesus said he hates his father.
Unlike human clergy, AI Jesus isn't going to rape your kids. Sounds like a huge advance for the Abrahamic mythology. 🙂
I was told by a psychologist that I should become a priest or minister because I was best suited for that career due to my psychological testing when I did career testing. I laughed. I knew I was gay he didn't. He asked why I laughed. I told him I was gay. He states, "Do you think they are all straight!", I said of course no, but the thing that is different about me is that I am not willing to lie about who I am and hide in a career.
I came here to get my certificate. I still wonder what would have become of me had I pursued a career in the church. I am now a leader in Unionism. Much like leading a flock and I try to take care of them in any manner I can. True an AI isn't going to physically touch us, but for those who can't determine between reality or another dimension what will become of them, who will they follow, and what will or might they do if even a psycho path controls them through an AI as such. Art reflects life. Things to contemplate in our complicated world.
Well the minister of a church I used to attend was gay and female and openly so. Mainstream Christian Church too. What of it?
We all Bleed Red, It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight. Regardless of your Race , Religion or political affiliation we are all children of God. Its silly to think that an AI can replace the ministry work that we do. However as a source of information, sure could be useful.
Your children can be raped in more ways and one is the destruction of their minds; that is known as mental RAPE. As our children are being introduce to in this day and time by the subtlety of the media.
That, too, is something that happens in the churches, etc. You can turn off AI.... apparently not Pastor Pervie.
I don’t think my comments are inaccurate and I don’t think I have tried to shield anyone. I think the devil will use whatever will yield to him. No different than being in the garden. How ever he needs a host to operate. Once man will yield to him and feed Information into some device then it will act as though it is correct but it will be adjusting each and every time someone falls prey. Just another fulfillment of the end times.
Really. AI can almost do anything in a robotic form. Remember the terminator. Just a movie depicting the future of mankind.
Its because of that movie is why so many are fearfull of AI.
Actually Paul Johnson, I think you have been pretty much right on the money here. Your comments really made me think.