Universal Life Church Virtual Congregation
As the world continues to move online, so too do many of its institutions. Individuals, businesses, and governments around the world are shifting more and more of their existence into cyberspace. Now, it's time for your church to do the same.
Religion is called to travel to those spaces where the people are gathering, which is why we've worked hard to integrate the Universal Life Church into the internet. With your help, we're building a new kind of religion - a religion designed for your 21st century life.
We welcome you to follow, like, share with us on the channels below. Let's congregate!
Catch up on the latest news and participate in the ULC's liveliest debates. The conversation never stops!
Videos has revolutionized the way we learn. Come view training clips produced to make you a better minister.
A DIY network for the "DIY Church". Pin the latest and greatest ideas to make your ministry more special.
We love seeing photos of ULC ministers in action! Once you've been #ordained, check out these sweet shots.
Meet with ministers and discuss, well, anything on this mega-forum. We've got a section set aside just for you!
We really like talking with you all, so we built a social network exclusively for our wonderful ULC Ministers.