The Universal Life Church's funeral ceremony script generator allows ministers to build custom funeral ceremony scripts with just a few clicks. Whether you're planning to officiate a traditional funeral ceremony, a more contemporary memorial service, or a non-traditional religious funeral, the generator will aid you in constructing a unique and meaningful script to fit any scenario.
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Almighty God, you love everything you have made and wash over us with your unending mercy. We rejoice in your promises of healing, joy and peace to all who love you. In your mercy turn the darkness of death to the dawn of new life, and the sorrow of parting to the joy of heaven; through our Savior Jesus Christ who died and rose again and who lived forevermore.
We meet here today to honor the life of , to bless these, ashes, and transfer spirit to God's keeping. We give thanks for life and ask God to bless now that their time in this world has come to an end.
For , the journey is now beginning. But for us, there is loss, grief and pain. Every one of us here has been affected - perhaps in small ways, or perhaps in transformative ones- by . life mattered to us all.
It is important for us to collectively acknowledge and accept that the world has fundamentally changed with passing. We are all grieving. Life will not be the same - nor should it be. Together, let us open our hearts and commemorate the impact had on us.
Members of family will be coming forward to share thoughts on life, but first let us sing together (or listen to) a song that loved.
To be selected by family
Silent meditation may be observed instead, or as well. Favorite readings or prayers can also be inserted here.
Eternal God,
We pray for ourselves and for
We stand where Earth and Heaven meet,
Where life is brought to death
Deliver us from grief, fear and doubt,
From despair and unbelief,
And bring us to the light of your presence.
Grant us that peace which the world cannot give
So that we, with may trust in you
And find our life through you.
Lord, you renew the face of the Earth,
Gather to yourself , whom we have loved,
And grant those things
Which eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor the human heart imagined.
Great Father-Mother God,
Watch over us this day - and all days.
Give us the strength to accept what is past,
To appreciate what is present
And to look forward to good in our future.
Grant us peace; sacred moments of communion with the Universe
And faith - in whatever most expresses our deepest inner truth.
Bless us and heal us; breathe peace and grace into our lives
I would now like to invite to the front anyone who would like to share some remarks about .
And now I will invite (close friend/family member) to share their thoughts.
Please stand.
is now safe. is already on their way to heaven to enjoy all which awaits there. Let us say this final farewell to body as we commit physical formspirit to its natural end.
, we bless you and thank you for being a part of our lives. We honor your life on Earth and we pray for your peace ever-after. We will not forget you. Go well into the kingdom of heaven.
Please sit.
We have been remembering with love and gratitude a life that touched us all.
I encourage you to help, support and love those who grieve most. Allow them to cry; to hurt; to smile and to remember. Grief works through our systems in its own time.
Remember to bless each day and to live it to the full in honor of life itself - and of . We often take life for granted and yet it is the greatest gift God gave us.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
So then, go in peace, and the God of all peace go with you.
In Heavenly Love Abiding
by Anna L. Waring
In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear.
And safe in such confiding, for nothing changes here.
The storm may roar without me, my heart may low be laid,
But God is round about me, and can I be dismayed?
Wherever He may guide me, no want shall turn me back.
My Shepherd is beside me, and nothing can I lack.
His wisdom ever waking, His sight is never dim.
He knows the way He's taking, and I will walk with Him.
Green pastures are before me, which yet I have not seen.
Bright skies will soon be over me, where darkest clouds have been.
My hope I cannot measure, my path to life is free.
My Savior has my treasure, and He will walk with me.
Blest Are The Pure In Heart
by John Keble
Blest are the pure in heart,
For they shall see our God;
The secret of the Lord is theirs;
Their soul is Christ's abode.
The Lord, who left the heavens
Our life and peace to bring,
To dwell in lowliness with men
Their Pattern and their King.
Still to the lowly soul
He doth Himself impart;
And for His cradle and His throne
Chooseth the pure in heart.
Lord, we Thy presence seek;
May ours this blessing be;
Give us a pure and lowly heart,
A temple meet for Thee.
My God, Accept My Heart This Day
by Matthew Bridges
My God, accept my heart this day,
And make it always Thine,
That I from Thee no more may stray,
No more from Thee decline.
Before the cross of Him Who died,
Behold, I prostrate fall
Let every sin be crucified,
Let Christ be all in all.
Anoint me with Thy heavenly grace,
Adopt me for Thine own,
That I may see Thy glorious face,
And worship at Thy throne.
May the dear blood once shed for me
My blest atonement prove
That I from first to last may be
The purchase of Thy love!
Let every thought, and work, and word,
To Thee be ever given;
Then life shall be Thy service, Lord,
And death the gate of Heaven.
Jesus said to his disciples:
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going." Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14.1-6
Grant us, Lord, the wisdom and the grace to use aright the time that is left to us on earth.
Lead us to repent of our sins, the evil we have done and the good we have not done; and strengthen us to follow the steps of your Son, in the way that leads to the fullness of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We meet here today to honor the life of . We look upon their ashes as we give thanks for life and wish well now that their time in this world has come to an end.
For , the journey is now beginning. But for us, there is loss, grief and pain. Every one of us here has been affected - perhaps in small ways, or perhaps in transformative ones- by . life mattered to us all.
It is important for us to collectively acknowledge and accept that the world has fundamentally changed with passing. We are all grieving. Life will not be the same - nor should it be. Together, let us open our hearts and commemorate the impact had on us.
Members of family will be coming forward to share thoughts on life, but first let us sing together (or listen to) a song that loved.
To be selected by family
by Felix Adler
The dead are not dead if we have loved them truly.
In our own lives we can give them a kind of immortality.
Let us arise and take up the work they have left unfinished.
Unweaving the Rainbow(excerpt)
by Richard Dawkins
We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively outnumbers the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.
by Samuel Butler
I fall asleep in the full and certain hope
That my slumber shall not be broken;
And that, though I be all-forgetting,
Yet shall I not be all-forgotten,
But continue that life in the thoughts and deeds
Of those I have loved.
The world is so exquisite, with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better, it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look Death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides. Carl Sagan
I Do Not Think My Song Will End
Johnny Hathcock
I do not think my song will end
While flowers, grass and trees
Abound with birds and butterflies
For I am one with these.
And I believe my voice will sound
Upon the whispering wind
So long as even one remains
Among those I call "friend."
I shall remain in hearts and minds
Of loved ones that I knew,
And in the rocks and hills and streams
Because I love those, too.
So long as love and hope and dreams
Abide in earth and sky,
Weep not for me, though I be gone.
I shall not really die.
I would now like to invite to the front anyone who would like to share some remarks about .
And now I will invite (close friend/family member) to share their thoughts.
Please stand.
has safely crossed the barrier and is now free to experience another reality, along with all the joys which await there. For us, however, it is important to say this final farewell to body as we commit physical form to its natural end.
, we wish you well and thank you for being a part of our lives. We honor your life and we trust you will find ever-lasting peace. We will not forget you. Go well.
Please sit.
The death of every one of us is in the natural order of things; it follows life as surely as summer follows spring. Let us think of the Tree of Life as a symbol. The trunk and branches of the tree represent the human race, and the leaves symbolize the individual men and women on earth – appearing one spring, flourishing for a season, and then dying.
The physical presence of has gone, but the tree remains. In fact, it is now even stronger because of life - and death. So it shall be for all of us, in time. Let us challenge ourselves to take advantage of our limited time on this earth – let us live our lives fully, endeavoring to love one another and never faltering in the pursuit of happiness.
We have been remembering with love and gratitude a life that touched us all.
I encourage you to help, support and love those who grieve most. Allow them to cry; to hurt; to smile and to remember. Grief works through our systems in its own time.
Remember to appreciate each day and to live it to the full in honor of . We often take life for granted and yet it is the greatest gift we have.
by Felix Adler
The dead are not dead if we have loved them truly.
In our own lives we can give them a kind of immortality.
Let us arise and take up the work they have left unfinished.
Unweaving the Rainbow(excerpt)
by Richard Dawkins
We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively outnumbers the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.
by Samuel Butler
I fall asleep in the full and certain hope
That my slumber shall not be broken;
And that, though I be all-forgetting,
Yet shall I not be all-forgotten,
But continue that life in the thoughts and deeds
Of those I have loved.
The world is so exquisite, with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better, it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look Death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides. Carl Sagan
I Do Not Think My Song Will End
Johnny Hathcock
I do not think my song will end
While flowers, grass and trees
Abound with birds and butterflies
For I am one with these.
And I believe my voice will sound
Upon the whispering wind
So long as even one remains
Among those I call "friend."
I shall remain in hearts and minds
Of loved ones that I knew,
And in the rocks and hills and streams
Because I love those, too.
So long as love and hope and dreams
Abide in earth and sky,
Weep not for me, though I be gone.
I shall not really die.
We meet here today under the eyes of the Universe to honor the life of in the Buddhist tradition. We look upon their ashes as we give thanks for life and wish well now that their time in this life has come to an end.
For , the journey towards nirvana has begun. But for us, there is loss, grief and pain. Every one of us here has been affected - perhaps in small ways, or perhaps in transformative ones- by . life mattered to us all.
It is important for us to collectively acknowledge and accept that the world has fundamentally changed with passing from this life. We are all grieving. Life will not be the same - nor should it be. Together, let us open our hearts and commemorate the impact had on us.
", reading: "Choose from list of options (Buddhist Readings) Silent meditation may be observed instead, or as well. Favorite readings or prayers can also be inserted here.
Members of family will be coming forward to share thoughts on life, but first let us sing together (or listen to) a song that loved.
To be selected by family
Buddhist Saying - A Funeral Reading
This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds
To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance.
A lifetime is like a flash of lightening in the sky,
Rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain.
What is born will die;
What has been gathered will be dispersed;
What has been accumulated will be exhausted;
What has been built up will collapse
And what has been high will be brought low.
Dedication by His Holiness, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, unity;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is sadness, joy;
Where there is darkness, light.
O Divine Master, grant that
I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive.vIt is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
May all beings everywhere
Plagued by sufferings of body and mind,
Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy
By virtue of my merits
May no living creature suffer,
Commit evil or ever fall ill.
May no one be afraid or belittled,
With a mind weighed down by depression.
May the blind see forms,
And the deaf hear sounds.
May those whose bodies are worn with toil
Be restored on finding repose.
May the naked find clothing,
The hungry find food;
May the thirsty find water
And delicious drinks
May the poor find wealth,
Those weak with sorrow find joy;
May the forlorn find hope,
Constant happiness and prosperity.
I would now like to invite to the front anyone who would like to share some remarks about
And now I will invite (close friend/family member) to share their thoughts.
Please stand.
Under the eyes of the Universe, we rise to say this final farewell to physical form as we commit it to a natural end.
, we wish you well and thank you for being a part of our lives. We honor your life and we trust you will find ever-lasting peace in the next one. We will not forget you. Go well.
Please sit.
A common saying goes, "what the caterpillar perceives as the end, to the butterfly is just the beginning." While the physical presence of has finished its time, spirit remains and will be reincarnated. So it shall be for all of us, in time. Let us challenge ourselves to take advantage of this life – let us live our lives fully, endeavoring to love one another and never faltering in the pursuit of happiness and unity.
We have been remembering with love and gratitude a life that touched us all.
I encourage you to help, support and love those who grieve most. Allow them to cry; to hurt; to smile and to remember. Grief works through our systems in its own time.
Remember to appreciate each day and to live it to the full in honor of .
Buddhist Saying - A Funeral Reading
This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds
To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance.
A lifetime is like a flash of lightening in the sky,
Rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain.
What is born will die;
What has been gathered will be dispersed;
What has been accumulated will be exhausted;
What has been built up will collapse
And what has been high will be brought low.
Dedication by His Holiness, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, unity;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is sadness, joy;
Where there is darkness, light.
O Divine Master, grant that
I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive.vIt is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
May all beings everywhere
Plagued by sufferings of body and mind,
Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy
By virtue of my merits
May no living creature suffer,
Commit evil or ever fall ill.
May no one be afraid or belittled,
With a mind weighed down by depression.
May the blind see forms,
And the deaf hear sounds.
May those whose bodies are worn with toil
Be restored on finding repose.
May the naked find clothing,
The hungry find food;
May the thirsty find water
And delicious drinks
May the poor find wealth,
Those weak with sorrow find joy;
May the forlorn find hope,
Constant happiness and prosperity.
We meet here today before the elements to honor the life of in the Wiccan/Pagan tradition. We look upon their ashes as we give thanks for life and wish well now that their time in this life has come to an end.
For , the journey to the Summerlands has begun, where they will rest between lives before being reincarnated. For us, however, there is loss, grief and pain. Every one of us here has been affected - perhaps in small ways, or perhaps in transformative ones- by . life mattered to us all.
It is important for us to collectively acknowledge and accept that the world has fundamentally changed with passing from this life. We are all grieving. Life will not be the same - nor should it be. Together, let us open our hearts and commemorate the impact had on us.
Members of family will be coming forward to share thoughts on life, but first let us sing together (or listen to) a song that loved.
To be selected by family
Deep Peace to You
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.
Time has passed, the Wheel has turned.
It is time for you [DECEASED] to move on.
You will walk hand in hand with the Lord and Lady
and with your ancestors who came before you.
Great Mother, welcome [DECEASED]
back into your womb.
And Great Father welcome [PRONOUN OBJECTIVE] back
into your divine instruction.
Let [PRONOUN OBJECTIVE] come to you and
know that [s/he] has been blessed
by your gracious gift of Life.
Carry Only Love
Beloved one, you are dead,
but you are not alone.
We are here with you,
the beloved dead await you.
You go from love
into love.
Carry with you
only love.
May our love carry you
and open the way.
I would now like to invite to the front anyone who would like to share some remarks about
And now I will invite (close friend/family member) to share their thoughts.
Please stand.
Under the fold of the Elements, we rise to say this final farewell to spirit.
, we wish you well and thank you for being a part of our lives. We honor your life and we trust you will find ever-lasting peace in the next one. We will not forget you. Go well.
Please sit.
A well-known saying goes, "what the caterpillar perceives as the end, to the butterfly is just the beginning." While the physical presence of has finished its time, spirit remains and will be reincarnated. So it shall be for all of us, in time. Let us challenge ourselves to take advantage of this life – let us live our lives fully, endeavoring to love one another and never faltering in the pursuit of happiness and unity.
We have been remembering with love and gratitude a life that touched us all.
I encourage you to help, support and love those who grieve most. Allow them to cry; to hurt; to smile and to remember. Grief works through our systems in its own time.
Remember to appreciate each day and to live it to the full in honor of
Deep Peace to You
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.
Time has passed, the Wheel has turned.
It is time for you [DECEASED] to move on.
You will walk hand in hand with the Lord and Lady
and with your ancestors who came before you.
Great Mother, welcome [DECEASED]
back into your womb.
And Great Father welcome [PRONOUN OBJECTIVE] back
into your divine instruction.
Let [PRONOUN OBJECTIVE] come to you and
know that [s/he] has been blessed
by your gracious gift of Life.
Carry Only Love
Beloved one, you are dead,
but you are not alone.
We are here with you,
the beloved dead await you.
You go from love
into love.
Carry with you
only love.
May our love carry you
and open the way.
We meet here today to honor the life of . We give thanks for life and ask God to bless now that their time in this world has come to an end.
For , the journey is now beginning. But for us, there is loss, grief and pain. Every one of us here has been affected - perhaps in small ways, or perhaps in transformative ones- by . life mattered to us all. Together, let us open our hearts and commemorate the impact had on us.
Members of family will be coming forward to share thoughts on life, but first let us sing together (or listen to) a song that loved.
To be selected by family
Jewish Blessing of the Mourners
Those who are worn out and crushed by this mourning, let your hearts consider this:
this is the path that has existed from the time of creation and will exist forever.
Many have drunk from it and many will yet drink.
As was the first meal, so shall be the last.
May the master of comfort comfort you.
Blessed are those who comforts the mourners.
When All That's Left Is Love
by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
When I die
If you need to weep
Cry for someone
Walking the street beside you.
You can love me most by letting
Hands touch hands, and Souls touch souls.
You can love me most by
Sharing your Simchas (goodness) and
Multiplying your Mitzvot (acts of kindness).
You can love me most by
Letting me live in your eyes
And not on your mind.
And when you say Kaddish for me
Remember what our
Torah teaches,
Love doesn't die People do.
So when all that's left of me is love
Give me away.
God Gives and God Takes
by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
God gives opportunities for us to love but not forever.
God takes opportunities away after a while.
So don't hesitate or delay or curse the darkness while remaining mired in sadness and hopelessness, because God gives; and God takes away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.
But why bless the LORD when God takes away?
Because if the opportunities were always there, we would wait until the time was just right and never make the leap, and more of life would slip away.
So God gives and God takes; Blessed be God's name.
I would now like to invite to the front anyone who would like to share some remarks about
And now I will invite (close friend/family member) to share their thoughts.
Please stand.
is safe. has already is now on their way to heaven to enjoy all which awaits there. Let us say this final farewell to body as we commit physical form to its natural end.
, we bless you and thank you for being a part of our lives. We honor your life on Earth and we pray for your peace ever-after. We will not forget you. Go well.
Please sit.
We have been remembering with love and gratitude a life that touched us all.
I encourage you to help, support and love those who grieve most. Allow them to cry; to hurt; to smile and to remember. Grief works through our systems in its own time. Remember to bless each day and to live it to the full in honor of life itself - and of . We often take life for granted and yet it is the greatest gift God gave us.
Jewish Blessing of the Mourners
Those who are worn out and crushed by this mourning, let your hearts consider this:
this is the path that has existed from the time of creation and will exist forever.
Many have drunk from it and many will yet drink.
As was the first meal, so shall be the last.
May the master of comfort comfort you.
Blessed are those who comforts the mourners.
When All That's Left Is Love
by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
When I die
If you need to weep
Cry for someone
Walking the street beside you.
You can love me most by letting
Hands touch hands, and Souls touch souls.
You can love me most by
Sharing your Simchas (goodness) and
Multiplying your Mitzvot (acts of kindness).
You can love me most by
Letting me live in your eyes
And not on your mind.
And when you say Kaddish for me
Remember what our
Torah teaches,
Love doesn't die People do.
So when all that's left of me is love
Give me away.
God Gives and God Takes
by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
God gives opportunities for us to love but not forever.
God takes opportunities away after a while.
So don't hesitate or delay or curse the darkness while remaining mired in sadness and hopelessness, because God gives; and God takes away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.
But why bless the LORD when God takes away?
Because if the opportunities were always there, we would wait until the time was just right and never make the leap, and more of life would slip away.
So God gives and God takes; Blessed be God's name.
We meet here today to honor the life of . We give thanks for life and ask Allah to bless now that their time in this world has come to an end.
For , the journey to Jannah is now beginning. But for us, there is loss, grief and pain. Every one of us here has been affected - perhaps in small ways, or perhaps in transformative ones- by . life mattered to us all. Together, let us open our hearts and commemorate the impact had on us.
Members of family will be coming forward to share thoughts on life, but first let us sing together (or listen to) a song that loved.
To be selected by family
Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities. al-Imran 3:185, Quran
From the earth have We created you, and into it We shall return you and from it shall We bring you forth once more Surah 20:55, Quran
Muslim Prayer for Peace
O God, O our Master!
You Have eternal life and Everlasting peace by your essence and attributes.
The everlasting peace is from you And it returns to you, O our Sustainer!
Grant us the life of True peace and usher us into The abode of peace.
O Glorious and Bounteous One!
You are blessed and sublime.
I would now like to invite to the front anyone who would like to share some remarks about
And now I will invite (close friend/family member) to share their thoughts.
Please stand.
is safe. has already is now on their way to Jannah. Let us say this final farewell to body as we commit physical form to its natural end.
, we bless you and thank you for being a part of our lives. We honor your life on Earth and we pray for your peace ever-after. We will not forget you. May Allah bless you. Go well
Please sit.
We have been remembering with love and gratitude a life that touched us all.
I encourage you to help, support and love those who grieve most. Allow them to cry; to hurt; to smile and to remember. Grief works through our systems in its own time.
Remember to bless each day and to live it to the full in honor of life itself - and of . We often take life for granted and yet it is the greatest gift Allah gave us.
Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities. al-Imran 3:185, Quran
From the earth have We created you, and into it We shall return you and from it shall We bring you forth once more Surah 20:55, Quran
Muslim Prayer for Peace
O God, O our Master!
You Have eternal life and Everlasting peace by your essence and attributes.
The everlasting peace is from you And it returns to you, O our Sustainer!
Grant us the life of True peace and usher us into The abode of peace.
O Glorious and Bounteous One!
You are blessed and sublime.