Wedding Renewal Vows

A sign indicating where a vow renewal ceremony will take place
  • ~12 Minute Ceremony

A wedding vow renewal ceremony allows a couple to celebrate a milestone anniversary or recommit to each other in an event that resembles a wedding. Perhaps the two have overcome major challenges in their marriage and want to express their gratitude to each other. Whatever the reason, renewing wedding vows is a cause for celebration, especially with loved ones.

As an officiant, you may be called on to conduct a wedding vow renewal, providing guidance to the couple and helping them draft their vows. The sky’s the limit when it comes to how this event looks and feels, similar to a wedding except that the renewal of wedding vows has no legal requirements. The couple doesn’t have to declare an intent to marry and you don’t have to pronounce them as married. When helping spouses renew wedding vows, understanding their motivations is essential.

Why a Couple Might Renew Vows

Consider these reasons for having a vow renewal ceremony:

  • Expressing gratitude: Married life isn’t easy and surviving the storms of life can bring a couple closer together. A vow renewal allows a couple to show appreciation for each other, be grateful for surviving past challenges, and be optimistic about the road ahead.
  • Getting it right this go-round: Perhaps the original wedding ceremony was an elopement or took place in a courthouse. Some partners engage in vow renewals to create a dream wedding that features all the bells and whistles, including a white wedding cake and a processional to “Here Comes the Bride.” Some couples opt to involve children, grandchildren, and other dear ones who were not present at the wedding.
  • Reaching milestones: Every year completed in a marriage is worth acknowledging, but some anniversaries call for a special celebration. Anniversaries that are multiples of five may inspire a wedding vow renewal, but any year that holds significance may warrant a recommitment ceremony.

As you help plan the event and draft vows, be sure to incorporate the couples’ motivations for a ceremony that is unique, special, and meaningful.

Vow Renewal Examples To Follow

Because vow renewals have no legal requirements or implications, you can be more creative. The couple may look to you to draft vows that acknowledge their unique reality and history. Use these wedding renewal vows examples as a starting point (depending on the couple’s preferences):


“I _________, continue to take you _________, as my loving partner. I commit to loving you and standing beside you in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, until death do us part. I love you.”


“_________, you probably thought you’d be rid of me after all this time. Unfortunately for you, this won’t be the only time you’ve gotten it wrong. I promise to stick around so I can gleefully witness you getting it wrong in the future. This I promise, as your spouse, your biggest mistake, and loveliest regret.”


“_________, your love has been a shelter for me in every storm and I’m truly grateful for all the ways you’ve loved me. It is a joy and privilege to walk this journey alongside you, and I consider myself lucky that I get to continue. I pledge my love and undying devotion to you for the rest of my life.”

Overcoming Challenges

“_________, life has thrown us some curveballs and it wasn’t always clear if and how we’d survive. Through it all, your love has been an anchor and a beacon. Today, we stand together not only as spouses but as fighters who have looked darkness in the eyes and emerged victorious. I re-dedicate my love to you, confident that we will weather any storm together with unwavering love.”

Golden Anniversary

“_________, darling, ## years ago I never could’ve imagined the road we’d travel together. Our love story is the greatest thing I’ve ever collaborated on. I’m so thankful about where we’ve been and I’m thrilled about where we’re headed. I commit to this wonderful journey, taking every step with you, my true love.” These vow renewal examples should give you an idea about how to draft a script. Whether the event is sweet and simple or over the top, you’re helping the couple add to the rich tapestry that is their marriage. It’s all about the depth of feeling and helping the two express their mutual dedication.