A Florida school district is being sued by a Satanist after they declined to advertise his Satanic church, despite advertising local Christian churches outside school buildings.
Last year, secular activist Chaz Stevens noticed an advertisement for a local church outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School in Parkland, Florida. Stevens wrote the principal, requesting they put up a sign advertising his church, The Church of Satanology - a request which initially went unacknowledged.
Now, a year later, after legal filings, multiple church advertisements going up and coming down, and a potential policy change, the saga seems near conclusion.
What happened?
Who is Chaz Stevens?
You may remember Chaz Stevens, an activist based out of Florida, from his attempt a few years ago to get the Bible banned from public schools after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law which bans “pornographic” books from school libraries.
Stevens sent a letter to school boards across the state with dozens of instances of explicit violence and sex found in the Bible, requesting they remove the Bible immediately from schools on the grounds it’s inappropriate for children.
Now he’s back.
Separation of Church and State
After noticing the advertisement for Calvary Chapel Parkland, a local church, hanging on a school fence late last year, Stevens asked the school if he could advertise his own church as well.
“I remember you often emphasize equal rights and respect for everyone at MSD,” Stevens wrote in his email to Principal Michelle Kefford. “In that spirit, I was wondering if my church could also get a spot on the school fence? We’ve attached an artwork of our banner. We’re pretty passionate about football, so this would be a cool way to cheer on the Eagles.”
“Considering that the school has accepted a banner from one religious group, I’m hoping our banner will be seen in the same light, especially given that the government emphasizes no favoritism,” he added.
His church? The Church of Satanology.

Stevens initially did not hear back from the principal, so he then went straight to Broward County Public Schools school board members. After weeks of radio silence, the district finally commented, saying that they’d remove the church banner “based on the district’s advertising policy.”
Stevens was happy with the results until he noticed another school in the district was advertising another church - so he requested to buy ad space for his Satanic church yet again. Eventually, the school took down the sign, then another ad went up at a different school in the district.

“It’s like whack-a-mole,” said Stevens of the church signs. “They don’t seem to have a one-size-fits-all policy. It’s like I have to journey around the school district to figure out who has a sign. It’s quite ridiculous.”
Should Satan Come to School?
Stevens filed a lawsuit in response, arguing that the school frequently and repeatedly allowing Christian signage but not his own Satanic advertising amounted to religious discrimination.
“Public advertising of religious messages, including banners at public schools, is a form of religious expression protected under the First Amendment,” reads the lawsuit. “By denying [Stevens] the ability to participate in this public forum while allowing other religious organizations to advertise, [the school district] has restricted freedom of [Stevens’] religious exercise.”
Ironinically, one of the churches which had its signage removed argued to the school district that removing their advertisement also amounted to religious discrimination.
Though the lawsuit is ongoing, change may be coming sooner than a verdict. On December 10th, the school board is meeting to discuss whether they should simply ban religious groups from advertising on school banners entirely.
What do you think? Could this all have been avoided if they let Stevens advertise his Church of Satanology in the first place? Is there any justification to allow one church to advertise on school property, and not another? What if that church is Satanic?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. There is either religious freedom or none at all. While I'm truly and clearly NOT for it, that's my opinion, but it doesn't matter. My personal opinion on this is not important, what's important is what the bible says, and furthermore, in the end, we will ALL give an account of our lives here on this planet.
Nope, that nonsense doesn't cut it in the USA. All or none, your mythology has no special privilege.
Freedom of Religion for all or Freedom of Religion for none. The Alt-Right can scream "Freedom of Religion" all they want. Fact is, unless EVERYONE is free to practice their own individual religions, no matter what that religion is, then it can't actually be called "Freedom of Religion" now can it?
They scream about their "Religious Freedoms being stripped away" but NO ONE is being threatened with prison time, harassed, and chased out for being Christian / Catholic / Jewish in the USA.
Let the kid worship who he wants, don't be a hypocrite while advertising love and compassion and understanding. Absolutely everything we do, no matter what, is Spirit-led. Read your book, Jesus' disciples wanted to stop a man from preaching and healing in His name all because the man wasn't a part of their social circle and do we remember what He said...leave him be, whoever is not with us is against us. The more people use the sense God gave them, no matter what is presented before them...well, may the truth set you free.
I think the law suit is nothing but an attempted money grab.
And this dude doing it in the name of Satan and Satanism is an attention freak.
This is how he gets attention.
While your assumptions about their motives may be correct, it is not relevant. This is religious discrimination pure and simple. Clearly if you ask the other congregation who had their sign removed, they agree that it is religious discrimination.
As much of an "attention freak" as the cult with the little dude on a lower-case letter t? Not even close. Please do try harder, your deity claims to not like dishonesty.
Is there actually anyone that couldn't see this coming? Separation of church and state includes all churches. If you're going to allow one, you must allow all.
Nobody's religion belongs in public schools. Ever. No discussion.
He has the right to put up a banner - even if it's satanic! Just as any other religion has the right . If you allow one, you must allow them all! 😘
If one religion is included then all should be. There is no place for bigotry, racism or discrimination in our schools or society. To avoid this problem all secular religious dogma must be banned from public schools. If you want to teach theology then include it as a history and include all religions. I don't agree with the ideology but would fight for freedom of speech for all. If this Syate Government insists on teaching Christianity then they need to insist on teaching about all faiths.
Take a look at what the Church of Satanology teaches. Compare to the ideals of Christianity. How do they compare? What is the desired outcome of the teachings and beliefs? Is the outcome beneficial to society or detrimental?
Actually it does teach beneficial lessons, even some that overlap with what Jesus taught. However it isn't relevant at all. No favoritism or discrimination means all or nothing regardless of if one agrees with the beliefs presented.
Whats good for the goose.is good for the gander. Faith and religion are the same thing no matter the name. If we allow one discriminatory and bigoted organization to advertise we MUST allow all, it is how.freedom of religion works folks. This is a black and white open /close case and test.
Its in God we trust on the money not in Satan we trust. Don't be unconstitutional. Are you pushing Satan as a insurance plan to these children for there lives?
That was added later to the money well after the constitution was created, and if you actually look in the constitution isn't in there anywhere that it should be added either. What the constitution does say is no favoritism and no discrimination towards religions.
Your love of money is the root of all evil. What's on currency (aside from denomination and security features) is naught but decoration. What matters is what our Constitution says. Go have a gander at it, see if you can figure out where you're advocating against it. 😉
The story reads, "On December 10th, the school board is meeting to discuss whether they should simply ban religious groups from advertising on school banners entirely." Is this the only solution the schoolboard is considering? Perhaps they should also discuss allowing ALL religious groups to advertise on school banners. It would be a great learning experience for the students, parents and community members. It may teach them how others feel when a religion they don't support is advertised at a school where they drop off their kids and see it everyday.
No satin is part of Christian doctrine. I do not believe splitting out themes as a religion, should have separate rights . I hope the court throws the case out.
I am a lifelong Pagan and Animist, with a Doctor of Divinity degree. In my view, Satanism is a "denomination" of Christianity. It doesn't make sense to acknowledge other Christian denominations without acknowledging Satanism as one of them. Banning something only makes it more appealing anyway. Shine the light in all the corners.
I am confused. Isn't Christianity based on catholicism? I mean where did that come from?
Well, actually he has a point... this is discrimination, period! "Todos en la cama o todos en el suelo" we said in my country... laws must be the same for everyone... What's the affraid about this church? If a kid want to know anything about Satan, they just have to Google it, and maybe receive bad information... They are trying to put a finger over the sun.
Nope, no justification for that. Allow one church, allow them all, or just don't allow churches to advertise. Cherry-picking by a government institution is unconstitutional, period.
He's an activist? Did the church of Satan ask or just the activist?
When he is running your countries I think it's important we teach the children who santan is...jk
Truthfully in early centuries santan was always a part of children's lessons, Germany still has a loveable Krampus to prove this, the Grinch depicts the traits of Demond quality.
Children understand this because we all have a little wicked 🖤 in our hearts even the innocence, we should embrace it, love is the answer.
I think we have to realize this as a condition of being a human on an earth we don't own, but are put here to visit...if you hope to have the right to do things your way, you must open up to allow others to try things their way to.
The first time someone decides another person's idea is wrong decide to change your mind instead of theirs.
Satanism is a religious belief. Everyone should be entitled to faith whether its agreed or not
What's good for the goose is good for the gander... and in this case, the Constitution is very clear ... I was particularly amused when I read in the article that both the christian and satanic organizations both sued claiming religious discrimination. To follow up the goose and gander analogy: "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Until the attorneys come knocking, and you get a gander at the legal bill! Peace, Out.... tk
I am a veteran and grandmother and just got ordained this year. What was important to ME about the USA, was the "Freedom"...I may not AGREE with your 'religion' but you have to right to religious FREEDOM to practice it in peace (as long as it harms NO ONE) as someone else said. Fair is fair. ALL religions are equal. We are mere mortals. While I "specialize" in Pagan and Kemetic (Egyptian) Deities and Service, I give respect to ALL peoples CHOICE...To practice the religion of their choice. I was very careful to explain to my son (when he was young) about ALL religions of the world, and that NONE were the ONE way, it was his choice. Well met, and Blessed Be.
I agree 100% with the philosophy behind your comment. Freedom to practice your religion is a right given by the Constitution that no one can take away. This article goes past that into other realms of discussion. Do religious groups have the Constitutional right to advertise their beliefs in public? Then to take it one more step, Do religious groups have the right to advertise in every venue - in this case public schools? I believe they do, but clearly others disagree. I would prefer that the public schools remain true to the entire public. That means if ANY religious group is allowed to advertise there, then ALL religious groups should have the same allowance.
I think the only real question is in public schools being government run and governments are not allowed to favor or discriminate against any one religion. If it were a private school it wouldn't be anyone's business what they want to advertise unless it was directly hurting someone. Actual physical harm, not just presumed harm through differences in belief.
I agree Amber, but then it becomes the question of who actually determines what is harm and what is presumed harm? Who gets to be the judge of that?
It’s all or nothing. Satanology may be offensive to Christians, but it is a religion. The schools, and the district were playing games by taking the advertising down at one location and putting it back up at another. What do you call religious persecution when it’s religions doing the persecuting?
"The Crusades". Or "the Spanish Inquisition." Or, I guess just any conquering religion trying to eradicate the native one.
It strikes me that these denominations all seem very insecure if they can't handle the existence of other religions. It's like they don't believe that the example Jesus set for them is good enough.
When it's religions doing the persecuting, it's still religious persecution. But you can additionally call it hypocrisy.
I find it exceptionally annoying that people who are supposed to be educated and informed are instead ignorant. The only way they can worship as they choose, without interference from the government, is to support the rights of all religions.
Exempting religious organizations from taxation is a law respecting the establishment of religion and as such a direct violation of the 1st Amendment. Tax every penny that isn't spent on charitable works, just like any other organization.
Florida is the new Washington, D.C. The people that will have power in 2025 made Florida their home if they were not already living there. Whatever they want is what Florida (the legislature) will do. It's been that way for a while now. If you agree with them, it's all good. If you don't agree - so sad, too bad. Florida is the state of banned books, Mom's for Liberty control of school boards, religion infused into public schools, limited health care for women, and denial of climate change. What is happening at this school is not surprising.
I will play "The Devil's Advocate" by saying, "Whatever happened to the Majority Rules?" Comments, please...
The Bill of Rights is what happened to majority rule. The majority can rule as long as they don't infringe on the rights of the minority. It is actually the basic principle of government for democratic republics.
Theresa C. - what I understood, embraced, served in uniform for when drafted, and have always voted for, I learned in high school Civics, waay back in the 1960's-a prime reason for our wonderful Constitution is to be THE governing roadmap for conducting majority rule while robustly protecting the rights of ALL private citizens, including those who may be of a contemporary 'minority' persuasion/opinion (neither of which are fixed in time, and constantly-pendulum over history's course, as much as one might wish otherwise...). We continue our oft-imperfect, but always-necessary struggle on this difficult path of truly following our own rules for living in a 'free' nation for ALL. A better day to everyone.
J. I sincerely thank you for your comment and thank you for your service. My Dad served in WWII and my Son in the Mid-East. It is often a very difficult struggle, but a necessary one if we are to leave our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren a better world.
The Constitution was structured to protect fundamental rights of a minority from the tyranny of the majority. For example, Freedom of Religion guarantees your right to worship as you wish even if the majority government is controlled by Evangelical Christian Fundamentalists.
Actually both. The founders didn't want the minority autocracy or a theocracy to be ruling the majority either.
We have a Constitution that guarantees individual rights. “Majority Rules” in most democratic elections, except for President.
Nothing has happened, it is still majority rule. The majority decided that they wanted a convicted felon as president, and most of those are zealots that wish to dictate what everyone can believe. The hate mongers won, and now controls all of the government. Tell me, what else were you expecting?
I know I was...maybe not expecting, but certainly hoping, that it would go differently just to prove that we weren't overrun by hatred and selfishness. I still had shreds of faith in humanity before Election Day. It was certainly eye-opening in the worst possible way.
The US has never had Majority Rule. We have the Electoral College.
Thanks Chaz Stevens!
Not one, or allow them all! The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution says so, and the law requires it to be so!
You all had fair warning as to what would happen should a certain person become president. The hate was stronger than love or even fairness, by over 50%. The next 4 years are going to be hateful. The zealots now feel energized. The zealot point of view now controls all of the government. Like I said in another post, buckle up 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.
How ironic that they have the @@@@s to suggest they support actual education.
Satanism is a religion. As a public entity, it's Unconstitutional to permit advertisements for one religion, but deny them for another. Maybe, the ACLU will pursue your case, but in DeSantis' Florida, the state is hostile to the Constitution's fundamental promise of Freedoms, especially freedom of religion. Good luck.
All or none in our Commons. It shouldn't be that hard to understand.
It’s an easy fix. You allow all religions or you bar them all. Simple.
Exactly. All or none. Also, if they are interested in advertising, maybe they shouldn't enjoy non-profit status.
Agree. There should be no favoritism.
I'm in favor of banning all from public school property.
It is both easy and hard.
Yes it is easy under the law and constitution: All or None. Hard because there is a cultural opposition to some religions with Christianity being the most common faith in this country and it is part of the christian doctrine to proselytize and spread their faith. Christian intolerance Is reason that many came to America in the earliest years (Quakers, pilgrims and so on). Unfortunately as the Catholic and fundementalist churches came here they wanted to impose the same dominance and intolerance that made wars over religion in europe so bloody. (Six crusades (5 to holy land, 1 in france), inquisition, wars in spain, and so on.
When a church teaches: My way or death as part of its doctrine, the members who are numerous across multiple denominations will try to enshrine it is into law even if the constitution forbid it. It also means they want to force everyone to follow their religion which means adding it to schools against the law and blocking rivals.
Danielle, you make a good point. It is both easy and hard. I think when you say Christian intolerance, you are referring to the intolerance OF Christians. Many people who came to this New World as well as those who were here already and nearly wiped off the face of the planet were trying to escape intolerance FROM Christians. Let us not forget that the Catholic church and fundamentalist churches on which you pin the problem are also Christian denominations. Nearly all of those denominations are charged with proselytizing and spreading their faith. That is where the answer becomes easy. They have never been barred from sharing their faith or even trying to force it on others if they can fit it within the Constitution of the USA. The Constitution merely bars from doing so on government property or within certain government institutions. Schools should clearly be one of those.
This is a 'spot on' reply. . .thank you Rev. All or none. Blessings.
when they put religion in public schools they have to by law put all religions in those public schools, not just christianity, Pagan religions are allowed, and book religions are allowed, by denying a religion to do the same its religious discrimination, im a Clergy Wiccan, Pagan, and Witch, i dont believe in satan nor the religion satanism but if they want to advertise their religion then it should be encouraged, so thus i hope that satanist gets what he wanted