Winter Solstice Wedding Ceremony Script

~12 Minute Ceremony
A winter solstice wedding ceremony is celebrated on the winter solstice of whatever year that couple is getting married. It is representative of a good turning point during the year which means a great time for marriage because it shows a turning point in life and makes it an awesome time to get married. While the winter solstice is the darkest of them all, it’s symbolic in that the days will grow longer and with more light after you are married.
Introduction/Welcome/Wedding Sermon
Officiant (to guests):
On this winter solstice, we welcome family, friends, and associates of the couple to be wedded this day. The winter solstice represents a turning point during the year as it will also represent a turning point in the lives of the couple before us today.
Officiant (to couple):
Today’s event itself represents rebirth as celebrated worldwide just like the rebirth of these two people into one married couple will occur today.
Before we begin your winter solstice union, let us share a reading to commemorate your marriage.
In the heart of every person on this Earth
burns the spark of luminous goodness;
in no heart is their total darkness.
May we who have celebrated this winter solstice,
by our lives and service, by our prayers and love,
call forth from one another the light and the love
that is hidden in every heart.
- Winter Solstice Prayer by Edward Hayes
Lighting of the Candles
Officiant (to the guests): Now the couple will light a memory candle commemorating all of our ancestors. Let’s please have a moment of silence as we remember those who came before us.
(Moment of silence commences)
Officiant (to the guests): Now the couple will light a solstice candle, symbolizing the important commitment they make today, together. (Optional: pass out candles to members of the audience, who will light them after the couple has lit theirs.)
Exchanging of Vows
Officiant (to couple):
Now that the candle lighting ceremony is complete, we will move forward to witness the couple exchange their wedding vows.
_______________, please say your vows at this time.
Partner 1:
I am ready for this symbolic turning point in my life and begin to spend the rest of it with you as my spouse. I promise to love, cherish, and defend you until death does us part.
(Add to the wedding vows as needed.)
Officiant (to couple):
_______________, now it is your turn to share your vows.
Partner 2:
I am ready for this symbolic turning point in my life and begin to spend the rest of it with you as my spouse. I promise to love, cherish, and defend you until death does us part.
(Add to the wedding vows as needed.)
Exchanging of Rings
Officiant (to couple):
You will now exchange rings.
Officiant (to Partner 1):
_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “I proclaim that through this ring that I promise to love and cherish you from this day forward.”
Partner 1:
I proclaim that through this ring that I promise to love and cherish you from this day forward.
Officiant (to Partner 2):
_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “I proclaim that through this ring that I promise to love and cherish you from this day forward.”
Partner 2:
I proclaim that through this ring that I promise to love and cherish you from this day forward.
Declaration of Intent
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, take each other’s hands at this time, please. _______________, do you take _______________ to be your partner in lawful and loving marriage.
Partner 1:
I take _______________ to be my husband/wife/partner.
Officiant (to Partner 2):
_______________, do you take _______________ to be your partner in lawful and loving marriage.
Partner 2:
I take _______________ to be my wife/husband/partner.
Officiant (to couple):
_______________ and _______________, you have come together on this winter solstice to celebrate a turning point in your life together as a married couple
By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, I now pronounce you legally married. You can now share a kiss and seal your bond as a married couple.
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