Best Mad Libs Wedding Vows Template

A bride holding a notebook that contains her vows
  • ~12 Minute Ceremony

Writing the right vows for your big day is not always a straightforward task. Even if your heart is bursting with feelings about your partner, you may not know how to put these emotions into the right words. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to make this process a lot easier and even a bit more enjoyable. One perfect solution? Wedding vow “Mad Libs”.

Understanding the General Idea

The idea is simple enough: instead of creating vows from scratch, you can utilize a template that features blank suggestion spots where you can add your own words. The suggestion spaces will tell you what type of word needs to fit into the sentence. For example, a sentence might read “I will _______________ (verb) you, _______________ (name of partner), until my _______________ (adjective) day.” Then you fill in the blanks so that it reads something like: “I will cherish you, Diane, until my final day.”

Finding templates for this project is as easy as searching the internet for examples of wedding vows. You can make your own Mad Libs wedding vows by taking an existing template for vows and replacing all nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs with blank spaces. Then you can go back through the vows and fill in words that make the most sense for your relationship.

Sample Mad Libs Script

To get the ball rolling, take a look at the following example of a wedding vow Mad Libs game. Whether you utilize this specific script or you decide to find another that fits your needs, this is a perfect way to gauge how much work will be involved in creating the finalized vows.


_______________(Name of Partner 2), on this _______________ (adjective) day, standing before all of the people we _______________ (verb) and _______________ (verb), I am _______________ (emotional state). I, _______________(Name of Partner 1), promise to show you nothing but love and honor, as well as _______________ (example of a personal detail from the relationship), since I know you always appreciate that.

Life is a journey and I know ours will be one filled with _______________ (examples of hobbies and shared activities the couple enjoys together). I promise to make each day a _______________ (adjective) one. I will always and forever be there with _______________ (noun), _______________ (noun), and _______________ (noun). With our _______________ (adjective) family and _______________ (adjective) friends providing _______________ (adverb) guidance, I know we will be able to handle any _______________ (adjective) _______________ (noun) that life might throw at us.

Including the Declaration of Intent

While it is fun to compose vows based around Mad Libs, you also need to make sure that you hit specific points while creating the speech. Without a declaration of intent, for example, your vows might be incomplete and your wedding invalidated. Though the officiant is responsible for speaking this part, you should still make sure to include it in your vows if you wish specific words or phrases to be used. The following is a wedding vows Mad Libs declaration of intent.

_______________ (Name of Partner 1) do you take _______________ (Name of Partner 2) to be your spouse? Do you promise to _______________ (verb), _______________ (verb), and _______________ (verb) them? Will you stand with them when life becomes _______________ (negative adjective)? And will you be just as present during _______________ (happy emotional state)? Do you promise to love each other and _______________ (example that is specific to the relationship)? And will you do all of this in a legal and lawful way, as long as you both shall live?

Reviewing the Pronouncement

Another element that absolutely needs to be included in every script is the official pronouncement of the marriage. Again, this is a part of the script that is handled by your officiant. However, it can be helpful to write your own pronouncement if you want the officiant to follow a script that you’ve crafted yourself. An example of a pronouncement is: “By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church, I now pronounce you legally wed.”

Finding the Perfect Words

While it is true that you must put a lot of thought behind writing your wedding vows, there is nothing stopping you from making the process into a fun and engaging one. Take time to look at examples of wedding vow Mad Libs and see how easy it is to finalize vows that make you feel excited to walk down the aisle.