ULC - IN THE NEWS - 2016
Non-traditional marriage is becoming more traditional

A recent study published by the Pew Research Center shows millennials are moving away from traditional wedding ceremonies. Now, many people are opting for nonreligious ceremonies performed by friends ordained through sources like Universal Life Church.
Source: Local News 8
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Gets Married… by Lance Bass!

Sopranos star Jamie-Lynn Sigler recently tied the knot with her long-time boyfriend, Cutter Dykstra. Rather than opting for a traditional minister, the couple asked friend and singer Lance Bass, who is ordained through ULCM, to perform the ceremony.
Source: Extra
Engagement season panic sets in: Before you plan a big expensive traditional wedding, read this

Many recently engaged couples feel the pressure to have a traditional, religious ceremony. But if that’s not your thing, there are plenty of options. The author of this article talks about the personal touches he and his wife used in their wedding, including a ULC-ordained minister.
Source: Salon